View Full Version : how do you wear your hair in bed?

January 5th, 2011, 04:13 PM
What's the best/ most practic/ least damaging hairstyle for in bed?

I used to sleep with my hair down, but of caurse it gets tangled, and I guess it's damaging because your head moves while you're sleeping, thus rubbing it.
Now I put in 1 or 2 braids before I go to bed.

Do you wear it down, or do you braid it or do you prefer to sleep with a bum?

January 5th, 2011, 04:24 PM
When I had APL hair I couldn't sleep with it in a bun, pony, or braid because I would have the worst headache when I woke up. I invested in a silk pillowcase so that sleeping with my hair down wouldn't be quite as damaging. Not to the mention the silk felt nice and comfy ^.^

January 5th, 2011, 04:25 PM
Protective (yet comfortable) hairstyles are definitely ideal for bed to minimize damage to the hair. I plan to sleep with my hair in such styles when it gets long enough, but I'm guesing they would vary for me depending on the styles I would be trying to keep or encourage, or if I'm trying to, as I call, wet set my hair for a style. I would never EVER wear it down.

January 5th, 2011, 04:27 PM
I wear mine in a bun to sleep, im not sure how protective that is but it saves me waking to a mass of tangles in the morning.

January 5th, 2011, 04:28 PM
I usually sleep in a braid. That works best for me

January 5th, 2011, 04:39 PM
What's the best/ most practic/ least damaging hairstyle for in bed?

I used to sleep with my hair down, but of caurse it gets tangled, and I guess it's damaging because your head moves while you're sleeping, thus rubbing it.
Now I put in 1 or 2 braids before I go to bed.

Do you wear it down, or do you braid it or do you prefer to sleep with a bum?

Not anymore. :eyebrows:

I sleep with my hair in an English braid.

January 5th, 2011, 04:39 PM
I wear it in a loose braid, so that it isn't uncomfortable. I would NEVER leave it loose, not only because of the thousands of tangles I would get, but also because of its length - I suppose I would end up coiled in my own hair!:rolleyes:

January 5th, 2011, 04:47 PM
When my hair was around tailbone, I used to wear it in a braid. It was comfortable, never got tangled and it's easy.

January 5th, 2011, 04:49 PM
I tend to sleep with it in a braid. When I wear it in a bun a tight one hurts in the morning and a loose one falls out.

January 5th, 2011, 04:51 PM
I bun it pretty high on my head at night, only because I have layers that won't allow me to keep a braid in for very long before it unravels. I would prefer a braid I think, but ftm, I'm stuck bunning.

January 5th, 2011, 04:52 PM
I usually sleep with my hair in a braid. I tend to wash in the evenings and if my hair is still drying I'll drape it over the end of the bed so it's out of the way. My hair is long enough to stay that way and it's usually still pretty happy in the mornings. :)

January 5th, 2011, 04:53 PM
I sleep with a braid too.It's so much easier!

January 5th, 2011, 04:54 PM
I comb my hair loosely on top of my head, gather it with a ponytail holder:


and gently curl it into a huge stand-up pin curl. I secure the base of the pin curl with four long clips.

January 5th, 2011, 05:06 PM
Except on wash night I braid. Either french or herringbone, and then I tuck the ends under/up. My layers are long enough to stay together, even if my hair is too short for it's thickness to bun properly.

On wash night I sleep sans braid, mostly because I can't get a comb through it wet and separating it enough to braid without damaging it would be a feat deserving of the highest accolades I can muster. Those nights I flip it up over the pillow and just let it be. By morning it's less wet, still damp, but do-able.

January 5th, 2011, 05:15 PM
For decades I had braided my hair in 2 braids for sleep but I decided to take the plunge and try braiding my hair in a bun and pinning it on the top of my head.

The difference was like night and day. Just about zero tangles where before I had a few, even with braiding. It's comfortable, quick to do, and I'm not rolling over on my braids at night. Highly recommended!

January 5th, 2011, 05:16 PM
Wear it down, always have waist to tailbone.

January 5th, 2011, 05:52 PM
One braid. I cant stand scrunchies or buns while I sleep.

January 5th, 2011, 06:14 PM
I like a side plait but I usually where it done unless it’s really hot.

January 5th, 2011, 06:20 PM
I wear mine in a braid most nights, although sometimes I'll wear it in a bun or in two braids wrapped around my head.

January 5th, 2011, 07:09 PM
I've been braiding for bed for 2 weeks now and just love it. I have my nightly routine. I coconut oil and do a sided braid. I tried 4 different satin sleep caps/scarves and I truly hated them. My head felt suffocated but the simple braid is perfect for me. I am in bed right now with it :)

January 5th, 2011, 07:17 PM
I vary, braid or bun. I have been known to wad it up and slap a gator clip in - horrors! :) Trying to do better though so lately it is nicely boar brushed oiled and braided.

January 5th, 2011, 09:26 PM
If it's braided during the day, I leave the braids in. Otherwise, satin pillowcase and loose, at shoulder length.

January 5th, 2011, 09:41 PM
I detangle my hair before sleep and make a loose English braid. It's comfortable and never gives me headaches. On those nights when I'm really tired or just plain lazy, I do a low ponytail. I almost never sleep with my hair loose, cause I don't wanna wake up with a head of tangles in the morning!:)

January 5th, 2011, 10:01 PM
I braid my hair for bed. Usually it's an English braid, but if I wore a style that day that had a braid of any sort I will just wear that to bed instead of re-doing it :)

January 5th, 2011, 10:07 PM
I usually sleep with my hair in a braid. I tend to wash in the evenings and if my hair is still drying I'll drape it over the end of the bed so it's out of the way. My hair is long enough to stay that way and it's usually still pretty happy in the mornings. :)

That's exactly what I do. Either a braid, or draped over the pillow to dry.

January 5th, 2011, 10:28 PM
I usually just wear it in a low ponytail with a very loose scrunchie. If I've braided it during the day, I'll just leave it in overnight.

January 5th, 2011, 11:19 PM
I have a few go-to sleep styles. Most often, I do a beebutt bun either smack dab on the top of my head, or at the nape of my neck, held with a big soft scrunchie. Lately I've been doing an English braid, and wearing a satin sleep cap.

January 5th, 2011, 11:26 PM
Until I found LHC, I always slept with my hair loose. When I started reading around the forums here, I began braiding my hair before I went to bed. I tried a couple of times to sleep with my hair loose again, but it drove me nuts! I ended up getting up in the middle of the night to braid my hair so I could sleep properly. :laugh:

January 5th, 2011, 11:29 PM
I switch between a sleepcap, a bun, and braiding. Depends on what I want to do with it the next day.

January 5th, 2011, 11:40 PM
I tried a bun once, and it drove me nuts and I took it down in the middle of the night. When I oiled it, I used to put it in two braids, but since my hair is only just creeping toward apl and not heavy enough to pull itself down, the two braids gave me a cowlicky hair cleavage. It's either one braid or loose. I reckon by next summer, loose will be intolerable, though.

January 6th, 2011, 12:11 AM
I wear mine down. . . even when it was WL. *hangs head in shame* I like my hair to be straight, and braiding, bunning, etc. mucks up my natural texture. I did just invest in some nice Silk Charmeuse pillowcases from Dharma Trading Co. though. I have a silk sleeping cap, but it drives me freaking crazy.

January 6th, 2011, 12:26 AM
I have tailbone length hair - and usually sleep with it in a braid (either a French braid or regular)

Otherwise I put it in two side by side French braids (espeically if it's hot etc as I find it cooler than a single braid)

January 6th, 2011, 12:53 AM
In a hat because I want to be able to get up and go with my hair.

January 6th, 2011, 01:23 AM
Usually I make a braid on top of my head. I admit still sleeping with my hair open if I'm lazy though... One odd thing about the braid I make for the night. No matter how I braid, when I wake up the braid has bent in to U shape and the tassel has gotten under my head when I sleep. I need to figure out some way to protect my ends. Or make my braid behave. I coul pin the tassel to one place... :D

January 6th, 2011, 11:27 AM
In a braid, and in the winter with a nightcap on my head for warmth.

January 6th, 2011, 01:30 PM
I usually wear 1 or 2 braids plus a sleep cap. I love my sleep cap!

January 6th, 2011, 02:43 PM
It's usually in a braid but because the hair in the front is not as long as it is in the back they come out of the braid all the time... The same happens when I have two braids. I sewed a sleeping cap today so I'm going to try out how it's going to work.

January 6th, 2011, 03:13 PM
2 braids or a bun for me

January 6th, 2011, 05:23 PM
Cotton snood or loose braid.

January 6th, 2011, 05:59 PM
My hair is waist length and I just learned last week to use 2 scrunchies. One up by my neck and the other halfway down. I put them in loosely so they don't make waves in my hair. In the morning it's almost like I just combed my hair. And the scrunchies didn't make any hair dents.

