View Full Version : "Seasonal dandruff". Anyone else has this problem?

October 12th, 2010, 05:34 PM
When the weather starts to change my scalp dries like crazy and I get flakies. Happens when the cold humid days arrive, now it's been cold and rainy in the morning and by noon it's hot and sunny. Weird huh? My skin gets really sensitive during these times, an ACV usually does the thing, but I don't like using it now because when it rains the smell comes back :(
Anyone else has this issue? How do I fix it? Help!

October 12th, 2010, 05:49 PM
I've heard that diluted citric acid does something similar to ACV.

October 12th, 2010, 07:28 PM
My scalp has been flaky and itchy for a couple of days. I don't know if the weather or seasonal change is doing it because we had only a few days of cool weather before it got hot again (as it usually does in early October here). In my case, it could be hormonal wackiness because of my cycle, but I suppose the fact that it did get hot again could have caused it. My scalp has been flaky and itchy for most of my life and it seemed to have gotten better since I started shampooing daily with SLS, instead of every other day as I had been doing for years. Then, a couple of months ago, it started periodically acting up again and I'm not sure what's doing it. Sometimes a coconut oil massage before shampooing helps soothe the flakes and itchies, sometimes ACV rinse helps... it never seems to respond the same way to the same thing twice, except that dandruff shampoos never, ever help.

(Er, sorry I ranted there... it's just that this has frustrated me for years.)

October 13th, 2010, 09:05 AM
My scalp has been flaky and itchy for a couple of days. I don't know if the weather or seasonal change is doing it because we had only a few days of cool weather before it got hot again (as it usually does in early October here). In my case, it could be hormonal wackiness because of my cycle, but I suppose the fact that it did get hot again could have caused it. My scalp has been flaky and itchy for most of my life and it seemed to have gotten better since I started shampooing daily with SLS, instead of every other day as I had been doing for years. Then, a couple of months ago, it started periodically acting up again and I'm not sure what's doing it. Sometimes a coconut oil massage before shampooing helps soothe the flakes and itchies, sometimes ACV rinse helps... it never seems to respond the same way to the same thing twice, except that dandruff shampoos never, ever help.

(Er, sorry I ranted there... it's just that this has frustrated me for years.)

I do the same, both coconut oil and AVC help, but never in teh long term really. And dandruff shampoos only make it worse :shrug:

October 13th, 2010, 09:06 AM
I've heard that diluted citric acid does something similar to ACV.

I'll have to look it up. Thanks for the tip :)

October 13th, 2010, 09:19 AM
I've never experienced dandruff, and so I'm not very experienced with it.. but if you're getting it because your scalp is dry, I'd look for a treatment to moisturize it. Maybe when (if) you do an oiling, put a little extra TLC into the scalp or something :p. I hope you solve the problem!

October 13th, 2010, 09:25 AM
angelfell I already do oiling and massage regularly. It's not a very serious thing, sometimes my skin just decides to shed or something, lol.
Thanks =)

October 13th, 2010, 10:25 AM
I get it too. But mine's pretty severe. I have like no dandruff during summer, but that's only 1/4 of the year. Other 3/4 my scalp produces massive flakes. I can only get rid of it with ketoconazole shampoo and tea tree oil shampoos.

October 13th, 2010, 01:32 PM
I get it too. But mine's pretty severe. I have like no dandruff during summer, but that's only 1/4 of the year. Other 3/4 my scalp produces massive flakes. I can only get rid of it with ketoconazole shampoo and tea tree oil shampoos.

I cannot use shampoo made for dandruff, not even ketoconazole. My scalp dries even more and gets these itchy/sore spots after a while.

I just found out that using my BB brush gently on the scalp has a slightly exfoliating effect. It helps getting rid of the flakes. I used to do it with my fingers but it makes my scalp oily faster, while the brush does not. Thought you should know :)

October 13th, 2010, 03:17 PM
I cannot use shampoo made for dandruff, not even ketoconazole. My scalp dries even more and gets these itchy/sore spots after a while.

I just found out that using my BB brush gently on the scalp has a slightly exfoliating effect. It helps getting rid of the flakes. I used to do it with my fingers but it makes my scalp oily faster, while the brush does not. Thought you should know :)

Glad it works for you; mine's a fungal thing (hereditary), i'm afraid just brushing won't help me in that case :)

October 13th, 2010, 03:24 PM
Yes, this happens to me. I am suffering right now. I hate it. My head is smelly after a few days, too.

October 13th, 2010, 03:35 PM
My middle-school aged daughter has fairly bad dandruff.
Heavy coconut scalp oiling before washing helps a lot (I buy Vatika which has Neem extract in it, supposed to help with dandruff).
An ACV rinse would be beneficial, but she doesn't like the smell at all.

I picked up a bottle of Tea Tree Oil skin & scalp treatment today. The brand is Hollywood Beauty (it was only $2 at Walmart). It's got vitamin E and Aloe Vera in it, says it's a "fungus fighter".
I'm not entirely sure how to apply it. As a prewash? A leave in?
I'll have to have her experiment.

October 13th, 2010, 03:47 PM
Yes, this happens to me. I am suffering right now. I hate it. My head is smelly after a few days, too.

That's awful. Hope you find a good routine to fix it soon!

October 13th, 2010, 03:57 PM
My middle-school aged daughter has fairly bad dandruff.
Heavy coconut scalp oiling before washing helps a lot (I buy Vatika which has Neem extract in it, supposed to help with dandruff).
An ACV rinse would be beneficial, but she doesn't like the smell at all.

Oiling the scalp with coconut oil and doing an ACV rinse after washing makes my scalp extremelly happy, but the rainy weather and humidity make the vinegar smell really intense on my hair, I'm thinking of using it before shampoo, instead of as a final rinse, and see how that works.

I picked up a bottle of Tea Tree Oil skin & scalp treatment today. The brand is Hollywood Beauty (it was only $2 at Walmart). It's got vitamin E and Aloe Vera in it, says it's a "fungus fighter".
I'm not entirely sure how to apply it. As a prewash? A leave in?
I'll have to have her experiment.

I'm not familiar with that oil, we don't have wallmart here, but that seems good. If it's not too greasy or heavy I supose it could be used as a leave in.
I hope you can fix your daughter's issue soon :)

October 13th, 2010, 09:05 PM
Mine's been flaky and dry too... and the skin on my face is getting dry and tight feeling. *sigh*... I usually just shower and massage it, and try to wait for the crazy weather to get straight and just be cold. The flakes generally let up when it stocks to cold weather. I have to put lotion on my face everyday in the winter though. :o

October 14th, 2010, 06:38 AM
Mine's been flaky and dry too... and the skin on my face is getting dry and tight feeling. *sigh*... I usually just shower and massage it, and try to wait for the crazy weather to get straight and just be cold. The flakes generally let up when it stocks to cold weather. I have to put lotion on my face everyday in the winter though. :o

My face is like that too, if I don't put a couple drops of jojoba on my face after I shower my skin gets really dry.

October 14th, 2010, 06:42 AM
I've heard that diluted citric acid does something similar to ACV.

Yeah, I was going to say this--if ACV works for you but you aren't crazy about the smell (same here, btw), try another acidic rinse. I use white vinegar with essential oils most of the time, but I also like rosehip tea, diluted lemon juice, and other fruit juices. All smell yummy and make my scalp and hair happy.