December 25th, 2010, 10:21 AM
Hello! I'm a long time lurker who finally got around to emerging from under my little rock. I recently decided to (again) see if I can gat to terminal length and am at waist length right now with a whopping 29.5 inches of hair. Which is oddly enough, exactly half of my height! Yes I am on the short side and I can still find the best hiding places during hide and seek due to this little fact.
I am a recent college graduate who is searching for a job in this crummy job market, but is nannying in exchange for housing in the mean time. It is a rather awesome trade cause I can now say that I live in a pool house and it sounds all exotic and whatnot. Though I am only graciously allowed to share the space with my cat who thinks that it is her place.
Um, what else, I have been thinking about doing a henna gloss for a while just for the conditioning effects as well as for a little bit of color. Right now my hair care is mostly SO with conditioning every few weeks.
I am a recent college graduate who is searching for a job in this crummy job market, but is nannying in exchange for housing in the mean time. It is a rather awesome trade cause I can now say that I live in a pool house and it sounds all exotic and whatnot. Though I am only graciously allowed to share the space with my cat who thinks that it is her place.
Um, what else, I have been thinking about doing a henna gloss for a while just for the conditioning effects as well as for a little bit of color. Right now my hair care is mostly SO with conditioning every few weeks.