View Full Version : hair and emotions

October 12th, 2010, 08:50 PM
hi guys - do you think your hairdo gives out how you feeling or you use your hairdo/style to express emotions

recently one of my friends brought this up and I was surprised how easily it does

When I am in happy mood I usually have a nice updo probably a french braid or a fancy bun

I want to be left alone - tight ponytails
sad or lonely - messy bun

do you see this happening to you too ? want to know what other ppl think

October 12th, 2010, 08:56 PM
Yes, If I'm feeling sophisticated, Dah-ling, I wear an elegant bun at my nape. If I'm feeling pretty happy and carefree about things, I wear a high pony. If I'm feeling serious, I'll wear a pony at my nape. If I'm feeling hippy-dippy (and I say that affectionately!) I wear it down and probably not "brush" (finger comb) it. If I'm feeling rotten I just pull it back into a bun with a claw.

October 12th, 2010, 09:00 PM
I wear the same general hairdo everyday but I have noticed that my hair cut/length effects how I feel. I had a pixie cut for a few years and it made me feel all around cute. Then I had a one length bob and it made me feel professional and sophisticated. Long hair definatly makes me the happiest though so I am returning to that. :)

October 12th, 2010, 09:03 PM
Me, I definitely fall into this.

But, I also think it is kind of self full-filling, like if I wake up not feeling too great then I just do a ''blah' straight back pony and then each time when I look in the mirror, I think - God, you look bad today. And that makes me feel worse :-(

October 12th, 2010, 09:12 PM
I don't think it's just emotions that affect it for me. If I'm tired or too lazy to do anything or don't have time I have a simple plain bun with a hair pin. But if I have time and feel like it (usually when I'm in a good mood) I'll do something different or try something new.

October 12th, 2010, 09:12 PM
I might throw a hat on if I'm in a lazy mood or feel like hiding myself away from others, but my makeup and clothing would probably show my emotions more...the worse my mood the darker the makeup and clothes become.

October 12th, 2010, 09:17 PM
I tend to wear the same general style on a day to day basis. I'd say that it doesn't really reflect my emotions. One could argue that when I do something different I'm happy, but I consider those instances more as "I have the urge to actually do something instead of be lazy and go with what's quick, easy, and works."

October 12th, 2010, 09:25 PM
It is interesting to to see how are emotions get reflected in hair/makeup/clothes

I agree that sometimes these can be self fulfilling I feel lazy when I have hair in mess or just finger combed as opposed to when thoroughly brushed !!!

Please share your inputs !!

October 12th, 2010, 09:59 PM
If I'm not feeling too great I tend to leave my hair in a braid for days when I'm not going anywhere. When I'm in a better mood I make more of an effort with it, generally. Besides that, nothing specific.

October 13th, 2010, 01:08 AM
When i feel down, i put my hair up. And when i want to feel cute & sexy, i leave my hair down after styling my hair in spiral waves :)

October 13th, 2010, 01:42 AM
Interesting thread. For me, it's not just moods, it is also what style/image I'm feeling at the moment.

French twist: sophisticated/Audrey Hepburn/quiet sexiness

Cinnabun (mid level): laziness

Cinnabun (higher): Ballet dancer/feel like showing off my neck and jawline/playful

Ponytail: flirtatious/show off-y

Braided bun: serious/conservative

Pigtails: charming/I want to get my way

Down: lazy/wild/sexy/romantic/show off-y

October 13th, 2010, 05:55 AM
For me it's not the hairdo per se, it's whether and how much I handle it. When I'm feeling confident and pretty there is much head tossing and flinging of hair behind the shoulders - see my avatar for a perfect shot of piggy, mid-fling (^(oo)^)v

October 13th, 2010, 06:24 AM
HintofMint - I agree I am pretty much on those lines !!!

I wonder why ponytail is considered flirtatious or sexy by most - I agree to that - if I have a high ponytail at home - means I am upto something ;)

October 13th, 2010, 06:28 AM
Not really. I just try to look polished and beautiful every day, from head to toe, without really thinking too much about expressing myself.
My closet is filled with satisfactory clothing alone and it really does the thinking for me every day.
I dress more weather-fitting than mood fitting, and leave the emotional expression to the music. ;)

October 13th, 2010, 08:31 PM
HintofMint - I agree I am pretty much on those lines !!!

I wonder why ponytail is considered flirtatious or sexy by most - I agree to that - if I have a high ponytail at home - means I am upto something ;)

For me, it's because it shows off the length in a very obvious way. It also has that preppy cheerleader type of effect as it swings around. It's sexy but not sultry.
And, LOL at your high ponytail!