View Full Version : People that don't like long hair

September 1st, 2010, 12:57 AM
I was hunting around the net and came across this...http://www.lovelyish.com/710960919/hair-how-long-is-too-long/ (http://www.lovelyish.com/710960919/hair-how-long-is-too-long/)
I was reading through the comments and there so many people that didn't like long hair. I had no idea...

September 1st, 2010, 01:06 AM
Keep in mind that most of the people replying are into heat styling their hair. Most seem to never have seen long well kept hair and most are relying on magazine trends and hollywood stars for their beauty advice from the sound of it.

September 1st, 2010, 01:15 AM
"Imagine her shampoo bill?"

Uhh...yeah.... :p

September 1st, 2010, 01:17 AM
They could very well be jealous. When people make negative comments about something I have it is generally because they want it for themselves. They could also be thinking of the long, wispy, damaged hair that you see so often. If they came here and saw healthy long hair they may change their tune. ;)

September 1st, 2010, 01:30 AM
He he he he there are some cracking comments in there:

"long hair like that sucks the nutrients out of you" - er :bigeyes: I don't think so.

"you can accidentally sit on your hair while you go to the toilet... it would be terrible"

"there should be a health rule that if you can accidentally sit on your hair while you go to the toilet you need to cut it!!!!!" -

have these folks never heard of up-do's???:rolleyes: there does seem to be an overwhelming obsession with the idea of getting your hair in the toilet....:confused:

"if you sit on your hair - you need to cut it" - why, can I ask, would I choose to sit on my hair?? Again, up-do's?? Being careful where I sit? ;)

"she looks like a witch with all that hair. I think the cutoff length should be halfway down your back. " - You can come across some lovely people on the internet.....:demon:

Read 'em and laugh, folks! There are some very odd ideas on display over there! :D

September 1st, 2010, 01:40 AM
i had to cute it because the bottom was getting dead.

Wow, really? It baffles me that people seem to think that hair has degrees of deadness.

September 1st, 2010, 01:53 AM
When modern average every-day people think of long hair, they usually envision straight, dull, wispy, poorly maintained hair. Not only because of media stereotype but because when their hair starts to get long, from what they do to damage it, it begins to look straggly and unkempt from the broken ends and heat/bleach damage.

September 1st, 2010, 02:04 AM
it looks scraggly and unkempt

First thing it one picture. I'm sure I can find a bunch of unkempt bobs out there.

September 1st, 2010, 02:14 AM
I wouldn't worry overmuch about what they have to say. When you have so many long hair lovers in your home and community. I love hair, whether it's long short dyed or however. I particularly love healthy hair. Let the world know, and share your love.:toast:

Some of the people posting seemed to have decent love of hair.

I don't think there's any such thing as too long, as long as it is neat and well kept. This girl doesn't look like she has split ends on anything. I don't think I'd want mine down to my knees, but then mine is thick and curly. Just long enough to sit on would be my perfect length, but I don't know if it will actually grow that long. (It's currently to my waist.)

when my hair is straight, it's almost mid-back. But as it is very curly, it's a bit shorter normally. I am growing it to my waist (curly) though. I think there's no too long if it is very well cared for!

If you know how to style it - like those ancient Chinese hairstyles or the Chinese minority hairstyles.

Okay, I don't know where that last one is going, but, hey, you get my point.

September 1st, 2010, 02:17 AM
It always amuses me when people say how high maintenance long hair is. Actually I find long hair not much maintenance at all. At least I don't have to spend ages styling it every morning, going at it with hair dryers, straighteners, serums and hair spray.

Purdy Bear
September 1st, 2010, 02:22 AM
It always amuses me when people say how high maintenance long hair is. Actually I find long hair not much maintenance at all. At least I don't have to spend ages styling it every morning, going at it with hair dryers, straighteners, serums and hair spray.

I found that as well! It took a lot longer and more treatments when my hair was short. I soon hated it and got to grow my hair long again.

A relative of mine is an avid shorty, bullying anyone who hasnt got short hair to having it cut. I pointed out she had, had the same hair cut for the last 30 years and it didnt phase her at all.

September 1st, 2010, 04:12 AM
Everyone has a right to their own opinion, but some of the "facts" offered did provide a good laugh. Think of the electric bill due to long hair? Umm, would that be "lower?" I don't heat style at all. Shampoo cost? Never heard of diluting or CO or WO, apparently. The whole toilet thing...le sigh. Updos, dear. Updos.

September 1st, 2010, 04:26 AM
have these folks never heard of up-do's???:rolleyes: there does seem to be an overwhelming obsession with the idea of getting your hair in the toilet....:confused:

"she looks like a witch with all that hair. I think the cutoff length should be halfway down your back. " - You can come across some lovely people on the internet.....:demon:

I think the toilet/butt-crack obsession is one of the main reasons why people think very long hair is gross (and, most of the time, those are people who almost always wear their hair down), so they don't think about having updos. If you have to worry that your hair gets gross when touching your lower regions of the body (I'm not speaking about public toilets here but about your own skin) I think you have completely different things to worry about :run:

Concerning the witchy part - maybe she wants to look like a witch :D I actually see "being/looking like a witch" as a compliment :magic:

It always amuses me when people say how high maintenance long hair is. Actually I find long hair not much maintenance at all. At least I don't have to spend ages styling it every morning, going at it with hair dryers, straighteners, serums and hair spray.
This. For me, bad hair day with short hair means washing and slathering with product again and again, as well as heat styling until you look halfway decent. Bad hair day with long hair means throwing it up in a bun, adding nice hairtoys and going for some general bling-bling to make me stop forgetting that it looks bad. Because then it doesn't look bad anymore :p

September 1st, 2010, 04:34 AM
I don't give a crap if someone doesn't like long hair...opinions are like a--- you know what I mean. :)

September 1st, 2010, 04:43 AM
[If you have to worry that your hair gets gross when touching your lower regions of the body (I'm not speaking about public toilets here but about your own skin) I think you have completely different things to worry about :run:


:bigeyes::rollin:rofl! Just choked on my tea

September 1st, 2010, 05:22 AM
It always amuses me when people say how high maintenance long hair is. Actually I find long hair not much maintenance at all. At least I don't have to spend ages styling it every morning, going at it with hair dryers, straighteners, serums and hair spray.


Everyone is entitled to their opinion but some of those commenters seem to have the wrong idea about long hair.

September 1st, 2010, 05:58 AM
:shrug: everyone has their preferences and ideals of beauty. My sister doesn't like my hair or my stepsisters (blonde, thick, straight to classic) sometimes because she thinks it makes us a bit lazy about our hair, which is not entirely untrue about me! Also because she thinks we both look best with our hair down, and quite rightly thinks we'd have it down alot more if we kept it shorter.

September 1st, 2010, 06:23 AM
I just don't understand that one at all; control freak, I guess. At this moment, mine's short and I'm liking it, but I wouldn't dream of telling someone else they had to wear their hair like mine! Hello!

A relative of mine is an avid shorty, bullying anyone who hasnt got short hair to having it cut. I pointed out she had, had the same hair cut for the last 30 years and it didnt phase her at all.

September 1st, 2010, 06:44 AM
Comments like that are always amusing to read. The women who are convinced that long hair is more high-maintenance are probably the kind that wash, heatstyle and wear it down everyday...so they're imagining that same amount of work, multiplied by every few extra inches of hair.

September 1st, 2010, 06:59 AM
I guess we have to appreciate that as there are many people who love long hair (and many of them are here at LHC) there will be an equal amount of people who don't and they have a right to feel that way. We most likely won't agree with their reasons but that's ok. Even though I love long hair and marvel at all those shots of extremely long hair, there are lengths that I think are "too long" for my taste (I will keep that to myself) and so I most likely won't grow my hair past a certain point.

It's a little like arguing about which colour is the nicest - everyone is going to have a different opinion about what they like and what they don't, and none of them are wrong. I just try not to take it personally, do what I like and what I think looks nice on me. If someone doesn't like it, hopefully they won't tell me.

September 1st, 2010, 07:09 AM
It always amuses me when people say how high maintenance long hair is. Actually I find long hair not much maintenance at all. At least I don't have to spend ages styling it every morning, going at it with hair dryers, straighteners, serums and hair spray.