January 6th, 2011, 06:09 PM
I've always worn mine loose at night. De-tangling before lying down is a must. I also use a satin pillow case.

(Never where your hair in a ponytail to sleep....too much stress..)

January 6th, 2011, 08:23 PM
I wear mine down. I got a satin pillowcase about 3 months ago which seems to make it less crazy when i wake up.

January 7th, 2011, 02:44 AM
I used to sleep with a braid (and sometimes still do), but now, most of the time I have a low pony-tail or nothing.

January 7th, 2011, 04:44 AM
I wash my hair at night, and put it in a very loose braid-just 3 or 4 "bumps". It helps smooth it out by morning time-although sometimes I wake up and my braid tassle is sticking out at some weird angle!

January 7th, 2011, 06:20 AM
English braid. But I tend to move a lot during sleep which I guess is not really good for my hair. However, so far I couldn't get myself to wearing a night cap.:o

Tarja Sky
January 7th, 2011, 07:09 AM
Most of the time I wear 2 braids. Sometimes a night cap, but I move a lot in my sleep so I lose during the night and sometimes I wear it lose. But that's not to often.

January 7th, 2011, 07:15 AM
Either down, or in a braid. Never two braids, because I lay on the side and that would bother me.
My hair is straight, so it doesn't usually tangle much even if I leave it down, but if I am sleeping with it damp or in the summer I usually wear a braid.

January 8th, 2011, 04:09 AM
I do not know if this topic has been discussed before, I've tried to search but I didn't find one.

My wife usually sleep with loose hair, only somtimes she hold in a low ponytail.

And you?

Often I read that it is better to hold in a braid. What do you think?
She always used to do that and I can't say that this provoke damage...her hair is healthy...

January 8th, 2011, 04:46 AM
I sleep with mine in an English braid. It tangles way less that way, especially now it's getting longer. If I'm bothered about braid waves in the morning I put it in a bun on top of my head, usually held with a Flexi.

January 8th, 2011, 04:51 AM
i have just started putting my hair in a braid at night. my hair is still short but the ends are fragile so the lass tangly the better for me atm!

January 8th, 2011, 05:32 AM
I always sleep with my hair out. I never get tangles so it's not a problem for me. I haven't brushed or combed my hair in probably a month and still - no tangles.

My boyfriend used to sleep with his hair in a ponytail. But I convinced him to stop. Because constantly having his hair in a ponytail, day and night, meant noticeable hair breakage.

January 8th, 2011, 05:34 AM
My boyfriend used to sleep with his hair in a ponytail. But I convinced him to stop. Because constantly having his hair in a ponytail, day and night, meant noticeable hair breakage.

Arrrgh, mine does that! Right now I'm settling for being allowed to trim out the splits, but one day... one day I shall convert him to LHC... ;)

January 8th, 2011, 05:36 AM
I braid at night, less tangles which is good, I'm trying to get away from using brush and combs and braiding helps a lot

January 8th, 2011, 05:51 AM
People who wear as a braid can tell if they tried also with loose hair? And same for other with ponytail or loose, have you tried with braid?

Any differences?

January 8th, 2011, 05:52 AM
I slept with my hair loose all my life til I found LHC. Massively more tangles, and I was above waist length then. I hate to think what it would do now. :shudder:

January 8th, 2011, 06:27 AM
I usually sleep with it put back with a scrunchy, because I will wake up with it plastered to my face otherwise (I sweat in my sleep). I am usually a side sleeper, which is why I do this.

I DO, however, sleep with it loose on the rare nights that I fall asleep on my back. Having my hair done back in any fashion (scrunchy, braided, etc) will hurt the back of my head/neck when on my back, so I don't do either in this instance.


January 8th, 2011, 06:32 AM
People who wear as a braid can tell if they tried also with loose hair? And same for other with ponytail or loose, have you tried with braid?

Any differences?

When I sleep, sometimes I wear my hair in a braid, sometimes not. Never in a ponytail because it isn't comfortable, and if my hair is going to be mostly down (I mean, ponytails don't really prevent damage) I might as well be comfortable.
Honestly, I don't really find there is a difference. My hair is straight, and it doesn't tangle easily, so that's a factor to keep in mind, and it's not even that long, just a bit past waist.

January 8th, 2011, 07:01 AM
My hair is apl and I usually wear it loose, I luckily don't tangle. My girls have tb hair, if I don't braid theirs it tangles horribly, we always put the elastic in a different spot every night though.

