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December 15th, 2010, 01:10 PM
Here in Sweden long hair on men is very associated with the metalcommunity, and women that is not into that kind of music dislike long hair on men in general.

it´s fairly common that they walk away straight away if a man with long hair starts to talk to them in a club.

How are things where you live? Do men with long hair get a lot of attention from women?

December 15th, 2010, 01:22 PM
There are not many men with long hair where I live (west coast, US). I've seen a few at my university(and theres my dad...but I think he just does it because he's too lazy to cut it). I don't think long haired guys are getting much love from the ladies. I think long hair is awesome and it wouldn't stop me from talking to a guy in a club, but in general its associated with either metal music or just laziness. More guys should grow their hair out, and bring it into style.

December 15th, 2010, 01:31 PM
Up in Portland, Oregon, it seems there are men with hair of varying lengths and types and most people don't think twice about it. Super long dreds sometimes get more attention, but I've seen plenty of men with longer hair and not noticed anyone reacting one way or the other.

December 15th, 2010, 01:41 PM
In this affluent area (I'm in one of the richest counties in the US, but my family certainly isn't rich!) long hair on men is "hippie" or "biker."
In my college town that had more of a culture blend, it was more acceptable.
There was a man last year with GORGEOUS strawberry blonde hair in an impeccable french braid that I almost talked to on the road, but chickened out at the last minute. He kept pulling up next to my truck and smiling. (yeah, maybe a creep factor, who knows)

December 15th, 2010, 01:48 PM
I actually miss seeing nice long hair on men. The men in my town that do have long hair usually don't take care of it... lot of matted, mangled, man-manes here. :rolleyes:

My husband's hair is nearly shoulder length and he has dark blond big curls and very thick hair. I HOPE he grows it further because he would look absolutely gorgeous with it at APL and a leather jacket (which he's getting for Christmas). My brother also has long hair, His is fine and thin and he keeps it in a pony tail. It suits him.

Heavy metal isn't as associated with long hair as it use to be back in the days of hair bands, but it's making a comeback. Dragonforce (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jgrCKhxE1s)is a good example of sexy long haired men (swoons... especially the Asian guy :poot:). Back in the late 80's and early 90's every guy had long hair and a lot of them wore it really well...it even crossed over into the Country and Western bands... Now, only Willie Nelson still has long hair, but he had it before anyone else. :cool:

December 15th, 2010, 01:55 PM
Where I live it's also associated with the metal or boarding cultures. There's also a lot of latinos who have long hair gelled in a ponytail, or older "rocker" men. It's not really common in the mainstream.

December 15th, 2010, 02:05 PM
I'm pretty sure they either love it to bits, or hate it with a passion.
At least from what I've gathered, I don't really do surveys about it :P

December 15th, 2010, 02:05 PM
I live in a very liberal college town and I often see men with dreads and long hair. One of my ex-boyfriends had long hair when we first started dating and I have lots of other guy friends who have long hair! I suppose since it's a college town it's more accepted, though.

December 15th, 2010, 02:09 PM
I'm in Arizona and there are lots of long haired men--cowboys, Native Americans, Hippies, Metal Heads, Goths, professors, lawyers. Just about everybody, really. There are a lot of women here with waist and hip length hair as well.

December 15th, 2010, 02:10 PM
Well, maybe not very surprising, but it's a bit the same in Norway as in Sweden ;)
Long hair on men is a bit stereotypical of metal fans, but of course not everyone with long hair are metal fans, and most people realise that :p

Most girls I know like both metal and longhaired guys ;)

December 15th, 2010, 02:12 PM
It's off culture where I live, but not a big deal. I don't see it as something women flock to, but it doesn't seem too offputting (as long as the girl isn't just stuck up or shallow). What we tend not to like is the unwashed look, or smell. There are three kinds of long haired guys I usually see. 1. Off culture high school or college kid. Not all guys at this age are too good at the hygene thing. 2. Hippie of any age. 3. Creepy drifter guy or pedismile guy at the nightclub. The latter tends to give the rest of them a bad name. That's my only real issue with it. On the other hand, I've seen a few professionals in nice business suits and beautiful long hair lately, so maybe that's starting to turn around a bit.

I dated a stage crew "theatre dork" in high school for a little while. He had long hair, but it was clean and he was a really nice guy. No problems there.

December 15th, 2010, 02:16 PM
There are a few here that I've seen. Some are professional but most are in bands and don't look as if they take much care of their hair..

I saw a white man on my college campus that had short hair except for two longish badly cared for dreads. Needless to say it looked revolting.

December 15th, 2010, 02:22 PM
Long hair on men is a bit stereotypical of metal fans, but of course not everyone with long hair are metal fans, and most people realise that :p

I have met a couple of people from other countries, Latin American Indians, in particular that has got long hair without being metalfans but it´s for sure unusual that none metalheads has got long hair in Sweden.

It is somehow negative to stand out here in Sweden unlike the US where girls told me "Hey, you look like Ozzy!" when I want out to clubs pretty often.

It seems like the American girls that love long hair on Men tell it to them straight away in general.

December 15th, 2010, 02:31 PM
Well, maybe not very surprising, but it's a bit the same in Norway as in Sweden ;)
Long hair on men is a bit stereotypical of metal fans, but of course not everyone with long hair are metal fans, and most people realise that :p

Most girls I know like both metal and longhaired guys ;)
Same here :p hehe.

That or they are seen as hippies or the guy with the guitar. I like longhaired guys too <3 As a fantasy fan I often associate men with long hair with elves :o
My love for long hair has even catched on to my boyfriend, he likes his hair longer now, which is nice.

December 15th, 2010, 02:56 PM
At my uni campus there are many longhaired men (but then again, the majority of the students are men, so I guess you naturally get more longhairs then). It actually seems pretty normal. XP I think it looks good, but I am just one woman. :P

December 15th, 2010, 03:04 PM
There are a good number of men here with long hair, but it's a very blue-collar town so there are an abundance of bikers and metal heads around. I don't notice them getting negative attention in general. Not sure how women feel about it. My best friend is only attracted to men with long hair.

December 15th, 2010, 03:10 PM
I live in s-e europe.

15% of the young women like men with long hair, cause they make asociations wish rock and unconventional lifestyles.

the rest think men with long hair are weirdos and filthy.

I personally like men with long hair, cause I just think it's sexy.

December 15th, 2010, 03:17 PM
Well, here in California, we have a lot of long haired surveys and skateboarders and hippies... So men with longer hair is common. Me personally, I love men with long hair. I think it's pretty sexy ;)

I means surfers not servays

December 15th, 2010, 03:31 PM
Around here in NE Pennsylvania it isn't all that common to see men with hair much longer than shoulder blade length. That is probably I am a little hesitant to set my goal longer than that. I plan to get a little past my shoulders and stop.

It is precisely the fact that many men don't care to or know how to keep their hair clean that I am here. I want to learn how form the most experienced people on the planet.

