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View Full Version : How do you decide what to do with your hair in the morning?

November 20th, 2010, 09:25 PM
I always end up changing my mind. Just like with clothes, I plan for my hair the night before, but unlike with clothes, I change the plan when I'm standing in front of the mirror. I'll plan a Nautilus and then do a lazy wrap. Or plan to wear it down and then braid it. My hair usually goes up and down several times a day, so even a "plan" is temporary, but still...

How do you decide what to do with your hair? Is it based on activity? Clothing? Mood? Good/bad hair day?

Do you stick to your plan or change it based on your feelings or "hair day"?

Just curious. Thanks for indulging me.:D

November 20th, 2010, 09:36 PM
If it's windy, it's in plaits or a bun and if its not windy. it's down. I have always been lazy when it comes to my hair.

November 20th, 2010, 09:40 PM
My hair always starts the day down, then I just pop a pair of hairsticks in my handbag for later (^(oo)^)v

November 20th, 2010, 09:47 PM
Luxepiggy's plan is similar to mine. I can't imagine going through the whole day with my hair down. It starts to get into things and I can't really do lab work with it down, so it goes up as soon as I'm at work most days. On non-work days it goes up when I get hot, comes down when I get cold. I don't often "style" my hair for the day, can't imagine planning that far ahead :)

November 20th, 2010, 09:52 PM
Unless I am really busy and don't have the time or place to stop and change my hair I go through multiple hair styles during the day. I generally keep a hairtie (or two) hair stick(s) and a little hairclip with me and cycle through them throughout my day.
Today however, I was busy running around SF with my friends and silly me forgot to bring another hair toy thinking my half up would do fine. GAH THE TANGLES. Took forever to smooth my hair again.

November 20th, 2010, 11:04 PM
I typically just wake up in the morning, take my shower and then decide what to wear and what to do with my hair on the spot. That's how I do it. I wonder how many people do it like I do.

November 20th, 2010, 11:38 PM
I don't normally plan my hair, but then I don't normally plan my outfits either. If I have a new hairtoy or have just learned a new style, sometimes I'll look forward to that the night before.

I'll get dressed first, then think about hair. I choose based on clothing, activity and the state of my hair. I keep my hair in one style all day at work (usually up), then take it down or braid it when I come home. If I leave the house with hair down, I always carry something to put it up with if necessary.

November 21st, 2010, 12:31 AM
I usually have a regular hairdo that I wear pretty much every day, makes things simpler.

November 21st, 2010, 12:40 AM
I usually decide what to wear in the morning. If the outfit is funky or casual, two braids, ponies or buns. Most days its a lazy wrap with a stick that matches my outfit. On the days I leave my hair down, it's because I let it dry straight or I'm covering something up with my hair. If I have extra time, I might do some bohemian type thing with a lacy shirt. When I'm feeling pretty, I stick some flowers in there. Some days it stays in my sleep braid all day...messy.

November 21st, 2010, 12:51 AM
My hair goes up in the morning and I don't touch it again until I'm home from work. So all my updos have to be stable and long lasting.
I usually wait until I'm dressed and then think "what do I feel like doing?" and then I go with the flow. That will depend mostly on how much time I have, how energetic I feel at 7am and the weather: when there is a lot of wind, I'll do something with a braid base. My clothes can have an influence too (not that I plan my clothes in advance either) Sometimes a certain hairtoy goes well with a certain outfit.
I try not to wear the same updo two days running and alternate between braided and non braided.
Sometimes I plan ahead, but that's usually because I want to wear a particular hairtoy or I've been inspired by a style I've seen here.

November 21st, 2010, 06:07 AM
I usually wash on monday, wednesday and saturday morning. I usually wear my hair in a braid when I have to wash it that evening, but I decide what kind of braid when I look at the clock :D If I am in a hurry, english braid, if I have time, something more fancy like one or double french\dutch braid.
When I have washed the night before, since my hair it's in its best condition I usually wear non twisted buns held with sticks or forks, so I can take it down during the day. Besides, those buns are very quick to do so they are good if I am late :D

November 21st, 2010, 06:26 AM
I sometimes try 2 or 3 different styles before one looks right.
Sometimes I plan one but my hair usually has different plans those days, lol

November 21st, 2010, 06:29 AM
I feel like my hair makes its own decisions in the morning. Whatever up-do it is willing to perform is how I wear it.

But I do try to make my own decisions about the hair toy holding my up-do. I try to coordinate the color or material of the toy to what I am wearing.

