View Full Version : Ever have dye release issues? (Henna)

September 18th, 2010, 01:51 PM
So I mixed up a batch last night as I usually do (henna, cassia, alma, distilled H20) and let it sit over night. This morning I had no dye release at all so I let it sit longer then tested again. I ended up getting some, but overall very little dye release. I have just added about 2 drops of lemon juice (my hair does not like lemon so I don't usually use it) and I am letting it sit a bit longer. The mixture is going on 14 hours and I am about ready to just put it in my hair and hope the dye will release as it sits.

The temperature here is perfect, not too hot or cold. The only thing different this month is the henna (Ancient Sunrise Celebration Henna from Mendhi shop) because Catherine was out of what I usually use (Yemen and Punjabi Prime). So any words of wisdom? Has anyone bought the celebration henna or another kind and experienced very slow dye release?


September 18th, 2010, 01:57 PM
I've actually heard that ancient sunrise henna needs around 4 hours (just like Yemeni...PP/jamila need 12 hours) for dye release...maybe you got dye demise? If your hair doesn't like lemon juice, try something like warm chamomile tea; it's way gentler. :)

September 18th, 2010, 03:07 PM
Thanks little cherry, but I sure hope that is not the case! I managed to get a little more dye release so I have it in my hair right now and we'll see how this goes. Thanks for the advice about the chamomile too.

September 18th, 2010, 04:22 PM
Thanks little cherry, but I sure hope that is not the case! I managed to get a little more dye release so I have it in my hair right now and we'll see how this goes. Thanks for the advice about the chamomile too.
I hope it's not, either. I know that in some dire cases, some have actually heated up their henna gently in a double boiler to get some dye release...some even freeze it.

I hope it turns out well for you. :flower:

September 18th, 2010, 07:40 PM
I had issues with dye release years ago. Since learning about freezing henna, it hasn't been a problem since. Freezing is pretty much perfect. It smooths the mix out, takes less guess work, and has perfect dye release. Give a try next time. :)

September 18th, 2010, 07:46 PM
I second freezing it! It's been excellent every time since I started, which I am grateful for 'cause I overcooked a batch once and wasted $60 worth of stuff!

September 19th, 2010, 01:44 PM
I have been using Celebration henna and I have had strange dye release results too. I have used warm water with a little lemon juice, then all lemon juice and I just can't figure it out. The other day I mixed some up with all bottled lemon juice and let it sit for around six hours and it seemed to fine. I froze it afterward, so I will see this week how it works. I have heard Celebration has a very quick dye release but I just don't know. It is a beautiful dark red henna so I hope I can figure this out. :confused:

September 19th, 2010, 08:09 PM
Thanks everyone. So I put this on my head for 3 warm hours (I was only doing roots) and got dye release. I'm not sure if it was the lemon that did it or what. But I have to say, it was a little less dye release than I'm used to. It covered my roots, but we will see in a few days what I actually have. I wish I knew about the 4 hour dye release for Celebration. I froze some of this mixture (without the lemon) at about 8 hours so fingers crossed that it will work in a few weeks when I need a touch up. For those of you who freeze henna, do you mean freeze just the dry henna or the entire thing after it is mixed? And if you mean the entire mixture, do you wait for dye release before freezing? I have frozen some batches that were already dye released in the past and had no troubles with the dye taking, but then I read something that made me think that was the wrong approach. Of course this time I still did it the same old way because I couldn't quite figure out how to keep everything straight in my freezer.

Henna Sooq
September 20th, 2010, 08:59 AM
Does it say which henna powder (which country of origin) or the date of the crop years of those henna powders are in that mix? Knowing at least where the henna powder is from helps you figure out dye release. No one wants to waste money, I'm sure

September 20th, 2010, 10:16 AM
Heh, I had weird dye release this very weekend. with Jamila. Mixed, left for 12 hours, applied. Just henna and hot water, nothing else. Left on for 3 hours as normal, washed off - and my roots are still their regular colour!


Next time I'm going to let it dye release for 14 hours, then freeze, then warm it up before I use it.

September 20th, 2010, 02:40 PM
I will be using my Celebration tomorrow, so I will see how it goes. It should be very strong by now after being frozen.

We have had a very cool summer, so maybe that has something to do with the dye release.

princessp, you can freeze the mixed henna and it turns out much stronger when you use it. I freeze my powder too. It keeps it fresh. :)

September 20th, 2010, 02:47 PM
I used Celebration over a month ago. Mixed it with a luke warm zinger tea and it dye released in 2 - 3 hours. Froze the leftovers and used that about a week later. Both worked great. 14 hours seems a long time but perhaps is due to the use of water?

September 20th, 2010, 03:01 PM
Thanks again.

Does it say which henna powder (which country of origin) or the date of the crop years of those henna powders are in that mix? Knowing at least where the henna powder is from helps you figure out dye release. No one wants to waste money, I'm sure
I'm not sure, it was from the Mendhi shop though if that helps.

Heh, I had weird dye release this very weekend. with Jamila. Mixed, left for 12 hours, applied. Just henna and hot water, nothing else. Left on for 3 hours as normal, washed off - and my roots are still their regular colour!
What did you use as the acid component? If you didn't use one that might have been the problem.

I used Celebration over a month ago. Mixed it with a luke warm zinger tea and it dye released in 2 - 3 hours. Froze the leftovers and used that about a week later. Both worked great. 14 hours seems a long time but perhaps is due to the use of water?
Wow. I always let it sit overnight, per Mendhi shop "henna bible" directions. I don't mean to disparage the Mendhi shop their products are superb! The mistake was all mine, as a releative henna noob I just didn't know I needed to double check release time if I switch henna. Thanks so much, I didn't realize there was such a difference in release time among hennas. This Celebration henna does seem to be holding on to my roots though it seems to be real good stuff----so maybe not all is lost.:)

CopperHead Thanks for the info on freezing! I have the mixture in freezer so maybe my next root touch up will be better.

September 20th, 2010, 04:44 PM
You don't really need an acid for dye release...when my hair was going through a rough patch, I omitted acids and just used plain (warm) water..I still had a very vibrant dye.

September 20th, 2010, 04:55 PM
You don't really need an acid for dye release...when my hair was going through a rough patch, I omitted acids and just used plain water..I still had a very vibrant dye.

Wow, I had no idea---very good to know. Thanks.

Henna Sooq
September 20th, 2010, 06:48 PM
I used Celebration over a month ago. Mixed it with a luke warm zinger tea and it dye released in 2 - 3 hours. Froze the leftovers and used that about a week later. Both worked great. 14 hours seems a long time but perhaps is due to the use of water?

No water doesn't affect dye release, color results. I've only used water, as my main liquid for over 10 yrs. Freezing seems awesome! You could make batches in advance this way too.

The jamila 2010 seems to have a fast dye release. Do a test patch during the resting period. Like a small patch of paste on your palm, leave for 1 min. and then wash off. bright pumpkin orange on the skin is a sign it's ready

Henna Sooq
September 20th, 2010, 06:50 PM
You don't really need an acid for dye release...when my hair was going through a rough patch, I omitted acids and just used plain (warm) water..I still had a very vibrant dye.

So true. It's just too bad that some spots you go to online, talk only about using lemon juice or acidic ingredients in the hair, when a lot of acid can dry out a lot of people's hair.

Every natural hair recipe has to be created especially for us (or by us), as our hair is as individual as we are :)

September 20th, 2010, 07:01 PM
So true. It's just too bad that some spots you go to online, talk only about using lemon juice or acidic ingredients in the hair, when a lot of acid can dry out a lot of people's hair.

Every natural hair recipe has to be created especially for us (or by us), as our hair is as individual as we are :)
Exactly. So many people give henna such bad feedback after using straight lemon juice or vinegar in their henna mixes. Either it dries their hair and scalp out or they get a very poor stain.

Keep it simple..it's henna, not triple chocolate cheesecake. ;)

I've used soft and hard water for my henna mixes...yes soft water does work better, but hard water will produce a substantial stain if a little bit of acid (for example, 2 tsp of lemon juice or a teaspoon of amla paste per 100g henna) is added in me experience. I often play around with my mixtures to see what my hair likes...so far, bottled water with amla <dye release> and coconut milk with hemp seed oil after dye release seems to be a winner for me. If I'm in a hurry, warmed up bottled water is great with a quick dye releasing henna.

September 20th, 2010, 07:23 PM
I get near-instant dye release using Jamila henna mixed with straight-outta-the-pot HOT chamomile/lemon tea. I let it cool enough to touch comfortably and either apply it immediately or freeze/thaw to use later. Occasionally I add paprika but honestly I don't see any difference in the end color either way.

September 21st, 2010, 03:43 AM
I've never used an acid since going back to henna - just water or occasionally one cup of tea and the rest water.

I got good dye release last time with leaving it for 12 hours and adding patchouli oil (10 drops) in a mix of 100g jamila, 100g yemeni. So that's marinating at home in a warm towel right now.

September 21st, 2010, 01:50 PM
I thawed my Celebration and it is very strong. No dye release problem at all. It is sitting on my head right now. :)

September 21st, 2010, 04:38 PM
So true. It's just too bad that some spots you go to online, talk only about using lemon juice or acidic ingredients in the hair, when a lot of acid can dry out a lot of people's hair.

Every natural hair recipe has to be created especially for us (or by us), as our hair is as individual as we are :)

Yes, I got my info from just one forum and thought acid was a necessary component. I'm one of the people who can't use a lot of lemon too.

I thawed my Celebration and it is very strong. No dye release problem at all. It is sitting on my head right now. Glad to hear you're not having trouble!

Henna Sooq
September 21st, 2010, 05:23 PM
Lemon juice can def be a killer in a henna recipe for some hair types. Even in my body art recipe, I cut back some of the lemon juice, because sensitive people said it itched, and come to find out when I cut back, I never get any complaints. I haven't changed my body art recipe in any other way, otherwise.

September 22nd, 2010, 03:59 AM
I've never used an acid since going back to henna - just water or occasionally one cup of tea and the rest water.

I got good dye release last time with leaving it for 12 hours and adding patchouli oil (10 drops) in a mix of 100g jamila, 100g yemeni. So that's marinating at home in a warm towel right now.

Aaaaand - 12 hours later, no stain on the back of my hand after 5 minutes. WTF?

Have given up and thrown the paste in the freezer!

September 22nd, 2010, 07:46 AM
If your powder is old, your dye won't release very well. I don't henna my hair, but I henna my friend's hair, and henna designs on my hands and body. A few years ago I had henna that left a yellow stain and washed away in a couple days, but I had possessed the bag forever and forgot about it. yeah, so that's my experience.

September 22nd, 2010, 07:54 AM
No matter what kind of henna, I've never had a problem with dye release using the freezer method. I mix my powder with very warm water or tea, and then spoon or pour it into ice cube trays and pop it in the freezer. I usually don't wait for dye release at all; if I DO wait, it's not more than a half-hour. When it's thawed out, it's perfect every time. The freezing and thawing action seems to make dye release happen.

It's also much, much smoother after having been frozen-- no lumps!

September 22nd, 2010, 08:25 AM
I'm currently having dye release issues too :(
Used orange juice as my main liquid, 1tbs honey, 2 tbs ACV, 3 tbs cassia

It's been about 8-9 hours now and no dye release then again I forgot to warm u the OJ :(
I put it into my bathroom with the heater on. It's been in there about 3 hrs. What should I do?

September 22nd, 2010, 08:42 AM
Oh, and the one time I henndigoed my hair took five hours to go a little bit ashy and it washed out in one washing with a gentle poo bar, but stank like indigo for a month.

September 22nd, 2010, 09:30 AM
PrincessBob - the henna I'm using is 2010 crop and it only arrived this month. I'm assuming it can't be old henna packaged in a new bag, so I reckon it's a user error not seller/packer error! :D

September 22nd, 2010, 12:17 PM
Temperature makes a difference, both room temp and liquid temp. Warmer temps = faster dye release.

Typically a water-only mix will release within 1-4 hours at 70'F. A more acidic mix at the same temp will be a little slower. At 85'F even an acidic mix can release within 1-2 hours.

Celebration is a particular batch of Jamila 2010 that was lab analyzed by Mehandi and shown to have quite high dye content. For most people it seems to release dye quickly, within the conditions noted above (if your liquid and room are cold, it will take longer, but if they are warm, it will happen very fast).

September 22nd, 2010, 03:02 PM
I have beautiful ruby red hair today and it is still oxidizing. :cheese: So, I obviously got good dye release afterall. My hands were orange for quite awhile after the rinse out too. I have learned to do my spot check on my palm instead of my wrist now. It stains much darker on the palm when the henna is ready.