View Full Version : Car-trip hair?

December 18th, 2010, 02:04 AM
So tomorrow I'm going on a day-long car trip with my mum down the Coast. I will be in the car 2+ hours there, and 2+ hours back. I need a style that will last all day, and that will hold steady through wind, rain, and possibly heat. (Australia is having very, VERY weird summer weather currently) Any ideas? Especially things that wont get in the way to the headrest in the car.


December 18th, 2010, 02:06 AM
I like to do 2 plaits on car trips. Also putting a little oil through the ends of your hair should help prevent it drying out from the wind.

December 18th, 2010, 02:08 AM
I personally find a French Twist with a Ficcare (or any other clip that holds well) inserted fairly high up on the head to be quite comfortable for a car trip. . . and for me, at least, it holds well under weird weather conditions.

A lot of people do twin French or Dutch braids, but I find that leaning against the headrest makes my braids look all mucked up by the time I get to my destination.

December 18th, 2010, 02:09 AM
French braids are very comfortable and easy to me.

A bun or ponytail type thing will interfere with the car head rest...

December 18th, 2010, 07:31 PM
I'm an old pro at car trips. A single English braid works better than a french braid for me. The part that is braided down the back of my head on a french braid always hurts when I lean or lay on it. Another favorite is a Figure 8 bun held with a Ficcare Maximas. The Maximas is curved and fits the back of my head when I lean back. It can also be quickly re-done if need be.

December 18th, 2010, 11:29 PM
I like to do 2 plaits on car trips. Also putting a little oil through the ends of your hair should help prevent it drying out from the wind.

Same, either that or one long braid you can throw over your shoulder.

December 18th, 2010, 11:52 PM
I would do a double french or dutch braid going into a single braid, although I am not so good at that hairstyle yet. That way, when you get out, you could bun the braid, if you wish, but there wouldn't be anything where the headrest hits your head while you are in the car.