View Full Version : Hi from Pennsylvania!

December 19th, 2010, 03:11 PM
Hi from Pennsylvania! I've been lurking for a couple weeks and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Amanda, I'm 35 and live with my DH, DD6, and DS4. I work in healthcare, which I truly love, and that all pretty much fills my time. I'm a lapsed knitter/fiber fiend, and may get back to that someday.

So now I'm supposed to talk about my hair :)... OK, it's blond, highlight/lowlight, and damaged more than it looks. I have to use tons of product, blow it out and flatiron or curl it (see avatar), and then we keep cut, cut, cutting off the damage :scissors: It's been shoulder length for some time and I can't get past that this way.

Then I had a disastrous color job that nearly ruined my hair (I asked for lowlights and got solid greeny-gray-muddy brown hair - which ultimately had to be bleached/"lifted" out). :wail: Oh, and as I was absorbing that, she cut SIX INCHES off the sides in one big snip, chirping "I'll just put some fun layers around your face!"

So after bleaching out the bad color and adding something more natural-looking back in, I had capital-D Damaged Hair -- plus a really weird cut. And so I had to ask myself what I really wanted - and what I want is healthy, shiny, long natural hair.

And so I started looking for serious haircare, and ended up lurking here. A little dusting of the ends, a new CO routine (CWC on weekends), swearing (mostly) off heat and wearing my hair in protective styles six days a week... plus my new best friend olive oil :love:... and my hair looks and feels AMAZING.

I can't thank you all enough, and I'm happy to be here!

December 19th, 2010, 03:35 PM
Welcome to humble LHC! :D *Wave* :cheese:

My DBF is from pennsylvania. :inlove: (randomfactlol! :p )