View Full Version : Hello from Australia!

November 12th, 2010, 11:32 PM
Hi everyone!
I'm new to the forum but have had long hair for some time.
I stumbled across the forum when searching for ideas on how I can wear my hair up. After attending two weddings in the last few weeks, I felt over dressed at the first because of the way I pinned my hair up, then under dressed at the second because I just left it out. Unable to think of anything in between to do with my length hair, I turned to the web and was very inspired by some of the avatar pictures of stunning upstyles you girls with very long hair have created!! I was under the false impression you could do much with very long hair!
My hair is classic length (I think... I've never come across names for different lengths before), it's 43 inches and just below my butt. I've been growing it since my mum cut it all off as a child 20 years ago. It stayed at around elbow length for a long time until I had children, since then the texture has changed and it grows much faster.
I also have one small plait (about the thinkness of cooked spaghetti for lack of a better example) that is behind my ear, it has been there for 18 years now, replaited every 3-6months as it grows. It is now about an inch above my ankle when unplaited. It's become quite sentimental and I can't seem to part with it now. It's had 2 cuts, one by the hairdressed who did my hair for my wedding after I told her about it and asked her to avoid it -wasn't impressed! The other was by myself by accident when I was cutting my hair... whoops!
I don't know anyone else with long hair so I really look forward to reading tips from you all on how to care for it better!
What a great forum!
Hope my big ramble makes some sense :oops:
Adiva xx

November 12th, 2010, 11:37 PM
I was under the false impression you could do much with very long hair!

That should say "couldn't", sorry.

November 13th, 2010, 03:08 AM
Hi, Im also from Australia welcome to the forum! I don't post much but I browse often :)

November 14th, 2010, 03:17 PM
Thanks for the welcome MomoKoNoHanna! I'm really enjoying browsing the forum myself and slowly figuring out all the abreviations :eek: