View Full Version : Do you plan 'hair down' days?

December 26th, 2010, 06:54 PM
In one of the threads I was reading through, someone (I'd give you credit if I remembered who you were!) posted that they plan for the days they are going to wear their hair down. I thought this was an excellent idea, especially since my hair wouldn't look so great if I did everything the same. I wear it up and oiled in such a way that it would not hang nicely, and I suspect a different poo and condish would also make it hang differently, although what I use regularly is perfect for what I do with my hair regularly. I suppose I would plan to wear a satin top too. My hair does tangle and I am pondering whether a spray would keep it in place better to alleviate tangling. hmmm...
Anything different you would do for a 'hair down' day?

December 26th, 2010, 07:07 PM
I do! I leave my conditioner from CO in extra long and scrub my scalp extra vigorously. I also do an ACV rinse. These things give my hair a lot of volume and movement!

December 26th, 2010, 07:10 PM
I plan up and down days! Up and down everything! Even sleeping. It's just part of taking good care of your hair. :)

December 26th, 2010, 07:19 PM
I plan 'down' days, and wash days. It's just easier for me that way. :) On 'down' days I braid right to the ends the night before so I have even-looking braidwaves (I do have a bit of natural wave, but it's very irregular), and a 'down' day for me is usually the day directly after washing, since that's when my scalp frizzies calm down a bit, but before my oily roots get going.

December 26th, 2010, 07:20 PM
A little - I always have it co-ed, dried and lightly oiled before so it's soft and shiny and I take along a hair stick/clip in my bag in case it gets in the way.
I tend to spray it very lightly with hairspray and comb it through to stop flyaways (yes, I know it's bad but I only leave it down a few times a year).

December 26th, 2010, 07:35 PM
nope, but after the first of the year Im planning to wear my hair UP 6 out of 7 days a week..lets see how long that lasts, lol

December 26th, 2010, 07:37 PM
I like to wear my hair down the day that I wash it because that's when wave/curl is best. So I wash it on days that I can leave it down with a minimum of bother.

December 26th, 2010, 07:41 PM
I plan my 'down' days according to the weather. If there is any moisture in the hair, my hair stays UP.

December 26th, 2010, 08:05 PM
My best day is the day after I wash so if I'm going to have my hair down for a special occasion I try to wash it the day before. I usually use a little heavier conditioner or an SMT too, to bring out the shine. I also try not to put it up or to use only styles that don't create waves to show off my hair's natural super-straightness.

But it's so rare that I leave my hair down outside the house anymore. It's not like a "down day" is part of my weekly routine and I'm always thinking ahead this much. Usually I braid it or bun it to go out of the house and let it down when I'm inside not doing anything (sometimes not even then) braid/bun waves and all. I have enough on my hands just integrating my wash schedule with my work schedule..."okay I'm off on Tuesday and it won't really need washing by then but if I don't my next chance will be on Saturday and that's WAY too long so I guess I'll wash on Tuesday anyway..." :lol:

December 26th, 2010, 08:10 PM
I rarely wear my hair up, so nope dont plan here :)

December 26th, 2010, 08:19 PM
I will wear down on wash day so my hair will dry faster. It will stay wet for days if I wash, oil, and braid while still wet.

December 26th, 2010, 08:22 PM
Nearly every day starts as a "hair down" day for me. I just carry a pair of hairsticks in case my hair decides at some point that it's going to be a "hair up" day after all (^(oo)^)

December 26th, 2010, 08:26 PM
Yes, hair down days have to be planned. It depends on the weather. If it's windy, down doesn't work. It also depends on what I am doing that day and who I am going to be around. Also I only wear my hair down on the day I wash it. So with those givens, I don't have all that many opportunities.

December 26th, 2010, 08:33 PM
Day after my evening hair wash is my hair down day... unless its windy, or I'm doing something that requires my hair out of the way. Any day past that and my hair typically isn't good for being down, so up it goes.

