View Full Version : help me with my hair!

December 29th, 2010, 05:44 PM

Hey all so I try to treat my hair well but I know I don't. My current regime is washing it approx every 4-6 days depending with a very light amount of lush's "new" shampoo (a bar lasts me 4 months) and conditioning with retread or american cream. I dye it every 4 months or so or when I get about 1 inch of roots. I wear it mostly up as I have weird layers that are always in my face. I brush it with a paddle brush often while it's still wet but always work from my ends up to my roots. so What can I do to help my hair be healthier and grow faster... I'm probably not going to stop dyeing it though...

December 29th, 2010, 06:58 PM
So what exactly is the problem you're having with it? The routine you describe could work well for some folks and be a nightmare for others.

Also, hello hairtwin.

December 29th, 2010, 07:15 PM
The only part of your routine that I wonder about is brushing while wet... If I did that I'd snap a ton of hair off.

As for growing faster, I've tried several of the methods other people have raved about (monistat, diatomaceous earth) and they haven't made any difference in my growth rate at all. Honestly I think the best thing is to make sure you're eating well, sleeping well, and not getting too stressed out.

Good luck!

December 29th, 2010, 07:35 PM
I too wonder what the problem is? Is your hair dry, damaged, breaking, shedding, slow growing? I think if you're unsure you should investigate the articles section.q

December 29th, 2010, 08:56 PM
my hair is really slow growing it grows about half a cm a month if that and the ends seem really dry not split just dry, I shed like crazy, hair in dinner is almost guaranteed in our house. I guess I was just worried that this regime while okay for the short hair I've had almost all my life it would be bad for long hair and creating growth...

I solemnly swear from today on I will no long brush my wet hair :-p

December 29th, 2010, 10:13 PM
Again, people are correct in saying that some regimes work for others, and wouldn't work for yet others but...here's mine:

I stopped using shampoos regularly, even Lush's, even though I love their stuff because I realised that it was making my hair fall out more. It might be the sodium laureth sulfate, it might be the soap action even, but my scalp would itch if I didn't wash every day and my hair was falling out like crazy. Even diluting shampoo like mad didn't help. What helped was quitting shampoo and going to baking soda water rinses only.

I only finger comb while wet so it won't cause breakage, mostly sleep in braids, and try not to play with my hair too much. By play, I mean heating irons and so forth.

This is my hair routine now, and my hair loves it --- but everyone is different! I only talk about my experiences because I used to shed like crazy too -- I had huge tarantulas of hair on the floor even with regular sweeping and the going off shampoo has helped it.

December 30th, 2010, 01:16 AM
my hair is really slow growing it grows about half a cm a month if that and the ends seem really dry not split just dry, I shed like crazy, hair in dinner is almost guaranteed in our house. I guess I was just worried that this regime while okay for the short hair I've had almost all my life it would be bad for long hair and creating growth...

I solemnly swear from today on I will no long brush my wet hair :-p

I used to have simiar problem for almost a year. My ahir was growing so slow, belove average. It lasted almso year. It can be that l tos of hair is in this phase of growth (each hair hAS its cycle of growth) it also can be a lack of vitamins, minerals, or many different factors.

How you can tell how much is your hair growing? by your dye roots or by not seeing gaining in lenght?

in firs case your hair is really growing slow. try multivitiamins, omega 3,6 and massage your scapl gently every day to boost circulation.

if the problem is your ends then maybe its more breakage and gregile ends?
I think that I woudl advise to deep coniton your hair twice or once a week.

My method is i use mask, i put shower cap, i heat it up with hair dryer for few minutes, put a towel to keep it warm and then I rinse after about one hour. I do thsi twice a week. after tree weeks i started to see big diference.