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August 28th, 2011, 02:06 PM
I don't have split ends. I'm not really sure why its getting harder to manage my hair. It might be the weather though. It has been over 100 most of the time. And it dod get to 111 a week and a half ago. But I don't go outside much at all. Maybe the ac is doing it? My hair is pretty soft. I'm just noticing more tangles at this point. Does anyone know a good detangler that wont weigh hair down? I guess I was just wondering if others aproaching tbl had more issues with tangles.

August 31st, 2011, 01:21 PM

most current hair pic and I'm lovin this length! :cheer:
Wow I love that braid, mine is about that thickness with all my hair there:(

I don't have split ends. I'm not really sure why its getting harder to manage my hair. It might be the weather though. It has been over 100 most of the time. And it dod get to 111 a week and a half ago. But I don't go outside much at all. Maybe the ac is doing it? My hair is pretty soft. I'm just noticing more tangles at this point. Does anyone know a good detangler that wont weigh hair down? I guess I was just wondering if others aproaching tbl had more issues with tangles.

I find that when you can't brush/comb your hair in one stroke, that's when it tangles from combing like that. I flip my hair upside down and comb it like that, and usually out it up to get more volume. I don't have to comb it when I put it down after. If you feel that it still tangles a lot you might want to try clarifying, since your ends are older and might "collect" the product more than the rest of the length. I use a regular seamless wide toothed comb, and ditched a brush a while ago, stopped brushing/combing wet after BSL, and always start combing out my ends first and move up.

August 31st, 2011, 02:08 PM
I'm between waist and tailbone :) finally after 3 years.


I took this picture this morning to see where I was. I'm 3 days since my last wash so my hair is kinda dull looking- and I'm growing out layers- but I think I might be almost hip...maybe. lol not sure where hip is :p

August 31st, 2011, 09:41 PM
My hair after a very small trim it was probably about a half of an inch. My other pic was from the begining of the summer I think im getting closer to tail bone.. some of you might notice that I do have about 3-4 inches of damage/thin ends :( I dunno what I should do about that.. I dont want to cut off 4 inches!! Im just being really careful. I just took it out of a french braid normally my hair is very straight...
http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/1238/dsc00539yo.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/220/dsc00539yo.jpg/)

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September 1st, 2011, 12:47 AM
Thanks artsy. I didn't really think about flipping it over. I haven't read much on clarifying. Is it necessary when you don't use a lot of hair products? I don't think I have used any hair spray this year. I guess that I will have to read more. :). And the long hair pictures in this thread are beautiful! When I can get online through a computer rather than my mobile device I plan on adding a photo too! Long pretty hair makes me feel like a princess.

September 10th, 2011, 06:19 PM
My hair had such glorious braidwaves today that I just had to take a picture! And it did not really hurt that I was going downtown today, which would also give me a wonderful opportunity to tease the flatiron salespersons with my length and waviness! :D (Not that braidwaves ever last in my hair!)
This is Day 3 hair - wash day is tomorrow, and I suppose it would have looked better up... :p

September 10th, 2011, 06:20 PM
My hair after a very small trim it was probably about a half of an inch. My other pic was from the begining of the summer I think im getting closer to tail bone.. some of you might notice that I do have about 3-4 inches of damage/thin ends :( I dunno what I should do about that.. I dont want to cut off 4 inches!! Im just being really careful. I just took it out of a french braid normally my hair is very straight...
http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/1238/dsc00539yo.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/220/dsc00539yo.jpg/)

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Myyy - that color is out of this world!!! :thud:

September 10th, 2011, 06:50 PM
I'm just at waist now, hoping to get to hip by my birthday in May & tailbone by this time next year.

September 11th, 2011, 04:04 PM
My hair after a very small trim it was probably about a half of an inch. My other pic was from the begining of the summer I think im getting closer to tail bone.. some of you might notice that I do have about 3-4 inches of damage/thin ends :( I dunno what I should do about that.. I dont want to cut off 4 inches!! Im just being really careful. I just took it out of a french braid normally my hair is very straight...
http://img220.imageshack.us/img220/1238/dsc00539yo.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/220/dsc00539yo.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)
http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/4348/dsc00547q.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/718/dsc00547q.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

My hair had such glorious braidwaves today that I just had to take a picture! And it did not really hurt that I was going downtown today, which would also give me a wonderful opportunity to tease the flatiron salespersons with my length and waviness! :D (Not that braidwaves ever last in my hair!)
This is Day 3 hair - wash day is tomorrow, and I suppose it would have looked better up... :p

Wow, you both have such gorgeous hair and such lovely hemlines!
I took this picture just a couple of minutes ago. Please ignore how awful the length looks...apparently last night's deep treatment didn't wash out entirely (I can't seem to get oils and the like out of my length with CO, but that's a matter for a different thread...)

Oh, and it's a bit blurry...hmm...smaller pic didn't look like that. Anyway, the part of my shirt on the bottom that's darker is where my jeans are showing through. They are sitting at my hips, or just slightly above my hips, so the longest part of my hair is nearly hip length. Of course, the shorter front pieces make me feel like my hair is much shorter than it actually is. Over the last couple of days I've had a lot of comments like "Wow, your hair is so long, you always wear it up, I didn't realize it was so long!" LOL it's hard for me to say "Thanks" when it feels so very short!! But nice to hear, of course. :)

September 11th, 2011, 05:50 PM
I had tailbone length hair until my recent cut. There are things I like about tailbone length, and a part of me always wants to get to Classic. But all told, I think I like waistlength best.

http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6185/6137479281_911ac46719.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/12738795@N00/6137479281/)
My 2011 Haircut (http://www.flickr.com/photos/12738795@N00/6137479281/) by soopahgrover (http://www.flickr.com/people/12738795@N00/), on Flickr

September 11th, 2011, 08:12 PM
Ladies and dudes I am leaving this thread : ) see you maybe in a year or two I cut mine back to just below BSL!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it though and all the dry hair is gone :) come on over to the BSL thread to see my pics! hehe I will try harder over the next year to keep the ends nicer though. Does anyone have any suggestions on what to use for preventing sun damage to your ends?????

September 13th, 2011, 09:32 PM
I'm not sure if I ever officially joined this thread. Well I'm joining it now! I have been past waist for at least a year now, but since I'm growing out bleach/highlights, I have just been trimming it and keeping the ends neat.

I also slipped into a major case of benign neglect over the past year, which also meant I neglected to care for and enjoy my hair!

I'm out of that again now and excited about growing this stringy stuff on my head even longer. I'm at lower waist now (33"), anticipate being at hip (36") in a year's time, and probably tailbone (39") the next year after that! It'll take me that long because I need to trim half my length gains each month. I tried skipping that to get there faster, but that just resulted in cotton-candy (floss) ends.

Wow all your hair photos in the previous 10 posts are stunning!

September 14th, 2011, 01:14 AM
I'm at high hip length! I've kind of been here for a little while but I see small improvement. It really seems to feel like it takes forever to get from belly button to tailbone though.

I can't view anyone's photos even though I would like to because I'm not to 25 post yet. :)

September 14th, 2011, 01:34 AM
My hair is now about an inch past waist length, and seems to be growing pretty fast still even though I'm not pregnant anymore. :) Yay!

September 22nd, 2011, 11:04 AM

i posted in bsl to waist already, but i guess i should be here now! :) i hope it only takes a year... my bsl to waist took forever because i didn't pay attention and a wavered between layers and no layers a lot :P

September 22nd, 2011, 11:12 AM
I would like to join here, too. This is a picture only taken a few days ago:
They are bun-wavy here, normally they are a little more straight.

Tailbone is the goas I tell everyone when they ask me... but I think I'm already dreaming of classical length.

But I think in December I'll go to get a nice cut by the hairdresser I trust.

Good hairgrowing for everyone :)

September 22nd, 2011, 11:56 AM
I also want to join, just reached waist at 32" and really looking forward to hip length.
I'm not trimming in 2011 and plan to slowly trim out layers when I reach hip (hopefully around April 2012).

September 22nd, 2011, 11:58 AM

Just about hip... if I charted that right I should be TBL by Summer 2012 at the latest :D

September 22nd, 2011, 03:53 PM
I am now at waist. I shoud prolly take picture, so some of you coud say where I rly am. But my next goal is tailbone, keep there for awhile to get my hair thick and good looking then to classic I go.

I just joined this forum, and it has had huge improvement to my hair.:D Now its soft, shiny, smooth and doesnt get tangeled that easily, coud newer dreamed this before.

Does your hair have its weight at this lenght? My just weights nothing. But my hair is really really fine. But shiny and smooth so I like it. And I have lots of it.

September 22nd, 2011, 09:35 PM
Does your hair have its weight at this lenght? My just weights nothing. But my hair is really really fine. But shiny and smooth so I like it. And I have lots of it.

Welcome! :) Haha, my hair is just touching on BCL and it still weighs next to nothing! The bottom half of it just floats up in the air basically. One reason I want more length is so it will lay down a bit nicer, but maybe the bottom half will always be floaty due to just how fine my hair is.

September 22nd, 2011, 10:03 PM
Having one of those days when I just want to chop my layers off and start even at APL.
I put my hair up and am trying not to think about it.

September 22nd, 2011, 10:31 PM
I am almost at my mini-milestone, which is hip length. I set my own marker for hip, it's the dimples on my back. Now, the question is, should I officially consider it hip length when my hair starts to touch the dimples, or for when it completely covers the dimples?

September 22nd, 2011, 10:34 PM
always wanted tailbone length... so beautiful!

September 22nd, 2011, 10:56 PM
Hello guys. I'm pretty sure I'm in this category. At least for today. Tailbone is my first mini milestone. I want to eventually have classic length. I think I'm too short to look right with it much longer than that.

September 22nd, 2011, 11:06 PM

I'm getting close to being ready to join this thread. My last progress shot taken at the start of this month had my longest layers hitting waist. Yeay!

Anyways, I'm having issues with keeping it up. My braids and I are not too happy at each other as they are damaging my ends and I need to get some ribbon or something..
I just today bough a few 'claw clips' for thick hair.. but I will not be able to use these much longer... I can't fold my hair more then once without them falling out. The few buns I know are falling out.

So.. what are your favorites? ..and maybe a few links to guides so I can start learning a few myself? My hair is fairly thick, (around 4.5 since the heavy shedding I had this summer), smoothish and more fine then coarse.

