View Full Version : Would you do it?

November 26th, 2010, 04:49 AM
This question is for those of you who would really want to and was given the opportunity to participate on some kind of a makeover show like "What not to wear", where they give you a check for thousands of dollars to spend on clothes, shoes and accessories but you knew that a part of the deal also included a total makeover of your hair, would you still do it? What if the hair stylist decided that "you look so much better with short(er) hair/ a completely different hairstyle and/ or a colour change". Would you still do it? What would be a deciding factor for you if you wanted to and could participate on a makeover show, would you say yes and have the opportunity to have a brand new wardrobe but risking ending up with a completely diferent hairstyle, or would you say no to the new wardrobe for the opportunity to still be able to have full control of what happens to your hair?:)

November 26th, 2010, 04:53 AM
If I said no to the new wardrobe and opted for the advantage of having full control over my mop...then really, I would have to have some other motivating factor urging me to participate. Would simply the opportunity to be on TV be enough?........hmmm...doubtfully. Maybe if they "compensated" in some way though......

But I can tell you this..........a few thousand bucks of new clothes is far from enough to make me cut my hair.

November 26th, 2010, 05:06 AM
If I could pick out my own clothes then I'd probably do it. My hair will grow back and I love clothes. If they were going to pick out my clothes then no because I think that the popular makeover shows tend to make everyone look the same: short business appropriate hair, office casual wardrobe, and way too much makeup for my taste. I like my own style better.

November 26th, 2010, 05:17 AM
No way - I like my style just fine, and I never EVER want to be on TV (^(oo)^)v

November 26th, 2010, 05:18 AM
My hair is holy. So there will be no makeover if they want to change my hair.

November 26th, 2010, 05:28 AM
I think someone on these boards years ago was approached by them. I forget if she did it but said do not touch my hair. Do any of you oldies remember who that was?

By the way I would not do it. Number one I don't want to be berated by what I look like now and how I dress. Nope don't need that.

November 26th, 2010, 05:46 AM
I never want to be on T.V

November 26th, 2010, 05:47 AM
I wouldn't do it even though my hair is relatively short. $1,000 is not a lot.
That said, there is a price at which I would cut my hair. I wouldn't accept clothes as payment though...it would have to be cash. $100,000 would do it for me :)

November 26th, 2010, 05:52 AM

I can see why someone wolud if they wanted a change and were happy to do that, but I wouldn't go for it.
I also wouldn't let my family/friends bully me into appearing on there.

November 26th, 2010, 06:08 AM
I don't want to be on TV, I don't care what some mainstream media fashionista thinks about how I should look, and no matter how expensive the clothes were, they'd be old and out of style YEARS before my hair had grown back to where I want it. The answer is a no-brainer.

November 26th, 2010, 06:08 AM
No because I so often don't think that they improve the person's appearance. Especially dislike what they do to people's hair, but then they always seem to get women trussed up in stilettos and dresses. It's all very conformist, image-wise.

November 26th, 2010, 06:19 AM
I don't even watch these shows because I don't like to hear women belittled and humiliated over the choices they have made. No way would I say "yes" to anything that would beat down the self esteem that has taken me 55 years to acquire. So my answer is "no".

November 26th, 2010, 06:30 AM
No, I wouldn't participate in these humiliating tv shows. Although I agree that some people could benefit from some of the tips they give out, in the end, the participant always end looking like a mini version of the host.
As for 'What not to wear', I think it's unfortunate that most of the participants are really pushed into cutting their hair, yet Stacy can keep hers long?!?

November 26th, 2010, 06:31 AM
Yes, I would let them cut my hair. I want to get rid of my dyed parts anyway (been tempted to chop for months). But I would not accept to be dyed again.

However, my style is already awesome so they don't have anything to change. :shrug:

November 26th, 2010, 06:36 AM
If they wanted to cut my hair short then no. Not because I can't 'let go' of having longer hair because I've done that before and enjoyed every second of it, but because I know short hair doesn't look as good on me. If they wanted to cut some sort of shaping thing that would be fine with me as long as this didn't include a lot of layers. One or two longer layers and maybe shaping my bangs would be fine.

A dye job is also absolutely out of the question. I love my blond locks just the way they are. It has natural highlights and lowlights, changes colour in different lighting and the color suits me and my skintone.

November 26th, 2010, 06:44 AM
No way Jose!!!:tmi::tmi:

November 26th, 2010, 06:45 AM
It would totally depend on what kind of show it is too btw. There are some shows out there that are so demeaning and humiliating that I would never ever even think about participating.
In fact, if one of my friends or family members saw it fit to sign me up for one of those I would seriously reconsider our friendship.

We have a stylist here that does show like that (Dyanne Beekman for the dutchies) that has 'brilliant' ideas like "why would you wear a sweater or top the way it is intended? So boring! Be creative and crazy and wear it as a scarf with the sleaves hanging out for a fun and interesting detail!" Honey you look like a three year old that can't dress himself. No. Just no. :o

November 26th, 2010, 06:50 AM
I wouldn't because I have a great style :P But really, my personal style is Very Wrong accordign to most stylists. But I am happy with the way I dress, so I don't want to be make over-ed.
And I wouldn't get my hair cut either...I am not always happy with it, but cutting will make it only worse!

November 26th, 2010, 07:04 AM
By the way I would not do it. Number one I don't want to be berated by what I look like now and how I dress. Nope don't need that.

This. Definitely!

November 26th, 2010, 07:57 AM
No probably not. I like my bohemian-chic style, even if my freinds don't :) And no one's getting near the hair....

November 26th, 2010, 08:26 AM
Guess I'll go against the grain and say I would :-P I've been wanting a change in my clothing style for a couple years, but can't afford new clothes, plus just simply not knowing enough about dressing for body types and putting outfits together. Could I find it out myself? Probably, but I haven't been motivated enough.
I'd probably try to talk them into leaving my hair alone, but even if they cut it, it will grow back.

November 26th, 2010, 08:31 AM
I'd have to say no. I don't want to be berated, made fun of, and humiliated on tv or IRL. Would I do it if it were done privately and I wasn't made to feel substandard? Sure. Yes to the clothes and yes to help taking care of my hair but no to a haircut.

November 26th, 2010, 08:38 AM
I think someone on these boards years ago was approached by them. I forget if she did it but said do not touch my hair. Do any of you oldies remember who that was?

By the way I would not do it. Number one I don't want to be berated by what I look like now and how I dress. Nope don't need that.
It was WNTWgirl. :)

I would not. I like my style just fine and I'm sensitive to sulfates and cones so they'd have a hard time with me just with that as is. If anyone ever signed me up for this, especially if there was any video taping without my consent, they'd be hearing from lawyers if not the police. If family or friends put my name in there, they'd be hearing exactly what I think of them for one last time.

On a side note, I'm in NYC, I've been to some of the stores they take the people to and I didn't find much of anything I liked.

November 26th, 2010, 08:44 AM
I wouldn't do it even though my hair is relatively short. $1,000 is not a lot.
That said, there is a price at which I would cut my hair. I wouldn't accept clothes as payment though...it would have to be cash. $100,000 would do it for me :)

It's 5000$ that they give you for a new wardrobe. Even so, I wouldn't do it either. No way! :cheese:

November 26th, 2010, 08:53 AM
No way!!! Never would cut again.

November 26th, 2010, 09:03 AM
No way. I have a just fine wardrobe and when I see what they do to the hair of some of those women.... it looks nice on them, but I don't trust anyone with my hair. Plus, how humiliating would it be to have your style critiqued in front of millions of people?

November 26th, 2010, 09:18 AM
Not a chance. No way. If there's one thing I hate, it's people trying to change things to suit them. There is no amount of money that would make me go for a "soft, natural look" or flail around trying to follow trends. March to the beat of your own drum, I say.

Ooh, think that touched a nerve :P

November 26th, 2010, 09:19 AM
No, for so many reasons!

November 26th, 2010, 09:23 AM
I could have considered doing something like that maybe ten years ago, just out of curiosity. I think I used to be a lot more open about all kinds of experiments and sudden changes back then.

Right now? Absolutely not. Comfortable with my style and choices, and having long hair leaves a lot more room to experiment with different hairstyles and braids than a haircut that would be fashionable for a season or two would be.

November 26th, 2010, 09:39 AM
I would hate to be on TV and would probably have a panic attack or something. So my answer would be no, plus I'm not into mainstream fashion and annoying people telling me what I should and shouldn't be wearing, and I would never let them touch my hair because I know the first things they would do is cut it all off to my shoulders or something... not happening : )

November 26th, 2010, 10:10 AM
I was approached by a salon for a makeover that just involved cutting and dying my then virgin hair. It took me over 3 years to grow out my hair dye and I came in to get rid of the leftover dye on the tips. I agreed because I was really young and had problems with my relationship and my weight. The new cut took off 15 inches of my length, I had some really funky highlights done and they looked great. I didn't really know how to maintain that style and eventually just went platinum blond. The makeover gave me a boost for changing my lifestyle and make some positive changes in my life which helped my relationship as well. The thing is that I never had my virgin hair back.
If I would be approached with something like that now I would say no, because now I am happy where I am right now:) I guess if you feel that you want a change it is worth it. If you are happy with where you are, then why fix it:)

November 26th, 2010, 10:25 AM
No, no, no, no. It takes too long to grow healthy, long hair and I like my clothes.

November 26th, 2010, 10:37 AM
No, I wouldn't. If my hair was shorter and damaged I probably would've, but not now that my hair is getting longer-ish :)

November 26th, 2010, 10:41 AM
Nope! I've been around long enough to know that how I dress and the way my hair is suits me just fine, and that's what matters. I gave up trying to conform to fashion a long time ago, and I can live with that. :D

November 26th, 2010, 11:23 AM
I find that these shows display lack of respect for people, their feelings and their boundaries. Because I have some violation of boundary issues, I would never knowingly put myself in a position to give away my power over my own body like that.

Druid of Alba
November 26th, 2010, 11:32 AM
I'd hate being on TV, so much. That fact alone would deter me. If it wasn't aired (although I don't see why they'd give you free clothes and everything if they didn't even air it), I think I'd just take the clothes, and refuse to have a haircut for religious reasons or something like that once the haircut time came. What could they say to that? Hehe.

November 26th, 2010, 11:55 AM
I'd do it in a heart beat...under the pretense that they would not dye my hair. They could shave me bald, but I really don't want to dye it ever again. Of course, if they did dye it, I'd probably sport it until roots started to come in, then shave my head and start over. If I really liked the cut, I'd cut it back into however they had it as it grew out.

Hair is hair. I can always grow more. Besides, long or short, I've never been entirely happy with how it looks on me. If they gave me a cut that complimented my face shape, I'd be thrilled. Plus, free clothes!

November 26th, 2010, 12:03 PM
No way i will cut my hair... no no no! Maybe a tiny trim lol

November 26th, 2010, 12:07 PM
In years gone by, I would have gone for it for sure. Even now, I'd love to do it for the clothes and some nice new makeup, but when it comes to my hair, I'd simply have to say no.

I started growing out my hair at 45, screwed up and damaged it, had to cut it and then maintain the length for months, and am just now back at BSL, heading to waist for what will be the first time in my life. At this point, I am not prepared to have to start all over yet again with my hair.

It would be tempting, I admit, but I know that the first thing they'd want to do is cut my hair and that would be a deal-breaker.

November 26th, 2010, 12:22 PM
1. i don't care about TV shows
2. i don't engage anybody near to me with scissors
3. everything is ok with my clothes, and i think they would give clothes which are far different from my style.
4. i don't want to be in TV
5. for me my hair is much more valuable than clothes

November 26th, 2010, 12:27 PM
I think someone on these boards years ago was approached by them. I forget if she did it but said do not touch my hair. Do any of you oldies remember who that was?

By the way I would not do it. Number one I don't want to be berated by what I look like now and how I dress. Nope don't need that.

I'm not an oldie, but I do remember watching What Not To Wear once when the participant declined the haircut. Her hair looked to be at least t/l, maybe classic, but my memory is foggy.

November 26th, 2010, 02:37 PM
I don't think I'd do it. $5000 (or however much) of clothes would be awesome, but I don't like most of the "in" styles so I'd probably hate everything they picked out for me, and I don't really want my hair cut or dyed. I also don't want to be on TV or harassed about my current style.

November 26th, 2010, 05:12 PM
I always think of it as a kind of an insult to be approached by someone like this. It is as if they are saying you don't look good. The idea of new clothes appeals to me, but then I like to choose my own clothes and what they would like me wearing possibly would not appeal to me. And I wouldn't let them touch my hair. So the answer for me would be a strong NO.

November 26th, 2010, 05:15 PM
I don't like shopping for clothes enough to cut my hair. :shrug:

November 26th, 2010, 05:23 PM
If they screw my hair up...I'm gonna sue them HARD!

Me,personally?No,I wouldn't go.Hair takes years to grow,and I'm not letting them cut off years of work.

November 26th, 2010, 05:52 PM
No way, I'd hate to be on TV too. The stylists on those shows just love to tell you how awful you look to them and that would really annoy me.

November 26th, 2010, 06:28 PM
Heehee! I think about this all the time! I watch "What Not To Wear" sometimes and often fantasize about being ambushed by them. I'd take the money but while we were discussing wardrobes I would tell them my own rules:
1. I will not wear an underwire bra. I don't care if you don't like looking at my girls hanging lower than Giselle's. Mine are exactly where they need to be and I will not risk cancer just so the clothes "fit".
2.I WILL NOT wear pants. This is a religious/lifestyle conviction and I will not even contemplate it.
3. If the shirt I am wearing has a deep V, then I am wearing a shirt that covers to my collar bone underneath it. Cleavage or even a hint of a shadow of cleavage is not an option. All sleeves will cover my arms to the elbow or beyond.
4. My skirts will be between floor and mid-calf length. Any shorter is not an option.
5. I don't wear heels...ever. I don't date, I don't work at a job where they would be appropriate and I am not going to wear stilettos to go grocery shopping! My back hurts enough as it is!
6. I need clothes that are comfortable enough to chase little ones, durable enough to wear in the barn with the cows and NOT dry clean only, thankyouverymuch!

When the stylist tells me to pull my hair forward over my shoulders and then comments about how it drags me down and ages me I will point out, condescendingly I might add, that I don't wear my hair like that. I will then whip out a Ketylo and twist it up out of harm's way. Then I'll look him in the eye and say,
"You will not touch my hair with sulfates, silicones, fine tooth combs, heat, color or anything sharp. I've worked long and hard to get my hair to this point and I will not let you ruin it just for two more rating points!"
I'd probably do the makeup but as soon as I could I'd wash it off and I'd probably give all the makeup supplies away.
I'd be an episode that didn't make it on air! :D

November 26th, 2010, 07:46 PM
I was never told I had beautiful hair until I was in my 50s. People stop me to ask me if they should grow their hair long. Or to ask if I think they can grow long hair. Or to ask how.

That said....IF... I had thicker (or more) hair that could actually be made into a wig for locks of love or some other charity, then I would grow hair and chop it off repeatedly.

But NEVER for someone else's opinion of what I should or should not look like.

November 26th, 2010, 07:58 PM
Not a chance. I work at a nice clothing store so I already have plenty of clothes that look professional. I doubt they would be able to find anything wrong with my clothes anyway. They would definatly want to cut my hair and put hilights in it but I like it long and one flat color. I really hate the way they always chop off long hair with no exceptions- even women with very thick, healthy long hair.

November 26th, 2010, 08:00 PM
As for 'What not to wear', I think it's unfortunate that most of the participants are really pushed into cutting their hair, yet Stacy can keep hers long?!?

I noticed that too! I don't wanna be on TV, so I wouldn't. But if I wasn't so shy and would, I wouldn't want to cut the hair really short (I'm growing out pixie) or dye it black (looks awful on me, my skin is pinkish).

ETA: I liked that show more when it was Trinny and Susannah (not sure how to spell). Picked up some tips there. ^.^ This one I've seen only a few episodes.

November 26th, 2010, 08:43 PM
These shows remind me of a comedy sketch I once saw -- I can't remember which show it was on now -- where the two hosts treated the makeover subject like a prisoner. "It doesn't get a name until it learns to dress itself!"

Having said that, I've watched both versions of "What Not To Wear" for the ideas about what silhouettes look best on various body shapes. I think the UK original treats its makeover subjects with a little more respect, but only in a lesser of two evils kind of way.

