View Full Version : Waist | Hip | BCL | Tailbone
May 21st, 2008, 06:25 AM
I saw there is a thread called bsl to waist, and I have been at waist for some time now and I'm heading towards tailbone. I wanted to ask people how long it took them and if you had to tweak your routine on your way. Just talk about the journey:)
wolf girl
May 21st, 2008, 06:36 AM
I am currently brushing hip with a U hemline. When the top of the U reaches hip, I plan to :scissors: about 2 inches to thicken my hemline and hopefully get rid of a lot of the taper. Then I'll be on my way to TB!! :cheese:
My current rountine is WO. I've been doing that now for 5 months and really like it. I'm only shedding about 10-20 hairs a day since I started it. I also henna every 2 months.
The last time I cut my hair was January 2006. But before the cut I was at BSL with long layers and I wanted it all one length to grow out. So I had it cut to shoulder length. So from shoulder to hip in 2.5 years isn't bad.
May 21st, 2008, 07:45 AM
I've passed my waist area and I think I'm solidly in hip range these days. I haven't done any changes to my routine but I do wear it up most of the time.
May 21st, 2008, 07:48 AM
I passed waist in november or so, and now I am at hip... I actually planned to stay here for a while and thicken my ends, but they don't look that bad, so I think I'll just let it grow... I hope I get down to tailbone until december.
May 21st, 2008, 07:51 AM
I've been at waist for a while, too, and my goal is tailbone. My hair has recently become wavier and looks shorter than waist :twisted:, but stretched it's definitely around hip area. That's my longest layer and fairytale ends, though, as I'm growing from a shoulder length layered cut without trimming. The shortest layer is currently past BSL.
To reach tailbone I need another 5-6 inches, which I hope I'll get by summer 2009. Since BSL I've had slightly less than average growth speed. Maybe some supplements will speed things up - I've heard good things about kelp and horsetail. I tried miconazole (Daktarin) but haven't had spectacular results.
Recently, I've discovered I really need to put my hair up the majority of the time, especially when out of the house. OK, I might wear my hair down for a night out, but on the way there (and back) it *has* to be safely contained. Otherwise it can tangle badly, not to mention get caught in straps, doors, elbows... I also braid for sleeping.
Now, I hope that someone who has actually reached tailbone will reply to your question, Isilme! I just wanted to join the W2T crowd...:D
May 21st, 2008, 08:06 AM
hahaha I'll do another 'this is my journey' post.
Like Jel I tried miconizol and had no results from it that I could tell and decided it was too much of a PITA to continue it. I might try it again since I was using it during a growth stall. I was at waist for probably 3 months with no growth, finally it started growing when I wasn't looking and now I'm past the top of my hip bones. When my hair is pulled straight it has about 2 or 3" before tail bone.
My shortest layer is my 'bangs' that are at bsl then I have a few layers in between. I'm wanting to get to tail bone wavy then start trimming about an inch every two months to get rid of the layering, though I kind of like the U shape my hair has so I may keep that.
I know I wear my hair up a lot, and for an evening out when I want my hair down depending on how wet my hair is or how long it's been since I washed I might keep it down on the ride to and fro since putting it up may disrupt the wave. I've found that if I wash in the morning and it's totally dry by the time I go out in the evening I can put it up and it won't mess with the waves, but the slightest moisture and my hair takes on the bun waves. If it's been a day since I washed my hair no matter if it's damp or dry if I put it up it'll take on the bun waves - but usually by second day my waves are looking 'messy' so bun waves tend to be preferable.
May 21st, 2008, 08:11 AM
You have the most perfect U shape in that pic Euphony! I've been trying to get a nice V going but I can't seem to get it to where I'm happy with it.
My original goal was tailbone but as I get closer and closer I'm pondering shooting for classic. We'll see. :)
May 21st, 2008, 08:13 AM
I'm on my way from waist to TB as well :) I was really confused about where my waist actually is for quite a while, I thought I wasn't at waist yet but turns out I'm already an inch or two past it. I guess TB will be a bit easier to notice :D Happy growing!
May 21st, 2008, 08:15 AM
Thank you so much Delenn :flowers:
May 21st, 2008, 08:17 AM
I was solidly TB until this weekend, when I trimmed off 5" of wispy, see-through ends. Now I'm at hip when stretched and waist+ when curly. My routine was and still is mostly CO with an occasional S when I think it's necessary. I've been using either conditioner mixed with a few drops of jojoba, or coconut oil as a leave-in. I'm trying harder to protect my ends...they were uneven before mostly because of old layering and previous big sheds, but I would like to keep them in good condition and relatively even as they grow back. That means switching from a sleep braid to a sleep bun and being more vigilant about wearing my hair up. The only other difference is that my hair doesn't get caught in my pants anymore!
ETA that it took about 9 months to grow from waist to TB, with an average growth rate of 0.75"/month and no trims.
May 21st, 2008, 08:24 AM
Well, by my "estimations" it should take me around a year to reach between waist & hip to get to tailbone length.
That is without any trims whatsoever though.
I haven't trimmed since November '07 and that probably doesn't sound like a long time to some of the die hard no-trimmers, but to me, it's seemed like an eternity.
I've always trimmed at least twice a year, so this is a whole new experience for me.
I decided that I wanted to go a bit past tailbone before my next trim because I'm thinking of stalling there for a year to thicken up my hemline a bit.
The only thing that I've noticed growing to tailbone, has more to do with my no-trimming, than anything else, is that my ends have begun to get velcroey (I don't think that's even a word, but oh well) here lately.
Oh and another thing I've noticed at this length, is that I've started having to swing my hair forward when sitting on the toilet, before I didn't have that worry but now,, without getting too detailed, I've had to start worrying about it.;)
I also think around tailbone length most people have to start thinking of other styles to do with their hair.
I know for me that lately my go-to every day style of a modified cinnamon bun has started to give me troubles.
It takes me 3 or 4 tries to get it up smooth and sturdy, as before I could just literally just throw it up in a couple seconds and be out the door.
You will be suprised at how quickly you get to tailbone though, once you get a bit past waist.;)
May 21st, 2008, 08:39 AM
I'm just above tailbone length, it's only around 3-4 centimetres left, I think. I have a long lower back and I've been trimming off damage and trying to keep a thick and even hemline, getting from waist to tailbone has taken ages. Waist was about 29.5" on me and I reached that in September 2006, tailbone is around 37".
I haven't had to do any major changes but I notice that right now I easily have ends sticking out from almost any bun I try to make. I have to learn to get those properly wrapped under and away.
May 21st, 2008, 08:39 AM
I was about waist (30") in December 06 and I reached solid TB (37,5") in approx. March/April 08 - so about 15/16 months of growth - and I only trimmed about 2" during that period of time..
I'm maintaining here due to see-through ends.. going to take time -_- so no classic length for me in a year as planned!
My routine HAS changed - but mostly to protect my ends..
I used to shampoo only, then mix it with SC, and now I have to use condish on my ends.. they need the moisture and oils are not doing the jb anymore!
I've found J/A/S/O/N aloe vera shampoo + condish at a local health food store (so excited to find them!) and I'm trying them out now - so far it's good.. It has -cones in it so I was a bit surprised.. and if it suddenly changes I'm going back to my conefree urtekram shampoo + condish..
May 21st, 2008, 08:46 AM
I also think around tailbone length most people have to start thinking of other styles to do with their hair.
I know for me that lately my go-to every day style of a modified cinnamon bun has started to give me troubles.
It takes me 3 or 4 tries to get it up smooth and sturdy, as before I could just literally just throw it up in a couple seconds and be out the door.
You will be suprised at how quickly you get to tailbone though, once you get a bit past waist.;)
Tell me about it! I've been having issues getting a regular cinnamon bun to stay put so I've been doing a braided bun pretty much every day because it's quick. I've definitely reached an in-between stage in that department, and can you believe I have yet to be able to do a figure-8? My hair is just so darned thick!
May 21st, 2008, 08:56 AM
Another one checking in on this journey. I passed waist and I'm about 3-4 inches from tailbone. My hair growth has also slowed down recently... But, I'm still hoping for tailbone by the end of the year.
May 21st, 2008, 09:10 AM
Well, I was at classic in August 07, but I had majorly bad splits and got low and hacked a lot off (more than I intended because I went back to waist! :o) I didnt bother much with my hair other than being careful with it until January of this year. I just was low and didnt bother to do anything extra (one reason I have put on weight) only wash and try to be gentle. I missed hip really because I didnt realise it was a classification. I am now at tb- just past when dry and way past when wet. Approaching classic.
I dont wear it up all the time but I do try to do so quite a bit for health sake
May 21st, 2008, 09:13 AM
I am also currently at waist length and it feels like my hair is growing so slowly.
May 21st, 2008, 09:21 AM
Tell me about it! I've been having issues getting a regular cinnamon bun to stay put so I've been doing a braided bun pretty much every day because it's quick. I've definitely reached an in-between stage in that department, and can you believe I have yet to be able to do a figure-8? My hair is just so darned thick!
Delenn, a figure-8 may not help you unfortunately. I can do them, but my hair always ends up sliding out after about 4 hours. Which of course I do them with a hair stick, maybe if I had a Ficaare it would hold longer, I dunno?
As for doing a Figure-8, if your familiar with a "bee butt bun", you wrap it up, then take the last coil and pull it up and over to form the "8" and then slide your stick through.
An infinity works the same way, 'cept it looks like a sideways 8.
Someone may have a tutorial here for them, but I haven't done a search since we lost the old forum.
I'm thinking maybe a log roll would be quicker and easier, I know OhioLisa has a tutorial for those on her blog, which I just found a couple days ago.
So I think I'm going to start practicing and see if I can get it down. Maybe it will hold all day?
I hope you find something soon that works for you, especially with summer coming up.
Gothic Lolita
May 21st, 2008, 09:31 AM
I'm on my waist to TB jounrey, too. Recently I'm somewhere between waist and hip, if I measured correctly I might be there in August (I HOPE). I'm wearing my hair up more, although today was a half-up for me.
I really really hope that I'll be a TB by the end of this year.
May 21st, 2008, 09:46 AM
I am a few inches past waist, I'll be at classic in about two years. So far I haven't had to change my hair care at all. I hear people do around tailbone, so maybe I just haven't hit that point yet.
May 21st, 2008, 10:07 AM
My hair, when stretched, is currently around hip length. I do have layers from when I cut all the relaxer out of my hair about three years ago, but I am not going for blunt hair of all one length at this point. I would like to reach tailbone by the end of the year. I try to keep my hair up most of the time, though that isn't nearly as easy as it used to be. As others have said, my dependable updos now give me trouble sometimes. I don't like the feeling of pulling on my scalp or the headache I sometimes get if I don't get the hair distributed right. Anyway, I've been trying to keep things real simple, which has pretty much worked well for me along my hair growing journey. I have to detangle my hair at the very least every third day or I get major problems. That's really my only big challenge these days since I cannot brush or comb my hair dry. So I wash/detangle a few times a week and I try not to get lazy about it. I went six days recently and sorely regretted it.
May 21st, 2008, 01:31 PM
My hair is currently around hip lenght (I just trimmed a little so might be half an inch away). It took me a year to grow from waist to hip, and will take about 6 months to reach tailbone. My hair generally grows slowly, a bit slower than average, but growth always speeds up at summer.
I usually wear my hair bunned or braided. I, too, have had difficulties with my good ol' updos. They just don't work anymore. Recently I have worn my hair on a braided bun held with one hair stick. I read Harpgal's instructions from here ( noticed it works really well.
May 21st, 2008, 02:08 PM
I reached waist length last spring and am now at hip length. When my hair is streaming down my back in the shower, I can feel it at tailbone. But it's going to be awhile before it's at tailbone while dry. Maybe by the end of the year. Maybe not. I've been trimming all along to keep my ends on the thicker side (I've got taper anyway). I will keep trimming every 3 months or so as my ends stay nicest that way. So it will take as long as it takes, and that's all right with me.
May 21st, 2008, 02:13 PM
I'm also on my journey between waist and tailbone. I'm currently at "can I call this hip length" and according to some of the replies in the "How do you decide where hip length is?" thread, I probably can call it hip length by now. But stubborn as I am, I still want that missing half inch before I claim solid hip length. I hope I will reach tailbone at the end of the year, which would be waist to TBL in one year. But as my growth has been slower lately, I might need some more time.
I did this journey about ten years ago, but I didn't pay attention to how fast my hair was growing. I was busy with school and only measured my hair occasionally. I think I may have had very slow growth or even a stall at waist, because it felt like I was there forever - I know I was hovering around waist for at least a year. But I was also a trimmer back then, and I can't tell how much of my growth that was trimmed away. Then, when my hair obviously grew again, and I suddenly realized that my hair had got much longer, it felt like my hair had grown just over night... I started to think "is this hip length or do I need more length to call it that?" This was long before I heard of the different names of hair length according to certain parts of the body, and it was most likely well past the LCH definition of hip length by then. And soon enough, the day came when I realized that my hair actually reached into my vertical smile when I was in the shower. Then I started to think "wonder if my hair is butt length yet..."
From lack of knowledge about longhair-care, I did not change my routine as I approached tailbone the last time. As one could expect, my hair, and especially the ends, were in terrible condition then and breaking like crazy. I never made it longer than just past tailbone with my former routine. I have changed everything about my routine since I found LHC, and I'm pretty sure my ends will be in a lot better condition when I reach TBL this time.
May 21st, 2008, 02:43 PM
What sort of routine changes do you guys plan to do or foresee you might need to do? I honestly haven't thought about it, I figured if everything's still working for me why change. Coconut oil and henna have been my secret weapons and I haven't really needed to do much else.
May 21st, 2008, 02:45 PM
Well, I imagine that for the next while I'll need to take extra care of my ends. I don't know if they'll make it with me to tailbone. :D They've been every color under the sun and they split but don't break off... but as they age even more I'm guessing I'll notice it more...?
So so far, my only trims have been because I desired to blunt the ends more and when I got tired of S&Ding. I think as I go, trims might become more necessary because of all the damage.
May 21st, 2008, 03:32 PM
What sort of routine changes do you guys plan to do or foresee you might need to do?
The only thing I can think of right now is washing. I will probably start doing more scalp washes because the longer my hair gets the longer it dries, and the harder it is to detangle after washing. Now I scalp wash maybe every third time and use CO or diluted shampoo other times.
May 21st, 2008, 04:35 PM
EEEE, finally a journey thread for me! Haha. I'm at waist and I need 6ish more inches to get to tailbone, stretched. I'll need three for hip, so I should be at hip by August, even though I've decided to be conservative and just want hip by Halloween. If I do get to hip by August though, I'll be heading onward to classic for Christmas, lol.
May 21st, 2008, 06:19 PM
I am currently at this stage too.My hair,I think,has just reached hip length after ages at waist.It's hard to tell.I've noticed that at this length I've had to be extra careful with tangles,so I wear my hair up virtually all of the time to try and minimise the amount I get.
Indigo Girl
May 21st, 2008, 07:36 PM
I'd like to join these ranks as well ~ :)
I have been at slightly longer than waist for over a year now...I seem to be stuck on this length because my ends keep splitting so bad that I have to get constant trims.
I hope this isn't terminal for me...I am really looking forward to hitting tailbone. :pray:
May 21st, 2008, 08:44 PM
I'm about half an inch above my hips at the moment. I was at tailbone until January when I cut off five inches to get rid of some layers.
May 21st, 2008, 10:27 PM
I am trying to reach the tb length as well but seem to be stuck at hips. Was becoz of my trim a few months back as i was not happy with the ends. I am bit more careful with the no of washes and i truly believe that healthy ends means fast approach towards goal :-) I am also keeping my hair tied/updo's and also not applying as much oil so that i can increase the no of days before wash. Its just like i am trying to forget my hair for a few days. But, my little blood-circulation-scalp-combing is on and it seems to be working fine with me....
May 21st, 2008, 11:37 PM
What sort of routine changes do you guys plan to do or foresee you might need to do? I honestly haven't thought about it, I figured if everything's still working for me why change. Coconut oil and henna have been my secret weapons and I haven't really needed to do much else.
I really can't think of any changes to do either. Perhaps, as Sceleste mentioned, do more scalp washes when it feels like the ends don't need to be conditioned. Other than that, I've already learnt how to protect my ends and take care of them, I had to do that to be able to grow past BSL already. Now it just feels like I can keep on going until I don't feel like I can handle the length anymore, which might be pretty soon.
May 21st, 2008, 11:48 PM
Yay, a thread for me!
I am currently at "Can I call this hip yet?". I think it's hip when wet at least... I have been growing from a stacked bob since late 2004. During the awkward phases I got several different styles cut into it to make it look a bit 'nicer' along the way. I last got what you would think of as a haircut fall of 2005, and then got a trim in spring of 2007 (for prom!). I'm not planning to trim again until I am an inch past my goal (tailbone), and then I'm going to trim it back and maintain.
Originally I didn't set out to keep it as long as it has gotten. The initial plan was to get it long enough to all fit in a ponytail, but once I started I just couldn't stop! I decided that anything longer than tailbone wouldn't be practical for me, and I guess we'll see if I don't change my mind.
My routine has changed a lot. Once I reached BSL I started realizing that my old mentality of "I should run out of shampoo and conditioner at the same time" just wasn't applicable anymore. I discovered long hair communities online when I was a few inches short of waist and began to oil the ends and focus on shampooing the roots only, always using copious amounts of conditioner. I still haven't been able to shake the daily washing habit because it's still working for me.
On the other hand, my updos have not been cooperating with me. I'm having trouble securing even a cinnamon bun anymore. I'm currently in updo moratorium trying to find a new standby. My hair is so thick and my bun already takes up nearly my whole head as it is. I'm starting to experiment with hairsticks for the first time with some success, but they don't hold for more than an hour or two. I comb my hair two or three times a day to keep the tangles at bay, and I have the bad habit of finger combing in public when my hair is down. Overall, I wear my hair up about 80% of the time, if nothing else in a scrunchie-secured ponytail.
May 22nd, 2008, 03:21 AM
It's lovely to see so many people reply! And there are quite many of us:) It seems like people are taking extra care of their hair now with protecting ends and sleeptime styles.
I'm right at waist now, but was probably at hip some weeks ago before I trimmed off two centimeters, I went from 33, 5 to 32. Now I'm at 32,5. I'm still dealing with chemical damage and it's a hassle sometimes to find products that are moisturizing enought, but at the same time not making my hair limp and over conditioned. I have been bad and have been wearing a braid for a while now, guess that should change. I miss almost being able to tuck my ends into my pants:(
Thank you all for telling me about your journey! It's an honour to be growing together with you;)
May 22nd, 2008, 05:07 AM
I'm going to have to join. I'll be here for a few years unless i decide to chop. JUST reached waist so I am maintaining for a while.
My goal is TB, but knee would be my untimate- we'll see what my taper looks like when i get there.
May 22nd, 2008, 08:59 AM
It took me about 2 years to go from waist to TB. I made it from waist to hip (about 4.5") in a year, and hip to TB (about 2.5") in another year. If I left out trimming it might have been just a tad over a year, but I've found that the longer my hair gets, the more trimming I need to keep the ends looking okay. Going from BSL to waist I don't think I trimmed at all (or if so, barely anything), but once I started getting close to hip, the ends got more raggedy looking.
As far as change in the care of my hair, I don't think it changed that much. But I used updos a ton with waist length, as well as oiling and more gentle washing, and still do now. I do know that having the hair loose at this length is a world of difference than loose waist length hair, so keeping it up more would be more protective (I wear updos about 95% of the time). I also notice that my previously damaged areas (still quite a few inches left...) are more delicate the longer my hair gets. I hope once my trimming meets up with my virgin hair, the raggedy-end problem won't be as bad.
I've found that a true cinnamon bun is impossible for me to hold with just sticks anymore since the middle coils are apt to fall out. So I use a ficcare or do a cinnabun variation such as a cinnabut, inside-out, or gibralter if I want that look. I also agree that bunned braids are great at this length.
May 22nd, 2008, 10:49 PM
I'm also at "Can I call this hip length?" stage, but I hope to be TB by the end of the year, at least. I'm crossing my fingers for a good burst in summer. :pray:
May 22nd, 2008, 11:11 PM
I am just starting this journey. I officially called my length "waist" recently, and tailbone is my current "final" goal, so... I have a while to go yet. :) Especially since I plan a cut/trim sometime in the next couple of months.
My routine hasn't changed much in the last year or so, although I regularly fluctuate between CO and normal (but diluted) shampoo & conditioner washes. I've been trying a cone free routine for the last 2 years or so, but recently decided to give some silicones a go again - leave-in sprays, mainly. I missed the slip they gave me. Having said that, I probably won't use them much over winter since I have more slip than normal in winter anyway.
I wash my hair about twice, sometimes three times, a week. I am a big fan of damp- and semi-damp- bunning. I sometimes blowdry the front section on cool, if I want it to look "nicer" (damn cowlick/s :mad:). Jojoba oil and cassia are my friends. :)
May 27th, 2008, 08:05 AM
you guys, i am pretty scared that i am going to cut my hair up....So i may leave this group if i do.
let see how things unfold ( 2 week ule ofcourse) ;)
May 27th, 2008, 11:35 AM
I had thought I posted to this thread already but a quick scan doesn't show that I have. So, I wanted to jump into this group because I am really at almost hip length (pretty much "can I call this hip" and am eagerly anticipating getting to tailbone.
May 27th, 2008, 11:56 AM
I've found that a true cinnamon bun is impossible for me to hold with just sticks anymore since the middle coils are apt to fall out. So I use a ficcare or do a cinnabun variation such as a cinnabut, inside-out, or gibralter if I want that look. I also agree that bunned braids are great at this length.
I'm in the same boat with the cinnabun. I tried doing one the other night and it was just not happening. I was pretty annoyed, but this happens every time it gets into the thirties for inches. I'm going to have to buy a couple ficcares, I've been looking into them and they look nice.
I think I've been treating my hair differently since joining the board here. Before, my hair was always pretty long but I was kind of rough on it and really took advantage of having tough hair. But now I am very nice to it and I braid it when I sleep. I always just would wear it down 24/7 for years.
May 29th, 2008, 08:24 AM
I'm about an inch from hips and I still micro-trim every 3 months or so. Diluted poo on my scalp and condish on the length. Wash every 4 or 5 days. I guess, my routine hasn't changed much except I've tried to stretch out my washings and do S and D more to cut out the split ends and be more conscious of oiling the ends if they feel dry.
I'm thinking of stopping at tailbone. The thought of having to worry about sitting on my hair and all the hassle that would be is kinda making me hesitate about going to classic. Who knows, though. I thought once I reached waist I'd stop there, but I changed my mind. Long hair can be addictive for me.
