View Full Version : Those that shaved their head

September 21st, 2010, 10:08 PM
So...I've been strongly considering shaving my head. I've done the 2 week rule, and I like the idea, but I do keep going back and forth. I want long hair, but I want a shaved head, and it'd be better to grow from a fresh start since I have SO much dye damage. I know, I know, I could wait, and trim a little out, and baby my hair, and I could grow to waist, and maintain, and grow out all the dye. Yeah, I could, but I've always been an all or nothing gal. I don't want to trim to shoulder (where my dye-free hair starts), because I don't like mediums. I either want it long, or bald.

Anyway! I know there are some on here that've shaved their heads either to start over, for a nice change, or to get rid of dye. Did you regret it? Did you enjoy it? Are you glad you did it? Have any advice for me? (okay that last question is silly, but I'm all ears!)


ETA: I also want to shave it for personal satisfaction and curiosity. I feel it'd be amazing to try at least once.

September 21st, 2010, 10:18 PM
If you shave your hair you will have one helluva weird, awkward stage that will drive you nuts. I'm an all or nothing girl too, so I feel ya.

September 21st, 2010, 10:20 PM
Did you regret it? No. Not once. I've shaved my head many times over the years, maintained that shave for quite some time some of those times. While I'll never do it again (not because I'm growing long, but... well, I'm growing long. :p )... yeah.

Did you enjoy it? Loved it. You feel all the wind and fun stuff on your head. Just remember your head can sunburn like the rest of you. :eyeroll: And it's sooo soft about a week after the shave.

Are you glad you did it? Obviously.

Have any advice for me? (okay that last question is silly, but I'm all ears!)

It's not silly. You catch a lot of flack, being female with a shaved head. From all angles. It seemed like I was the only one who liked my head shaved. Not that I really cared. The grow out stage can be a PIA. You'll end up with a mullet no matter what you do, really. It's your head. You only live once. It grows back (hehe, ;) ). :shrug: Don't know if that was much help. I liked it, at any rate. But I didn't shave to be good to it to grow long. I shaved it because I wanted to and because I freaking rocked it. :D

September 22nd, 2010, 12:15 AM
Did you regret it? No. I'm glad I did it. I did it to get rid of color and such but for other reasons too, I wanted to experience it once!!

Did you enjoy it? Yup, it felt great 1-2 weeks after the shave, soft as a kitten.. it felt freeing and I proved to myself that I wasn't TOO vain :) I got many compliments that I looked beautiful with it, even my little brother liked it a lot (I think I have the perfect head shape for it) but some people will think that you have cancer or whatever..

Have any advice for me? (okay that last question is silly, but I'm all ears!)
It will probably affect the way you dress and wear make-up. I felt that too girly clothes made me feel like I was in drag :) Still I felt better if I was wearing a little bit of make-up, as a shaved head brings your facial features to focus!

For me the worst part was when my hair was just in a very short non-descript "boy-cut" length. Which is when I ended up coloring again.. because ultra short and natural color just felt so mousy and blah. I started off with deposit only colors...
My hair is wavy and I have always done well with shaggy hair that most people seem to think is the worst part about growing out. I had a total rockstar hair for a while. I loved it.

Just remember, you can't really have all or nothing, since you WILL end up having medium length hair for quite a while! If only you could have it bald and then magically it would appear long again. I would actually have kept my hair shaved for longer, but realizing how slow the growing out was, I was anxious to start right away ;)
Good luck with your decision!

September 22nd, 2010, 05:44 AM
I hope you don't mind me responding. I haven't shaved my head but I did cut it down to 1-3 inches all the way around a couple of times.

Did you regret it?
Yes, both times.
The first time I was 13 and was told not to cut my hair. So I got rid of all of it. :lol: Being a thin, flat chested 13 year old tom boy who wore 3 stooges t-shirts, I got tired of older people calling me "young man."
The second time was 2 years ago and even though I was glad to be rid of processed, damaged hair - growing it out has been a long, painful process for me. I'm almost APL at the moment but I've had a lot of trims.

Did you enjoy it?
Yes & no. I liked how easy my hair was to care for when it was growing in and very short. I could wash it in the morning and it would be dry within an hour. I liked not having to be bothered with it and not thinking about styling it as much, but it was always on my mind because I felt self conscious. When your hair is only an inch(or you're shaved bald) - all eyes are on your face or other areas of your body. I felt I had to compensate for the lack of hair. lol So I wore more makeup and earrings to look more feminine. I did get quite a few compliments like I'd never gotten before even with long hair, so it was flattering and boosted my confidence. But I would not want to go through it ever again at this point.

Are you glad you did it?
For the first time, I guess. lol The second time - I'm glad I'm working with undamaged, unprocessed hair, but I wouldn't do it again. If I ever wanted to get rid of damage I would just grow it out slowly next time and take the time to trim.

Have any advice for me? (okay that last question is silly, but I'm all ears!)
I know you're an all or nothing person and don't want to have to go through medium length hair, but if you ever want long hair you're going to have to get through that medium length whether you get rid of the progress you've made so far or not. Obviously, it's up to you whether you want to be bald or have long hair. I think you know yourself better than anyone on here so you would know which one you want more. But I would definitely trim up to shoulder where the virgin, undamaged hair is and try that out for a while. If it didn't work for me then I would go shorter until I was comfortable. I did that the second time, but even then it was still a bit of a shock for me to have virtually no hair and the growing out process was difficult. I can't wait until I'm at least BSL and have a long way to go to my temp. goal of tailbone. I would have been there and then some if I hadn't cut all my hair off. :rolleyes:

Hope that helped. :flower:

ETA: I just remembered the 1st time I got all my hair cut off and it was because my mom got a small round brush stuck in my hair when I was 10. She cut it out instead of getting the brush out and I had to go to the salon the next day to even it out which made my hair 1 inch all around. I don't count that as that one wasn't my choice.

September 22nd, 2010, 05:58 AM
I know you don't dig mediums, but if you decide to shave, try considering a Half Life, at least temporarily. For those who don't know what I'm talking about, it has nothing to do with Black Mesa. This hair style is one where half the head is shaved from the center part down the side, leaving half a head of long hair. I think it looks really nice, though I have only seen one girl with it in real life, and several guys. They looked so good. If nothing else (and this is entirely self serving, because I think it would be nifty to see), if you decide to shave your head, take pictures of the process and maybe start from one side, taking a picture when you reach the middle, eh?:eyebrows:

Best of luck with your decision.

September 22nd, 2010, 06:17 AM
Hmm, okay. I've had a 1" cut several times. It's fun. It's a pain to grow out; if you want to look good throughout the process, you have to cut it every two months. My method was to gradually grow out the bangs, let them frame the face, and then grow out the sides and back to a bob. Bobs are a little easier to grow out, I think, than a layered "mullet."

The only thing that has stopped me from shaving it is that I was worried about the shape of my head. You just never know what it will look like. I am too vain to take the risk. Also, I think it only looks glamorous on Natalie Portman/Sinead O'Connor types (do a google image search on them; Sinead you've probably seen, but NP also looked good when she had her head shaved for Vendetta). If you are a more stocky type, with a shorter neck, it might not look all that hot. Anyway, I don't know if that's a concern for you.

One last thought: if 0" was the length I was going to go for, I would totally do a mohawk first. They look awesome on pretty much everyone, in my opinion. Don't know if that's compatible with your current occupation, though :)

September 22nd, 2010, 06:25 AM
I say go for it if you want to experience it. But if if you at all unsure, maybe not.

If you do decide to go ahead with it, may I recommend that you take a photo each day/week in the same position and do one of those really cool shop motion videos of your hair growing. Just a thought.

Best of luck with your decision.

September 22nd, 2010, 06:28 AM
I cut my hair all off to start over, I didnt shave it but it was an ultra short pixie and the grow out is not fun! It is also impossible to do any sort of style during the awkward stages @_@ I really think you should sit on it some more.

September 22nd, 2010, 07:40 AM
Ive went from past BSL to a very, very shirt pixie. I liked doing it. I liked the pixie. I didn't regret it, per se, but I missed my hair terribly at times.
It's your choice and I say do what makes ya happy! But your hair is very pretty and getting pretty long. I would hate to see it hit the floor under the stylist chair :(

September 22nd, 2010, 07:41 AM
Did you regret it?

Not at all. I've done it twice, once for damage, and the other for fun. I enjoyed it much more when it was for fun (and even kept it for a few months!)

Did you enjoy it?

It was great. So easy to take care of. I didn't have to even look in the mirror to know that my hair looked good enough to walk out the door. No questions. Just wash, dry (in about 15 mins!), and go. Super simple. It was also nice to see the kinds of reactions that I got from people. I was told by friends that it suited me, and got some funny looks from strangers on occasion.

Are you glad you did it?

Yes. I had always wanted a buzzcut, at least once, just to say I did it. I didn't enjoy it the first time because my ex-husband hated it, so I guess it carried over to me. The second time, I did it for myself, and I really enjoyed it.

Have any advice for me?

As others have mentioned, you will have to go through the middle stages in order to grow long again. However, there are a lot of other awkward growing stages between buzzcut and a length that's long enough to put up. Even though they're awkward, it's kind of fun to go through them and to realize how your hair behaves at certain lengths. I've grown out from a buzz once before (and am currently growing out from my last buzz), and have also grown out from a very short cut. It definitely helps me when I start going through an awkward stage, but can accurately estimate how long it will last, and how much longer I'll have to deal with it. :)

September 22nd, 2010, 07:47 AM
To be the negative nancy here, I think to enjoy the pixie/shaved head thing you have to have the headshape to make it cute. The shaved head did nothing for my bone structure. Got no compliments and no dates. Sadly, I hated it. I loved that I could do something so rebellious (because girls should have long beautiful hair, or so my dad says...:rolleyes:) and maybe I did enjoy it for those two days afterwards, but growing it out was a pain in the butt as it was one year long awkward stage. I say go a little at a time. Cut two inches off every two weeks until you feel comfortable. I'm an all or nothing girl too but I wouldn't wish that weird mullet grow-out hairstyle upon anyone. :D

September 22nd, 2010, 07:49 AM
Remember that shaved head draws attention to body. Do you have a really good body shape to pull this look of?

September 22nd, 2010, 07:58 AM
Either way, I think you'll wish for something else during the process of growing to waist or growing from shaved.

akka naeda
September 22nd, 2010, 07:59 AM
I shaved my head for fun from undamaged BSL/waist to a mohawk, and then totally shaved.

It was great while I kept it that way, but I missed being able to do stuff with my hair so I grew it back. BTW, don't do it in the winter, as you'll get a bit of a shock the first time you go out without any hair:) When we went to the pub I had to put up with people rubbing me on the head and saying how nice it felt, like a little mouse. Complete strangers some of them too. And it did freak out little old ladies, I'd be the last person with an empty seat next to them on the bus.

I'd love to do it again but..... as people have said you need the right head shape and also the right body shape/posture. I don't have that now:rolleyes:

Growing it out was a PITA because my hair does what it wants, and this means the totally unstylable stage where it sticks out everywhere, there is no product (except possibly superglue) which will hold it down. I wore a hat daily for a couple of months.

Purdy Bear
September 22nd, 2010, 08:00 AM
Having shaved my head due to hair loss, I would say you really need to think this over first.
Its not as easy to come to terms with as you think - maybe more so for me.

If your heading into Winter, having a shaved hair its very cold, especially at the back of the head and ears. Then in the Summer its not as cool as it looks as you get sunburn.

Your head will itch.

Its easier yes temporarily for shampooing etc, but you have to go through all that regrowth stage again, and thats not easy.

Emotionally it can be traumatic shaving your head, especially if you dont have a good reason to do it.

Having a shaved head is boreing, it lasts for ever and takes forever to grow out, if your bored now your gonna be ultra board within two weeks of shaving.

I would get an actors bald head wig and try it on to see what you look like. A shaved head needs good bone structure and a nice head shape, not everyone can carry it.

Sorry to be negative about it, but I tell it as it is! If you still want to have your head shaved then go for it!

September 22nd, 2010, 08:06 AM
I first shaved my head when I was 19, and kept it shaved until 29. I don't regret it all, but as others have pointed out, my head is well-suited for the look. I have sharp cheekbones, and small facial features, and I have a petite frame, so it worked. Of course, I had no idea how it would look when I first did it, and there is no way to know what your scalp looks like until you do it, so if you really want to try it, go for it. Mine eventually grew back with more waves than I had ever had, so that was a nice surprise.

Just be prepared for more idiotic comments than you have ever heard about your hair, ever. Really. I used to wear a floppy hat sometimes while on the subway, just so I wouldn't have to hear ten different people call me G.I. Jane. I'm not meek, but it does get tiresome.

September 22nd, 2010, 08:18 AM
Did you regret it?
No, not one bit. Shaving my head taught me a lot about myself, some ”friends” and I wouldn’t be here, typing my reply to you if I hadn’t done it.

Did you enjoy it?
Hm, no… I’m going to have to go with no. Actually, I don’t know. It was kind of a matter-of-fact-thing, you know? I did it, I’m living with it, and it’s a fact like wearing pants or sleeping every night. Can I answer “I was neutral about it”?

Are you glad you did it?
Yes, very much. It completely rid me of old, bad hair-habits and forced me to re-evaluate my hair. It’s very true that you never know what you have until it’s gone!

Have any advice for me? (okay that last question is silly, but I'm all ears!)
Be aware that people will react very, very strangely. If you think any answers in this thread are rude or mean, prepare for it to be ten times worse in real life. There’s something about a shaved head that makes people react in very strange ways!
I personally dumped quite a few friends. If they reacted like that to a shaved head (Which will grow out) how would they react if I got really sick? Or was in an accident? Got handicapped? Or covered in scars maybe?? People can be incredibly rude, mean and shallow. Shaving your head will quickly show you what people around you are worth being in contact with :rolleyes:

Be prepared with scarves, headbands and little clips for the growing out!
My article 1 (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/vbjournal.php?do=article&articleid=76)
My article 2 (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/vbjournal.php?do=article&articleid=58)

Actually I have one little personal thing:
If you’re going to go bald, try keeping it shaved for about a month and see if the thickness will change when it grows back! I never got around to do that (Well I was a poor uni-student and shaving my head just once ate up a full pack of shaving blades and those suckers are expensive!)
I heard many times that if you keep it shaved for a while or shave several times it will grow back thicker. And yes, I know, I know, its stupid. But as much as I itch to dismiss it as a stupid old wives-tale, I can’t deny the effect it had on my own head of hair. It grew back thicker, way thicker than supplements and better care can account for :hmm:

September 22nd, 2010, 08:22 AM
I cut my hair all off to start over, I didnt shave it but it was an ultra short pixie and the grow out is not fun! It is also impossible to do any sort of style during the awkward stages @_@ I really think you should sit on it some more.
I am dying of laughter over here because of this which I read earlier http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=1264150#post1264150

September 22nd, 2010, 08:27 AM
Actually I have one little personal thing:
If you’re going to go bald, try keeping it shaved for about a month and see if the thickness will change when it grows back! I never got around to do that (Well I was a poor uni-student and shaving my head just once ate up a full pack of shaving blades and those suckers are expensive!)
I heard many times that if you keep it shaved for a while or shave several times it will grow back thicker. And yes, I know, I know, its stupid. But as much as I itch to dismiss it as a stupid old wives-tale, I can’t deny the effect it had on my own head of hair. It grew back thicker, way thicker than supplements and better care can account for :hmm:

Hmmm.... I've always dismissed the whole head-shaving-makes-for-thicker-hair spew as nonsense, too. Now that I think about it, though, I did keep most of my head shaved (all but a small patch on top, which I kept long) for a couple of years as a teenager. I shaved it slick, with a blade, every few days during that time. My hair is pretty darn thick now!

I know it has always been on the thicker side, but I wonder if it has always been as thick as it is now or if that little teenager phase had an effect...? Something for me to think about.

akka naeda
September 22nd, 2010, 08:34 AM
I heard many times that if you keep it shaved for a while or shave several times it will grow back thicker. And yes, I know, I know, its stupid. But as much as I itch to dismiss it as a stupid old wives-tale, I can’t deny the effect it had on my own head of hair. It grew back thicker, way thicker than supplements and better care can account for :hmm:

I had my head shaved at least 6 months and it had no effect on the thickness. It was thick before, and just as thick afterwards.

September 22nd, 2010, 08:41 AM
Hmmm.... I've always dismissed the whole head-shaving-makes-for-thicker-hair spew as nonsense, too. Now that I think about it, though, I did keep most of my head shaved (all but a small patch on top, which I kept long) for a couple of years as a teenager. I shaved it slick, with a blade, every few days during that time. My hair is pretty darn thick now!

I know it has always been on the thicker side, but I wonder if it has always been as thick as it is now or if that little teenager phase had an effect...? Something for me to think about.

Every fibre of my body wants to shout that it’s a load of Gaia-theory pseudo-science ********, but I can’t deny what it did to my thickness and structure *sigh*
I mean, how could the follicle know that the hair has been shaved off? There are no nerve endings in hair! If its because of the weight suddenly not being there to pull, would that mean we could all suddenly grow thicker hair if we held it up so the weight isn’t tugging on the follicle? And, why would the hair want to grow back thicker or of a different structure if we shave it anyways?
I had thick hair before, yes, but I have extremely thick hair now (Especially compared to the fine, volume-challenged Scandinavians around me) and I really don’t think that better handling, more care and supplements can be responsible for such a big increase. I’m thinking at least 20% thicker hair, if not twice as thick as it was before!

September 22nd, 2010, 08:48 AM
I shaved my head once. I didn't go totally bald, I had about half an inch left. I knew other girls that had done this too, and it looked way better on them because their hair wasn't as thick as mine. The first few months of growing it back out were horrendous. It looked horrible and stuck out all over the place. Growing back out to a longer length won't be easy!

September 22nd, 2010, 08:52 AM
Did you regret it? No. No. I thought about it for a long time, several months. "What if I would shave my head..." I didn't know if I would be brave enough, but I was so (pardon me my selection of words) sick and tired of my damaged and hennaed BSL hair. I thought about it more and more... until one day I had enough, decided not to think about it any more and just do it! Sometimes it's been tough, and I've missed my hair. But I have never, ever regret it. It was the best thing I could to, for me and for my hair.

Did you enjoy it?´While I was sitting there, with the buzzer in my hair, I was very nervous. But I just... tried not to think of it. I knew I wanted this, and I knew I would be happy when my new, healthy virgin hair grew out. It made me feel it was worth it, and then I started. Once I started, there was no going back. I finished it. I had mentally prepared myself for it to feel difficult, but it didn't. I actually felt very lightheaded because I knew I was doing the right thing. Afterwards I felt happy to be rid of my hair and start from the beginning again. :)

Are you glad you did it? Yes. I am very glad I did it. It's five months since then, and my hair is short, and I know there will be a long time with lot of layers, but in time I will trim this off too. I definitely see and feel a difference in the quality of my hair. Before I did it, I trimmed appr. every 3rd month, did S&D all the time and always had split ends. Washing it was a nightmare and though I was very careful and babying it 24/7 it didn't get any better. Now, 5 months after, I am still in no need of a trim and I hope I won't be for a long time. My hair is soft and very healthy. I did this because I want to grow long virgin hair, and this has in my opinion given me and my hair complete different conditions to grow.

Have any advice for me? (okay that last question is silly, but I'm all ears!)

My advice is to ask yourself the following questions:
- Why do I want to do it?"
- Am I mentally prepared for it?"
- Is it worth it?

Finally, look into yourself. What do you want? If you are clear about what you want, and also why you want it, and still think it's worth it, then I say: Go for it!:D

September 22nd, 2010, 09:14 AM
Every fibre of my body wants to shout that it’s a load of Gaia-theory pseudo-science ********, but I can’t deny what it did to my thickness and structure *sigh*
I mean, how could the follicle know that the hair has been shaved off? There are no nerve endings in hair! If its because of the weight suddenly not being there to pull, would that mean we could all suddenly grow thicker hair if we held it up so the weight isn’t tugging on the follicle? And, why would the hair want to grow back thicker or of a different structure if we shave it anyways?
I had thick hair before, yes, but I have extremely thick hair now (Especially compared to the fine, volume-challenged Scandinavians around me) and I really don’t think that better handling, more care and supplements can be responsible for such a big increase. I’m thinking at least 20% thicker hair, if not twice as thick as it was before!

I've always entertained the idea that if we keep our heads shaved for an extended period of the time, something in us eventually responds to the fact that we are now colder, and/or that more heat is constantly escaping because our heads are exposed, and increases our hair thickness to compensate for that. A thicker coat of fur, if you will.

This whole idea of adapting is just a theory of course, but who knows! :D Even still, I'd like to shave my head one day too, to start over, and be able to say I did it. I wouldn't say no to added thickness either! Anyway sorry for the little hijack here. I say give it more thought, two weeks is enough to contemplate a 2-4 inch trim, but not a buzzcut.

September 22nd, 2010, 09:18 AM
I didn't shave mine, but lost it to chemo. Not a pleasant experience. I was told I have a lovely head though :) It was so cold in the winter.
Around my little area of the world, no hair is a bad thing....Salespeople in stores see you and literally run away from their registers, either everyone is rude and trying deperately to get away from you....or fawning all over you...(as I said...my LITTLE part of the world)

Growing out was horrible, for a long time, the hair was all one length and curly... it was old lady hair and not a thing I could do about it :(

You're going to have to go through those terrible middle lengths if you shave it all off, that's where I am now, it's not much fun...

If your adventurous though..........

September 22nd, 2010, 09:40 AM
Although I didn't shave my head, it was darned near close (half an inch or a little less). I don't regret it a bit. Actually, it was fun to see grow out because it hadn't been that short since I was born.

During the crazy phases when trying to maintain the trims in order to keep the mullet look away, headbands, tiny jaw clips, and barrettes became my best friends. It was cute to see a big poof of curls behind the slick hair in front of the headband. :D

If you've got a lot of damage and are seriously considering this, go for it. Happy growing whatever you choose! :)

September 22nd, 2010, 10:18 AM
Igor--as in any scientific experiment, you have to be able to rule out other variables as responsible for your main effect. You say yourself that you shaved your hair off to get rid of old damage. You obviously did not indulge in the same bad habits as you grew it out. So it grew in thicker, but was it due to shaving or was it due to your better taking care of it? Having seen what handling does to my own hair, I am inclined to go with the latter.

By the way, another thing to remember is that your hair will always be at its thickest when it is very short. Terminal length of hairs varies a lot over the area of the scalp. When you first shave your hairs off, they all start at 0. Then some grow in, while others are still in telogen. Then eventually, if you keep shaving it for a few months, they all grow in. If you continue shaving it and keeping it very short, then the illusion will be that (a) it is thicker than it was when you first shaved it, because all the follicles have caught up, and (b) because there is no taper at 0".

So I am very, very skeptical about the effect of shaving on thickening. I can see how it can create the illusion of thicker hair, but I cannot imagine any credible mechanism for it to actually thicken from shaving.

September 22nd, 2010, 10:35 AM
If your heading into Winter, having a shaved hair its very cold, especially at the back of the head and ears. Then in the Summer its not as cool as it looks as you get sunburn.

Ah yes, the Cold... That wasn't fun. :no: I can't say that I regret buzzing my hair of though, since it was quite short already and it was back to a normal length for me in a couple of months.

However, I did decide to grow it long (never had long hair before) shortly after shaving it, so maybe it was traumatic? :confused: Now, a year later, I can't imagine ever shaving it of again.

About the growing out process: I haven't trimmed my hair since shaving it and only seem go get positive comments in the 'awkward mullety stage', which wasn't the case with the buzzed head. The worst thing that happened yet was my hair poking me in the eye - growing it out isn't that bad.

September 22nd, 2010, 10:44 AM
@ Bumblebums: Why does it sound like you’re arguing with me when we agree and you are writing pretty much exactly what I wrote?
I had hip length hair when I shaved it and I have tight/knee length hair now, so it’s definitely not that my hair is shorter now and therefore thicker.
Like I wrote several times by now, I think the idea is silly, stupid, ridiculous, but I can’t argue with the change I experience, nor do I intend to lie about it

September 22nd, 2010, 10:51 AM
I liked my shaved head, but if you dislike medium lengths, boy is there a lot of 'medium length' to slog through between bald and long.
Just something to keep in mind

For myself, I never minded any of my lengths, but now that I've gotten past waist I really can't imagine going back.

September 22nd, 2010, 12:32 PM
Oh, I forgot. This was something I wanted to do once, and so I did, but never again. Now I want to grow it looong.:p

September 22nd, 2010, 12:35 PM
I've never fully shaved my head, but I've cut it extremely short twice.

The first time I loved it, until I started to grow it out. This time I cut it all off so I could grow out my natural hair. It seemed like a great idea at the time. My cut was super cute. But it's been a year and a half, and I feel like I still have no hair. Granted, it's all natural, and this is the first time I've had a full head of natural hair in I don't know how many years. I just wish I would have thought about it more before I cut it all off. I know that from now on, if I want to grow my natural color out, I'll definitely be doing it the snip-a-little-at-a-time way. I'm kind of like you in the all or nothing sense, once I get an idea in my head of something that I want to do, I cant stop thinking about it until I do it.

Like most of the others have said, you have to do what is going to make you happy in the end, but I would definitely sit and think about it for a little bit longer, maybe at least another two weeks.

The growing out process is so painful. They're are so many days when you feel like you have bad hair just because you don't have any sort of style to your cut. And the mullet happens. You can't avoid it. While I'm in the funky stage, I have to do harmful things to my hair just to keep it under control. I can't wait for my hair to be long enough to put up.

September 22nd, 2010, 12:46 PM
I have not shaved my head, but I just went to pixie from below shoulder for many of the same reasons as you. I also don't like to do things in-between. I don't have the desire to shave my head, as pixie is my personal limit. But if bald were my limit, I'd go there in a heart beat and am sure I would NOT regret it! Best of luck with your decision.

September 22nd, 2010, 01:14 PM
I had a boy cut back in 2001. Having the 2 inch hair in the back all the way, all spiked up punk rock style, and the upper front part of the head a bit longer, enough to slick it and put cute hair clips was really big in Italy that year. I had tail bone length hair when i cut it. The hair stylist was a friend of my family and he got me all exited about it, I thought about it for a year before I grew the guts to do it.

I hated it when it was growing out, it really looked bad.I ended up getting extensions and clipping them through the awkward stages. I got so unhappy with my hair, instead of leaving it alone i decided to dye it a bunch of colors... first blue, then red ( my extensions where red) and every single shade of weird colors afterwards... bad thing about it? I got used to the idea of having bad hair, I kept on bleaching for about 9 years, until I had a chemical haircut pretty much.

So instead of cutting off the damage, I started hot oil treatments and a number of deep conditioning, and cutting off damage piece by piece... died it black (close enough to my natural color) and left it alone. It took me a year to cut off the damage, and I still have quite a bit left, but it looks so much better!

Another thing is, after having long hair, I actually found short hair to be really unfeminine and had a hard time dressing/acting like my old self again. I think if i had progressively gone from long to short, I would've been able to cope with it better.

It was my first time ever doing something that radical with my hair, and I am that "all or nothing" kind of person too...

While the only way to get rid of damage is to cut your hair, there are treatments you can use to temporally repair it so it grows longer, so you don't have to cut as much.

let us know what you decide! and yes, please take pictures if you do shave it! :)

September 22nd, 2010, 01:47 PM
I haven't shaved my head, but I've gone several times from fairly long (though not LHC long) to pixie. The initial transition was super fun. I loved surprising people.

BUT: short hair can be kindof high-maintenance. Long hair, if it's misbehaving, you ponytail or braid or bun, and don't have to think about it any more. I found, until my hair was long enough to ponytail, if it was misbehaving the only thing that would fix it was washing it and starting from scratch. Just wetting it down wasn't enough. I had to shampoo every blinkin morning because I would always wake up with weird sleep-cowlicks.

I know you don't like mediums, but a length that you can "just make it go away" when it misbehaves has some real advantages.

September 22nd, 2010, 04:29 PM
@ Bumblebums: Why does it sound like you’re arguing with me when we agree and you are writing pretty much exactly what I wrote?
I had hip length hair when I shaved it and I have tight/knee length hair now, so it’s definitely not that my hair is shorter now and therefore thicker.
Like I wrote several times by now, I think the idea is silly, stupid, ridiculous, but I can’t argue with the change I experience, nor do I intend to lie about it

Well, I actually was disagreeing with the hypothesis that it was the shaving that caused your hair to thicken, which you developed in your penultimate post :) There are a lot of other things that changed, too, and shaving causes the illusion of thickening anyway, for the reasons that I mentioned. That's all I'm saying.

September 22nd, 2010, 04:41 PM
I haven't (well, I have an undercut, which is practically half of a shaved head), but I definitely will one day! The only thing keeping me from doing it is my extra weight. As a couple of people on here wrote, you really need to have a good body/no double chin to look nice. (at least in my opinion, no offense to anyone) I do have I nice skull shape (I think) ;p
Good luck with whatever you decide!
I think it's a great experience and journey, growing out your hair from nothing.

September 25th, 2010, 07:13 PM
Hm, well, thanks to all the wonderful responses!

I will DEFINITELY document the shaving thoroughly. I will also rock a mohawk for a few months, thanks for the suggestion! Of course, you all did bring a couple of excellent, orienting points. At this very moment, I don't think I'm confident enough with my body to pull it off. Still losing weight though! I'm not sure if I have the face shape for being bald, but I look fantastic in hats, so even if I look bad bald, I look cute in hats. It's also going into winter, so shaving my head now would be a TERRIBLE idea. I think I always end up getting bored with my hair towards the season change. Where I live, we really only have 2 seasons blistering, or chilly. Blistering tends to last about 7 or 8 months, which gets uncomfortable, while chilly...well, I'm freezing all the time, so even 4 or 5 months of cold is a very long time. I think I just want some symbol that time REALLY is moving still. So...I'll look into it again in the spring, when hopefully I'll be a little thinner. Plus I'll get to wear all kinds of nifty hats that don't fit because of my hair :)

September 25th, 2010, 09:17 PM
Did you regret it? As an experience that I wanted to have at least once in my lifetime, no. Immediately after I first saw myself, yes. It was a breaking of the way that I saw myself, something that brought me closer with my brother, and a very interesting social experiment.

People that knew me back in high school, when my hair was quite long, were either mildly unimpressed or very sad that I had cut my hair off. One guy who had been interested in me before the buzz stopped making his advances, which I found funny. People look at you differently, once you stop fitting in with the crowd. It really is true.

Did you enjoy it? Like many of the posters on here, I agree that it felt freeing. My head just felt so...funny. When I'd walk around outside and the wind blew, I felt the wind blowing. Through every hair. I felt beautiful and ugly at the same time, so it was a challenge for me to redefine what I thought was really beautiful about myself. My brother also got a kick out of it, too. I liked the funny reactions I got out of people who knew me (and even people who didn't).

Are you glad you did it? Yes! I know now what I look like without hair, and it is kind of odd looking, but I feel more in tune with myself and my self esteem. Whether I have long or no hair, I am always me. I think the initial anxiety after cutting was my worrying how I would be now without hair. I'm still me! ;)

Have any advice for me? If you do it, prepare for people to say things and have opinions. Be aware of your clothing choices. I wore a sports tank top and some gym shorts out to the mall this past summer while taking a shopping trip with my sister (who has long hair and was dressed very girly); a very nasty woman stopped the two of us and pretty much told us we were going to hell. (She said, "Do you know the way to heaven? Because you'd better know, where you're going!" and then she just walked away, leaving the two of us speechless.)

So, expect some praise and a lot of criticism, and be strong. Know that your hair is getting longer every day. Enjoy spiking your hair, waking up to it turning into a fauxhawk, funny swirls where your waves/curls begin, natural parts, etc. Most of all, if you do it, make light of it. You are taking a huge step out of what the mainstream has stated that women should look like (unless they're *****, punks, etc. - insert stereotype here!)

September 25th, 2010, 09:25 PM
I shaved my head about 4 months ago. Check my album. I loved it, it was so freeing to be rid of all of the dye damage and just not have to care about my hair at all for a while. I did wear a wig sometimes but it was too hot to do so very often. It was nice and cool not having any hair during the summer though :D I'd definitely do it again someday, right now my hair has grown back to a spikey pixie length that I somewhat like but I can't wait for it to be long again.

September 26th, 2010, 05:46 AM
Be aware of your clothing choices. I wore a sports tank top and some gym shorts out to the mall this past summer while taking a shopping trip with my sister (who has long hair and was dressed very girly); a very nasty woman stopped the two of us and pretty much told us we were going to hell. (She said, "Do you know the way to heaven? Because you'd better know, where you're going!" and then she just walked away, leaving the two of us speechless.)

Hah! Oh man. This reminds me of something that happened to me once a long time ago when I had 1" hair. My friend, who is an actual lesbian (also with short hair back then), and I wanted to enter a... gentlemen's club because we were looking for a coworker of ours who worked there as well (she happened to have two jobs, one with us and one at the gentlemen's club). As we get closer to the door, we see the sign saying that women can only enter with a male escort. Oh no... The bouncer at first raised his hand, not going to let us in. Then he looked at us, and said. "Oh. Oh? Oh! Well, come on in, ladies!"

So yeah, the social expectation in the US is that young women have long hair, and old women have short hair. Any deviation from the age-appropriate stereotype sends a social message.

September 26th, 2010, 05:57 AM
Have any advice for me? If you do it, prepare for people to say things and have opinions. Be aware of your clothing choices. I wore a sports tank top and some gym shorts out to the mall this past summer while taking a shopping trip with my sister (who has long hair and was dressed very girly); a very nasty woman stopped the two of us and pretty much told us we were going to hell. (She said, "Do you know the way to heaven? Because you'd better know, where you're going!" and then she just walked away, leaving the two of us speechless.)

I never got any attitude myself though, not like this. Probably because around the time I shaved my head I was on the second semester at uni and I barely left the school grounds (My dorm room was practically across the street) except for getting groceries and people knew I was straight and had a boyfriend at that time.

The funny thing is, that once your hair is somewhere between ½ and 1 inch, it seems to change from “stupid remark inducing” to “super cute”. Maybe because we have seen so many actresses and models wearing their hair super short like that and its seen as a short-short pixie cut :shrug:

September 26th, 2010, 06:53 AM
I shaved my head 2 years ago. My husband did it with number two clippers. My hair is now just past my shoulders and feels great! Although, I coudln't resists a beautiful auburn semi- permanent color. After seeing the articles on henna, I will be using natural hair colorants from now on!

September 27th, 2010, 06:20 AM
Well, I was going to read all the responses but there are a LOT already!

I am posting because I searched the forum for this topic as I was going to post about the same thing, only this lovely OP had it much better thought out and asked much better questions than I would.

KLCQTEE: I have been wanting to shave my head for YEARS.


I have never had the guts. It is not really that I am too vain (tho that is part of it) but that I cannot endure the comments from other people. I have some hair worshippers that would probably cry if I cut my hair off. I will post my collected thoughts on this subject.

Here are my reasons:
1. I secretly hate having long hair. I just don't want to mess with hair! This is actually why I have it long, IMO, it is easier than short hair. No "bed hair", no daily washing, no styling, etc.
2. I want to be able to run my hands over my shaved head. My husband has buzzed hair, always has, (it has done nothing for his thickness, but he is thinning at 40. Well, he was thinning at 30). I love running my hands over his head.
3. Virgin hair
4. Curiosity/the experience

Here are the reasons I have never done it aside from what I just mentioned:

1. I think my head shape is ugly. That is probably the main reason after the people comments.
2. I had my hair cut really short once before, not shaved, but almost. I had long bangs and it tapered back to what used to be called a ducktail in the back, where the shortest hair WERE shaved. If I knew how to block my face out of pictures, I would post it. That was back in 1998. I blame that on pregnancy hormones, I had it cut in my 8th month of my last pregnancy from about waist length. I cut it gradually, like some have suggested. Going from waist to shoulder, then had the rest cut off in one day at a salon. Anyway, I found out then I have this huge cowlick in the back of my head, it is about a 4" square section that not only curls (the rest is straight) but grows sideways/in a swirl. It could NOT betamed until it was about 12" or more. So you are talking 2 years out from shaving.
3. I am afraid it would turn off my beloved DH, even though he says he doesn't care.
4. I am afraid I would regret it. I have cried many times because someone cut too much off my hair (trusted for 1", cut of 4"), however, if it was MY choice, I don't know...
5. I worry it would be an insult to people who did not have the choice because of chemo or whatever.
6. I. Don't. Look. Good. With. Short. Hair. The growing out stages would be awful, I think. And I have a cowlick where my bangs woudl be so that is an issue as well.
7. I don't think I have the face for it.

IF YOU DO THIS, I am going to live vicariously through you. You have to accept my friend request and then we have to exchange email addresses!

They say don't do it in winter, BUT, if you regretted it, it would be easire to cover with hats in winter than in summer. How cold does it get in AZ? It is already cold here in Indy. It was 47 this morning, and it is only early fall. We get negative 20 at worst and I am cold blooded anyway.

On a positive note, from having had a really short cut before, hair grows about 6" a year, possibly more if it is new and in good shape (I grow at least 6 inches a year and that doesn't account from breakage and hair loss). A year really isn't that long, but you would need to consider whether you work, etc. I stay at home, so I would not HAVE to really "do" my hair. I could wear hats all the time, except in church, which is another reason I guess I have for not doing it.

There are scarves, you could even get a tattoo on your head. I mean, if people are going to stare, just GO ALL OUT. I would even keep it shaved awhile and dye it freaky colors. You can always shave them off. I mean, if it is going to take years to grow out, why not enjoy it for a few months and play? I am not sure how old you are, maybe you could tell people it is a midlife crises (tho I tried this excuse on my husband and he said only men have those). Besides, I am not quit old enough for that, but my kids are all teens, I have one grown son so I feel I qualify LOL.

OK: can someone explain what a pixie cut is? I thought I knew but not after reading this thread...

September 27th, 2010, 07:53 AM
WaitingSoLong, here's some pixie cuts for ya:


It's pretty much any short hair cut where the hair around the temples and the bottom/back part of the hairline is about 1" long. What happens in the front isn't as important, but often a pixie cut has a piecey look, with different-length layers.

September 28th, 2010, 01:24 PM
my tuppence worth...

i am currently sporting my second mowie...had my first when i was eighteen, and shaved it off when i was nineteen...

Did you regret it? i don't regret shaving my hair off the first time...i did it for damage reasons, and partly for a friend...odd reason but it cheered her up so hey...this time, ok it's not completely shaved but the sides are, i kinda do and don't regret it...i did it to remove damage (again!) but having been on here since my date with the clippers, i see i could probably have 'saved' my hair with careful attention...mind you...i'm an all or nothing girl too...

Did you enjoy it? i absolutely adore the physical act of shaving my head! i have clipper urges quite a lot, and take them out on others when they need their hair trimmed...

and as others have mentioned, it's very 'freeing' (i think i just made that word up...) ...your head is very exposed...it's rather liberating...i feel as though women kinda rely on their hair to express their femininity (not saying it has to be long, just having something to play with) and it's a challenge to shave it all off and still be a girl...that said...i am a massive tomboy...when not in a ballgown...

Are you glad you did it? like i already said, i realise now i could have gotten away with not shaving the sides off, cared for my hair properly and 'saved' the pitiful length i have...but i do love having a mowie...so i am glad...

Have any advice for me? i live in my beanie! you may prefer a headscarf to keep the chill off (i also find a beanie prevents people assuming you've had chemotherapy - sad but true)

as others have said, some people won't understand, or will make comments that are innocent yet hurtful...i had a friend who persistently (ie every time i saw her, several times) would tell me i looked like i'd had chemo, and called me lukey...not fun...after a while we had a chat about this, and it came out that she was just incredibly sad that i had done it and was expressing it the only way she knew how (by taking the mouse)...luckily she has behaved herself this time around :)

and if the opinions of random strangers matter to you, or you don't think you could deal with situations like the ones mentioned by kabelaced and bumblebums, then you will have to be, shall we say, 'careful' with your general attire...as i have mentioned, i am a tomboy and cultivate the 'look' (i got the figure to go with it, might as well :/ )...but i admit i also find delight in dolling myself up to the nines and seeing people's expressions as they are confronted with a different sort of beauty to the saturday night standard...some clothes just don't work though...depends on your frame, of course...

good luck with your decision! i hope you are happy with it, whatever you decide to do...

happy tuesday...

September 28th, 2010, 02:00 PM
5. I worry it would be an insult to people who did not have the choice because of chemo or whatever.

I had my head shaved for 10 years, and in that time a couple of friends were diagnosed with cancer and went through chemo. * Neither of them were offended, although, oddly, other people often were. Most people knew that my original reason for shaving my head was...let's say spiritual, since I am not religious.

Also, head wraps and scarves are awesome, and I still wear them a couple of times a week.

*ETA: In fact, once my friend's mother asked me to give a demo to her Bible/prayer group on how to wear scarves because one of the women had lost all of her hair to chemo.

September 28th, 2010, 02:33 PM
I never shaved my head (I thought of it for a sec, but my doctorate mum would never allow it! :D) But I really think you should do it. Go for it!

September 28th, 2010, 02:47 PM
5. I worry it would be an insult to people who did not have the choice because of chemo or whatever.

Ehm, wow. I would hate that if that was the truth?!
I can’t imagine people who have been through such a painful experience wouldn’t be more open-minded and relaxed about silly little things?
Hair is hair. It doesn’t define you, your person, your moral or your worth.
People who have gone through chemo don’t “own” the “right” of being bald, just like muslimah doesn’t own the right to wear a headscarf or Rastafarian owns the right to dreadlocks.
If someone has an issue with you being bald and judges you for it without knowing the slightest thing about you or who you are, it’s their own claustrophobically narrow-minded issue, not yours!

September 28th, 2010, 04:43 PM
From what I've heard, everyone should shave their head at least once. I will do it eventually I believe, but I haven't found the right time of life yet. I wish you the best of luck, and look forward to hearing your thoughts if you decide to go through with it.

September 28th, 2010, 05:25 PM
I used to have a shaved head and I totally loved it at the time--but the growing out part is pretty dismal.

I know that supposedly shaving your head is not supposed to really cause your hair to grow back thicker--but it totally feels like it is thicker afterwards.

Two pieces of advice:

1) if you shave your head headed into winter--buy a really really really warm fleece lined wool hat! It's amazing how much body heat you lose with no hair

2) Be prepared to have to trim a lot as you grow from shaved to chin length--your hair will look really weird in that in between phase between 1" and 5 or 6" and you'll have to get a couple of haircuts in between, or risk inadvertently having David Cassidy hair.

September 28th, 2010, 05:28 PM
I have another advice: Do something completely crazy before shaving it off! Wild colour, dreadlocks, something, anything! :eyebrows:

September 28th, 2010, 06:09 PM
I've gotten 1" buzz cuts twice. It was fun at the time, but I really do regret my most recent one. If you hate the medium stage, well, if you shave you'll be at that stage for what feels like years. And there's nothing you can do with your hair while it's growing--no pretty updos or anything.

I'd say don't do it. Growing out is too painful. Most people need 2 years just to get back to APL.

September 28th, 2010, 08:36 PM
Is it just me, or does WaitingSoLong reeeeally need to shave her head? Google a tutorial on blocking your face out of a picture (though I guess a faceless shot would maybe defeat the purpose?), so we can all reassure you that you wouldn't look bad with super short hair!

I have been thinking about posting a similar thread seeking similar assurances ... reading the replies here has me almost convinced it's something I MUST try. It sounds wonderful for self-reflection and clarity, something I need lately. Also for really getting to know your hair.

But I'm afraid my boyfriend would hate it. I am afraid of being considered ugly by the masses (I probably am anyway, but I'd get more attention for it if I were bald). I'm afraid my self-esteem will take a hit (it's bad already). And I'm a temp worker right now, so that's a lot of first impressions to absorb.

Purdy Bear
September 29th, 2010, 02:44 AM
5. I worry it would be an insult to people who did not have the choice because of chemo or whatever.

As someone who has due to Alopecia, it really doesnt worry me at all wether someone has shaved their head or not, infact I dont really notice peoples hair unless its long or very luscious.

The only thing that gets to me slightly is people who think Im on chemo and harrass me with their good intentions.

September 29th, 2010, 07:56 AM
Is it just me, or does WaitingSoLong reeeeally need to shave her head? Google a tutorial on blocking your face out of a picture (though I guess a faceless shot would maybe defeat the purpose?), so we can all reassure you that you wouldn't look bad with super short hair!

Actually, this thread has convinced me NOT to do it! lol
I do wonder if I would look older or younger or neither? Probably older. I got carded for cough edicine yesterday while I was with my 18 year old son! lol

September 29th, 2010, 11:58 AM
Actually, this thread has convinced me NOT to do it! lol
I do wonder if I would look older or younger or neither? Probably older. I got carded for cough edicine yesterday while I was with my 18 year old son! lol

I think once you're in your mid-30's, short hair doesn't necessarily look youthful... I'm sure you've seen all the "why must women cut their hair in their 40's" outrage threads here :) Even if it looks good at 0", you still have a few years of growing out ahead of you, which rarely looks good (in my experience, anyway).

September 29th, 2010, 12:24 PM
Did you regret it?
Not the first 2 times. But this time I did. Not at first, though, just once it got so horrible.

Did you enjoy it?
For about a month.

Are you glad you did it?
Semi-glad. Got a fresh start. But I didn't need one, really.

Have any advice for me?
You say you want either long or short because you don't like medium. But if you shave it you must then spend FOREVER in medium to get back to long!

September 29th, 2010, 09:09 PM
Anyway! I know there are some on here that've shaved their heads either to start over, for a nice change, or to get rid of dye. Did you regret it? Did you enjoy it? Are you glad you did it? Have any advice for me? (okay that last question is silly, but I'm all ears!)

Regret - errm, yes and no. Didn't shave my head, lost all my hair due to PPD reaction, so chemically burned it all off. Liked the no hair, was fun, and then it's been fun growing back in. But it has destroyed my scalp and hair, so that part is the sucky part - but it won't happen with a shave.

Enjoy - LOVED it actually. Got a spider tattoo on my scalp, so much fun, met my DF that way, so nothing to not like. Other than growing hair out. But then, hey, it's been fun to mess with. What's the worst - I'll have to cut it out and it's not that much grow out, so fun.

Glad - Well, have to say yes, otherwise I'd not have met DF! Burning my scalp, no, not fun.

Advice - honestly, if it's something you want to do, go for it. It's hair, it grows back. It's a long, long process to get back to a length that doesn't take frequent trims, but the other side is you can start out babying your hair, and your hair will grow out free of damage, and you won't have any dye grow out lines or such.

October 13th, 2010, 06:03 PM
I've regretted it every day for the past 7 years. my hair has taken forever to grow back (partly due to impatience and doing damaging processes). I shall never cut my hair shave it again as long as I live. My hair grows VERY slowly and so I cannot fathom why someone would lose their beautiful long hair that I envy so much unless it was for a good cause or out of necessity.

October 13th, 2010, 06:09 PM
sorry, still can't edit. that being said, if u do really want to do it go for gold, but it's something that if you regret you have to live with it for a very VERY long time.

October 13th, 2010, 08:35 PM
This is just my opinion of course, but VERY few people look good w/ super short hair, and even fewer w/ shaved hair. I just don't think it is flattering on most women unless they have absolutely PERFECT bone structure and a very dainty frame. I cut mine super short and regretted it.....it felt good, but it didn't look nice on me. I wouldn't cut it so short again, though I have nothing against the idea of shorter hair w/in reason. I can count on one hand the people I've known that looked truly beautiful w/ little to no hair. I am definitely NOT one of them!

December 7th, 2011, 01:44 AM
I have never shaved my head I have worn my hair long since high school and still wear my hair long (2/3rds of the way down my back).

My wife though shaved her head for fashion reasons awhile ago, to try that style, and she actually looked great with the bald look.
Of course she has the beautiful feminine features to wear the bald look, and she dolled herself up with her makeup, long dangle earrings, fashion scarves, beautiful dresses, and so forth to compliment her look. She also wore headscarves and wigs.
She eventually grew her hair out and now wears her hair in a short hairstyle. My daughters wear their hair a little past their shoulders.

December 7th, 2011, 01:50 AM
Did you regret it? Yes. every **** day for the past 8 years.

Did you enjoy it? No way. I was an insecure teenager who got teased for it and mistaken for a boy. If you go short, you have to up the makeup.

Are you glad you did it? No.

Have any advice for me? If you're an all or nothing girl and you shave your head... you're going to have to grow it out during the mid-time. I recently cut out all the hair dye and have not regreted it but there is no way I would have ever shaved. Again just me, but I'm strictly a no-shorter-than-a-pixie girl.

December 7th, 2011, 03:22 AM
I shaved my head when i was 16, it was horrible. It took years and years and years to grow it out again. If you really want to do it you should think about it more than 2 weeks, it is definitely a more drastic change than the regular haircut.

October 25th, 2018, 09:12 AM
I know I'm resurrecting a dead thread, but I wanted to add my two cents, especially since shaved heads seem to be more common lately.

Did you regret it? Not at all! I'm really enjoying the low-maintenance style at the moment. I have had very short hair before, though, and would definitely caution someone to start slowly if they haven't seen themselves with a pixie cut before.

Did you enjoy it? The actual process of shaving my head brought up some complex emotions, but overall it was fun. I'm glad that I had my husband help me- I would recommend getting your own clippers and surrounding yourself with people who support you.

Are you glad you did it? Extremely. I'm looking forward to starting my hair growth journey with healthy virgin hair.

Have any advice for me? (okay that last question is silly, but I'm all ears!)

Make sure that this is something you want to do, and don't let others influence you too much. I went into this expecting a lot of backlash and sideways glances, but ended up being surprised at the number of compliments I've received! Also, as I mentioned above, I'd recommend shaving your head privately instead of at a salon, if you can.

October 25th, 2018, 09:04 PM
Thanks abbysinthe for resurrecting this thread, super interesting read. Might add some of my opinions too since the memory's still fresh :)

Did you regret it? Nope! I regret not doing it sooner. I contemplated doing it for >2yrs before finally getting it over and done with. There was I think a week of regret when growing it out after a few months but that was an insecurity thing rather than specifically a hair thing. Also the ease of 'styling' a shaved head was amazing, as was the texture.

Did you enjoy it? Often but not always. The process was very freeing and the aftermath was so satisfying, others seemed to like it and it was attention grabbing (good for making friends). Didn't enjoy the fact that it made me look older and that if I wore lazy clothes (shorts and t-shirt) I was mistaken for a boy.

Are you glad you did it? Yes! Despite the downsides I'm glad I did it. It was something I wanted to do for many reasons including growing out my natural hair for the first time in years.

Any advice?
1. If you aren't going to shave it at home, go to a barber instead of a hairdresser. The hairdresser I went to was really apprehensive about cutting all my hair off. Tried to convince me to not do it about 3 times. The couple of times I went for trims at a barber they just got on with my weird requests (and were way cheaper).
2. Know that growing out your hair takes years and don't do it for anyone but yourself.
3. Go with someone you like and trust to support you, I took my sister along with me, it was nice to have the company :)

October 26th, 2018, 11:09 AM
Interesting read indeed. I read the whole thing in one blast..

I have shaved my head once when I was 15, after having a mohawk and some crazy patch of hair just at the top. Over the years grew longer, was happy with the looks but struggled with tangles and with playing with my hair too much (not very professional..), so I let it cut in a short pixie (shorter then I wanted).

Did you regret it?
Yes. Both the shave and the big chop.

Did you enjoy it?
Nope. It just feel very "off", not me. I feel very self-conscious with sort hair. I didn't expect that, because I am not very girly or vain and I had short hair as a kid growing up.

Are you glad you did it?
This is tricky. If I knew what I learned by doing it, I wouldn't have done it. I am happy that I got to know myself better and have a better understanding of what kind of length feels good to me.

Any advice?
Going gradually shorter is a smart thing to do :)
And don't indulge on dye. It has never made me happy in the long run, and I have basically tried all colours, henna etc.

October 26th, 2018, 05:20 PM
I shaved my hair 10 years ago exactly so here I go!

Did you regret it?
Yes, and no at the same time. I’m grateful that it was a learning experience, but physically, it did not suit my features at all.

Did you enjoy it?
Maybe for a few days, but I did not feel like myself.

Are you glad you did it?
I’m glad that I learned what I should avoid lol. But overall, no because I felt a strange loss of self.

Any advice?
Don’t do it if you’re impulsive, and recognize that there are no magic tricks to make hair grow faster. It can take an entire decade to grow out your hair. If you are unsure, then just don’t do it. It has to be something you want 100% You also have to have thick skin because people might unfortunately stare at you and judge you, and if you are easily hurt by criticism then I’d advise you that having a shaved head might not be your style. If you are super confident and words don’t bother you, then go ahead and rock it :)

October 28th, 2018, 03:36 AM
Ten years ago I cut all my hair off, with scissors rather than clippers, but as close to the scalp as I could get, so here's my two cents.

Did you regret it?

The first time, no, it felt freeing. And I felt like my hair at the time (between APL-BSL, bleached) didn't represent who I was.

The second time, after it had grown for 9 months and I was 'evening it up', I accidentally ended up cutting it as short as it had been the first time - this I was not happy about. I felt so naked and exposed and it was the start of summer so I was looking at three months without a hat :/

Did you enjoy it?

Yes and no. It was definitely the right time in my life to do it. I was young and could carry it off, and lived in a liberal wacky city where no-one batted an eyelid at my shaved head.
By comparison I definitely stood out a bit in my hometown and some people looked at me a little funny. Oh and also, people assumed I was suddenly gay, including quite close friends :confused:

Are you glad you did it?

Yes. I'm glad to have tried it and got it out my system. I can't imagine ever cutting my hair that short again. I'm also glad I tried lots of different colours.

Any advice?

I think if I did it now, being as length-focussed as I've become since finding LHC, the growout would be torturous. As it was, I really didn't even notice my hair going from short to APL (apart from the clips, the oh so many clips), so there wasn't much scope for regret. I would bear this in mind when deciding.

October 28th, 2018, 06:43 AM
I guess I'm one of the few who enjoyed my bald head. Ive done it twice.

I dont want to toot my own horn too much but I do have some features that i think helped me to like it for myself.

1) I do have a very round smooth head. As in the back of my head isnt flat and has no bumps.

2) I have decent bone structure while also having a feminine face. Meaning my face has shape while still being obviously female. So I never feel I look manly even with short hair. Which is something I notice bothers some women.

3)I genuinely like short hair to begin with. So even though I want it long now I still love seeing a short haired woman.

4) I wore a few wigs to help with days when I missed long hair. That wasnt everyday by any means. BUT it truely did help.

So I loved being bald. I dont plan to do it again since I want TBL hair. But who knows.