View Full Version : Mini Milestone!

November 2nd, 2010, 02:36 PM
I think i've finally reached one of my mini goals for my hair!

It's not about length though, but about washing and trying to get rid of my greasies.

After FOUR months of CO-ing and not really having any progress, I was ready to give up. Not going back to sulfates though, I don't think I ever will. But I was ready to accept that I will just have to wash my super greasy hair every two days with CO for the rest of my life. Or maaaaybe being able to wait til the third, IF I use a harsher cleansing product (like baking soda) every once in a while.
But recently I've started to feel a difference in my scalp. Today is day 3 after washing (counting washing day as day 1), and my hair does not feel super greasy! I think I'll even be able to wear my hair in an updo for tomorrow aswell, and not wash it until day 5! Horray!!!:happydance:
My goal is washing just once a week. And now I have some fresh hope that it might come true some day! Seems like I just had a VERY long ajustment time with the CO-method. So my tip to all of you struggling with CO and greasies. Don't give up! Things actually CAN get better.

Just wanted to share the joy. :)

November 2nd, 2010, 02:41 PM
I'm happy for you!
Sometimes it takes a while to really see some progress, i've been stretching my washes for a while - 8 weeks intentionally- and it's only now that i'm starting to see some real benefits in my hair.

I've been CO-ing for a couple of weeks now as opposed to washing the conditioning so your progress has motivated me to continue!

Congrats. :cheer:

November 2nd, 2010, 02:50 PM
That sounds awesome. I'm happy to hear that something had an effect. I have the same problem with my scalp and it gives me hope. What kind of conditioner do you use?

November 2nd, 2010, 02:55 PM
Thank you so much!

One more interesting thing that I noticed is that my hair can tolerate oil much better now than when I first started oiling my hair (about 2 months ago).
In the beginning, the oils just seemed to "travel" up my strands and make my scalp even more greasy. I could only use the tiniest amount of oil, and only apply it straight after washing. Now I can use more, and even put some in on a non-washing day if my end feel crunchy or use it as extra protection for my nape hairs. My hair just absorbs it and feel soft and nice, and STILL kind of clean!

Keep going daaisychains! We can do it! :cheer::cheer:

November 2nd, 2010, 02:59 PM
It sounds like your hair is pretty healthy!
We have the same hair type too so hopefully my hair will respond in the same way yours did.

November 2nd, 2010, 03:01 PM
Roscata: I use two different kind of cone free conditioners that are alse low in proteine. Somehow, the ones that increases volume (or CLAIMS that they do) seem to work best for my hair.
The makes are Swedish and are called: 1: Barnängen Volym Balsam (ny och förbättrad formula) and 2: Naturelle Balsam, Creamy Peach.

I like the Naturelle one for cleaning my scalp, and the Barnängen one is more nourishing for my lenght.

Hang in there! :cheer:

November 2nd, 2010, 04:44 PM
Thank you, linnepinne!