View Full Version : Hair going from one extreme to the other!

November 30th, 2010, 11:16 AM
Hi all,

My hair is having the winter blues :(
end of last week i was irritated by dry frazzled feeling ends, my hair looked dull and was getting matted hrrrm:mad:
Beginning of this week i have greasy hair from pretty much root to tip thanks to leaving an intensive conditioner on for over an hour on sunday(aussie)... then... washing my hair with Jason (natural) conditioner, My hair is looking stringy and in need of a wash, but i don't want to be using SLS shampoo again as i blame this partly for my gradually dry fly away ends boo! Found Treseme really strips my hair, i always condition after but the last few week my hairs been looking worse for wear. Considering a rinse with bicarb of soda then washing with my Jason Conditioner( i have ordered the shampoo) still shedding too! aargh
What do people do in such times!? Thanks

November 30th, 2010, 11:38 AM
I never had any luck with Jason shampoos, safe to say I hated them. They always left my hair in an awful state. Personally I must use SLS, so I just wash less often and don't experience any added dryness as a result.
To me it sounds like you need to isolate a good routine/products that work for you and try to normalize your hair. I've found that a lot of back and forth, routine changing and product variances make my hair worse.

add - yeah clarifying and starting over sounds like a good idea :)

November 30th, 2010, 11:40 AM
Put my hair up and ignore it. Ideally as long as possible, and with as little washing as possible. On my hair, that wild swinging from greasy to frizzy would mean I was washing too often and my scalp was getting stripped of oils. Next stop is scalp pimples. Ewwwwie.

My skin is pretty dry, so once it starts swinging like that, the best thing to do is just not mess with it.

November 30th, 2010, 11:55 AM
I shall start using the motto less is more after my clarifying:D Im also going to go with the neglect route:)