View Full Version : Worst dye job ever.
January 6th, 2011, 07:10 PM
Hello I've just first used henna all through out my hair today about seven hours ago and rinsed out the henna at 5:25pm (it was wrapped in my hair for 4hrs and it's now 8:01pm) and it's the worst thing ever.
I've been crying for hours because it came out streaky and my roots didn't get any colour at all so that even makes it worst.
Here are the pictures of what I'm talking about:
Well you get the idea of how bad it looks and I didn't even get to take a picture of the worst part! I lifted about a half of chunk of hair and it didn't get any dye in it. So now I have streaky, uneven, chunky root hair. However, I will admit I did a lousy job of applying the henna into my hair. I think this is what I deserve for being lazy and not getting my mom's help.
I was wondering if there's anything I can do to try to even out the colour. I still have left over made henna paste and I was thinking after oxidation, I could re-apply it all over again, but I think it would make it more uneven. :sigh: I suck at life and I just don't know what to do.
Henna I used: Celebration
Thank you.
January 6th, 2011, 07:12 PM
It doesn't look as bad as you think. I'd get some help to have the henna applied just to the areas you missed, and then do another full application if it still doesn't come out even. Next time you do it yourself work in small sections to ensure even coverage, don't just slop it all on.
January 6th, 2011, 07:16 PM
I don't think it looks bad at all. Everything blends.
Last spring I dyed my hair magenta, and I made panels from ear to ear and dyed every other one. I wanted plenty of my original color as well as my new color. I think it looked amazing (in a good way).
You're being too hard on yourself. Consider that you did "highlights" (or "lowlights").
January 6th, 2011, 07:19 PM
From what I can see in the photos, it honestly doesn't look bad at all. I'm sorry you're unhappy with it though. Hit the henna threads and look for info, I think it's common for the very first henna to not be very color fast, and you may have luck using honey to lighten it and help even out the color. *hugs*
January 6th, 2011, 07:20 PM
I don't think it looks bad. I think it looks very pretty, and agree that it looks like you have highlights and/or lowlights now!
January 6th, 2011, 07:21 PM
It doesn't look as bad as you think. I'd get some help to have the henna applied just to the areas you missed, and then do another full application if it still doesn't come out even. Next time you do it yourself work in small sections to ensure even coverage, don't just slop it all on.
Thank you. My mom is going to help me next time on Sunday or Monday to get the areas I missed, especially the roots. Hopefully that will even things out. :/
I don't think it looks bad at all. Everything blends.
Last spring I dyed my hair magenta, and I made panels from ear to ear and dyed every other one. I wanted plenty of my original color as well as my new color. I think it looked amazing (in a good way).
You're being too hard on yourself. Consider that you did "highlights" (or "lowlights").
Thank you. I still think it looks badly done, but I usually am too hard on myself for little things.
lol my mom said the same thing and said if it anyone questioned it just say it was high/lowlights.
January 6th, 2011, 07:28 PM
Don't panic yet. First of all, IMO, it doesn't look too bad. The back looks really, really good actually. Wait at least a week before you get upset. It'll darken a little when it oxidizes, so you may end up with everything blending far better than you think.
Even virgin hair isn't all one color. People have natural highlights & lowlights. I'd wait a week, see how it looks, and then consider doing a touchup on the roots with your left over henna -or- if the streaks (more like highlights to me, but anyway) are far more subtle in a week (and I think they will be), perhaps try a henna & cassia gloss.
January 6th, 2011, 07:30 PM
My current hair color is totally natural, but since it's going silver/white, it's got a streaky thing going on. Lots of people's hair does that (dyed or not); relax; it's not a problem.
January 6th, 2011, 07:37 PM
I don't think it looks bad. I think it looks very pretty, and agree that it looks like you have highlights and/or lowlights now!
Thank you. I think I'm upset because I wanted an even coverage all over and instead I got this. :/
From what I can see in the photos, it honestly doesn't look bad at all. I'm sorry you're unhappy with it though. Hit the henna threads and look for info, I think it's common for the very first henna to not be very color fast, and you may have luck using honey to lighten it and help even out the color. *hugs*
Thank you. Ah, maybe that's it? I didn't know what to expect for a full head dye job (I did a strand test last month).
