View Full Version : French Ringlet Braid?

September 19th, 2010, 09:37 PM
Has anybody heard of that or know how to do that? I saw it mentioned on YouTube, but there was no tutorial or pics and I can't find it anywhere. Sounds intriguiging if anyone can help. Thanks!

September 20th, 2010, 02:07 PM
Sounds interesting, but I have no idea how it will look?

Edit: do you mean smething like this? http://www.hairatthepark.co.uk/pictures/wedding_cascading_ringlets.jpg
Or a spiral-like pinned French braid?

September 20th, 2010, 09:55 PM
Sounds interesting, but I have no idea how it will look?

Edit: do you mean smething like this? http://www.hairatthepark.co.uk/pictures/wedding_cascading_ringlets.jpg
Or a spiral-like pinned French braid?

Hmm...I hadn't thought that maybe the poster on YouTube meant something like a crown braid. That could be possible I guess, because she did mention how much trouble she was having with it and we all know what a challenge the crown braid is. I STILL can't get mine to look decent or un-lopsided, even though I understand how it's SUPPOSED to work. Anyway, I guess I had something in mind where the braid was more knotted or looped or something instead of woven, but I haven't been able to find any pics. The term "ringlet" is what's throwing me. To me, that means curls, but I guess the YT person could be referencing a circlet sort of thing.

Hopefully, someone will enlighten us :-)

September 20th, 2010, 10:02 PM
Hmmmm.... Going entirely off fo the name I would think that it would be a french braid finished in a low pony that is curled into ringlets.

September 21st, 2010, 12:30 AM
Are you thinking of the Spiral French Braid (http://www.flickr.com/photos/18626930@N00/sets/72157603466186383/), perhaps? There are more examples of the Spiral Braid near the bottom of this page (http://www.frenchbraidsbytwistedsisters.com/cingal.html).

Hope that helps! :flower:

September 21st, 2010, 02:45 AM
Are you thinking of the Spiral French Braid (http://www.flickr.com/photos/18626930@N00/sets/72157603466186383/), perhaps? There are more examples of the Spiral Braid near the bottom of this page (http://www.frenchbraidsbytwistedsisters.com/cingal.html).

Hope that helps! :flower:
Those are some frigging awesome hair designs, (being pagan , I really appreciated the Star Crown) that I would not have the patience to do or have done, yet..

September 21st, 2010, 11:27 AM
Oh, yeah, I bet the spiral french is what she is talking about. This lady is a pretty talented braider. She does quite a few different braids on her girls and I have learned a lot from her so is she is having trouble with a braid it must be pretty difficult. I also wonder if she may be trying to do something like that one with the celtic knots going down the center of the braids. That looked sort of ringlet-y.

Thanks everyone for your input. These are truly some astonishing braids and give me a lot of inspiration. I'm not sure I could ever accomplish them on myself, but it's worth a try!

September 21st, 2010, 11:55 AM
I have a out-of-print book by Karen Ribble (Hairbraiding for fun or profit, if you want to buy it online ;-) ) and it doesn't seem to be that hard:
- Part your hair in some (she did four in that instruction) concentric circles and clip all but the most outer one sections up.
- Start a lace braided crown.
- If your crown is almost completed, loose the next section, and braid further in lace technique.
- So on, until all your hair's braided, then bun and pin the hanging braid in center of your masterwork.

I plan to do this for ages, but I'm way too lazy :shake:...
I know this style as "royal spiral", btw.

September 21st, 2010, 12:23 PM
Are you thinking of the Spiral French Braid (http://www.flickr.com/photos/18626930@N00/sets/72157603466186383/), perhaps? There are more examples of the Spiral Braid near the bottom of this page (http://www.frenchbraidsbytwistedsisters.com/cingal.html).

Hope that helps! :flower:

The braids on the pages you mentioned as so pretty!! I wish I knew how to make fancy braids...I just know how to French and English braid.

September 21st, 2010, 02:02 PM
There are also "french" rope braids. Maybe that's what it's referring to?

September 21st, 2010, 02:23 PM
Are you thinking of the Spiral French Braid (http://www.flickr.com/photos/18626930@N00/sets/72157603466186383/), perhaps? There are more examples of the Spiral Braid near the bottom of this page (http://www.frenchbraidsbytwistedsisters.com/cingal.html).

Hope that helps! :flower:

Goodness those are pretty styles! :thud: