View Full Version : Cones in a Shampoo

September 6th, 2010, 12:08 AM
What are the effects of cones when they are in an SLS shampoo? I was under the impression that cones are removed by SLS, but what happens when they are actually IN the shampoo?
Do the cones still deposit and stick to your hair and build up the way they do in conditioners? Or do they rinse out because of the lather of the SLS?
I'm using an SLS shampoo that has dimethconol halfway down the list of ingredients and adimethicone about 6 ingredients after that, towards the end.

September 6th, 2010, 02:19 AM
As far as I know 'cones in shampoo just provide slip while washing and rinse away.

September 6th, 2010, 05:47 AM
Good question. I don't know the answer to that. However, Dove Daily Moisturizing shampoo and conditioner were my pre-LHC products of choice. The shampoo has Amodimethicone* and Dimethiconol, along with SLES. I never had any problems with build-up. I'd probably still be using them now except that I've been searching for something that my scalp likes. (Also, that particular line might have been discontinued.)

* Not water-soluble according to this: What's the Scoop on Silicones? (http://www.naturallycurly.com/curlreading/curly-q-a/whats-the-scoop-on-silicones)

September 6th, 2010, 05:59 AM
I'm dying know the answer to this question too! I have been looking for a cone free shampoo because I'm worried about build up on my scalp, but they're hard to find.

September 6th, 2010, 10:30 AM
Thanks for your responses!

I'm still a bit hesitant as to what it does. I've been using that shampoo for CWC, and so far there is no buildup on my scalp. However, I washed my entire length yesterday and then used a VERY modified SMT (honey, coconut oil and glycerin mixed with my conditioner). That was the first time I have ever added coconut oil to my SMT but that was also the first time I used a coney shampoo on my length. My hair was glossier than normal, but it also felt stronger and somehow more... substantial. This feeling even happened when I coated my hair in the SMT. I don't know if it is the coconut oil or the possible cones in the shampoo. If it is due to the cones in the shampoo that means that perhaps the SMT didn't penetrate, which I'm not pleased with.

However, my hair did smell more strongly of the honey than it normally does after an SMT without coconut oil. Maybe the oil helped it penetrate, somehow? If that is the case then do you think that maybe the shampoo didn't deposit the silicone?

September 26th, 2010, 07:34 PM
According to my hair, cones in shampoo do deposit on hair, but they seem to wash away and redeposit each day if that makes sense. When I used all cones and sls, I never really noticed any buildup on my hair. When I switched to no-cones, my hair got a lot less slippery, but still nice and soft.
Yesterday, I thought surely one cone in an sls shampoo can't matter, it'll just wash back out. This was wrong. I got that slick, slippery hair again, and had a terrible time keeping it up today. Wash with my no-cone shampoo=all better.

September 26th, 2010, 07:43 PM
The shampoo I use, SLES based is also by Unilever, with Dimethiconol, no amodimethicone though.

The cone is there for slip and it works beautifully. No build-up, no problems. I have used it for over 3 years. Sunsilk Lively Blonde Shampoo. I import what I buy for myself from the UK.

The Italian list is more complete than the one from the UK, http://www.unilever.com/PIOTI/IT/p4.asp?selectCountry=IT&language=IT&productid=2042515

September 26th, 2010, 08:25 PM
I agree with Ktani, my poo has cones and I have had no problems, I even switched to a 2 in 1 which is pretty much the same thing. Still need to CWC with the 2 in 1 poo because as I said, poo cones haven't stuck to my hair.