View Full Version : Attention Hennaed ladies who started from dark brown!!!

December 20th, 2010, 01:29 PM
I am freaking out!!!

So this is a little late, for me anyways, I've had Henna slopped on my head for over three hours now.

I used some pure stuff that my husband purchased for me when he was in Jordan about a year ago.

I thought to myself "might as well just be brave and use it, if anything I'll get some great condition and shine".

I've used cheaper hennas before, and always like the results, but when I was using it my hair had been previously bleached, and I was going for Irish orange red.
I've just slopped 4 cups of the stuff onto my 39 inch hair(three hours ago) and I am now freaking.

If I hate it I am stuck with it, I know that. If I hate the colour on 39 inch hair that is going to be a HUGE disaster.

I guess I'd like to talk to all you ladies out their who started with dark brown to see what kind of results you got.

There are many pics in my albums to show starting colour. DO you gals think I am going to end up with cherry brown hair??

I really don't want a cherry brown colour. What I am hoping for is VERY dark orange red is there any hope??. Or did I just kill my dream?

December 20th, 2010, 01:38 PM
I think based on your natural hair its gonna be more what you are wishing for than the cherry red..
Too bad nobody answered yet because im not really a henna pro.
Im now actually waiting to rinse out my first full henna aplliance and also quite freaking out because i can not change color anytime soon now.
Good luck ånd waiting to see your result!

December 20th, 2010, 01:39 PM
Go have a look at my henna album. Look at "Hairball 3". That's straight henna on dark brown hair with a couple strands of silver.

December 20th, 2010, 01:56 PM
I henndigo, so I can't really answer your question. However, if you do end up with the cherry brown that you don't like, IMO you could do a second treatment with henndigo & get back to your normal dark brown color. You could do a couple of strand tests to figure out the right ratios of henna & indigo to get back to a color of your liking.

ETA: I have a friend who has extremely dark brown to black hair, and when she hennas, her hair is still the same color unless you see it in the sunlight, in which case it has some reddish/wine colored highlights.

December 20th, 2010, 02:00 PM
Go have a look at my henna album. Look at "Hairball 3". That's straight henna on dark brown hair with a couple strands of silver.

if my hair turns out that colour I'll be over the moon!!

Off to go rinse out now.

Thanks for your replies ladies :)

Will be back soon with results and maybe a pic ;)

December 20th, 2010, 02:46 PM
Aw, I hope it turns out well for you. :)

December 20th, 2010, 02:48 PM
So far no cherry tones, just a VERY deep coppery auburn, but that is just the roots, the rest, is too wet to tell yet. If it turns out how it's looking so far, I am going to be ecstatic!

ETA: My hair is now air dried and it is PERFECT!!! I know the henna needs a few days to oxidize, but unless it turns cherry toned somehow, it is just gorgeous! My camera totally ruined the colour, so we'll have to wait for a sunny day for pics, but boy am I thrilled :cheese:

December 20th, 2010, 06:03 PM
I'm so glad it turned out well!

Mine is naturally dark brown, and I love it with henna, but I use burgundy henna so my results are probably much different than yours.

December 22nd, 2010, 03:28 AM
I have naturally dark brown hair and am hoping to get to red through henna. How did your turn out?

December 22nd, 2010, 01:31 PM
I have naturally dark brown hair and am hoping to get to red through henna. How did your turn out?
It turned out very nice, and has orange undertones, rather than cherry or burgundy. I like it, and will post pics as soon as I get an accurate colour photo. One thing I will say is that it is still very dark, and the red is more of a tint to my dark brown. I wouldn't say it turned my hair red.

December 22nd, 2010, 05:13 PM
One thing I will say is that it is still very dark, and the red is more of a tint to my dark brown. I wouldn't say it turned my hair red.

That is the nature of henna.....it will add a tint to your natural color. You cannot go lighter than your natural color with henna unless you lighten your hair first. You will notice that your color will also look different in different lighting. In soft inside light, my hair looks dark brown with a slight red.....in the bathroom brighter light, it looks like my avatar, and outside, it glows! I love it!