October 2nd, 2010, 09:17 PM
I've been lurking for a few weeks now as I scrape up the guts to give up the chemical dyes I've relied on for 20 years to get red hair. Add in a multitude of perms since childhood (the last one being this past April because I was hit with the stupid stick after 10 years perm-free) and you can imagine the condition my hair is in.
I'm going the henna route and am aiming for my current color when it's all said and done, a warm reddish brown. If it ends up brighter, I'm good with that too.
After reading eleventy-billion posts here, I got a satin pillowcase, which was used last night. For the first time in forever, I was able to pull a comb through my hair without dousing it in conditioner first (anyone else familiar with a massive knot that forms underneath the hair at the base of the skull?).
Since that panned out so well, I coated my hair in avocado oil this afternoon and let it hang out for an hour or so. Oh. My. God. I have volume and more wave than I've seen in a long time.
Since everyone here seems to really know what they're doing, I'm looking forward to getting my BSL hair healthy and waist-length with you.
I'm going the henna route and am aiming for my current color when it's all said and done, a warm reddish brown. If it ends up brighter, I'm good with that too.
After reading eleventy-billion posts here, I got a satin pillowcase, which was used last night. For the first time in forever, I was able to pull a comb through my hair without dousing it in conditioner first (anyone else familiar with a massive knot that forms underneath the hair at the base of the skull?).
Since that panned out so well, I coated my hair in avocado oil this afternoon and let it hang out for an hour or so. Oh. My. God. I have volume and more wave than I've seen in a long time.
Since everyone here seems to really know what they're doing, I'm looking forward to getting my BSL hair healthy and waist-length with you.