View Full Version : Too cold!

December 18th, 2010, 12:42 AM
I have had henna on my hair for 13 hours now (normally it's 2) because I can't face going into my unheated bathroom to wash it out!
Goodness knows what colour it will be when I do get up the courage to wash it...:rolleyes:

December 18th, 2010, 12:50 AM
Lay towels on the floor, making a thin carpet of shaggy towel goodness from he door to the tub, keep the fluffiest on the nearest non-wet surface to the tub. Run a warm-as-you-can-stand bath and close the door to let the room steam up for about ten minutes. Go in and soak for a few, mermaid soak and shower as needed. Wash your henna out and wrap up in your fluffy towel. go to your room and dry off, put on warm pajamas and slippers (flip-flops will do) pick up the towels after you have gotten dressed again. No feet on cold tile, minimal cold air exposure!
Good luck and please post shots of your new color!

December 18th, 2010, 12:52 AM
13 hours now? Wow, I hope there aren't any adverse effects from leaving henna onto your hair for too long (even though I've heard nothing but good things about using henna). I can empathize about it being very cold, lately these past few weeks its been at freezing or even below freezing here in NY. I also hear there have been terrible snowstorms all across the UK where you are. It looks like it will be a bad winter this year. :(

I do hope you can eventually find it in you to wash it all out!

Edit: Good idea PrincessBob. I would follow her advice. Cover the floor with towels so you don't expose your bare feet to cold tiles and run a very warm bath, and close the door so the steam and heat can build up.

December 18th, 2010, 12:54 AM
Thank you Princess Bob, I will try some of your tips! I can't run a bath because I can't get enough hot water for a whole one, BUT I will run a small one so I can stand in it while I shower.

December 18th, 2010, 12:57 AM
13 hours now? Wow, I hope there aren't any adverse effects from leaving henna onto your hair for too long (even though I've heard nothing but good things about using henna). I can empathize about it being very cold, lately these past few weeks its been at freezing or even below freezing here in NY. I also hear there have been terrible snowstorms all across the UK where you are. It looks like it will be a bad winter this year. :(

I do hope you can eventually find it in you to wash it all out!
Thanks Eric. Yes, it is really cold here. The snow has melted since yesterday but there is more on the way. I really dislike it. Every year we have snow here, and the country comes to a standstill. I don't understand why because it's not like it's unexpected!

December 18th, 2010, 01:48 AM
Did it!! Thanks for the moral support:)

December 18th, 2010, 01:50 AM
how did the colour turn out? Pictures? :)

December 18th, 2010, 02:02 AM
Do you have small space heaters in the UK? I am lucky enough to have central heat here, but I have a bathroom with a skylight that is vaulted. It goes up 14 feet. In the winter ALL my nice warm. steamy air goes right up the skylight where it cools, condenses, and then rains back down, literally. I bought a little tiny heater that we only use in the winter and only when showering/bathing.

December 18th, 2010, 02:22 AM
multiple times during this cold patch I have slept with conditioner on my hair because I did the first 'C' of CWC and then didn't want to get in the shower, brrrrr. So I empathise. Our shower has pretty low water pressure so I'm cold when I'm in it, and we can't afford to run the heating that much. I just call it a deep treatment though :p

I hope your colour came out okay despite the wait :_

*Rose Red*
December 18th, 2010, 02:26 AM
yes, how did the colour turn? any bad side effects of leaving it on your hair for this time? Or good effects?
My bathroom is so cold too, I think I take a shower at the gym today.

December 19th, 2010, 07:56 PM
:disco::disco::disco::disco::disco::disco::disco: id have popcorn but I have the dancers to keep me warm, how did it turn out? and yes its brass monkeys here and my blinking radiator is broke!

December 23rd, 2010, 11:02 AM
How did the color come out?

We dont have central heating here either so we installed a heat vent that works with the normal bathroom vent.. works awesome! Run shower or tub and bam foggy humid warm bathroom.. we do the towel thing too cause ceramic tile gets to cold for my feeties!

And I always plug the tub when I shower to keep my feet warm :) i am notoriously cold

December 23rd, 2010, 11:17 AM
I use the kitchen sink to wash my hair - actually I always do this - but especially in the winter! The kitchen stays warmer than the rest of the house.

Also I find it easier to use the kitchen sink to wash out henna.

December 23rd, 2010, 11:26 AM
I'm really curious to see how the colour came out. :)

I must admit, since it's got colder, I have been stretching washes even longer than usual because the prospect of big, cold, damp mass of hair drying on my head in this temperature is just not appealing. Oily scalp be damned. :p Incidentally, do you get proper snow every year? I don't know how far north you are, but down in East Anglia it's kind of normal to get less than 1" of snow, one or maybe two days of winter, and then it's gone by lunchtime. Some years there just isn't any, full stop. These past few winters of proper snow have been really odd!

December 23rd, 2010, 11:43 AM
The colour came out fine- sort of a dark auburn- nothing surprising or unusual, sorry!
Ravenreed there are no electric sockets in the bathroom so I can't plug any heater in.
No Peppermint tea, we rarely get snow here because I live by the sea. Like you say, the last few winters have been strange.