View Full Version : Long hair on over 40's (Shine from Yahoo)

October 25th, 2010, 06:38 PM
Link to original post..http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/beauty/who-says-middle-aged-women-cant-have-long-hair-2402323/#photoViewer=10

Why is there always a debate surrounding long hair? Writer Dominique Browning, 55, wrote a piece for the New York Times today about how she loves having long hair, but everyone in her life seems to have a problem with it: "My mother hates it. My sister worries about it. My agent thinks I’m hiding behind it. A concerned friend suggests that it undermines my professional credibility. But in the middle of my life, I’m happy with it," Browning writes. And we can see where she's coming from!

When you're a young woman, a long, lustrous mane is often hair priority number one. Bouncing long hair is the most popular style for younger celebrities, it's favored by both designers and stylists, and, from what the many magazine surveys tell us, most men love it best. Ladies under 40 will go to great lengths (heh. pun intended) to get the look—even shelling out hundreds or thousands of dollars for hair extensions. But the cultural acceptability of long hair comes to a screeching halt by the time you're middle-aged. Then society says it's time to fall in line, cut it all off, and, for many women, opt for a short, boring, de-sexualized "mom" haircut, one that's not particularly stylish, but—what the hey!—it's easy to maintain. The prevailing wisdom seems to be: Young women with long hair are sexy, but old women with long hair look witchy and somehow unkempt. Cripes.

This way of thinking seems unfair to us. We believe many, many older women look great with long hair, which can be flattering on a variety of different face shapes and hair types, and can even make you look younger. And as many of us with long hair can attest, it's often actually easier to deal with than shorter styles—you can go longer between trims, it doesn't require much styling to look great, and you can gather it into a quick bun or ponytail to get it out of your face.

But we also have nothing against short hair. Short hair looks awesome on tons of women. So does shoulder-length hair, for that matter. But the bottom line is this: Women should be able to wear their hair any way they want, no matter what their age.

October 25th, 2010, 07:45 PM
FYI, there's already a thread about the article, from it's printing on nytimes.com.

I agree, I wouldn't de-sexualize my hair because I had kids. Or at least I hope I wouldn't. I guess you don't know until you have them! :)

October 25th, 2010, 07:59 PM
I remember Oprah saying that people told her she is too old for long hair. But she's not old, and her hair isn't long!

Beauty rules are so useless. I'm with the original poster. I think people should do whatever they feel like doing.

October 25th, 2010, 08:21 PM
Beauty rules are so useless. I'm with the original poster. I think people should do whatever they feel like doing.

I agree, I was just saying what I would wish for myself. I guess we should all wish upon others what we wish for ourselves. Different strokes for different folks. :)

October 25th, 2010, 08:41 PM
I'm 37. I still wear short skirts (with tights). I am growing my hair as long as it will grow. And if anyone doesn't like it then tough!
I spent my teens, twenties and early 30's worrying about how i looked and got upset by negative comments. (admitedly i was a punk and there were plenty of negative comments!!!).
I don't dress like a tramp. When i get dressed up it is in 30's, 40's, 50's or 60's clothes. Classics.
I wish i knew when i was younger that peoples opinions about what i should wear didn't matter. (although my hotpant phase did raise a lot of eyebrows).
What fashion dictates doesn't matter what matters is what makes us happy.
And there is nothing more beautiful to me than a woman in her twilight years with long silvery hair in a beautiful updo. And that is what i intend to be.

October 25th, 2010, 09:26 PM
Here, here. I agree. I am 48 and a few months and have been trying to grow my hair to all one length at least to my bra strap for 4-1/2 years. I just made it this year. And I suppose it is about 22 inches from front to very back ends.

I said to heck with what people say. I have always wanted to have long hair the same length at least once in my life.

I have worn the layered look for years.

It is wild and long and wavy when I let it dry natural. Or, I can straighten it with my expensive Paul Mitchel flat iron (but with much effort). I have not gotten brave enough for the Kerotin Straighteners.

Anyway. I am 48 and loving my long hair.

I love to straighten it. And just touch up a day or two then push it one more day before I wash it and then touch it up and pull pack in a ponytail. It looks very professional (even the pony tail).

But I must admit it is very wild when it is not straightened and that style is better for the weekends unless the weather is agreeable and it is not frizzy.

I am new to this site and this is only my second day and second posting.

Your posting got my attention and I just wanted to say.... Age is a just "mind" over "matter". If you don't mind.. it doesn't matter.... and we can wear our hair any way we want! Long or short. We have earned that privilege. !!

Gabby Girl

Link to original post..http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/beauty/who-says-middle-aged-women-cant-have-long-hair-2402323/#photoViewer=10

Why is there always a debate surrounding long hair? Writer Dominique Browning, 55, wrote a piece for the New York Times today about how she loves having long hair, but everyone in her life seems to have a problem with it: "My mother hates it. My sister worries about it. My agent thinks I’m hiding behind it. A concerned friend suggests that it undermines my professional credibility. But in the middle of my life, I’m happy with it," Browning writes. And we can see where she's coming from!

When you're a young woman, a long, lustrous mane is often hair priority number one. Bouncing long hair is the most popular style for younger celebrities, it's favored by both designers and stylists, and, from what the many magazine surveys tell us, most men love it best. Ladies under 40 will go to great lengths (heh. pun intended) to get the look—even shelling out hundreds or thousands of dollars for hair extensions. But the cultural acceptability of long hair comes to a screeching halt by the time you're middle-aged. Then society says it's time to fall in line, cut it all off, and, for many women, opt for a short, boring, de-sexualized "mom" haircut, one that's not particularly stylish, but—what the hey!—it's easy to maintain. The prevailing wisdom seems to be: Young women with long hair are sexy, but old women with long hair look witchy and somehow unkempt. Cripes.

This way of thinking seems unfair to us. We believe many, many older women look great with long hair, which can be flattering on a variety of different face shapes and hair types, and can even make you look younger. And as many of us with long hair can attest, it's often actually easier to deal with than shorter styles—you can go longer between trims, it doesn't require much styling to look great, and you can gather it into a quick bun or ponytail to get it out of your face.

But we also have nothing against short hair. Short hair looks awesome on tons of women. So does shoulder-length hair, for that matter. But the bottom line is this: Women should be able to wear their hair any way they want, no matter what their age.

October 25th, 2010, 11:29 PM
Personally, I think short hair actually AGES people. When I grow old, I want classic length snowy white hair flowing down my back :)