View Full Version : Going from dyed black to henna....

December 25th, 2010, 09:02 PM

I wondered if anyone would be able to offer some advice regarding a change in hair colour from hair which was dyed black [original colour being light brown]. My friend has dyed her classic length hair black for some years now and when she wanted to dye it with henna, a hairdresser in her local salon suggsted that she use peroxide. So far, she tried it twice since November and she also used henna, which dyed only a small portion of her hair red [some scalp hair].

Does anyone have experience of going from something dark to something lighter? Someone told me of colour strippers, but they also told me that since my friend has already used henna, she may have locked in the black hair dye and may not be able to remove it even with a colour stripper :(

Any suggestions that you folk may have are gladly welcomed!

December 26th, 2010, 02:08 AM
In my experience, Colorfix is the best colour stripper you can get. I don't know about locking in the black dye with henna, but since it's fairly cheap, I'd try the colour stripper. I used it on my hair multiple times and the condition was fine.

I henna'd over the colour stripper and it was fine.

Tips: do NOT use the third step in colour fix (can darken your hair and it's not necesarry) and wait a couple of days before you henna.

December 26th, 2010, 06:46 AM
I have light brown hair. I dyed it black. Then I hennaed. Then I colorfixed the black out. Even after hennaing it worked fine and I was so happy with the results :D

January 10th, 2011, 03:33 PM
I have light brown hair. I dyed it black. Then I hennaed. Then I colorfixed the black out. Even after hennaing it worked fine and I was so happy with the results :D

Did you use the Colorfix on your whole head or just the part that had the black dye? My natural color is a medium brown and I have almost black ends at the moment with very nice colored roots from hennaing this weekend. I'm hoping to avoid a catastrophy:) Thanks!

January 11th, 2011, 10:18 AM
Many thanks to those of who you replied!

This is my friend's hair at the moment :


I ordered two boxes of Color Oops, which I will post to my friend, soon. When I meet her, I'll take some 'after' photos and post them here. Fingers crossed that she'll get rid of the black!

Thanks once again!