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July 26th, 2020, 01:27 PM
Estrid, your hair is utterly gorgeous. I don't have any advice on tangles, but whatever you're doing at the moment is yielding beautiful results. Thank you, all you Scandinavians, for gifting the world with your stunning colour variations! This means you, Ylva and Siv, as well!

Did anyone else notice any significant changes in what your hair needs during the waist to tbl area? Around waist I started *needing* silicones, and now at bcl/tbl I need a lot more conditioner than before. Of course there's more hair now but I thought the amount of conditioner I suddenly need is disproportionate to the amount my hair has grown :shrug:

Waist is when I started noticing that my ends aren't indestructible, and after a couple of months of cone-free experimentation I also concluded that my hair much prefers silicones. I don't feel the amount of conditioner I use is disproportionate, but I'm only just brushing hip, so let's see what happens at TBL!

July 26th, 2020, 03:18 PM

I've been stuck at this length for a few years now! I'd like my hair to be right around TBL when curly. Right now it's nearly TBL when straightened but I just can't seem to get any more inches! I' growing out my hair natural and I'm hoping that will help with breakage.

July 26th, 2020, 04:18 PM
Always a delight to see photos of your hair, Estrid, blurry or sharp.

FTL is definitely a major milestone since you can no longer reach your ends. That changes a lot of things. I probably won't grow past FTL while still needing to use leave-ins, but we'll see.

Not in terms of conditioner - my hair actually needs less and less by the year but that's because the condition is improving and damage is getting cut off, although much less has been cut off than one would expect looking at how much less conditioner I'm using. However, I notice practical changes like needing to move my (loose) hair out of the way of everything all of a sudden.

Yes, I've noticed this too! All of a sudden my hair is getting in the way all the time :laugh: I think I needed that though, cos I was being lazy and only wearing simply braids all the time. The past few weeks I've been wearing buns and they're a game changer! All of a sudden, my hair is no bother at all :)

Spirals haha, yes! I'm had thought classic would do me, but now I'm wondering about FTL. Surely I won't need to go past that?! :laugh:

Estrid Your hair is gorgeous! I feel your pain with the brushing too! I might need some new brushes. I can't even comb mine wet, I have to wait till it's dry. It dries like a bird's nest :laugh:

ebillan I'm sorry you're stuck! Your length is great though, congrats! You're colour is so fun as well! That's the only problem with colour though, we usually end up growing it out! I'm growing henna out. It's a slow progress! Good luck with it!! :)

July 26th, 2020, 04:30 PM
Estrid, you have my favorite hair on here!! The color and texture are both so beautiful. 😍

July 26th, 2020, 09:36 PM
Thank you, all :o :flowers: I've been neglecting my hair ever since it started acting difficult, which was about the same time my life got quite stressful, and I don't mean benign neglect :couch: I'm glad that my hair isn't that frail, but I should start being nicer to it, just have to figure out how.

July 26th, 2020, 10:45 PM
ebillan, your hair looks so cool! I love the green(greenblue?), somehow it looks natural :confused: I had to look a few times to even convince myself that it was indeed green. Your natural hair colour blends very well with it. Having your natural hair might definitely help it getting longer :o good luck!

July 27th, 2020, 05:03 AM
I love your waves, Estrid!

July 27th, 2020, 08:10 AM
Beautiful, ebillan!

Estrid, your hair is utterly gorgeous. I don't have any advice on tangles, but whatever you're doing at the moment is yielding beautiful results. Thank you, all you Scandinavians, for gifting the world with your stunning colour variations! This means you, Ylva and Siv, as well!

That is such a kind thing to say!

July 27th, 2020, 07:44 PM
Spirals haha, yes! I'm had thought classic would do me, but now I'm wondering about FTL. Surely I won't need to go past that?! :laugh:

My mom hasn't seen me in a year and a half and she's coming to live with me next month. She doesn't know what she's getting into.

July 27th, 2020, 07:45 PM
Spirals haha, yes! I'm had thought classic would do me, but now I'm wondering about FTL. Surely I won't need to go past that?! :laugh:

My mom hasn't seen me in 2 years and she's coming to live with me next month. She doesn't know what she's getting into.

July 27th, 2020, 07:46 PM
Spirals haha, yes! I'm had thought classic would do me, but now I'm wondering about FTL. Surely I won't need to go past that?! :laugh:

My mom hasn't seen me in 2 years and she's coming to live with me next month. She doesn't know what she's getting into.

July 28th, 2020, 02:34 AM
Estrid, your hair is utterly gorgeous. I don't have any advice on tangles, but whatever you're doing at the moment is yielding beautiful results. Thank you, all you Scandinavians, for gifting the world with your stunning colour variations! This means you, Ylva and Siv, as well!

Oh wow I totally missed this! Thank you very much barnet_fair! :love:

July 28th, 2020, 03:39 AM
I've been stuck at this length for a few years now! I'd like my hair to be right around TBL when curly. Right now it's nearly TBL when straightened but I just can't seem to get any more inches! I' growing out my hair natural and I'm hoping that will help with breakage.

I was stuck at BSL when my hair was dyed, it didn't seem to grow much and it was dry and full of split ends, but since I have natural hair I can definitely see how much it has grown, it's longer than ever :D Already past WL

Belgrade Beauty
July 29th, 2020, 12:59 PM
I'm officially calling HIP. FINALLY!!!! I've been waiting for it longer than I should have due to a trim worth 3cm.. Since I have a problem with posting pics to my album for some weird reason, here is a link to a pic: http://prntscr.com/tqqafm

July 29th, 2020, 01:29 PM
I'm officially calling HIP. FINALLY!!!! I've been waiting for it longer than I should have due to a trim worth 3cm.. Since I have a problem with posting pics to my album for some weird reason, here is a link to a pic: http://prntscr.com/tqqafm

Congratulations! :love:

July 29th, 2020, 01:41 PM
Congrats Belgrade Beauty! :heart: it looks gorgeous.

July 29th, 2020, 02:01 PM
Thanks all for the compliments! :)

I was stuck at BSL when my hair was dyed, it didn't seem to grow much and it was dry and full of split ends, but since I have natural hair I can definitely see how much it has grown, it's longer than ever :D Already past WL

I do have some shorter layers at the front which are all natural hair, and they seem to be growing so quickly! My hair is only lightened a tiny bit, but with naturally dry hair it seems to have done it's damage. Can't wait to have it all grown how natural again :)

July 30th, 2020, 05:47 AM
I've only called hip recently, but my hair is now only about 3 inches from tailbone. It feels like it's suddenly long out of nowhere! Has anyone else experience this with these two milestones?

July 30th, 2020, 06:38 AM
I've only called hip recently, but my hair is now only about 3 inches from tailbone. It feels like it's suddenly long out of nowhere! Has anyone else experience this with these two milestones?

I need 6 inches from HL to TBL.

Belgrade Beauty
July 30th, 2020, 08:02 AM
Congratulations! :love:

Congrats Belgrade Beauty! :heart: it looks gorgeous.

Thanks girls! It's a big deal for me, it's sort of a turning point, I think. Now I'm sure I can make it to goal BCL...Somehow hip was waited the longest time and a bit staled so I doubted I would ever get there..Plus the compulsion to cut is huge when you wait for a goal that long..:) I was losing my nerves already..And suddenly I was there..:)

July 30th, 2020, 04:21 PM
I'm officially calling HIP. FINALLY!!!! I've been waiting for it longer than I should have due to a trim worth 3cm.. Since I have a problem with posting pics to my album for some weird reason, here is a link to a pic: http://prntscr.com/tqqafm

Woohoo, congrats Belgrade Beauty!! :happydance: Your ends look great from the trim as well! :)

July 30th, 2020, 10:59 PM
I've been maintaining at BCL to thicken my ends but I'm going to continue growing now. Hoping I can make it past the 38 inch mark which is where my hair just seems to give up.

Not the best length shot but unless I straighten, this is probably the best I will get:

July 31st, 2020, 12:06 AM
Beautiful. I bet if you protect the ends you can get to tailbone by the end of the year. You're probably only 2 inches away and for most people that's 4 months.

July 31st, 2020, 12:47 AM
Beautiful. I bet if you protect the ends you can get to tailbone by the end of the year. You're probably only 2 inches away and for most people that's 4 months.

Thanks :)

4 inches, actually. I'm at 36, and tailbone is 40 for me. The issue is that my hair gives up around 38 inches; I've grown maybe one strand longer at 39. Now that my ends are thicker, I'm hoping I can make it.

July 31st, 2020, 01:32 AM
GrowlingCupcake Your hair is beautiful! :crush: I'm sure you can make it to tailbone now that your ends are thicker! :)

Belgrade Beauty
August 2nd, 2020, 01:27 AM
Woohoo, congrats Belgrade Beauty!! :happydance: Your ends look great from the trim as well! :)

Yeah, they do..But still some splits there to be cut off.. :)

August 4th, 2020, 06:23 AM
Hi, can I join you all?? :D


My longest strands are now at waist, I'm so excited to finally be in this thread! :joy: Tailbone has been my ulimate goal for a long time.
Today is wash day and my hair was just taken out of a weird bun, so I'll add a better picture soon :)

I plan on trimming a few cm off my longest strands in Jan, probably until the level of my next layers. I want to gradually get rid of them, while still growing my hair. My goal is tailbone length hair, a V or U hemline, and some face-framing layers maybe (just without the short layers in the back).

August 4th, 2020, 06:45 AM
Amenahh congratulations on reaching your new milestone!

August 4th, 2020, 08:08 AM
Amenahh congratulations on reaching your new milestone!

Thanks Bri-Chan! :)

August 4th, 2020, 08:34 PM
Hi all! I'd like to join you. I'm just past waist, about where I've always run out of gas because I never really tried to get it any longer. It just got that long (in the past) for lack of cutting. But now I want to see how long it can get. I guess my ultimate goal if it materializes would be knee length, but that's a loooong way off. Tailbone seems like a good goal that I might actually be able to reach. Certainly all of the amazing advice and success stories and inspirational pics on here will help! Here we go!

August 4th, 2020, 09:51 PM
Hi, can I join you all?? :D


My longest strands are now at waist, I'm so excited to finally be in this thread! :joy: Tailbone has been my ulimate goal for a long time.
Today is wash day and my hair was just taken out of a weird bun, so I'll add a better picture soon :)

I plan on trimming a few cm off my longest strands in Jan, probably until the level of my next layers. I want to gradually get rid of them, while still growing my hair. My goal is tailbone length hair, a V or U hemline, and some face-framing layers maybe (just without the short layers in the back).

Hi Amenahh, congratulations! Looks like you and I are at similar places with similar goals! Your hair is beautiful. 💙💙💙

August 4th, 2020, 11:26 PM
Hi Amenahh and welcome. Your hair is gorgeous, the bun gave it some great texture. Congratulations on being so close to your goal.

August 4th, 2020, 11:49 PM
Hi all! I'd like to join you. I'm just past waist, about where I've always run out of gas because I never really tried to get it any longer. It just got that long (in the past) for lack of cutting. But now I want to see how long it can get. I guess my ultimate goal if it materializes would be knee length, but that's a loooong way off. Tailbone seems like a good goal that I might actually be able to reach. Certainly all of the amazing advice and success stories and inspirational pics on here will help! Here we go!

I missed your post earlier Bexlocks. Welcome to the thread. Here’s to an enjoyable journey through the thread and ultimately to your goal length.

August 5th, 2020, 02:33 AM
EDIT: haha sorry wrong thread!!

August 5th, 2020, 04:15 AM
Thanks for the welcome, everyone! :flower::flower:

August 7th, 2020, 07:04 AM
Thanks, squirrel!

August 7th, 2020, 02:23 PM
Looks like I’m going for tailbone! I never thought I’d go past waist because its my favorite length but l love the Jamie Leigh Bun and it will look nicer if I have longer hair.

I’m looking forward to following everyone’s journey to tailbone.


August 7th, 2020, 02:52 PM
Welcome to the thread. Your hair is gorgeous and I look forward to seeing it grow.

August 7th, 2020, 04:58 PM
Looks like I’m going for tailbone! I never thought I’d go past waist because its my favorite length but l love the Jamie Leigh Bun and it will look nicer if I have longer hair.

I’m looking forward to following everyone’s journey to tailbone.

https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=42227&d=1596740235Thats some beautiful hair. I love colour , the thickness and texture. Your avatar bun is gorgeous. You’ve got a silver , blonde ambre.
You blondes have the nicest silver transitioning ever.
Very nice.

August 7th, 2020, 05:05 PM
Ooh! The Jaime Leigh Bun is so pretty.

August 7th, 2020, 08:16 PM
Welcome to the thread. Your hair is gorgeous and I look forward to seeing it grow.Thank you squirrel.

Thats some beautiful hair. I love colour , the thickness and texture. Your avatar bun is gorgeous. You’ve got a silver , blonde ambre.
You blondes have the nicest silver transitioning ever.
Very nice.Thank you for the complements but also for giving my color a name. I wasn’t sure what to call it and I like your description. I always thought dark hair transitioned the prettiest, lol. Actually, I’ve never seen any healthy silver hair that wasn’t a pretty color.

Ooh! The Jaime Leigh Bun is so pretty.It is and it’s amazing how easy it is once you can make a French braid. I like that at the end of the day when I want to take my bun down I can just pull out the sticks and still have a braid.

August 8th, 2020, 07:20 AM
Looks like I’m going for tailbone! I never thought I’d go past waist because its my favorite length but l love the Jamie Leigh Bun and it will look nicer if I have longer hair.

I’m looking forward to following everyone’s journey to tailbone.



August 8th, 2020, 08:29 AM
Thank you baanoo!

August 16th, 2020, 11:33 AM
Hello hello, this is my thread now! I was going to wait until the end of the month and do a side-by-side July & August but since I posted typing photos this morning thought I'd go ahead and jump in. Thank you for letting me grow alongside yall.

Here's my hair now – the top of my right hand is right below my natural waist and my left hand is on my hipbone.

I am so excited to finally be here!

August 16th, 2020, 11:57 AM

I've had a few people comment on how long my hair is since going back to school, and it makes me so happy! I think I'm getting close to tailbone too :)

August 16th, 2020, 11:01 PM
Hello hello, this is my thread now! I was going to wait until the end of the month and do a side-by-side July & August but since I posted typing photos this morning thought I'd go ahead and jump in. Thank you for letting me grow alongside yall.

Here's my hair now – the top of my right hand is right below my natural waist and my left hand is on my hipbone.

I am so excited to finally be here!

Welcome to the thread baanoo! Congratulations on your milestone!

August 16th, 2020, 11:04 PM

I've had a few people comment on how long my hair is since going back to school, and it makes me so happy! I think I'm getting close to tailbone too :)

Your hair looks beautiful, victor_tinyduck! And loving your hemline!

August 18th, 2020, 12:05 AM
baanoo, I involuntarily uttered "Gorgeous!"

August 18th, 2020, 05:00 AM
baanoo, I involuntarily uttered "Gorgeous!"

:blush: you are too kind, spirals!

August 19th, 2020, 03:01 AM
baanoo, such gorgeous hair; love the color!

victor_tinyduck, very pretty. My hair was once as smooth as yours (then puberty hit LOL).

August 21st, 2020, 02:40 AM
baanoo welcome to the thread, your hair looks absolutely gorgeous :love:

Victor tinyduck congrats on great progress your hair looks so pretty and healthy :)

Braids didn’t used to work for me at all. This week I tried a single braid for the first time in ages, and it went up into a bun more comfortably/easily than last time. Must be getting longer :)


August 21st, 2020, 01:40 PM
baanoo, such gorgeous hair; love the color!

Thank you so much, lapushka! :o

baanoo welcome to the thread, your hair looks absolutely gorgeous :love:

Victor tinyduck congrats on great progress your hair looks so pretty and healthy :)

Braids didn’t used to work for me at all. This week I tried a single braid for the first time in ages, and it went up into a bun more comfortably/easily than last time. Must be getting longer :)


Tinyponies, what lovely hair you have!! Thank you xx :love:

August 23rd, 2020, 01:44 AM
Such lovely heads of hair :crush:


My length shot this month!

August 23rd, 2020, 02:53 AM
baanoo welcome to the thread, your hair looks absolutely gorgeous :love:

Victor tinyduck congrats on great progress your hair looks so pretty and healthy :)

Braids didn’t used to work for me at all. This week I tried a single braid for the first time in ages, and it went up into a bun more comfortably/easily than last time. Must be getting longer :)


Love this photo! Looks great

August 23rd, 2020, 02:53 AM

My length shot this month!

Nice length shot! I like the play of light going on there on only part of your hair

August 23rd, 2020, 04:37 AM
Thank you kindly baanoo & Alexandrina :flower:

Looking fabulous, shaluwm :love:

August 23rd, 2020, 04:39 AM
Tinyponies beautiful!

shaluwm_agape your hemline looks so lush.

August 23rd, 2020, 06:05 AM
Tinyponies beautiful!

shaluwm_agape your hemline looks so lush.

Thanks lovely :blossom:

August 23rd, 2020, 06:06 AM
My length shot this month!

Your hemline! :swoon:

August 23rd, 2020, 07:29 AM
Alexandrina thank you so much I ended up really loving the way this picture came out. :D

Growling Cupcake thank you so much!

baanoo thank you! And welcome to the thread:blossom:

TinyPonies how could I miss your Mane!....so beautiful and thank you

August 23rd, 2020, 11:00 AM
Alexandrina[B] thank you so much I ended up really loving the way this picture came out. :D

[B]Growling Cupcake thank you so much!

baanoo thank you! And welcome to the thread:blossom:

TinyPonies how could I miss your Mane!....so beautiful and thank you

:crush: :heartbeat:

August 23rd, 2020, 01:43 PM
Posting here as well as in the Monthly thread! Can I call hip? Where do we call hip exactly – at the top of the hipbone or at the widest part of our hips?

July 6:

August 23:

Both photos: hair bunned for a few days then brushed out so the texture looks pretty similar. Progress!
My jeans sit higher than these yoga pants, which hit the widest/boniest part of my hipbone.

August 23rd, 2020, 04:12 PM
baanoo welcome to the thread, your hair looks absolutely gorgeous :love:

Victor tinyduck congrats on great progress your hair looks so pretty and healthy :)

Braids didn’t used to work for me at all. This week I tried a single braid for the first time in ages, and it went up into a bun more comfortably/easily than last time. Must be getting longer :)


You have so amazing hair!

I decided join to you - only reason why I don't have hair to waist is... I lost waist few kilo ago :wigtongue .

August 23rd, 2020, 07:50 PM
Posting here as well as in the Monthly thread! Can I call hip? Where do we call hip exactly – at the top of the hipbone or at the widest part of our hips?

I called waist at the top of my hipbones. The widest part of my pelvis is somewhere around TBL. It was still a pretty short journey from waist to hip to BCL.

August 23rd, 2020, 11:54 PM
baanoo, I called hip where I naturally put my hand on my hip at the side - looks like you’re either there or past it :) big fan of your hair over here. :crush:

Welcome to this thread, Bonsai :heart:

August 24th, 2020, 05:30 AM
Alexandrina thank you so much I ended up really loving the way this picture came out. :D

Growling Cupcake thank you so much!

baanoo thank you! And welcome to the thread:blossom:

TinyPonies how could I miss your Mane!....so beautiful and thank you


I called waist at the top of my hipbones. The widest part of my pelvis is somewhere around TBL. It was still a pretty short journey from waist to hip to BCL.

It does feel like each step is so close after the abyss of bsl to waist; I almost can’t believe it.

baanoo, I called hip where I naturally put my hand on my hip at the side - looks like you’re either there or past it :) big fan of your hair over here. :crush:

Welcome to this thread, Bonsai :heart:

Tinyponies you make me blush! I think because it’s so fine and fluffy - my hair is never heavy - it doesn’t feel real to be at hip. Thank you! ❤️❤️

Belgrade Beauty
August 24th, 2020, 11:50 AM
Such lovely heads of hair :crush:


My length shot this month!

It looks so good,I want to cry! :run:

August 24th, 2020, 12:34 PM
Belgrade Beauty please dont haha
Thank you so much your mane is such an inspiration to me

August 24th, 2020, 02:36 PM
Posting here as well as in the Monthly thread! Can I call hip? Where do we call hip exactly – at the top of the hipbone or at the widest part of our hips?

July 6:

August 23:

Both photos: hair bunned for a few days then brushed out so the texture looks pretty similar. Progress!
My jeans sit higher than these yoga pants, which hit the widest/boniest part of my hipbone.

I would definitely say that's hip, but I'm also really bad at telling how long hair is! Also your hair is gorgeous :)

August 24th, 2020, 06:30 PM
I would definitely say that's hip, but I'm also really bad at telling how long hair is! Also your hair is gorgeous :)

thank you so much, victor_tinyduck! :)

August 24th, 2020, 07:05 PM
You have so amazing hair!

I decided join to you - only reason why I don't have hair to waist is... I lost waist few kilo ago :wigtongue .
Haha! I totally understand how you feel! My waist is also disappearing! Welcome to the thread, Bonsai!

Posting here as well as in the Monthly thread! Can I call hip? Where do we call hip exactly – at the top of the hipbone or at the widest part of our hips?

July 6:

August 23:

Both photos: hair bunned for a few days then brushed out so the texture looks pretty similar. Progress!
My jeans sit higher than these yoga pants, which hit the widest/boniest part of my hipbone.
For some reason (maybe because I'm still a newbie and haven't posted enough yet) I can't see your pictures, baanoo. I wish I could! I'm sure it's beautiful! Congratulations on the milestone!

August 25th, 2020, 09:13 AM
I called waist at the top of my hipbones. The widest part of my pelvis is somewhere around TBL. It was still a pretty short journey from waist to hip to BCL.

Lol. I meant to say I called hip at the top of the hipbones. I called waist at the narrowest portion of the torso (or two inches above bellybutton). I hope that was somewhat clear baanoo.

August 25th, 2020, 03:44 PM
Baanoo i say call it, its well pass your thumb which i assume is waist & its brushing hip to me
I call hip on the hip bone

August 25th, 2020, 04:21 PM
Hello everyone. It's been a while since I've gotten on here, but it is so fun to see all these length shots. I wanted to jump in and tell you all how lovely your hair all is.

I am less than an inch from bcl at this point. In the shower my very longest ends are just about touching it. I think I'll call it in a month or so once it's there dry. Then it's really only maybe an inch and a half to my tailbone past that. So I think I'll be hitting TBL by the end of the year. I can hardly believe it. What I'm going to do after that I haven't decided. Might just maintain there for a bit, or maybe I'll let it keep growing until it bothers me too much. I still have my doubts about enjoying my hair once it's long enough to sit on.

August 25th, 2020, 05:28 PM
Haha! I totally understand how you feel! My waist is also disappearing! Welcome to the thread, Bonsai!

For some reason (maybe because I'm still a newbie and haven't posted enough yet) I can't see your pictures, baanoo. I wish I could! I'm sure it's beautiful! Congratulations on the milestone!

Aw thank you! I think you need 25+ posts to see non-public photos so soon! 💙💙

Lol. I meant to say I called hip at the top of the hipbones. I called waist at the narrowest portion of the torso (or two inches above bellybutton). I hope that was somewhat clear baanoo.

Baanoo i say call it, its well pass your thumb which i assume is waist & its brushing hip to me
I call hip on the hip bone

Alright you’ve convinced me; I’ll call it!

Hello everyone. It's been a while since I've gotten on here, but it is so fun to see all these length shots. I wanted to jump in and tell you all how lovely your hair all is.

I am less than an inch from bcl at this point. In the shower my very longest ends are just about touching it. I think I'll call it in a month or so once it's there dry. Then it's really only maybe an inch and a half to my tailbone past that. So I think I'll be hitting TBL by the end of the year. I can hardly believe it. What I'm going to do after that I haven't decided. Might just maintain there for a bit, or maybe I'll let it keep growing until it bothers me too much. I still have my doubts about enjoying my hair once it's long enough to sit on.

So exciting - can’t wait to see a length shot of yours. :) I think I’m with you on the sitting. 💙

August 25th, 2020, 11:46 PM
Lol. I meant to say I called hip at the top of the hipbones. I called waist at the narrowest portion of the torso (or two inches above bellybutton). I hope that was somewhat clear baanoo.

I choose the same... And I have that point pretty high, so I want stay here for a little longer :p

Aw thank you! I think you need 25+ posts to see non-public photos so soon! ����

Thank you! I didn't know why I don't see many photos!

I should found a little time and start writing something :poot:

August 26th, 2020, 02:55 AM
Love your hair baanoo!

I'm feeling rather down. I tried to take a length shot with a post-it note (xD) where my TBL is, and it looks so far off even though it's ~3 inches. I just measured, and most of my long strands/hemline are st 37 inches. Still very thin but no where near as thin as before. The last trim was the beginning of June, I believe (I didn't bother keeping track; kinda wish I had), and that brought me to ~36 inches so I guess it's growing about average :D If it continues, I might make it to tailbone (40 inches) by the end of February.

August 26th, 2020, 04:17 AM
Hi everyone I am pretty new to lhc but I am pretty confident my hair is just past wl so Im gonna join this thread <3 .

Was almost getting to tbl last week, but a lot of stress with pandemic as well as have to swim loads at work has meant I cut a bunch off my ends, will upload a photo when ive brushed my hair.
everyones hair is looking so lovely! Is anyone looking forward to autumn/fall its in the air but not looking forward to the wind and tangles?

August 26th, 2020, 05:16 AM
Hi everyone I am pretty new to lhc but I am pretty confident my hair is just past wl so Im gonna join this thread <3 .

