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View Full Version : Wavies/curlies: when is truely the best (and least damaging) time to brush your hair?

December 27th, 2010, 03:21 PM
I have fine, but lots of, wavy/with some curly hair; lately I've been brushing in the shower with conditioner or shampoo in my hair to make it easier; but I keep hearing conflicting info. Some people say it's least damaging to brush wavy/curly hair in the shower, some say no. The brush/comb I've been using has been pulling alot of snarls/small tangles out with it, but that's probably because I don't brush/comb my hair every day.

December 27th, 2010, 03:23 PM
I comb my hair in the shower while there is conditioner in it. It makes the comb glide through it a lot easier. That's the only time I comb!

I use a wide tooth comb, too.

December 27th, 2010, 03:27 PM
i never comb or brush. i don't even own one!

December 27th, 2010, 03:44 PM
????? How do you untangle knots? You never brush your hair....

Snow White
December 27th, 2010, 03:47 PM
I don't own a brush. I comb in the shower with conditioner (starting at the ends and working up) or I'll comb before I do a braided up do.

December 27th, 2010, 03:50 PM
I also use wide tooth comb in the shower,and try to detangle everyday while my hair is lightly oiled.I dont use a brush.

December 27th, 2010, 04:23 PM
I have wavy hair ( when I let it dry without touching it, but as soon as I brush it I lose wave). I finger comb my hair in the shower with conditioner and when I get out I gently comb it with a wide tooth comb while it's very damp but not dripping wet (i usually use a leave in conditioner) and leave it to dry. When it's completely dry I will brush with my wooden bamboo brush if I want a smooth look...but I usually just put it up and try not to mess with it.

December 27th, 2010, 04:23 PM
I only brush mine if I have "straightened" it (I straighten it with gel and a low loose ponytail and air drying) ... which really results in loose waves for me rather than straight hair, but it's still straight enough that I can brush it without catching on anything.
I comb mine in the shower with conditioner in it but not usually when it's dry... a fine-tooth comb can't get through all of my dry hair and a wide-tooth comb just seems kind of pointless to me ... I'm not sure what it's for!

December 27th, 2010, 04:25 PM
I will comb it right before bunning sometimes. Then, when I take the bun down, I get bun waves.

Since I almost never wear my hair down, it doesn't get tangled.

I never brush. Wide-tooth wooden comb only, and it's not really used more than a couple of times a week.

OR Cowgirl
December 27th, 2010, 04:29 PM
I use a wide toothed comb only. A (mostly) seamless plastic one on wet hair and a horn comb on dry hair.

December 27th, 2010, 04:29 PM
I think it's safest to brush wavy/curly hair just before you wash it to get the shed hairs out. Detangle very carefully first. Don't ever brush wet hair, not even in the shower with conditioner in it. You can comb it while it's wet, with or without conditioner.

December 27th, 2010, 04:35 PM
We have very similar hair except yours is that lovely golden color and I'm a graying brunette!

I very rarely brush my hair but if I do, it's always while my hair is DRY. In the shower I will finger comb, then when I'm out of the shower I use a wide tooth comb on towel-dried hair that is still damp. Mostly to distribute whatever styling product I picked that day.

You say you're having a lot of snarls and tangles- I wonder if maybe you have too much protein and your hair needs some moisture? Mine gets super tangly when it's had too much protein.

Good luck!

December 27th, 2010, 05:14 PM
I tend to comb just before washing it and again when rinsing conditioner out, then I leave it well alone until dry and comb gently again if it looks clumpy.

I brush occasionally as I like how it feels but my hair prefers to be combed.

Chamomile betty
December 27th, 2010, 06:02 PM
I finger comb in the shower to get rid of any tangles and to distribute conditioner.
Then, after I apply my oil, I use a widetooth comb while my hair is bent downward. I have found it safer to comb with my hair flipped over (underneath) than to comb through the canopy. After my oil and leave in my hair goes up in a high bun. I usually don't comb until the next night.

December 27th, 2010, 06:12 PM
The only regular combing method I use is fingercombing. Generally, only in the shower while working through conditioner. A little bit after to work through leave ins/oils. My hair is up most the time, and I don't get many tangles.

The rare occasion I DO get a tangle though, I can't imagine ripping through it on dry hair. The tangles I get are more like knots, 2-3 hairs twisted tightly in an odd way. I always get my hair wet and SLATHER it in something slippery - Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition conditioner or Kinky Curly Knot Today - and gently work it out with my fingers, petting/smoothing in a downward motion. LOTS of conditioner on the tight spot. Trying to dry comb that out would either permanently damage hairs or just break them right off.

December 27th, 2010, 06:17 PM
Long hair lovers, please, for the sake of your tresses, never, EVER, brush your hair when its wet!

Hair is at it's weakest when wet.

You can comb when wet, provided you detangle all hair first. Then work up the strands, starting at the bottom until you reach the scalp. Do it slowly and with a widetooth comb.

December 27th, 2010, 06:21 PM
I finger comb in when I have conditioner and then after my hair is still wet I comb it. I comb it everyday cause my hair is very tangly even though I never wear it down its always in a braid or bun I still get tangles.

December 27th, 2010, 06:23 PM
????? How do you untangle knots? You never brush your hair....

For me personally, I don't get that many knots and tangles. And my hair is curly, so even when I do, it doesn't look like it's tangled like straight hair would.

I only brush mine if I have "straightened" it (I straighten it with gel and a low loose ponytail and air drying) ... which really results in loose waves for me rather than straight hair, but it's still straight enough that I can brush it without catching on anything.
I comb mine in the shower with conditioner in it but not usually when it's dry... a fine-tooth comb can't get through all of my dry hair and a wide-tooth comb just seems kind of pointless to me ... I'm not sure what it's for!

Wide tooth combs don't get caught in your tangles and rip out your hair. They are just more gentle

December 27th, 2010, 06:40 PM
After conditioning, under running water. I let the conditioner soak in while I'm doing my other shower duties and then I hold my hair in sections under running water and comb out any tangles.

December 27th, 2010, 06:42 PM
I finger comb in when I have conditioner and then after my hair is still wet I comb it. I comb it everyday cause my hair is very tangly even though I never wear it down its always in a braid or bun I still get tangles.
Same here. :shrug: I keep my hair in protective styles but it still manages to get tangled.

December 27th, 2010, 06:51 PM
My hair tends not to get tangled, but I brush it out anyways before I wash it. I wouldn't recommend brushing it in the shower... as mentioned above, hair is weakest when wet!

December 27th, 2010, 06:53 PM
Wide tooth combs don't get caught in your tangles and rip out your hair. They are just more gentle

I think that is why they puzzle me ... if my hair is straightened, the tangles just go between the teeth of a wide tooth comb and my hair actually doesn't get "detangled" like it would with a brush ... but if my hair is styled curly then the wide tooth comb is enough to make it look big and frazzled just like a brush would. I have a wide tooth comb but I can never figure out a good time to use it!

December 27th, 2010, 07:02 PM
I comb through my wet hair either in the shower with conditioner in it, or after if I've forgotten to bring it into the shower. My hair is wavy so after about day 2 when most of the curl has dropped out, I can brush through it with my wooden quill brush if I want to.

I regards to "how do I get the knots out?" my hair just doesn't tangle easily so combing in the shower every 3 - 4 days is enough.

December 27th, 2010, 08:55 PM
I think that is why they puzzle me ... if my hair is straightened, the tangles just go between the teeth of a wide tooth comb and my hair actually doesn't get "detangled" like it would with a brush ... but if my hair is styled curly then the wide tooth comb is enough to make it look big and frazzled just like a brush would. I have a wide tooth comb but I can never figure out a good time to use it!

I totally agree. I bought the "never brush wet hair" advice for a very long time-- the result being hair I was never happy with-- giant, frizzy hair. But detangling with a widetooth comb on wet hair doesn't smooth the hairs together enough to give defined curls either, it breaks up their patterns and the hair dries frizzy anyway. So frustrating.

Now I brush very wet hair with a Denman brush, sometimes with conditioner in (though now I'm trying Movie Star Shampoo), and let it dry with as little manipulation as possible, a la tightlycurly.com. It works FABULOUSLY on my hair. Defines the curls, no frizz, no tangles, and no damage that I can hear or see.

All the methods previous posters have mentioned sound like they work well for them-- there's probably going to be a wide range of "perfect" methods that work for each individual head of hair. Hope this helps you get closer to finding yours!

December 27th, 2010, 08:59 PM
I comb in the shower while I've got conditioner in, and the only time I brush is when my hair is heavily oiled or dirty and ready for a washing - if I try to brush it when it's clean and dry all I get is a giant staticky ball of frizz.

December 27th, 2010, 09:05 PM
I always gently pull apart any tangles I can find right before I shower with dry hair. Then I go over my hair with a comb while I have my conditioner in. I haven't had any breakage from this.

December 27th, 2010, 09:06 PM
I usually finger comb my hair when it's wet and use a wide tooth comb when it's dry.

December 28th, 2010, 01:12 AM
Before finding LHC I had horrible times struggling to detangle... :( I had no patience, caused some damage and eventually started to hate my hair. Since I joined LHC I learnt some protective updos and also learnt how to comb properly (begin at the ends then move upwards). :o I get much less tangles and combing is no longer a torture. :eek: I also have a wooden brush but I only use it occassionaly, especially when I decide to wear my hair down (which is rare).

December 28th, 2010, 01:28 AM
I have wavy, extremely grabby and tangly hair. I brush my hair several times a day, as well as right before showering and right after showering. Basically, the less tangles I have in my hair, the less knots and splits I end up with. My hair can tangle while in a bun or a braid. Doesn't seem possible, but it manages it. I find the least damaging way to remove tangles is the Tangle Teezer. Not everyone agrees of course because everyone's hair is different, but I don't have much success with combs.

December 28th, 2010, 01:42 AM
Back when my hair was wavier I used to comb my conditioner in the comb it after I got out of the shower with a wide tooth comb. If I don't comb while wet then I will NEVER get the tangles out when dry. I think that if hair is prone to tangles when dry then it is best to avoid as many as possible by giving it a quick comb when wet.

Athena's Owl
December 28th, 2010, 03:06 AM
i have curly hair.

I only use a hairbrush on my hair under these circumstances:

1. When wet: after having thoroughly detangled my wet hair, after putting on my curl cream, leave in conditioner, and gel. I do this to encourage clumping of my curls, as only the brush gives me what looks like inch wide ripply ribbons. I use a denman style brush with nylon pins, no balls and no seams for hair to get caught in.

2. When dry: after finger detangling dry hair to pull shed hairs out, for the purposes of pre-wash oiling with coconut oil. once my hair is oiled I either braid it or bun it (or both)

If I have dried it in a way that my hair dries in loose waves (by damp bunning or wrapping, I will brush my hair to smooth it out.

I detangle wet hair under extremely specific circumstances. I use combs to detangle; never brushes.

December 28th, 2010, 10:57 AM
I either finger comb or use my wide toothed comb when its dry, and use a finer toothed comb or a brush only when my hair has no more curl from being up for so long or if im about to wash (I co) it.I use a denman brush when its wet, upside down, before plopping. I don't know if its the best times, but if I brush when dry I get frizzy, bushy hair.

December 28th, 2010, 12:13 PM
I comb my hair before I wash it. I basically oil the heck out of it, use a horn comb, and then shampoo. When I condition, I work my fingers through it to get any tangles that might have happened during the shampoo. Then I put in a little leave-in conditioner or oil and use the horn comb on it wet, after I get out of the shower. I comb it into a bun to dry the roots, let out the bun and let the length dry, and finger comb until my next wash.