View Full Version : Had a mid-hair crisis and cut it. Couldn't be happier! (Pics included!)

November 24th, 2010, 07:03 PM
I really hope I'm not violating anything by doing this, but I just wanted to show everyone my rockin' new hairstyle and explain why I did it. Think of this as my hair story up til now :)

For a good long while, I've been really, really unhappy with my hair. Before a few trims, it was a bit past my boobs. It was, in fact, at my 'dream length'... However, the quality of my hair was much better when I first started growing it long about 5 years ago. Mind you, I damaged it to heck until about 2 years later, but still; the hair growing in was healthy, smooth. Nice. Somewhere along the line, whether it was hormones, birth control (Which I almost never take now because I'm too scared, even though it's the only thing that saves me from my demonic PMS), or perhaps an iron deficiency which I've suspected I had for a few years now... What ever the culprit, my hair took a turn for the worst.

Most of my friends encouraged me to cut it because it was 'damaged' every time I complained about it, but they simply couldn't understand that the real problem was that my hair was growing in with that texture... it wasn't damage at all.

I have fine and rather thin hair that has only gotten thinner, and to make matters worse, it grows in feeling like it should be coarse hair. It's dry, brittle, lifeless, and yet virgin. I eat healthy, I exercise often enough, I drink a lot of water, I do take some supplements, but nothing seems to help.

The hair I already had never improved either. I did henna multiple times, I tried CO, WO, deep treatments, tons of different oils, using protein.

I tried things as natural as Morrocco Method to the most synthetic of things like Pantene, and EVERYTHING in between. I have tried so many products it's ridiculous. I put my hair up at night and I treat it as delicately as I possibly can. Still, nothing I did ever made a bit of difference, and I felt like I was shedding more lately, which only made me feel worse.

Point is, here I was at my goal length, after all the money spent, the time and effort spent, and I was... Unhappy. I wasn't enjoying my hair at all. I dreamt of shiny hair and mine was dull, I dreamt of hair that flowed and mine just sat there as a feathery and fuzzy mass. I wanted hair that made me feel pretty and feminine and that I would enjoy touching and styling and caring for... but I realized eventually that it simply wasn't the case, and caring for my hair was more like a stressful, full-time job and obsession that only made me feel worse and worse every day.

SO, put simply, last Tuesday, I finally went and got a faux hawk, a hairstyle I'd been wanting for a long time, but never went through with because I was still on my futile long-hair journey, and because I was afraid of short hair again. Amazingly, I wasn't horrified, or depressed, or anything... I felt so relieved, and I felt like my hair finally reflected my personality.

Ever since, I've been really happy and have received many positive responses to my new 'do :D Moreover, I can start fresh... I can experiment with new things and have a much easier time seeing if and how it affects my hair. Maybe, hopefully, I'll be able to grow in healthier and softer hair, and then begin my journey again and with much more confidence this time!

Now, onto the pictures!

Side view:

This was right after it was done, but the back is kinda flattened since I laid down to tan afterwards. Before you compliment the color; it's actually darker than that in person, and it's the result of reddish henna'd hair with dark, fading temp dye over it.


Back/angled view:

This is recent, after I styled it myself. I call this one the 'Shark fin' because the hawk points backwards. It's actually the result of me screwing up when trying to style it but shhh, no one has to know :rolleyes: What's great about this hair is you can mess up as much as you want and it will still look intentional! Tee hee.


So that's it for now! I am by no means encouraging anyone to cut their hair. I just wanted to announce that I am, in a way, starting over, and that I am very happy with my hair for the first time in years. I will not be leaving this site, that's for sure! If anything I am now even more determined to put all the information on this wonderful website to good use. I thank all of you for the help you've given me along the way already!

November 24th, 2010, 07:06 PM
I LOVE it! The long piece in front of your ear looks so cool. Very cute cut!

November 24th, 2010, 07:12 PM
Your hair looks awesome. I rocked the fauxhawk whilst growing out my pixie and it was so fun (I actually cut it into a fauxhawk pixie that just grew longer, actually). I'm so glad you did this and that you're so happy with it. :D Short messy hair like that is one of my favorite things in the world, and you're right- you can mess it up or do anything with it and it looks rad. 8) I'd wake up with the gnarliest hair every morning though, ha! Especially if I washed it right before bed, heh. Thanks so much for posting pics, because this makes me want to do it again sometime... :D Have fun! :cheese:

November 24th, 2010, 07:12 PM
So cute and fun! :thumbsup:

Also, whoever cut it did a really good job - the shape is perfect.