Was almost getting to tbl last week, but a lot of stress with pandemic as well as have to swim loads at work has meant I cut a bunch off my ends, will upload a photo when ive brushed my hair.
everyones hair is looking so lovely! Is anyone looking forward to autumn/fall its in the air but not looking forward to the wind and tangles?

From time when I came here... I don't have tangles!
I learned my hair doesn't like be wash (now I'm WO, but not to often) and... I in love on buns :p . My hair love it too!

August 26th, 2020, 05:54 AM
think i am at the same kind of stage as you and might make it to tbl by feb which is my birthday month, maybe we will hit tbl at the same time!

August 26th, 2020, 06:44 AM
Hello everyone. It's been a while since I've gotten on here, but it is so fun to see all these length shots. I wanted to jump in and tell you all how lovely your hair all is.

I am less than an inch from bcl at this point. In the shower my very longest ends are just about touching it. I think I'll call it in a month or so once it's there dry. Then it's really only maybe an inch and a half to my tailbone past that. So I think I'll be hitting TBL by the end of the year. I can hardly believe it. What I'm going to do after that I haven't decided. Might just maintain there for a bit, or maybe I'll let it keep growing until it bothers me too much. I still have my doubts about enjoying my hair once it's long enough to sit on.
That's exiting that you are getting so close to TBL, CopperButterfly! Your bun pictures are lovely! So shiny and what a beautiful color!

August 26th, 2020, 06:48 AM
Hi everyone I am pretty new to lhc but I am pretty confident my hair is just past wl so Im gonna join this thread <3 .

Was almost getting to tbl last week, but a lot of stress with pandemic as well as have to swim loads at work has meant I cut a bunch off my ends, will upload a photo when ive brushed my hair.
everyones hair is looking so lovely! Is anyone looking forward to autumn/fall its in the air but not looking forward to the wind and tangles?

Hi kittycat! Welcome to the thread! I am so ready for autumn. I'm done with summer sweating. Ugh! Can't wait to see your pictures!

August 26th, 2020, 07:05 AM
Aw thank you! I think you need 25+ posts to see non-public photos so soon!
Thank you!

Love your hair baanoo!

I'm feeling rather down. I tried to take a length shot with a post-it note (xD) where my TBL is, and it looks so far off even though it's ~3 inches. I just measured, and most of my long strands/hemline are st 37 inches. Still very thin but no where near as thin as before. The last trim was the beginning of June, I believe (I didn't bother keeping track; kinda wish I had), and that brought me to ~36 inches so I guess it's growing about average :D If it continues, I might make it to tailbone (40 inches) by the end of February.

The end of February isn't that far off. I think I've probably got a year to go before I get to TBL. Of course that depends on how fast it grows. I've never kept track of that before, and I had stalled just past waist since I was wearing it down most of the time. The post it note is a great idea!

August 26th, 2020, 04:02 PM
I've been doing the same 2/3 time a year chop from waist length to about midback for years now, but with my stylist out of reach in another state during these COVID times, I'm now pretty close to hitting hip length. Unintentional, but I think maybe this is the time to just let it keep going and see where things go! The layers that were cut into my hair do mean that the ends are a bit odd, though.

Belgrade Beauty
August 26th, 2020, 04:21 PM
Belgrade Beauty please dont haha
Thank you so much your mane is such an inspiration to me

I have no idea why, but if you want to trade darling I'm all for it <3

August 28th, 2020, 11:55 AM
Straightened my hair as best as I could for a length shot.


The line is where I believe tailbone to be. So maybe by December.

Madeline C.
August 28th, 2020, 11:55 AM
hello everyone!

I'm new to this community and really excited that I could join!

My hair is currently only waist length when stretched, but should be there curly in a month or two. My short term goal is TB length, but growing it out has proved to be addicting. My hair was at the vertical smile a few months ago, but stress and old damage took a huge toll on my hair and my ends were atrocious. I had five inches off which took my hair back to barely waist. Now I'm slowly but surely making my way back down.

August 28th, 2020, 01:45 PM
Welcome and happy growing!

August 28th, 2020, 01:49 PM
Straightened my hair as best as I could for a length shot.
The line is where I believe tailbone to be. So maybe by December.

You’re so close! What pretty color you have.

August 28th, 2020, 04:01 PM
hello everyone!

I'm new to this community and really excited that I could join

Straightened my hair as best as I could for a length shot.
The line is where I believe tailbone to be. So maybe by December.

Looking great!

August 28th, 2020, 06:06 PM
hello everyone!

I'm new to this community and really excited that I could join!

My hair is currently only waist length when stretched, but should be there curly in a month or two. My short term goal is TB length, but growing it out has proved to be addicting. My hair was at the vertical smile a few months ago, but stress and old damage took a huge toll on my hair and my ends were atrocious. I had five inches off which took my hair back to barely waist. Now I'm slowly but surely making my way back down.

Welcome! :flower:

baanoo, that is definitely hip (we call hip at the top of the bones, not "dress size" hip).

August 28th, 2020, 06:18 PM
Straightened my hair as best as I could for a length shot. ...The line is where I believe tailbone to be. So maybe by December.

So close, growlingcupcake! And what a lovely color!

I've been doing the same 2/3 time a year chop from waist length to about midback for years now, but with my stylist out of reach in another state during these COVID times, I'm now pretty close to hitting hip length. Unintentional, but I think maybe this is the time to just let it keep going and see where things go! The layers that were cut into my hair do mean that the ends are a bit odd, though.

aelrah, I sympathize with this pattern... I have lived variations of it many times! What a perfect opportunity to let it go and let it grow. My plan for the layers is to get a trim after the new year to thicken up my hemline. Excited for you to see how your hair grows past hip! Covid has been challenging us all in such unexpected ways.

lapushka - that's what I thought! I was suddenly so surprised at my length. ;)

welcome, madeline c! :pegasus:

August 29th, 2020, 11:17 PM
I think I'm aaaaaalmost at tailbone, but just the longest lengths of my hair. I'm growing out layers and just did a micro-trim of the longest bits, so it's definitely not solidly there yet, but hopefully by the end of the year. :)

August 30th, 2020, 01:07 AM
Hiya, I haven't been around here in awhile now! Hope everyone's having good growth ;)

So I went back and checked, and apparently I've been post waist length for about a year and a half now, and reached TBL in June this year. But does anyone else feel that WL+ is too much of a bother? Part of me has been wanting to cut my hair short since WL. I think my hair doesn't flatter my face because the weight flattens it, I can't wear it loose because it just tangles up into massive knots, I used to love all the buns I can do but I'm getting bored of buns now, braiding isn't really viable because my hair just tangles up while braiding... and so on. Sigh.

