View Full Version : Blowdry hair daily?

September 27th, 2010, 06:44 AM
Does anyone with long hair here wash/dry their hair daily or almost daily?

I know that goes against LHC standards big time. I just wondered if it is really damaging if you do not use a hot dryer?

What is the damage by washing it often if you use the good shampoos?

September 27th, 2010, 06:57 AM
There are plenty of people here who wash their hair every day. :) I think there are many much more damaging things you can do to your hair than keep it clean.

The blowdrying is problematic, but I think you can get away with it if you use a low (cool) setting. It's not like you are flatironing every morning on 200+ degree!

September 27th, 2010, 07:34 AM
I love freshly washed hair, but I have a really dry scalp, washing it everyday would make it flaky and itchy to the point where it would sore and bleed in a couple weeks. Freaky huh?
Anyway I think the damage from washing depends on how you handle it. Some people's hair gets very tangled during washes, and combing them out can sometimes result in breakage. Doesn't happen a lot if you do it right tho :)
Can't tell you about blowdriers, since I used it like two times in my life LOL. Don't have the patience for them really.

September 27th, 2010, 09:44 AM
I only wash my hair three times a week. My hair is quite oily, so it bugs me a bit when it hasn't been washed for two days. But then again, letting it soak in its own sebum is good for your hair. I use a blowdrierer only twice a week (not neccesary in the weekend), but I use a heatcare protector.

September 27th, 2010, 10:16 AM
I use a blowdrierer only twice a week (not neccesary in the weekend), but I use a heatcare protector.

Is this the stuff you spray or run through your hair? I wondered if that stuff was as damaging as it is protective. I totally forgot about it.

In reality, I doubt I would wash daily. Probably only every other day. My hair does get tangly, but I am very careful to comb through it while there is conditioner in it. I do not feel like I damage my hair at all in the shower. Washing my hair takes forever, but I like the clean feeling.

My hair has reached a point I am sort of "over it". It is either change something or chop it all off.

September 27th, 2010, 10:52 AM
I'd never have the patience to blow-dry every day; it takes an hour or more.

When my hair was much shorter, I blow-dried it almost every time I washed it, which wasn't every day but may have been every other day. It took a lot less time back then.

September 27th, 2010, 11:57 AM
If you are both making sure your hair is well conditioned and moisturized and only blow-drying on low heat, you could very likely keep your hair relatively healthy. I actually blow out my hair straight around once a week, blowing out my hair adds a shine to my hair that regular air-drying does not. And in the wintertime, I will always use my blowdryer right after I have COed, my hair simply doesn't dry in a timely fashion when its cold and I enjoy the heat from the blowdryer.

September 27th, 2010, 12:01 PM
I wash my hair every other day, doing the CWC method. I leave it to dry naturally as much as I can or blast a cold setting on my hair dryer through my fringe.

I used to blowdry it and then flat iron my hair on a high setting whenever I washed my hair and it really dried it out. Since holding back on it and doing CWC I've noticed my hair is a lot happier. I also use a spray-in heat protectant.

September 28th, 2010, 06:10 PM
until probably 2nd year university, i would wash my hair EVERY day. i just never thought about it, it was part of my daily routine. at the same time, i was in the pool (instructing/lifeguarding/swim team) most days of the week, and i hate chlorine so of course sometimes i was washing more than once per day. it could have been because of all the swimming too, but my hair was really really fried and grew really slowly, and was an unhealthy bleached colour. i didn't even blow dry it every day, a few times a week i would flat iron it though. so anyway my hair was terrible. i would dye it black to get closer to my natural colour but it wouldn't hold the dye for long and after a few weeks/months would fade again to light brown. (my hair naturally jet black).

for the last couple years i've been taking much better care of my hair. i'm never in the pool anymore which probably helps loads, i never dye it anymore (just henna every couple months) and most relevant to your topic, i do NOT wash my hair every day. i'll shampoo once or twice a week, twice if i've gone to the gym a lot and my head gets itchy with the sweat. i put a tiny bit of coconut oil in the length after washing, and i don't blow dry anymore.
if i need my hair dry quickly then i just sit in front of a fan while brushing.

my hair is super shiny after washing, and i can do a half crown braid and bun the rest for the days until i shampoo again. if my hair gets really sweaty during the week, i just rinse with only water. my hair has never been better. sorry for the novel lol.

September 28th, 2010, 06:13 PM
i just read my post back and realized it was rambling and didn't say much!! i meant that even with using expensive shampoos (redken, john frieda), shampooing every day left my hair dry. it's much happier (shiny, not dry) when i shampoo only once, maybe twice a week. another thing is i don't have to put ANY product (smoothing serum) in my hair after washing. i used to need smoothing serum to get rid of frizz, but now i never put anything (other than a tiny bit of oil) on the ends, and it looks and feels better than ever.

September 29th, 2010, 07:19 AM
I washed my hair every single day until about 6 months ago. I used the dryer to get from "dripping" to "still damp, but dry enough to not leave a big wet spot on my back." My avatar and siggy pic were both taken during those years, so I think it's safe to say disaster did not ensue (^(oo)^)v

ETA: I do want to note that I purposely was using a cheapo low-wattage hair dryer, not one of those enormous, industrial strength, million-watt type monstrosities!~

September 29th, 2010, 12:01 PM
Though I try to take care of my hair, keep it as moisturized as much as possible, I blowdry and straighten my hair every day. I'm waiting for the day that my hair will be long enough to just let it airdry and throw up, but until that point I'm stuck using heat unless I want walk around looking like I'm crazy. I've tried so many times to go from washing daily to washing every other day or even less, but my hair gets so oily and my scalp gets so itchy after just one day and I can't stand it. Does anyone who has gone from daily washing to weekly washing have any tips to keep from feeling so dirty/itchy?

September 29th, 2010, 12:27 PM
I have a friend who blow dries her long hair several times a day, even though she didn't wash it. I don't know why and I'm not gonna tell her to stop. Her hair looks okay, and even if it's growing super slow from all the heat, it doesn't seem to be racking up any significant damage.

September 29th, 2010, 01:01 PM
I have a friend who blow dries her long hair several times a day, even though she didn't wash it. I don't know why and I'm not gonna tell her to stop. Her hair looks okay, and even if it's growing super slow from all the heat, it doesn't seem to be racking up any significant damage.

Heat makes hair grow slow? I know heat causes damage, which ends up having to be cut off, which makes it seem like hair is growing slow, but does heat actually cause hair to grow slower than normal?:confused:

September 29th, 2010, 07:21 PM
Heat makes hair grow slow? I know heat causes damage, which ends up having to be cut off, which makes it seem like hair is growing slow, but does heat actually cause hair to grow slower than normal?:confused:

I want to know the answer to this, too...

October 1st, 2010, 10:53 AM
Heat makes hair grow slow? I know heat causes damage, which ends up having to be cut off, which makes it seem like hair is growing slow, but does heat actually cause hair to grow slower than normal?:confused:

Hm, I actually don't know. I've heard people refer to heat slowing it down, but perhaps they were just talking about the damage, like you said. Mystery!

October 1st, 2010, 02:06 PM
Hm, I actually don't know. I've heard people refer to heat slowing it down, but perhaps they were just talking about the damage, like you said. Mystery!

I agree. Heat doesn't slow down your actual hair growth rate. However since excessive heat can damage your hair, that damage can cause breakage and that breakage of course will prevent you from achieving longer hair. So, your hair will continue to grow normally but the since its getting damaged, the ends are breaking off so your hair won't get any longer.