September 23rd, 2011, 03:46 AM
I'm around hippish! My hair reaches to hip with a few hairs hitting lower, I think. Maybe slightly past hip? I'm excited because when I was at waist I thought my hair wouldn't grow anymore. It seemed soooo slow. And now I'm waiting for it to hit fill bcl then tailbone. My hair is all in tangles today though.. I touched up my roots. I washed the day before. Then dyed which involved more washing. Then the next day I still felt like there was dye residue on my scalp. So I washed. I still see some blackish spots of dye residue on my scalp, but ididnt wash today. My hair is dry. I ran out of conditioner... tomarrow I will walk to the store to get some. My scalp always feels so dry after washing. I hate wash days. Sometimes I put off washing my hair longer than I should because of the whole length of time it takes to dry along with the, my scalp dried out and won't produce enough oil to lubricate till day 3. I don't want to wash tomarrow. But since I plan on conditioning, maybe do a wo wash? Long hair sure is interesting!

September 23rd, 2011, 05:41 AM
I'm a solid waist, possibly approaching hip. Definitely going to tailbone but I haven't decided yet how much I'll go beyond that yet. I haven't measured yet.

Routine: Shampoo bars w/herb vinegar rinse, no conditioner. Catnip usually 1x per week, Henna 6-8 weeks (or when I can find time). I'm trying to take my vitamins, do castor oil or other scalp massages and drinking roobios tea for growth. It seems to be working since I had been averaging 1/2" a month and I've had about that in the last 2 weeks.

I'm doing micro/small trims of 1/4"-1/2" every 4-6 weeks to keep the ends nice and my hemline blunt. I hadn't been trimming and was just past hip, but my ends were getting bad so I did about a 5" trim about 2 months ago. MUCH BETTER now.


September 25th, 2011, 04:29 PM
I have the V at hip lenght and the sides are past waist. Yeah. I think in 2 months, the sides will be at hip length too and then I can go for a straighter hemline.

September 25th, 2011, 08:23 PM
I haven't posted here for ages, and in the time I've been away my hair has passed my waist. Tailbone used to seem like an impossible dream, but now it feels well within reach. But do I really want it that long? It is starting to get in my way, mainly stuck under me when I'm in bed, and it's pretty damaged. Time to trim an inch or so off, I think.

September 25th, 2011, 08:32 PM
The bottom couple of inches of my hair are damaged from befoer I stopped using a hairdryer every day, and feel like straw. It's annoying, but I don;t want to lose the length just yet. Guess I'll get them trimmed next Spring. Or not. I'm not sure how long I want to go, either. Waist is a nice length. Long enough to be pretty, but not too much hassle.

September 26th, 2011, 08:06 AM
I'm definitely at hip, with the tips barely touching tailbone (not enough for me to declare tailbone). However, I really need to fix these ends, so I won't be going past tailbone for a bit.

September 26th, 2011, 08:15 AM
Having one of those days when I just want to chop my layers off and start even at APL.
I put my hair up and am trying not to think about it.

I'm having one of those days today. :)

September 26th, 2011, 09:49 AM
I'm having one of those days today. :)

I have one of those days most days! My ends are terribly thin (lingering effects of a heavy shed three years ago) and I can't stand the way they look unless they're in their freshly airdried, naturally curly state. All-day, every-day updos are the rule in these parts until the thin part grows out enough to be microtrimmed away. And that's going to take some serious time!)

September 26th, 2011, 02:15 PM
I'm having one of those days today. :)
Hang in there! :)

September 26th, 2011, 03:28 PM
I'm currently dreading the idea of chopping 1-2 inches within a few months... i just have so many breaks and splits :(

can I please hold off just six months longer?!

September 26th, 2011, 11:47 PM
Hello all, just stopping by for a hair update. I'm past waist and decided to definitely aim for the hip region. For me, hip and tailbone is only few months growth apart. I dunno about solid tailbone and beyond at this point. But if my hair can manage to reach classic, then I'm all for it!


September 27th, 2011, 02:23 AM
I dream of classic and longer hair... I hope you can get there hypersensitive. I hope I can get there. It seems I am always wondering if this is the last month I will get any length. Oh terminal! Don't catch up to me! I don't think I'm at terminal yet. But that's because I still have fairly thick ends. I want hair long enough to be eve in the school play! (Joke). I also want pretty fairy tail ends! But after my hair gets past my bum! (Fingers crossed) :)

September 27th, 2011, 08:12 AM
Thanks, ladies!

I have one of those days most days! My ends are terribly thin (lingering effects of a heavy shed three years ago) and I can't stand the way they look unless they're in their freshly airdried, naturally curly state. All-day, every-day updos are the rule in these parts until the thin part grows out enough to be microtrimmed away. And that's going to take some serious time!)

Oh dear! I wonder how long it takes to grow past previous shed-evidence like that? I am currrently on my 2nd month of heavy shedding (alarming) and am wondering how long it'll take, if ever, to get back to where it was before!

Hang in there! :)

Thanks :)!

September 27th, 2011, 09:19 AM
Thanks, ladies!

Oh dear! I wonder how long it takes to grow past previous shed-evidence like that? I am currrently on my 2nd month of heavy shedding (alarming) and am wondering how long it'll take, if ever, to get back to where it was before!

Well, mine has been thickening up from the roots for the past year and a half and it does seem to be returning to its previous thickness, but I still have about eight inches at the bottom that I'll need to trim off eventually to achieve a decently full hemline. I'm going to do it in very small increments because I don't want to lose the length, but I still can't wait to get rid of it!

My shed was seriously heavy, though, and went on for months. It came out in what felt like handfuls; I was shedding as much in a single day as I now do in a week. It was absolutely scary and I was afraid I was going to lose it all, but it stopped after about 30% or so had come out. <shudder>

September 27th, 2011, 10:17 AM
I'm growing out layers I got a year ago :(

My sad thin ends are at waist but the layers go up to BSL. I loved the layers at the time, since it was varying shades of blonde. But now I'm a dark brunette, and my hair has zero definition.

I'm not going to get any major trims for at least a year. My last trim was July 23, 2011.

September 27th, 2011, 02:39 PM
today I did about half an hour of search&destroy, but didn't get as far as I wanted and some hairs I had to cut quite far up. That's quite a bad feeling. It's that feeling of "just cut it off to APL or BSL and start off again withour lairs, colored ends or anything" *sigh*

wish you all a good growing!

September 27th, 2011, 04:37 PM
Feel like I'm stalled around hip, but I think it's because I've been trimming a lot. My ends and hemline look great, though!

Does anyone else have sore roots? if so, do you have a remedy? My roots have really been bothering me for the last few weeks, especially around the crown. I haven't changed my routine or basic styles.

October 4th, 2011, 02:37 PM
The tips of my hair are past waist the shortest layers are just a bit above waist... should I wait to join this thread? or can I call it waist?


October 4th, 2011, 05:44 PM
I think your at "can I call this waist" and another month or so before a solid waist.....hop aboard the thread and enjoy the ride!!!:)

October 4th, 2011, 06:11 PM
Does any one think their hair grows like the double when you exercise more?

October 4th, 2011, 06:36 PM
longcurlygirl your hair is very pretty!

I want to join this thread! my ultimate goal is tailbone. I hope I can reach it next year, or in two years ..

October 4th, 2011, 07:00 PM
Having one of those days when I just want to chop my layers off and start even at APL.
I put my hair up and am trying not to think about it.

It's not the worst thing to do. I chopped my hair to shoulder to get rid of damage from pre-LHC heat and chemicals, and I'm happy I did. It's nice to have a full head of soft, healthy hair. It's growing back pretty fast, and I think it looks a lot nicer in the meantime.

October 5th, 2011, 01:25 AM
I have sore roots also. I have no idea why though. Washing seems to help.

I'm still in waist lands and not making a whole lot of progress really. I had a larger trim earlier in the year and then grew back to make up for it. I then had a small trim recently to even things up again. I plan on growing for the rest of the year (maybe a micro trim here or there) and then we will see where I am :).. I'll measure tonight.

October 5th, 2011, 03:09 AM
For some reason it seems to take longer to grow from waist to tailbone (not there yet) than it did to go from apl to waist. But maybe it's just that this current part of the hair journy is biggest in my mind. I remember when I was a few inches from belly button. And I wondered if my hair stopped growing. And after ignoring it a while it finally got past my belly button. I was quite happy the day I noticed. Well, it ought to happen that the hair will grow to tailbone. Maybe some benign neglect is in order.

October 5th, 2011, 03:21 AM
today I feel like chopping off 2.5 inch. The ends there always tangled, have quite a lot split ends and are driving me crazy... I'm like so close *showing 1inch with fingers* to call the hairdresser I'm trusting... but I promised not to go until December... but... I... want... to... *gnah*

October 5th, 2011, 03:44 AM
Does any one think their hair grows like the double when you exercise more?

Have you noticed that happening? It'd be a good motivation to exercise even more than my twice-or-so-a-week dance classes. :D

October 5th, 2011, 05:07 AM
today I did about half an hour of search&destroy, but didn't get as far as I wanted and some hairs I had to cut quite far up. That's quite a bad feeling. It's that feeling of "just cut it off to APL or BSL and start off again withour lairs, colored ends or anything" *sigh*

wish you all a good growing!

I did my first real S&D a few weeks ago and it took 3 hours! I found splits going 3-4 inches up sometimes. I felt like just chopping but then I realized what I was finding was actually a small percentage of the actual # of hairs on my head.
I've also been going back & forth about cutting off my layers back to APL. I'm sticking it out though as the last few months growth seems to have improved my bunning ability. I'm finally able to make an infinity bun without looking like I slept in it. :)

October 7th, 2011, 01:16 AM
If my chest wasn't in the way my hair would reach my hip bone (in the front). And it's only a coupld of inches from BCL(ulled straight) :D:D:D

Ravenwaves 88
October 8th, 2011, 08:36 AM
Mine is one inch from tailbone wet but still 3-4 inches away dry :(

October 16th, 2011, 11:38 PM
Well I hit hip wet and I finally got past waist dry. It's exciting because no it doesn't hurt my neck to lean back and feel my hair at tailbone.

October 17th, 2011, 12:38 AM
For the first time in my life, my hair is legitimately touching my waist while dry!!! I belong in this thread now! :cheese: Super duper excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (did I mention that I'm excited?)

October 17th, 2011, 04:17 AM
Hi everyone :)
Today I'm feeling very good with my hair-length and even through at my university are many others with longer hair, I don't feel as such a short-hair. And I hope/think my hair looks great today, because of a new conditioner I tried yesterday.
Hope you're all feeling good with your hair, too!

October 17th, 2011, 04:52 AM
I still belong in this thread but I'm back to top of hip now. I had about 2" trimmed off this past week. I was afraid my ends were going to start fairy taling and I wanted to get a trim before it got worse.

October 17th, 2011, 06:17 AM
My hair is well and truly at waist, and my longest layers are brushing hip but it still feels really short. I can't wait until I reach tailbone. My shortest layers, originally my side fringe, are about three inches from waist. If I am really lucky, my hair might be solidly waist-going-on-hip length by Christmas. I would like my hair to be all one length. Summers on it's way and my hair grows faster in the warm (I hope).

Thanks for your encouragement. I love reading about other people's hair journey's. It's nice to know I am not the only slightly obsessed hair person :)

October 17th, 2011, 09:56 AM
I to am at waist on my way to tailbone. Ummm what exactly is tailbone though?

October 17th, 2011, 10:02 AM
I to am at waist on my way to tailbone. Ummm what exactly is tailbone though?

two opinions here on LHC:

1. "tailbone" was introduced as a more polite way to refer to bcl/"bum crack length".
2. just what it means ... right where you feel the base of the spine (tailbone) end.

On some people, these are more or less in the same place. On me, BCL is a little above tailbone.

I haven't yet decided which one I'm going for!

Hope that helps :)

October 17th, 2011, 10:34 AM
Oh that really helps. That is kinda what I thought and then people would say they were at hip not quite to tailbone and that would confuse me. Is hip where your actual hips are or are they like where hip huggers hit??

October 17th, 2011, 10:55 AM
Oh that really helps. That is kinda what I thought and then people would say they were at hip not quite to tailbone and that would confuse me. Is hip where your actual hips are or are they like where hip huggers hit??

when people say "hip" here they generally mean the top of the hipbones (or rather, the place on the back level with the top of their hipbones). Some people also refer to this length as "iliac length", i.e., the top of the iliac crest. I've never known anyone here to use the word "hip" to refer to "the widest part of the bottom", the way we do when measuring for clothes, if that's what you're asking. :)

October 17th, 2011, 11:20 AM
That is exactly what I was asking. That means I'm almost to hip. WHOO HOO!!!!!

October 17th, 2011, 11:47 AM
That is exactly what I was asking. That means I'm almost to hip. WHOO HOO!!!!!

in that case, I'm glad I understood, despite not really knowing where hip-huggers sit on the body :p I am not knowledgeable about trends! :lol:

congrats on being almost hip! :)

October 17th, 2011, 11:50 AM
I'm not so fashion knowlegeable either I just know that most denim skirts are hip-huggers and I need to watch out for those. But it is about time that my hips be noticed for something other than my widest point on me.

October 17th, 2011, 12:04 PM
For me and on myself I think hip is from top of my hipbondes to where it's widest, tailbone where I can feel it best, with my comfortable-pants about at the top of the back pockets. Further down I'd call pre-classic and classic, if that's understandable discribed.

October 17th, 2011, 12:14 PM
For me BCL is 3-4 inches above true tailbone. True tailbone is about 3-4 inches above classic so very low - the bottom of your jeans pockets or thereabouts.

I feel like I am going to be stuck in here forever. Waist to TB has got to be 10 + inches of hair growth!

October 17th, 2011, 12:22 PM
I'm just happy I have finally found where I belong. I have a place. There is such a difference between when my hair is wet and when it is dry but it all seems to fall in this catagory.

October 17th, 2011, 12:26 PM
Mine is one inch from tailbone wet but still 3-4 inches away dry :(

Love your hair!

October 17th, 2011, 02:41 PM
I have passed waist length in march 2011, and TB is planned for Christmas! :)
TB is 38" for me. I can't wait until then! :D

October 17th, 2011, 06:22 PM
I had hip length hair but trimmed it myself the day before yesterday. Now it's about two inches past my waist area. Hopefully by next Spring it's at my tailbone. :shrug:

October 18th, 2011, 03:39 AM
I'm solidly at hip stretched, waiting for more of my ends to be at hip curly before I start microtrimming to thicken the ends. I suppose I'll be in this thread for quite some time! :)

October 18th, 2011, 09:51 AM
I'm pretty sure my insane growth spurt is over. Maybe. There's still hope. Yay compulsive measuring! -.-

waiting for hip.... where exactly is hip? how do you measure to it? i'm eager to reach the Land of Hyp :D

October 18th, 2011, 12:12 PM
I box dyed my hair, and now its falling off! Okay just 1-7inch twisted hair is dropping when ever I touch my hair... What happend?

October 18th, 2011, 01:23 PM
@Soulina: I dunno, but are you sure you are in the right thread? I think you'll have more replies in a thread about dyes...

October 18th, 2011, 02:20 PM
I think I am fated to be in this thread forever. Not that that is a bad thing :D I keep trimming and losing an inch here and 2 inches there so I'm not making downward progress. I don't want my hair to fairy tale so this is going to be my place for a really long time.

October 18th, 2011, 04:12 PM
I was almost solidly at hip, but I trimmed layers into my hair (it needed it lol) so looks like I'll be here until late spring/early summer. :) But it is a good length to be stuck with lol.

October 18th, 2011, 04:17 PM
I should be at BCL by Christmas (I'm an inch away), but my ends are quickly approaching the stage where I need to trim; clarifying and deep moisture treatments can only work for so long. Going to see how long I can last, at least until December, but hopefully through 'til January. Then if I trim, hopefully I'll be back at BCL by spring. We'll see - fingers crossed. :)

October 18th, 2011, 08:41 PM
I should be at BCL by Christmas (I'm an inch away), but my ends are quickly approaching the stage where I need to trim; clarifying and deep moisture treatments can only work for so long. Going to see how long I can last, at least until December, but hopefully through 'til January. Then if I trim, hopefully I'll be back at BCL by spring. We'll see - fingers crossed. :)

On your sig pic it looks like you are at BCL already! But I guess I wouldn't know...

October 18th, 2011, 10:26 PM
I am about 2.5 to 3 inches away from tailbone! I am quite excited about this. My hair grows about 3/4 of an inch a month average. So that means tb is probably 4 to 5 months away! Another reason for me not to trim! I didn't even think that my hair would get to hip! So yeah, I thought I would update.

October 19th, 2011, 06:53 AM
I should be at BCL by Christmas (I'm an inch away), but my ends are quickly approaching the stage where I need to trim; clarifying and deep moisture treatments can only work for so long. Going to see how long I can last, at least until December, but hopefully through 'til January. Then if I trim, hopefully I'll be back at BCL by spring. We'll see - fingers crossed. :)

the longest bits of my hair* are just about an inch from bcl for me, too. You must be quite a bit taller than me since I have about 4inches less hair than you are :p When I read that you were an inch away from BCL and I looked at your stats, I instantly felt like I was cheating! :lol:

*'firmly' bcl is longer than an inch away for me.

October 19th, 2011, 07:12 AM
I just hit waist so now I think I belong here :)

ya-ya C
October 19th, 2011, 07:25 AM
I just reached waist when I joined LHC in Sept and now it's already past it and on it's way to TLB. However I will need to trim in Nov as I need fullness and there's still some damaged (not split, just kind of dry) ends I need to get rid of... but with all the new regimen and scalp massages and vitamins I hope to be TLB by Christmas!

October 19th, 2011, 08:05 AM
On your sig pic it looks like you are at BCL already! But I guess I wouldn't know...

Not quite, but nearly! :) My weight messes up the milestones a bit, so it's harder to tell.

the longest bits of my hair* are just about an inch from bcl for me, too. You must be quite a bit taller than me since I have about 4inches less hair than you are :p When I read that you were an inch away from BCL and I looked at your stats, I instantly felt like I was cheating! :lol:

*'firmly' bcl is longer than an inch away for me.

I'm 5'10" (as my brother puts it; "tall for a girl, but not proper tall" :p). Definitely not cheating, but when you reach TB way before me, I reserve the right to be incredibly envious. ;)

October 19th, 2011, 08:28 AM
I must be super short then. At 5 ft. bcl is about 31 ins. on me. Two more inches and I'll be brushing it. Can't wait.

October 19th, 2011, 08:46 AM
Not quite, but nearly! :) My weight messes up the milestones a bit, so it's harder to tell.

I'm 5'10" (as my brother puts it; "tall for a girl, but not proper tall" :p). Definitely not cheating, but when you reach TB way before me, I reserve the right to be incredibly envious. ;)
5'10" is proper tall to me, I'm 5'3" :)

I must be super short then. At 5 ft. bcl is about 31 ins. on me. Two more inches and I'll be brushing it. Can't wait.

wow, 31 inches does sound like a short measurement for bcl! Mine is around 35 and a half inches or so. Well, we're all shaped differently so I guess there's no way to 'standardise' this, as numerous hair polls have show at LHC! :)

October 19th, 2011, 08:55 AM
Wow redmj, 31" is two inches above waist on me - jealous over here!

October 19th, 2011, 10:36 AM
yeah I think I'd rather have the height. At least then my hair would actually BE long not just look long comparatively.

October 19th, 2011, 03:38 PM
pepperminttea-I also have to grow about the same length to be solid TB. Maybe just half an inch less but I am also 5'9.5" :)

And I think your hair looks very long. Anybody of any height would also need patience to grow their hair long enough for it to look so long. It doesn't look longer just because a person's tailbone is closer to their head :P

October 19th, 2011, 04:38 PM
I am pretty sure I will hit hip length at my next measuring next week. It is kind of exciting because right now my hair is longer than it has ever been.:)

October 19th, 2011, 11:23 PM
I am pretty sure I will hit hip length at my next measuring next week. It is kind of exciting because right now my hair is longer than it has ever been.:)

That's awesome! My hair is the longest it's ever been too! Isn't the feeling so great? I can't wait till I hit hip! Right now, I'm very close to elbow length. Slowly but surely. *sigh*

October 20th, 2011, 03:52 AM
Congrats cowgirllong! Hip is such a nice length. Another one here who's hair is the longest it's ever been, too; it's a great feeling. :D

pepperminttea-I also have to grow about the same length to be solid TB. Maybe just half an inch less but I am also 5'9.5" :)

And I think your hair looks very long. Anybody of any height would also need patience to grow their hair long enough for it to look so long. It doesn't look longer just because a person's tailbone is closer to their head :P

Thank you, that's lovely to hear, and it's nice to have someone in the same boat too. :)

October 20th, 2011, 03:29 PM

Past waist, going boldly for next mini milestone: HIPHIPHIPHIP!

You can see me past waist more clearly here:

And finally, to see my (almost one year) progress here on LHC, please visit my album (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/album.php?albumid=6809)!

Cheers! :D

October 21st, 2011, 01:24 AM
Hello! I think I belong here. My hair is waistlenght, and I´m growing it to classic. I just graduated from waist till Christmas-topic. Happy growing everyone!

And hypersensitive, your hair is gorgeus, looks so smooth and healthy!

October 22nd, 2011, 02:55 AM

Past waist, going boldly for next mini milestone: HIPHIPHIPHIP!

You can see me past waist more clearly here:

And finally, to see my (almost one year) progress here on LHC, please visit my album (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/album.php?albumid=6809)!

Cheers! :D

Your hair is so beautiful and healthy :) Congrats on the great progress :D

October 22nd, 2011, 11:58 PM
Hypersensitive your hair is gorgeous!
I haven't posted in here recently because I didn't have much to report. I always forget to check for everyone else's beautiful updates! Well I took a photo today for hair typing and figured I could use it as a length shot too since I hadn't taken one since July (see sig.) My shortest hairs are at BCL. I'm not sure if I'm quite at "can I call this TBL" or not. I know I am when I pull straight, but does that even count? What do you guys think?


October 23rd, 2011, 01:25 PM
I'm at waist length now, heading for BCL/TB, which seem to be the same on me!

October 23rd, 2011, 02:02 PM
Lostsoule77, your hair looks so great! Wow. Wish mine would be as voluminous!

Here's a pic of my hair today, ends a little oily, but... well... I like it through ^^

October 23rd, 2011, 08:44 PM
Fortresca thank you. I wish mine could be as smooth as yours. Just gorgeous! I guess the grass is always greener and all that. :) When I was younger I loved curls and wished I had them because my hair was so straight. I got close to my wish and now I wish I had straight hair so I didn't have the frizz. :)

BTW, what length do you think it is? It's past BCL (well the longest is), but not sure if it's quite at can I call this TBL.

Athena's Owl
October 23rd, 2011, 09:51 PM
I've been waffling back and forth on cutting my hair. I think I need to take 6 inches off, but I can't ever make the two week rule without coming up with some reason why i shouldn't do it now. I think it's just that 6 inches is a lot, and i'm feeling like I'm really going to screw up a major cut because i never cut that much off. I'm also really having trouble with depression right now so i'm worried that I'm going to go overboard if I put some scissors in my hands. I'm also really hating my bathroom right now because one of my neighbors has a cat and it *reeks* of kitty litter in there. It's making me unreasonably angry that I'm living with someone else's neglected cat box stench. I only have mirrors in the bathroom so i couldn't stand there and painstakingly cut my hair in the middle of that *smell.*

so still in this thread, but I might wind up around waist length if all the stars align.

October 23rd, 2011, 10:51 PM
Lostsoule77 (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/member.php?u=34363), I would call your hair tbonelength, but I call it that where I can feel the tailbone best, not where it ends, so anyone must tell, where he or she thinks, they can call it that...

October 23rd, 2011, 10:58 PM
Thanks! I know it actually is TBL when pulled straight, but that is only my longest hair. Not sure how much that counts since it's not all my hair and more importantly my hair is wavy not pulled straight.

Athena's owl do you think you need to cut that much? Could you try cutting 2 or 3 inches and see if that is enough waiting another 2 weeks if you don't think so just to make sure? Either way I hope you are happy with your decision.

I would freak if my apartment smelled like a cat box from somebody else's place. Can you complain to the landlord about it? Or the board of health? That is really unhealthy and I really hope you can resolve that quickly.

October 23rd, 2011, 11:13 PM
Athena - is the cat box in another apartment and you can smell it in yours ?? That is pretty bad.

I also feel sorry for the poor kitty/kitties that have to use it. Cats are fastidious and don't like to have to use a dirty box. Bad cat owner, bad cat owner. Somebody should make them have to use and reuse a stopped up toilet !

October 24th, 2011, 12:11 AM
Your hair is so beautiful and healthy :) Congrats on the great progress :D

Thank you! It's taking some time but we all have to be patient, right?

Hypersensitive your hair is gorgeous!

Thank you!!

October 24th, 2011, 08:05 AM
Right my long hair lovelies I will have to leave you and this wonderful group as I've caved and cut my hair back to between APL and BSL. I'll be back in a year or 2 I'm sure, good luck growing :D

October 24th, 2011, 08:33 AM
Hope to read you back here soon, Monsterkitti. Wanna say: Hope your hair starts a super-fast-grow-phase :D

I think I'll cut 2-2,75 inch in December, but that will still be waist for me.

October 25th, 2011, 11:01 AM
At tailbone now, but probably joining these ranks again soon! I could use a bit of a trim, and I'm trying to decide how much to take off. I'm thinking a few inches, but it's just so hard! I'm pregnant, so my hair grows faster right now...so it's probably the time to do it! It's just...so hard...

October 25th, 2011, 11:17 AM
I'm looking forward to having mine down to my tailbone without it being pulled straight. Left to itself, it's around hip length, so I better leave the classic and beyond classic threads alone and park myself here for awhile :D. It seems to have been stalled at this length for about a year, but I haven't been obsessively checking it (now that I found this site I probably will be, though!), and I know I haven't taken good care of it, so I think I can at least make it to classic eventually.

Ravenwaves 88
October 28th, 2011, 10:05 AM
I keep getting his urge to cut my hair. I know we always think worse of our hair but I feel like my hair is full of furry ends that are either broken off or new hairs. It's just not satisfying to let my hair down because it doesn't look good to me. I was thinking about layers and v shape going below my hip. It would take some of the nasty ends off and less fliers and more waves. I miss my waves.

November 13th, 2011, 08:15 PM
I am now only 1cm away from reaching TB when stretched! So exciting :) Maybe it will be my Christmas present..?? I'm more likely to reach it in January though. Just gotta keep on with my microtrims and I will get there eventually. I've been in this thread for years XD

November 13th, 2011, 08:46 PM
5in till TBL! Hoping to get there by next July/August. Think it's possible?

November 13th, 2011, 08:54 PM
I'm at 31.5in at waist right now

hip is 35in

tbl is 38in

clsc is 42in

Does that sound about right for anyone else?

So I suppose (with minimal trims) I'll probably be at tailbone by new years next year.

November 13th, 2011, 08:59 PM
I'm at 31.5in at waist right now

hip is 35in

tbl is 38in

clsc is 42in

Does that sound about right for anyone else?

So I suppose (with minimal trims) I'll probably be at tailbone by new years next year.

I guess it depends how tall you are?

Mine is

Waist: 31

Hip: 35

TBL: 38


November 13th, 2011, 09:03 PM
I guess it depends how tall you are?

Mine is

Waist: 31

Hip: 35

TBL: 38


Lol we must be similar heights! I'm 5'8" or thereabouts

November 13th, 2011, 09:15 PM
Lol we must be similar heights! I'm 5'8" or thereabouts

I'm 5'6 and a bit :)

November 14th, 2011, 12:56 PM
I'm about 2 inches from bcl, and 4 from tbl. Grow, grow, grow!

November 14th, 2011, 02:01 PM
I'm just at BCL. :D I'm really enjoying this length!

UP Lisa
November 14th, 2011, 02:15 PM
I was at BCL for a while, and really liked it. Cut off 4 inches to thicken the ends. I'm at Hip right now.

Ravenwaves 88
November 14th, 2011, 06:35 PM
It's more about torso/butt length. I'm 6'0"

BCL is 39.5"

TBL is 41.5"

CLASSIC is 44.5"

I'm long :)

November 15th, 2011, 01:49 AM
I have just hit waist. My goal is classic length. It's taking tooooo long!!

November 15th, 2011, 03:23 AM
wow, some of you are already soooo close!

I made an appointment with my hairdresser for Decembre 2nd, and I think I'll have to leave about 2inches... and then I'm back really close to waist. But well, rather shorter but healthy hair.

So: Grow, hair, grow :D We'll get there

Oh and by the way: Yesterday I was talking to my boyfriend and showed him a picture of someone with tailbone-length standing next to me. I said I want my hair just a little longer than hers is - somewhere between tailbone and classic. There were two other girls with classic length on the picture and dbf asked, why I wouldn't want to grow that long - and to be honest, I wish I can, but do not yet believe I can... hihi. More motivation :p

November 16th, 2011, 08:56 AM
I'm at waist lenght and I love to get tailbone length! Maybe about a year?? I hope so.. My last cut was on 6 september 2011, i want to wait till April/May with a cut..

Ravenwaves 88
November 16th, 2011, 09:39 AM
I'm not going all the way to tailbone cause my goal is butt crack length. I guess I'll be here for awhile. I'm so close but I already have plans to trim in feb. I also need to work on condition so we'll see how long it takes me to be happily at BCL.

November 16th, 2011, 10:16 AM
I am only an inch from BCL and a have little more to go until 'true' TBL. :)
Good luck with your growing. ;)

November 18th, 2011, 05:41 PM
I have been at and just beyond waist for a couple of years. Hadn't thought of going farther until I found LHC. :-) Aiming for TB right now. Managed to grow 1" in about the last month (never thought to measure either before I got here); so, hopefully will be there by next fall!! Cross all fingers and toes! Last style trim and layers October 17th I believe. Wish I had found here first and trimmed myself saving a few inches. What would we do without retrospect?

November 19th, 2011, 02:41 PM
I already reached hip and I'm now aiming for tailbone length ... Hope to be there in late spring/ early summer 2012.

I'm a bit confused though about the difference between butt crack length (hilarious term ;)) and tailbone length? I always thought that's the same :confused:

November 21st, 2011, 06:34 AM
papera, you and I share this confusion!

Anyway, hello guys! I didn't join here earlier because i thought I'd be maintaining at hip...It's such a nice length!
But here I am...wanting to go TBL after all! And it's close! I'm past hip and less than 2 inches to TBL :)
Will trim once in December or January, probably 1/2 - 1 inch maybe...so I'm guessing I'll be TBL till spring? :)

November 21st, 2011, 06:46 AM
I've got a new picture :)
was taken yesterday, when I met with ten other longhair ladies around here. 1 has tbl, 2 classic and 1 is close to knee - the others had shorter hair then me.

So I wish you a nice week with fast-growing hair ;)

November 21st, 2011, 07:16 AM
It is so confusing! I think that butt crack length is at the top of the "crack" so it is bcl.
Tail bone length is when you are sitting you sit on your tail bone, so that bone is tbl.
Mine is at bcl. I am maintaining there because mine is so thin & I want to thicken up the length. I wear it up most of the time, so it really doesn't matter.
It is kind of ironic you want to grow your hair long, but then when it gets long you wear it up to protect it from getting caught in things or from the wind tangling it. I have wore my hair down to church before, and you get little kids behind you that put their hands on the seat back & catch some of your hair. Mine anyway is so fine & fly-away & is better contained in a braid or something.

November 21st, 2011, 07:20 AM
I'm here at this moment, I want to reach de area above my butt first:) maybe longer later! (it's brushed out)

November 21st, 2011, 09:50 AM
I'm here at this moment, I want to reach de area above my butt first:) maybe longer later! (it's brushed out)

Wow long! Very nice! :)

And I just noticed we have practically the same hair... see hair type!

November 21st, 2011, 01:08 PM
Amber_Maiden: Thanks! and yes i see:D! Funny:p

November 21st, 2011, 05:58 PM
checking in with... I don't know what length this is-lol.

November 21st, 2011, 06:02 PM
checking in with... I don't know what length this is-lol.

I'd say at waist, even a bit past waist. :)

November 21st, 2011, 06:13 PM
I WAS at TB, until I finally chopped off the bottom inch and a half that was really nasty and dry. I'm happier with the feel of my hair, and the improved thickness of the ends. The length will return . . . sigh.

November 21st, 2011, 07:30 PM
Hello all!

Random question and this seems to be the place top ask. As you grew past waist did you have more issues with the very ends of your hair getting white dot damage and then breaking off at said dots? I'm getting more then a few of these at my mid-back, which is the longest part.

I wear my hair up almost all the time, use oils, triple nutrition conditioner, CO almost half the time.. brush dry gently with a BBB, finger and wide tooth only comb, and in general am very good to my hair. I do braid a lot but I don't chew or lay on the thing.

How do I stop these? Do I just need to buck up and cut? I really wanted to wait till December or 30.5 inches to do so!

November 21st, 2011, 07:31 PM
Hello all!

Random question and this seems to be the place top ask. As you grew past waist did you have more issues with the very ends of your hair getting white dot damage and then breaking off at said dots? I'm getting more then a few of these at my mid-back, which is the longest part.

I wear my hair up almost all the time, use oils, triple nutrition conditioner, CO almost half the time.. brush dry gently with a BBB, finger and wide tooth only comb, and in general am very good to my hair. I do braid a lot but I don't chew or lay on the thing.

How do I stop these? Do I just need to buck up and cut? I really wanted to wait till December or 30.5 inches to do so!

I don't get those because I trim regularly, and I also S&D. Sometimes you have to bite the bullet and cut. I snipped off 13in this year to get rid of damage.

November 21st, 2011, 08:03 PM
I don't get those because I trim regularly, and I also S&D. Sometimes you have to bite the bullet and cut. I snipped off 13in this year to get rid of damage.

Hmmm... I'm finding them when I S&D. And I have been doing micro trims sort of regularly.

I keep thinking I'm doing something but I have no idea just what it is.. and that particular hair has only been chemically dyed once, never heat treated, backcombed, hair sprayed or even hard gelled. It's very close to virgin. :confused:

November 21st, 2011, 08:05 PM
Hmmm... I'm finding them when I S&D. And I have been doing micro trims sort of regularly.

I keep thinking I'm doing something but I have no idea just what it is.. and that particular hair has only been chemically dyed once, never heat treated, backcombed, hair sprayed or even hard gelled. It's very close to virgin. :confused:

Could have been the dying once... Everyone's hair is different... Do you wash it often? Is it dry? Climate can affect hair as well... Is it only at the ends of your hair you see damage? If so you might consider getting it cut, like I did.

November 21st, 2011, 08:23 PM
Could have been the dying once... Everyone's hair is different... Do you wash it often? Is it dry? Climate can affect hair as well... Is it only at the ends of your hair you see damage? If so you might consider getting it cut, like I did.

I don't think it was the dye. My hair tends to laugh at hair dye, it's finer but non-porous. Its washed 3 times a week, sometimes less. Every other wash is CO, and the shampoos are CWC. I'm still using sulfates.. but only till I kill my stash. It doesn't feel dry. I could do a heavy oiling anyways.. been a while.

My hair has a bit of a 'point' to it right now. The only place I'm seeing this weird damage is the longest bit.

The longest bit is also the only part I've trimmed recently to go from a V to more of a U shape. I'd intended to do a more drastic inch/half inch-ish trim after I reached 30.5 which will be in December.

The shears were sharp. :rolleyes: They were new.

Hmm... it's becoming winter here now and is less humid. Maybe I need more moisture? Or a better oil? I've heard mustard is good. Other then that.. should I try going back to cones? I was thinking about that too.

What do you guys do for the winter? LOL Last time I had hair this long I was down south and using heavy coney stuff so.. I have no idea!

November 21st, 2011, 10:11 PM
Hello all!

Random question and this seems to be the place top ask. As you grew past waist did you have more issues with the very ends of your hair getting white dot damage and then breaking off at said dots? I'm getting more then a few of these at my mid-back, which is the longest part.

I wear my hair up almost all the time, use oils, triple nutrition conditioner, CO almost half the time.. brush dry gently with a BBB, finger and wide tooth only comb, and in general am very good to my hair. I do braid a lot but I don't chew or lay on the thing.

How do I stop these? Do I just need to buck up and cut? I really wanted to wait till December or 30.5 inches to do so!

I started noticing the same problem with my hair this summer, although my mystery damage seems to be 1/2 white dots and 1/2 regular split ends. I treat my hair similarly to how you described your routine, so I'm relatively baffled as well. So far I haven't figured out a cause or solution for it, so I've just been S&Ding and hoping it'll eventually go away. :shrug:

November 21st, 2011, 10:34 PM
With me the whitedots are sometimes more, sometimes less. I guess it's like seasonal shedding with some people.

November 22nd, 2011, 12:44 AM
Well, I just was at the walmart. Wont be able to hit up another store till after the black Friday bruhaha is done (I just refuse unless its life or death!). I found this stuff there, in the ethnic section. It's cantu 'Shea butter grow strong'. Was 4 bucks so why not? It has good reviews and good stuff in it so we'll see if it helps some till i find some oils that are not coconut.

November 22nd, 2011, 01:06 AM
ugh... the whole holiday bruhaha drives me mad. makes it difficult just to do your regular weekly shopping.
My protest of the commercialism is to make my own gifts... I bake.
/end hijack

November 22nd, 2011, 01:56 AM
katsrevenge: I have the curse of the never ending white dots! For me it's very very fragile hair which I could have treated better back when it was shorter. The only thing that has worked for me is trimming and tying it up more - you have to find your own trigger, for me I think sleeping on the braid and the ends all rubbing was causing quite a bit of damage. If there's anything else you can possibly change give it a try to see if it will help!

November 22nd, 2011, 12:42 PM
I think I might need 42 inches of hair to be at tb and 45 to be at classic now of course silly me forgotto factor in the waves. It feels a long way off. I am BCL - so I think maybe 6 months to TBL. Then 6-9 months to classic .

November 22nd, 2011, 02:54 PM
Well, I think I may have found a trigger... I'd just unbound my (still wet) hair from the night braid and then I leaned back in the computer chair... and the loose hair tips bent right under the one chair bar. That might be the start of the damage??

As for that Cantu stuff. Way too thick/rich for me to use as a leave in but oh my god, it made a great prewash treatment! My hair is baby soft, even the formerly slightly rough bits at the ends!

November 22nd, 2011, 09:06 PM
OOh I want to join! My hair is finally to my waist after 4+ years of growing it from ear length. It is almost Thanksgiving now and I hope it will be to my tailbone by the end of summer 2012! I will post a picture soon!

November 23rd, 2011, 02:13 AM
I realized my hair is now longest than it's ever been probably!
Think I am BCL now, though that marker isn't completely clear to me.
Is it middle or beginning of the crack? :D
I wish i didn't have the habbit/learned behaviour, and kept thinking i have to trim it....
Since it started getting very long I've been trimming once in 2 months rather than 3-4 as before I started going for greater lengths...
Or it's just that now I pay more attention...and notice bad ends.

How to lose the trimming habit?

November 24th, 2011, 10:47 AM
I consider BCL to be the beginning of the crack. I think that is what others use too. Generally the middle is around TBL.

I'd say start oiling your ends and putting them up and perhaps you won't notice them as much. Plus the oiling will help your ends. :) I've been trying to do this, but I keep forgetting.

I think I'm between BCL & TBL. I'll have to get a picture and check. I lost my tape measure and it's so hard to tell in a mirror. :) I know that when I tilted my head back in the shower the other day my longest ends were past classic. :D

November 29th, 2011, 08:34 AM
OOh I want to join! My hair is finally to my waist after 4+ years of growing it from ear length. It is almost Thanksgiving now and I hope it will be to my tailbone by the end of summer 2012! I will post a picture soon!

Congrats! All that work is paying off. welcome aboard and happy growing to TBL:)

November 29th, 2011, 08:43 AM
I think I'm between BCL & TBL. I'll have to get a picture and check. I lost my tape measure and it's so hard to tell in a mirror. :) I know that when I tilted my head back in the shower the other day my longest ends were past classic. :D

Oh to be dangling at Classic Siiiiiiiigh! Congrats. It won't be long for you:cheer:

With my coils it will be forever to be tickleing TBL:pray:

November 30th, 2011, 09:10 PM
Yaaay! Can't believe I'm at waist. I've been trimming it to keep it at this length for a couple months to keep my split ends from bunning/pinning at bay, but despite my rabid trimming my hair outpaces my shears by a teeny bit, so I've decided that my ends are thick enough, I might as well let it keep growing. =)

December 2nd, 2011, 04:23 AM
Here is a new pic from my length, because I was to the hairdresser this morning:
what so you think? Still past waist?

December 2nd, 2011, 04:30 AM
It looks like it's firmly at waist to me. ... and it's gorgeous!
you have very beautiful hair.

December 2nd, 2011, 05:15 AM
Definitely looks like solid waist to me, Fortresca! And it's gorgeous. I'm a little jealous of your full hemline! :)

December 2nd, 2011, 05:21 AM
I'm at waist lenght from a few days , so I guess I'm joining! My hair feels so short around here!!!! My goal lenght is hip, I really hope to reach it in 2012!

December 2nd, 2011, 06:57 AM
looks like you're still at waist to me, Fortresca.

December 2nd, 2011, 09:09 AM
Hypersensitive your hair is gorgeous!
I haven't posted in here recently because I didn't have much to report. I always forget to check for everyone else's beautiful updates! Well I took a photo today for hair typing and figured I could use it as a length shot too since I hadn't taken one since July (see sig.) My shortest hairs are at BCL. I'm not sure if I'm quite at "can I call this TBL" or not. I know I am when I pull straight, but does that even count? What do you guys think?


Defiantely TBL:D

December 2nd, 2011, 09:43 AM
Thanks for the feedback!
I just feel so... shothaired and don't even dare to try the celtic knot bun :o because it just worked in the past weeks. But well, it's close the length I had in summer, so not such s big step backwords and the ends feel much better :)

December 4th, 2011, 01:24 PM
I just realized that I have reached tailbone length!!


December 4th, 2011, 01:38 PM
I just realized that I have reached tailbone length!!


woop! Congratulations!!

December 4th, 2011, 03:35 PM
Alvrodul, that's great! :D Do you have a picture for us? Motivation and so on :o

December 5th, 2011, 12:21 AM
I just realized that I have reached tailbone length!!


Oh my champagne, chocolate AND cake? What a great partayy!! Congrats Alvrodul!

2 months since my previous post and length update, I'm checking in! I am measuring in this month at 31in. This is hardcore elbow length for me! And rocking it! I officially think of myself as long haired, haha!

December 5th, 2011, 12:51 PM
Alvrodul, that's great! :D Do you have a picture for us? Motivation and so on :o
Here is the picture! :D I managed to talk someone into helping me with that. :D


UP Lisa
December 5th, 2011, 01:39 PM
Congrats! I always like to see the Fine hairs make it to these lengths:cool:!

I just realized that I have reached tailbone length!!


December 5th, 2011, 03:06 PM
Thanks for the pic!
I really like that look on you :)
And classic will look great, too, I'm sure

December 6th, 2011, 10:38 PM
I just realized that I have reached tailbone length!!


I am soooooooooooooo happy for you! Its lovely. Oh but guess that means you will be leaving for the TBl to Classic crowd.:run:

Have a lovely journey to Classic:blossom:

Hope to be there one day myself:wannabe:

December 27th, 2011, 08:46 AM
I have reached tailbone length! I've decided I need a change, so I have an appointment for Friday to cut it all off! Well, about 15 or 16 inches... Now that I've been on LHC for a while, and know how to properly care for my hair, I'm going to start fresh. I'd rather not have to maintain my hair at this length, so I'll cut it off and let it grow again. Plus, I want to be able to do vintage styles again! Wet sets just take too long to dry with this hair...

December 27th, 2011, 08:47 AM
Oops, posted too soon... this one too. Sorry they're so big!


December 27th, 2011, 08:57 AM
^ :thudpile:

It sounds like you're set on cutting back, but wow, that is some gorgeous hair!

December 27th, 2011, 09:08 AM
I'm not sure how long my hair is. It sometimes hovers around waist when it is it's most curly, but a couple of days after washing, the curls loosen and it is something around hip. I'm pretty sure that because of my curl that tailbone will be terminal length for me. We shall see.

December 27th, 2011, 11:02 AM
I'm not sure how long my hair is. It sometimes hovers around waist when it is it's most curly, but a couple of days after washing, the curls loosen and it is something around hip. I'm pretty sure that because of my curl that tailbone will be terminal length for me. We shall see.

I loooove those curls of yours! :crush:

December 27th, 2011, 11:53 AM
Thanks, Alvrodul. Those are frizzy, dry, several-days-after-washing curls. It certainly is not my hair at it's best, but it does look about three inches longer than usual.

I think it is BCL when I pull it straight.

December 27th, 2011, 01:45 PM
I have reached tailbone length! I've decided I need a change, so I have an appointment for Friday to cut it all off! Well, about 15 or 16 inches... Now that I've been on LHC for a while, and know how to properly care for my hair, I'm going to start fresh. I'd rather not have to maintain my hair at this length, so I'll cut it off and let it grow again. Plus, I want to be able to do vintage styles again! Wet sets just take too long to dry with this hair...

Congrats Oh wait Cut it :thudpile::bigeyes::wail:OFF!

Oh well If this is what makes you happy .:happydance:

Will see you on your return journey.:pegasus: I suspect I will still be here:cry:

Have lots of fun with your beautiful hair :waving::joy::cheer:

December 27th, 2011, 01:54 PM
I'm not sure how long my hair is. It sometimes hovers around waist when it is it's most curly, but a couple of days after washing, the curls loosen and it is something around hip. I'm pretty sure that because of my curl that tailbone will be terminal length for me. We shall see.

Its Beautiful:agape::crush::bowtome:

I am now talking to my hair and saying "LOOK at this"

There is no reason you should only have TBL for terminal unless you know something about curly hair I don't. I understand about shinking up though.

Your hair is gorgeous.

December 27th, 2011, 02:03 PM
That's very kind of you, Vintagecoilylocks.

Your hair is gorgeous! You are a curly and your hair is past tailbone, so perhaps there is hope.

I've lost my good eyesight since I passed menopause. Do you have braids or dreads in your long beautiful braid?

December 27th, 2011, 09:21 PM
Thanks guys! I'm set on cutting it. It grows pretty quickly though, especially since I started taking Biotin, wow. I will have to post a pic after the big cut! I'm excited to be able to do wet sets again! Can't wait!

December 27th, 2011, 09:21 PM
Juliadancer your hair is gorgeous! It also looks like it's in pretty good shape so I can't believe you're going to cut all of it off! Good luck with that and I hope you get what you want from the cut. :)

December 28th, 2011, 11:40 PM
That's very kind of you, Vintagecoilylocks.

Your hair is gorgeous! You are a curly and your hair is past tailbone, so perhaps there is hope.

I've lost my good eyesight since I passed menopause. Do you have braids or dreads in your long beautiful braid?

In my siggy I have my hair in alot of mini braids. I am currently using only six braids and trying the amish braids and bun. The mini braids are nice but get tedious so I am taking a break from them. I have to keep my hair braided or it would drive me crazy loose and be a tangled dry mess.

I truelly hope when I grow out these layers I can acheive full classic and hopefully longer.

So lets keep it moisturized and keep it growing:)

December 29th, 2011, 06:07 AM
aargh :) I've been posting in this thread for a year and a half now. When do I get to graduate?? Why is this stage of the journey so long?? I just want to be at tailbone!! :)

December 29th, 2011, 08:47 AM
I sometimes wonder where exactly is TBL...and if maybe I am already there.
Doesn't feel that way. Feels...longer than hip...and longest its ever been...Maybe that's why I can't tell..

December 29th, 2011, 10:05 AM
ahh they day I will be able to joint this thread...

December 29th, 2011, 10:22 AM
I think I am ready for this thread, what do you think?

Granted, my hair is really tapered at the hemline, but it's just very thin, plus it still has a few layers from my last haircut several years ago, and has only recently stopped shedding like crazy. But...what do you think? Time to head for TBL? (Simultaneous mini-goal; thicken hemline)

December 29th, 2011, 11:00 AM
My latest pic:


It's not really growing as fast as it used to :(
I've also decided to stop measuring. It's way too depressing. I'll keep taking monthly pictures, though.

December 29th, 2011, 02:06 PM
I think I am ready for this thread, what do you think?

Granted, my hair is really tapered at the hemline, but it's just very thin, plus it still has a few layers from my last haircut several years ago, and has only recently stopped shedding like crazy. But...what do you think? Time to head for TBL? (Simultaneous mini-goal; thicken hemline)

definitely looks past waist to me!

December 29th, 2011, 05:28 PM
I think I am ready for this thread, what do you think?

Granted, my hair is really tapered at the hemline, but it's just very thin, plus it still has a few layers from my last haircut several years ago, and has only recently stopped shedding like crazy. But...what do you think? Time to head for TBL? (Simultaneous mini-goal; thicken hemline)

Well you look past waist and I am growing out layers too so come on over.:)

December 29th, 2011, 05:35 PM
Yay! I think at the end of January I'm going to do a little trim back to waist proper.

December 29th, 2011, 08:49 PM
Wow, my curls eat up a lot of length. And my ends are so thin. I am almost tempted to cut back to BSL but I have been soooo impatient to get to waist, I probably don't have the self-discipline to cut it that much. I just baaaaaaarely qualify as waist length when my hair is curly as it is, and so few hairs are even that long :(


December 30th, 2011, 01:40 AM
aargh :) I've been posting in this thread for a year and a half now. When do I get to graduate?? Why is this stage of the journey so long?? I just want to be at tailbone!! :)

I remarked to a friend of mine I haven't seen recently that my hair is getting long and the first thing she asked was, "Can you sit on it?"

"No, not yet."

*sigh* patience... patience... >.<;

December 30th, 2011, 06:20 AM
I remarked to a friend of mine I haven't seen recently that my hair is getting long and the first thing she asked was, "Can you sit on it?"

"No, not yet."

*sigh* patience... patience... >.<;

:lol: Isn't that kind of thing frustrating? I keep thinking my hair looks 'longer', but I haven't had a proper MILESTONE in FOREVER.

December 30th, 2011, 09:11 AM
Wow, my curls eat up a lot of length. And my ends are so thin. I am almost tempted to cut back to BSL but I have been soooo impatient to get to waist, I probably don't have the self-discipline to cut it that much. I just baaaaaaarely qualify as waist length when my hair is curly as it is, and so few hairs are even that long :(


I much prefer your hair curly! There is no need to straighten.

No need to cut either. What I would do is maintain where you are to allow your layers to catch up, at which point I am sure your hemline will thicken lots!

I'm one inch away from waist at the moment, will return when I'm waist proper :)

December 30th, 2011, 12:03 PM
I much prefer your hair curly! There is no need to straighten.

No need to cut either. What I would do is maintain where you are to allow your layers to catch up, at which point I am sure your hemline will thicken lots!

I'm one inch away from waist at the moment, will return when I'm waist proper :)

Thank you! I must confess I prefer it as well. It gets straight when I damp bun it because I rarely have the patience and discipline to not touch it when I air dry it loose to let it be curly. Plus I find it more difficult to style in updos when it's curly and I have been trying to wear it up every day. But, I do love my natural curls and I am lucky that they are really low maintenance!

I am definitely taking your advice about dealing with my layers and hemline.

See you back soon!

December 30th, 2011, 02:30 PM
Well I have trimmed probably nearly all my years growth off in 2011, to try and get my ends thicker. The bulk of my thickness is about 3" up from my hem. I am planning to not cut, trim, dust or even s&d until May. Id like to see hip length by this time next year, though ive a feeling I am nearly at terminal, which makes me feel kind of sad as I really want classic length hair!

Heres my December 2011 photo and i am just 31". The fat creases are my waist and my hands are at the top of my hip bones. for a full hip, i need another 3".
You have probably seen this photo as its in my siggi, but I am hoping to check back to my post in a years time and compare how far (if I do) I can come!

December 30th, 2011, 03:05 PM
I remarked to a friend of mine I haven't seen recently that my hair is getting long and the first thing she asked was, "Can you sit on it?"

"No, not yet."

*sigh* patience... patience... >.<;
That is always what people ask me, and I don't get it. I don't see how my hair looks long enough to sit on. Can't wait until it is, even though I won't.

December 31st, 2011, 11:04 PM
That is always what people ask me, and I don't get it. I don't see how my hair looks long enough to sit on. Can't wait until it is, even though I won't.

I think its odd too, but I guess in the real world outside of LHC, everything below shoulders is considered long hair. BSL, waist, and hip lengths aren't considered normal milestones for the average Joe. But if you say you can sit on it, now that's something they can visualize easily for any body type.

January 1st, 2012, 05:35 AM
Woo hoo! I can join here! I'm just past waist, entering into the howling wilderness of lower back. I havn't measured since this time last year but am probably at roughly the same length as I have had a couple of hefty cuts in the last year.

January 1st, 2012, 10:06 AM
This weekend was interesting, I decided to out and about with my hair down. It was stuck under the chest strap on my seat beat, all over the place in front of me because of the hood on my coat and constantly under my purse strap. Not to mention falling in my face every time I tried to lean over and pick out my groceries. Hehehe. Just more reasons to wear my lovely hair toys.

January 3rd, 2012, 10:13 PM
I'm pretty sure I've made it to TBL! :cheese: At least my longest hairs are anyway. I still have one layer left in my hair and a major u hemline going on. I hope to make that less severe and get rid of that layer, but when I'm not too sure.


It was nice spending time with you guys. :) See you all in the next thread, not sure what that is , but I'm going to find it. :D I'm due for a trim so depending on how long I put that off I just might join you guys here again. :)

Jojo your hair is looking really good!

January 3rd, 2012, 11:07 PM
Wow its beautiful


January 3rd, 2012, 11:17 PM
Wooh! I can finally, after 7 years of being a member here join this thread!
I measured yesterday, and my tips are definitely hitting waist now!

Onto tailbone...next goal.

January 4th, 2012, 01:00 AM
I'm pretty sure I've made it to TBL! :cheese: At least my longest hairs are anyway. I still have one layer left in my hair and a major u hemline going on. I hope to make that less severe and get rid of that layer, but when I'm not too sure.


It was nice spending time with you guys. :) See you all in the next thread, not sure what that is , but I'm going to find it. :D I'm due for a trim so depending on how long I put that off I just might join you guys here again. :)

Jojo your hair is looking really good!

woooww nice

January 4th, 2012, 05:31 PM
Thank you guys!

the fee fairy congratulations on hitting waist and welcome to the thread, it's a nice place to be. :)

January 4th, 2012, 07:27 PM
I've been absent from the forum for awhile but I think I wanna join in again. In July 2009 my hair started falling out due to emotional trauma but I think it's finally abating and I'm gaining length again!! I'm only 7 inches from tailbone so a year ought to see me there. :D

January 5th, 2012, 09:04 PM
Realized I only have about 4 inches till I hit tailbone.... **squees** I've had it tailbone length before but that was YEARS ago. Sooo close!

WB Aksown YAY on the 7 inches!

adding a pic my son took.... kinda blurry sorry

January 10th, 2012, 02:15 PM
Well, now I'm back...Was here for a while, graduated to TB to Classic, and then had a stressful move/first semester of grad school and all my hair fell out.

Cut 6 inches of fried sad ends off... and am now finally used to the water. Living in the world between waist and tailbone, some bits at hip, some at waist... But now the major stresses have worked their way down, and so now it's back on to growing. Hoping to be solidly at tailbone by the end of the summer...

January 10th, 2012, 07:11 PM
Well, now I'm back...Was here for a while, graduated to TB to Classic, and then had a stressful move/first semester of grad school and all my hair fell out.

Cut 6 inches of fried sad ends off... and am now finally used to the water. Living in the world between waist and tailbone, some bits at hip, some at waist... But now the major stresses have worked their way down, and so now it's back on to growing. Hoping to be solidly at tailbone by the end of the summer...

Well at least you had the thrill of once graduating from this thread. I have all those layers too after a massive shed. Hoping my stall is temporary:(

Nice to have you here and hope you make your goals in record time:cheese:

January 10th, 2012, 08:04 PM
Well, I guess now that I'm past waist I qualify for this thread. Yay! I'm hoping that when I get back from studying abroad in June I'll have lovely hip length hair, and that this time next year I'll have "hair down to my butt!" (aka tailbone :p). I've been asked a few times if I'm growing it "to my butt" (lol, the way non-LHCers talk about long hair) and I can't wait until I'm actually there. :D

January 11th, 2012, 11:26 AM
Well at least you had the thrill of once graduating from this thread. I have all those layers too after a massive shed. Hoping my stall is temporary:(

Nice to have you here and hope you make your goals in record time:cheese:
Thanks, and me too. Hope your stall ends with a vengeance. Those massive sheds really bite, don't they?

January 11th, 2012, 11:33 AM
Finally able to join this thread! Seems like TB is a long long way away.


January 11th, 2012, 12:43 PM
Still got a long way to go, but I am very pleased with my hair.. it's really growing fast! I Hope to be at tailbone at the and of this year.. or almost there!

Sorry for the bad quality, and the colours aren't that good.
My frizzy, not dry yet, hair.

January 12th, 2012, 02:22 AM
I wore my hair down this week and I realized... the longest parts have already reached tailbone! I guess I'm only going to be here a bit longer. I'm quite thrilled.
Of course... there wasn't much distance to grow from waist to tailbone on me.... body shapes can be so varied! Still growing towards classic!!!

January 15th, 2012, 09:06 PM
I've been trying to post for weeks. For some reason, my posts just wouldn't take. But now that I'm back, I MUST comment on these:


Um...:thudpile: I'm glad I was able to get in before you post your chopped pics. And that you can be so nonchalant about it, :bowtome: Just beautiful!


Just when I get the nerve to post in this thread, I see hair like this that gives me a severe case of hairnorexia. Bee-yoo-tee-ful!

January 16th, 2012, 07:32 PM
Yay! Major growth spurt means I can join in here again! I have had about 3 inches growth in the past 3 months or so. Major spurt after not much. Now I am just past waist again and when I tip my head back I am past hip!! I should be solidly hip by St. Patrick's Day and am hoping for TBL by my birthday in July. That's assuming my current rate of growth and no trims. If it gets too scraggly on the ends i will trim a bit. But, now that this HUGE milestone is in sight, I just want to grow, grow grow.

I really need to get some new pictures up to show my new length. Avatar is at waist and siggy is beginning length.

January 17th, 2012, 04:21 AM
I'm pretty sure I'm at or nearly at hip. Where exactly is that tailbone again? Right by butt crack?

My hands are on the crests of my hips here. It's a baby doll dress.. you no can see any body shape details. (But I have one in my folder with waist length hair in that dress to compare to.)

January 17th, 2012, 07:48 AM
To me, tailbone length is the very bottom of the tailbone - close to classic and mid to bottom of my jeans pocket. Top of the tailbone is the start of the vertical smile - most people take that as being tailbone length.

January 17th, 2012, 05:29 PM
I want to join you girls! I'm so happy!


Tailbone is a little before the lower end of the pic. I plan on trimming more than usual this year so I guess I'll stay in this thread for a long time. I think that's my final goal so I don't care that much and I'll enjoy the journey.

January 17th, 2012, 05:54 PM
barely brushing hip curly I think Butt crack length when pulled out :) here we go

January 17th, 2012, 06:01 PM
I'm really hoping that by the end of this year my hair will be close to waist, it's so close to bsl ( when wet and stretched it is bsl ) I heard that mixing a few drops of peppermint oil with your shampoo helps incourage hair growth??? Has anyone tried this, if not, i think i might skip over to Holland & Barrett and get some peppermint oil!!!!!

January 17th, 2012, 06:01 PM
Yeah. I know I'm not near it yet.. but just sneaking up on it!

I plan to just S&D for a while and see how it looks next month. If it is starting to get a bit raggy.. I will consider a small trim. I think once I get to tailbone I'm going to start trimming it up to even out the ends/get rid of layers.

January 17th, 2012, 06:05 PM
My lhc journey:
Joined in July 2011http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?pictureid=117338&albumid=8987&dl=1319761818&thumb=1
and now, January 2012http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?pictureid=123672&albumid=8987&dl=1326498844&thumb=1
I'm *almost* tailbone with only one trim this year! My sides hvve gone from bsl to waist. Maybe Feb will be solid TB for me?

January 17th, 2012, 06:34 PM
Im at lower waist! Yay,,on my way to TB!!!! hopefully this yr!


January 17th, 2012, 08:38 PM
I'm 2 to 3 inches beyond waist. Slowly creeping downward...

Ravenwaves 88
January 29th, 2012, 02:16 PM

I'm at 37.5" right now and my goal is to the end of my purple shirt. I will be cutting off about two inches in Feb and adding more face framing layers.

I am pretty sure I want to go to classic length now. Or maybe just until my hair brushes the floor.


January 29th, 2012, 04:27 PM
Yay! I finally get to post in this thread :)


I hit 32 inches, getting to waist an inch ago and didn't really notice! I'm really pleased though. Waist was my original wedding hair goal, now it's tailbone....if I reach that early, I'll change the goal again though:)

PS: The taper is old layers, not natural or damage....I'm just trimming the base hem slowly and evening them out.

Ravenwaves 88
January 29th, 2012, 05:35 PM

This is dry. It seems a bit see through...I didn't realise I was loosing so much thickness. :(

January 30th, 2012, 11:30 AM
After years of growing, I'm finally at tailbone length! At least, at top-of-tailbone length... I've still got an inch or two to go until I'm at my ultimate goal length, bottom-of-tailbone, but I'm pretty darn close.


Color is pretty off in that picture because of cell phone + awful lighting, but it still shows the length pretty well. Need to get a photo from a bit farther away, when I'm wearing jeans or something, so it's easier to see where exactly the hair is hitting on my body... Waist to tailbone felt like it took FOREVER at first, but now that it's here, it feels like it kind of snuck up on me!

January 30th, 2012, 12:01 PM
After years of growing, I'm finally at tailbone length! At least, at top-of-tailbone length... I've still got an inch or two to go until I'm at my ultimate goal length, bottom-of-tailbone, but I'm pretty darn close.


Color is pretty off in that picture because of cell phone + awful lighting, but it still shows the length pretty well. Need to get a photo from a bit farther away, when I'm wearing jeans or something, so it's easier to see where exactly the hair is hitting on my body... Waist to tailbone felt like it took FOREVER at first, but now that it's here, it feels like it kind of snuck up on me!

Soooooo beautiful Neorah!!! :thudpile:

UP Lisa
January 30th, 2012, 02:52 PM
Now that is some gorgeous hair - whatever the color!

quote=Neorah;1975138]After years of growing, I'm finally at tailbone length! At least, at top-of-tailbone length... I've still got an inch or two to go until I'm at my ultimate goal length, bottom-of-tailbone, but I'm pretty darn close.


Color is pretty off in that picture because of cell phone + awful lighting, but it still shows the length pretty well. Need to get a photo from a bit farther away, when I'm wearing jeans or something, so it's easier to see where exactly the hair is hitting on my body... Waist to tailbone felt like it took FOREVER at first, but now that it's here, it feels like it kind of snuck up on me![/quote]

January 30th, 2012, 02:56 PM
After years of growing, I'm finally at tailbone length! At least, at top-of-tailbone length... I've still got an inch or two to go until I'm at my ultimate goal length, bottom-of-tailbone, but I'm pretty darn close.


Color is pretty off in that picture because of cell phone + awful lighting, but it still shows the length pretty well. Need to get a photo from a bit farther away, when I'm wearing jeans or something, so it's easier to see where exactly the hair is hitting on my body... Waist to tailbone felt like it took FOREVER at first, but now that it's here, it feels like it kind of snuck up on me!

How long did it take you to grow from waist to TBL?

January 30th, 2012, 04:29 PM
papera- Aw, thanks! :inlove:

UP Lisa- Thanks, your waves are lovely too! The camera brought out more red & gold tones than my hair really has, which is more of a neutral dark blonde. :)

Amber_Maiden- It took 3 years for me to get from waist to here, but I was pretty close to tailbone a year ago. I had a pretty deep V hemline, though, and some leftover layers, so most of my hair was closer to hip length. I just whipped up a mini-timeline to show the journey:


As you can see, I was just brushing tailbone a year ago. My overall length is not terribly much longer than it was then, but I have trimmed several times to even out the hemline.

January 30th, 2012, 04:38 PM
papera- Aw, thanks! :inlove:

UP Lisa- Thanks, your waves are lovely too! The camera brought out more red & gold tones than my hair really has, which is more of a neutral dark blonde. :)

Amber_Maiden- It took 3 years for me to get from waist to here, but I was pretty close to tailbone a year ago. I had a pretty deep V hemline, though, and some leftover layers, so most of my hair was closer to hip length. I just whipped up a mini-timeline to show the journey:


As you can see, I was just brushing tailbone a year ago. My overall length is not terribly much longer than it was then, but I have trimmed several times to even out the hemline.

Thank you Neorah! You're hair is so beautiful!!! Congrats on getting to TBL :D
Hopefully I get to TBL soon, but I have a feeling my growth has been slowing down... Very weird!

January 30th, 2012, 04:43 PM
Thank you Neorah! You're hair is so beautiful!!! Congrats on getting to TBL :D
Hopefully I get to TBL soon, but I have a feeling my growth has been slowing down... Very weird!
I know that I went through periods where it felt like my hair wasn't growing at all! My advice? Think of the old adage of, a watched pot never boils... Try your best to stop thinking about whether or not your hair is growing, and just enjoy it at whatever length it is. Trust me, it's growing, and that final goal will sneak up on you when you take your attention away from it for a little while. I was amazed by how much my hair had grown in the 2.5 years that I was utterly distracted by graduate school! :D

January 30th, 2012, 04:49 PM
I know that I went through periods where it felt like my hair wasn't growing at all! My advice? Think of the old adage of, a watched pot never boils... Try your best to stop thinking about whether or not your hair is growing, and just enjoy it at whatever length it is. Trust me, it's growing, and that final goal will sneak up on you when you take your attention away from it for a little while. I was amazed by how much my hair had grown in the 2.5 years that I was utterly distracted by graduate school! :D

I definitely agree with that! Last month I stopped measuring and taking pics of my hair- I just want to be surprised one day!
And as soon as June hits and my baby is born, I'll probably be REALLY distracted for a good long while, and more so if I get into grad school! :D
Thank you for the tips!

January 31st, 2012, 02:07 AM
Hi, I want to join you. This journey will be long for me, I am at waist length now, and because of the waves, it is mid back and bsl at some places when dry. (Waves are not equal everywhere)

I can't imagine if my hair will be that long, but let's see :)

January 31st, 2012, 02:10 AM
I know that I went through periods where it felt like my hair wasn't growing at all! My advice? Think of the old adage of, a watched pot never boils... Try your best to stop thinking about whether or not your hair is growing, and just enjoy it at whatever length it is. Trust me, it's growing, and that final goal will sneak up on you when you take your attention away from it for a little while. I was amazed by how much my hair had grown in the 2.5 years that I was utterly distracted by graduate school! :D

I agree with you. And your hair is awesome! The color is similar to my sister's, which I love

January 31st, 2012, 03:56 AM
Can I call this TB? It definitely reaches my TB when stretched (actually slightly past bottom of TB) but to me it doesn't really look like it. Thoughts? Can I join the next thread yet? XD

http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?albumid=2713&pictureid=125335 http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?albumid=2713&pictureid=125336

UP Lisa
January 31st, 2012, 08:32 AM
To me, wavy and curly hair should be measured when stretched, since that is it's true length.

Can I call this TB? It definitely reaches my TB when stretched (actually slightly past bottom of TB) but to me it doesn't really look like it. Thoughts? Can I join the next thread yet? XD

http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?albumid=2713&pictureid=125335 http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?albumid=2713&pictureid=125336

January 31st, 2012, 08:42 AM
papera- Aw, thanks! :inlove:

UP Lisa- Thanks, your waves are lovely too! The camera brought out more red & gold tones than my hair really has, which is more of a neutral dark blonde. :)

Amber_Maiden- It took 3 years for me to get from waist to here, but I was pretty close to tailbone a year ago. I had a pretty deep V hemline, though, and some leftover layers, so most of my hair was closer to hip length. I just whipped up a mini-timeline to show the journey:


As you can see, I was just brushing tailbone a year ago. My overall length is not terribly much longer than it was then, but I have trimmed several times to even out the hemline.

Wow looks amazing!

January 31st, 2012, 12:20 PM
Can I call this TB? It definitely reaches my TB when stretched (actually slightly past bottom of TB) but to me it doesn't really look like it. Thoughts? Can I join the next thread yet? XD

http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?albumid=2713&pictureid=125335 http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?albumid=2713&pictureid=125336

I've seen your posts on microtrimming, and my goodness, your thickness is travelling down so well! You've got really fantastic thickness now till about waist, and it's only after that that it's got FTEs, which if I remember rightly is a huge improvement. Love the colour too - henna?

February 1st, 2012, 11:09 AM
I've seen your posts on microtrimming, and my goodness, your thickness is travelling down so well! You've got really fantastic thickness now till about waist, and it's only after that that it's got FTEs, which if I remember rightly is a huge improvement. Love the colour too - henna?

Yes I'm soo pleased with my microtrimming progress! Another year of it and it will be the hair I've always wanted. Much easier for me than doing a single trim each year and losing a lot of length, plus my hair is so fine it gets damaged at the ends easily.

My colour is natural luckily enough! :)

February 1st, 2012, 03:21 PM
I'm at hip now !! So happy !
I don't know how many inch I'm from TB but I think that I'll be there in 6 months :)

February 1st, 2012, 03:53 PM
Am i long enough to join this thread?


February 5th, 2012, 06:12 AM
It sure looks like it, Kitsu! :D

February 9th, 2012, 07:25 PM
Right now I'm at hip length!:pray: I'm shooting for tailbone length next! However I have quite a bit of damage..not a lot but I think I might need about 3 inches taken off. Tonight I might do a very small trim to see how I like it. If I take 3 inches off it will put me at around waist length..which will set me back but it may be worth it! I can't wait to reach tailbone!!:D

February 10th, 2012, 11:25 AM
It's taken me about 5 years to get from APL to hip, where I am now. My hair doesn't grow particularly fast, and thanks to the horrendous things I did to it (sulfates, cones, blow-drying, bad elastics, S&Ded using a blunt pair of nail scissors ~cringe~, ripped a brush through because I was impatient, etc) I would have to cut off at least half of all my new growth every year.

I found this forum almost a year ago, and since then I've completely changed my routine. I now avoid all cones and sulfates, use coconut oil as a leave-in conditioner, brush very gently, and wear my hair up all the time.

I'm due for my anual trim this month, and for the first time I think I can get away with only cutting off an inch or two (last year the hairdresser took off 8 inches when all I'd asked for was 4). If all goes well, I think I'll reach my goal of a healthy tailbone length this year :)

Mai Gloeckchen
February 10th, 2012, 01:35 PM
I would like to join. Is there anything I need to do, to contribute?
I am at hiplength now or better: at belt-length, which is even a bit lower.
Tailbonelength would be one meter of hair for me so it is one of my bigger goals.

February 11th, 2012, 04:26 PM
I would like to join. Is there anything I need to do, to contribute?
I am at hiplength now or better: at belt-length, which is even a bit lower.
Tailbonelength would be one meter of hair for me so it is one of my bigger goals.

There is nothing you need to do welcome! But I'd love to see some pictures! :)

February 11th, 2012, 06:15 PM
It took about six months to go from waist to lower hip with good nutrition. Good luck : )