View Full Version : Need some advice about going to NY
March 11th, 2008, 05:45 PM
I am going to Boston and NYork about a week from now and i was thinking that there must be many hair stuff that i really cant find here in Portugal (and hey, i live at the capital city) For example, i went looking for hair toys and i couldnt find anything better then plastic horrible stuff...i tryed to put on of them on my hair and i felt my hair breaking and then my scalp started to hurt as if i was using ponytail all day. I would also love to buy some products like VO5, Giovanni, Nature´s it easy to find these? Do you have any advice for me please? I wont be able to go so far so soon again...The only thing i am able to get here is Aubrey Organics the rest, i have Logona that i dont like and some others that say they are natural but i dont think so...
So, Hairtoys, Haircare? :cool: :p
March 11th, 2008, 05:58 PM
You can get Nature's Gate in the organic section of most large grocery stores, or if you can find a health food store they'll probably have both NG and Giovanni. V05 is available in drugstores.
In Boston, I would recommend that you try Whole Foods Market or Trader Joe's. You can check their websites for locations, they're all over the city and suburbs. If you see a store called "GNC" (it sells vitamins and things like that) they carry some Giovanni products. Also in Boston there are probably a thousand locations of CVS, a drugstore, that will have tons of V05.
I do not know much about NYC but the Duane Reade drug stores should have lots of V05, too.
Hope you have a great, safe trip!!
March 11th, 2008, 06:17 PM
Bucatini, thank you that is really helpful (the names and stuff) and now that you confirmed me the existence of all of them do you know wich ones are the best? I know that it is about your hair but even so there must be ones that are better then others, and i cant find that information here...i remember seeing reviews about them before the LHC went down
March 11th, 2008, 08:39 PM
NYC has Trader Joes and Whole Foods too. (Go to the WF on 7th ave, not 14th street though.)
There are Duane Reeds EVERYwhere, for V05.
Also try a store called Rickys. It has many, many bottled hair products as well as brushes and elastics. There is one on Broadway, somewhere near 34th street... maybe 36th? There ought to be a website listing the many locations. I bought a tonne of Natures Gate there when the formula was changing.
ummm, I can't reccomend much because I use the old "Original Herbal" NG sometimes, but it is gone. I don't like V05 myself. I use Burt's Bees Grapefruit condish, and Green tea condish for CO most often. My friend just ried that, and loved it too... so maybe try these?
There is a pharmacy with Ficcares, but only basics mainly. It is hard for me to recall the name at the moment and my card is in Queens. I have scored them half price at Century 21 before. (2nd floor right where you exit the escalator. Check at the ends of the scarf isles, and the scarf counter displays.) You totally need to go there anyway. It is the most awesome store in the city, and you have the additional benefit of Euro conversion. Total bargain...
Anyway, that is all I can think of now.
March 11th, 2008, 10:45 PM
There are actually several pharmacies that sell Ficcare in NY.
C.O. Bigelow Apothecary - 6th ave and 9th st or so (414 6th Avenue)- has the basic color but has the best prices and some times nice sales.
Zittomer - two stores
1. 57th st between 5th and 6th avenue (40 West 57th Street
between 5th and 6th Avenues)- small selection but has lots of other things.
2. Uptown(969 Madison Avenue (Upper East Side)
at 76th Street.) - Has beaks and superclips.
Clydes on Madison Pharmacy (926 Madison Avenue on 74th street) - has the biggest maximas selection but generally a bit more expensive.
All of the above have websites and many other hair things.
March 12th, 2008, 12:20 AM
There are actually several pharmacies that sell Ficcare in NY.
C.O. Bigelow Apothecary - 6th ave and 9th st or so (414 6th Avenue)- has the basic color but has the best prices and some times nice sales.
Zittomer - two stores
1. 57th st between 5th and 6th avenue (40 West 57th Street
between 5th and 6th Avenues)- small selection but has lots of other things.
2. Uptown(969 Madison Avenue (Upper East Side)
at 76th Street.) - Has beaks and superclips.
Clydes on Madison Pharmacy (926 Madison Avenue on 74th street) - has the biggest maximas selection but generally a bit more expensive.
All of the above have websites and many other hair things.
Errr, yes
I meant to word that better. I had started to say "a pharmacy near....." but couldn't remember. The one we all went to? I bought mini maxima thingys there. Might be Zittomers then?
March 12th, 2008, 06:49 AM
Looks like you already have some great advice. VO5 can be found at any drugstore, CVS, Duane Reade, Rite Aid, just to name some in case you see them around. Whole Foods or any Natural Food Market will have the Giovanni's and Natures Gate.
There are actually several pharmacies that sell Ficcare in NY.
C.O. Bigelow Apothecary - 6th ave and 9th st or so (414 6th Avenue)- has the basic color but has the best prices and some times nice sales.
Zittomer - two stores
1. 57th st between 5th and 6th avenue (40 West 57th Street
between 5th and 6th Avenues)- small selection but has lots of other things.
2. Uptown(969 Madison Avenue (Upper East Side)
at 76th Street.) - Has beaks and superclips.
Clydes on Madison Pharmacy (926 Madison Avenue on 74th street) - has the biggest maximas selection but generally a bit more expensive.
All of the above have websites and many other hair things.
Wow! Thanks Mira Chan, I had no idea that ficcares and such were sold at these places.
March 12th, 2008, 06:37 PM
Errr, yes
I meant to word that better. I had started to say "a pharmacy near....." but couldn't remember. The one we all went to? I bought mini maxima thingys there. Might be Zittomers then?
Yes it was Zitomers, the one on 57th street. Its actually called Z Chemists, I think.
Wow! Thanks Mira Chan, I had no idea that ficcares and such were sold at these places.
Welcome! I actually looked them up on the Ficcare site. They list the store names on the FAQ part of the site. I just looked up the addresses and I was in the area a lot for a year.:D
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