View Full Version : First of all, thank you

November 23rd, 2010, 04:17 AM
For this lovely website! I have already bookmarked some articles and replaced some hair cosmetics, and now I'd like to be a member of your forum!

Here's my hair journey. Thick blonde hair all through childhood. Of course when my hair started getting the teenage 'eewies' I started streaking my hair, eventually dying it. This progressed for a few years until I decided I just HAD to have that repugnant emo mullet hair cut. I went to a very poor hair dresser who isn't of thinning the ends, used a razor! So my waist length hair was ruined. Heart broken, I grew this out, accepting every time I got a trim I was losing length but realized it was for the health of my hair. It wasn't until my last trim when my hairdresser (who is REALLY lovely and I really shopped around for) said that the top half of my hair was very healthy but the bottom was still a bit damaged (not a lot, to the naked eye it looks quite good) and it was take SIX MONTHS of trims for all my hair to be healthy! Meaning my hair would be this length FOREVER! I cracked it, went onto google and found you guys. I'm now trying to care for my hair the best I can...Supplements, Monistat (soon) new shampoo and conditioner, satin pillow cases etc. Oh and somewhere along the way I switched from blonde to red to do my hair less damage.

Thanks for reading!

November 26th, 2010, 01:54 PM
Welcome, Disney. :D

November 26th, 2010, 02:04 PM
Welcome! You could gradually get rid of the damaged hair while still growing by figuring out how fast your hair grows and then trimming half that every month. It would take longer but you would still be able to see some progress in the length.

November 26th, 2010, 11:17 PM
Welcome to LHC! :flower:

I agree with figuring out your growth rate and trimming half of that. Good luck with your hair journey! :)