View Full Version : Male hairstyles?

December 4th, 2010, 02:56 PM
I have a friend who is also growing out his hair, He has now managed to get it to shoulder, apl when straightened, but he doesn't really like it down, doesn't think it suits him very much anymore.

He's considering getting it chopped back up to his collarbone but in doing so he wouldn't be able to tie his hair back (he has layers).

It's thick and probably about a 3b. I saw a video called TechnoVicking and I noticed that the guy featured in it had a french plait and it didn't look effeminate at all, so I was wondering if anyone out there knew any other hairstyles for guys.

Sorry if there are other threads about this, I could't find any.

December 4th, 2010, 02:58 PM
As a guy, I wear whatever is comfortable. It's all in the confidence. If I feel fine, it doesn't matter what other people feel. I'm happy. :)

December 4th, 2010, 03:00 PM
As a guy, I wear whatever is comfortable. It's all in the confidence. If I feel fine, it doesn't matter what other people feel. I'm happy. :)

I agree with Gumball. I used to wear (growing it out again right now) French braids or half-ups or buns or whatever I felt like. It's all in the confindence.

December 4th, 2010, 03:13 PM
He is definitely confident and comfortable with his appearance. He's just not sure if the longer hair is working for him but he doesn't particularly fancy going for the chop. I just want to offer him some alternatives, he seems to be looking for some. He's a really manly man down to the T so anything he could percieve as girly just won't fly with him at all.

I've been given more or less sole responsibility for his hair since I made him try conditioner and he loved it.

December 4th, 2010, 03:45 PM
Half-ups really suit long haired men, especially if the hair is around shoulder length. I recently taught DBF how to do it, and he says it is comfortable and nice looking wearing his hair that way.

December 4th, 2010, 03:52 PM
My boyfriend has APL hair. Here's some manly looking styles that he likes: single dutch braid, low ponytail, and braided low ponytail. Double french braids look very un-manly, but triple french (or dutch) braids can look very manly - kind of like fat cornrows. A simple half up can also look very masculine. Hope that helps!

I agree that men should be able to wear whatever hairstyle they want without being thought of as un-masculine, but I didn't realize until DBF started growing his hair out just how many hairstyles really do have a bit of a feminine look to them. I'd love to be able to find a true 'updo' for him, with the hair pulled up rather than just back. But so far my attempts have not been met with willing-to-leave-the-house-with-it approval. :p

December 4th, 2010, 07:23 PM
Masculinity or femininity are really just points of view, and actually just social contructs, aren't they? What one society (or individual) considers masculine or feminine, another may not.

December 4th, 2010, 08:07 PM
Masculinity or femininity are really just points of view, and actually just social contructs, aren't they? What one society (or individual) considers masculine or feminine, another may not.

I completely agree.

For the OP, tell your friend to do some google searching for 'David Beckham long hair'. He rocked the 'half up' do for a long time and there's nothing girly about that man.

December 4th, 2010, 08:27 PM
Masculinity or femininity are really just points of view, and actually just social contructs, aren't they? What one society (or individual) considers masculine or feminine, another may not.

It's true, but saying that the masculine/ feminine dichotomy is a social construct is not the same thing as saying that that dichotomy is completely meaningless or easy to ignore. Nudity is largely a social construct, but try going in public in just your underwear and see how far you get.

Women have traditionally had longer hair than men, and so it's not surprising that many updos have some feminine connotations. I'm glad that there are long-haired fellows out there who are challenging those traditional gender norms by having long hair in the first place, and also by wearing their hair in whatever style or updo that they desire. But it sounds like the OP's friend is looking for some styles that specifically do have a masculine look/ masculine connotations, socially constructed or not. Nothing wrong in that...

December 4th, 2010, 09:37 PM
It's true, but saying that the masculine/ feminine dichotomy is a social construct is not the same thing as saying that that dichotomy is completely meaningless or easy to ignore. Nudity is largely a social construct, but try going in public in just your underwear and see how far you get.

Women have traditionally had longer hair than men, and so it's not surprising that many updos have some feminine connotations. I'm glad that there are long-haired fellows out there who are challenging those traditional gender norms by having long hair in the first place, and also by wearing their hair in whatever style or updo that they desire. But it sounds like the OP's friend is looking for some styles that specifically do have a masculine look/ masculine connotations, socially constructed or not. Nothing wrong in that...

Nothing wrong with it at all. I certainly was not trying to criticize anyone or their points of view; just trying to emphasize that whatever others may think, this particular man needs only to wear what he likes with confindence. :)

December 5th, 2010, 12:16 AM
Nothing wrong with it at all. I certainly was not trying to criticize anyone or their points of view; just trying to emphasize that whatever others may think, this particular man needs only to wear what he likes with confindence. :)

I can certainly agree with that. ;)

Personally, I love seeing some of these arbitrarily assigned norms getting completely blown out of the water, but at the end of the day people should do whatever makes them happy. So if this guy wants to challenge gender norms by growing his hair out, while at the same time choosing hairstyles that reinforce some of those same norms, :shrug: works for me.

December 5th, 2010, 12:23 AM
Ive been doing the half up thing lately...(pics in album if ya wanna see it)..and upon joining here was even encouraged to try some hairsticks...which I have .....and I must say that it can feel rather refreshing.

