View Full Version : red hair?

December 29th, 2010, 01:57 PM
Just died my hair a dark red....most of my hair was very dark brown when i did it and its now an auburn colour, id say its lightened up a tiny bit.

The ends however are still quite dark although do shine red in light.

Is there a way to lighten the ends without ending up ruining my hair? Like i dont wanna bleach it. I thought about sun in.

I would like to try henna but it would just make it darker anyway right? Im put off by henna because of the preparation etc.

Any advice is welcome :D My hair dresser said it would lighten up slightly next time i have it done as its got a red tone to it now. I trust her, shes convincing me to grow and keeping me from cutting so i know shes trying to help...

December 29th, 2010, 03:55 PM
You could try honey to lighten it, head and shoulders helps fade colour if you want to fade it that is.

Henna can only darken hair never lighten it, however the colour varies depending on the light, so can give the illusion of lighter redder hair in the sun or a brown indoors. Personally I found preparing a box dye more of a pita than henna, though henna is messier to wash out, the effect it has on my hairs thickness and shine makes it so worth the mess, but it is permanent and although there are many posts discussing how to remove henna, cutting the henna from hair is the only 100% certain way of ridding of it. If your happy being a red head then go for it or try a henna gloss which will give you the benefit of henna but only a weak colour deposit.

December 29th, 2010, 05:22 PM
Look for ktani's thread on honey lightening, that might do the trick! :)

Lune d'Loup
December 30th, 2010, 03:31 AM
you could try cassia instead of henna, cassia makes henna lighter when mixed. it gives a nice coppery color. also chamomille tea? very strong tea could lighten the color but not much. it depends what you want....coppery/orange color or lighter/brighter red? you can check henna for hair website to find mixes or lightening instructions and also check the forums in recipes. also doesn't Lemon lighten hair? just stay away from anything damaging like bleach it can kill hair. (it killed mine and i am a fine haired woman used to coloring, made my hair turn the consistency of gum.) good luck finding a way to lighten the color.

December 30th, 2010, 01:05 PM
I would like to try henna but it would just make it darker anyway right? Im put off by henna because of the preparation etc.

Henna only makes hair darker, more intensely red; can't make it any lighter. So I don't see how it will solve the problem. I'd trust my hair stylist on this one. Color is hard to get right on your own, esp. without much experience.

you could try cassia instead of henna, cassia makes henna lighter when mixed. it gives a nice coppery color.

On its own cassia isn't going to have any effect. It won't make hair lighter and will only color white hair or very light blond hair. When mixed with henna, it sort of dilutes the henna and that's why you get a lighter, more coppery color, but that will also only be apparent on lighter hair, not on darker browns or reds (glow perhaps yes, but color, doubt it).