December 15th, 2010, 03:33 PM
My boyfriend has long hair and usually needs to wear business like suits.
The combination of long hair on a man and decent* clothes seems to still surprise people here (Netherlands), which is weird, because that combination is not THAT uncommon!

Fortunately, most people just don't care about it, but it might affect the first sight impression for some.

December 15th, 2010, 03:37 PM
I'm not sure what women think about men with long hair in my part of the world. I haven't done a survey, and women are pretty different, so I'm sure opinions are varied. I also think it's probably only one of a few "cues" that we notice when meeting or seeing someone new - long hair on its own won't communicate much.

December 15th, 2010, 04:05 PM
Up in Portland, Oregon, it seems there are men with hair of varying lengths and types and most people don't think twice about it. Super long dreds sometimes get more attention, but I've seen plenty of men with longer hair and not noticed anyone reacting one way or the other.

Do you like living in Oregon? I have been thinking of relocating up that way...

December 15th, 2010, 04:17 PM
Its not common here (small town) where long hair on men is considered anything below ear length.Went to uni in a big city where it's more common among emos/stoners.
A male friend with shoulder length curls got constant comments along the lines of "ooh your hair's long, can I touch it?" so I guess that's positive :D

December 15th, 2010, 04:42 PM
My little brother has TB-length hair, and my boyfriend has waist/hip-length hair. It is uncommon, but I like it :) I live in Denmark

December 15th, 2010, 04:50 PM
One of my colleagues is ONLY attracted to men with totally shaved hair or short buzzcuts, but then again her own hair is in a short pixie. Kind of the opposite of many LHC girls with long hair who love long hair on men. But then again, I'm not sure how I'd feel about my hair if I dated a guy whose hair is longer than mine.

December 15th, 2010, 05:09 PM
My boyfriend has long hair and usually needs to wear business like suits.

Hot, hot, HOT. :eyebrows: The one and only time I ever experienced love at first sight, that's what the gentleman in question was wearing... That combination never fails to catch my eye.

Long hair on men isn't that unusual where I live; I see it on downtown government/business types, musician/construction worker types, and pretty much everyone in between. As far as I know, there is no consensus among the womenfolk about it - some dig it, some don't. The only thing I'm sure we all agree on is that if it's long, it better be clean and well groomed.

December 15th, 2010, 06:02 PM
I like men in general, long hair or not. When I was a metalhead teen I was infatuated with men with long hair but now I've learned to appreciate short hair on men.

However in my country, every male citizen above the age of 18 has to go for mandatory military service for 2 years, and then every subsequent year they have to go for annual 2-week military reservist training until they are 45 years old. It is mandatory for them to have short hair, hence it is extremely rare to see males with long hair. Also, almost every school has a short-hair-on-males policy, except for tertiary institutions, but since most men go to college and university after military service, they would naturally have short hair. The exceptions are Sikh men, but then they just hide it all under the turban.

Hence, if a man has long hair here, it either means he is a foreigner, or exempted from military duty.

December 15th, 2010, 07:04 PM
Men with long hair here are usually spiritually connected to the land and representing their island ancestry/ culture. Certainly surfers have longer hair here, and hippies, too. I like long hair on men, but can see how women may not be attracted to them if it represents something they have no affinity for.

December 16th, 2010, 04:00 AM
I live in s-e europe.

15% of the young women like men with long hair, cause they make asociations wish rock and unconventional lifestyles.

the rest think men with long hair are weirdos and filthy.

I personally like men with long hair, cause I just think it's sexy.

s-e, that´s short for southeastern Europe I guess or? ;)

In what country do you live?

I know that many women in Greece like long hair on men

December 16th, 2010, 04:44 AM
Around here, if a woman says she likes a man with long hair that usually means shoulder length at the most. From the usual suspects they are talking about, I think this is preferable to some women than short hair, like if an actor grew his hair for a role.

I mostly move in circles heavily into the arts and music. What we would call long hair never really comes up, probably because it's rare rather than strong dislike.

Personally I prefer very short hair on a man, which DH has. It's not that I dislike long hair on men, just myman.

I'm in Wales, UK.

December 16th, 2010, 12:39 PM
My city is really conservative when it comes to men's hair. To the point that when I see a longhaired man, my first thought is "unemployed". Which isn't to say I dislike the look; done well it's lovely. Just that's how it seems to go here.

December 17th, 2010, 04:37 AM
My city is really conservative when it comes to men's hair. To the point that when I see a longhaired man, my first thought is "unemployed". Which isn't to say I dislike the look; done well it's lovely. Just that's how it seems to go here.


Here in Sweden people associate long haired men with heavy metal music. I am talking about shoulderlength or longer.

Unemployed people here tend to have short hair in general for some reason :rolleyes:

December 17th, 2010, 04:43 AM
Here in Slovenia (Europe) long hair men are usually associated with metal music or reggae (long dreadlocks).. My ex boyfriend had classic lenght hair and he was into the metal subculture.

December 17th, 2010, 07:54 AM
I am in West Texas so some hate it, but personally I LOVE IT!!! My Guy has bsl hair...he hates that term...lol.

December 17th, 2010, 08:37 AM
Well, I think around here they are generally lumped into a one of a few groups. There is the biker group, the "I'm in a rock/metal band" group, the hippie group and the reinactor group. There is no surfing here whatsoever so that isn't a stereotype I hear a lot, we also don't have a large Native American population so there isn't exposure to that.

A lot of women seem attracted to men with long hair............or maybe that is just my friends.;) I think it is because they seem to have a bit of an "edge" to them and they flaunt convention.

December 17th, 2010, 09:11 AM
I think it depends on the woman, and individual women can change their minds on the matter over time.

I, for one, am kind of tired of these threads where we make big generalizations about groups of people. We're all individuals.

December 17th, 2010, 09:35 AM
Well I can't speak for the majority of women in my area because I have no idea to be honest, so I'll speak for myself. I love long hair on men as long as it's taken care of. I hardly see any men around here with long hair and the few I have seen had hair that was very poorly taken care of. I wish more people would grow their hair longer around here.

December 17th, 2010, 09:46 AM
In the 80's when "hair bands" were popular , alot of guys around here had long hair ! Someone always had something to say , but in general I didn't feel a big negative vibe to it. Most assumed they were slackers and in a band.

Now, however , it's rare to see a man with long hair and more often than not a negative stereotype is applied to them. Makes me sad really. I love long hair on a man but most I know have cut it for work or because they got tired of all the comments.

December 17th, 2010, 09:48 AM
Long hair is fairly common in all circles in SF, from business to pleasure, from gangsters to professionals. I haven't noticed long haired males lacking attention in general...or in particular (myself). Sure, there is dirty and unkempt, but that is also across the boards, and not restricted to long hair.

December 17th, 2010, 09:55 AM
Here in Boston, long hair frequently means "geek, probably works in software". If the guy is showing other signs of being a geek (like wearing lots of black), I start wondering if I know him from somewhere. My social circles are very geeky indeed, and contain many long-haired men. :)

December 18th, 2010, 05:31 AM
There are quite a few posts that exemplify why so many people feel negatively about long hair on men. They automatically try to put a man with long hair into a "group".