Don't panic yet. First of all, IMO, it doesn't look too bad. The back looks really, really good actually. Wait at least a week before you get upset. It'll darken a little when it oxidizes, so you may end up with everything blending far better than you think.
Even virgin hair isn't all one color. People have natural highlights & lowlights. I'd wait a week, see how it looks, and then consider doing a touchup on the roots with your left over henna -or- if the streaks (more like highlights to me, but anyway) are far more subtle in a week (and I think they will be), perhaps try a henna & cassia gloss.
That could be it; I'm judging it before it finally reached it's colour. Thank you for the tips! I will see what to do when a week passes and decide.
My current hair color is totally natural, but since it's going silver/white, it's got a streaky thing going on. Lots of people's hair does that (dyed or not); relax; it's not a problem.
That sounds really pretty actually (I like hair with a bit of silver/white in it)! I think I am relaxing a lot more after reading the replies and I'd like to thank everyone replying so quickly with great help and advice! :)
January 6th, 2011, 08:08 PM
It looks great to me
Great advice given, so good luck xxx
January 6th, 2011, 08:09 PM
I don't see bad. I see henna. I think you were expecting it to act like box-dyes and giving you an all-over same flat color? Henna is much more prismatic and reacts with your natural undertones producing streaks, lowlights and highlights, and yes, roots.
I don't see bad, it looks nice :)
January 6th, 2011, 08:29 PM
It actually looks really good I think. Freeze your leftover henna- that way it'll still be good later (otherwise it won't). Then wait about 3 days and see what you think of the color. More henna will give you more color, so you have to be aware of that if you don't want the already hennaed parts to darken.
The awesome thing about henna is even if you miss big chunks, it doesn't usually look bad (unless you're starting with white or platinum blond or some other very light color). Henna is very forgiving, and it never gives you that "all one color" look (I realize some people want that look, but I love that henna preserves your highlights and lowlights.)
January 6th, 2011, 09:36 PM
Thank you again everyone for advice and comfort about this.
As manderly and Kaelee has said, I was expecting a flat colour, but I don't know it still looks weird to me. I shall just wait it out.
Here's what I mean when I missed a chunk of layers:
(Please ignore the mess on the mirror lol)
As you can see a large portion of my natural hair colour (the light brown) is still hugely present in my hair; it just looks odd to me. :/
I will wait it out though.
If I were to touch up my roots, how long should I leave it in my hair? Would it be able to blend well into the colour?
January 6th, 2011, 09:54 PM
I'm going to have to honestly agree with all of the looks nice! Yes, maybe you missed some spots, but that seems to be the great thing about henna---it's not damaging to reapply!
If I were you I'd just reapply at the roots and the spots in the back. It looks good now, it's going to look beautiful when you're done!
I'm about to henna/cassia for the first time when my order arrives and your results are actually encouraging to me. I want a warm auburny/gold shade similar to some of what you have in your hair!
Good luck with everything! :)
January 6th, 2011, 10:03 PM
You definitely missed some big spots there - but you don't "fail at life" and another full head application will fix it. No harm done, really. No need to cry or be upset!
January 6th, 2011, 10:19 PM
I agree with you that the brown mixed in with the henna color looks a little off, like you have a lot of root grow out or something. However, I think a full application done properly will completely fix it and everything will be just fine :)
January 6th, 2011, 10:21 PM
It doesn't look bad to me. I like the shine! I think if you just go back and apply it evenly it will come out beautifully!! :) Welcome to TLHC!!!
January 6th, 2011, 10:51 PM
It looks fine to me, but I'm sure if you go over it again you will get the pieces you missed, your hair looks in great condition by the way :)
January 6th, 2011, 11:11 PM
I don't think it looks bad at all, and I can't really see the undyed parts. I'm sorry you didn't like it!
Anyway, a full head application should work allright, henna is pretty forgiving. Don't despair!
EDIT: I just saw the other picture, but I wouldn't worry, another application should get the brown.