December 26th, 2010, 09:31 PM
Actually for me it's the opposite. Hair down days only happen when I don't have something convenient on hand to put my hair up with.

December 26th, 2010, 09:38 PM
I plan for down days in that I have to make sure I've given myself enough time to wet my hair and put products in before I diffuse for curl formation. Really, it's more of a plan for curly days than a plan for wearing my hair down. Obviously I don't know this for sure, but I think if my hair weren't so curly I wouldn't have to take so much into consideration just to wear it down.

December 26th, 2010, 09:42 PM
I always wear my hair up. I only wear it down once in a blue moon on a whim.

December 26th, 2010, 10:23 PM
For me its the opposite, I usually wear my hair down. On "hair up days" I use a little extra oil.

December 26th, 2010, 11:58 PM
I let the weather choose . If It’s windy, it’s up, if it’s rainy, it’s up and if the weather is ok, I keep it down. I oil once to twice a day.

December 27th, 2010, 12:01 AM

I plan them a few days in advance actually. If there is a day I know I want my hair down, I'll wash my hair two days before that, and the night before, I'll bun it for nice bun curls.
I've also planned for hair down days to be with freshly washed hair as well, particularly if I'm planning a deep treatment. Although I've had a date cancel on me and I get his message just as I've gotten out of the shower and I remember being a bit miffed. I remember saying to my roommate, "What the hell? My legs are silky smooth and my hair smells like honey! What a waste!"

December 27th, 2010, 12:02 AM
I never plan them. I only wear it down if I forget my hair clip at home or if the wind blows my hair out of its updo.

December 27th, 2010, 12:27 AM
Yes, I do. I wash it in the evening and make a mid-low ponytail to dry, gives nice smooth waves.

December 27th, 2010, 01:56 AM
i am not plan it, i just wear my hair down every day

December 27th, 2010, 03:14 AM
Of course. If I let my hair down I wash them the night before and I sleep with loose hair, in this way I have the most straight hair :)

December 27th, 2010, 05:17 AM
I wear my hair down most days, but I don't go out a lot so I dont really plan anything if Im lounging around the house or just running errands - I'll gladly venture out to the supermarket with oiled hair thrown up in bun or loose. I definitely plan for the days I'm venturing into the city though. I don't know why but it seems like the further away I get from home, the more "done up" I am =P. Being done up means hair down for me.

December 27th, 2010, 06:16 AM
I plan them...mostly dependent on who I'm seeing that day :love:

December 27th, 2010, 06:54 AM
I don't usually plan them, but then again I don't usually wear my hair down.

It does come down for, ahem, special occasions, though.

December 27th, 2010, 12:05 PM
Typically, I wear my hair down on wash day since that's when my hair is the fullest.
Day 2 is usually a half up day with Day 3 & 4 being full updo days.

Then I start all over!

Becky Safari
December 27th, 2010, 12:13 PM
I wash my hair daily, because I like the option of having my hair in a fork for a few hours, taking it down for a few hours, and so on

December 27th, 2010, 12:48 PM
Nah. I used to wear it down from days 1-3 and then up if I went longer than that without washing. Now, I only wear it down if it's drying or if I have a headache.

December 27th, 2010, 12:52 PM
I always have to keep my hair in a ponytail. I just hate it all over my face. I wonder if this scrunchie habit is what's causing all my breakage? I only keep it down on the day I wash it. And, of course, If I'm going out to dinner or some other event.

December 27th, 2010, 01:03 PM
Unless your scrunchie contains things that might snag hairs, or you're pulling it too tight, I don't think your breakage is due to that habit. In fact, it's better than those of us that wear it down, because it's less likely to tangle, get caught in seatbelts, car windows, chair backs etc.
YES, I plan it down when my roots aren't greasy:meaning 3 days after wash. sometimes the 4th day gets a half updo, then it's all up in buns, braids or ponytails for the rest of my 7-day cycle.Washing once per week sounds pretty grueling(and it sometimes is), but the payoff is worth it. In between washing once per week and henna, I barely need a no-cone conditioner, and I can even do without!