November 21st, 2010, 06:43 AM
It depends on several things for me; weather, how many days it's been since wash day, but mostly activity. A side braid is really good for car journeys (over the opposite shoulder to the one your seatbelt goes over), braided 'all up' styles that will stay no matter what are great for work, something a bit more fancy for going out or seeing family. If I want to wear it down, I take my comb and a hair fork with me, so I get it out the way if I need to. Though in a tight spot, if I forgot to pick them up, there's always pencils. :D

November 21st, 2010, 06:53 AM
Many things factor into picking a style for the day. The 2 main ones are the weather and what I plan to do that day. If it's windy that means some kind of a bun. Going to the chiropractor means something like a Figure 8 bun with only certain hair toys. Yoga means a single braid. Aqua aerobics means a higher bun with a metal or plastic hair toy. I usually only wear my hair down around certain people and for things like going to lunch or going shopping. Often I am running late and don't have time to think about it much so I do a quick messy bun with whatever hairtoy is in reach. If I'm wearing a hoodie sweater or jacket I always wear my hair up in some way.

November 21st, 2010, 07:20 AM
I nearly always wear two bunlets, with or without tassels dangling, and sleep with the Flexis still in my hair. The only times I need to decide what to do with my hair in the morning are on Saturday before church, when sometimes I wear a single bun, and after washing.

November 21st, 2010, 08:23 AM
If I'm off work I usually leave it down until/unless I have to go out for errands or something, and then I do whatever I feel like - if I'm in a "don't care, just want these tasks over with" kind of mood or if I'm feeling more adventurous or pretty and want to try something new or complicated. If I'm working I choose my style depending on how much prep time I have left and how physically active I expect to be at work that day. Also how clean my hair is, if I'm thinking of a french braid, because it works better in greasy hair than fluffy clean hair.

Usually I choose between a simple braid, a french braid, a 4-strand braid; a celtic knot bun, infinity/figure 8 bun, locked bee-butt. I know how to several more than this but these are the ones that I've found really stay put in my hair. When I'm at work I don't always have the opportunity to redo my hair if it falls down so I need to know I can trust it to stay up even if my day gets a bit vigorous! If I'm wearing a style I don't have a lot of confidence in I usually slip an elastic around my wrist so that at least if it falls I can quickly sweep it into a pony and carry on until my next break or until the end of the day.

November 21st, 2010, 08:32 AM
It all depends. If I'm not going to work and off for a couple of days then I will always put it up in a bun. If I'm planning to wash it, then depending on how I plan to wear it the next day I will either throw it up in a dutch braid (for braid waves the next day), or let it dry naturally straight. Now if I have to go to work on a non wash day I know I will probably be wearing a hat, but I will just decide what style looks best at the moment, whether it be twin braids, twin buns, and so on.

November 21st, 2010, 08:34 AM
Usually it's always up - in braids of some sort, to keep it tangle free. It stays up until bedtime, then is undone, combed and rebraided for sleep.

As for deciding on what style to use, I have several and try to vary them. I rarely have a "bad hair day" and if I do, the hair gets braided in one braid and that's it.

November 21st, 2010, 08:43 AM
For me there will be days when daily washings are simply required. If the right variables like atmospheric factors come together then there is no way I could go the rest of the day without it. If I have any kind of a scalp itch I must head straight for the shower.....
But if the scalp is in order then a good brushing and a ponytail could be all that is needed for me. I swear though you could torture someone by giving them a scalp itch and refusing to let them scratch it or wash their noggin...

November 21st, 2010, 11:11 AM
I hardly ever plan my outfits and never plan my hair beforehand. I get dressed and then go look at my hair and decide right then with like 5 minutes to get out the door in the morning. 90%+ of the time it is in a lazy bun or braid. Nothing fancy and for those rare times I run around with it down, I have hair toys on hand to quickly put it up. Wearing it down happens less and less as it gets really knotted and tangled in things. I've never ever had hair this long and it is taking some getting used to.

November 21st, 2010, 11:39 AM
I feel like my hair makes its own decisions in the morning. Whatever up-do it is willing to perform is how I wear it.

But I do try to make my own decisions about the hair toy holding my up-do. I try to coordinate the color or material of the toy to what I am wearing.

This. Exactly.

Sometimes my hair makes decisions about the hairtoy as well, and spits out the ones it doesn't feel like associating with that day. It never rejects a Ketylo though.

November 21st, 2010, 12:23 PM
Mine depends on where I am in the washing schedule.

November 21st, 2010, 01:02 PM
I sometimes go thro 3 or 4 different styles in the same day! There are so many factors that contribute to how my hair will look, from the temperature and the weather outside, to where I'm going to, to who I'm meeting with later, and of course the amount of time I have on my hands.

If I woke up late and in a total rush, its always a quick no fuss ponytail. If I need to work on something and need it out of the way, I quickly twist it into a low bun or do a quick half-up style. If I'm going out later or hanging out with some friends, I'll always do something very special. This is when I'll allow for heat styling, I'll get it blown out and flat ironed pin straight and shiny, or use a curling iron for sexy waves. Also the weather often has the final say, because if its pouring rain outside the only style that would hold up is a ponytail or bun. If its really windy or cold then I'll also wear it up to protect it from the elements. I'll also wear it up if its really hot during the summer. When its nice and sunny and not too windy, that's when I'll allow for it to be down, so that's usually during the spring, summer days that aren't too hot, or mild days during the fall.