December 5th, 2010, 06:24 AM
I don't know what updos look masculine, but my usual updo, a bun behind each ear usually with tassels dangling, doesn't seem common among women.

December 5th, 2010, 06:08 PM
I think Eomer's hair in The Two Towers and Return of the King is pretty awesome, if he wants a way to get hair out of his face but leave the rest down.

December 5th, 2010, 06:16 PM
I don't care if society thinks it's feminine or not ....when I see a guy sporting an updo and a hair stick...i swoon :crush:

December 6th, 2010, 02:34 AM
There are at least a few styles which will definitely not look feminine.
1. Half ponytail
2. Headband
3. Regular ponytail
4. Three strand braid
5. French braid

I don't care if society thinks it's feminine or not ....when I see a guy sporting an updo and a hair stick...i swoon :crush:

Great to read a thumbs up for long hair on guys. It would be wonderful if more people were as accepting:)

December 6th, 2010, 02:40 AM
I wear whatever I like. I am learning to do braiding slowly. I think braids look so pretty! If people complain I just pull out some facts from history and movies, and people then just seem to calm down and realize that i'm not totally weird. I can't wait until I have enough length of hair to flip it over my shoulder and braid it that way. My arms will be less tired by far!

As for feminine hair styles? I guess that that is more subject to one's personal opinion. I personally don't mind feminine hair style, but I am afraid of doing it in public. I guess i'm just too self conscious?

I think tomorrow I will wash my hair really well and put it up into pigtails just to do what I like:


I might not braid them but I really just want to do it because I love the look. Do you think that people will think i'm strange if I do that? (there goes my self conscience and my thinking of what people think of me again). In light of my worries what should I tell people?

December 6th, 2010, 02:46 AM
I also love the samurai hair on guys :)


This messy bun thing can be made with a hairstick too, preferably with a shiny black hairstick. And it works as a half up.

As "manly" hair accessories I would list shiny black and metallic things, and also leather.

December 6th, 2010, 07:11 AM
I don't care if society thinks it's feminine or not ....when I see a guy sporting an updo and a hair stick...i swoon :crush:
Hahahha I met another girl with hip length hair, and I mentioned that the first person I'd seen with hair as long as mine at university was a guy. She immediately demanded to know where she could find this guy and If I had his number to give to her. (I didn't :() But there are women out there who really want to meet long hair guys :D

December 6th, 2010, 07:49 AM
TechnoViking could be wearing pigtails with pink ribbons and still look manly :D
My point is, it depends on his style and how he wears it. My BF has long hair too, and before he used to wear only a low ponytail, then I taught him to do a bun and a plait (still teaching him that though), looks very good to me :)
I think simple hairstyles are the best for guys (an elaborate braided bun may not be the best if he's after a "manly" style)

December 6th, 2010, 12:28 PM
yeah, Im another guy who just suits myself and I couldn't care about a hairstyle being thought of as feminine.

But in regards to the original posters friend, I would advise him to go with a simple English plait, half-up or ponytails... French plaits are also great.

December 6th, 2010, 01:56 PM
Manly or invisible hair accessories help quite a bit, and so do obviously masculine clothes. Another thing I would do is try to find pictures of traditional long-hair hairstyles for men and use those. Men have dressed and groomed in a lot of ways with long hair and still looked manly.

I used to do my boyfriend's up: basic braid, low and high ponytails (sometimes braided), french braid, dutch braid, half-up (ponytail or braid), or buns. It was long enough to look really nice in a bun. We kept meaning to find out some ancient Chinese styles to use for his martial arts demos.

December 6th, 2010, 02:12 PM
Oh ! Hairtwisters.com they have these neat hair spiral things that , most people here would probably want , i know i want one! They are really cool , they look real tough on a guy , and depending what you do with them as a woman you can look like a roman goddess . Super neat :->

December 6th, 2010, 02:19 PM
Can't go wrong with a topknot.

December 6th, 2010, 03:54 PM
I think single braids look great on men, and not particularly feminine. There's a guy with TBL hair at my university (he always wears his hair down, though, the times I've seen him) and I'm so amazed by him, haha, he's the only long(er than ~chin) haired guy I've ever seen IRL.

December 6th, 2010, 07:13 PM
Ponytail, single braid, knot held with a hair stick, and a leather sleeve are my personal favorites. My husband is growing his hair long enough (again) for updos, and I'm trying to convince him to try a knot. I find that style quite masculine and flattering. He's a big Viking guy by the way--so nothing will look feminine on him!

December 6th, 2010, 09:01 PM
He is definitely confident and comfortable with his appearance. He's just not sure if the longer hair is working for him but he doesn't particularly fancy going for the chop. I just want to offer him some alternatives, he seems to be looking for some. He's a really manly man down to the T so anything he could percieve as girly just won't fly with him at all.Ask him if he wants to grow a beard. No amount of hair could make a guy look feminine if he's sporting a beard. :cool:

Personally, I love seeing some of these arbitrarily assigned norms getting completely blown out of the water, but at the end of the day people should do whatever makes them happy. So if this guy wants to challenge gender norms by growing his hair out, while at the same time choosing hairstyles that reinforce some of those same norms, :shrug: works for me.Same here. Hair is hair... on both men and women. :cheese: