View Full Version : Where to buy henna in Copenhagen, Denmark?

November 15th, 2010, 05:27 AM
My DD's friend moved to Copenhagen, Denmark last month ( she is doing a PhD ) and since she's new in town and only beginning to explore options, she would really appreciate any advice on where to buy good quality henna there.

Thanks in advance!:flowers:

November 15th, 2010, 05:50 AM
You can probably get henna somewhere in Copenhagen (I’d try to look in ethnic greengrocers or health food stores), but most of it will probably be some kind of mixed henna or not henna at all. The danish brand Natur-drogeriet makes henna powder, and until recently you could buy it in matas (a very common cosmetics shop), but they discontinued it because of health concerns about the lawsone - some recent research has shown that it could be carcinogenic. I think the easiest way to get quality henna in DK is to buy it online. I buy my cassia online.

November 15th, 2010, 07:33 AM
The health store chains all have it. Though, it might seem like they only have the mixed kind, she should just ask at the counter. They usually seem to hide the pure stuff somewhere else ;)

November 15th, 2010, 01:12 PM
Clarisseand Jasperine,
thanks for your replies!

p.s. Lawsone carcinogenic :bigeyes: