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September 24th, 2010, 01:45 AM
I am not sure how this works...

Well, about my hair. It has been very short and semi long along the way. Now it is almost BSL and I just survived a hot summer and a strong desire to cut it again. My goal is hip or tailbone but I would be very happy with waist lenght hair since no one in my family has really had a long hair (lack of patience I guess). Well, my hairtype is different compared to my siblings or parents and for that I am happy because my hair is stronger. Hah, once my mother did not believe that my hair is real. It has "grown too fast and too much". So I have experienced that "it can't be real" -thing already at this lenght. :D

I like challenges and I want to try different things. Once I was WO (water only) for six months. Sometimes I rinsed my hair with tea or salt water. I had to quit because I was travelling a lot and water in different cities was not always so good. My hair felt too oily or too dry if I did not have water from my hometown. Now I use conditioner and shampoo if needed (not very often). I also use olive oil.

And my sin... I have coloured my hair brown. It was mousy and grayish. My natural colour makes me look gray. I want to switch to henna and indigo but I guess I have to wait a couple of months to evil chemicals to fade away first. I dyed my hair maybe one month ago... I also want to give my hair a break. Dyeing causes some split ends.

Forgive me my English... I am not native speaker as you can see. This is getting too long. Ok, and now... I have been wanting to use this smiley so badly: :cheese:

September 24th, 2010, 05:41 AM
Welcome to LHC!

I've never dyed my hair except with henna, but I hear that, as long as you use pure henna (no metallic salts added), you have nothing to worry about. Look for "BAQ" (body art quality); it means higher lawsone content and finer sift.

Your English is great. I had no idea you're not a native speaker.

September 24th, 2010, 06:36 AM
Welcome, Neneka! Your English is very good. There are so many things to learn here, and trying them takes a long time, at least for me, since I am trying to change only one thing at a time so I will know which thing makes a difference. Enjoy the forums, articles and other information here!

September 24th, 2010, 07:30 AM
Hi again! About henna... Luckily pure henna is available here very easily but I am not so sure about indigo. Well, I have a lot of time to look for it because of this dye-break.

I have been reading this forum some time and I have learned so much about hair. Actually I was thinking about cutting it short again but this forum (all those pictures of lovely long hair) and the fact that I can use hair sticks and other fancy hairtoys changed my mind and saved my hair.

September 24th, 2010, 01:29 PM
hi there :) while you wait for the chemicals to fade from the dye, I've heard that black tea helps to stain hair a darker color. I tried it once and it did look a little darker, plus it made my hair really curly and shiney.

September 24th, 2010, 03:34 PM
Thanks, I could try black tea. At least it makes dark marks on tea cups. :)