May 29th, 2008, 08:48 AM
Does anyone else have a V shape hemline? Just curious. It always makes me think my hair has to be that much longer than the longest part for it to be considered "hip" or some other length because the bulk is a little shorter than the longest. But I like my V. At any rate the longest part is 2-3" from tailbone, YAY!!! :cheer:
May 29th, 2008, 03:51 PM
Does anyone else have a V shape hemline? Just curious. It always makes me think my hair has to be that much longer than the longest part for it to be considered "hip" or some other length because the bulk is a little shorter than the longest. But I like my V. At any rate the longest part is 2-3" from tailbone, YAY!!! :cheer:
Mine is approximately V-shaped and layered at the bottom. I still count the longest tippy-tip as total length... Otherwise, I couldn't really decide which part is the 'bulk' - it changes according to waviness, cleanliness and the updo it was in.
May 29th, 2008, 03:56 PM
Well I wasnt paying attention to growth at the time much (its was during the LHC down time). But I estimate that it took me about 2 to 3 months to go past? I grow very quickly though
May 29th, 2008, 04:20 PM
Hello everyone, I'm also heading towards tailbone..which seems miles away..I'm currently at hip,about 31,5" and I think I'll reach tailbone in about a year or so, I have a slow growth rate even though I take biotin regularly.
Indigo Girl
May 29th, 2008, 04:51 PM
I am a big fan of damp- and semi-damp- bunning. Jojoba oil and cassia are my friends.
Me too! Damp bunning keeps my hair shiny and soft throughout the day.
My hair adores jojoba oil and cassia. :)
May 29th, 2008, 06:09 PM
I was at waist (31"-ish) around September -06, and hip (~33) in April -07. I’ve been maintaining at 36” since December -07. I was planning on doing it this whole year, but I’m getting impatient and recently decided to grow on and see how it ends up looking. Tail bone is around 39” on me, which is only about two inches away right now.
My last trim was about 1.5 inches, and it really did help my hemline. Now I think it’s about grown back, and the end of my braid does seem to have kept about the same thickness. That’s encouraging! With smaller trims, you can’t really see the difference that well, and I haven’t kept all that detailed track of end thickness anyway. Mostly because it’s too sad to think about.
I have bleach/dye damage on the last 6 inches of my hair, from a bad hairdresser visit in early 2004. I’m hoping my ends will thicken up once I finally trim that off. My plan now is to grow to tb and maintain there. I’m also growing out henna, and will be for the next three years or so. My ultimate goal is classic, but only if it’s going to look decent at that length. Time will tell.
My routine really hasn’t changed that much since waist length. Well, I do scalp washes more than before, because I don’t want to get it all wet every time. It doesn't need it. Also, I have a very small water heater where I live now, so it’s a challenge to do a proper CO wash. I might wash a little more frequently now, since scalp washes never seem to keep it nice quite as long. I usually use diluted shampoo, often with some aloe vera and conditioner added to it.
I do fewer deep treatments now than I used to, but then my hair is generally in better shape now and doesn’t seem to need it. I coconut oil every now and then - sometimes heavily before a wash, more frequently a light oiling after washing. That's really the extent of it.
I’ve recently rediscovered the cinnamon bun, after hardly wearing them for several months. The trick for me was doing them more loosely, to avoid the bee-butt effect. I still do inside-out buns a lot. Sometimes braided buns. Less frequently KL knots. Instead I came up with a modified version of Leia’s swirly bun that I quite like. Also a doubled up lazy French twist works ok, even if it doesn't look as nice as the original style.
August 17th, 2008, 12:56 AM
Just checking in here in order to resurrect this thread from out of the depths of the forum. I am somewhere in the no man´s land between waist and hip, though sometimes my hair feels not an inch longer than shoulder to me!
Waist used to be my original goal, but now I am going to grow to at least tailbone.
August 17th, 2008, 04:20 AM
I'm in this group now too :cheer: I'm about a couple of inches past waist when my hair is straight (I'm still a couple of inches from waist curly, but that's only 2 days a week max).
I'm much happier with my hair now that it's past waist as I used to always have my hair between shoulder and BSL so now it's looking very noticeably longer than I've ever had it. I got really frustrated between BSL and waist and it took about a year but I think waist to TB won't be so bad as there's hip in the middle and it just feels long to me whereas before I was waiting for it to get long.
I should definitely be at hip by Christmas now I think after my growth spurt (now at 35", need to update my sig) and TB by next summer.
August 17th, 2008, 06:15 AM
It took me roughly a year and a half to get from waist to tailbone, IIRC. In that time, I did have a few larger trims though, so that will have slowed it down. I also found I couldn't wear ponytails for a long period of time, as the tail began to tangle quite a bit. I also started wearing my hair in a braid a lot more often.
August 17th, 2008, 10:22 AM
I'm at waistlength, currently, but I am definitely hoping to grow to tailbone. Hip is not far from here as I am low-waisted, yay!
My only frustration is that I can't seem to do any decent, sturdy buns anymore at this length. I wear a swirly bun every day, just because I can't seem to think of anything that creates this 'big' looking bun with the sturdiness of the swirly bun. Any suggestions? :(
August 17th, 2008, 12:37 PM
I´m at hip now. I do microtrims every now and then so it will take a while till I reach tailbone. I´ve found that I have more use for my ficcare now. I allways carry it with me to make a cinnamon bun. I wear my hair down a lot. It´s easier now when it weighs more. I love the feel of the wind blowing in my hair!!!When my hair is acting strange I braid it.
August 17th, 2008, 02:24 PM
So I'm another who's growing from waist now, altough my next goal, before tb, is belt lenght. I supose I can get to tailbone lenght in a year, altough I will need some trimmig in between.
I do know that the journey from mid back to waist was a hell, a dream never to come true and all, but mostly because I obsessed so much about waist. I do hope I won't be ossessing about tail bone lenght, because I think waist lenght is already very long to most people, so now I'm trying to grow peacefully hehe.
Tailbone lenght is a very flaterring lenght tough, I like it even more than my goal of classic, and I can't wait. Still, I wanna get there with beautyfull ends, so i do need to trim. Oh well...
I won't be asking for time to fly, because it does indeed so I just ask my hair: GROW FAST! :cheese:
August 17th, 2008, 02:49 PM
I think my hair is about two inches above my tailbone. I tend to call it "sort of hip length except I don't know where that is" or just say "almost TB". I'm really impatient to get to TB! I hope to get there about Thanksgiving, maybe Christmas.
Most of the changes in my routine came somewhere above belt length, and I've settled into something that works pretty well for me. Most of my day to day stuff, like keeping it out of the way, will actually get easier once I get a little more length (like the potty scarf).
August 17th, 2008, 06:13 PM
Ooh I want to join! :flower:
My goal was originally waist but I decided to head onwards to tailbone or at least hip length. Right now I am just a tiny bit past waist and my growth has stalled or so it seems. But I am sure that it will pick up when it wants to grow.
I hope that I don't have to change my routine once I hit hip/tailbone. It took me almost a year of experimenting to find out what worked for me! I'd hate to spend another year figuring out another routine!!
It's funny to me that some people in this thread didn't have any growing pains with their hair and all of the sudden were just like "Oh I am tailbone! :)"
Then their are other people who are like "It was torture... centimeter by centimeter! Never thought I'd get there!"
I hope I don't fall into the latter!
Just a rather pointless FYI my measurements for hip are 32.5 and for tail bone 36.5, I am rather short.
August 18th, 2008, 08:35 PM
It seems a recurring trend that there's a growth halt at waist. I've been hovering just at waist for the last year almost, and I'm ready for the growth spurt!!
Since I decided to grow I've always envisioned my hair at tailbone, or perhaps it's really classic...that point at the bottom of my tush. I guess I never even noticed the stages in between. Well, that's not quite true. After I was almost at hip I cut almost 6" off to get rid of damage. I'd cut an inch and look at the ends...if I found any splits I'd cut another inch...and on and on and on... At the end I was just above waist, and it seems like it's been forever! Now I'm a touch past waist but still not hardly growing.
I'm still trying to define my routine, so that's definitely changing. ;)
I haven't ever been able to do a cinnamon bun - ever since I first started trying just below BSL. They just won't hold, or turn into bee butt buns, which I don't care for (at least on me). The only time I can get a cinnamon bun to work is when it's wet, just out of the shower and detangled.
I have a bun that holds very well that I use a lot. It works with a comb, one stick, two sticks, or fork...or even just long hair pins if you're careful about how you place them. It's kind of a cross between a log roll and a cinnamon bun, and I'll share it with you guys, my fellow waist-to-tailboners! (it's really not that probably have already done it!)
1. Draw your hair into a low to mid ponytail. With your left hand, hold the end off to your left. Move your right hand halfway down your hair.
2. With your right hand, start twisting your hair to the right (clockwise). This effectively halves your length, because you're doubling it as you twist. Keep hold of the ends with the left hand and keep it taut!!
3. Keep twisting until you're almost out of hair. Then move your right hand up, so you're twisting up and to the right. This adds kind of a french twist effect at the base and holds your hair in.
4. Keep twisting, more upwards now. The twist will reach the base and twist around itself. Depending on your length, you can swirl inwards or outwards. Probably unless you're past tailbone you'll go in, but try it and see.
5. At this point you can let go of the hair in your left hand. It should be nicely wrapped inside the roll. Occasionally it will stick out, but that looks kinda cool too..sort of a messy effect.
6. Stick/pin/fork/clip/ficcare/whatever it to secure. In the pic below I used a comb, but to be honest it wasn't all that tight, and I lost it about halfway through the day. A ficcare would work, but I don't have one, so I dunno for sure. You definitely want to tack down the end of the roll, and shoot that through the bun near the top.
*deep breath* You like? It's such an easy style - it's what I usually have my hair up in while I'm puttering around the house. It takes about 2 seconds to do, though sometimes I have problems keeping it biggy, just take it down and do it again!!
August 18th, 2008, 09:58 PM
I think my hair is about two inches above my tailbone. I tend to call it "sort of hip length except I don't know where that is" or just say "almost TB". I'm really impatient to get to TB! I hope to get there about Thanksgiving, maybe Christmas.
Most of the changes in my routine came somewhere above belt length, and I've settled into something that works pretty well for me. Most of my day to day stuff, like keeping it out of the way, will actually get easier once I get a little more length (like the potty scarf).
Ok what is "the potty scarf"? Or maybe I am stupid.
August 19th, 2008, 12:56 AM
Aaaaaahhhhhhhgh, I've been between waist and tailbone for approximately forever. I think it's just because tailbone is my goal. BSL to waist didn't seem to take so long, but now it's "so close and yet so far." I can do a lot of new buns now, though! That's fun! (grow hair, grow, I cannot wait!)
August 19th, 2008, 04:59 AM
That is a very pretty updo - and so complicated looking! I´ll have to try that tonight. :) And your hair is incredibly thick-looking.
August 19th, 2008, 05:53 AM
I'm on my way to tailbone too :) I've had my hair past waist for years but my ends keep getting thinner and ugly looking so I trim a lot or I used to because now I've given up . I want to reach tailbone even if my ends are thin. I have huge stress related shedding *sigh* it can go on for weeks or months :( last year I shed so much my ends were like a really thin veil so I trimmed many times .
This year I decided to keep my ends even if they are thin , I want to reach tailbone and then classic :D
August 19th, 2008, 07:25 AM
That is a very pretty updo - and so complicated looking! I´ll have to try that tonight. :) And your hair is incredibly thick-looking.
HAH HAH!! My hair is so thin I can almost run it through my wedding ring. But that is doubled up and kind of loose.
UP Lisa
August 21st, 2008, 11:00 AM
I got to waist about a year ago, and am heading for tailbone. I'm at hip now.
August 21st, 2008, 02:52 PM
I'll join! Back in 2001, I was at TB, but then went through the first short hair experimentation phase in my life. I've been seriously (or is that lazily?) regrowing my hair since about June 2005. I managed to grow out all the layers that had been put in during the chin-length chop and got my mom to blunt cut it across the bottom when it got to about BSL. I've been maintaining the blunt hemline ever since, with ~1" trims every 6 mos or so, if the ends seem like they're getting split-y. I'm back to waist length now, and I estimate about 6"more to go to get back to TB. At the rate I've been growing, that should be in about a year, but I don't remember from last time if I had a place where I stalled, since back then I was just growing without a goal.
August 21st, 2008, 02:55 PM
interesting thread! Too many good ideas. . .
August 21st, 2008, 03:00 PM
It's a little disheartening to hear that waist to tailbone can take longer. . . I am in this group, as well! I was happy today that my hair was hanging below the waist of my jeans, though! (and not the high-waist jeans that were popular in the 80's & 90s...but not the super-low ones that you see butt-crack, either!)
August 21st, 2008, 03:02 PM
hi again! This thread has really been taking off since I last checked! I'm currently in a no man's land between waist and tailbone, I think I'm at "can I call this hip?"
August 23rd, 2008, 08:50 PM
I think i am officially in this hair is supposed to be at waist, but it si crept up to be a bit longer then that. So i guess i must join here, unfortunatly i won't be here long i plan a dramatic trim/chop at the end of the year. So it may be a matter of months or years before i join here again.
August 23rd, 2008, 09:01 PM
podo, I've seen that called an equilibrium bun since folding the hair in half to twist it tends to even out the thickness. It is beautiful in your hair.
August 24th, 2008, 12:26 AM
i noticed we have very similar hair type..are there some tips that you advice?
August 24th, 2008, 08:35 AM
My starting point is not waist lenght, but small-of-back-lenght. Not sure what to call that. I hope to grow my hair tailbone lenght next year, but first I want to achieve thickness. That's going to take a while, but it's slowly getting better. I could already grow to tailbone, but my hair would be really thin, and I don't like that.
Now I trim my hair weekly. I take a few milimeters off every week, and it doesn't seem to make my hair go shorter, so maybe it just grows fast?
August 24th, 2008, 11:16 AM
I'll have to chime in here myself....holding at waist at this point, did a major trim about a month ago to get rid of my fairy tale ends so I lost below waist. My goal is hip and staying at that point with trims to maintain. However, once I get there I know I'll want to keep going.
August 24th, 2008, 02:51 PM
Checking in as well! I'm basically AT tailbone right now (finally), but I think I'll keep it here for a bit to keep the ends thicker... It's taken me about a year to go from waist to tailbone - and that is with several trims along the way. I felt like my hair was stalled at waist as well.. but apparently not! The next thing I knew I was at tailbone - haha! :)
It helps to somewhat ignore your hair ... and then one day you'll be like "wow, it's so long now!" :D I wear my hair up a LOT - even in bed sometimes, so when I do let it down I'm amazed <3
August 25th, 2008, 12:23 PM
I'd like to join the W2TB crowd too! I hit waist around June, and now I'm on my way to hip and tailbone. TB is my ultimate goal length, since I love to wear my hair down, and I think that any longer than that would be too unruly for me to manage. But, who knows since the longer it gets, the more I love it!
It sure seems like I have a long way to go before I hit TB, especially since the longer it gets, the wavier it seems to be getting. Every time I wash it, I get so excited because I can feel it all the way down my back, but as it dries it shrinks right back up again! I figure that I should be at TB by next May, but it may be longer if my hair keeps curling on me.
August 25th, 2008, 12:40 PM
podo, I've seen that called an equilibrium bun since folding the hair in half to twist it tends to even out the thickness. It is beautiful in your hair.
I was just about to say the same thing :) If anyone is having trouble with podo's instructions, there's another version with a video linked in my siggy :)
I could have SWORN I posted in this thread already :ponder:
I came to LHC at BSL, with trashed hair. I'll spare the details since I've said them so often that I'm feeling redundant, but you can check it out in the first post of my journal if you're so inclined.
My biggest challenge is that I wanted to gain length, but my hair was SO destroyed that it was breaking off. It took a lot of TLC, henna, and trimming (details of how I salvaged my hair in the hair damage article in my siggy), but I've managed to get to waist, and now to tailbone, which is where I'm mantaining for now.
I've got about 8-10 inches of old dye and thin ends left, and I'm growing out some of my longer layers along with that last bit of damage. It'll take me another year or two to do this, and after that point I may decide to go for fingertip :) For now, though, tailbone is a nice length, looks "long" and I think is very flattering overall.
August 26th, 2008, 01:42 AM
I think I can claim tailbone length now, my hair is definitely "crack length" :lol: Hmmm, now what? I have no idea, I'll grow and see how I like it, keep trimming a little regularly to keep the hemline even.
August 27th, 2008, 11:15 PM
I've got about 8-10 inches of old dye and thin ends left.
I got the same, so I keep cutting till at least the thin ends are gone, the dyed part is growing out quite steadily, but I still got to go a fair bit! Lucky for me it's not very visible, it's more that that part of hair is less nice of structure.
August 29th, 2008, 07:33 AM
I reached waist in April but I don't think I'll reach tailbone for another year. That's IF I don't trim anymore. Seeing as my ends are tapering so much and I have so many layers I may resume trimming at hip... or earlier... :( However, my ideal plan is to reach Tailbone, then stall to remove some damage, taper and old hair dye and allow my shorter layers to get closer to my longest layers.
Due to all the layers, I can't use all the fancy updo's that everybody else mentions, I usually stick to simple buns, french braids and ponytails.
September 3rd, 2008, 08:20 AM
i trim 1cm a month....but my hair is mid way to hip, or almost there. WEIRD!
I guess my hair grows faster then i gave it credit. YAY!
Not complaining. Though i will be chopping 2cm in a few days, just because i want to cut the yucky length off already! Lucky enough if i don't end up cutting to bsl.
CAN'T WAIT till I'm at TB! 2 years no trims from now.... actually...less....hmmmm
July 8th, 2009, 06:32 AM
Bumping this thread up again. :magic: I´m still in the race, currently somewhere around my hips. What a hard to define length hip length is! I hope to be at tailbone by the end of the year.
July 8th, 2009, 06:52 AM
I am inching past waist now and heading towards tailbone:) My ends are more blunt than the first time I was technically past waist with only a point of hair. I wondered what it will feel like to have hair that long again:)
July 8th, 2009, 07:00 AM
My longest strands are only a couple of inches from tailbone :) But I have a V-shaped hemline, so some strands have much further to go.
UP Lisa
July 8th, 2009, 07:06 AM
I've actually been at tailbone for a while. Can't believe it ever got this long!
July 8th, 2009, 07:08 AM
I'm at waist and and slowly going to tail bone. I'm just at tail bone if I try really hard haha.
July 8th, 2009, 07:09 AM
I'm hip straight and some inch of so past waist when curly. :D By my calculations I'll be between BCL and TBL by the end of 2009. Oh the joy! :D Grow hair, grow! :cheer:
July 8th, 2009, 07:34 AM
I'm glad someone resurrected this thread! I was looking for it the other day! I am not a bit past waist when straight, probably about 34 inches but haven't measured in a while. I probably need to trim a few inches off but I don't want to part with it and you can't really tell when it's curly. I may maintain for a while when I get to waist curly which will be a while. I definitely wear my hair up a lot more now because it gets into so many more things. I got it caught in a fan not too long ago and was probably very lucky not to have more damage than I do have on that side. I do notice more breakage there but it's not nearly as bad as it could have been. I do love my hair more and more as it gets longer and get more compliments the longer it is too, that is when I do wear it down. I finally had someone tell me never to get my hair cut for the first time yesterday which totally made my day!
July 8th, 2009, 07:37 AM
I'm in on the growing! I'm waist and I'm on the way to tailbone! :D
July 8th, 2009, 07:55 AM
Still hanging in halfway between waist and tailbone. I trimmed an inch a while ago, and am still catching that up. I keep telling myself that if I stay away from scissors, by the end of the year I could have some visible progress.
July 8th, 2009, 07:57 AM
Elbereth, for some reason I thought you were at classic already! :D
July 8th, 2009, 08:16 AM
Well, I reached tailbone when stretched, and posted this thread ( (including a pic).
Wavy, I'm still not there yet, I think. In a month or two I hope I will be, and then I'm planning to trim an inch or two (for the first time in 4 years) and keep trimming to maintain around tailbone. Unless I decide to cut back to waist... :shrug:
July 8th, 2009, 09:26 AM
Checking in, too. I'd actually gotten to tailbone last year, but I didn't like the really thin fairytail ends, so I got it trimmed/cut back to just above my waist the end of April. That was right before I found LHC. I don't know yet if the new routine will make a difference in the thickness for the full length, but I sure hope so!
I have only washed it a couple times a week for years, but now instead of diluted WC (shampoo on scalp only, conditioner on length) I'm doing CWC with some CO. Also, instead of braids or loose (wash days) I'm doing more updo's.
The other major change has been to stop using molded plastic combs that I'm sure have been stripping the scales off my hair for years causing those thin ends and breakage. I had about decided that TB was terminal length for my hair, as it just thinned out so much between waist and tailbone. Now I'm hoping that it will remain healthy and strong without so much breakage and splitting to get much longer than it ever has before. The top part of my hair near my head seems to feel thicker and somehow "better" then the longer length that has known the plastic combs. Time will tell if I'm just imagining it!
I'm finding that the updo's that I learned in May at about 30.5" are now not working so well at 32+". More practice/updo's needed! I've never had much luck with the normal cinnamon bun, but the figure-8 and inside out buns are working great.
July 8th, 2009, 10:00 AM
Another "waist" person heading towards tailbone in a year, approximately. I am past waist, and think I am getting close to hip, maybe in a month and a half or two months. I findmyself pondering faceframing layers at this point. I just think it needs it because I like hair down. Yes, still. It's been almost two weeks since the ponder began. But I am so afraid to lose length, because tailbone is only a year away and I really want to get there!
July 8th, 2009, 10:06 AM
I feel like I'm stuck. I'm at that inbetween stage-past waist but not really hip yet.
Don't know what to do at this point, I wear my hair up a lot, but I still feel like I'm stalling.
July 8th, 2009, 11:51 AM
In about an inch and a half I will be at tailbone. :D
July 8th, 2009, 11:54 AM
I'm in this group too. :) I'm somewhat past waist, and I've only about 5 to 6 inches to go till I'm at tailbone. :D
July 8th, 2009, 11:57 AM
I'm barely brushing waist right now, which was pretty exciting when I realized it. I'm aiming for tailbone though! I'm guessing it'll probably be at least two years... all depends on how healthy I can keep it, I guess.
July 8th, 2009, 04:17 PM
Just reached waist. TB is my goal. Never been past waist before, though so... we'll see.