Chamomile betty
December 27th, 2010, 06:17 PM
I may wear my hair down once, maybe twice a month so my routine is different. I'll spend more time applying gel and scrunching my hair when I want to wear it down. The weather is usually the main factor in deciding to wear my hair down. I may plan to wear my hair down but if my waves/curls are not cooperating it's going up. Some days I'll be getting ready to put my hair in a bun for work and say 'this would have been a good down day'. Figures :confused:

December 27th, 2010, 06:30 PM
When you said "...poo and condish..." it sounded so prissy in my head. Hahaha. It was quite funny actually. I think I may start saying it that way. :p

And no.... I don't plan days in which I wear my hair down. I just do what I feel like doing that day or wear it up if it's really dirty. I mean... I love long hair for a reason. I probably won't have as healthy hair as someone who wears theirs up more often, but what's the point in having long hair if you wear it up all the time? I do wear it up A LOT more since I've gotten my ficcare's and hair sticks and forks. I don't have a lot, but it's enough that I like how it looks when it's up now.

Honestly though, I'm finding that I'm loosing a lot of hair lately and it's been SO SO SO tangly, so I don't know that wearing it up is really helping me much!

December 28th, 2010, 04:48 AM
I hardly ever wear my hair down. I no longer wear it in any sorts of ponytails since I realized how much damage they cause. My hair is only down for special occasions or when my DBF asks for it ;) (he gave me a lot of encouragement to grow it out). So, yes, I do plan 'hair down' days most of the time.

December 28th, 2010, 11:08 PM
I wasn't sure if tying your hair in a ponytail caused damage. I've been doing this 20 years. The first 10, my hair got longer, I assume, because I was no longer sleeping on it. ( I would tie it up on top of my head before bed). Then I slowly started wearing it tied up all the time....especially during the hot summer months when having hair on your back makes things even hotter. But then, my hair started getting shorter! When you all say you wear it "up", what do you mean? Up in a bun? Ponytail? Right now I'm in 2 downward braids. The last time I did that I as 12.

December 31st, 2010, 01:42 PM
some planned, some unplanned.

A planned down day is usually the day I wash if in the morning, or the next day if washed at night and it looks good in the morning or it is still damp.. I prefer not putting my hair up when my scalp is wet (though I will dampen the length at times).

Unplanned days are when I have a headache and cannot stand any up do or must take it down.

December 31st, 2010, 01:45 PM
When you all say you wear it "up", what do you mean? Up in a bun? Ponytail? Right now I'm in 2 downward braids. The last time I did that I as 12.

for me an "up" style is either some kind of bun or braid. A braid contains the hair minimizing most types of damage. Shorter to maybe BSL/mid back may consider a ponytail "up" but I'm a bit long for that :)

Just mt :twocents:

December 31st, 2010, 01:57 PM
Yes! It usually revolves around how recently I have washed my hair though... I basically plan my wash days around when I want to wear my hair down. I've been known to push a wash day for 5 days or so to make sure my hair will look good down on day 6 (I wash twice a week.)

I like how I look with my hair down, more so than with it up, so I look forward to the wash days.

Unfortunately, the weather plays a part in it... I live in Oregon. It is either damp, raining or freezing here during the winter, so my hair has to be blow-dried on the cold setting, and then oiled and put up. If I don't, my hair will freeze, literally.

December 31st, 2010, 02:04 PM
I plan hair down days sometimes. I rarely wear my hair down outside, so it'll be days when I'm in the library. I tend to put my hair in a sleep bun the night before or better yet wash it that morning so that it's actually straight or at least has soft waves. I love loose bun waves in my hair, but I usually sleep with an English braid, and braid waves just look frizzy and scrotty on me. :( I think it's because my braid is so skinny, so the waves end up very tight.