I dare anyone to try to place me into any of those stated "groups".
I'm a very conservative man, with the one exception being my hair.

I am well aware how so many men with long hair give the rest of us a bad name. So many men just want long hair, regardless of how it looks. Length is the only goal. So it can look like heck, but that's okay with them because their only concern is for their hair to be long.


December 18th, 2010, 05:40 AM
lol, for me all is true, i am geek and somewhat metalhead(not metal only what i listen, but this is the main) :D, but i love long hair, and if i would not like this type of music, it would not have effect on my hair length :), i wear it long cause i love it

December 18th, 2010, 05:57 AM
There are quite a few posts that exemplify why so many people feel negatively about long hair on men. They automatically try to put a man with long hair into a "group".

But the question was pretty general, wasn't it? "What is long hair on men associated with where you live?" and in a lot of places where short hair is the norm, long hair is very closely associated with specific groups. I know men who have long hair and don't listen to metal, but that doesn't change the stereotype.

December 19th, 2010, 06:08 AM
In Belgium it kinda depends a bit on how long the hair is but men with long hair are mostly considered to be artists, hippies or treehuggers on one hand or metalheads on the other hand.

December 19th, 2010, 07:37 AM
I don't often see men with long hair here in my city. It's mostly Latino and I don't know how much the Latin women go for that.

December 19th, 2010, 08:15 AM
Men are supposed to keep their hair short, at least that's the idea where I come from. It doesn't have to be super short, but longer than the neck, reaching shoulders is often looked upon as dirty, not maintained, just not done unless you want to stand out (and that's not perceived in a positive way).

December 19th, 2010, 10:26 AM
Here in Sweden long hair on men is very associated with the metalcommunity, and women that is not into that kind of music dislike long hair on men in general.
This is the kind of statements that makes me bristle.

it´s fairly common that they walk away straight away if a man with long hair starts to talk to them in a club.
Really? Says who? Did you ask every single woman who ever walked away from a long haired man in a club why? Did every single one of them reply “Long hair, ew!”?

The truth is in the eye of the beholder. If a guy has somehow got into his head that women don’t like him because of his hair there is nothing we can do to change it. A thousand replies with “Oh no no no, women here where I live thinks very highly about men with long hair!” cant change it if a man starts a thread like this with the intent of feeling like a victim.

Maybe the women in the club walks away from the long haired man because he isn’t their type. Maybe they are just there to dance and have fun. Maybe they have a boyfriend and don’t want to talk. Maybe he doesn’t have an attractive personality. Or maybe they pick up subconsciously on the “Oh you’re going to turn down poor me because of my hair, aren’t you?”-attitude.

How are things where you live? Do men with long hair get a lot of attention from women?
Women are not a hive mind. Women are actually people. People with different and unique tastes. Real human being who might even find something attractive that isn’t “The Norm” in their society. Some of us *gasp* even are happy with a guy that isn’t even our perfect physical fantasy. Because by the end of the day, what truly matters is what’s on the inside. And feeling victimised and rejected and blaming it all on one single physical feature is definitely not attractive in a man.

December 20th, 2010, 03:46 AM
This is the kind of statements that makes me bristle.

Really? Says who? Did you ask every single woman who ever walked away from a long haired man in a club why? Did every single one of them reply “Long hair, ew!”?

The truth is in the eye of the beholder. If a guy has somehow got into his head that women don’t like him because of his hair there is nothing we can do to change it. A thousand replies with “Oh no no no, women here where I live thinks very highly about men with long hair!” cant change it if a man starts a thread like this with the intent of feeling like a victim.

Maybe the women in the club walks away from the long haired man because he isn’t their type. Maybe they are just there to dance and have fun. Maybe they have a boyfriend and don’t want to talk. Maybe he doesn’t have an attractive personality. Or maybe they pick up subconsciously on the “Oh you’re going to turn down poor me because of my hair, aren’t you?”-attitude.

Women are not a hive mind. Women are actually people. People with different and unique tastes. Real human being who might even find something attractive that isn’t “The Norm” in their society. Some of us *gasp* even are happy with a guy that isn’t even our perfect physical fantasy. Because by the end of the day, what truly matters is what’s on the inside. And feeling victimised and rejected and blaming it all on one single physical feature is definitely not attractive in a man.

Maybe I have been spending too much time with the infamous Swedish "Teenybopper" community where the girls tend to either love or hate long hair on guys depending on if they are into metal or not :p

December 20th, 2010, 04:22 AM
When I think of guys with long hair I think of alternative lifestyle, metal music, motorcycles.

Then, my all american, foootball playing, fraternity boy boyfriend decided to grow out his hair!

Its easy to stereotype people and everyone needs reminders that you can't judge a book by its cover.

December 20th, 2010, 02:48 PM
It's pretty common where I live. I've seen men of different "groups" with long hair: metal heads, Goth, pagan, hippy, business men and so on. No one seems to be bothered or even think about it here. I love it however ^_^ long hair on a man is one of the sexiest things to me.

December 21st, 2010, 10:19 AM
It's pretty common where I live. I've seen men of different "groups" with long hair: metal heads, Goth, pagan, hippy, business men and so on. No one seems to be bothered or even think about it here. I love it however ^_^ long hair on a man is one of the sexiest things to me.

Really, never knew that it was common in Colorado. Do you come from Aspen perhaps?

December 21st, 2010, 07:52 PM
Really, never knew that it was common in Colorado. Do you come from Aspen perhaps?

I'm in Arvada. I think the fact that I work retail and see so many people in one day, that I get to see more long hair than most.

December 23rd, 2010, 06:17 AM
I'm in Arvada. I think the fact that I work retail and see so many people in one day, that I get to see more long hair than most.

Sounds great, a met a girl from Colorado here in Sweden recently, she was a lot more fun to hang with then the Swedish girls. Maybe she loved my long black hair :p

December 23rd, 2010, 07:40 AM
When I think of guys with long hair I think of alternative lifestyle, metal music, motorcycles.

Then, my all american, foootball playing, fraternity boy boyfriend decided to grow out his hair!

Its easy to stereotype people and everyone needs reminders that you can't judge a book by its cover.
I think my wife could have written this :)


December 23rd, 2010, 08:16 AM
Here in Northern Ohio men with long hair are associated with low socioeconomic status and unskilled labor, men who ride motorcycles, do blue collar work. musicians, or guys who do not work at all.
OF COURSE there are exceptions-I'm not looking to disrespect or pick on anyone here.

December 23rd, 2010, 10:06 AM
I'm one of the few in my area who actually likes long hair and prefers it to short... I think I see a higher percentage than most as I go to metal shows where the elusive long haired male comes out of hiding (I see the same ones at shows... they MUST live near, yet I never see them before dark (vampires maybe? Lol) and so rarely not in association with a show... unfortunate as I adore long hair on men... maybe I should learn to like short hair? ... ... ... but I don't want to!

December 23rd, 2010, 11:17 AM
I don't know that I can speak for all of Texas. In my hometown of Austin, a liberal college town - longer hair on men is prevalent to the point of not being stereotypical of anything. Where I live now in Houston, it could "mean" lots of things, maybe musician, rocker, or biker or hippy or indicative of a culteral preference or gamer/sci-fi type. Easier to say what it doesn't mean - probably mostly doesn't mean conservative businessman. Not saying there aren't any - I know there are, but mostly, in banking and the financial industry you don't see long hair on guys.

December 24th, 2010, 01:18 AM
I'm one of the few in my area who actually likes long hair and prefers it to short... I think I see a higher percentage than most as I go to metal shows where the elusive long haired male comes out of hiding (I see the same ones at shows... they MUST live near, yet I never see them before dark (vampires maybe? Lol) and so rarely not in association with a show... unfortunate as I adore long hair on men... maybe I should learn to like short hair? ... ... ... but I don't want to!

Find a guy with short hair and tell him to grow long hair ;)

Here in Sweden it´s common that guys cut their hair or remain a shorthair since it´s easier to get hot girls if you are a shorthair.

January 10th, 2011, 03:42 AM
Ontario, Canada = men with long hair don't have a job.

January 10th, 2011, 04:22 AM
Here in Sweden it´s common that guys cut their hair or remain a shorthair since it´s easier to get hot girls if you are a shorthair.

I'd say we have a VERY liberal view on men's hairstyles in Sweden in comparison to many other countries, for example it's completely accepted (though uncomfortable, I am told) to wear one's hair long when completing one's military sercive. Also our minister of finance wears his hair long which should say something of the level of acceptance towards long hair on men.

As for it being easier to get hot girls when you have short hair? Ahh if only a specific hairstyle would be the final soution to the dating game, so many boys and girls would exhibit so much less frustration on saturdays at around 3:00 AM :-P

January 10th, 2011, 10:06 AM
Here in Sweden it´s common that guys cut their hair or remain a shorthair since it´s easier to get hot girls if you are a shorthair.

LHC is not a dating site. That comment was unnecessary, stupid and narrow-minded. I have reported you.

January 10th, 2011, 10:16 AM
Women are not a hive mind. Women are actually people. People with different and unique tastes. Real human being who might even find something attractive that isn’t “The Norm” in their society. Some of us *gasp* even are happy with a guy that isn’t even our perfect physical fantasy. Because by the end of the day, what truly matters is what’s on the inside. And feeling victimised and rejected and blaming it all on one single physical feature is definitely not attractive in a man.

I agree, I love long hair on men, however I have dated men with short hair, and my DP whom I have been with for 8/9 years often shaves his (shame really, it's beautifully thick and pure black). I still appreciate the attractiveness of long hair on men when I see them, but I would never base attraction on hair alone.

OP: I have to disagree with you saying only guys with short hair get the hot girls. It's not true at all. It is probably more of a case of you judging a girl solely on her appearance and not getting to know her, thus not allowing her to get to know you, that gives you that impression.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - I have friends who have a set type they go for, and friends who have none at all. For me, despite my love of long hair on a man, it is more about the kind of person they are.

January 10th, 2011, 10:42 AM
I hate to agree with TheBluffs but...all my guy friends with long hair cut it when they went for interviews. I think you can grow your hair longer once you have a job secured, but it's super hard to get past the interview process with long hair.

What do I think about long hair? Depends on the guy. I tend to like shaggier hair on guys, but my boyfriend looks awesome with a buzz cut. I even help him shave his head. I saw pictures of him with long hair, and it just doesn't suit his face.

However, there was this bartender in Sannomiya when I lived in Kobe...oh boy...his hair was in a short ponytail. He was SO HOT. I had the biggest crush on him. <3 _ <3

January 10th, 2011, 10:57 AM
Mmmh, I like long hair when the hair is well kept and not scruffy, but my partner has very soft, baby thin hair and unfortunately he is loosing it on top and will be soon bald with a crown around his head, runs in the family.
So I don't think that long hair would look any good on him. He can pull a "mad monk" look if he does not shave and cut his hair for a whole winter, but no long "metal hair" for him, only a goatee beard :wink:.

January 10th, 2011, 11:45 AM
Some of the answers in this thread don't quite make sense to me, answer the question.. or.. the explanation that it means they are into metal/bikes or are musicians is supposed to mean it is seen as a bad thing?

Perhaps I am just out of touch with normal society here but I don't see why that would be a negative reason to have long hair or why it would be bad to be judged as being into said things.

January 10th, 2011, 12:04 PM
Where I live, its not that uncommon to see long hair on men, although still not considered 'the norm', I suppose. I personally LOVE men with long hair, and wish more men would grow their hair out. :P Many girls I've spoken to don't like long hair on guys if it goes past shoulder length. But there are still a lot who like it.

I really like it though. My first boyfriend had very gorgeous midback length hair!....of course then he cut it into a buzzcut after we parted. :(

Also, my older brother has had long hair since being around 14 and is now 20. His hair is waist length and curly. Lots of girls love his hair!

January 10th, 2011, 03:55 PM
Ontario, Canada = men with long hair don't have a job.

Are you kidding me :P My boyfriend has BSL hair and works with me. Of course it is a part time job while we are both going to University. :p But I guess you`re right when you say that, because it is harder for men with long hair to get jobs here. But nonetheless, I`ve seen a few long haired men working around here.

January 10th, 2011, 04:11 PM
I have always had a personal rule.... never date a man whose hair is nicer than mine, lol!

That being said.... some years back there was this one guy, a grad student who worked in our office for a while, who had the most GORGEOUS head of mid-back blonde curls. He was about 6 foot 2, with a neatly trimmed beard, nice build, deep voice, absolutely gorgeous looking hands.... ...... ...... sorry, drifted off there for a while, lol. :oops:

Anyway, I was (very happily) married and about 10 years older than he was, but I had the worst crush on him!!! I actually used to blush when I talked to him. I had to go home and tell my husband about it, lol - thankfully, he is not the jealous type, hee hee!

He popped back in the office about 2 years ago to say hi, and he had cut all his hair off short. It broke my heart! :)

Curly Hermione
July 1st, 2011, 03:41 PM
Over here (UK), it depends on peoples individual opinions, but long hair on guys is generally considered "unusual", but it's not that uncommon, there's a guy in my year with blonde mid-back length hair, he reminds me of Haldir in the Lord of the Rings! (i'm always relating stuff to LOTR, i know, i'm a bit nerdy:o)

Anyway, I think people give him stick for it, but I actually think it looks cool, and admire him for being so different and keeping it long all this time, not succumbing to pressure and all that.

My friends and I discussed this once, and we where all (me especially!) pretty keen on guys with long hair. I really don't see why people have a problem with it, I would have thought that our society would have reached a stage where something like hair length wouldn't be a big issue. I guess some people (read: neanderthal immature boys at my school) are just shallow.

Besides, length isn't as important to me as how healthy the hair is, slightly long, shiny hair is going to look better than much longer, damaged dry hair with loads of tangles and splits.

Basically, I don't care about guys hair, short or long, it's all good! Although I do tend to veer slightly towards longer styles, but I think that's because it just stands out a bit more.

July 3rd, 2011, 10:39 AM
Where I live it's very conservative (unfortunately), and most of the girls here prefer preppier guys with the short hair, fauxhawks are preferred :P I however, find long hair very attractive on men! When I first met my boyfriend he had long shoulder length, metal head-banging hair that I just melted for!! :D (he has since then cut it, but he still looks amazing! ;))

July 3rd, 2011, 10:49 AM
Long hair on men is fine where I am. I live in central Texas surrounded by college towns and free-thinking types. Also, there are lots of back-to-the-landers/homesteaders that wear grey ponytails. It is not a rare sight at all for the local cowboys to sport a nice ponytail, under their cowboy hats, as glorious as their faithful steeds' :)

July 3rd, 2011, 10:54 AM
Where I live (Florida.. on the beach), long hair either means surfer, skateboarder, or rocker. As for what women here think about the guys with long hair, I dunno. It's not often seen (I'd say 90-95&#37; of guys have short hair), but I've never really heard anyone complaining. It's kind of just like everything else - it depends on the guy. Some guys can pull it off and get tons of girls, other guys can't.

July 3rd, 2011, 10:56 AM
I live in Brighton, Uk which is pretty well known for being quite hippy and relaxed. It is probably more common for guys to have long hair here than it is short hair...

August 22nd, 2011, 09:19 AM
i like long hair on men as long as its kept nicely and taking care of, but then again im in love with the 17,18,19 century!

August 22nd, 2011, 09:41 AM
I'm not sure what other women think of guys with long hair. I think people can sometimes be rather devided, especially if it's not well cared for, but I've not often heard anyone complain about long, well cared for hair. But still, it's not that common for guys around here to have long hair :(, partially because there are a few growing out stages that are not that well viewed amongst others here, namely when it's long enough to no longer be considered short by the masses, but not quite long enough to put back out of the way if they need to. Like chin length. I don't know what it is, but a few women I know seem to have an objection to it, because it looks "messy". But then they don't moan about women with similar length hair.:confused:
:shrug: I don't know. Personally I like any hair thats longer than a buzzcut. Especially if it's well cared for, as a lot of guys hair are. Although, I generally like long hair on anyone, but there are always people who will object to the kind of hair that is considered by us to be long.

I saw a guy in Morrisons (one of the supermarkets) with really shiny, straight with the slightest hint of a wave, lovely looking BSL hair (not really the longest by our standards, but certainly beyond the regular short cut). I couldn't see a single split or flyaway. I thought it was gorgeous.:D

elbow chic
August 22nd, 2011, 09:47 AM
Around here it says "biker." Not necessarily bad, but it's not a mainstream thing, either. If I were single I'd probably try to kind of avoid that whole scene, but I don't get the impression that all the ponytailed bikers are hurting for lovin' :p

My husband had long hair back in the 80s, part of his Euro-trekking jazz-playing hash-smoking free-spirit "phase." He's too bald now to really pull off long hair but back then he was pretty gorgeous with his wurly brown mane and Converse sneakers. :laugh:

You don't see dudes like that around here, though.

August 22nd, 2011, 11:16 AM
I'm French, and here too long hair on men is associated with metal.....I love it , whether they are into metal or not, i just love long haired men. I used to live in holland, and there rich guys who want to show off the fact that they are upper class often have longish hair, around shoulder, often in a ponytail.....This actually looks painfully ridiculous to me, but I think it's just that social status game thing that i cannot stand... (i have asperger's :D )

August 22nd, 2011, 11:31 AM
I'm in a California surfer town, so long hair is fairly common on men here -- dreds and waist-length hair tend to go without comment (except by tourists), since they're seen on every type of man from college guys to businessmen to awesome old hippies.

I really like long hair on men, so I enjoy the view in my town. :)

Cassie 123
August 22nd, 2011, 12:06 PM
Here in Boston, long hair frequently means "geek, probably works in software". If the guy is showing other signs of being a geek (like wearing lots of black), I start wondering if I know him from somewhere. My social circles are very geeky indeed, and contain many long-haired men. :)

This ^^. Long hair is found around here on all kinds of men and women of all ages, but when it comes with a geek vibe, I start wondering if it is somebody who works with my husband.

August 22nd, 2011, 01:31 PM
http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/images/editor/separator.gifLong hair on guys here? I usually associate it with someone in a band/skater type.

It's really not something I prefer, but to each their own. I personally don't think my boyfriend would look good with long hair at all, for example. I have a guy friend, though, who looks great with it.


August 22nd, 2011, 02:04 PM
Ha! I live in the South Bible Belt. If a guys hair covers his ears he's considered sloppy by most. Though I will say the town I grew up in did accept a "mop top" kind of look on most guys. Still, if it touched your shoulders it was way too long.

I'm not a fan of this at all, and plan to let my children grow their hair out if they want to, male or female. Of course I'm also one of those people who couldn't care less if my son were to wear nail polish or a skirt.

August 22nd, 2011, 02:12 PM
Time for me to move to Sweden then, haha. I LOVE men with long hair(and I'm quite partial to my metal).

It's not so much a bad thing around here. Wellington's a pretty accepting city; we've got so many different people, there's not really that much negative stigma. I do, however, think there aren't enough long-haired men..

August 22nd, 2011, 02:22 PM
Here in Arkansas (southern US), long hair on men is fairly unusual and normally signals that an individual is part of a subculture (music scene, adventure sports, etc). Even then, most keep it relatively short --- it's rare to see a guy with hair past his shoulders.

It's not usually remarked upon, but having grown up here, I have to admit that really long hair on a guy just looks strange to me, outside of historical reenactments.

August 22nd, 2011, 02:51 PM
In my church (LDS), most people disapprove of long hair on guys. I guess there's just an expectation for church members to look clean cut, and assume that long hair on guys looks sloppy regardless. No rule against it though unless a guy wants to go on a mission, where short hair is required (similar reasons to the military, uniform and low maintenance).

But in the general population where I live (Montana, US), long hair is somewhat common. There are a bunch of demographics that tend to have long hair: rednecks, bikers, hippies, earthy "granola" types. And just people who enjoy the laidback environment.

August 22nd, 2011, 04:20 PM
I guess here (NSW Australia) it's similar. A lot of guys with long hair here are into metal but I've never seen anyone actually walk away from or not want to talk to a guy because he has long hair or because they assumed he was into metal. I guess australians are pretty laid back and not likely to go to the effort of shunning someone if they're not being annoying or something. It's also associated with the surfing community and people have their own opinions about guys who surf.

August 22nd, 2011, 09:22 PM
I live in Utah (conservative) and it's not common to see men with long hair here, and I reckon most women would't find it appealing. That said, I don't have a problem with it. Hubby had shoulder length hair when we met; he cut it when I went on vacation and I was soooo mad when I got back! A lot of his friends had long hair too (mid 90's). As long as it's clean, who cares?