July 8th, 2009, 09:29 PM
I tend to keep my hair somewhere between waist and tailbone pretty much all the time. From waist on down it all feels the same to me, and I treat it the same at any length. I don't actually think below tailbone is pretty, so I don't let it get longer than that. I just don't like hair down over my fanny. :)
July 9th, 2009, 02:10 AM
Deborah, is the fanny in the front or in the back in the USA? I know it´s opposites for UK and US, but I get them mixed up all the time. :silly:
Does anybody else find that their ends are becoming much more of a problem? Someone mentioned at the beginning of this thread that her ends crave moisture, and oils just don´t do the job anymore, and I started to feel the same. I have to baby my ends all the time, and still they seem crappy, so I microtrim a lot. Which might be a reason why tailbone doesn´t seem to get nearer. :lol:
July 9th, 2009, 02:57 AM
Deborah, is the fanny in the front or in the back in the USA? I know it´s opposites for UK and US, but I get them mixed up all the time. :silly:
Does anybody else find that their ends are becoming much more of a problem? Someone mentioned at the beginning of this thread that her ends crave moisture, and oils just don´t do the job anymore, and I started to feel the same. I have to baby my ends all the time, and still they seem crappy, so I microtrim a lot. Which might be a reason why tailbone doesn´t seem to get nearer. :lol:
Yeah, but my ends were always dry I think. I put shea butter with little bit of coconut oil before bunning it to sleep, that's what makes them soft again for me.
July 9th, 2009, 03:58 AM
I've reached hip now, so about 3 inches to a definate tailbone without stretching (or leaning my head back!) I think. All this year I am cutting half an inch every two months (which should be about half this years growth, though I don't monitor it much so it could be more or less) to get rid of some sun-frazzled ends. So nearly there by the end of the year!
I hardly ever wear it down now - I actually feel a bit stange about people seeing it now, though I'm not really sure why. I haven't had any negative comments or anything but I do think people start to notice it beyond waist as being a bit unusual.
July 9th, 2009, 04:46 AM
Wow...I think I can finally join this hair is longer than I realized. It is curly so I usually have to do the stretch thing to tell real length. When I stretched last night it just barely reached to waist length. I'm so happy! I want it to be there while curly so I have a ways to I have layers and I want to grow them in so that all my hair will reach waist. But man am I excited!?!?!?
July 9th, 2009, 04:54 AM
My longest layers are somewhere around hip. I just trimmed 2 or 3 cm today and will probably continue doing small trims once in a while to let the shorter layers catch up. I don't know if I want my hair to get much longer than this, especially as the layers grow out. Lately I've been wearing it up/back nearly all the time and I'm thinking about bangs to soften the look. Bangless looks better when my hair is loose but I'm not sure I wear it like that often enough now for it to be worthwhile.
July 9th, 2009, 05:32 AM
I' ve been to TB then up to hip and back to almost TB again. Now I'm at waist again with plans to go back to TB once again. It took me close to 2 years from waist to TB the first time. I think I did about 4 small trims along the way. My ends were delicate and dry no matter how well I treated them. I do deep treatments and oil the ends all the time. I've also gotten in the habit of doing updo's a lot of the time. I think I'm doing about all I can. Now that I'm back up to waist length I'm finding that my hair is a lot more fun to wear down and I'm enjoying it more. I'm kind of seeing a cycle of going to TB and cutting back. I like the change. There are things I love about both lengths and I like having a growing goal to work for. I have a feeling that my hair just is not meant to be TB with a thick straight hemline. But that's OK. I'm cool with letting it grow and trimming it back.
July 9th, 2009, 06:06 AM
I unfortunately got "chopped" out of this group when i decided to snip my hair.
But i'd like to be here soon! I'll be here before a years time hopefully!!! :)
July 9th, 2009, 06:16 AM
Deborah, is the fanny in the front or in the back in the USA? I know it´s opposites for UK and US, but I get them mixed up all the time. :silly:
Does anybody else find that their ends are becoming much more of a problem? Someone mentioned at the beginning of this thread that her ends crave moisture, and oils just don´t do the job anymore, and I started to feel the same. I have to baby my ends all the time, and still they seem crappy, so I microtrim a lot. Which might be a reason why tailbone doesn´t seem to get nearer. :lol:
It's the front in the UK, which is why I giggle when I hear a bum bag called a fanny pack. Of all the things to laugh at when watching The Simpsons...
I'm in this team now, and trying really hard to get past waist. My ends feel pants all the time if I'm not careful to put enough oil on. It's literally only *at* waist that I've needed to start oiling every day. I'm reverting back to what I used to do at classic and seeing if that works.
July 9th, 2009, 06:25 AM
I guess I am on my way to tailbone, allthough I am still not certain where waist lenght is :confused:. Having a short torso I feel like I am cheating :o.
When it comes to changes in routine I have only this past year started to take advise from the knowledgeable folks here at LHC, and only the last month with a larger degree of seriousness :). The first change I did was to stop brushing with a knobly paddle-brush while my hair was still wet! About 2 weeks ago I threw out all damaging brushes and replaced them with my new bacelite combs from and the Tangle teezer. I think this is the most important change for me :) But I am still learning!
July 9th, 2009, 02:17 PM
Deborah, is the fanny in the front or in the back in the USA? I know it´s opposites for UK and US, but I get them mixed up all the time. :silly:
OOPS! Where I come from 'fanny' means the same as bum or backside. I didn't know it ever meant anything else! :o
July 9th, 2009, 03:41 PM
I've lurked on this forum for years. It helped me get from BSL to waist where I am now. My goal is classic, but I'm not sure my ends can take it. Henna has really helped me the most.
Looking forward to reading everyone's journey!
July 9th, 2009, 06:07 PM
At waist, inching toward tailbone (It's about 2 inches away when wet, and 3 inches away when dry).
August 6th, 2009, 02:29 PM
Actually, my hair seems to be growing faster since it hit waist. That could be just related to my totally strange growing habits, but still...
I keep it up 99% of the time during the day and every night in a braid to one side. I probably just didn't notice it edging downwards since it's never really down anymore unless I'm washing it. It just brushes my hipbones when dry..probably a touch longer when wet.
Other than that bun I posted earlier in this thread, there aren't a lot of styles that work well for me right now. It seems that it's just too long to work anymore - but I'm certainly NOT complaining!!!!! I'm going to research the longer hair groups - classic and beyond - and see if I can convert some of those styles to waist-tailbone length.
The week between washes seemed to be great for my ends, but my scalp wasn't happy (headaches too!). The 2-3 days between washes makes my head better, but I'm noticing my ends are a little dry, in spite of the oil. I think I'll do what some of the others here have said and try scalp-washes. I'm also waiting (im)patiently for my orris root powder to try Nanny Pauline's recipes.
Good luck ladies (and gents?) - we'll make it to tailbone soon!!
August 6th, 2009, 02:41 PM
I just saw this thread pop up for the first time in a while, and it reminded me that I've actually made it to tailbone! It rather took me by surprise.
August 6th, 2009, 03:39 PM
I'm at about waist right now headed toward tailbone as well. :) I'm HOPING to make it there in about a year, maybe a little more. Not sure how fast my hair grows yet, I need to keep track of that. I'm just going to let it grow to tailbone, and then leave it there a while to thicken the hemline. Might go for classic after that, not sure yet. :D
August 6th, 2009, 03:46 PM
Anyone know if there's a thread for tailbone to classic? :)
August 6th, 2009, 03:47 PM
It seemed like it was waist length forever...I just forgot about measuring and BAM...on day I thought I better measure and there it was..35" and to the tailbone...sorta crack level (sorry) goal is knee length around 56" so only 21" more to go...
August 6th, 2009, 06:46 PM
I'm on this one too. I'm a couple of inches below waist at 34" but not quite at belt length yet. I'm new to LHC so I'm just starting to play with CO and oiling. My ends are thin and dry too though so I hope it helps. I don't want to trim but I might have to.
August 6th, 2009, 08:05 PM
Anyone know if there's a thread for tailbone to classic? :)
Not right off hand, you'll have to do a search for it and see if it comes up.:)
August 7th, 2009, 01:23 AM
My hair is solidly waist now, even when it's very curly. By the end of 2009 I'm hoping to reach BCL (which is hip curly), and within the year realize my goal - somewhere between tailbone and classic. What I have now, 34.5", is hip length on me (stretched), I can't wait for January 2010! (Although it sounds scary, 2010 :run:)
August 7th, 2009, 03:09 AM
The mean thing is that I have such a long body that I'm only just at waist with 35 inches. I'm always really jealous when I read that other people have waist-length hair with 30 inches. I think tailbone for me (my goal) is about 40 inches whcih should take about another year.
August 7th, 2009, 09:47 AM
The mean thing is that I have such a long body that I'm only just at waist with 35 inches. I'm always really jealous when I read that other people have waist-length hair with 30 inches. I think tailbone for me (my goal) is about 40 inches whcih should take about another year.
For all it worth, I really envy you guys who are taller. I feel so small around everybody, even though I wasn't the shortest girl in class.
August 7th, 2009, 10:00 AM
I'm somewhere between waist and tailbone. Why is the waist-to-tailbone stretch so long? I think I've got about 6 inches to go, so I may be there by next summer.
August 9th, 2009, 11:35 AM
I'm now an inch from tailbone and I had hit hip back in March. I would be closer, but I trimmed off 1/4" of sad looking ends a couple of months ago. I figure it'll take another 4 months or so to be solidly at tailbone. That *had* been my goal, but no thanks to the Elling Bog Woman's really neat hairstyle, I want another foot past tailbone. I can do that style at this length, but the bunned part is puny so it'll take another foot to really carry it off. I just uploaded a new length photo in my profile photos, but since my shirt is pulled down its hard to see the landmark. Perhaps a nekkid length shot? *giggling*
August 9th, 2009, 05:25 PM
I'm just about at hip (I think), making my way towards TB. I'm another one who experienced a stall at waist. I thought for sure I'd reached terminal! Then one day it just started growing again. I'm doing micro-trims now and then, so I'm not sure how fast I'll get there, but that's okay-- I'm not in any rush. Waist was my first big goal and as long as I hover somewhere between that and TB, I'm happy!
I have noticed updos are getting harder. I'll have to try some of the suggestions mentioned here-- thanks for those!
August 9th, 2009, 09:25 PM
I am trapped in a terrible long waist void. I feel like my hair has stopped growing, but I know I haven't hit terminal.
I really hope it just picks up and starts growing again.
August 13th, 2009, 03:26 PM
I have been stuck between waist and TB for a long time. I just keep hoping that it will grow, but I have serious breakage. Recently I have been doing S&D whenever I have a little time hoping that will help combat the breakage. Now it's just a waiting I have a postpartum shed to look forward to after I have my baby in Dec.
August 13th, 2009, 05:02 PM
I *must* be getting closer to tailbone, but it sure doesn't feel like it!! I will have to take an updated length shot soon, since it has been a-g-e-s since the last one... almost a year, in fact.
Come on, hair.... You can do it!
August 13th, 2009, 08:39 PM
Heck, I'll sign up. I may as well.
August 14th, 2009, 07:13 AM
My hair felt really wonderful (long, straight and shiny) yesterday after some coney CWC and I decided to "admire" my length with a mirror. Well, it was both good news and bad news... The good news is that the right side of my hair is just half an inch above tailbone (yay!) but the bad news is that the left side is still barely at hip! This is so frustrating!:brickwall Why my hair has to grow so unevenly! It's always been like this and I used to trim the right side to match the left but I'm not going to do that anymore. I mean, what's the point!? It's going to look like this again in a couple of months...:( Sorry I'm venting, I should be happy that at least one side of my hair is growing!:D
sana junaid
August 17th, 2009, 05:09 AM
i will reached tailbone length in coming year ...
August 17th, 2009, 07:01 AM
Anyone know if there's a thread for tailbone to classic? :)
I'm lurking in this thread, seeing what I have to look forward to once I (hopefully) reach waist by the end of the year.
I just wanted to say what beautiful progress you've made from 2004-2009! It looks to me like your hair grows fast! :cheese:
August 17th, 2009, 07:20 AM
I felt that my hair was going to be stranded just above waist for ever. Since joining LHC and changing a few of my routines my hair has finally started growing again. I have now past waist (currently 34 inches) and am hopefully on my way to tailbone.:)
August 17th, 2009, 09:04 AM
I'm starting to feel like a longhair. I'm not at my goal yet, and not at a length I consider long, but in a month so I'll be noting my 1sy anniversary in LHC and it made me reflect on how long was my hair when I joined. I roughly added 5"-6" (and microtrimmed some) to my shorter layer, which was BSLish then and solidly past waist now. Suddenly LONG! :D
I'm starting to really enjoy my length, as it gets further and further away from what I used to have for years, and I hope you all do the same. :D
August 21st, 2009, 11:21 PM
The mean thing is that I have such a long body that I'm only just at waist with 35 inches. I'm always really jealous when I read that other people have waist-length hair with 30 inches. I think tailbone for me (my goal) is about 40 inches whcih should take about another year.
Ooh, I'm with you...I can barely claim waist with 35 inches (measured from front hairline at forehead), and my goal of tb is at least 40. But it's just as much hair, wherever it lands, right?
August 21st, 2009, 11:45 PM
I've tried measuring the goal points on different days, and I know I am not growing or shrinking, and I get a margin of error of about 1-2". I think it depends on how tall I'm standing (meaning, whether or not I am tired!) and how I'm holding the tape. "BSL" can depend on the bra. I just got rid of a couple really annoying bras that sort of...crept vertically up my back. In addition to being uncomfortable they were screwing up my efforts to get an accurate read on my hair length. I have enough problems with the humidity in the air, for pete's sake ;)
August 22nd, 2009, 12:11 AM
I knew this thread existed! Here are my own progress pics.
This was taken on June 26th of 2008. I left my hair to grow untrimmed (not even S&D) for over 18 months, hence my fairy ends.
This was taken a year later on July 14th 2009. I have had two dustings since, one just before Christmas and one on Feb 2nd of this year. They both helped to re-introduce a straight hemline to my back.
August 22nd, 2009, 12:10 PM
Holy crap Eric--your hair grow FAST!
August 22nd, 2009, 01:38 PM
Wow! Looking great, Eric! :thumbsup:
Hi, everyone! (
I am at just about hip length, on my way to tailbone.
To the people with a long top half, I am just the opposite. I am at hip at only 31" and waist on me is like 24" or 25"!
From hip and beyond, I have a long way to travel to reach goals...I have a long heinie! :p
This is my latest length shot:
August 22nd, 2009, 01:45 PM
The good news is that the right side of my hair is just half an inch above tailbone (yay!) but the bad news is that the left side is still barely at hip!
Mine does this, too! Very annoying. :D
I just recently trimmed an inch off the right side to try and even things up a bit. I think a couple of my album pics show the weird diagonal I had going on. Silly hair. :p I'm not doing it anymore either, since my varying wave pattern makes it look uneven at the hemline from day to day anyway. :shrug:
August 22nd, 2009, 05:03 PM
ericthegreat, your hair does grow very fast, & I'm jealous that it is the same in all weather and climates for you ;)
hootietoot, looks like hip length to me--and your avatar pic cracks me up!
August 22nd, 2009, 05:07 PM
^^^ It cracks me up, too.
I had to start using this username on forums just because I wanted to use that pic as an avatar.
August 22nd, 2009, 09:47 PM
ericthegreat, your hair does grow very fast, & I'm jealous that it is the same in all weather and climates for you ;)
hootietoot, looks like hip length to me--and your avatar pic cracks me up!
LMAO, Chinese hair is both a blessing and sometimes a curse. :p No, I pretty much never suffer from frizz(don't hate me its just the way God made me!) and my hair is shiny and straight even coming soaking wet out of the shower. However, my hair also has trouble holding curls and waves unless I use a blow dryer, a curling iron, mousse and a strong holding hairspray. You curlies actually have the best of both worlds, with a professional blowout you can go straight, and you can always fall back on your natural waves and curls when you wet your hair!
August 23rd, 2009, 02:32 AM
LMAO, Chinese hair is both a blessing and sometimes a curse. :p No, I pretty much never suffer from frizz(don't hate me its just the way God made me!) and my hair is shiny and straight even coming soaking wet out of the shower. However, my hair also has trouble holding curls and waves unless I use a blow dryer, a curling iron, mousse and a strong holding hairspray. You curlies actually have the best of both worlds, with a professional blowout you can go straight, and you can always fall back on your natural waves and curls when you wet your hair!
Ack, I'd want to disagree on that but then we'll start beating a dead horse. :horse:
Every type has it's own preks, and it's not like we chose our hair, it pretty much chose us, so all we can do is make it work and try not to think too much about the greener grass of the neighbor.
August 23rd, 2009, 02:39 AM
I'm joining in. I'm at waist with my 30 inches (see profile picture) and I always thought I would stay at hip, but now I'm seriously doubting to grow it tailbonelength.
It was fun to be in every group, shoulder to APL, from APL to BSL and from BSL to waist. So this is my final step in my journey... Getting kind of sad in a way :o
August 23rd, 2009, 11:51 AM
Anyone else taking forever to get to tailbone? It's been my goal forever, but I've been hovering around hip for maybe 2-3 years! :( I have to keep trimming to thicken up my hair and prevent spilts since my hair is so fine. Sometimes I wonder if I'll never get there! Wah!
August 23rd, 2009, 12:15 PM
Anyone else taking forever to get to tailbone? It's been my goal forever, but I've been hovering around hip for maybe 2-3 years! :( I have to keep trimming to thicken up my hair and prevent spilts since my hair is so fine. Sometimes I wonder if I'll never get there! Wah!
Maybe you were cutting more than your hair grows?
August 23rd, 2009, 12:41 PM
I could use a trim but have decided to wait until I reach tailbone and then do a microtrim. Meanwhile, its S&D. I'm wary of a real trim now because my hair doesn't grow that fast.
August 23rd, 2009, 12:57 PM
I just admired my hair in the mirror (:p), and it's hip curly! tee-hee!
August 23rd, 2009, 01:06 PM
Maybe you were cutting more than your hair grows?
Yep exactly, and I don't have fast growth to begin with. But if I didn't trim it's so fine I think it would have broken anyway! But now I am on catnip and it seems to be helping already so I'm really hoping I will finally make it to TB.. probably I shouldn't trim until I reach TB!! My hair is thicker at the ends than it's ever been so at least that's something :) Only 3" to go...!!
August 23rd, 2009, 01:07 PM
You know, hip curly probably equates to tailbone stretched. :D
August 23rd, 2009, 01:14 PM
Yep exactly, and I don't have fast growth to begin with. But if I didn't trim it's so fine I think it would have broken anyway! But now I am on catnip and it seems to be helping already so I'm really hoping I will finally make it to TB.. probably I shouldn't trim until I reach TB!! My hair is thicker at the ends than it's ever been so at least that's something :) Only 3" to go...!!
I'm glad you feel it works for you. I was fooled by a hairdresser to think I absolutely have to trim every two months. Right before I joined LHC I figured my ends are still intact and went on 3 months without trimming, then 4, then 5... And suddenly my hair begun to grow!
You know, hip curly probably equates to tailbone stretched. :D
Not on me... TBL (or at least what I see as tailbone length) is around 39" on me. I'm 35" now when stretched. BUT - I'm almost BCL stretched! :D
August 23rd, 2009, 03:03 PM
I am almost at tailbone, but I trimmed yesterday because my ends were feeling tangly. Ahhh, so much better and softer now! Onward and downward!
August 24th, 2009, 07:47 AM
I am joining in currently at waist and headed to tailbone:)
My hair has such fairytale ends after three years of growing and a few trims:) I have to wait for it catch up with itself.
August 24th, 2009, 08:57 AM
You keep your hair in great condition DarkChocolate, don't worry I'm sure with continued great care and just a few dustings you can achieve both longer hair and thicker ends. :)
August 24th, 2009, 10:21 AM
Thanks Eric! I think the coconut oil and honey treatments have really helped:)
August 28th, 2009, 02:39 PM
Hrm... I need some help guys. My hair just brushes my hip bones in the front, so I *think* I'm at "hip" length - right?
What is the difference between hip and tailbone? I had thought tailbone would be, well, at the tailbone halfway down the.. um.. right next to the... well... you know.
Is that right? (both questions I guess) :D
August 28th, 2009, 02:42 PM
Yes. And yes.
August 28th, 2009, 02:47 PM
I hear you all, o how I hear you. I'm stuck between hip and tb forever it seems. I'm at 91 cm or 35.8", and it my hair is creeping very very slowly downwards. Tailbone is my first goal...
By writing here, surely I must be advancing my hairgrowth and reach my goaler faster...? :D
August 28th, 2009, 03:20 PM
By writing here, surely I must be advancing my hairgrowth and reach my goaler faster...? :D
By lurking here where I haven't earned my place yet, I know my hair is growing faster. I looked at it today. Trust me.
August 28th, 2009, 03:41 PM
I'm checking in, it's solid waist now.
Indigo Girl
August 28th, 2009, 04:41 PM
I'm joining in. I'm at waist with my 30 inches (see profile picture) and I always thought I would stay at hip, but now I'm seriously doubting to grow it tailbonelength.
Hiya Phally! Nice to see you on here. My initial goal when I first joined was hip, and now I'm trying to get to tailbone too. I'm at "can I call this tailbone?" length now; I'm going to try and post a recent pic this weekend to get some feedback.
Anyone else taking forever to get to tailbone?
Me! I seem to be stuck in no man's land between hip and tailbone; my hair really hasn't grown much in a year.
I'm wondering if this is terminal for me; I hope not! :(
I hear you all, o how I hear you. I'm stuck between hip and tb forever it seems.
Yep! Me too ~
October 12th, 2009, 04:44 PM
I am joining this thread. I just graduated from BSL to Waist thread :D
October 12th, 2009, 05:03 PM
I am worried I will never make it to tailbone. I've had a really scary shed as of late, and my hair doesnt seem to be growing. I should probably ignore it as much as possible. Once again I am trapped in the wasteland between waist and hip.....
October 12th, 2009, 05:06 PM
I am worried I will never make it to tailbone. I've had a really scary shed as of late, and my hair doesnt seem to be growing. I should probably ignore it as much as possible. Once again I am trapped in the wasteland between waist and hip.....
Quite a few people here are going through bad sheds. I am also worried about my hemline thinning to much..sigh
October 12th, 2009, 05:47 PM
Congrats on your graduation, Lora! :D
Don't fret, ladies. We'll all get there! :flowers:
October 12th, 2009, 06:13 PM
I'm joining, too! Watching my hair grow is like watching water boil! I'm at waist, anxiously awaiting hip and tailbone!!
October 12th, 2009, 06:16 PM
I still think you're already at hip, Frisky. :D If not, you're awfully close.
October 12th, 2009, 06:22 PM
I'm aaallllmosst at waist, after a trim that didn't go "as planned" -_- and I'm growing to hip, maybe longer. Can't wait until I can officially join this thread! Arg! :pirate:
October 12th, 2009, 11:08 PM
below wasit&tailbone guess you will be reaching it
October 13th, 2009, 06:38 AM
How long does it take to grow from waist to hip, and from hip to tailbone?
October 13th, 2009, 06:48 AM
^^^It depends on how long you are and how fast your hair grows. :D
I'm short and have a short upper body, so it doesn't take me long at all to get to hip. After that, it takes longer. :) My hair grows about the average of 1/2" per month...sometimes more, sometimes less.
October 13th, 2009, 07:03 AM
I think I'm at waist too...
For the second time - had to trim back to midback, because my end were... really dead. *g*
No I've done all of the trimming and am waiting to reach greater lengths. :)
It will take the time it needs. *sigh*
Maybe 1-1.5 years to hip for me... ^^ Sometimes it's bad to be tall AND have slow growth.. :/
Well, we will see. :)
October 13th, 2009, 04:41 PM
I'm at "can I call this tailbone?" length now; I'm going to try and post a recent pic this weekend to get some feedback.
Indigo Girl, did you ever post said pic, and can I see it? :D . I'm sort of peeping through the bars of BSL to Waist, out at all you kids here playing in the green green grass of Waist to Tailbone :p:o
I know I know. I should enjoy the journey.
Slinks off to spy on the Tailbone to Classic thread...
October 13th, 2009, 05:08 PM
I have a feeling I'm going to be at waist for a bit now, I'm about to enter a more stressful life situation, with less sleep than is ideal, at least for a few months.
I'm also not sure what the water is going to be like, whether it will be hard or soft, or whats in it. New adventure indeed.
I'm planning my next trim for March, it'll be a whole year without any trims/cuts. Not that I planned that, I was just lazy, and then I realized that March isn't all that far away. Maybe two inches, try to get rid of some taper. Hopefully that will put me out at hip. I want to make it to at least hip before my trim.
Indigo Girl
October 13th, 2009, 06:10 PM
Hiya MsBubbles!
No, I have not gotten around to posting the pic...:oops:
But that's because I keep forgetting to borrow my sister's camera when I'm at her house. Though I plan on doing a cassia treatment at some point this week, and will make sure I get her to take a pic afterwards (she helps me cassia, bless her, otherwise I tend to make a mess out of it all).
And I actually, finally hit tailbone! This hair thing is addicting though, because now I'd like to try and make it to classic. :D
Either way, I'll post a pic here by this weekend. ;)
Indigo Girl, did you ever post said pic, and can I see it? :D . I'm sort of peeping through the bars of BSL to Waist, out at all you kids here playing in the green green grass of Waist to Tailbone :p:o
I know I know. I should enjoy the journey.
Slinks off to spy on the Tailbone to Classic thread...
October 13th, 2009, 07:05 PM
I'm solidly at hip right now, and I'm guessing that I'll be at tb in about 6 to 8 months (at least, I hope!).
Whatever length my hair is, it always feels too short.:p
October 13th, 2009, 07:09 PM
^^^I heard that! :D
October 13th, 2009, 07:15 PM
I still think you're already at hip, Frisky. :D If not, you're awfully close.
Really???? (((Jumping up and down!!))) :cheese: :cheese: :cheese:
October 13th, 2009, 07:25 PM
Yes, really! :laugh:
Hip is right at the top of your hipbones, and it looks like it's there to me. Is it?
Indigo Girl
October 13th, 2009, 07:30 PM
Yes, really! :laugh:
Hip is right at the top of your hipbones, and it looks like it's there to me. Is it?
You are definitely at hip! :D
October 13th, 2009, 07:39 PM
Yes, really! :laugh:
Hip is right at the top of your hipbones, and it looks like it's there to me. Is it?
It's like 1/2" away. Next month for sure!!! WhhhoooooHooooo!!! :cheese: I'm almost at hip length, I'm almost at hip length...:cheese:
October 13th, 2009, 07:42 PM
LOL! Congrats!!! :D How about that? Waist to almost hip in about 5 minutes! :laugh:
October 13th, 2009, 07:54 PM
I think I'm like 1-2 inches away (the pic in my profile is a bit old). So I should be able to reach this goal by... 2010? :)
October 13th, 2009, 08:02 PM
LOL! Congrats!!! :D How about that? Waist to almost hip in about 5 minutes! :laugh:
Heck yeah!! That's some growin'!
October 15th, 2009, 03:39 AM
I am very close to waist now.. I'll be watching closely, waiting to join in :D
October 15th, 2009, 04:13 AM
there are more people than I thought who are heading towards tailbone! I'm right between hip and TB right now, I would guess I have 2-3 inches left. But I have noticed I 'm getting a lot of split ends lately! Grr.
October 15th, 2009, 10:12 AM
it seems i'm stuck somewhere between waist and hip ever since i joined lhc in feb 2009 i think, each time it reaches hip, my hairs are thin and split and i trim back to waist. now i'm hip+ but i urgently need a trim. I wonder if i will get out of this phase ever!
October 15th, 2009, 10:29 AM
Have you tried to trim only a tiny litte bit? Every month or so, but less then your growthrate is. ^^
October 16th, 2009, 07:20 PM
OK, a new length pic - I did a cassia treatment today and....I really am at hip!! Eureka!!
October 16th, 2009, 08:34 PM
AWESOME!!! :cheer: Congrats, Frisky!
And may I give you one of these? :thud: What a lovely head of hair!
October 16th, 2009, 09:56 PM
Still growing...
October 17th, 2009, 04:36 AM
Still growing...
Still at hip... :neutral:
October 17th, 2009, 08:28 AM
I can finally join you guys!!! I am so excited. I have finally reached waist:) YEAH!!!....Have you noticed hair looks longer on skinnier people?? I am 60 or so pounds over weight and well someone with my same length hair, height etc seems to have longer hair...hmmm motivation to diet. A friend of mine is naturally just a skinny person ( envy) and her hair seems so much longer...sigh...
October 17th, 2009, 10:08 AM
I can finally join you guys!!! I am so excited. I have finally reached waist:) YEAH!!!....Have you noticed hair looks longer on skinnier people?? I am 60 or so pounds over weight and well someone with my same length hair, height etc seems to have longer hair...hmmm motivation to diet. A friend of mine is naturally just a skinny person ( envy) and her hair seems so much longer...sigh...
Don't forget that (especially waist length) hair tends to look longer on others, regardless the weight. ;)
October 17th, 2009, 10:11 AM
Absolutely!! I still see myself going "wow her hair is long" and then when I take a rational look it usually is "only" BSL :lol:
So.. mine is longer and I don't even see it!
October 17th, 2009, 10:21 AM
I can finally join you guys!!! I am so excited. I have finally reached waist:) YEAH!!!....Have you noticed hair looks longer on skinnier people?? I am 60 or so pounds over weight and well someone with my same length hair, height etc seems to have longer hair...hmmm motivation to diet. A friend of mine is naturally just a skinny person ( envy) and her hair seems so much longer...sigh...
I don't belong here yet...but congrats on reaching waist! I agree that on me at least, I look like I have more hair when I have less waist. :) and having hair on the thin side, I'm all for making it look like I have more. :p
sneaks back to BSL to Waist thread
October 17th, 2009, 11:27 AM
I know. It always looks longer somewhere else. People are always saying "wow your hair is so long!" and I'm like really? I think it's kinda short. Perhaps when it brushes my butt I will think it's long *SIGH*
October 17th, 2009, 02:12 PM
You know.. when I made that signature picture and saw it, it felt long. Now I am about a month maybe two away from waist and I go.. long? Nah. :rolleyes:
I guess it'll never feel long to me, unless I start sitting on it or something...
October 17th, 2009, 02:15 PM
Can't wait to get to TB. <3
October 17th, 2009, 02:19 PM
My deal is that my waist, hips and tailbone almost run into each other!! LOL! I guess that's sort of a good thing....! :D
Indigo Girl
October 17th, 2009, 04:04 PM
I know. It always looks longer somewhere else. People are always saying "wow your hair is so long!" and I'm like really? I think it's kinda short. Perhaps when it brushes my butt I will think it's long *SIGH*
You know.. when I made that signature picture and saw it, it felt long. Now I am about a month maybe two away from waist and I go.. long? Nah. :rolleyes:
I guess it'll never feel long to me, unless I start sitting on it or something...
Same here. I get a lot of comments from people telling me my hair is so long, and it doesn't feel long at all. Perhaps because it's thin, too.
October 17th, 2009, 07:40 PM
Oh yay, I wondered if there was a thread like this somewhere. Tailbone will be my next milestone on the way to classic! Waist feels way too short to me, too.
October 17th, 2009, 10:30 PM
I REALLY don't think it's fair that I am tall, wurly/curly AND my hair grows slow, do you?:(
*goes to sulk somewhere*
October 17th, 2009, 10:43 PM
I REALLY don't think it's fair that I am tall, wurly/curly AND my hair grows slow, do you?:(
*goes to sulk somewhere*
aaaawww, c'mere and give us a hug! :grouphug:
October 18th, 2009, 04:22 PM
I REALLY don't think it's fair that I am tall, wurly/curly AND my hair grows slow, do you?:(
*goes to sulk somewhere*
It's the same for me too...
Well: really long hair will look much more impressive on tall women... especially if it's wurly and curly. ;)
Btw: I really love your hair. :D
Indigo Girl
October 18th, 2009, 08:06 PM
I finally got my sister to take a pic while I was at her house today, and I am so completely bummed with the result. I know I have been going through a *massive* shed due to awfully high levels of job stress since July, but I had no idea how bad the effects of it really were.
Now I really don't know whether to cut off about 4-5 inches from the end, or just hope it improves and fills out on its own. :(
This is from April of this year (please excuse the diagonal ficcare mark):
And this was taken today: :(
Note the complete difference in the ends and in the fullness. I'm really bothered by this. :cry:
October 18th, 2009, 08:53 PM
Well maybe I'm just not that familiar with how your hemline looked before, Indigogirl, ...but it still looks very pretty to me:). The slight thinness around the hemline at the very ends will probably go away if you maintain for a while, imo. Shedding is such a pain, though, and I'm sorry you've got all that stress, plus the added stress of a shed.
I guess that's the trouble with 1a/F hair... the slightest difference is so noticeable to us (even though it might not be to everybody else).
On a positive note, though, your hair thickness still passes the patterned shirt test! And the shine...oh wow!
October 18th, 2009, 08:57 PM
I finally got my sister to take a pic while I was at her house today, and I am so completely bummed with the result. I know I have been going through a *massive* shed due to awfully high levels of job stress since July, but I had no idea how bad the effects of it really were.
Now I really don't know whether to cut off about 4-5 inches from the end, or just hope it improves and fills out on its own. :(
This is from April of this year (please excuse the diagonal ficcare mark):
And this was taken today: :(
Note the complete difference in the ends and in the fullness. I'm really bothered by this. :cry:
Wow, your hair is really pretty!
October 18th, 2009, 08:59 PM
I REALLY don't think it's fair that I am tall, wurly/curly AND my hair grows slow, do you?:(
*goes to sulk somewhere*
...and I really love your hair, too, Curlsgirl!! :D
October 18th, 2009, 09:35 PM
aaaawww, c'mere and give us a hug! :grouphug:Awwwwwwwwwww!!!! :D All better!
It's the same for me too...