January 8th, 2011, 07:10 AM
Now that my hair is BSL & fine, I favor a scunchie loosely securing a pull thru pony on top of my head. That way I can't feel the knot. Also, my hair is already up for a bend at the waist morning brushing. I have tried braiding to one side, but the braid bothers me & doesn't feel secure.

January 8th, 2011, 07:12 AM
I always do an English braid. My hair is a tangled mass if I sleep with it loose or in a ponytail.

January 8th, 2011, 07:40 AM
I wear mine in a high bun, secured with a fork or stick.

January 8th, 2011, 08:30 AM
My wife wear the hair loose when she's in the bed. Rarely hold it with a ponytail. Do you think that this can damage her hair?

January 8th, 2011, 10:25 AM
I used to wear my hair down when I sleep, but since I heard it's more protected when it's braided I started wearing a side braid (I like to sleep on my back sometimes). My hair isn't prone to tangling and I don't notice that it's a much more protective hairstyle (for me at least, I heard it works good for other people but everyone is different) since I hardly move in my sleep anyway, so I get sloppy and wear it down sometimes again (I'm at classic). When I oil I always wear a side braid.

January 8th, 2011, 10:26 AM
2-3 braids or in a knot thingy with a scrunchie, or a bun on top of my head with a scrunchie.
I also use a satin pillow case.

January 8th, 2011, 10:51 AM
I put my hair in a bun and cover it with a silk scarf. Hair always comes out so soft. If I want a little more wave and volume, then I do two french braids on each side and sleep.

January 8th, 2011, 10:52 AM
I started braiding my hair at night after a painful experience.My husband rolled over ,taking my hair with him.It felt like my hair was being ripped out.I couldn't believe my screaming didn't wake anyone else in the house.

January 8th, 2011, 10:57 AM
I usually wear mine in two english braids adn I tie the ends with ribbon. This works really well because it doesn't tangle, the ribbons help to keep my growing out layers in the braids adn they don't really damage the ends

January 8th, 2011, 11:11 AM
Mine is APL, but very layered. I've yet to find a hairstyle that isn't loose by morning! I sometimes do a plait but only when it's hot and I want it off my face whilst I'm falling asleep. I still wake up with it everywhere!!

January 8th, 2011, 11:19 AM
Mine is APL, but very layered. I've yet to find a hairstyle that isn't loose by morning! I sometimes do a plait but only when it's hot and I want it off my face whilst I'm falling asleep. I still wake up with it everywhere!! Try a French braid? I have APL hair with long layers (shortest is shoulder length), and that is the only plait that stays in while I sleep. English braids pretty much fall right out.

January 8th, 2011, 11:22 AM
Ooh I'll try it tonight! Thanks!

January 8th, 2011, 11:56 AM
I slept with a bun when my hair was shorter but it doesn't stay very well anymore. I now sleep with a french braid, plus it gives me nice waves in my hair for the next day.

January 8th, 2011, 02:36 PM
I'd love to give this a go, I can for sure say I won't heat style at all in 2011. I don't normally style with heat at all anyway, although I have been for special occasions but I feel comfortable giving that up too now. I would really like to stop using chemicals as well, but that part I can only promise to give it an honest effort. I've been coloring my hair for the last 16 years! Now that I'm much more aware of the overall health of my hair I can see how counter productive it is to color my fine hair, it's just so much more prone to damage that way. BUT, I'm not one who could deal with two toned hair. I've recently had a heavy highlighting done do help lighten my hair up to match my natural color. I'm hoping I'll be able to let it grow out this way and it will blend fairly decently, but we'll see...

January 9th, 2011, 10:30 AM
When it was past waist I slept with it in a braid most of the time because it would get caught between the mattress and the bed or under my pillow. Now it's short enough that I wear it loose but I try to keep it mostly above my head rather than sleeping on top of it.

January 9th, 2011, 11:47 AM
i single braid mine because i dont like hair in my face when i sleep.

January 9th, 2011, 12:11 PM
A single braid gets in the way for me, so I do two English braids in the front. Or a Gibson girl bun (I think that's what they're called?) Very comfy!

January 14th, 2011, 05:50 AM
My wife wear the hair loose when she's in the bed. Rarely hold it with a ponytail. Do you think that this can damage her hair?

Ciao, lupiae, It would seem to be the general opinion that wearing the hair loose in bed can be damaging to long hair as a result of friction. However, some members of LHC sleep with their hair loose and do not complain of damage. It seems to be very much an individual thing :)

I wear my hair in a high, crown-ponytail secured loosely with a scrunchy (aka to wavies and curlies as 'pineappling' the hair) to prevent the waves and wurls in my hair from becoming frizzy.