November 24th, 2010, 07:20 PM
Joyxo: The piece in front of my ears is probably one of my favorite parts! I had to keep at least SOME part long ;)

Dani: Yay, another fauxhawker! It's hilarious in the mornings! I remember waking up one day with it and I looked like a Super Saiyan LOL! I'm glad you've been inspired, if you ever do it again, I want to see! :D

Melikai: I went to my trusted stylist and brought pictures lol! He was so unsure what to do, but he and his wife both worked on me (At the same time too at one point!) and the end result was wonderful.

November 24th, 2010, 07:33 PM
Dani: Yay, another fauxhawker! It's hilarious in the mornings! I remember waking up one day with it and I looked like a Super Saiyan LOL! I'm glad you've been inspired, if you ever do it again, I want to see! :D

Ha, Super Saiyan, that's a great way to put it, hee! I'm getting my dd into Dragonball now, a-heh heh. She loves the Simpsons, Pokemon, Ducktales, Doug, Batman the animated series, etc., etc. :p I could go on. I will absolutely post lots of pics if I do it again! The first time I did it I left the same elven-type points coming down, too, just 'cause I knew I wanted them. :D This is seriously tempting me. Short hair is just so, so easy to deal with... showers can take 10 seconds. :D

November 24th, 2010, 07:57 PM
Ha, Super Saiyan, that's a great way to put it, hee! I'm getting my dd into Dragonball now, a-heh heh. She loves the Simpsons, Pokemon, Ducktales, Doug, Batman the animated series, etc., etc. :p I could go on. I will absolutely post lots of pics if I do it again! The first time I did it I left the same elven-type points coming down, too, just 'cause I knew I wanted them. :D This is seriously tempting me. Short hair is just so, so easy to deal with... showers can take 10 seconds. :D

Hah! My showers STILL take forever. I think I just love being in there far too much :rolleyes: Though I guess if I needed to, I could definitely be in and out in no time!

And that's awesome; when I was little I always loved the 'boy's shows' like spiderman, X-men, Dragonball/Z etc. Heck, I STILL love them!

November 24th, 2010, 08:29 PM
I love it! That is a way cool style. I had short hair for a while when preggo with Oldest. It is nice to get up with bedhead and be ready to go. LOL. The messy look is awesome. :)

November 24th, 2010, 08:47 PM
Agreed! Especially since no one but you will be the wiser :eyebrows:

November 24th, 2010, 09:28 PM
I really hope I'm not violating anything by doing this, but I just wanted to show everyone my rockin' new hairstyle and explain why I did it.

I've seen other members say similar things before. Is there some sort of rule about haircuts or something?

Anyway I love your hair! I think it looks great! :D

November 24th, 2010, 09:37 PM
It looks really good. You can post pictures of your haircut. It's not against any rules. The number one thing is that you be happy with your hair. Short or long!

November 24th, 2010, 09:40 PM
McFearless: It's been a while since I saw a thread about someone going short so I wasn't quite sure if there were any specifics on posting about that. I didn't want to seem like I was trying to advertise short hair or something!

Speckla: You're right, I'm just a bit too shy/overcautious some times I suppose :o And thank you!

November 24th, 2010, 09:47 PM
LOVE IT !!!! :cheese:

November 24th, 2010, 09:49 PM
I absolutely LOVE that cut!

I really sympathize with how you felt about your hair. Mine is much thinner than it used to be, due to the hormonal changes that birth control brought, terrible eating habits during my first two years at college, and the ridiculous stress that I'm under at school. I feel like my hair doesn't reflect all the time and effort that I've put into it in the last year and a half. I am going to continue growing my hair, but if I reach my goal and still feel unhappy with it, I am most definitely going to cut it short and start from scratch. Thank you for the inspiration! You are one courageous girl. I hope you continue to be as happy with the cut as you are now. :)

Druid of Alba
November 24th, 2010, 09:50 PM
I did the same thing too, two years ago! My hair was damaged and just not at all nice, so I cut it! I had it short, in several styles, including a really cool emo style, until May of this year. In May, I decided it was time to grow it long again, so now I'm growing it out, taking much better care of it this time!
It looks really nice short, and you'll be able to enjoy growing it long more, this time around!

November 24th, 2010, 09:50 PM
Looks great!

November 24th, 2010, 11:17 PM
I am very glad you are happy with it :)

November 24th, 2010, 11:36 PM
Wow guys, thank you for all the compliments and kind words! It's almost overwhelming :) I'm really happy to get such a positive response from you guys, and if I can even inspire some of you in the process, all the better! I truly am so much happier and I wouldn't go back even if I could.

November 25th, 2010, 02:29 AM
Your hair is beyond awesome!!! I love it! You're so brave to do it, I wouldn't have the courage myself!

November 25th, 2010, 02:56 AM
I LOVE it! The long piece in front of your ear looks so cool. Very cute cut!

I agree! It was cut very well, too. I usually dislike hair that's that short, but I like this!

November 25th, 2010, 03:55 AM
Looks very nice :) I really like the shark fin thing you did :P

November 25th, 2010, 04:27 AM
Really nice style girl! I am happy that you feel better about your hair now! :)

November 25th, 2010, 07:59 AM
That is super cute! I love it.

November 25th, 2010, 08:34 AM
The important thing about hair is to be happy with it, whatever length that means for each person. I really think each one of us knows where our hair feels at "home". For some of us it's long, for some of us it's short. There's no shame in that.

November 25th, 2010, 09:19 AM
It does look great. I feel you, I like to change things up a lot, and growing my hair out from shaved has been a serious test of my patience. I kept my head shaved for 10 years, but I did grow it out a few inches a few times, and once I gave myself a full on mohawk. It was so much fun!

I have to ask you, though, where did you get your earring? The one in the first pic? It looks a lot like the work of an artist who sells pieces in my tattoo artist's shop, and I've been thinking of getting a pair.

November 25th, 2010, 09:41 AM
It looks great on you and if it makes you this happy it definitely was the right thing to do.

November 25th, 2010, 09:57 AM
My best friend would love to get your haircut!

November 25th, 2010, 10:42 AM
Congrats to you for going with your gut and doing what makes you feel good. Hair is often used as an expression of our personalities and if you felt that you wanted the fauxhawk for a long time, it's great that you went and got it and feel happy with it. :D

November 25th, 2010, 08:17 PM
It does look great. I feel you, I like to change things up a lot, and growing my hair out from shaved has been a serious test of my patience. I kept my head shaved for 10 years, but I did grow it out a few inches a few times, and once I gave myself a full on mohawk. It was so much fun!

I have to ask you, though, where did you get your earring? The one in the first pic? It looks a lot like the work of an artist who sells pieces in my tattoo artist's shop, and I've been thinking of getting a pair.

I got them at Bodyartforms.com, they're called "Seraphins" if you want to look them up. They're a bit pricey but are awesome earrings, and they come in a variety of materials. Mine are made from horn =]

November 25th, 2010, 09:00 PM
It looks great and your hair looks really healthy and shiny!

November 25th, 2010, 09:47 PM
I got them at Bodyartforms.com, they're called "Seraphins" if you want to look them up. They're a bit pricey but are awesome earrings, and they come in a variety of materials. Mine are made from horn =]

Thank you! It looks like the same makers, Diablo Organics. Nice to know I can get them online also. I really like some of their designs.

November 26th, 2010, 08:18 AM
Looks good! I'm only a little sorry you cut your hair, I mean it's your hair and you should do what you like with it. So I think it rocks and if you aren't have regrets that good for you!!!

November 26th, 2010, 08:43 AM
Wow, that looks AWESOME!

November 26th, 2010, 11:28 AM
Your new hair rocks! I'm glad you're enjoying it, you have every right to :)

November 26th, 2010, 02:30 PM
I think it looks adorable and beautiful! Never give up the goal of healthy hair, regardless of the length.

November 26th, 2010, 04:34 PM
Oh wow! It looks awesome! I wore a pixie for years and years, it can be challenging to find a good stylist. Whoever did that, keep her number. You'll be amazed at how little shampoo you use. :)

I really like the "side-burns", too. It reminds me of Link (http://www.nintendobuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Zelda-Wind-Waker-Final-Battle.jpg). So cute. ;)

November 26th, 2010, 04:40 PM
Gahh you guys really are the best, thank you for the encouragement and compliments! I wish I could address each one individually :o Really though your responses only make me even happier and all the more determined to make my hair healthy and happy again!

Haharobots: Ahaha! You're right! It does look similar. I love Link, and the Zelda games in general :p

Aenflex: I do miss my length some times, and sigh wistfully when I see girls with long hair pass by, but like you said, I'm enjoying it and that's what matters. It will grow back!

November 26th, 2010, 04:49 PM
Oh that is such a cute hair cut. So glad you are happy with it.