January 6th, 2011, 11:12 PM
The back looks really, really good actually.
I saw the photo from the back and thought "wow, that looks fantastic". Its certainly not very noticeable from that angle. I don't think it's half as bad as you think it is. I'm sure you will be able to touch it up and it will look perfect.... from all angles!
January 7th, 2011, 07:48 AM
Okay, I can see why you are unhappy with the result, but I think you can fix it. As others have said, henna is pretty forgiving when it comes to touch ups.
If it were me, I'd take the leftover henna and apply it to the sections that did not get hennaed IF you have plenty of leftover henna. You really need alot to thoroughly cover the hair. Henna mud isn't like conventional hair dye solutions and it takes time to get used to that.
Use a hand held mirror and wall mirror. First hit the root sections again (I like to spoon the henna mud into a squeeze bottle with a pointy top for root touch ups-- can buy them cheap at Sally Beauty). Then using the mirror, pick out the brown sections, mud them up well, and clip them on top of your head with a plastic clip. Cover with a plastic cap, plastic wrap, or even a grocer bag placed over your head, twirled in the front to make a turban, and held shut with a hair clip. Leave on a few hours and wash off. You should find the problem fixed pretty well.
Good luck and quit beating yourself up! its fixable!
January 7th, 2011, 08:14 AM
Not sure how you applied, but I'm fond of using one of these color applicator bottles (,default,pd.html). Helps me to really get all the little spots, especially since I usually just do roots-only.... I use the pointy tip to draw lines of henna on my scalp, about half an inch apart, and then smoosh them all together for even coverage.
January 7th, 2011, 08:52 AM
Good thing about henna is, that you can apply it as much as you want and it won't trash your hair. That is, unless you are not worried about color saturation.
It does not look that bad, it takes practice applying mud to your hair :)
January 7th, 2011, 09:39 AM
I had that with my first henna application as well. Having gone through several batches and by now I think about ten henna applications, I have come to the conclusion that henna will not ever take on my hair if said hair hasn't seen peroxide before. So I can't do my roots with henna ever. It's possible that hair that's just grown out of your scalp is stronger than the rest and does'nt take dye in as well.
In your case however it seems as though the color did take where you put it. I tend to dilute my henna more than others (it's not really a mud when I make it) and I found that that does help to get it spread well all over the strands. Also, some people find hennaing easier on damp hair.
Hopefully next time will be better!
January 7th, 2011, 03:12 PM
I don't think it looks bad, but I do see why you might not like it. So for future hints.
I tend to put some honey in mine, it seems to make it spread better.
I almost always mix, freeze, and thaw before use, it seems to make it smoother.
And whenever possible I get help to do it. For about six months my sisters work schedule did not mesh with mine so I had to do it myself and apparently this was this one large chunk in the back I repeatedly missed, she laughed at me so hard when she saw it.
And I also tend to apply it to damp hair instead of dry, it seems much easier to me.
Additionally, if you try again and find the roots are still a problem, you might try a strong clarifying shampoo before you apply, stripping the natural oils of your hair does seem to help some people with the color "taking" on their roots.
January 7th, 2011, 03:30 PM
I really don't think it looks bad at all! To me the slight "uneveness" makes it look very natural.
It looks great in my opinion, but if you are unhappy with it, that's what matters.
Hopefully, when it oxidizes, you will be happy with the color.
January 8th, 2011, 09:28 AM
Did you use enough henna to cover it all? Henna, especially when done the first times needs to be applied really thickly to get an even result.
Paula Auguste
January 8th, 2011, 11:17 AM
I can see why you are not satisfied with the results. But, as others have said, the color is lovely and with henna you can reapply without worrying about the damage.
During my henna times, I would mix my henna with a good measure of either plain yoghurt or cone-free conditioner and use one of the bottles Grus meantioned. You could mix your leftover henna with conditioner and reapply it as gloss. So the color would even out a little bit and you'd have an easier time to apply it.
Nevertheless, your hair and color are gorgeous!
January 8th, 2011, 07:17 PM
I think it looks lovely :)
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