August 22nd, 2011, 09:29 PM
I'm in a large Independent Baptist church that is also home to a Bible college. Long hair on men is definitely a very tiny minority in the church, and not allowed at all at the college. Personally, I like it when men have hair that's just a bit longer than the college's rules (Not allowed to touch the collar of the shirt or cover the tops of their ears). But not by a whole lot. I think that I'm just really used to seeing men with short hair, having grown up in an environment that requires it.

August 22nd, 2011, 09:50 PM
I live in a hippie college town so long hair on men is a dime a dozen. Nobody thinks twice about it.

August 22nd, 2011, 10:14 PM
I think it's weird, but that's just because I associate long hair so much with women. Lol, I think DH would rather cut his hair with a pocket knife then grow it out long! :p

August 22nd, 2011, 10:30 PM
But in the general population where I live (Montana, US), long hair is somewhat common. There are a bunch of demographics that tend to have long hair: rednecks, bikers, hippies, earthy "granola" types. And just people who enjoy the laidback environment.

You really think so? I live in MT as well and I think it's really rare to see it outside of the Native community. Or the homeless. Where I live, at least, people tend to automatically assume you're gay if you have nice, well-kept hair and are a male.

August 23rd, 2011, 02:19 PM
I haven't seen many men with long hair since I moved here (east New York). Maybe there is a stigma about men wearing long hair, or maybe the colder weather (comparing with Tennessee) make it more practical to wear short. I don't really know.

August 23rd, 2011, 02:40 PM
Where I used to live it was quite popular for guys to have long hair (beach towns, surfers) and women liked it. Where I live now, inner center of a big cit,y you rarely see it, guess due to the corporate world. Sometimes you see business men with long hair though :) As far as I know from friends, a lot of women like long hair on men. I have no idea about the opinions of the general women here.
My BF has long hair and gets a lot of looks and smiles, so it must be liked by some :) he's not part of any subculture, he thinks long hair just looks better, easier to maintain (no styling needed, easy to put away in a ponytail) he says it's also very good in winter: you don't get a cold head and neck and good in summer against sun burn.

Originally Posted by sevencircles View Post
Here in Sweden long hair on men is very associated with the metalcommunity, and women that is not into that kind of music dislike long hair on men in general.

That's funny because when I was single it was the opposite for me (not a metal head): I would have been happy if a long haired guy came up to me, short hair not being attractive to me at all (although if thick and beautiful I would have seen the potential for it growing long LOL)

I like men in general, long hair or not. When I was a metalhead teen I was infatuated with men with long hair but now I've learned to appreciate short hair on men.

However in my country, every male citizen above the age of 18 has to go for mandatory military service for 2 years, and then every subsequent year they have to go for annual 2-week military reservist training until they are 45 years old. It is mandatory for them to have short hair, hence it is extremely rare to see males with long hair. Also, almost every school has a short-hair-on-males policy, except for tertiary institutions, but since most men go to college and university after military service, they would naturally have short hair. The exceptions are Sikh men, but then they just hide it all under the turban.

Hence, if a man has long hair here, it either means he is a foreigner, or exempted from military duty.

Awww how awful for men to have to cut off their hair yearly, it would never get long :( and to wait till you're 45, that's a long wait for someone who wants long hair. But isn't it discrimination?

I hate to agree with TheBluffs but...all my guy friends with long hair cut it when they went for interviews. I think you can grow your hair longer once you have a job secured, but it's super hard to get past the interview process with long hair.

My BF was afraid of that too (I still fear it) but has had many job interviews lately and no one said anything, maybe they didn't notice in was long because he had it neatly tucked away in a bun. Plus he had his 'super-geek outfit' on which apparently helps in his job field (they want dedicated workers of the geek kind) Since his hair is long enough to be all in a ponytail it looks more 'professional' than when parts of it escape or can't reach.

August 23rd, 2011, 03:42 PM
My country is very interesting about this issue. In the bigger cities which include universities, people are familiar to long haired men, and just think that they are university students. But in smaller cities and towns, long hair of men is generally related to homosexual orientation, by society of those places, and they do not accept long hair on their sons usually

August 23rd, 2011, 06:31 PM
well i live in southern ohio- its appalachia country here. i see men with long hair all the time (mostly mullet type-or long unkempt). sadly, it has the association of being a redneck or white trash-but i love a man who has long, clean beautiful hair! i think its a great look-depending if the man can carry it off. I have lived here for 8 years, and have yet to see a man that has long hair and i do a double take.... sad.

my brother used to have long waist length hair years ago and i loved it-it was dark and had a great curl to it.. i was quite envious! he is bald now...

August 23rd, 2011, 06:59 PM
Over here there is so much diversity, that there's not really any one answer to what "women" like. I do see guys with longer hair frequently, even below shoulder length is not uncommon. BSL (lol) and down does get pretty infrequent.
In fact, I had a teacher in high school that had shoulder-ish grey hair, was balding, and managed to make that look work. I have also had several university instructors with ponytails.

Personally, I think it's very sexy, but only if properly cared for. Nothing is a turnoff quite like long, greasy locks. I honestly don't know why anybody would keep hair like that :disgust:

August 23rd, 2011, 07:12 PM
I live in a military town, and while I cant speak for other's women's perception of long hair on men, I DO know that long haired men around here attract a lot of attention and looks. They're just so rare when seen next to the 99&#37; of the population that has an army cut. :)

August 23rd, 2011, 08:25 PM
People where I live (East Coast USA, college town) tend not to mind so much how long the hair is, but how it's kept.

What really irritates people is when a man has long hair, but doesn't take care of it and gets an hair of straggly damaged hair. They scoff and call it "unprofessional", while I think a woman with the same head of hair wouldn't get (public) comments.

However, there are a handful of men with gorgeous long hair and they are chick magnets. The girls are both jealous, and extremely in love with, their hair!

August 23rd, 2011, 08:42 PM
Where I live (Mexico) we usually only see long hair on musicians, surfers and expats. Oh, and on the tourists.
Mexican society is pretty conservative when it comes to hair length on men. Shame, because the men I know with long-ish hair make me so jealous! Thick, black and shiny as heck.

August 23rd, 2011, 09:40 PM
I'm from Arizona too and a lot of guys my age have long hair (late teens early 20's range). I've always had a thing for guys with long hair, even better when they're metal long hairs :D In fact my boyfriend is a long haired metal kinda guy

August 24th, 2011, 01:11 AM
What really irritates people is when a man has long hair, but doesn't take care of it and gets an hair of straggly damaged hair.

That bugs me too, I often think: but you got beautiful hair if you took care of it and I am jealous :p

August 24th, 2011, 01:14 AM
Around here (southern California) it's fine. :) I see a lot of guys with long hair, including young kids.

Malibu Barbie
August 24th, 2011, 02:07 AM
Long hairs are common here in the beach cities of CA. Really anything goes in my area.

August 25th, 2011, 09:11 PM
Here in Maine..long hair on a guy means unemployed living in mom's basement..uhgg!

August 25th, 2011, 09:20 PM
Here in Maine..long hair on a guy means unemployed living in mom's basement..uhgg!

It's kind of true. :( So sad.

August 25th, 2011, 09:38 PM
I live in a military community, so nearly all the men here have super-short hair cut in military styles. There are certainly some "rebellious teenage types" walking around with long hair, though - so I'd say that's how men with long hair are viewed here. Guys with long hair are perceived to be rebelling against the strict order of the military presence that dominates this town.

Personally, I do not like long hair on my man. And, for the record, my husband is part of the military so of course he is one of the shaved-ever-Sunday masses. :p

August 25th, 2011, 09:44 PM
.....I don't really know many guys with long hair where I live....

August 25th, 2011, 11:02 PM
I really don't see a lot of long haired men around here. I live on a small island on the west coast of Canada. The only ones I really see are aboriginals and many of them aren't the most respectable people though granted, some are very kind. Other than that it's the occasional small group of bikers that contain a couple long hairs. Apparently we have quite the gathering of Hell's Angels that come through my town, but I never really see them and if you aren't wearing biking gear you're automatically assumed to be part of the metal scene, especially if you wear band t-shirts. I see the odd man with APL hair in a pony, but their disposition is more like that of a bouncer. I'd really like to see more men grow their hair around here. It would certainly be an eye-catcher around here.

June 17th, 2016, 09:56 AM
Long hair on men is very rare where I am from, of course with the man bun craze its a little more 'popular' or should I say see a little more guys with long hair, and by that I mean shoulder length, anything longer is extremely rare

June 17th, 2016, 11:28 AM
There aren't a ton of long-haired men where I live, but some. As for what women think about them, I'm not totally sure. I know that back when I had long-haired boyfriends, other women would often make negative comments about their hair, but that's not an indicator for the general consensus...

June 17th, 2016, 11:35 AM
Very rare to see a long haired man around here ... I don't know about other women or 'general view,' but I like it. :)

June 17th, 2016, 12:28 PM
My fiance has just above shoulder length hair that he has been man bunning lately from the sheer laziness of not feeling like going to the barber, which I very much enjoy. I live in kind of a liberal hippie college town, so there are lots of long haired guys about and I don't really think there is a general view that I'm aware of.

June 17th, 2016, 01:02 PM
I live in a place that has a pretty dominant population of Natives/Eskimos so there are a lot of men here with beautiful long hair and not just them but a lot of others as well. Nobody seems to care or maybe they just don't notice because it is the way it is here:shrug:As for me the longer the better :)

Elizabeth E
April 3rd, 2018, 08:48 AM
I actually miss seeing nice long hair on men. The men in my town that do have long hair usually don't take care of it... lot of matted, mangled, man-manes here. :rolleyes:

My husband's hair is nearly shoulder length and he has dark blond big curls and very thick hair. I HOPE he grows it further because he would look absolutely gorgeous with it at APL and a leather jacket (which he's getting for Christmas). My brother also has long hair, His is fine and thin and he keeps it in a pony tail. It suits him.

Heavy metal isn't as associated with long hair as it use to be back in the days of hair bands, but it's making a comeback. Dragonforce (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jgrCKhxE1s)is a good example of sexy long haired men (swoons... especially the Asian guy :poot:). Back in the late 80's and early 90's every guy had long hair and a lot of them wore it really well...it even crossed over into the Country and Western bands... Now, only Willie Nelson still has long hair, but he had it before anyone else. :cool:

I agree that long hair on men is becoming more popular and not as associated with heavy metal anymore...but whenever I see a long haired guy I would secretly hope that he's into the music, ha ha! And yes, Herman Li from Dragonforce has some really epic hair - I think it's a little shorter now, but it was definitely knee-length at a time.

Elizabeth E
April 3rd, 2018, 08:59 AM
I'm one of the few in my area who actually likes long hair and prefers it to short... I think I see a higher percentage than most as I go to metal shows where the elusive long haired male comes out of hiding (I see the same ones at shows... they MUST live near, yet I never see them before dark (vampires maybe? Lol) and so rarely not in association with a show... unfortunate as I adore long hair on men... maybe I should learn to like short hair? ... ... ... but I don't want to!

I cannot agree more with this - I am hugely into metal myself, which is one of the main reasons I decided to grow my hair out. I was looking at all these guys with their lovely waist length hair and be like, 'Wow, they've got longer hair than me and I'm a girl!Sadly, I also don't often get to see long-haired men on regular days.

April 3rd, 2018, 09:11 AM
Loads of guys here are sporting a man bun with shaved or short sides. Most girls think it looks a little silly...

Sora Rose
April 3rd, 2018, 09:17 AM
There aren't many men around here with long hair, and only one that I can think of actually lives in town. However, one of my brothers is growing his hair out to see how it looks on him, and most of the girls seem to love the idea (excluding my mom). Personally, I've always liked long hair on men.

April 3rd, 2018, 09:45 AM
It's pretty common in Toronto. Especially amongst the folks that I'm around (metalheads). The vast majority of my male friends have long hair. :)

April 3rd, 2018, 10:23 AM
It varies. Some think it looks good, some don't. We still have a lot of people with the gender role mindsets so most think having long hair is not "manly"...

April 3rd, 2018, 10:33 AM
Men with long hair have always been a part of my life, so I think nothing special about them. If anything, I prefer it. I grew up with two brothers who both had very long hair (well past shoulder blades) and some of my partners have had long hair, too. I constantly encourage my boyfriend to let his grow long, but he has super thick hair, so he prefers it a bit shorter.

April 3rd, 2018, 11:22 AM
Like any other vaguely defined group, there is no single answer. Opinions will vary at the individual level.

Groovy Granny
April 3rd, 2018, 11:31 AM
Long hair for men or women is rare here; both sexes choose to wear it short; women curl/dye and men shave the sides.

We are out in the country so perhaps they must think this is big CITY styling :hmm:

April 3rd, 2018, 11:51 AM
I'm in Manhattan (NYC) and I see long hair here all the time.
Much of it though is on tourists I think.
The locals who have it long don't have it too long, like down their neck, but that's it.

Personally, I think some guys can pull off long hair, others can't. What no man can pull off is a "mullet". shudder:

April 3rd, 2018, 11:55 AM
I'm in Montana and it's 50/50 for men. Either really long or really short. I've never heard anything expressed positively or negatively.

April 3rd, 2018, 12:04 PM
I'm in London, anything goes from bald to long on a man or woman and no one would bat an eyelid. Still many men keep their hair short. Growing up in the Caribbean it was common for a few boys have long hair when they were younger than 5. Some still kept it long after that and others got the short cuts. It was never attributed to be for a particular reason though I have heard one superstitious reason. There are those that kept their hair long for religious reasons which was fine by everyone. Most grown men though had hair cut short and a lot of long haired men were in the creative fields and music industry. Locs were popular though not acceptable by everyone.

April 3rd, 2018, 05:10 PM
Long hair on men is fairly common in Denmark and not really a big deal. I used to have to listen to stupid remarks when I was a teen - I hardly ever hear them any more though. I believe most men with long hair are into metal - I've only known a few who weren't.

April 3rd, 2018, 05:23 PM
I'm in the San Francisco Bay Area, so a lot of people here are mainly comfortable doing their own thing as far as hair length goes. But then again, I hang out with musicians, so that may affect my perspective. :)

April 3rd, 2018, 05:53 PM
Florida here and it’s very much and individual thing. My hubby has hair middle of his back and it was super short when we met. I love it on him. He looks like a wild man. His hair is super thick and wavy and coarse.

April 3rd, 2018, 06:31 PM
There are no long haired men around here, it's all short back and sides stuff. What women think about long haired men? I don't know, I don't discuss it with them.

April 3rd, 2018, 10:27 PM
I'm in the San Francisco Bay Area, so a lot of people here are mainly comfortable doing their own thing as far as hair length goes. But then again, I hang out with musicians, so that may affect my perspective. :)
It isn't just musicians. So nice to be where people just don't care enough to police other people's choices!

April 3rd, 2018, 10:43 PM
Lots of long-haired men in Southern California. There are many who wear it short though. I went to Michigan over spring break and encouraged my brother to just leave his hair long. He said it was at the stage where it just got in his way. I told him to be patient and soon he could put it all back and out of his way. I'm going to send him a wet brush and some good hair ties. He was using rubber bands. Personally, I like long hair on men.

August 27th, 2018, 03:53 PM
I do see some longer haired men in Northern California but short hair is way more common. Now I am seeing the hair cut where the guys grow it on just on the top and put it into a small "man bun". I like this look too, and I like the look of men with longer hair as well.

August 28th, 2018, 01:58 AM
in romania you barely see a man with long hair. mostly rockers and bikers.
I was surprise to see how many men have long hair in germany!

August 28th, 2018, 04:19 AM
It depends. Some women like it, some don't.

We don't really have a big trend of long hair for men, so mostly hipsters and metalheads have it hahaha.

August 28th, 2018, 05:56 AM
The man bun is trendy here now, so half long hair is quite popular I suppose :p But long (for real) hair is most common among "metal people".

August 28th, 2018, 06:31 AM
Where I live it is mostly accepted to have a short cut, makes you more of a 'mans man'. Guys with longer hair are generally seen as hippies or young or trendy in some way. The same goes for long beards.

Personally, I would prefer guys to have long hair. I think it is sad that this cutting hair thing took over for them as the norm here. Not to say that it doesn't look really great, but it would be nice if it wasn't the only really accepted style. If a guy here looks for work, the first thing he usually does is cut all his hair short.

August 28th, 2018, 12:19 PM
I’m America, specifically in Texas, people encourage you to be yourself. Want long hair? Grow it out. Like short hair? Cut it. You’re liable to get cussed out if you push your own personal views and opinions on others where I live. Considering I live in a giant melting pot of different cultures.

April 25th, 2019, 12:24 AM
I've lived in two countries with two different opinions on it
In Australia people like it, it has the surfer vibe, and as long as it is clean, and in a bun for work or special events, its fine.
In Korea, people think it looks dirty and unhygienic.

April 25th, 2019, 05:33 PM
It never occurred to me to care what women thought about my long hair. Why would it matter? It's my hair not theirs.

Having said that, it is other men who give me the rare moments of grief. The most common response from women is positive.

victorian girl
April 28th, 2019, 04:39 PM
I live in Kaliningrad, Russia, and one of my friends has a husband who has (at least) WL hair. I'm a bit envious! And she has pink SL hair, by the way. They are not some rockers or whatever, just school teachers. I bet students like their looks a lot!

March 31st, 2020, 07:31 PM
I like my men very masculine and I don't identify long hair on a man as very masculine. No I don't prefer it. I like a classic cut on a man.

March 31st, 2020, 08:17 PM
I like my men very masculine and I don't identify long hair on a man as very masculine. No I don't prefer it. I like a classic cut on a man.

Would it help if we had a pet tiger?

March 31st, 2020, 09:06 PM
Would it help if we had a pet tiger?I had to look up Wikipedia to understand the reference. Tarzan... no. Mowgli... no. He-Man... yes! :)

I like my men very masculine and I don't identify long hair on a man as very masculine. No I don't prefer it. I like a classic cut on a man.I think that long hair makes men seem more masculine and women seem more feminine. Long hair is like a gender multiplier. It makes people seem more like people. :)

March 31st, 2020, 09:12 PM
I had to look up Wikipedia to understand the reference.

Tiger King, actually.

March 31st, 2020, 09:17 PM
Tiger King, actually. Okay, that is one that most people would not know.

March 31st, 2020, 09:28 PM
Okay, that is one that most people would not know.

But what about Carole Baskin?

April 1st, 2020, 12:03 AM
I think that long hair makes men seem more masculine and women seem more feminine. Long hair is like a gender multiplier. It makes people seem more like people. :)

I agree. We all grow hair (well, not all, but you know what I mean!) regardless of gender, and naturally speaking, hair length plays no role in femininity/masculinity. It's just a thing that goes together with our species.

April 1st, 2020, 12:06 AM
Men with long hair are not unusual on the island of Oahu. Lots of long polynesian hair on men and women so yeah, we all love it here - 2 thumbs up.

Lucy McLucyFace
April 1st, 2020, 03:30 AM
Portugal has a very aged population and obviously older people do not approve so most people don't like it, specially employers.
It's very uncommon in the first place but I think younger people don't care much if a guy has long hair :shrug:

April 1st, 2020, 06:30 AM
It depends on who you ask. The older generation usually doesn't like it. I have to say my sister-in-law is very supportive of me growing mine out.

April 1st, 2020, 04:56 PM
I like my men very masculine and I don't identify long hair on a man as very masculine. No I don't prefer it. I like a classic cut on a man.

Don't get me wrong, I like short hair on a man as well, it is just my preference, but to say that it makes a man more masculine... I wouldn't go that far, personally.

April 1st, 2020, 06:24 PM
It's all about individual preferences. Allow us that. I like short hair on men, it's as simple as that. It doesn't mean I think any less of any man with long hair, nor would I discriminate (well, unless it was absolutely filthy!) Men don't have to give any reason for growing their hair long, as far as I'm concerned.

April 1st, 2020, 07:16 PM
How are things where you live? Do men with long hair get a lot of attention from women?

It's always interesting to see the direction threads go, it's not always what was originally intended. which makes it particularly fun to go back to the true original host.

From 10 years ago, yikes!

The original question was not about general acceptance. The original question was about sexual attractiveness.

And coming from a man's perspective it's a bit ridiculous.

Every woman will have individual preferences anyway. And while it's true that some men consider those preferences when making decisions, not all of us do.

Obviously it's spawned an interesting discussion but it's really just a non-issue. At least for me.

April 1st, 2020, 09:05 PM
Men with long hair is unusual here in California, United States. If anything it will be shoulder length and they are most likely the surfer type. I’m in the mountains and I don’t personally know of a man with even shoulder length hair in my town. It’s crazy how it’s unusual