Well: really long hair will look much more impressive on tall women... especially if it's wurly and curly. ;)
Btw: I really love your hair. :DThanks!!! :love:
...and I really love your hair, too, Curlsgirl!! :DThanks!!! :love:
Indigo Girl
October 18th, 2009, 10:59 PM
Thank you MsBubbles and friskybiznus, your feedback and encouragement really means a lot to me right now. :flower:
~ *:blossom: * ~
October 18th, 2009, 11:33 PM
Your hair does look gorgeous, IndigoGirl. Sorry about the shed, but it still looks fantastic and healthy. I agree with Ms.Bubbles...if you maintain for a little while and just do tiny trims, I bet you'll be back to full thickness in no time. :flowers: Don't chop it off.
October 19th, 2009, 10:39 AM
I REALLY don't think it's fair that I am tall, wurly/curly AND my hair grows slow, do you?:(
*goes to sulk somewhere*
Hear, hear. :nono:
Think about it though, you are right now where I was probably few months after joining, and I trimmed half of my growth over this year, so you'll be where I am in what? Half a year? :flower:
I finally got my sister to take a pic while I was at her house today, and I am so completely bummed with the result. I know I have been going through a *massive* shed due to awfully high levels of job stress since July, but I had no idea how bad the effects of it really were.
Now I really don't know whether to cut off about 4-5 inches from the end, or just hope it improves and fills out on its own. :(
This is from April of this year (please excuse the diagonal ficcare mark):
And this was taken today: :(
Note the complete difference in the ends and in the fullness. I'm really bothered by this. :cry:
The dark top could be hiding more than you think, but hang in there! I have 5.5" of damaged tapered layered thin ends due for a trim as well, so you're not alone. And my hemline looks much worse, trust me :flower:
October 19th, 2009, 10:54 AM
Indigogirl, I think your hair looks great. Yes, it's thinner at the end, but what I see in the 2 pictures is a LOT of new length, and in both I see beautiful, healthy, shiny hair. I hope you don't feel the need to cut off all that new growth. If you maintain your current length I'm sure you'll see the hemline thickening up really soon. The U-shape is very nice, too.
October 19th, 2009, 10:55 AM
:cheese: I think I can finally join you all finally!!!
October 19th, 2009, 11:11 AM
WooHooo! Welcome aboard, Cherry_Sprinkle! I love your new siggy! :flowers:
October 19th, 2009, 11:26 AM
:cheese: I think I can finally join you all finally!!!
Yaay!!! I love your hair! Very pretty!
October 19th, 2009, 11:43 AM
Thank you everyone! :flower:
October 19th, 2009, 04:23 PM
aww wish I could join *tut* but give me another few months and I will be with you!
Indigo Girl
October 19th, 2009, 05:59 PM
Your hair does look gorgeous, IndigoGirl. Sorry about the shed, but it still looks fantastic and healthy. I agree with Ms.Bubbles...if you maintain for a little while and just do tiny trims, I bet you'll be back to full thickness in no time. :flowers: Don't chop it off.
Thank you hootietoot, for your kind words. :bluesmile
I think I will wait a bit and see...I always wear it up anyways (which is why I didn't notice this before). I appreciate your thoughts. :flowers:
The dark top could be hiding more than you think, but hang in there! I have 5.5" of damaged tapered layered thin ends due for a trim as well, so you're not alone. And my hemline looks much worse, trust me :flower:
Thank you for the support, Heidi_234. :flower:
Indigogirl, I think your hair looks great. Yes, it's thinner at the end, but what I see in the 2 pictures is a LOT of new length, and in both I see beautiful, healthy, shiny hair. I hope you don't feel the need to cut off all that new growth. If you maintain your current length I'm sure you'll see the hemline thickening up really soon. The U-shape is very nice, too.
Thank you, frodolaughs. Your comments cheered me up. :flower:
Indigo Girl
October 19th, 2009, 06:00 PM
:cheese: I think I can finally join you all finally!!!
Welcome, Cherry_Sprinkle! :flower:
It's nice to see you on this thread as well. :bluesmile
October 20th, 2009, 07:53 PM
Am I there yet? :D
October 21st, 2009, 01:18 PM
I'm glad to have found this thread. I hit waist several months back and am now slowly creeping towards tailbone. I made it to hip length when straight a few weeks ago. (My hair loses an inch or two with bun/braid wave which it normally has anytime other than just after washday.) Then I decided yesterday to trim my ends, which means my hair looks and feels better but is now just shy of hip.
Not certain how many more inches I have to go to reach tailbone as I've never measured, but I'm hoping to achieve it sometime in the next 6 months to a year.
October 21st, 2009, 06:01 PM
Still at hip... :neutral:
Still at hip straight but no where near waist curly :confused:
October 22nd, 2009, 11:39 AM
Still at hip straight but no where near waist curly :confused:
No, I'm actually solidly waist curly now (sometimes longer). Graduated the BSL-to-waist thread :happydance:
November 9th, 2009, 06:38 PM
I haven't taken a back of the head photo since July (I made a pact with myself not to do it until December) but I think I am getting closer to hip! I've been at this cursed inbetween stage for about a year. I keep cutting back and regrowing.
November 9th, 2009, 10:08 PM
I haven't taken a back of the head photo since July (I made a pact with myself not to do it until December) but I think I am getting closer to hip! I've been at this cursed inbetween stage for about a year. I keep cutting back and regrowing.
Yes, it's very close to hip! And it is very pretty, too!! :)
November 9th, 2009, 10:36 PM
I don't think I've seen this thread before.
Hi all :waving:
November 9th, 2009, 10:41 PM
I don't think I've seen this thread before.
Hi all :waving:
:flower: Hi ! Welcome !!
November 9th, 2009, 10:56 PM
I officially made tailbone a few weeks ago...I reached the top of the gluteal cleft. :D Now I'm working on the last 12 inches to goal length.
November 9th, 2009, 11:34 PM
Thanks for the welcome. :)
Congrats on reaching the tailbone milestone, Qamar.
I have like 2 1/2" left. I measured using a xs flexi-8. :p Actually, tailbone was my original goal when i started coming here.
November 11th, 2009, 11:07 AM
Hey guys,
I thought I would pop in here. I am new to the forums. My hair is currently at hip legnth which I measured to be 35.5 inches. I am shooting for the eventual goal of clasic. My current routine is S&C about twice a week but it seems I have quite a bit of room for improvement. But i look forward to learning all sorts of tips and tricks to help keep my hair healthy and growing.
November 11th, 2009, 01:45 PM
Hey guys,
I thought I would pop in here. I am new to the forums. My hair is currently at hip legnth which I measured to be 35.5 inches. I am shooting for the eventual goal of clasic. My current routine is S&C about twice a week but it seems I have quite a bit of room for improvement. But i look forward to learning all sorts of tips and tricks to help keep my hair healthy and growing.
Welcome to LHC! You're going to love it here and learn so much. I lerked these boards for 2 years before I finally made a profile. Silly huh? Oh! There is also a thread for tailbone to classic. It sounds like that's more where you are. Maybe I'll be joining you as I think I may have reached tailbone (finally!).
November 11th, 2009, 03:15 PM
Hey guys,
I thought I would pop in here. I am new to the forums. My hair is currently at hip legnth which I measured to be 35.5 inches. I am shooting for the eventual goal of clasic. My current routine is S&C about twice a week but it seems I have quite a bit of room for improvement. But i look forward to learning all sorts of tips and tricks to help keep my hair healthy and growing.
Hi and welcome!! This is an awesome site - you will learn so much cool stuff! Looking forward to seeing you around the boards! :D
November 11th, 2009, 03:24 PM
Grow! Grow! Grow!
Why aren't I there yet? Oh, I guess I'll have a taco in the meantime.
November 11th, 2009, 08:19 PM
Thanks for the welcome. Yea I plan on moving to the tb to classic one soon. I think I am about an inch or so away from tb. I have been growing without a purpose up till now. and seeing some of the haircare things I never would have thought of (oiling etc..) Well this here is just a whole nother animal of hair growing. But I am super excited to learn about all these new things and I am sure my hair will thank me. I've already added oiling into my routine and am trying to let go of some of the bad habits a lifetime of hair ignorance has bred. Least I am probably not a bad offender in the way of hair abuse. No heat treating ever and always brushing from the bottom up.
November 22nd, 2009, 09:35 AM
I'm on the way to tailbone too... I have such a long trunk, it feel like it's been ages since I was at waist. Tailbone for me is something like 37.5 in, and classical 45 in. Is this normal?
November 22nd, 2009, 10:34 AM
I'm on the way to tailbone too... I have such a long trunk, it feel like it's been ages since I was at waist. Tailbone for me is something like 37.5 in, and classical 45 in. Is this normal?
Tailbone is about 38" on me, classic is approx 44". I've got a skinny butt :p
November 22nd, 2009, 02:39 PM
Hi I'm also new, and my hair is currently just past my waist at 28ins. (I'm tall and long bodied not always a good combination ;))
Wanting to grow my hair to 36ins, not too long and not too short as I put my hair up a lot. My hubby says 3ft is a nice round number so who am I to argue :p
I use Coconut Oil on my length the night before I wash my hair and I Shampoo & Condition once to twice a week.
I need to find a nice oil/shampoo/conditioner or deep treatment for my ends which are really dry, any suggestions.
November 23rd, 2009, 08:38 AM
Hi I'm also new, and my hair is currently just past my waist at 28ins. (I'm tall and long bodied not always a good combination ;))
Wanting to grow my hair to 36ins, not too long and not too short as I put my hair up a lot. My hubby says 3ft is a nice round number so who am I to argue :p
I use Coconut Oil on my length the night before I wash my hair and I Shampoo & Condition once to twice a week.
I need to find a nice oil/shampoo/conditioner or deep treatment for my ends which are really dry, any suggestions.
36" is where I am right now (actually I haven't measured in a while). As for your request for a good depp treatment, do a search on the board for "SMT" for some great info on one of everyone's fav treatments here at LHC.
November 25th, 2009, 02:33 AM
So if my hair is sort of at "so can I call this tailbone" when wet, does that count? :p
November 25th, 2009, 10:23 AM
I would say it does Hilde. :)
November 25th, 2009, 11:57 AM
Hey Celelu My measurements are pretty much exactly the same as u so i am gonna say that its normal lol least for us.
November 25th, 2009, 01:57 PM
I made it!!! I'm here!!! I've been stalking this thread for ages, hoping for the day that I can be part of it.
Yay for me! :)
November 25th, 2009, 02:51 PM
Welcome over here, Bene! :)
November 27th, 2009, 09:31 AM
Welcome Bene :D
I'm ~ 36", which is probably "can I call it BCL?" length on me. It's 0.5 cm shy from the length I can before my big 2" trim. Yay! Grow hair grow :cheer:
November 27th, 2009, 12:35 PM
My hairgrowth has speeded up lately (or maybe less breakage..?).:) I've got about one inch to go and I'm solid tailbone!:cheese:
November 27th, 2009, 03:30 PM
Hi! I jump right in, this is where I am at, growing from waist to TB. I have about 9 cm left when my hair is pulled straight, so maybe 15 cm until I am there with my curls. I cant wait!:cheer:
November 27th, 2009, 03:33 PM
Hi! I jump right in, this is where I am at, growing from waist to TB. I have about 9 cm left when my hair is pulled straight, so maybe 15 cm until I am there with my curls. I cant wait!:cheer:
That's awesome! Congrats!:cheese::cool:
November 27th, 2009, 11:45 PM
I made it!!! I'm here!!! I've been stalking this thread for ages, hoping for the day that I can be part of it.
Yay for me! :)
Beautiful hair!!! :o I stalk this thread too. :p
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