View Full Version : Am I nuts? Thinking of lopping it off after 45 years

November 12th, 2010, 08:29 AM
My hair has been long since I was 12--45 years ago.

It's in good shape. It's hip length.

I got a wild hair to cut it off late in the spring and found LHC and that settled the impulse for a while.

But now I'm thinking of it again.

Maybe it's just time for a trim. Often, when I get one of my regular trims to keep it at hip length, I lose the CHOP impulse.

On the one hand, I curious what short or shorter hair would be like.

On the other hand, I'm terrified about what it would be like. I'd probably have to style it, which I refuse to do. As it is, it's quick to put it up or back and get out the door. People I know with short hair do all the time-consuming styling stuff.

And then there's the fact that I've had it long for so long. It feels like it's part of me. But then that might mean I'm stuck in a rut.

I used to always wear it in a low ponytail. Lately, I've been wearing it up almost all the time in a lazy French twist.

I wonder if I had a chunk cut off, maybe I could wear it down more.

I have to dress professionally most week days and some weekend days.

IF I cut it I WILL NOT cut it because I'm 57 and I "SHOULD have cut it long ago." No ma'am. I don't take that bus.

Probably I won't, but I've really been thinking about it.:confused::confused::confused:

November 12th, 2010, 08:35 AM
Errr..hard to give advice, having short hair myself. I say if you really, really, really want to cut your hair, to change your hair, why not try it?
I mean you can control the experience totally, so why not give it a go.

~that's just me, again, I really have no room to talk, I cut my hair a lot~

November 12th, 2010, 08:40 AM
If you invoke the two-week rule, and you still want to try a cut, why not work up to it? Get a two or three-inch cut, and see how you feel about it. If you don't like it, don't cut any more; it'll grow back fairly soon. If you like it, and you think you want more off, go for it. Just cut til you're comfortable. I'd hate for you to cut off a good foot or two all at once and then be miserable until it grows back, but I also think you should also be happy with your hair.

Alternatively, you could try a shorter wig. Or a fake bob--although I'm not sure how well a fake bob would work on hair as long as yours. Just experiment!

November 12th, 2010, 08:42 AM
As someone who is your exact same age, please let me weigh in. I've had both very short and fairly long hair throughout my life. While lopping off hair is swift, it can be very psychologically/emotionally traumatizing, especially if that's been a large part of your identity (how you see yourself and how others see you). The growing-out stage is horrendous. I've done it too many times (and apparently never seem to learn). In-between lengths (not short, not long) are dreadful to deal with and horrible to manage (time-consuming, ugly, miserable, and regularly in need of product).

In 2007 I cut my hair to a pixie (in a frenzied state of post-menopausal madness). :blueeek: I do not recommend this!!! Growing my hair out at this age was one of the most wretched and depressing experiences. It's more and more difficult to grow hair from short to long at our age. A trim, yes; a cut, NO!

Of course, as everyone is sure to say, it's your hair; do what you want. But as someone who has been there, done that (all too recently) and is your same age, I say DO NOT CUT.

Just my two cents (which might be exactly what it's worth).

November 12th, 2010, 08:54 AM
I lost my waist length hair to chemo and I hate hate hate it short! I never got the urge to cut but for now I am stuck with wigs because my hair is too short and I simply look ugly with short hair. Iit is about an inch and I will not give up wigs until it is shoulder length, at least)

I would invoke the two week rule but I bet if you cut you would feel dowdy. Long hair - even up - sets us apart and makes us special, even at "our" age. Sorry, I am just really envious. It will take years to get back to where I was.

November 12th, 2010, 08:54 AM
I get tired of long hair sometimes, it can get a little boring for me personally.
I have cut my hair several times and I have enjoyed each length except for super short. I had a wonderful cut that was shoulder length, it was really pretty and stylish and I loved it. APL was fun and I wore my hair down all the time and got lots of compliments. I had amazing layers with body and bounce, sexy hair :) BSL was great because it was so versatile. I could put it up, wear it down, best of both worlds kind of thing. When I cut again I will go to BSL and then wait it out for a while before deciding whether I should go shorter or not.

I think you should enjoy your hair and it's fun to have a change. If you do it gradually it's pretty safe too. If you cut too much at once it can be traumatic.

November 12th, 2010, 08:59 AM
Id say just trim an inch at a time if this is what you want, I certainly wouldnt advocate going short, been there and got the tear filled pillow to prove it. Your hair is gorgeous and its obvious you have looked after it well. Are there areas in your life which you feel unhappy with and feel a change in your appearance would change all that? because trust me it doesnt work, done that too!

If you are adamant in cutting off, please as the others have said put the 2 week rule into effect. you come across as a strong lady and I am sure you will reach the right decision for you. xx

November 12th, 2010, 09:04 AM
Isn't there some other major change you could make that would be less...traumatic. I'm thinking of the effort and time it will take to grow it back if/when you decide you really hate it short (and I'm guessing that's the thing that's most likely to happen). You know, wear an outfit that's really way out of your normal style, or take a welding class, or something? (I have a friend who swears that everyone should take a welding class at some point in their lives.)

Are you sure that your desire to change your hair isn't simply a symptom of frustration over something *else* - like your job, your personal relationship, etc? Because if so, you might be better served by trying to fix the something else rather than taking it out on your hair.


November 12th, 2010, 09:13 AM
I would give this much more thought if I were you. Instead of employing just the stereotypical two week rule, I would think long and hard about this for at least a month. You have had your hair long for well over the better part of your life. So it is not just a haircut for you.................its a whole way of life. Its a part of you. Is this something that you really want to dramatically change?

If you have a real itching for a cut, then for now just take off 2 to 3 inches, and nothing more than that. That much alone is a significant difference. See if you like it first. That way if you find out that you really don't want to go shorter, then you can easily grow that out within the next 6 months.

November 12th, 2010, 09:19 AM
The impulse must be in the air. My SIL has had long hair since her teens (in her 40s now), and lately she's been considering cutting back to shoulder length. She's used to braiding it to get it out of the way, so I told her to go no shorter than BSL as it's harder to get a decent braid at shoulder length.

I hope you both come to a decision you're happy with.

November 12th, 2010, 09:22 AM
I would give this much more thought if I were you. Instead of employing just the stereotypical two week rule, I would think long and hard about this for at least a month. You have had your hair long for well over the better part of your life. So it is not just a haircut for you.................its a whole way of life. Its a part of you. Is this something that you really want to dramatically change?

If you have a real itching for a cut, then for now just take off 2 to 3 inches, and nothing more than that. That much alone is a significant difference. See if you like it first. That way if you find out that you really don't want to go shorter, then you can easily grow that out within the next 6 months.

Sound advice. Chiming in to second this. :)

November 12th, 2010, 09:27 AM
As someone who is your exact same age, please let me weigh in. I've had both very short and fairly long hair throughout my life. While lopping off hair is swift, it can be very psychologically/emotionally traumatizing, especially if that's been a large part of your identity (how you see yourself and how others see you). The growing-out stage is horrendous. I've done it too many times (and apparently never seem to learn). In-between lengths (not short, not long) are dreadful to deal with and horrible to manage (time-consuming, ugly, miserable, and regularly in need of product).

In 2007 I cut my hair to a pixie (in a frenzied state of post-menopausal madness). :blueeek: I do not recommend this!!! Growing my hair out at this age was one of the most wretched and depressing experiences. It's more and more difficult to grow hair from short to long at our age. A trim, yes; a cut, NO!

Of course, as everyone is sure to say, it's your hair; do what you want. But as someone who has been there, done that (all too recently) and is your same age, I say DO NOT CUT.

Just my two cents (which might be exactly what it's worth).

Thanks. I have seriously thought about the issues you raise. ....

November 12th, 2010, 09:28 AM
I lost my waist length hair to chemo and I hate hate hate it short! I never got the urge to cut but for now I am stuck with wigs because my hair is too short and I simply look ugly with short hair. Iit is about an inch and I will not give up wigs until it is shoulder length, at least)

I would invoke the two week rule but I bet if you cut you would feel dowdy. Long hair - even up - sets us apart and makes us special, even at "our" age. Sorry, I am just really envious. It will take years to get back to where I was.

Sorry about the hair loss to chemo! Health to you. And speedy hair growth!

November 12th, 2010, 09:30 AM
I would give this much more thought if I were you. Instead of employing just the stereotypical two week rule, I would think long and hard about this for at least a month. You have had your hair long for well over the better part of your life. So it is not just a haircut for you.................its a whole way of life. Its a part of you. Is this something that you really want to dramatically change?

If you have a real itching for a cut, then for now just take off 2 to 3 inches, and nothing more than that. That much alone is a significant difference. See if you like it first. That way if you find out that you really don't want to go shorter, then you can easily grow that out within the next 6 months.

Thanks. I've been thinking about it for months, but I get 2-3 inches cut off several times a year. My hair grows fast and I like to keep it at hip length. That means 2 inches or so every 6-8 weeks.

But it is a part of me....

November 12th, 2010, 09:35 AM
I am soo for you chopping it and getting a nice neat haircut! I'm an experimentator, I NEED to see how it looks! But since you're not so young anymore your hair will grow back slowly... I think you should be careful with that thought. Because I chopped my hair twice and it was never good. I knew it won't be but I just had to do it, I was hoping I would look so much better. On the other hand, I'm a believer you might look good with a haircut. But beware that I'm biased that way - I'm almost always gonna be the one who says 'cut'.

November 12th, 2010, 09:37 AM
Dear Jane,
Sincerely (one of your biggest fans),
Princess P.

November 12th, 2010, 10:02 AM
I think wendyg's idea of taking a welding class is a great idea! Welding is power. :D

Re: whether or not you should cut - I'm deferring to those other posters here who have actually had long hair, whether they've cut or not, since I've never had long hair myself.

November 12th, 2010, 10:05 AM
You know change is fun! having long beautiful hair is great but sometimes when I have long hair I look at people with shorter fun sporty styles and love that too.. (not above shoulder though) I think beautiful hair comes in all lengths and if your hair grows as fast as you say why not? you have had it one way for sooooo many years it might just give you that extra umph. again just my two cents...

November 12th, 2010, 10:12 AM
I am soo for you chopping it and getting a nice neat haircut! I'm an experimentator, I NEED to see how it looks! But since you're not so young anymore your hair will grow back slowly... I think you should be careful with that thought. Because I chopped my hair twice and it was never good. I knew it won't be but I just had to do it, I was hoping I would look so much better. On the other hand, I'm a believer you might look good with a haircut. But beware that I'm biased that way - I'm almost always gonna be the one who says 'cut'.

I find this post a little patronising, who said hair grows slower because your older? There are plenty of mature women on here who have long hair which would put younger people to shame and who also started growing when older and grew the same rate as they always did! Jane is 56 which in my books is hardly ancient!

November 12th, 2010, 10:35 AM
My mom is 56 and she grows faster than me. How about you try some styles that really emulate short hair? Hair takes so long to grow, don't cut it. I'm dying here with short hair. Youtips4u had a tutorial on youtube to make her long hair look like a shoulder length bob. I'll try to find it and edit here.

ETA: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B347qKB9Kag&feature=fvsr

November 12th, 2010, 10:39 AM
I find this post a little patronising, who said hair grows slower because your older? There are plenty of mature women on here who have long hair which would put younger people to shame and who also started growing when older and grew the same rate as they always did! Jane is 56 which in my books is hardly ancient!

Well, I'm 57 and I have to cut a couple of inches off my hair every--oh, really, I guess it's every 6-9 weeks--just to keep it at hip length. It grows fast!:cheese:

November 12th, 2010, 10:53 AM
Don't do... Think about how it'll change your life. Now you said you do a 2-3 inch trim every couple of months. Maybe try 4-5 inches. It isn't a lot but it'll give you a taste of shorter hair. And then if you like it, then you can cut shorter. If not, good thing your hair grows fast! It seems, for me at least, everytime I get to hip I get a little bored with my hair. Like I feel like it isn't special anymore or something. So I cut it back to waist and remember why I like my hair long again. Or I try a hairstyle that I've never done before or haven't done in a while.

Or maybe you don't really want to cut it, but just do something a little different. Maybe try a new color, or a cassia gloss, or pamper your hair with something new!

I love your hair. And I'm sure it is a major part of what makes you YOU! Think before you cut. :)

November 12th, 2010, 10:57 AM
You people are all very sweet. I probably won't cut it. Though I very often cut 2-3 inches, 6 inches would be a big deal for me; that's all I'd probably do.

I don't like coloring my hair; I know everyone here is very brave about trying colors, but not me.

November 12th, 2010, 10:58 AM
Well, I'm 57 and I have to cut a couple of inches off my hair every--oh, really, I guess it's every 6-9 weeks--just to keep it at hip length. It grows fast!:cheese:

57 is still young! I think it would be a shame for you to lose those lovely locks:)

November 12th, 2010, 11:02 AM
Thanks, jojo! Thanks, everyone, for the encouragement!

November 12th, 2010, 11:07 AM
I'm a fan of your hair too; I would not cut if I were you. With that said, maybe you can restore some joy for your longer locks by experimenting with some new styles? That's what brought me to LHC in the first place. I'm a bit younger, but was feeling a little frumpy with the updo styles I could do. I've learned quite a few since I've been here and have treated myself to many nicer hair toys along the way. I think it is so rare to see a woman of a certain age with long locks; its almost like finding a leprechaun. I think of Teazel and some other ones who are going against the grain with growing their natural color and keeping it long; women like that are treasures to behold. :flower:

November 12th, 2010, 11:17 AM
I was going to suggest stages, waist first, then a maybe a bit more. You didn't mention anything that is particularly annoying you (like tangles, etc) or anything you wanted (volume, curls, face framing layers), so I am thinking maybe just some new hairdos would satisfy. Also, is it something you want other people to notice? That sounds like a weird question but although we here are very sensitive to changes in length I have noticed the average person looks at my hair and says "long" regardless if I just cut some off. So if you cut what feels like a lot to you and no one notices, will you be disappointed? Relieved?

November 12th, 2010, 11:17 AM
Yeah, it's just a stereotype to think that one's hair will grow more slowly as they get older. I too am 57, and my hair grows like it always has - like weeds. My mum used to say that my hair grew "freakishly fast." Well, it's normal for me, so I consider it natural, not freakish.

Anyway, since you are another who's hair grows fast, go ahead and cut anywhere from 6 - 12 inches off. BSL might be enough change to cheer you up, and your hair will 'feel' different, more light and free. If you aren't crazy about it, you can easily cut more, or just leave it alone and it'll be back before you know it, so there is not much risk involved.

(Yes, I know there are many here who bemoan the loss of an inch, but we fast growers are not as attached to each inch as others are, so what I suggest is not likely to be traumatic for one of us.)

November 12th, 2010, 12:04 PM
Jane, over on the Renegray thread we decided that aliens have invaded and are flooding our minds tempting us to chop and/or dye. Just grab your tinfiol hat and wait out the 2 week rule and you will be back to normal :p

Of course, since your hair grows fast a minor cut probably wouldn't be too much of an issue.

November 12th, 2010, 12:48 PM
Jane, over on the Renegray thread we decided that aliens have invaded and are flooding our minds tempting us to chop and/or dye. Just grab your tinfiol hat and wait out the 2 week rule and you will be back to normal :p

I was wondering what the alien thing was about, since I lurk on that thread! :o

Something is in the air for sure. My hair was BSL yesterday...now it's very short. But my ultimate goal for now is healthy virgin hair & I thought about chopping for a while now.

I really like Eric's advice. I have had very long & very short hair several times in my life, so I'm used to dramatic changes. :)

Good luck!

November 12th, 2010, 12:50 PM
The thing is...it's nice to imagine it sometimes...but when you actually cut it it can be truly traumatic. Why don't you try cutting just a few inches off and keep working up until you feel comfortable? That way it won't be too drastic.

November 12th, 2010, 02:40 PM
I've been thinking about it too -- not shorter than BSL, I suppose that would be a radical change for me. It's pretty much in the way if it's down, falling forward into what I'm doing. My buns have a tendency to lean to the side after a bit too. A lady I work with asked me why I want the "super long" length.

I think if it was somewhat shorter I could still enjoy having long hair, still play with the toys, etc., but be a bit more manageable. But then I was combing it last night and it was looking good, and I thought, why do I want to cut it?

November 12th, 2010, 02:41 PM
You people are all very sweet. I probably won't cut it. Though I very often cut 2-3 inches, 6 inches would be a big deal for me; that's all I'd probably do.

I don't like coloring my hair; I know everyone here is very brave about trying colors, but not me.

Oh! Well, if you're only thinking six inches, I say Go for it! The speed at which your hair grows, you'll hardly notice it. I thought you meant pixie or something!
Btw I agree with everyone else your hair looks lovely.

November 12th, 2010, 02:49 PM
Thanks, jojo! Thanks, everyone, for the encouragement!

Just wanted to add that twice so far i have had long hair and i have had it cut to a bob length and instantly regretted it, so maybe get a good trim and a manicure to make you feel good about yourself.

November 12th, 2010, 02:57 PM
Jane, over on the Renegray thread we decided that aliens have invaded and are flooding our minds tempting us to chop and/or dye. Just grab your tinfiol hat and wait out the 2 week rule and you will be back to normal :p

Of course, since your hair grows fast a minor cut probably wouldn't be too much of an issue.

Yeah, I was going to say go read the last several pages of the S&P thread. There's been a lot of really weird alien invasions going on over there. :luke:

I know you don't particularly like buns and mostly just wear your ponytail when you wear it up. Maybe a half up? Or maybe a braid? Just some suggestions for something different. I would hate for you to regret a cut just because you needed a change somewhere but cutting your hair was not necessarily what you wanted. I like the idea of a welding class, or something new other than a drastic cut, too!

November 12th, 2010, 04:27 PM
Has anyone mentioned 'Locks of Love'? If you regretted cutting it, at least it was for good reason.....

November 12th, 2010, 04:31 PM
Has anyone mentioned 'Locks of Love'? If you regretted cutting it, at least it was for good reason.....

Please clarify. Do you mean good reason to regret since the donation went to LoL or do you mean that cutting and donating to LoL was a good reason to cut/donate? Please advise.

November 12th, 2010, 04:56 PM
My advice, based on what you've said might be to cut to the next "milestone" up. Since you're at hip, take it up to waist, and see how you feel about that. That way its kind of the "big chop" feel, but you still have long hair if you hate it and want it back. Depending on how you feel, you can work your way up the "milestones." If you decide you do want something shoulder or shorter, definitely find a good stylist and have a consultation with him/her about "this is my hair, I want it short, I don't want to style it, what would you recommend?" I've gotten cute short cuts before that require styling, and I looked bad until they grew out because I'm too lazy for the blow-dryer and product route.

November 12th, 2010, 04:58 PM
Maybe you just need a little change of pace. like a new color or a new bangs style or some layers cut in around your face. There are a lot of ways to change up your look without losing all your length. Why not go to a hairstyle tryon website where you can upload your photo and try on different styles. You could see what you look like with different bangs, layers, colors, even different colors of makeup.

It seems like you've been feeling a need for a change of pace, but my advice is to try a little change and see if that feels freeing;then, you will know whether or not you want to go for more. Do some research on what kinds of look you like or what kinds of styles would work with your hair type, lifestyle, and time that you have in the morning to do it. Some short styles take a LONG time to achieve in the morning, with blowdrying and straightening necessary to get the "I woke up like this" look. Don't just show up at your local Great Clips one day on a whim and get your hair cut, because you won't be happy with it. Also, don't let yourself be talked into a high maintenance style if you only have five minutes to do your hair or you want to be able to go a couple months between trims. Short hair generally requires a trim every 4-6 weeks to keep it looking good and well-shaped. ETA: Whatever you choose to do, do it for YOU! As women, we often find ourselves giving and giving, but our hair is OURS! Do with it as YOU like :-)

November 12th, 2010, 05:33 PM
Yeah, I was going to say go read the last several pages of the S&P thread. There's been a lot of really weird alien invasions going on over there. :luke:

I know you don't particularly like buns and mostly just wear your ponytail when you wear it up. Maybe a half up? Or maybe a braid? Just some suggestions for something different. I would hate for you to regret a cut just because you needed a change somewhere but cutting your hair was not necessarily what you wanted. I like the idea of a welding class, or something new other than a drastic cut, too!

Actually, I wear my hair all the way up most of the time now--in a lazy French twist, which seems less school-marmish that how I look in buns.

It's not about the rest of my life--which is complex indeed--but this is about my hair. I've had this long hair through adolescence, college, graduate school, beginning a difficult profession, divorces, miscarriages, and now through a devastating work crisis. But it really is about the hair.

Just imagine being 57 years old and NEVER having had anything but long hair in 45 years.

But I have bangs; and layers around my face would be a nightmare with my hair.

Don't think locks of love would take my hair. Last time I checked, they wouldn't. And I'm suspicious of them.

Wish I had time for a welding class! I work 60 hours a week on just ONE of my jobs and do part time web-editing also.

November 12th, 2010, 05:42 PM
I'm sort of the opposite; I've had short to medium length (shoulder to about APL) hair all my life and now I want it long, just because I can. ;) I can understand wanting something different, but I wouldn't go overboard because you can't undo it once it's done.

I am not a hair styling kind of person. I don't know why I never grew my hair longer before, because it's much easier to toss long, thick, wurly hair into an updo than to try taming it when it's shorter and spronging in all directions. So I would consider carefully how much you're willing to do and what length it would take for you to do that. Maybe just a few inches off will be enough, or five, or six. That's something only you can decide. I wouldn't cut it really short, though, because that may be much more than you can manage. Good luck with whatever you decide--it's your hair and you should be happy with it!

November 12th, 2010, 06:13 PM
When you say your long hair is a part of you, the speaks volumes to me. Since your regular trim is 2-3", go for 4-6" and maybe a change in the shape of your hemline. I think from what you've said you are craving some change in your life. Does it have to be your hair? Can't you buy new clothes, get some more piercings in your ears, paint your living room, redo your bedroom, get a racy red sports car? I think you get the idea. Change other things. I agree with whoever said 2 weeks is no where near long enough to consider such a major decision.

November 12th, 2010, 06:16 PM
As you said you were hip length, maybe cut it to waist and see how you feel about it then. If you're ok with it, cut to midback, if not it won't take as long to grow it back as it would if you'd cut it to say BSL or shoulder :)

November 12th, 2010, 06:20 PM
When you say your long hair is a part of you, the speaks volumes to me. Since your regular trim is 2-3", go for 4-6" and maybe a change in the shape of your hemline. I think from what you've said you are craving some change in your life. Does it have to be your hair? Can't you buy new clothes, get some more piercings in your ears, paint your living room, redo your bedroom, get a racy red sports car? I think you get the idea. Change other things. I agree with whoever said 2 weeks is no where near long enough to consider such a major decision.

It really is about the hair. And I can't buy new clothes or a racy red sports car (hellish work crisis means less money even though I'm working 60-70 hour weeks; and the less money and 60-70 hour weeks mean I can't redo a bedroom even if I wanted to).

It really is about the hair, and I've been considering it for months.

I probably won't do it; the real reason not to is what jeanniet mentioned above about the styling work and nonsense that goes with having shorter hair.

ETA: Thanks to everyone for caring about my silly angst!

November 12th, 2010, 06:25 PM
I've had this long hair through adolescence, college, graduate school, beginning a difficult profession, divorces, miscarriages, and now through a devastating work crisis. But it really is about the hair.

Just imagine being 57 years old and NEVER having had anything but long hair in 45 years.

I believe you that it's about the hair! I lopped my hair off from hip to chin a few years back, and never regretted it. Still busy growing it back, but no regrets; I wanted a change, and I got one. I'd been planning it for a long time before I cut, so I was prepared.

If you're only thinking about cutting 6 inches, I'd say just go for it. It sounds like your hair grows quickly, and you'll still have plenty of hair left at that length.

ETA: Oh, and I did no more styling at chin than I do now. Less, really. It just depends on your hair and your desire to look "styled".

November 12th, 2010, 08:56 PM
When my hair was shorter lengths, APL to BSL - even waist - it was much easier for me to care for. That is why I know I will cut back again at some point. I had less hair to deal with but it was still versatile and fun. I don't regret any length except chin length, that was was not for me.

November 12th, 2010, 09:46 PM
My hair has been long since I was 12--45 years ago.

It's in good shape. It's hip length.

I got a wild hair to cut it off late in the spring and found LHC and that settled the impulse for a while.

But now I'm thinking of it again.

Maybe it's just time for a trim. Often, when I get one of my regular trims to keep it at hip length, I lose the CHOP impulse.

On the one hand, I curious what short or shorter hair would be like.

On the other hand, I'm terrified about what it would be like. I'd probably have to style it, which I refuse to do. As it is, it's quick to put it up or back and get out the door. People I know with short hair do all the time-consuming styling stuff.

And then there's the fact that I've had it long for so long. It feels like it's part of me. But then that might mean I'm stuck in a rut.

I used to always wear it in a low ponytail. Lately, I've been wearing it up almost all the time in a lazy French twist.

I wonder if I had a chunk cut off, maybe I could wear it down more.

I have to dress professionally most week days and some weekend days.

IF I cut it I WILL NOT cut it because I'm 57 and I "SHOULD have cut it long ago." No ma'am. I don't take that bus.

Probably I won't, but I've really been thinking about it.:confused::confused::confused:

I suggest you think about cutting it until you're ABSOLUTELY sure it's the right thing to do for you.

If you decide to cut, I'd do it gradually. Cutting to shoulder length could be traumatic, and then you'd most likely need to consider "styling" it.

So, think long and hard and feel comfortable with your decision.

November 12th, 2010, 09:50 PM
oh i wouldnt take the risk personally... because if it was my hair i'd be worried it wont grow back the same.
From what I know every friend of mine whose had long hair then cut it short grew it back out again because they realised they prefer long.

November 13th, 2010, 02:10 AM
I probably won't do it; the real reason not to is what jeanniet mentioned above about the styling work and nonsense that goes with having shorter hair.

Can I just say that to me that's a total myth. I agree with Roeseate and Ultrabella. You can see how short my hair is in my avatar. I just wash and go every couple of days. The only styling is that I comb it. I never blow dry, straighten or anything else. Personally speaking, I have always found longer hair to be hard work because it's so thick that washing it takes me ages. :)

November 13th, 2010, 05:09 AM
I'm with Pixna and I've done the same thing as her. Why not go to a spa instead and pamper yourself? :) Or if that's too expensive maybe just one spa treatment that would make you feel pampered.

November 13th, 2010, 05:10 AM
I just saw your post above that you aren't going to cut. :)

November 13th, 2010, 05:47 AM
Aren't we all just a little nuts? At least vaguely creepy, yet endearing...?A change can be nice, do it in stages. If you haven't had fringe, perhaps you can hack offf your long bangs. Best of luck!

November 13th, 2010, 09:23 AM
Wish I had time for a welding class! I work 60 hours a week on just ONE of my jobs and do part time web-editing also.

Well right there's your answer. You need a VACATION!!! :cheese:

November 13th, 2010, 09:55 AM
What about trimming to a little below BSL? It will only take a year to grow back if you want it back to hip/waist.

November 13th, 2010, 10:52 AM
Well right there's your answer. You need a VACATION!!! :cheese:

Now THAT would be a treat! (Not gonna happen, though:()

November 13th, 2010, 11:18 AM
Beware of the stress factor! Pre-Lhc I used to cut as a means of controlling something, when other things were out of my control. Don't take the stress of life out on your hair!!! For twenty years about, I craved long hair, but never took the first step to actually let it grow!!!! I would also dye the heck out of it, sometimes, when stress was really bad, twice in one week. Don't do it!!!

November 13th, 2010, 01:28 PM
No ma'am. I don't take that bus.

I love this! *requests permission to use it myself?*

November 13th, 2010, 03:06 PM
I love this! *requests permission to use it myself?*

Permission granted!:)

November 13th, 2010, 03:11 PM
Beware of the stress factor! Pre-Lhc I used to cut as a means of controlling something, when other things were out of my control. Don't take the stress of life out on your hair!!! For twenty years about, I craved long hair, but never took the first step to actually let it grow!!!! I would also dye the heck out of it, sometimes, when stress was really bad, twice in one week. Don't do it!!!

I've lived with stress and worked a very stressful job for much of the 45 years I've had the hair.


It's just about the hair.

November 13th, 2010, 03:28 PM
I'd do it if I were you. It's fun to try new things, especially if you've spent your whole life with something the same. I don't know what the duce the "short hair means styling more" thing is all about, but for me it is totally not true. At top-of-shoulder-length I can put my hair in buns and braids and a true ponytail, and all I ever do is wash and condition it, add coconut oil or whatever leave-in I feel like on the ends after the shower and that's it. I just air dry it and always have. There's no styling involved whatsoever. Just wanted you to know that short hair doesn't necessarily mean it has to be styled at all. It's fun to have hair of all sorts of lengths, and enjoy them for what they are. For me, it's easy and also hard to have short hair and long hair. Long hair's a pain in the butt and very heavy for me, but makes me feel pretty and halfway unique on the outside; and short hair is hard in the sense that it's not exactly phenomenal, and that's it. :) Short hair is ridiculously easy to take care of, and there's nothing physically or mentally hard about it for me except the "not as special" feeling about it, which doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things anyway. Hope this made some sense; getting a little ramble-y. Just wanted to throw my opinion about it out there. :cheese:Have tons of fun, whatever you decide to do! :D

November 13th, 2010, 05:52 PM
I'm going to go against the grain a little and say that you should try it. Especially since you're not considering something drastic like a pixie cut or something, just 6 inches. With average growth, you'd have it back in a year (maybe a year and a half if you trim frequently), but since your hair grows so quickly, you could get it back to where you're used to in less time than that most likely.

Sometimes, it's good to try something new. I definitely wouldn't recommend CHOPPING it all off, or doing anything drastic, especially not all at once. Remember, cutting 6" off you'll still have long hair by the rest of the world's standards, and BSL is still easy to wear down or twist up (though you'll have to re-learn how to put that french twist up with less hair, it can be done and done easily).

As another life-long longhair (although I am a bit younger than you at 23) I've never understood the stress-cutting thing, so I completely believe you that it's just about the hair, which is why I think you should try it. After all, it's just hair. It will grow back.

November 13th, 2010, 06:13 PM
I find this post a little patronising, who said hair grows slower because your older? There are plenty of mature women on here who have long hair which would put younger people to shame and who also started growing when older and grew the same rate as they always did! Jane is 56 which in my books is hardly ancient!

So true! My hair grows a little faster than average, and I'm nearly 57.

November 13th, 2010, 09:24 PM
Whatever you do, just do it gradually.

I lopped mine off the other day because it gets in the way of swimming every day. It's now collar length/medium-bob. Forget styling! Rolled out of bed this morning and didn't even need to brush it. So it can be a good thing. :)

November 14th, 2010, 03:20 AM
you can try faking it :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ton9wCOdrGI

November 14th, 2010, 03:35 AM
I did edit my last post (added the video a few minutes later), if you didn't see, but you could also try curling, as it can eat up a lot of length. How about you see yourself with curly BSL and see if you like it.

November 14th, 2010, 03:45 AM
I'm going to go against the grain a little and say that you should try it. Especially since you're not considering something drastic like a pixie cut or something, just 6 inches. With average growth, you'd have it back in a year (maybe a year and a half if you trim frequently), but since your hair grows so quickly, you could get it back to where you're used to in less time than that most likely.

Sometimes, it's good to try something new. I definitely wouldn't recommend CHOPPING it all off, or doing anything drastic, especially not all at once. Remember, cutting 6" off you'll still have long hair by the rest of the world's standards, and BSL is still easy to wear down or twist up (though you'll have to re-learn how to put that french twist up with less hair, it can be done and done easily).

I saw this thread title and came in here to be all "NOOOOO" ... Jane, I love your hair :) It's beautiful. But honestly, if you're that curious as to what it will be like 6" shorter, I think you should go for it. That's the only way you'll know, right? And if you hate it, in way less than a year (judging by your super fast growth) you'll have hair this length again, and you never have to chop again :)

November 14th, 2010, 01:14 PM
If you are simply curious about how different lengths and styles would look on you, maybe trying on a few wigs would satisfy the urge. :)

November 14th, 2010, 01:52 PM
Hey Motogirl, I admire your attitude. Glad you're finished with the cemo.
I understand you wanting to change your look. Before you cut, go on youtube and watch some videos of people getting their long locks chopped off. It is really an eye opener and it might help you decide.

