View Full Version : Let's Reach Our Styling Goals Together!

December 11th, 2010, 02:04 AM
I've set an exciting hair styling goal: by my 32nd birthday (March 9th, 2011) I will be able to create a lovely French braid on my own head -- or at least something worthy of wearing out into public. :D I plan on achieving this goal by practicing a bit each night before bed and whenever I have a little downtime in front of the TV or computer.

I thought it would be fun and supportive to start a thread featuring hair styling goals and keep up with everyone's progress.

So what styling goals do plan to accomplish in the future? Are you a beginner or an expert expanding your repertoire? Is there a special reason that you have chosen one or several styles to learn?

I'm excited to read the ideas and see all the yummy "finished" photos in this thread.

Oh, and if you have a specific date or time line in mind include it in your post so we can cheer you on! :)

Happy Styling!

December 11th, 2010, 04:36 AM
Ill try this! Its always been hard for me to do my own hair, so i usually just end up putting it in a ponytail or a regular braid. I would like to start using my elastic hair tie a lot less and using up-dos more.

So i think perhaps learning an up-do or two by the end january would be good for me. =)

December 19th, 2010, 04:10 AM
Hi, meggykins! :) Do you have any specific styles or looks in mind? Or is there a particular updo / member that has inspired you?

Update on progress: after only a week of practice I am thrilled with my results so far. I'm certainly not in a place where I would put up a picture of my handiwork, but I finally completed a whole braid last night. My arms still get a bit sore because of the time it takes but I am really encouraged by the improvement over a few days. :cheese:

December 19th, 2010, 04:16 AM
I want to learn how to do a French braid
& a Herringbone braid by the end of January!

My hands are very awkward with braiding
from behind my head, but if I work hard enough
I know I can do it.
-determined stare into the heavens-

:sushi: I love sushi.

December 19th, 2010, 04:31 AM
I've also been trying to master the French braid! I've finally got it kind of decent, but I'd like it to be neater and look more sectioned and more snug as well.
This morning I did my first Gibson Tuck, which I'm kind of thrilled with.
The next thing I want to try is a fishtail braid.

I can't wait until I have a few styles under my belt and I'm so happy I came across this thread :) I think it'd make learning a lot easier if there's other people learning with you.

December 31st, 2010, 08:46 PM
Hi, meggykins! :) Do you have any specific styles or looks in mind? Or is there a particular updo / member that has inspired you?

Hello! Sorry its taken me a while to respond...but i have been practicing, i promise!!!

Ive been looking at youtube videos by Hypnotica http://www.youtube.com/user/4ypn0tica

I really liked a lot of these...and ive been trying out the Nautilus Bun and the Flipped Bun. I dont have any hair clips to hold my hair with, so i am currently limited with just one hair "stick". (OH! I have a picture of my try at the Nautilus Bun in my album.)

If anyone knows of more updo ideas that are pretty easy, and will hide the ends of my hair, ill be willing to try them out. =)

December 31st, 2010, 08:51 PM
Update on progress: after only a week of practice I am thrilled with my results so far. I'm certainly not in a place where I would put up a picture of my handiwork, but I finally completed a whole braid last night. My arms still get a bit sore because of the time it takes but I am really encouraged by the improvement over a few days. :cheese:

Congratulations! You are making great progress =)

Once i have a few updos under my belt, i will make the french braid my next goal. (I am currently afraid of trying them on my own head o_o)

December 31st, 2010, 11:37 PM
I think this is a great idea!! Oh, and Happy New Year by the way :cheese:

I really need to be creative since I want a few updos under my belt but I have already found that sticks, claws, clasps, anything that starts with a pony, etc all tug at my hair, and bobby pins work but only so far in one style that sits at the nape of my neck. I am also hoping to start an album, so if progress is made, maybe successes will go there, maybe they'll just go in this this thread.

Oh, I recall learning those braids. Even now once in a while, I need to stop half way through and rest one of my arms, then the other! The two things I've learned are to go slowly, and to carefully work the strands so there is no snapping as I go along.

December 31st, 2010, 11:59 PM
I'm not good at styling my own hair at all! On others I am pretty skilled but I can't do any of those styles on myself :(. Whenever I try to braid my own hair I get REALLY dizzy and have even blacked out once. I'm thinking it is a blood flow issue so I try to keep my updos simple. My biggest styling resolution for 2011 is to figure out how to do updos that will protect my ends. I would like to be able to do a decent French twist and gibson tuck that can withstand Seattle's gale force winds this time of year.

January 1st, 2011, 12:10 AM
Welcome caadam, LissaJane, shikara and christine1989. And Happy New Year! :)

meggykins, great job on keeping up with your practice. I've been a little lax this past week but have picked it up again the last three days. Hypnotica and Torrin Page both have wonderful channels with great instruction.

I'm personally sticking to my French braid because it seems like the foundation to so many other styles and my hair is just too thick to put into any kind of buns yet.

One 'Aha!' moment I had last week was realizing that I needed to take small sections straight back to my braid instead of moving my hands down with each full "turn" of the braid. Still working on everything lying flat. :undecided

christine1989, you black out when you braid your own hair?! :bigeyes:
I can understand why you haven't had enough practice to gather a wide set of skills. Do you think that might be something worth getting checked out by a doctor?

And I feel you on the Seattle winds: I'm a cyclist in Portland, trying to find any kind of style that will withstand our wind and rain is ridiculous -- and we're an hour away from the coast!