At one point, back when I wasn't concerned with growing my hair and having it natural, I might have said yes, given enough money, but I wouldn't have brought my entire wardrobe for them to insult me and toss it out. They wouldn't be allowed near my vintage rock band t-shirt collection! I might, in other words, have done it just to have the experience. I'd only go back to dressing the way I like to dress, so I would ultimately be a waste of their time. ;) But now, there's no way I would allow them to touch my hair, either. I've only had virgin silver hair for three months and nobody is dyeing it. They would never offer the amount of money that I'd require for them to subject me to their clone treatment.

November 26th, 2010, 08:57 PM
I would say no... i like long hair too much

November 26th, 2010, 09:19 PM
I guess I view the show differently than a lot of people, and granted, I've only seen a handful of episodes. I don't think they're that insulting. Most of the episodes I've seen, they're very complimentary of the PERSON, but they're saying that the clothes are not doing them justice. I don't find that insulting at all, personally. As a person who struggles with finding clothes that fit, let alone flatter my body type, I would love to have someone say "You need to wear shirts with this type of neck, this length, this fit, etc". Love it. Seriously. It's not about conforming to fashion standards, it's about learning to love my body for the shape that it is, which currently, I don't. I'd like to think that if I could find clothing that made me look less like a stumpy disproportionate blob, that might be slightly improved.

I do have a slight problem with the whole throwing away your old wardrobe thing, but I think that they'd be realistic for certain situations. I've got a bunch of ratty oversized T-shirts that are my "barn shirts". They're stained with horse slobber and glycerine soap and I (mostly) only wear them when I'm riding. I'm not going to wear designer clothes while I'm giving my horse a bath! I know people who dress to impress while at the barn, but I'm not one of them.

Now, if they'd give me another $5000 and let me go to a tack store to buy a new riding wardrobe... they can put my hair in liberty spikes for all I care! I would kill for a nice pair of white riding pants that actually FIT! And some schooling breeches that haven't had the holes patched up in them 10 times...

My friends have been threatening to put me on this show for years, by the way. I know that I have no sense of style. I'm mostly okay with it, but wouldn't be adverse to rectifying it.

November 26th, 2010, 09:26 PM
No way! I like my own taste in clothes, plus waiting for hair to grow out is way too frustrating. :P

November 26th, 2010, 11:23 PM
No. I could deal with the hair stuff, though I don't particularly feel the need to change my wardrobe, but the big deciding factor - I would never, ever want to be on TV. shudder:

November 26th, 2010, 11:35 PM
I like my existing wardrobe :D I wouldn't do it! Not even if I had a wardrobe full of awful stuff. Besides, I have no space for more clothes....

November 26th, 2010, 11:45 PM
I like my hair and my wardrobe. I wouldn't sell out to become what someone thinks I should be. However, I do have a hard time finding shirts that accomodate being both thin and well-endowed, so I might trade an inch or two for a good set of shirts and dresses that actually fit right. And with pants, I'm petite and it would be nice to be able to avoid hemming and still have pants that fit! So maybe, if they provided a full wardrobe of nice clothes that actually fit correctly... I'm on the fence, I suppose.

November 26th, 2010, 11:53 PM
They had a blond woman on What Not to Wear who did the makeover and kept her hair, which was quite long. She did everything else though, and her hair was GORGEOUS. And Nick was acting as if it was this giant travisty and she was in denial thinking it looked good... which it did.

But, seeing as I don't generally think the women end up looking very good on that show (or most others) I'd have to say no if I got the chance to do it. You see them come out with all this bright makeup and hyper-styled short hair then look at Stacy and she looks normal- very natural and not all technicolor. You'd think Carmundy (Carmindy? pretty sure I'm spelling that incorrectly..) would have figured out at this point that shimmery highly pigmented eye shadow is a no-go on crepey lids. Plus bright, vibrant color on thin lips makes them look thinner... But as nobody's paying me to style their makeup I'll shut up now!

November 27th, 2010, 08:55 AM
That would be an emphatic no for me. I wouldn't mind being on TV - I'm a performer after all, I've been on TV before - but the makeover itself is something I take issue with. I wear what I wear for a reason. As much as I like my hair, it does grow back, but they'd throw out things that I couldn't replace - clothing I've had since high school, thrift store finds, funky sneakers from the children's department, glittery costumes that I swear I'm just keeping around for kicks. Then they'd replace them with what convention says I'm "supposed" to be wearing. Which I'd never wear, I often find their choices to be matronly and a bit more formal than would be practical for my lifestyle. I'm not a big deal, I'm just a dancer/actress with a day job, but I spend enough of my life in costume to have earned the right to dress as myself when I can.

