View Full Version : Help with hair typing

December 7th, 2010, 06:02 PM
No matter how much i read about hair typing i still don't know what to call my hair. My typing on here is just kind of a guess.
My avatar picture, my signature picture, and my other pictures are all of natural, air dryed hair that was washed that day..if that info helps at all.

Thank you

December 7th, 2010, 06:08 PM
It looks 1b/1c. Maybe on the cusp of 2a in your signature pic.

December 7th, 2010, 06:09 PM
I think it looks like 1c.

December 7th, 2010, 06:11 PM
I vote for 1c as well

December 7th, 2010, 06:14 PM
I think it's a little bit wavier than 1c - maybe a 1c/2a, or a 2a. Just because the waves seem well defined. Very pretty hair!

December 7th, 2010, 06:20 PM
I think it's a little bit wavier than 1c - maybe a 1c/2a, or a 2a. Just because the waves seem well defined. Very pretty hair!

Thank you! and wow i didn't realize my hair had wave til now! i always considered it pretty straight

December 7th, 2010, 06:34 PM
My first thought was 2A. But 1C might be correct. One thing I know for sure; you're not as straight as 1B.

December 7th, 2010, 06:53 PM
Thank you! and wow i didn't realize my hair had wave til now! i always considered it pretty straight
Me too! I used to insist that my hair was pin straight. Until my older sister, who has pin straight hair, corrected me :p I love waves! They're so versatile - I bet you can make your hair straight by brushing it, and that it will hold curl as well - best of both worlds!

December 7th, 2010, 07:23 PM
I have trouble with hairtyping too. Thanks to some experiments I've been working on, I'm pretty sure that I've got everything from 1b around my face to 3b in my underlayers on the back. I had a hairtyping thread on here a bit ago where the consensus was 2c/3a, but my hair never looks like that if I touch it. The top is straighter.
Anyway, the point is, hairtyping is hard, and I'd give you a 1c/2a as well. Very pretty.

December 7th, 2010, 09:32 PM
I don't see any spirals in your sig, so probably not a 3. And you've got at least 4 full wavelengths in the sig picture, which is pretty damn wavy for anything in the 1 group. If the sig picture feels wavier than usual to you, I could see a 1c... but otherwise I'd put you in the 2s :).

I type myself as a 1b because I need to be tremendously fussy about careful handling and the perfect routine to get even two full wavelengths to show in my hair. About 1 time in 20, I show as many as 4 full wavelengths. It's MUCH easier to end up with 1 or 0 waves.

December 7th, 2010, 11:47 PM
Me too! I used to insist that my hair was pin straight. Until my older sister, who has pin straight hair, corrected me :p I love waves! They're so versatile - I bet you can make your hair straight by brushing it, and that it will hold curl as well - best of both worlds!

yeah my hair seems to get wavier the longer it gets, i love it :D

December 7th, 2010, 11:49 PM
I don't see any spirals in your sig, so probably not a 3. And you've got at least 4 full wavelengths in the sig picture, which is pretty damn wavy for anything in the 1 group. If the sig picture feels wavier than usual to you, I could see a 1c... but otherwise I'd put you in the 2s :).

I type myself as a 1b because I need to be tremendously fussy about careful handling and the perfect routine to get even two full wavelengths to show in my hair. About 1 time in 20, I show as many as 4 full wavelengths. It's MUCH easier to end up with 1 or 0 waves.

thanks for your help :D

December 7th, 2010, 11:58 PM
I think it looks like a 2a as well.. my hair is very similar in texture to yours and I would call myself a 2a, sometimes a 2b. Your hair is gorgeous though!