View Full Version : Can somebody help me with this?

September 15th, 2010, 06:49 AM
Well everytime I look at the mirror I begin to boil inside,it's about 3 years now I have babyfine hairs on the left and right side of my hair,and in the 3 years that been gone I haven't see any grow on it :(. My hair parts on the left and right side are alo very thin and you can almost see my scalp to. Does someone please could help me with this problem? I have also many hairloss, for about 3 months,I have took vitamine supplements for it but it dind't work at all!

2 years ago I have tried Vichy Aminexyl,some hairtubes with a hormone (I think) but it costs about 50 euro's and if you stop it, your hair loss becomes back :(

September 15th, 2010, 08:20 AM
I think people will need more information on how you care for yourself and your hair? Do you have any known medical issues that would cause hairloss? There are lots of supplements you can take to help stimulate growth, and oils and such that you can use on your scalp. Please give more information so that the people here can offer better advice :)

September 15th, 2010, 11:11 AM
I'm sorry,I only take the anti-conception pill, no more than that! My haircare routine is 1x week co with Kruidvat conditioner and the second is a masker from Ultra Doux with kamilleflowers and flowerhoney. I also do 1x a week the cwc, first conditioner is also from Kruidvat, the shampoo is from Redken for color treaded hair and then I use a mask or conditioner from Redken.

I also use oil such as coconut oil and Indian herbal oil with a lot of herbs (nothing chemical in it).
I have taken multivitamines for vegans because I don't eat much meat, i'm not vegan.
Now I'm taking a supplement for hairgrowth,with MSM and BIotine.

On my scalp I use the Indian oil,it contains castor oil, i've seen on this forum that its good for fine hair.
I also color my hair chemicaly by the hairdresser because i can't get the color that I want with henna or other natural stuff.
(In the past I have used it and my hair was thicker but not at the sides of my scalp)

Maby I must post a picture to be more clear?

September 15th, 2010, 11:36 AM
Well that gives a lot more info :) Of course I am stymied, it seems you have a good routine, very similar to many others here. No thyroid, hormone or circulation issues mentioned, you seem to be getting vitamins...I'm no expert anyway. Perhaps other people here will have similar experiences and can do you better than I have.
My hair thins when my nutrition gets neglected or when it's pulled tightly back all the time.
Some hair thinning is just par for the course as we age, my hair thins around the temples and one spot on my crown. I don't know if any of this will help you, but here's what I use to try and combat it:
Rosemary EO
Carrot Seed OE
Tea Tree EO
Peppermint EO
Capsicum Oleoresin - or cayenne pepper if you can get it - HOT
Broccoli Seed Oil
Salicylic acid
Amla Oil
I use these in carrier oils like Coconut, and massage them on my scalp. I believe that if the substance cools, tingles or heats up your scalp, it will invigorate circulation to the follicles, which in theory is supposed to gelp the hair grow. Some also use MN, there is a whole Monistat culture and I'm sure there's a thread or two on this site devoted to the matter.
You should post a pic :) GL!

September 15th, 2010, 01:11 PM
Mind you, some thinness at the temples and short hairs around the hairline are completely normal. A lot of the hairs nearest my face never grow long enough to come near my shoulders and are quite fine. In this case, it's a short terminal length, and I've heard that it has to do with the transition from the fuzzy little hairs on the face to full-blown head hair. Similarly, having hair on one side be a bit thinner than the other isn't at all unusual. When I part my hair down the middle and do two braids, the right one is a bit thinner, though it's probably only noticeable to me and folks who are really examining it closely.

I don't know whether what you're upset about is within the bounds of "normal" and you're feeling self-conscious about it, or if there's more going on. So if you're comfortable, definitely post or link to a picture.

One thing that might be worth looking into is the drug minoxidil. It's sold over the counter in the US as "Rogaine" or various generics, and it helps a lot of folks with thinning hair, male and female. It's less than ideal, but it seems to stimulate the scalp, increase circulation, and encourage hair growth.

September 16th, 2010, 03:16 AM
One thing that might be worth looking into is the drug minoxidil. It's sold over the counter in the US as "Rogaine" or various generics, and it helps a lot of folks with thinning hair, male and female. It's less than ideal, but it seems to stimulate the scalp, increase circulation, and encourage hair growth.

Here in Belgium you can get it only in pharmacy's, I am not sure if I could get it without precription.

For the picture, i will take it after the weekend,then my hair is washed and you will see it better than now, when its a bit oily because I did oil on the parts.

September 16th, 2010, 03:39 AM
how close are the hairs to your ears? I ask because the stuff closest to my ears actually is just long enough to curl around my ears and touch my earlobes, but that's the longest its ever been. and the stuff just behind that is no longer than chin length but that might be from my combing deep treatments through dry hair (tends to be... sticky and difficult.)

September 16th, 2010, 03:42 AM
They are close to my ears,i just can put it after my ears,not much more than that. but the problem zone is a little bit higher than my ears.

September 16th, 2010, 03:53 AM
hm... not sure then. I hope its nothing too bad, and I hope someone here can help :)

September 16th, 2010, 09:54 AM
If you're that worried, I'd have a doctor take a look at it, especially if it wasn't that see-through or thin before.

I have shorter, baby-fine hairs above and round my ears too. In fact, they're all over, all around my hairline, some shorter than others, some pieces thicker than others (as if it's a tiny chunk that's growing back). It's perfectly normal to have these wispy bits right around your hairline.

Take a pic, show us.

September 16th, 2010, 10:28 AM
Mines thinnest at the outer corners of my forehead, well above my ears.

September 18th, 2010, 09:00 AM
http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/3637/1000189d.th.jpg (http://img835.imageshack.us/i/1000189d.jpg/)
http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/8551/1000190r.th.jpg (http://img215.imageshack.us/i/1000190r.jpg/)
http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/6854/1000191b.th.jpg (http://img706.imageshack.us/i/1000191b.jpg/)

This are the pictures from my hairparts and hairline..

September 18th, 2010, 09:18 AM
Has your hair always been like this? It looks to be like that could just be your hairline - I know some people who have a hairline like that. And I'm another person who always has little short, fine hairs near my face - they never get very long.

September 18th, 2010, 09:22 AM
Dear :flower: summergame,

I have these same patterns, but I always considered them as normal. Although I do regular massaging with rosemary EO (in coconutoil) on my whole scalp, I don't see any changes in that spot, but then again, I don't consider them as a problem.

I guess that everyone has different "hairpatterns" and that it is a genetical thing, so there really isn't a treatment for this.

September 18th, 2010, 10:18 AM
I'm sorry,I only take the anti-conception pill, no more than that!

Many people, including myself, experience hairloss when going on or off the Pill. The hair at my temples got really thin too. It's starting to come back now that I'm off of it.

I believe stress can be another culprit for thinning around the temples. Try to eat right and get enough sleep, and have your doctor do some bloodwork just in case.

And for the record, I don't think it looks bad at all. :)

September 18th, 2010, 11:06 AM
Mine's pretty much like that as well. The bits each side of my forehead have never been long enough to reach my ears, and they're kind of thin and wispy, and curl outwards. I think it's just normal for some people.

September 18th, 2010, 01:16 PM
Was it like that before?

It looks as if there's some new growth in front.

Doesn't look to me like something to worry over, rather something that will improve over time, as your hair grows longer. :flower:

September 18th, 2010, 01:19 PM
That looks like my boyfriend's forehead - does it come forward more in the front? I think it's called a widow's peak, but don't quote me on that...

I'll have to try to take a picture of him sometime after he takes a shower, so his hair is brushed out of the way. May take a while though, he hates pictures more than I do.

September 18th, 2010, 01:32 PM
You can try castor oil to plump those hairs?

September 20th, 2010, 01:21 AM
Has your hair always been like this? It looks to be like that could just be your hairline - I know some people who have a hairline like that. And I'm another person who always has little short, fine hairs near my face - they never get very long.

Well, my hairline always was like this,the hairdressers always said that I have to cut a frou for my forhead,I did it but I can't have hair on my forhead,it feels like i'm going crazy then :p. And another problem is that my hairroods are implanting wrong( I don't know how to say it in good words)so when I choose a frou I have not a big choise in different models. It has to be mid long to long.

My hairparts are not whole my life as now,it's really horeblle for me now,the right side is whorser than the left..I see my scalp to it :(

September 20th, 2010, 01:25 AM
Many people, including myself, experience hairloss when going on or off the Pill. The hair at my temples got really thin too. It's starting to come back now that I'm off of it.

I believe stress can be another culprit for thinning around the temples. Try to eat right and get enough sleep, and have your doctor do some bloodwork just in case.

And for the record, I don't think it looks bad at all. :)

But I take the pill now about 6 years, I dont think that its because of it,maby its a bit to light for me,I have to go in october to my gynaecologe to speak about some problems to,than I gonna ask her if it is possible that my hair falls out because of this pill.

I'am sleeping enough,just about 8-9 hours, so I think that would be fine. And I don't eat much fat or unhealty food.

September 20th, 2010, 01:27 AM
That looks like my boyfriend's forehead - does it come forward more in the front? I think it's called a widow's peak, but don't quote me on that...

I'll have to try to take a picture of him sometime after he takes a shower, so his hair is brushed out of the way. May take a while though, he hates pictures more than I do.

Yes,it is like you describe! If he wants it than I would like to see a picture of his hairline if he find it ok.

September 20th, 2010, 01:33 AM
Might try a multi-B vitamin -- some of the B vitamins are difficult to get for vegans (I'm somewhere between vegan and vegetarian). Definitely ask your doctor about the contraceptive pill; it sounds like a possible culprit. Make sure that you're getting enough protein. The Ayurvedic oils have definitely helped my thinning.

HTH :)

September 20th, 2010, 01:46 AM
Might try a multi-B vitamin -- some of the B vitamins are difficult to get for vegans (I'm somewhere between vegan and vegetarian). Definitely ask your doctor about the contraceptive pill; it sounds like a possible culprit. Make sure that you're getting enough protein. The Ayurvedic oils have definitely helped my thinning.

HTH :)

I have tried a vitamin complex full of B vitamins and other things vegetarians cauld be missing, it hasn't work for me at all :(.
With oils do you mean from Ayurvedic?

Thank you very much!

September 21st, 2010, 03:04 AM
I have washed my hair today and there whas again a big hairloose,I' m going crazy if it not gonna stop...My doctor always said when i'm asking for taking blood that its not necessery. He think's that its all in my head :s

September 21st, 2010, 04:37 AM
I've clicked on your photographs and looked at them all, and I think your hairline looks good, I can see what you mean about the finer shorter hairs at the temples, but I think many people have that (it is totally normal) and that your head of hair looks thick and luxurious.

If it would put your mind at rest, could you possible have a consultation with a trichologist or if not maybe a different hairdresser would consult with you (in my country you can make an appointment with an expensive professional hairdresser for a consultation without having any cut or styling etc done at that time - you simply say it's a consultation only, and that you would like to think about it or make an appointment for another day, which you can cancel without being charged). If you ask someone like that whether they think you have thinning going on, I am sure they will tell you that those two 'temple' areas are totally normal.

My hairs are short there, I try to encourage them to blend into my hair when it is drying otherwise they lay flat down on my forehead :) If this is your natural hairline too then I don't think it can change.

September 21st, 2010, 01:56 PM
I have washed my hair today and there whas again a big hairloose,I' m going crazy if it not gonna stop...

Hi Summergame. Sorry to hear about that. I am in the same situation as you are, it might be genetic.. I am taking brewers yeast -biergist ;)- since a few months and this seems to strengthen the hairs a little. (and is super cheap).

But, as already pointed out by some posters here: your hairline itself is NOT a problem! Many people have no sharp hairline and some hairs with a short terminal length.

Good luck! I hope your big sheddings stops soon :blossom:

September 21st, 2010, 03:15 PM
I have washed my hair today and there whas again a big hairloose,I' m going crazy if it not gonna stop...My doctor always said when i'm asking for taking blood that its not necessery. He think's that its all in my head :s

It might be seasonal hair loss. If it is, we all go through it. I'm shedding more than usual at this time too, others are too, if that's any comfort to you. Are you losing more hair than you lost last year around this time? Does it come out in chunks? Otherwise, I wouldn't worry so much.

It's not a luxury to have your blood checked every once in a while, but your doctor doesn't seem at all worried for now, so I wouldn't worry as much either.

It's perfectly normal to lose hair. It's perfectly normal to shed more at times. Your hair looks fine to me.

September 21st, 2010, 04:38 PM
Hi there,

I actually found taking a separate multi-B instead of a general multivitamin helpful. When I took a general multivitamin, it didn't do anything. Look for an Ayurvedic herbal oil with amla (also known as amalaki), bhringraj, and/or brahmi (gotu kola) in a sesame oil or coconut oil base. The one I use is by Auromere, but other companies make similar products -- Better Botanicals, Dabur Vatika, etc.

HTH :)

September 23rd, 2010, 11:28 AM
Well, there is not so good news for me..Today i went to a dermatlogist , i have luck because there was a person who cant come this evening and I could take the place...He has looked into my hair with a dermatoscope and see that my forhead and hairparts have only 1 hair in (i don't know the correct word in English :s) Normaly you have 2 or 3 hairs in that part of the scalp. On the other places on my scalp i have 2 or 3 hears on the place. He diagnosed me wit h Alopecia androgenetica :(. I have to take minoxyl 3% on my scalp and do some bloodwork with my doctor when i have my periods. When it not better i have to take hormones... :(
Im feeling really bad now...

September 23rd, 2010, 11:42 AM
Well, on a positive note, you (1) have a diagnosis and (2) have been prescribed a really effective treatment. What I see in the pictures is definitely on the thin side of normal for a woman (very normal for a man, though), but instead of simply hearing that you have to get used to it, you've got a treatment that should help it to fill in again. That's really good!

One member you might want to look up is Igor. I know she was dealing with some thinness (well, relative thinness -- her hair's very thick) at that same region. She's got a fairly intensive regime of vitamins and supplements and head treatments that she likes to do, and lately she's been complaining because the regrowth is coming in like crazy and sticking out of her updos. You might want to figure out what she did and try that in addition to the doctor's recommendations.

September 23rd, 2010, 11:47 AM
Well, there is not so good news for me..Today i went to a dermatlogist , i have luck because there was a person who cant come this evening and I could take the place...He has looked into my hair with a dermatoscope and see that my forhead and hairparts have only 1 hair in (i don't know the correct word in English :s) Normaly you have 2 or 3 hairs in that part of the scalp. On the other places on my scalp i have 2 or 3 hears on the place. He diagnosed me wit h Alopecia androgenetica :(. I have to take minoxyl 3% on my scalp and do some bloodwork with my doctor when i have my periods. When it not better i have to take hormones... :(
Im feeling really bad now...

You should not feel bad!
You should feel relieved that you discovered the problem and now have a treatment.
Your hairline did not look bad at all.
As pointed out by many it was similar to their own.

September 23rd, 2010, 12:38 PM
You should not feel bad!
You should feel relieved that you discovered the problem and now have a treatment.
Your hairline did not look bad at all.
As pointed out by many it was similar to their own.

Totally agree. I couldn't see anything wrong with your pictures.

Gosh... I'm so sorry, it's a tough diagnosis. Hope the treatment helps!
I thought you were talking regular shed, but this is... OMG!


September 23rd, 2010, 02:35 PM
Ow, that's kinda harsh to hear.. But don't give up, I'm sure things will work out. Maybe you should take even better care of it now, to minimize the chance of hair damage or loss, like not combing when wet or be harsh for your hair, ..
Veel succes! :)

September 24th, 2010, 01:50 AM
Hmmm, 22 seems pretty young for a female to be having androgenic alopecia... I would still bet that something is a little off nutritionally or hormonally, and will straighten itself out eventually. (Though undoubtedly not as fast as you'd like, I'm sure.) In the meantime, the minoxidil should speed things along. It actually looks a bit like the thinning that runway models often have. In your photos, it looks like you're getting a bit of re-growth, which is surely a very good sign.

HTH :)

September 24th, 2010, 03:41 AM
One member you might want to look up is Igor. I know she was dealing with some thinness (well, relative thinness -- her hair's very thick) at that same region. She's got a fairly intensive regime of vitamins and supplements and head treatments that she likes to do, and lately she's been complaining because the regrowth is coming in like crazy and sticking out of her updos. You might want to figure out what she did and try that in addition to the doctor's recommendations.

Thank you for sharing her nickname! Well I had search for her nickname but i did not find a post of her with this treatments..Could you give me the link please?:)

For all the other people,thank you for your sympathy! :)