This is so true! When I had my pixie hair cut, I had to wash it everyday, blow dry it and use a bit of styling product for it to look good. Otherwise it was just a messy mop on my head. :p

With longer hair it is so low maintenance, and the things that I do to maintain it are healthy for hair...such as oiling, BB brushing, S&D, etc.

September 1st, 2010, 07:22 AM
It always amuses me when people say how high maintenance long hair is. Actually I find long hair not much maintenance at all. At least I don't have to spend ages styling it every morning, going at it with hair dryers, straighteners, serums and hair spray.

i think so too! i think the more damaged my hair is, the more i have to care for it... so far yesterday, i washed my hair shampoo and CO, put super skinny serum (lots, my hair gets puffy) and let it air dry... and i'm done for about 4 days...

when it's too short i tend to do really bad stuff to it, like accidentally dying it green while trying to get blue highlights..:rolleyes:

September 1st, 2010, 07:40 AM
julliams, you are the voice of reason! :cheese: I know how long I'd want my hair to get. To each their own.

I guess we have to appreciate that as there are many people who love long hair (and many of them are here at LHC) there will be an equal amount of people who don't and they have a right to feel that way. We most likely won't agree with their reasons but that's ok. Even though I love long hair and marvel at all those shots of extremely long hair, there are lengths that I think are "too long" for my taste (I will keep that to myself) and so I most likely won't grow my hair past a certain point.

It's a little like arguing about which colour is the nicest - everyone is going to have a different opinion about what they like and what they don't, and none of them are wrong. I just try not to take it personally, do what I like and what I think looks nice on me. If someone doesn't like it, hopefully they won't tell me.

September 1st, 2010, 08:12 AM
I hated the high maintenance of my short hair. And I didn't eve blow dry and use a lot of products. What I hated was if it dried just right, I'd go put on my helmet and ride my scooter to work and then it would be ruined and no amount if wetting it down would bring the spring back to it. Or if I decided to wear a hat I looked bald because you couldn't see any hair sticking out the bottom of the hat and then I'd have hat hair so I'd have to wash it before I could go without a hat.

Now I can braid it and forget it, wear a hat and take it off without hat hair, put on my helmet and nothing bad happens to my hair at all. So much easier. And I've never had it stuck in a butt crack.

September 1st, 2010, 08:28 AM
Isn't it funny how public opinion changes, though.

Before the 1920s, no woman with an ounce of concern over anyone else's opinion of her would ever consider cutting her hair.

From the 1920s through the 1960s, women were slowly brainwashed (in America, at least) into the mindset that shorter was more efficient, neater, cleaner, and easier to maintain. This coincided with the development, marketing and selling of multiple new inventions like electric curlers, blowdryers, perms, and so forth. Short and curly was the new feminine, and people with long hair were hopelessly out of touch with fashion.

From the 1960s through the 1970s, women who decided this was a crock of sh*t and that they didn't want to spend all that time and money and energy on their hair decided au naturel was better and grew it longer, so that long hair became a sign of antiestablishmentarianism. Eventually, this became associated predominantly with the hippie movement, and hippies made people uncomfortable because they refused to go with the status quo and just believe and continue to promulgate what they were told, so people with long hair were either radicals or witches, or super-religious women (the one group that never fell for the "housewife of the 50s" curly short hair movement).

I think, though, we are really seeing another cultural shift, in which women are realizing that they have been had, as it were, and are beginning to look to themselves for their opinions. I think peer pressure is still widely prevalent, but we are starting to be so inundated with "reality TV" and "celebrity this, that and the other" and what is "in" and what is "out" that we are realizing more and more that it's all an illusion, so ephemeral and temporary that it takes only a month to cycle through some "must-have" fads. There are always going to be people who think short hair is the best hair, and people who think long hair is the best hair, and everything in-between. But I think anything as acrimonious as the statements made on that website about long hair ultimately is a sign of those women's insecurities, their adherence to perceived cultural mores, and their insistence on maintaining appearance at all costs. And since I don't care what people who know and love me think about my hair, I surely don't give a flying flip what people I've never met posting away in Cyberland have to say about it. :)

going gray
September 1st, 2010, 08:32 AM
This is so true! When I had my pixie hair cut, I had to wash it everyday, blow dry it and use a bit of styling product for it to look good. Otherwise it was just a messy mop on my head. :p

With longer hair it is so low maintenance, and the things that I do to maintain it are healthy for hair...such as oiling, BB brushing, S&D, etc.

Absolutely true, my short pixie hair was "hi maintance" for sure & I couldn't stand all the products I had to use to make it behave!

September 1st, 2010, 08:36 AM
It always amuses me when people say how high maintenance long hair is. Actually I find long hair not much maintenance at all. At least I don't have to spend ages styling it every morning, going at it with hair dryers, straighteners, serums and hair spray.

I totally agree! Back when my hair was short (jaw length) there were sections that flipped under and sections that flipped out which being the early 90's was not the in thing to look like, and I spent ages of time with the curling iron trying to get it all to flip under, not to mention wrecking the ozone layer above my house with all the hairspray I had to use to get it to halfway stay. :rolleyes:

My long hair is 1000X easier to deal with now!!!!

(and yeah some of the comments in that article.... calling the model's hair "nasty", I thought that girl's hair is beautiful!)

September 1st, 2010, 08:43 AM
It always amuses me when people say how high maintenance long hair is. Actually I find long hair not much maintenance at all. At least I don't have to spend ages styling it every morning, going at it with hair dryers, straighteners, serums and hair spray.

We actually did a survey in my office to settle the question once and for all: out of everyone in the office (including men), guess whose annual hair-related expenses were the lowest?

little piggy's! woo! \(^(oo)^)/ thank you hair, for winning me a free steak dinner (that was the bet!)

September 1st, 2010, 08:53 AM
If you have to worry that your hair gets gross when touching your lower regions of the body (I'm not speaking about public toilets here but about your own skin) I think you have completely different things to worry about :run:
Perhaps sadly, as a nudist I find that this is actually an issue. Not that I don't keep clean (and in nudist settings, several showers a day is normal when you're in and out of a pool) and everyone sits on towels.... But if you're running around in the buff, updos are a good idea once hair gets to tailbone or so!

And here people thought hair getting caught in their armpits was bad!

September 1st, 2010, 09:19 AM
Anje, I didn't mean to say that keeping your hair clear off certain areas is not an issue, it's just that there are circumstances when I feel completely clean and I don't mind hair touching those areas, for example in the shower (it's almost inevitable there anyway). If I'm clean, and my hair is clean, I don't see why it should be gross or a problem.

I surely understand there are activities (also bathroom activities) during which you absolutely do *not* want your hair to touch you in those areas, and I definitely feel the same about that!

(Also, considering nudism, it's not so desirable to have hair loose once it is long enough to get caught or stick to other people's... erm, you know which areas :o)

I hope that clarified my comment a little, I didn't mean to offend or imply anyone here is not taking care of their body :)

Jenn of Pence
September 1st, 2010, 09:46 AM
Medievalmaniac, you get a gold star for the use of the word "antidisestablishmentarianism." ;)

I believe people are entitled to their own preferences, and while not entitled to saying dumb things about people who have different preference, it's inevitable (myself unfortunately included here on occasion, but I really do strive for politeness!). Oh well. The more people who have short hair, the more mine will be novel and awesome. ;)

September 1st, 2010, 09:48 AM
Each is entitled to an opinion and a place to share it.

September 1st, 2010, 10:06 AM
Each is entitled to an opinion and a place to share it.

Yes, I agree - but it is a shame when things get touted around as 'facts' when they are not, like the "long hair drains nutrients" thing...:D

September 1st, 2010, 10:19 AM
Honestly, if the ends are damaged and scraggly, then yeah it's not so attractive. But that's also true for people with short hair. I think a lot of the people who commented there are misinformed about maintenance, costs, bathroom habits, etc. Their ignorance doesn't bother me in the least. I know my hair is clean, and I know my ends look great. The misconceptions don't apply to me, so they can say whatever they want. The short hair fad just makes me that much more special :D

September 1st, 2010, 10:21 AM
I love long hair but I certainly wouldn't want hair as long as the girl in that photo's.

September 1st, 2010, 10:47 AM
Medievalmaniac, you are my newest hero. "Antiestablishmentarianism" and "I don't give a flying flip" used in the same post! WOW! Be still my heart! :thud::bowtome: :thumbsup:

As far as all the comments, I thought some were pretty funny, some were pretty offensive and some were downright dumb. (Of course anytime you find comments online people you will find some of each category.) People like to judge things that they really have no personal experience with, that and the anonymity of the internet lets people just spew whatever comes to mind first.

September 1st, 2010, 10:54 AM
I guess we have to appreciate that as there are many people who love long hair (and many of them are here at LHC) there will be an equal amount of people who don't and they have a right to feel that way. We most likely won't agree with their reasons but that's ok. Even though I love long hair and marvel at all those shots of extremely long hair, there are lengths that I think are "too long" for my taste (I will keep that to myself) and so I most likely won't grow my hair past a certain point.

It's a little like arguing about which colour is the nicest - everyone is going to have a different opinion about what they like and what they don't, and none of them are wrong. I just try not to take it personally, do what I like and what I think looks nice on me. If someone doesn't like it, hopefully they won't tell me.

I agree with you on that.

And although I love long hair and I am letting my hair grow at this time, I also love short hair (I once had it totally shaved off, like Natalie Portman had, loved it and never regretted it). It's just what suits you the best.

September 1st, 2010, 11:06 AM
I don't give a crap if someone doesn't like long hair...opinions are like a--- you know what I mean. :)
This. Totally.

I suppose if you've never had long(er) hair, you wouldn't have a clue what goes into caring for it and might think the longer it is, the more work. Still, the hostility and just plain lack of common sense is a little alarming.

There's a woman at church who recently styled her hair into this bleached blonde smooth bob, and I've been trying for weeks to figure out if it's a wig--that's how fake it looks. I *think* it's her hair, but I can't imagine why anyone would want their hair to look like that, never mind how much work much goes into maintaining a look like that. She likes it, I guess, and that's what really matters.

September 1st, 2010, 11:12 AM
I have to agree with Medievalmaniac.

My hair, my business. You don't like it? Well, then....let's say it all together:

I'm not here to decorate your world!

September 1st, 2010, 12:09 PM
People are entitled to their opinions, and I'm entitled to not care about them. Honestly, it's a bunch of jackasses on the internet telling the world their "nuanced" take on the intricacies of hair length and toilet-sitting.

Sometimes I get a little more affected when a person I know and like says something about my hair, but these random strangers? Meh.

September 1st, 2010, 12:29 PM
I read the comments after I managed to stop druling at the amazing hair in that picture *hair envy!!!* :p
I think that most of the comments were due to the major brain-washing people get off TV commercials and celebrities... Some comments were rather nasty, but then again some people are simply nasty, there's nothing to do about that...

My personal opinion - to each his/her own. Whoever wants to keep their hair short should be able do so, and whoever wants to grow theirs to whatever length they want should also be able to do so, without pressure or snarky comments on either choise... (probably won't happen, but one can hope, right? :o)

September 2nd, 2010, 11:13 AM
He he he he there are some cracking comments in there:

"long hair like that sucks the nutrients out of you" - er :bigeyes: I don't think so.

"you can accidentally sit on your hair while you go to the toilet... it would be terrible"

"there should be a health rule that if you can accidentally sit on your hair while you go to the toilet you need to cut it!!!!!" -

have these folks never heard of up-do's???:rolleyes: there does seem to be an overwhelming obsession with the idea of getting your hair in the toilet....:confused:

"if you sit on your hair - you need to cut it" - why, can I ask, would I choose to sit on my hair?? Again, up-do's?? Being careful where I sit? ;)

"she looks like a witch with all that hair. I think the cutoff length should be halfway down your back. " - You can come across some lovely people on the internet.....:demon:

Read 'em and laugh, folks! There are some very odd ideas on display over there! :D

:rolleyes: Wow is all I can say... and really, I find that I use LESS product overall when my hair is longer, as I don't have to make it "behave" as I do when it's short. (Which it is right now, ugh! Pixie length.) A lot of these people are used to doing "blow outs" and other methods to make hair look naturally shiny and full... like all you ladies have! :)

January 14th, 2011, 05:14 AM
Haha! Wow some people are so stupid. If you sit on your hair on the toilet you are an idiot. It's called moving it if it's long enough to be sat on! Wow. LOL!!!!!

January 14th, 2011, 05:51 AM
Half of the commenters on that photo couldn't even spell the word 'cut' so I am not likely to take their opinions seriously.

January 14th, 2011, 06:09 AM
Everyone has their own preferences.

Most importantly, I like myself having long hair :)

January 14th, 2011, 06:19 AM
if thine eyes offend thee, pluck them out.

January 14th, 2011, 06:21 AM
Everyone has their own preferences yes but there is no such thing as "too long" in my opinion, its all down to preferance, some people would say shoulder length is too long. Also saying it is hard to maintain isn't true at all. I don't use any products other than shampoo and conditioner and my hair is in great condition, the only problem I have is split ends but everyone gets those. It can get in the way sometimes, I have lent on it a few times but other than that it doesn't, you can always have it tied back a bit so it doesn't matter really. You don't need to put in loads of products to have healthy hair, to be honest I find it can actually take away from the health of your hair using too many products and doing too much to it like straightening. Especially my hair, it was ruined after a hairdresser put three products (other than shampoo and conditioner) in it and straightened and blow dried it once. It took ages to get it back to a healthy shine, I never went back to that hairdresser again!

January 14th, 2011, 06:31 AM
Most of those comments are simply ignorant. Hard to blame though 'cause the people obviously never had long hair ad just have no chance to compare. . I had quite a number of lols looking it through :)
Those who don't like the sight of long hair have any right to. I don't like piercing, par example. So I just don't have it.

January 14th, 2011, 06:42 AM
I think it is a preference. I find longer hair is so much easier to handle and manage. But, I guess for some, short is better. Having said what is the kindest thing to say :p I will move on.

Some of the people that commented have never ever researched long hair or even had long hair themselves. I'm sure that is not exclusive, but I would say most of them really didn't have any idea how easy long hair is if you keep it healthy. I have a older friend who used to be a hair stylist and she said the number one advice she gave her 30+ customers was to cut their hair. :( Because it was "easier" to style and stuff every day. To each his own, but I find it easier. :o

And for me I think there is a "too long" because I would like to be able to put it up and still have a little room on my head. (my hair is pretty thick). :laugh:

January 14th, 2011, 06:50 AM
Sorry about the double post but I just had a thought. This icon made me think of it. :liar: So here is a little analogy:
Only Pinocchio knew what is was like to have as long a nose as that. The benefits and handicaps of his nose he was well aware of. If another person had as long a nose as him, they could justly and informatively state the pros and cons of a long nose. So if you have or have had long hair yourself you would know the pros and cons of it, but if you hadn't had long hair or researched long hair, I would say most likely you don't know about long hair.
There is my thesis. :o I think I am a little weird to relate Pinocchio with long hair but... :liar:

January 14th, 2011, 07:05 AM
As long as you like. Mine comes down to the bottom of my back (though I usually wear it braided, at which point it is mid back). Also, I am male, so take your gender based hair styles and shove it.

Yeaaaa!!! :D This is in my opinion the greatest comment I found on that site :) Your hair = your choice. Who knows? Within 5 years this whole world might think of long hair as the rule again. Or not. Won't make me change my mind though ;)

January 14th, 2011, 07:54 AM
Funny how they don't even credit the source of the picture, even though they're asking people to judge the woman in it.

January 14th, 2011, 08:12 AM
I just have to say that the chick in the picture has some gorgeous locks. :flower:

January 14th, 2011, 08:22 AM
It always amuses me when people say how high maintenance long hair is. Actually I find long hair not much maintenance at all. At least I don't have to spend ages styling it every morning, going at it with hair dryers, straighteners, serums and hair spray.

I agree, short hair is certainly higher maintenance. I should know I'm still a shortie :wail:, but have found the LHC and in 2011 am determined to take wonderful care of my hairs and grow them long long long :pray:

January 14th, 2011, 09:05 AM
I love the hair in that picture. In-between length hair requires the most maintenance for me. When mine is short I wet it, rub a bit of pomade type stuff in, mess it up, and go.

My hair from chin to shoulder length is 100x more annoying than my pixie ever was, which is why this is usually the point I get frustrated and chop it off.

I think super short and long will probably be about equal in terms of maintenance for me. As for other people's opinions, they're entitled to them. I don't do anything in life based on what others will think so I don't see myself bending to other people's opinions about my hair either.

January 14th, 2011, 10:17 AM
Those were interesting. I have a couple of friends who complain about another girl's almost classic length hair, and about how much they want to wash it. I don't think it looks filthy at all.. I told them that just because it's long doesn't make it dirty. They were kind of surprised by my response, and went silent after. Funny though, because I doubt that one washes her hair every day with african braids... and the other waits until she gets super greasy hair before washing.. :ponder:

January 14th, 2011, 12:29 PM
I noticed people commenting about someone in their family or a friend having a long hair and that it annoys them. I don't understand this. Why let something like that annoy you? I haven't yet seen a hairstyle that is so bad/wild/different/greasy/dirty/whatever that it would annoy me. It's just not worth it. People really should learn to take more care of their own business instead of wanting to change everyone around them to something they would like. I wonder what happens when someone wears something that annoys these people? Or decorates their home with colours that annoy these people? Has a job that annoys these people?

January 14th, 2011, 12:33 PM
I don't find it to be all that different than the complaints and rants here against short or processed hair. :shrug:

January 14th, 2011, 12:54 PM
Ugh! I read all the comments at the link and it just makes me angry. Why are we so judgmental of others' choices? Why do people think that growing your hair out to it's full potential is gross but bleaching and curling and teasing and spraying is a more acceptable way to wear it?:rolleyes:

January 14th, 2011, 12:57 PM
Actually when I was into the whole scene/emo look, I didn't like the look of long "LHC" style hair, generally because it wasn't my style. I did like the whole short and big on top, and long and thin underneath. I thick had waist-length that I hated, so I razored it, thinned and it got loads of choppy layers. I thought I looked damn cool though, ahaha.

My hair still doesn't look like the typical LHC-er's hair, but I still like the way my hair looks nowadays. I don't care what if others think my hair is damaged or w/e, it's my hair not theirs.

January 14th, 2011, 02:19 PM
Actually when I was into the whole scene/emo look, I didn't like the look of long "LHC" style hair, generally because it wasn't my style. I did like the whole short and big on top, and long and thin underneath. I thick had waist-length that I hated, so I razored it, thinned and it got loads of choppy layers. I thought I looked damn cool though, ahaha.

My hair still doesn't look like the typical LHC-er's hair, but I still like the way my hair looks nowadays. I don't care what if others think my hair is damaged or w/e, it's my hair not theirs.

Pandora, see? I like that look you describe too. Very trendy and cute. One of my art students has "scene" hair that is platinum with a beautiful rainbow just around her face on one side. She always manages to match her makeup and her clothes to her hair. I tell her she is an artist in everything she does! But why must we say, "I like this. I don't like that." why not just, " This is for me. This is not"? How could people call that beautiful woman's hair on the beach gross? You know?

January 14th, 2011, 02:51 PM
He he he he there are some cracking comments in there:

"long hair like that sucks the nutrients out of you" - er :bigeyes: I don't think so.

"you can accidentally sit on your hair while you go to the toilet... it would be terrible"

"there should be a health rule that if you can accidentally sit on your hair while you go to the toilet you need to cut it!!!!!" -

have these folks never heard of up-do's???:rolleyes: there does seem to be an overwhelming obsession with the idea of getting your hair in the toilet....:confused:

"if you sit on your hair - you need to cut it" - why, can I ask, would I choose to sit on my hair?? Again, up-do's?? Being careful where I sit? ;)

"she looks like a witch with all that hair. I think the cutoff length should be halfway down your back. " - You can come across some lovely people on the internet.....:demon:

Read 'em and laugh, folks! There are some very odd ideas on display over there! :D

This is hilarious! Thanks for the laughs. Good grief, some people will use any excuse not to have beautiful hair... I especially love the toilet obsession! :rolling:

January 14th, 2011, 03:00 PM
I don't find it to be all that different than the complaints and rants here against short or processed hair. :shrug:

You raise a fair point there.

Pandora, see? I like that look you describe too. Very trendy and cute. One of my art students has "scene" hair that is platinum with a beautiful rainbow just around her face on one side. She always manages to match her makeup and her clothes to her hair. I tell her she is an artist in everything she does! But why must we say, "I like this. I don't like that." why not just, " This is for me. This is not"? How could people call that beautiful woman's hair on the beach gross? You know?

Certainly. That girl you described sounds pretty cool too. ;)

In all honesty, I feel really bad for judging and criticising someone on their hair or looks. I know how much it can hurt, so I try not to do it.

January 14th, 2011, 04:14 PM
"I HATE when I'm sitting behind a girl during lecture and she'll flip her hair onto my notebook and/or water/coffee cup and it's just disgusting. I already have a tiny space to begin with, you don't need to make your hair invade my space. Guh. I'm too polite to say anything and I'll crinkle my nose and slip my stuff onto my lap or something instead."

This poster may have a valid point about long hair, since it's not like we can feel where are hair is (it is dead after all) we might sometimes invade other peoples' personal space with our hair. I was reminded of a girl at school with a very thick ponytail who had an unfortunate habit of turning very quickly (she was a dancer). Quite a few people got whacked in the face by her ponytail! :p

January 14th, 2011, 04:38 PM
I think everyone is entitled to their opinion and I don't think it's jealousy...some people are genuinely grossed out by long hair. Some are grossed out by short damaged hair. Some are not grossed out either way. I am grossed out by long fingernails, for example, and that definitely doesn't mean I want long fingernails on myself...that would feel like having fingernail clippings still attached to my hands. The ick factor would still apply if it is on myself. shudder:

January 14th, 2011, 04:38 PM
Laughing at the ponytail whacker!

Ok, to get serious here, IMO people who worry so much about what other people are doing or having (long hair or short hair or green hair or whatever) have some issues that may need to be dealt with. Freedom is the most important thing in this world to have and it should be cherished. I get queazy around people who want to dictate to others what they should have, do, like, think or be.

I think personally most women feel and look more feminine with long hair. Many women in my family absolutely hate it. My mother talked my grandmother into cutting off her "sit on" length hair (she knew how to move it when on the toilet:p), by telling her it wasn't flattering. My grandmother never let her hair grow again after that and I was devastated. Not because she cut her hair, but because she was insulted into doing it. My mother never allowed me to have long hair as a kid; it was some sort of deviant behavior to her and several of my aunts and my other grandmother agreed, so I have always kept mine short. And have always hated it.

Well, now I'm going Rogue. I'm going to have long hair before I die and hope to die with it long. But, that's just me. Other people can cut their hair as short as they want, the important thing is that they have it their way.

I don't even care what it looks like to other people, or even myself. I love how long hair feels. The longer it gets, the happier I am.

January 14th, 2011, 05:57 PM
I honestly think people are a little jealous of the patience people have to grow their hair long. I never thought I'd grow mine long again because the inbetween stages are annoying, but if you just forget about it... it's where you wanted it to be before you know it!

January 14th, 2011, 07:23 PM
I hate how much some people use the word "should" in those contexts.

They're entitled to say what they want about long hair, but try and have some sense in what you say.

The toilet thing always cracks me up, but I've never had it asked in real life; maybe because my friends see I wear my hair up and am adept at moving it?

January 15th, 2011, 12:59 AM
A lot of these people don't seem to be able to write or speak english, so I don't really care what they say about long hair :P

I don't think the woman knows what her photo is being used for. I have seen it on another website and I wonder if they have permission to use it.
I can't understand people that say her hair is scraggly, thin or unkept.
She is at the beach with her hair blowing in strong wind and it looks silky and healthy.
It does not look thin either...:shrug:

January 15th, 2011, 01:06 AM
I hate how much some people use the word "should" in those contexts.

They're entitled to say what they want about long hair, but try and have some sense in what you say.

The toilet thing always cracks me up, but I've never had it asked in real life; maybe because my friends see I wear my hair up and am adept at moving it?
This toilet thing is not just gross, it's completely illogical. Sorry, people don't forget (hopefully :D) to drop their pants before youknowwhat, why they suppose one would leave their hair hanging down back then?

January 15th, 2011, 02:52 AM
Hair tends to go stringy like in that picture of the girl at the beach when the weather is extremely windy. Even when my hair was very thick, it would probably look worse than hers.

The people on that site seem very ignorant. Or perhaps jealous.