November 14th, 2010, 02:02 PM
Yes you are nuts! :p My Italian husband always says this to me... "you nuts?" Yeah, I am. But seriously you are too right now. I saw this thread and passed over it thinking... oh another one wants to trim, chop, bite the dust, cut a few... but when I clicked on and saw it was you, my eyes got BIG.

Of course, I have to say this... if I had your hair I would be soooo happy! If you had my hair, I'd say go for it! Not nuts at t'all!

November 14th, 2010, 04:08 PM
Jane, you are in a very unique situation in that you've had long hair all of your teen and adult life. Most of us have experienced a few short or mid-length hairstyles by the time we reach middle age.

I completely understand that it really is just about the hair.

As far as shorter hair being more work, I think it depends on the cut and the hair type.

Dani made some good points, but her hair type, with those waves, makes a world of difference. I have to be totally honest with you. I did find that with my hair type (similar to yours), in order for my hair to look polished at any length above shoulder length, it did need require styling. If you're not used to doing any styling, and you're not, then I'd want to be really sure that the hair cut you get is truly wash and wear for your hair type. You'd need to have a very good chat with a stylist you trust.

I do think however, that there is no point in wearing our hair in ways that do not give us pleasure, and if you want to try something you've never gotten to try before, I say go for it!

I also understand about wanting to wear your hair down whenever you wish.

Maybe if you still feel like cutting off some hair, you could try a BSL cut or so. That way you could get an idea of how you feel with less length, and you'll still have a full arsenal of styling options.

After that, then you may decide to cut it shorter, or you may decide to grow it out again.

Bottom line: have some fun with your hair. Enjoy it and be happy with it.

I really wish you well with your decision. :blossom:

November 14th, 2010, 05:54 PM
Thanks for your continuing answers.

When some of you suggest I get my hair cut to BSL, do you realize how extremely short BSL seems to me? It was 43-44 years ago the last time I had it that short.

I'm leaning now towards not cutting it, but if you're interested, watch this video about a local charity (some of my students are the student liaisons) and look at the two women-of-a-certain-age with beautiful short hair cuts. (above shoulder length) I think the one with the white hair might style a little but not forever. The one with the blonde hair probably spends the first 25&#37; of her morning styling.


November 14th, 2010, 06:44 PM
Seeing as you've had very long hair since 1965, I think we do know how short BSL must be to you.

I don't think anyone is suggesting that you cut to BSL as much as we are trying to warn you that to cut any shorter than that might be truly traumatic and possibly ultimately depressing.

Having had hair the same length as the ladies you pointed out in the video, I can tell you that they both spend more time styling their hair than you might imagine.

Especially with your hair type, you would have to resort to rollers with a damp or wet set, blow-drying, hot rollers or a curling iron to achieve anything like the volume that those ladies have.

Frankly Jane, I think that it would be painful and overwhelming for you to cut your hair anywhere near that short. Not only might you feel that you've lost too much, but you would have to start at square one with learning how to care for and style short hair, especially for when you go to work or out for an evening.

I for one, am happy to hear that you are leaning towards not cutting. :flower:

November 14th, 2010, 07:07 PM
Thanks, Franny. You're probably right: both those lovely women probably are much more disciplined about hair styling than I could ever be!

November 14th, 2010, 07:37 PM
I've come into this a bit late, but here's my two cents.

Don't get a drastic cut. It is traumatic. Save up and try a few real hair wigs that are short, or even look at styled wigs, so you won't have to constantly be re-styling it all of the time.

I think that you should take a look at the reason why you want to cut your hair shorter. Is it because you feel bored with what you have now? In that case, try spicing things up! Wear a ribbon in your hair, try a wig or two, or a new hat. Change up your style of clothing or makeup (if you wear any), even.

Maybe try a different hemline or layers, depending on what you have now. If you really want to, take off a few inches, and it will grow back. :love: Hope this is helpful to you!!

November 14th, 2010, 07:48 PM
Can I just say that to me that's a total myth. I agree with Roeseate and Ultrabella. You can see how short my hair is in my avatar. I just wash and go every couple of days. The only styling is that I comb it. I never blow dry, straighten or anything else. Personally speaking, I have always found longer hair to be hard work because it's so thick that washing it takes me ages. :)

I would not try to sway your decision one way or the other, but I agree with Toadstool about the shorter = more styling time idea. My pixie requires very little time even though I have three cowlicks. But I don't like overly "styled" hair and in fact have always liked hair that looks a little messy (well, artfully messy, heh). When my hair starts to get long enough to get in my face, that's when I start to spend time on it.