View Full Version : I'm an oil and supplement virgin! :0

October 10th, 2010, 12:20 AM
[quosiorpew'ap'ote][/quote]q U O T E

October 10th, 2010, 05:13 AM
I love coconut oil! It doesn't leave my hair greasy and makes my ends really soft :) I put it on damp hair on the length from my ears down :) Its about finding whats right for you though :)

October 10th, 2010, 06:51 AM
Do you take any supplements already, like a multivitamin? If not I'd start with that. I've taken biotin in the past and it seemed to help a bit.

I use olive oil, just a drop, on the length of my hair when it is still very slightly damp. Any more than a drop makes my ends look greasy, although it does eventually soak in. Good luck finding a routine that works for you!

October 10th, 2010, 07:25 AM
I don't think supplements do anything positive unless you're deficient.
I am a vegitarian, and I did notice stronger nails when I started biotin (and msm!), but it actually did nothing for my hair:confused:

I read up a bit on supplements, and it seams it really rare to acutally be deficient in something other than iron (mostly fertil women and vegitarians) and vitamin d (but I see you live in Miami so you probably get plenty of sun!).

October 10th, 2010, 07:36 AM
I'm afraid I can't help with supplements (as I don't take any), but with oils: I use coconut oil as a pre-wash at the moment, which really seems to go down well; about quarter of a pea-sized amount for a light application and a full pea or two for heavy pre-wash oiling. My ends are a lot softer since I starting using oils generally. :) I also use Nightblooming's Triple Moon anointing oil for post-wash, about 4 drops (though you could probably get away with 2). When my hair's mostly dry, I detangle and comb, then rub the oil between my palms - just enough so they have a sheen - and run my palms over my hair from the chin down, focusing on the ends.

I find olive oil's a bit heavy for me, but it's a good one to start with seeing as most people already have a bottle of it in the kitchen. :)

October 10th, 2010, 11:40 AM
Well I don't know that much about it and im still quite new here:o... But I take multi vitamin (and have been taking them since like forever!) and then five or six years ago I started taking omega 3 oil capsuels, but not because of my hair. A few months ago I started taking silica (because of my hair:D) and my hair now grows faster!:joy:

Oh and I think coconut oil works best for me.:D

October 10th, 2010, 11:58 AM
Im just a newbie so I don't know if you want my advice but I love love love coconut oil! I will live and die putting that stuff on my ends. no joke its gonna be a forever kinda thing :inlove:

October 10th, 2010, 01:09 PM
Coconut oil and Nightblooming's Vegan Panacea Salve are my favorite oils. I'll do a heavy oiling before washing and a light oiling after washing if my hair is a bit fluffy (I actually end up oiling pretty much every morning for some reason or another). I also try to deep condition once a week. At first, I used SMTs, but my hair doesn't really like honey, so now I use a heavy conditioner with aloe and some oil. I let it sit for an hour or two with a heat cap.

I take Natrol Hair, Skin, Nails as well as biotin and MSM every day. I had a growth spurt over the summer after switching to the Natrol, but that could've just been a summer growth spurt. The MSM decreases my shedding.

October 10th, 2010, 03:54 PM
I take Biotin and a multivitamin, plus L-Lysine, Omega-3 (fish oil), a B-complex vitamin, and St John's Wart. I have noticed stronger nails since starting the Biotin, but I've heard that you need to take it consistently for a couple months to see a difference in hair growth and strength.

I also use Coconut oil on my ends. I use a very small amount (about the size of my fingernail, from fingertip to cuticle), rub in my hands to melt, and the spread over the ends of hair. It has really made my hair softer and more manageable, I'll definitely be doing that forever.

October 10th, 2010, 06:15 PM
I take a Multivitamin along with some Hair Supplements that contain Biotin and MSM. I haven't noticed faster growth, but the quality of my hair is much nicer and noticeably healthier. These supplements also benefit my nails. Ive never had long nails until I started taking these.

I've used Coconut Oil for several months now and I love it! It does wonders for my hair! Keeps my ends from drying out!

October 10th, 2010, 06:17 PM
I use coconut or morrocanoil in summer and switch to mustard oil in winter. I use oil daily on the last 3 inches and then bun it. I also do a heavy oil once a week and do a deep conditioning for 30 mins to get it off.

vitamins I take;
1 multi vitamin
2 country life maxi hair
evening primrose
flaxseed oil
all split into 2 and taken twice a day with half pint of milk for my calcium. I have noticed an increase from 1/4" a month to an inch by taking these. I did have vit e but it gave me breast pain and kelp but i can no longer take these as i have hypothyroidism.

Make sure to check out any vitamins with your GP prior to starting as toxicity can occur if taken in large quantities. My GP is happy with my regime and my bloods have all been within normal levels.

Apart from my hair growing, it sheds less and overall I feel much better in myself, plus I don't pick up every virus going anymore.

I would also recommend you introduce and vitamins slowly and take with milk or with food.

October 10th, 2010, 09:19 PM
So I am seeing a lot of Coconut Oil suggestions. I am going to get some tomorrow. As well as pass by my local GNC. I'll do all this to console myself after the horrible Chinese Test I have tomorrow ;(

Thank you all!

October 10th, 2010, 09:44 PM
Coconut is a great leave in for dry/damaged ends. A good multi vitamin and fish oil supplements are all you need! Don't go crazy and buy a bunch of things. The most simple routines work the best.