View Full Version : Urgent question!! Microbraid or metal clamp, which is more damaging?

December 23rd, 2010, 08:03 AM
I'm intending to put in some baby pink and platinum blonde extensions as accent streaks in my hair when I go downtown tomorrow, and most salons offer only two methods of installation. The cheaper one is the metal clamp; the extension is fastened with a metal clamp to the real hair. The slightly more expensive but still relatively cheap method is the Japanese braiding technique, where the extension is microbraided with a small section of the real hair for about 2 inches and then tied off with elastic. I am intending to put in 10 pinks and 10 blondes, scattered over my head, and to keep them in for just a month.

Back in 2008, I've done the Japanese braiding technique using 200 extensions to do a full head of hair, extending my APL hair to hip, and kept it in for 6 months. When I took them out I lost a lot of my real hair in the process and over the next 18 months the thickness never recovered until I chopped to BSL.

Considering the small amount of extensions I'm putting in, for the short period of time, which method would be the least damaging for me?


I went and did it yesterday (Christmas Eve). I didn't really like how it was positioned; too chunky and too few, as opposed to the thin, scattered strands I wanted. I blended baby pink with platinum blonde to make a cotton-candy pink.



They were microbraided in and tied with very thin elastic. They are also very easy to hide when I make updos or braids, so these are totally work-safe and school-safe! (Although sadly I am a NEET - Not in Employment, Education or Training)

December 23rd, 2010, 08:56 AM
Speaking as both a young hairstylist myself, and as your personal friend I have to honestly warn you that ALL methods of permanent hair extensions are at least somewhat damaging to your hair. The only safe method of hair extensions are the temporary clip-in extensions, the ones with the little clips that you can put in and take out yourself. If you really want to avoid hair damage, why not buy these clip-in extensions?

To answer your question as to which method would be less damaging, since you only plan on wearing the colored extensions for just one month, I would say that the microbraid method would be less damaging. I have seen the kind of breakage that results from clients who have done the metal clamp method. Over time, those metal clamps will literally break off hair strands right where the clamps are tightened with the pliers. So even though you yourself have already stated that you did lose your own hair from doing the microbraid method, since this time you are only wearing them for a much shorter time I would say the microbraid method is the less damaging one.

I still would NOT recommend that you do it however. Are you sure you still don't want to consider doing the clip-ins? I'm only saying because I'm looking out for the best health of your hair. :grouphug:

December 23rd, 2010, 09:08 AM
Awww thank you ericthegreat! I did consider clip-ins, but those are actually more expensive to purchase than doing extensions and are quite chunky, not to mention hard to find waist-long ones, as compared to the thin individual strands which is the look I'm going for. Also, I don't intend to keep the hair; after 1 month I'm going to throw them away. I don't like to have too many things cluttering up my storage space (and I already have so many clip in extensions in my natural color!). I promise to be extra gentle with my hair!

P.S. I will eventually get some clip-in ones. I've been eyeing a cotton-candy pink with black leopard spots clip-in hair extension on Etsy. It's too flashy not to pass up!

ETA: Bottomline is, I want something cheap and temporary. Buying clip-ins in colors I may never wear again aren't cheap or temporary as they would forever be stuck in my drawer collecting dust.

December 23rd, 2010, 09:23 AM
I would definitely think microbraiding would be the safer route. Keep in mind too that a lot of those hairs you lost the last time around when you took out the extensions, might also have been naturally shed hairs that would have fallen out during the time you had the extensions in, were they not being held in place b/c they were stuck in the braid, KWIM?

December 23rd, 2010, 01:13 PM
I'm no expert, but also 6 months seems like a long time to keep extensions in, which can result in damage. I think that for just one month, you're fine with either way, though clips-ins are nice because you can take them off at night, and sleep better.

December 23rd, 2010, 01:57 PM
It also sounds like the microbraids would be the least damaging to remove, as well. I could be mistaken because I am certainly no expert.

December 23rd, 2010, 02:03 PM
I would definitely think microbraiding would be the safer route. Keep in mind too that a lot of those hairs you lost the last time around when you took out the extensions, might also have been naturally shed hairs that would have fallen out during the time you had the extensions in, were they not being held in place b/c they were stuck in the braid, KWIM?

I agree with this!
I think microbraids are the safest method.
I also think that adding pink and platinum extentions is a MUCH better idea than dyeing sections of your own hair.
I wanna see pics!

December 23rd, 2010, 02:11 PM
I have no experience of microbraids but I had micro-ring ( I assume these are the metal clamps you are talking about, with silicone on the inside for protection ) extensions in platinum blonde in my black hair for a bit of fun earlier in the year, I have to say that I didn't find them that damaging, I barely lost any hair, but my poor long suffering hair seems to stand up quite well to abuse x

December 24th, 2010, 08:28 AM
Okay, I did it! I ended up doing only 5 extensions instead of the 20, but that was because I blended the pinks and blondes to make a very light, cotton-candy pink effect, and the extensionist split the bundle into 5 sections. I wanted 10 thinner sections, and I kinda wish I had been firmer with my decision, because the 5 sections still look quite chunky and piece-y. The extensionist talked me into the 5 chunky highlights and I guess it's because it would make her life easier. They aren't very obvious, but sort of 'peek' out of my real hair like a surprise guest. She used the Japanese microbraiding technique; apparently the metal clamp method isn't used anymore because it isn't as popular. I'll post a pic once I take a nice one.

The ends of the extensions are damaged beyond belief! For the 5 little sections I spent over 2 hours S&D'ing them until I could run my fingers through smoothly.

December 24th, 2010, 12:31 PM
Pictures please. :)

December 24th, 2010, 07:57 PM
Pictures added in first post! :D

December 24th, 2010, 08:25 PM
Between your extensions & my tinsel, we would be such a festive set (^(oo)^)

December 24th, 2010, 09:00 PM
Pictures added in first post! :D

Ohh! I love it! You and your hair are beautiful. Thank you for sharing.