November 27th, 2010, 09:38 AM
My hair is holy. So there will be no makeover if they want to change my hair.
Me too!:poot:

November 27th, 2010, 01:35 PM
I'm not an oldie, but I do remember watching What Not To Wear once when the participant declined the haircut. Her hair looked to be at least t/l, maybe classic, but my memory is foggy.

I think I saw that! There was a woman with gorgeous classic+ blonde hair and they tried and tried to persuade her to cut it but she refused. Good for her!

November 27th, 2010, 01:39 PM
I would! My hair isn't that long right now anyways :p. And as they say, hair grows back!

November 27th, 2010, 03:11 PM
I wouldn't. First of all, $5000 isn't really enough for anything at the stores they pick (and I don't really like any of the clothes, anyway). Second, I don't really need anymore clothes. And most importantly, I like my hair the way it is. I'm never cutting it again if I can help it since growing it out was a nightmare!

November 27th, 2010, 04:41 PM
No way - I know they'd cut my hair (they always do) and I don't want to start all over again!

November 27th, 2010, 05:45 PM
No chance. At all.
I'm comfortable with choosing what I like to wear and how I present myself.

November 27th, 2010, 08:28 PM
Yeah, no thanks. I think my style is fine, and with the likelihood of someone cutting my hair cause THEY think it looks better, definite no.

I agree with mrs_coffee.

November 27th, 2010, 09:35 PM
Nothing they give me would allow them to touch and destroy my hair. They can kiss the slimiest part of my scaled tail.

November 28th, 2010, 01:06 AM
My answer would be no. There is NO way I would let anyone cut my hair right now.

November 28th, 2010, 02:09 AM
I remember seeing a clip that showed a woman who refused What Not to Wear's makeover. It was pretty awesome. She was this young punky girl with colored hair and rainbow clothes who worked in the music industry, if I remember right. She gave Stacy the stinkeye and Stacy looked really awkward and uncomfortable. I got a kick out of it.

The show definitely has a good cop/bad cop situation going on. Clinton will say kindly that the woman's clothes are not flattering her and are not showcasing her true beauty - and a lot of times he's right, they do pick a lot of women whose clothes fit them poorly - but then Stacy steamrolls in with jokey comments that are meant to be comic relief but are usually humiliating. There was this woman in her 40s who never wore a bra and Stacy made jokes about it, not kidding, six times in a row, in front of the woman's co-workers in the middle of a crowded mall where all the shoppers had stopped to watch the commotion. And of course in front of all our viewers at home.

All that is to say - I think the show could be perfectly fine, if it had a Clinton tone, if all it was was helping women find clothes that fit them properly. But of course they've got to be humiliated by Stacy for daring to be a WOMAN and yet NOT CARING tremendously about their appearance, and then they've got to get their hair chopped off by the incompetent Nick Arrojo. Ugh.

So I would say no because of the show's message toward women (must be pretty at all times!) less than out of concern for my hair.

November 28th, 2010, 02:10 AM
These shows remind me of a comedy sketch I once saw -- I can't remember which show it was on now -- where the two hosts treated the makeover subject like a prisoner. "It doesn't get a name until it learns to dress itself!"

This made me laugh!

November 28th, 2010, 03:08 AM
You'd think Carmundy (Carmindy? pretty sure I'm spelling that incorrectly..) would have figured out at this point that shimmery highly pigmented eye shadow is a no-go on crepey lids. Plus bright, vibrant color on thin lips makes them look thinner... But as nobody's paying me to style their makeup I'll shut up now!

I don't agree with the shimmery eye shadow, I have done lots of make-up for people and noticed the matte shadow enhances wrinkles. Maybe very bright shimmery colors don't work, but more natural shade work beautifully.

Bright vibrant lipstick rarely looks good on people anyway.

November 28th, 2010, 04:36 AM
No, I prefer to keep my own style, because that is how I choose to dress and have my hair.

December 2nd, 2010, 08:11 PM
If it was just some new clothes then sure, why not. I'd probably go back to my Tripp pants afterwards anyway LOL But I would make the unalterable condition of nobody touches my hair.

If they don't agree to that then forget it.