When you all say you wear it "up", what do you mean? Up in a bun? Ponytail? Right now I'm in 2 downward braids. The last time I did that I as 12.

When I say "up" I mean in a bun - a braid is a braid to me rather than an updo. :)

December 31st, 2010, 02:19 PM
Mild planning, I guess. If I want my hair down, which is very rarely now, I only wear it down on the day I wash it. I get the greasies really quickly (and it doesn't vary no matter how much I try to get my scalp used to once-a-week washes, so I just roll with it)

January 1st, 2011, 06:28 AM
I also plan my down days and wash days.

Mostly after washing I braid my hair and leave this in the whole day and night. The next day wear my hair down because I have more volume this way. My hair is normally very straight and very thin. Waves from the braid last about 5 minutes, but do give me some more volume for the rest of the day.

Sometimes I plan my down day on the wash day. This way my hair gets really soft and really straight.

January 1st, 2011, 06:37 AM
Yes, I plan my "hair down" days. I usually only wear it down during the warmer seasons of the year, and when I plan to wear my hair down I have given it some sort of a treatment in advance to make it look as good as it can:)

January 1st, 2011, 09:30 AM
No ... I wear my hair down pretty much every day, so no special plans for it. :D

January 1st, 2011, 09:59 AM
I usually only wear my hair down at home, because going out with it down increases my chances for damage. Everything from the shoulder strap on the seat belt, to purse straps, and even just plain old wind. But very rarely, I will wear it down out of the house, usually for a special occasion (date with my hubby!). And to protect it while in the car it goes up in a Ficcare. I have a fear of getting my hair caught in a zipper or in the car door, to I am ultra cautious.

But the real question was do I prepare for the down days, and the answer is yes. My hair is washed if it really needs it, then I use Nightblooming's Panacea Hair Salve while still damp to help seal in moisture. If it doesn't need a wash (my hair really only needs a wash once every week or 8 days as I don't have a greasy scalp at all) I will dampen the length to refresh the waves and add a bit of the hair salve again. I use that stuff daily, and it always seems to soak in even when used heavily, leaving my hair feeling silky and soft and smelling divine. I have also used a few claw clips to get some root lift, they work wonders.

January 1st, 2011, 10:32 AM
Yes, when I want to wear my hair down I sleep with a very loose braid the night before, so then my hair is calmer and straighter with a few waves, even if I've had a bun for a couple days before.

January 1st, 2011, 10:42 AM
Yes I always do this. I'll usually pick one day of the week (most likely a day I have to work) and then plan to wash the night before if I'm going for braid waves or the day of if I'm just going to let it air dry straight. I only usually wear my hair down if I have to leave the house, so I feel it's pointless to wash it on a day I'm not going anywhere because I usually just keep it in a bun when I'm home.

January 2nd, 2011, 10:11 AM
I usually only wear my hair down at home, because going out with it down increases my chances for damage. Everything from the shoulder strap on the seat belt, to purse straps, and even just plain old wind. But very rarely, I will wear it down out of the house, usually for a special occasion (date with my hubby!). And to protect it while in the car it goes up in a Ficcare. I have a fear of getting my hair caught in a zipper or in the car door, to I am ultra cautious.

But the real question was do I prepare for the down days, and the answer is yes. My hair is washed if it really needs it, then I use Nightblooming's Panacea Hair Salve while still damp to help seal in moisture. If it doesn't need a wash (my hair really only needs a wash once every week or 8 days as I don't have a greasy scalp at all) I will dampen the length to refresh the waves and add a bit of the hair salve again. I use that stuff daily, and it always seems to soak in even when used heavily, leaving my hair feeling silky and soft and smelling divine. I have also used a few claw clips to get some root lift, they work wonders.
great! Can you please tell me what a ficcare is? My Internet searches are only giving me the defintion of the word, which means "to stick in" (Italian language. ). I'm all for stoping the damage to my hair. I've lost over 16" in length and half of it's volume over the past 5 years.

January 2nd, 2011, 01:55 PM
Nope - every day is a hair down day.

January 2nd, 2011, 02:40 PM
I dont ever plan I just go with the flow lol/

January 21st, 2016, 12:45 AM
No i never plan it all depends on my mood or how my hair behaves(as freshly washed hair never does what we want it to)i tend to wear it down without plan the day before :)

January 21st, 2016, 12:58 AM
There is only one day in the year when I will absolutely plan to wear my hair down and that is to go out to dinner on my birthday.

I will sometimes wear it loose to town on other occasions but they are few and far between as it's usually windy around here. Plus my hair is of a length that wearing it loose gets annoying pretty quickly. And I feel as if people are staring....and I'm not sure if I like that, to be honest.

January 21st, 2016, 08:00 AM
I stretch washes so I have to plan for "down days." I can wear my hair down no problem on days 1-3 after the wash (though lately I don't). Then it pretty much has to go up, or I have to use dry shampoo, or interrupt my normal once-a-week wash routine and wash it early for special occasions.

January 21st, 2016, 08:06 AM
I consider "hair down" days, but I never do it. The mop is too long for that. And it's usually windy here, so....no.

January 21st, 2016, 10:59 AM
Nearly every day is a 'hair down' day for me. I wash it every other morning, let it air dry, part it to the side and brush it out, then at night I sleep with it twisted and clipped on top of my head; the next morning it comes down again, the following morning I wash it, and the cycle continues. Creature of habit I am.

January 21st, 2016, 11:00 AM
Yep, definitely :) I wear my hair down after washing it to let it air dry... and if there are days I want to wear my hair out and down, I'll have to check the weather first ;)

January 21st, 2016, 11:39 AM
Most of my days off are down days. It's up for work and for sleep. I enjoy it down best on wash days when it's very wavy and bouncy. The moment I bun it or sleep on it the waves stretched right out. So it's almost always down for all of wash day so I can appreciate it.

Jo Ann
January 21st, 2016, 01:37 PM
During this past cold snap in Florida, I've been wearing it down. That hair scarf sure comes in handy :p

January 21st, 2016, 10:55 PM
Not really! I pretty much wear it down all the time and love having my hair down even at some situations that are expected for me to have it up! (work stuff, but I'm a hair anarchist :twisted: LOL) If I have it up is because i'm cooking or deep cleaning my house!.... also when its up is because I rather 1) feel reallyl lazy, 2)my hair is greasy 3) Im having a sad or anxious day!

A half up is a nice neutral area for me at some point, but I simply prefer the whole thing in my face and don't care really!

January 21st, 2016, 11:28 PM
Yeah, I plan when I want to wear my hair down. Usually, preceeding it, I make sure I've got my herbal treatments, a protein mask, an SMT, then a coney condish, leave-in, butter, and MO to seal all of it in.

That is the only way I wear my hair down these days.

When I follow my long routine, I don't deal with tangles from wind, etc.

But I have to plan it out carefully.

I do wear it to air-dry, but that's not really longer than a few hours. (If I wash at night, I sleep with a towel on, then let it dry as much as possible in the morning before putting it up)

Groovy Granny
January 22nd, 2016, 11:22 AM
I enjoy wearing my hair down in the cooler temps, but now that it is longer...it is drier and has more static in spite of oiling it, so I bun/braid it if it is blustery.

So yea....I go by the weather, and what day post shampoo it is to determine what style I will wear out....and always have an alternate plan in mind if that one doesn't work lol

January 22nd, 2016, 01:45 PM
I've been wearing my hair in an updo so much for so long that, yes I've actually started planning 'hair down days'. Typically I plan a whole outfit out for it & all....think I'm saving my higher neck sweaters this cold time of year for hair up days and a nice V-neck for when it's down. Keeps me warm.

January 22nd, 2016, 01:49 PM
Lately my 'hair down days' turn into obsessive S&D days... It never seems to end! I have to look extra hard for damage now (which is a good thing) but I worry I'm just not seeing it and end up agonizing over the same section for hours. I need an intervention :lol:

January 22nd, 2016, 03:28 PM
Lately my 'hair down days' turn into obsessive S&D days... It never seems to end! I have to look extra hard for damage now (which is a good thing) but I worry I'm just not seeing it and end up agonizing over the same section for hours. I need an intervention :lol:

Gosh this sounds like me if my hair is down i am on the look out and cannot help doing the S&D its addictive :)

January 24th, 2016, 11:42 AM
Gosh this sounds like me if my hair is down i am on the look out and cannot help doing the S&D its addictive :)

It really is. I have to start setting some limits or I'll drive myself mad!

January 24th, 2016, 11:42 AM
Today is wash day so I'm letting my hair down to soak in coconut oil before hopping in the shower.

Upside Down
January 24th, 2016, 11:47 AM
Absolutely. Like I will wash hair a day or two days before the day I want to wear it down (for whatever reason. Going out, a meeting, I feel like it, it seems like it won't rain etc) because it looks best a day or two later (depending on when in the day I wash and how I dry it).

January 24th, 2016, 11:50 AM
Absolutely. Like I will wash hair a day or two days before the day I want to wear it down (for whatever reason. Going out, a meeting, I feel like it, it seems like it won't rain etc) because it looks best a day or two later (depending on when in the day I wash and how I dry it).

That's exactly how I do it too! It looks best about two days later for me.

Agnes Hannah
January 24th, 2016, 12:36 PM
Nope, hair is only down when it is drying.

January 24th, 2016, 07:00 PM
I only wear my hair down on date nights... and for about 1/2 day right after i wash it :) Other than that it's up and out of the way, usually in a braid or a bun secured with a hairstick.

Upside Down
January 25th, 2016, 10:40 AM
That's exactly how I do it too! It looks best about two days later for me.

It is that perfect moment between poofy and greacy :silly:

January 25th, 2016, 02:12 PM
Not really. I only wear it down when I take pictures or when it's drying :)

chen bao jun
January 25th, 2016, 02:27 PM
Yes, I do. I plan them for weekends. My husband likes to go out with me with my hair down and the most likely time we go out is weekends--always on sundays to church and otherwise maybe on Saturday night.

My hair is prettiest when its just dried after washing with some leave in conditioner left in (I use tresemme smooth and silky, or aussie moist)
Unfortunately, it takes TWO DAYS to dry either in a loose braid or a wet bun. (Drying it loose does not work, tangle city).

So I usually plan to wash my hair on Wednesday mornings.

I have great curls for 2 days and then they start streetttcccchhing out and getting completely limp. By Monday, my hair is best put up in a bun. By tuesday, it looks long (whcih it usually doesn't) but since there's no curl at all, it looks piecy and stringy--although even on Tuesday if he want to go out, hubby will say, that it looks fine loose 'better than that old lady bun"

My siggy below is Monday hair (a couple of years ago, its longer now)--I wouldn't want to go out with it looking like that, but I chose it for a siggy because its embarrassing to note in my avatar that I've been on here since 2012 and show a pic of shoulder length hair, after more than 3 years. Which is the length my hair seems to be when my curls are really really nice and they look best out. It also has my hair under control (half up). As my hair loses it natural curl definition, it also gets LARGE. Worse if its frizzy, but definitely large, no matter what else. I have like a lion's mane by Tuesday.

I'd really like to find a way to wash, leave my hair out to dry QUICKLY (less in an afternoon or less) and not have both messed up curls and a the detangling job from hell (we are tlaking something like 3-4 hours, with breakage)