View Full Version : Need some curly inspiration

January 4th, 2011, 09:00 PM
Does anyone have pictures of curly styles that look authoritative?
Or maybe just a pep talk?
I love my new hair texture but I struggle with the thought of wearing it curly to work.

My hair is so much curlier than I remember from shoulder length 2 years ago. Diet changes probably did it...the new texture begins very suddenly 6 inches ago with my new diet.

I feel so cute/pretty/romantic/sensual when I wear it curly...which is nice to feel, but I don't want to feel that at work. I want to feel authoritative.

It's becoming more and more frustrating for me to not wear it curly...it's so hard to get it shaped nicely without heat and without damage...unless it's curly. if I wear it curly it has a nice shape easily. So the only holdup is this hangup I have about curly hair at work.

January 4th, 2011, 09:33 PM
Is it that you find your curls sort of distracting at work? Like you're ready for a picnic or something, or as though you're wearing clothes a few notches too casual? It might just be that your hair is different that it used to be, and you haven't gotten used to the "new you". I'm assuming there are other curly-haired people in your workplace-- how do they wear their hair?

Or is it how others see you that's making you self-conscious? That could be annoying, if you felt taken less seriously. Your hair looks elegant, and very composed, in all the photos (the "finished look" ones, anyway!) in your album!

I always think about how my curls are an expression of more than just my style-- it's my genes, my ethnic heritage. Changing your natural hair texture for your own motives is one thing, but I would hate to feel compelled to hide that facet of myself, almost like being shamed for who I am. It's interesting how these things all play out.

So consider me a vote for: you're as authoritative as you wanna be, curls or no!

January 4th, 2011, 09:45 PM
I think it's a little of both...internal & external influences...with curly hair I feel very "festive" and "decorative" and sensual, romantic, etc....it's just different from what I usually feel at work, authoritative, badass, serious, problem-solver...I'm worried I might not figure out how to mesh one with the other...
And external; there were a few comments from coworkers at previous jobs about wild bedhead when I attempted to style it curly a long while ago....my hair texture wasn't the same so it looked more like clumpy waves but it definitely wasn't frizzy. I know they meant no harm but I still took it to heart.

ETA: I don't know of any other curly-haired women where I work unfortunately. Almost all my coworkers are male.

January 4th, 2011, 09:50 PM
I agree with picklepie -- your hair does look polished and elegant with your natural curly texture. I'm guessing that at the length you're at now, you might find your beautiful face-framing curls hanging in your face at work, but maybe it's too short to do updos yet? I tended to do half-up styles or just a couple of barrettes to keep the hair out of my face.

January 4th, 2011, 10:08 PM
I just looked at your album and I think your hair always looks neat and professional BUT as someone who (briefly) worked as a research scientist I must say I feel you. It's hard being a woman in a male-dominated field. It's especially hard if you're pretty (as you are.) Men don't seem to know what to do when they're working with an extremely smart and attractive woman who they're not dating. Unless, of course, everything about the woman is authoritative. I'm not saying that people are trying to be mean or anything but it can get to you. In my case, when teasing started, I basically told everyone to suck it. :) If you can get away with it I suggest you do the same cause your hair is awesome.

Hm. There is also some joy in having work hair and play hair. I have outside hair and inside hair. When I'm outside my hair is up and neat but when I'm at home or with close friends, it's down and wild.

If you want to go for authoritative. . .have you thought about updos? French rolls can be done on your length (I think) and always look chic and polished. At least until you tell them to suck it.

January 4th, 2011, 10:17 PM
I just had a look at your album. You have beautiful hair. I think it already looks professional and neat.

January 5th, 2011, 01:31 AM
I'd suggest pictures of Mrs Thatcher and both queens Elizabeth I & II :D

January 6th, 2011, 05:35 PM
Thank you for the encouragement everyone. :) I'm gradually warming up to the idea...wore it down today and yesterday without getting any hair comments and that was encouraging too. It was in loose waves ("straightened" with gel drying it in a low caterpillar ponytail). I usually wear it up at work, so that was a good first step. Maybe sometime soon if I have some extra time to dry it in the morning I'll try it curly...

January 6th, 2011, 05:40 PM
I'd also say that if you want to wear it curly but don't want people making a big deal out of it, just make sure it's out of your face. Maybe clip it back on the sides or something.

January 6th, 2011, 07:22 PM
Does anyone have pictures of curly styles that look authoritative?
Or maybe just a pep talk?
I love my new hair texture but I struggle with the thought of wearing it curly to work.

My hair is so much curlier than I remember from shoulder length 2 years ago. Diet changes probably did it...the new texture begins very suddenly 6 inches ago with my new diet.

I feel so cute/pretty/romantic/sensual when I wear it curly...which is nice to feel, but I don't want to feel that at work. I want to feel authoritative.

It's becoming more and more frustrating for me to not wear it curly...it's so hard to get it shaped nicely without heat and without damage...unless it's curly. if I wear it curly it has a nice shape easily. So the only holdup is this hangup I have about curly hair at work.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. I feel "cute" with my curls, but I don't feel "serious".

January 6th, 2011, 11:21 PM
Part of it depends on what industry/area you're in. When I was in the military, my hair was pulled straight because curls just aren't part of a professional military appearance.

Now that I retired from that job and am at another, it isn't such an issue. As long as it appears neat, with a do-able amount of frizz, it is fine. There are updos for bad hair days.

That being said, I've never thought curls were 'cute.' Interesting. I have other positive adjectives, just not cute.

January 7th, 2011, 01:24 AM
That is what buns are for. ;)

January 7th, 2011, 05:30 AM
When I ever want to look "authoritative" I pull my hair back out of my face in a bun. Think of governesses and school marms... authoritative to the maxxx! Long hair looks fun when it's down no matter what the texture (at least to me) so if you're going to work and want to look super serious, pull that hair back and *BAM* serious jaine is serious.