View Full Version : Must be a miracle....

November 4th, 2010, 11:27 PM
I'm sure a lot of you can relate to having mother's/family members that give you trouble about your hair, even to the point of always wanting your hair to be the opposite of what you have no matter how you change it.

When my hair was long my mother fought tooth and nail to keep me from cutting it. At some point during one of my short phases I decided to grow my hair out and she pestered me about cutting it again because my shorter style was supposedly cuter. I cut it off because of that pestering too.:p

I talked to my mom today and decided to tell her about my decision to cut my hair. I figured that I'd get it out now and endure whatever criticism she had over the phone before she shows up here in a couple weeks and gets a shock. So the miracle part; she said "Yeah, that's probably a good idea, I always liked your hair long anyway." I'm feeling happy and slightly frustrated at the same time, lol! She doesn't think I need to grow it as long as I want to, but I told her I want try for TBL as long as I can keep my ends looking healthy. She didn't argue with that! Ha! I'm happy we're mostly on the same page for once, makes things easier.;)

November 4th, 2010, 11:43 PM
SUCCESS! At least for now you and your mom are on the same boat. :)

My family bust my chops for asking them to take pictures of my hair pr asking them if its getting longer. Then when I mentioned I wanted tailbone length my dad had a HUGE smile on his face and my mom said," Just don't grow it long and do what you did last time!"

She was referring to 2005 when I cut my tailbone length hair to right under my ear. The BIGGEST mistake of my life and that is why I am so happy I found LHC :)

November 5th, 2010, 12:21 AM
Haha.:D Well at least they are more supportive knowing your goal length. I'm glad my husband is willing to take pictures of my hair for me without busting my chops.

I cut my tail bone length hair in 2000 (I think. During my freshman year of high school anyway) to shoulder length. After that the length bounced up and down for a few years, until this last several months. I couldn't afford to go back to the salon to maintain my layered cut as soon as I should have, and then I decided to grow my hair out instead.

My dad will definitely be supportive of my wanting long hair. My really long un-dyed hair was always his favorite. Not that he didn't support my experiments. He's the kind of guy that would say, "I support you no matter what you want to do, and I will always think you are beautiful. But I like the long hair best.;)". He is so supportive it can baffle me sometimes.:D

November 5th, 2010, 04:16 AM
Interestingly enough my mother always puts in the sillly coment..."why don't you just have it cut like Elvis..." but I'm afraid the simple truth is - You are always right about your own appearance. Always! NEVER conform!

After having some incompetent stylist chop my hair off 8 weeks ago I have decided to grow it out once more - a 3 year process! Interestingly my mother having shared my hair experience has also decided to grow her hair out, but this time SHE is asking ME on what to do!

I am 23, she is 55

November 5th, 2010, 03:06 PM
Ooh, I was just thinking how much work it would be to maintain Elvis' hair style. You'd have to constantly trim it to keep it from getting too long, somehow manage to slick it back every morning while maintaining that poof in the front, and you'd probably have to carry at least a comb with you at all times to keep fixing your do'.

I give my mom hair advice from time to time too, makes me feel smart, lol! :D