View Full Version : Hi guys! Really need some advice!

Katy Checkley
November 14th, 2010, 09:03 PM
Hello long haired peeps :pumpkin:

Im so glad I found you I need some serious help!

My hair is currently 28 inches long, and its henna'd and layered also.
I have been using henna for about 5 years and love the colour, but for some reason my hair is corse and unhappy with me.

Just recently it mats underneath, and it seems toget that way just by rubbing against my shirt or jacket, so I have to wear it up.

I ride a motorbike and always loosely plait it when I go out.
I never brush from wet, I always air dry, I hardly ever style with anything, and I use a boar bristle brush.

Im fed up because I think I may have to cut it.
It knots so easily and it seems to be transparentish and stretchy.
There are tiny single strand knots and split bits and hair that seems to be bent in all directions from beign tangled with other hair!

I have thin hairs but a lot of them (if that makes sense), so its never been tangle free, but this is just crazy.

I layered it a while back to try and get rid of the dead wood and keep the length, it seems to have gotten worse.:(

I am very sad ladies, any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

Thankyou for listening :o


November 14th, 2010, 09:27 PM
I would try a clarifiing wash, a protein treatment, and a good SMT. Then see how your hair reacts....you may need a trim.

November 14th, 2010, 09:32 PM
If you clarify your hair you should be able to diagnose it and see what it needs.

November 15th, 2010, 04:03 AM
Welcome to LHC!

Don't feel bad about having to wear it up. A lot of us do. I also wear a Buff at night to prevent sleep damage.

I suggest S&D. Get a pair of small hair scissors, go to a bright light (like outside), and cut single hairs that have splits or knots. It takes months, but you will win. Especially since henna makes your hair tougher.

Nowadays I get few splits and tangles and I snip them in the shower. I comb slowly, and when the comb hits a tangle, I pull the hairs above the tangle apart, or if it's at the tips I snip it.

Katy Checkley
November 15th, 2010, 05:29 PM
thanks for the replies ladies, does this website come with a glossary so I can figure out what S&D's are etc?? lol!

Still very new here appreciate the help :)

Katy Checkley
November 15th, 2010, 05:29 PM
sorry guys whats an SMT??

November 15th, 2010, 06:19 PM
Welcome, Katy Checkley!:waving:

Here are some helpful links, to help you sort out the jargon:


And to give you some starting places for figuring out what your hair needs:



Good luck!