View Full Version : Babassu oil - coconut oil's cousin

September 18th, 2010, 04:57 PM
Does anyone use this oil? I've heard it behaves a lot like coconut oil which everyone loves so I was just curious.

September 18th, 2010, 05:12 PM
I have! :grin:

It's high in the fatty acid, lauric acid, like coconut oil, which is what is thought to prevent hair's protein loss. Babassu oil is a little heavier than coconut oil, and I used it as a prewash when I washed with herbs. It's seemed to be a little more moisturizing than coconut oil.

You know, I really should get it out again...:hmm:

September 18th, 2010, 05:42 PM
... forgive my ignorance, but... what is it? is it a nut oil or a fruit oil, or... what? lol.

September 18th, 2010, 07:28 PM
It's a palm tree like coconut. :smile:

September 18th, 2010, 07:41 PM
oh cool! I'll hafta try to find some then. does it stay liquid?

September 18th, 2010, 07:47 PM
My conditioner has babassu oil in it and it makes my hair very happy!!


September 18th, 2010, 10:13 PM
I have a shampoo bar from applevalleynaturasoaps that has babassu oil in it and my hair loves it!!

September 18th, 2010, 11:10 PM
I have two shampoo bars that have it in too. Both are great! I wouldn't mind getting my hands on it by itself.

September 19th, 2010, 12:15 AM
...does it stay liquid?

Mine is solid-ish like coconut oil.

akka naeda
September 19th, 2010, 09:33 AM
I use it, I mixed it with capacu (? sp) butter and a couple of other oils and it is the best thing for my hair. Far better than coconut oil alone.

September 21st, 2010, 07:29 PM
I have! :grin:

It's high in the fatty acid, lauric acid, like coconut oil, which is what is thought to prevent hair's protein loss. Babassu oil is a little heavier than coconut oil, and I used it as a prewash when I washed with herbs. It's seemed to be a little more moisturizing than coconut oil.

You know, I really should get it out again...:hmm:

Have I inspired you Flaxen:p

September 21st, 2010, 07:30 PM
Thanks for all the replies. I'm going to look for it in stores or online. Coconut oil is great, but it starts to smell on my hair. Not a biggie for a DT, as I'm at home- but when I use it as a leave in it sucks.

March 14th, 2011, 10:11 PM
I just got this oil and I.love.it. It is smoother than coconut oil, and no smell. It was solid and melts instantly when you rub it. It is like coconut oil it seems. I will update on how I like the way it works on my hair.
The oil when washing spreads great- I think I put a little too much on my hair when it was dry, but it was a good treatment. My hair felt stronger in the shower but not as smooth as with the coconut oil is in the shower.
But THEN I got out and while it was drying it felt AMAZING! My ends felt like they had just been cut, and my hair was smooth. Yay :) Love this stuff. I do yearn for the smell of coconut oil, so I might try mixing the two. :D

white line
March 15th, 2011, 11:45 AM
My hair hates coconut oil but seems to love Babusso oil. It makes my hair feel like silk.

March 15th, 2011, 12:00 PM
I use babassu oil. My scalp pores clog with coconut oil but babassu oil is known for being less comedogenic and I don't have the problems I did with the coconut. I also like that it is a cultivated tree and very important to the economy of the indiginous people of Brazil.

I get mine from Camden-Grey http://www.camdengrey.com/ They also have the best price on the 'net for pure Argan oil.

March 15th, 2011, 01:02 PM
I use babassu oil. My scalp pores clog with coconut oil but babassu oil is known for being less comedogenic and I don't have the problems I did with the coconut. I also like that it is a cultivated tree and very important to the economy of the indiginous people of Brazil.

I get mine from Camden-Grey http://www.camdengrey.com/ They also have the best price on the 'net for pure Argan oil.
Wow that is cheap for both oils, thanks for the link :)

March 15th, 2011, 01:07 PM
Wow that is cheap for both oils, thanks for the link :)

You're welcome. I have been ordering from them for a long time and have always been happy with their quality and service in addition to the prices.

March 15th, 2011, 07:54 PM
My hair hates coconut oil but seems to love Babusso oil. It makes my hair feel like silk.
Interesting! I wonder why. Mine hates olive and loves babassu oil and coconut oil, so I thought it was the high oleic fatty acid in olive oil or something to do with the fatty acid profiles.

March 17th, 2011, 12:29 PM
Was delighted to find this thread, as have just ordered some Babassu oil online - £4.99 for 100 ml tub. Really looking forward to trying it.

March 17th, 2011, 12:41 PM
<utterly useless comment>
I keep seeing the name of this thread and mentally reading it as "... coconut oil's evil cousin."
So now I'm imagining babassu oil with a pointy goatee.
</utterly useless comment>

Carry on.

March 31st, 2011, 12:42 AM
Well, I bought a little tub of this, and I love the way it feels - my hair doesn't like it as much as EVOO but it's about the same as coconut oil I would say. I doubt I'll use it much on my hair, but as a body moisuriser it's incredible!! Doesn't feel greasy and leaves a very soft film on the skin which is uber protective. I love it. (Even if it's for not quite the right hair reasons!) :D

March 31st, 2011, 03:22 AM
Mine is solid-ish like coconut oil.

So it can't be used for the oil - shampoo method I guess? :hmm:

March 31st, 2011, 11:07 AM
So it can't be used for the oil - shampoo method I guess? :hmm:

Yes it can. This is what I use and it is used just like coconut oil: you need to warm it a little to become liquid (a minute in your palm is usually enough) and mix with shampoo. I mix up a couple of shampoo's worth at one time so I just put the bottle in a cup of warm water when I step into the shower then shake it up when I am ready to shampoo.

March 31st, 2011, 11:23 AM
I can second that - it's probably even easier to turn to liquid than coconut oil - it's more malleable as a solid, if you see what I mean?! So should be fine in oil-shampoo method. :)

I haven't tried an oil shampoo yet, but when I wash the oil off after a heavy pre-poo shampoo, I apply neat shampoo to my hair then rinse, and I suspect it may have a similar, though not exact, effect to oil-shampoo?

March 31st, 2011, 11:24 AM
I tried a cv bar with babassu and it worked great except it was a little too heavy for my type of hair. I would imagine for thicker dryer hair it would be awesome...

akka naeda
March 31st, 2011, 11:46 AM
So it can't be used for the oil - shampoo method I guess? :hmm:

It can. I actually use a mix of babbasu, capacu and coconut oil and it is better both in oil shampoo and just for oiling than any of the oils straight.

March 31st, 2011, 12:00 PM
It can. I actually use a mix of babbasu, capacu and coconut oil and it is better both in oil shampoo and just for oiling than any of the oils straight.

How is the cupuacu? I have been looking at it but I am torn between that and tucuma for my next experiment.

I will be placing my Camden-Gray order as soon as they get Argan oil in stock and hope to decide between the two by then. (I have been promoting Camden-Gray all over this board, especially for their argan oil and wonder if my fellow LHCers are the reason they are out :hmm: )

March 31st, 2011, 04:19 PM
Oh sorry, I meant "So it can be used for...?" otherwise it would make no sense ;).
It's good to know that I just need to put the oil shampoo mix bottle into warm water, I wouldn't have thought of that! Will report back when I have tried it.

March 31st, 2011, 08:01 PM
So many oils to try.. I forgot about poor babassu oil. I've been using a lot of mustard oil lately for growth now that I've run out of castor. Coconut oil stopped working in my hair:S Thanks for the link In2wishin...so many oils to try!

March 31st, 2011, 10:13 PM
So many oils to try.. I forgot about poor babassu oil. I've been using a lot of mustard oil lately for growth now that I've run out of castor. Coconut oil stopped working in my hair:S Thanks for the link In2wishin...so many oils to try!

you are welcome and I REALLY know what you mean :p Each time I place an order I like to try one new thing. My latest that has gone on the keeper list is cranberry seed oil. I have not used it on my hair but I really like it mixed with argan oil and dabbed around my eyes.

Here is what the Camden-Grey website says about it:

Cranberry seed oil is used in food, skin and personal care products including soap. Anti-inflammatory, emollient and broad spectrum UV protection are found among its properties. It is a rich source of Omega 3 fatty acid and antioxidants including vit. E, this oil contains good oxidative stability. It easily penetrates the skin, it is highly recommended for skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. In hair care, it is said to strengthen hair and moisturize the scalp. Great for use in lip balms, creams, lotions, soap and hair care.

Cranberry Seed Oil is the only available carrier oil with a naturally balanced 1:1 ratio of Omega 6 and Omega 3, it aids in the absorption and utilization of the essential fatty acids in the skin and is said to moisturize the skin unlike any other oil.

April 1st, 2011, 01:07 PM
I received an update after placing my order. Just to share...

"Thanks for your order. We’ve run out of Argan oil, a new supply is expected on or about next Monday. Please let us know if we hold the complete order until this product arrives or if we ship without it and issue a refund. We await your reply and apologize for this inconvenience."

I am really excited to try their products. Thanks for sharing In2wishin:)

April 1st, 2011, 02:18 PM
I had to stop using coconut oil because of it's comedogenicity. Thank you for posting about babassu! You may have saved my hair. OK, I exaggerate, but you certainly made me happy!

April 3rd, 2011, 08:34 PM
you are welcome and I REALLY know what you mean :p Each time I place an order I like to try one new thing. My latest that has gone on the keeper list is cranberry seed oil. I have not used it on my hair but I really like it mixed with argan oil and dabbed around my eyes.

Here is what the Camden-Grey website says about it:

What? I've never even heard of cranberry seed oil. Damn you, In2wishin:p:p

OK but seriously, I need it. Broad spectrum UV protection? Come on, its pretty much calling my name.

April 3rd, 2011, 09:00 PM
CRANBERRY SEED OIL? BABASSU (h/e you spell that!) OKL? You ENABLERS you!!!!

April 3rd, 2011, 10:02 PM
Oh sorry, I meant "So it can be used for...?" otherwise it would make no sense ;).
It's good to know that I just need to put the oil shampoo mix bottle into warm water, I wouldn't have thought of that! Will report back when I have tried it.

Actually, once the oil is mixed with shampoo it won't go solid again, so you don't even need to heat your oil/shampoo mix once it's made up. At first I used to put my shampoo bottle in warm water too, then one day I didn't and I realised it was just fine!

I think the shampoo sort of "breaks up" the oil so it doesn't go back into its solid state at room temperature (I suppose it sort of dissolves the oil, which is what detergents do??)...

April 4th, 2011, 07:21 AM
What? I've never even heard of cranberry seed oil. Damn you, In2wishin:p:p

OK but seriously, I need it. Broad spectrum UV protection? Come on, its pretty much calling my name.

We enablers are all over just waiting for a new victim :evil:

As far as the UV protection, I haven't been able to find an approximate SPF for it so I would not think of it as a sunscreen .... just a little extra protection. Ahh, the cranberry ... what else can it do? My state produces almost half of the cranberries each year (Wisconsin is always neck and neck with Massachusetts as the top producer. Some years they win and some years we do).

April 4th, 2011, 07:26 AM
Actually, once the oil is mixed with shampoo it won't go solid again, so you don't even need to heat your oil/shampoo mix once it's made up. At first I used to put my shampoo bottle in warm water too, then one day I didn't and I realised it was just fine!

I think the shampoo sort of "breaks up" the oil so it doesn't go back into its solid state at room temperature (I suppose it sort of dissolves the oil, which is what detergents do??)...

Mine is still in tiny globs that stick to the side of the bottle and don't come out in the same proportion to the shampoo as the original mix. I find that it still works better for me if I warm it. I also keep my apartment at 64 so the ambient temp might make a difference.