View Full Version : Whats Causing My Split Ends

October 10th, 2010, 03:41 PM
What do you think could be causing my split ends as I am always getting heaps of them. Have been for years.

I Co wash twice a week, dont use cones all the time but some times, shampoo only when get build up, use leave in conditioner, S&D several times a week, Let hair dry naturally, Use protein every few weeks, Comb only while wet, do a light oil through out the week and some times heavy ones, Havent used any heat appliances in about 5 years, my hair is 100% virgin, sleep with my my hair loose on cotton, Always wear it down and I am in the sun a lot as my only transport is walking. I have also given up my brush but I will use a bamoo one on it some times after detangled it with a comb first to massage my scalp.

This has been my routine for the last 5 years except the only changes over that time I have made is I started Co washing about 12 month ago, before I did a normal wash once a week and had been cone free. Also started using leave in conditioner. And gave up the brush a few mounth ago.

October 10th, 2010, 04:02 PM
This article (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/vbjournal.php?do=article&articleid=8) helped me realise what was causing a lot of mine. Wearing it down all the time probably won't help, unless you've got hair of steel (and if you have, major envy).

October 10th, 2010, 04:04 PM
This article (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/vbjournal.php?do=article&articleid=8) helped me realise what was causing a lot of mine. Wearing it down all the time probably won't help, unless you've got hair of steel (and if you have, major envy).

Thanks:) Will look at it now.

October 10th, 2010, 04:06 PM
Where in your hair are you getting them, top layer/canopy, underlayer, or all throughout?

If it is primarily the underlayer, then it is possible that it is rubbing against your clothes, causing damage.
If it is all over, then it could still be from wearing it down. It could get caught in purse straps, backpack straps, between you and your chair... etc. Also if your hair gets a lot of sun, it could be getting damaged from that. You would be able to tell if your hair is getting the most damage in the canopy.

Also you say you only detangle when wet, does the comb slide through easily? Or are there still tangles to take care of? I comb when wet, but I get most of my tangles out when I condition. If you're actually doing some difficult detangling when it is wet, that could be causing damage too.

Another suggestion, you could be sustaining breakage from the cotton pillowcase. I would suggest switching to silk satin.

Another thing could be old damage manifesting itself at the ends.
I hope you figure it out, it sounds like you have a great routine!

October 10th, 2010, 04:18 PM
Cones provide slip so it could be mechanical damage from wearing your hair down. Also, could you be using dull scissors when you S&D each week? I would think with so much S&D something is up there. GL :)

October 10th, 2010, 04:22 PM
Where in your hair are you getting them, top layer/canopy, underlayer, or all throughout? I get them on the top layer but mostly on the shorter strands. Don’t get many on the very ends.

Also you say you only detangle when wet, does the comb slide through easily? I comb on dry hair but when I have washed it I comb the conditioner through and it slides easily and I comb again after with leave in and it still slides through easily. When I comb dry hair if it’s a little hard, I use a few drops of oil which makes a big difference.

The scissors I use for S&D are only a few month old and I never use them to cut anything else.

October 10th, 2010, 05:30 PM
My assignment to you:

Look at the level where your splits/breakage begins, if they seem to really accumulate at a certain level. Then pay attention to the chairs and such that you sit in regularly -- where do they hit your back?

I wouldn't be surprised if a large portion of your damage is from hair getting caught between your body and other objects (chairs, backpack, purse straps, etc.). If you become conscious of where your hair is and start pulling it out of the way or over your shoulders, that might be sufficient to prevent breakage, long-term.

Consider containing your hair, at very least to keep it from tangling on windy days.

October 10th, 2010, 05:55 PM
another thought you may be over moisturising your hair. I believe from my own experiences you can over moisturise your hair which makes it too stretchy and more liable to break. I find a monthly protein treatment helps me retain length, but its finding a happy medium too much protein and it will dry and snap.

Hair is so fragile on the ends no matter how gentle you are, splits and long hair go together like peas and carrots! by keeping hair up, using daily oil on the ends, stretching wash days out have all helped me and getting rid of all damage; cutting the damage off is the only way to go IMHO.

I would imagine all long haired people go through this stage, even with all virgin hair I went/still go through this.

October 10th, 2010, 08:06 PM
Thanks for or your replies. I think what could be doing it is my backpack as I still seem to get my hair caught under the straps even tho I do move my hair, chairs and the wind as the front of the hair on the top and front layer is the worst area. I'm going to try keeping my hair up and see if that helps. I have over moisturised my hair before and found that it caused more breakage. Will also try getting a satin pillow slip.