August 30th, 2020, 01:50 AM
I personally don’t feel that way Siv, though there are times I can see wash day far enough. I normally just braid my hair and try to forget about it (easier on the days I pin said braid in a coronet). You said yours tangles up during the braiding process. Hmmmm, mine only does that if I don’t make sure that the cross overs are complete to th ends of each strand. It braids from the bottom up too! If I keep each the end of each strand isolated as I braid I don’t have any issues...

This is very much a YMMV thing though: think about Lapushka, who occasionally thinks about growing longer, but seems happiest somewhere around classic and doesn’t Nightshade maintain somewhere between hip and mid thigh length too?

If you think that waist length is your happy point then that’s a great start. How long have you felt like that? Would the two week rule thread be a good place for you to think about it some? Would it help to start by cutting back one milestone, to hip perhaps, and see how that feels?

The main thing is that you want to be happy with your hair, and if you are not then something needs changing up some. Be it clarifying, playing with hairstyles, or using ‘vegetable’ dyes... clarifying might help those tangly ends if you haven’t done so in a while, I guess... at least hair does grow, and you can just spend the next several months growing back to your happier spot if you change your mind later on.

August 30th, 2020, 02:17 AM
Thank you for your feedback @squirrel! (As for the two week rule - I've been thinking about a chop for a year and a half by now haha!)

Hmm, reading about other's "sweet spots" makes me wonder if I'm not just sick of "long hair care" in general. I did try to switch things up by cutting bangs but while I love the bangs, they didn't really help with the whole wanting-to-chop deal. Oh well, I think I'll stick it out until next year at least.

August 30th, 2020, 03:04 AM
I shall look forward to hearing what you decide to do. I’m aware that many have chosen to cut back a bit after reaching longer lengths. I know that some find that waist+ hair doesn’t need as much care as hair past hip. I’m sure that there are many who enjoy lengths no longer than their waist, I might not know them as well.

August 30th, 2020, 02:10 PM
I, too, look forward to hearing what you decide, Siv! I love long hair with short, textured bangs, and also think that understanding our own sweet spots - at every category of length - is important. When my hair is short, the sweet spot is neck at the back and between chin and collarbone at the front. When it’s long, I don’t like too many layers. I’m not sure what my long-length sweet spot is but I’m sure I’ll find it. I don’t look as good with wispy bangs because they tend to curl up too much, so I need thicker ones. Some people are quick on their feet about these things but I’m not one of them, ha!

There have been times I felt tired of my hair being so ...XYZ (flat frizzy wavy inconsistent etc etc) and then realized that mostly I was feeling dissatisfied with one aspect or another of my routine - that maybe I don’t like my bangs at this length or that the water at my current place is different than my old place and my conditioner isn’t working anymore, or maybe just that I need to switch up my eyebrow pencil!

All this rambling to say: you will discover what’s out of sorts and not working for you; I can’t wait to see what you decide to do and know it will be beautiful.

August 31st, 2020, 01:37 AM
Thank you both! I probably won't be doing much with it until at least February, because then it will have been one year since I reached my goal length. Also I don't want to take any hasty decisions when it took me so long time to get there... I'm thinking maybe chopping and starting over the growing process will be good idea. Maybe I'll find my sweet spot! Though, no decisions for another 6 months!

September 2nd, 2020, 09:51 AM
Calling hip. :) My own personal marker for hip is the point at which I can feel the hip bones poking forward at the front. I've trimmed very little since May 2019, and discovered that my hair likes to fairytale, so the area between WL and HL is relatively thin.

I'm considering microtrimming and maintaining at hip for a while, or trimming a bit more for a thick U-shaped hemline just below waist. But it feels so good to be at hip that I'm not sure what to do! I've just been on a sunny holiday where I wore my hair down almost all of the time, and swam in the sea. I'm enjoying this length and love wearing it down.


I've also found a single plait is more comfortable now. It's still a bit stiff unless I plait it quite loosely, and it only reaches to WL. Looking forward to growing longer and wearing it like this more often.


I think my hair will always look messy as I have so many short nape hairs and sideburns, but I've accepted that!


September 2nd, 2020, 11:32 AM
Congrats, @barnet_fair!! :cheer:

September 2nd, 2020, 12:57 PM
barnet_fair, congrats! It looks really gorgeous. :crush:

September 2nd, 2020, 03:33 PM

September 2nd, 2020, 04:06 PM
Calling hip. :) My own personal marker for hip is the point at which I can feel the hip bones poking forward at the front. I've trimmed very little since May 2019, and discovered that my hair likes to fairytale, so the area between WL and HL is relatively thin.

Congratulations on your milestone! :)

September 2nd, 2020, 05:04 PM
I think I'm aaaaaalmost at tailbone, but just the longest lengths of my hair. I'm growing out layers and just did a micro-trim of the longest bits, so it's definitely not solidly there yet, but hopefully by the end of the year. :)

Oooh! So close, tinymoon!

Calling hip. :) My own personal marker for hip is the point at which I can feel the hip bones poking forward at the front. I've trimmed very little since May 2019, and discovered that my hair likes to fairytale, so the area between WL and HL is relatively thin.

Congratulations on your milestone, barnet_fair!

September 2nd, 2020, 06:18 PM
barnet_fair, how beautiful, congratulations! and tiny moon so close so close! :p:o

September 3rd, 2020, 02:01 PM
I never really seem to have a “bad” hair day any more, but this evening when I let it down for a bit I just felt wonderful. Happy to see it looks like I feel too. :)

After all we have been through lately. Lime dust, cement dust, shedding, tangles...


September 3rd, 2020, 03:58 PM
Thank you everyone for your kind comments :)

I never really seem to have a “bad” hair day any more, but this evening when I let it down for a bit I just felt wonderful. Happy to see it looks like I feel too. :)

After all we have been through lately. Lime dust, cement dust, shedding, tangles...


Just stunning :thud:

September 3rd, 2020, 04:42 PM
I never really seem to have a “bad” hair day any more, but this evening when I let it down for a bit I just felt wonderful. Happy to see it looks like I feel too. :)

After all we have been through lately. Lime dust, cement dust, shedding, tangles...


Where’s that jaw drop emoji?? Glorious, such a lovely color you have, too! 😍😍😍

September 4th, 2020, 02:09 AM
I never really seem to have a “bad” hair day any more, but this evening when I let it down for a bit I just felt wonderful. Happy to see it looks like I feel too. :)

After all we have been through lately. Lime dust, cement dust, shedding, tangles...


Beautiful! And I really like your hemline. Which trimming method do you use?

September 4th, 2020, 02:17 AM
Thank you everyone for your kind comments :)

Just stunning :thud:
Thank you! :love:

Where’s that jaw drop emoji?? Glorious, such a lovely color you have, too! 😍😍😍
Thank you! :heart:

Beautiful! And I really like your hemline. Which trimming method do you use?
Thanks Bri, I have not cut or trimmed for 3 1/2 (? I lose track) years. I did a couple of small s&d sessions two years ago when I arrived here and learned about it, but that’s it.

September 4th, 2020, 02:40 AM
I never really seem to have a “bad” hair day any more, but this evening when I let it down for a bit I just felt wonderful. Happy to see it looks like I feel too. :)

After all we have been through lately. Lime dust, cement dust, shedding, tangles...

Your hair is getting longer. One of these day’s you will find you have reached your next milestone. Your ends are so thick you will be able to grow on easily.

Loving your country surroundings.

September 4th, 2020, 05:24 AM
Tinyponies I absolutely love your hair!

September 4th, 2020, 01:32 PM
Thank you Bonsai :)

Belgrade Beauty
September 5th, 2020, 06:08 AM
Hiya, I haven't been around here in awhile now! Hope everyone's having good growth ;)

So I went back and checked, and apparently I've been post waist length for about a year and a half now, and reached TBL in June this year. But does anyone else feel that WL+ is too much of a bother? Part of me has been wanting to cut my hair short since WL. I think my hair doesn't flatter my face because the weight flattens it, I can't wear it loose because it just tangles up into massive knots, I used to love all the buns I can do but I'm getting bored of buns now, braiding isn't really viable because my hair just tangles up while braiding... and so on. Sigh.

If you cut your absolutely gorgeous hair, I will cry inconsolably!

September 6th, 2020, 06:07 AM
If you cut your absolutely gorgeous hair, I will cry inconsolably!

Oh dear :heartbeat well, if I do, it won't be for a long while yet!

September 9th, 2020, 01:29 AM
Congratulations, barnet_fair! I especially love the look of your braid.

Tinyponies, your hair always falls so perfectly!

September 9th, 2020, 01:28 PM
Hello! Finally I can join here too!
Apologies for the possibly huge picture and terrible quality, but I friggin' hit waist! :D


September 9th, 2020, 02:59 PM
Welcome to the club Aerya!

Hello fellow travelers! I haven't been on LHC in many moons, and I'm not great at taking progress pics in a timely fashion, so here is one taken this morning:


and a comparison with the last length pic I took which was in March lol:


In the red shirt pic my right hand is at my waist, in today's it's on my hipbone. I'm 5' and short-waisted so there isn't too much difference between those two body landmarks.

So six months in between these? I've had some hormonal/thyroid stuff come up, and associated shed (that is being dealt with) and I'm also now a few months pregnant :cheer: so it's been a bit of a rollercoaster. Very much looking forward to whatever wacky stuff my body throws my way throughout this, my freaking last *I hope* pregnancy.

September 9th, 2020, 08:14 PM
Hi, I guess I have hit waist and guess I'm joining this thread. It's a bit odd because I just took length checks and it looked like I had a while to go until I hit waist but I took this photo today and... :shrug:


September 10th, 2020, 03:13 AM
jane_marie I'm not sure, maybe do you need an half inch?
I love the new color! It suits your hair a lot.

September 10th, 2020, 07:00 AM
jane_marie I'm not sure, maybe do you need an half inch?
I love the new color! It suits your hair a lot.

Yeah, I'm not sure. I think I'm going to take some more photos and decide from there. Super weird though... I took these photos less than 46 hours apart. :shrug:


Maybe the longest pieces were getting stuck on my rougher shirts in the first photo but slid off the satin in the second?

September 10th, 2020, 07:30 AM
jane_marie could the dresses' shapes be involved? Maybe the second outfit shows your waist better...Also with the speediest growth, seems impossible to grow that much in just 2 days.
Dresses shapes often make my hair looks like I'm a solid BCL, so confusing.

September 10th, 2020, 07:44 AM
jane_marie could the dresses' shapes be involved? Maybe the second outfit shows your waist better...Also with the speediest growth, seems impossible to grow that much in just 2 days.
Dresses shapes often make my hair looks like I'm a solid BCL, so confusing.

I agree it's bizarre for sure.

I was thinking that it might be posture. I'm wearing a particularly supportive vest in the second pick and it's impossible for me to slouch in that thing. So maybe my back is less rounded at the shoulder blade?

Odd that posture would make that much of a difference. I might need to start being mindful of how I stand.

September 10th, 2020, 12:51 PM
I agree it's bizarre for sure.

I was thinking that it might be posture. I'm wearing a particularly supportive vest in the second pick and it's impossible for me to slouch in that thing. So maybe my back is less rounded at the shoulder blade?

Odd that posture would make that much of a difference. I might need to start being mindful of how I stand.

Just by comparing your shoulders in the two photos, you definitely look like you're standing much straighter in the vest-pic. Posture does make a huge difference! If I'm being very slouchy, my hair slides far up past my waist, but if I'm standing straight it skips my lower back completely to hit the back of my hipbones. You may have been selling yourself short all this time!

*pauses to ponder whether or not this was the reason I didn't realize I was at waist for so long*

September 10th, 2020, 10:18 PM
Thanks Ylva, your new pic looks great. I have my phone with the backlight all the way down and it makes it looks like you have tons of your natural colour.

Congrats Aerya, it looks so lovely. You made it! :heart:

Jane_marie, your half up braid has more hair than my whole hair braid. I’m really rooting for you to get the long hair you want without it being too burdensome. It looks exceptional and as if it will get better and better with length.

Knobbly wow beautiful, your hair really appears to keep its thickness all the way down :blossom:

September 11th, 2020, 02:54 AM
I never really seem to have a “bad” hair day any more, but this evening when I let it down for a bit I just felt wonderful. Happy to see it looks like I feel too. :)

After all we have been through lately. Lime dust, cement dust, shedding, tangles...

Hey Tinies your hair certainly does look happy! I love the waves and it falls so naturally. Inspiring :bowtome:

September 11th, 2020, 12:10 PM
Hey Tinies your hair certainly does look happy! I love the waves and it falls so naturally. Inspiring :bowtome:
:knit: :wethree: :crush: :cloud9: :other lovely emojis:

September 11th, 2020, 03:46 PM
Knobbly wow beautiful, your hair really appears to keep its thickness all the way down :blossom:

Thank you Tinyponies! I had been feeling like it wasn't growing at all so taking those comparison pics was really helpful.

September 11th, 2020, 06:54 PM
Welcome to the club Aerya!

Hello fellow travelers! I haven't been on LHC in many moons, and I'm not great at taking progress pics in a timely fashion, so here is one taken this morning:


and a comparison with the last length pic I took which was in March lol:


In the red shirt pic my right hand is at my waist, in today's it's on my hipbone. I'm 5' and short-waisted so there isn't too much difference between those two body landmarks.

So six months in between these? I've had some hormonal/thyroid stuff come up, and associated shed (that is being dealt with) and I'm also now a few months pregnant :cheer: so it's been a bit of a rollercoaster. Very much looking forward to whatever wacky stuff my body throws my way throughout this, my freaking last *I hope* pregnancy.

Ok first and foremost - congratulations!!! How exciting! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Now, back to hair ;) - it looks great, so thick to the ends! Your color is beautiful.

September 11th, 2020, 07:08 PM
Ok first and foremost - congratulations!!! How exciting! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Now, back to hair ;) - it looks great, so thick to the ends! Your color is beautiful.

Hahaha I'm dying at seeing all the little cheer icons dance together. I'm so easily amused. Thank you so much! I am excited as this has been a long time coming. Getting pregnant isn't hard for us but staying pregnant has been. Very much hoping *knocks wood* I don't have to go through the first trimester EVER AGAIN.

And thanks for the kind hair words as well! I don't regret any of the wacky colors I dyed my hair when I was younger but I am really enjoying my natural color and my grays growing in (which you can't see in these pics since most of them are around my face.) My last haircut (in January of this year maybe?) she gave me a weirdly severe V shape hemline, but it's filling in nicely I think.

September 12th, 2020, 06:59 AM
Jane_marie, your half up braid has more hair than my whole hair braid. I’m really rooting for you to get the long hair you want without it being too burdensome. It looks exceptional and as if it will get better and better with length.

That's incredibly kind. For now it seems like separating it is key. It's cooled down here so I'm trying to put together a catalogue of comfortable ways I can get my hair up. I think that should help me get through next summer. For what it's worth the rest of the time isn't so bad.

September 12th, 2020, 02:17 PM
That's incredibly kind. For now it seems like separating it is key. It's cooled down here so I'm trying to put together a catalogue of comfortable ways I can get my hair up. I think that should help me get through next summer. For what it's worth the rest of the time isn't so bad.

That’s good. I loved your Katniss braid. Sorry I don’t have any suggestions for you, I guess at least next time someone with very thick hair comes along here they’ll have your experience to help them. My sister has beautiful thick hair (no idea how thick) but has always struggled with it and currently has a shaved undercut. I wonder how long you’ll have to wait for the fabled singular bun! It’ll be a grand milestone.

September 12th, 2020, 02:30 PM
That’s good. I loved your Katniss braid. Sorry I don’t have any suggestions for you, I guess at least next time someone with very thick hair comes along here they’ll have your experience to help them. My sister has beautiful thick hair (no idea how thick) but has always struggled with it and currently has a shaved undercut. I wonder how long you’ll have to wait for the fabled singular bun! It’ll be a grand milestone.

But this fabled singular bun... it be the most amazing bun on LHC!

September 12th, 2020, 06:02 PM
My very longest hairs are just reaching BCL - I think I'm going to hold off on calling it until it feels like most of my hair has gotten there.

September 12th, 2020, 10:08 PM
But this fabled singular bun... it be the most amazing bun on LHC!
Certainly cause for celebration. And hopefully it will be very comfortable.

My very longest hairs are just reaching BCL - I think I'm going to hold off on calling it until it feels like most of my hair has gotten there.
Woo what a good feeling. :) what do you think, a couple of months?

September 13th, 2020, 06:26 AM
That’s good. I loved your Katniss braid. Sorry I don’t have any suggestions for you, I guess at least next time someone with very thick hair comes along here they’ll have your experience to help them. My sister has beautiful thick hair (no idea how thick) but has always struggled with it and currently has a shaved undercut. I wonder how long you’ll have to wait for the fabled singular bun! It’ll be a grand milestone.

I do hope I get to help some one going through the same frustration. To be fair, I can do a single cinnamon bun.


It just has to be super high set for comfort and I'm worried about hair fall from relying on it too much.

September 13th, 2020, 09:28 AM
I do hope I get to help some one going through the same frustration. To be fair, I can do a single cinnamon bun.


It just has to be super high set for comfort and I'm worried about hair fall from relying on it too much.
Yeah I can only imagine how it could be irksome when people (like me for instance) being “oh I just chuck it up in a bun and it stays there for three days and I don’t even have to think about it” etc.

Your hair is very shiny. Are the individual strands very strong as well?

September 13th, 2020, 07:12 PM
Woo what a good feeling. :) what do you think, a couple of months?

I really hope so! I'm growing out layers (quite long ones, but still), so my hemline is a bit weird.

September 13th, 2020, 08:23 PM
Yeah I can only imagine how it could be irksome when people (like me for instance) being “oh I just chuck it up in a bun and it stays there for three days and I don’t even have to think about it” etc.

Your hair is very shiny. Are the individual strands very strong as well?

It's really not so bad now that I have decided to focus on finding ways to divide it up. I can always put it into a quick french braid. :)

It's pretty strong I guess but I think that's mostly because the individual strands are quite thick. :shrug:

September 15th, 2020, 11:01 AM
I’m still here, pushing right along. Hoping to be at BCL by the end of the year. I have like an inch and a half maayybe 2 inches, so it should happen. I haven’t trimmed since November 2018, my ends dont really seem to bother me, so I’ll keep going until they do

https://i.postimg.cc/4m03ZzHz/B85-A2219-D506-4765-A184-95-CEF0-B4-DA77.jpg (https://postimg.cc/4m03ZzHz)

September 15th, 2020, 01:13 PM
Oh man, sparkles, it just looks like you have so much of it. It’s beautiful.

September 15th, 2020, 11:54 PM
I’m still here, pushing right along. Hoping to be at BCL by the end of the year. I have like an inch and a half maayybe 2 inches, so it should happen. I haven’t trimmed since November 2018, my ends dont really seem to bother me, so I’ll keep going until they do

https://i.postimg.cc/4m03ZzHz/B85-A2219-D506-4765-A184-95-CEF0-B4-DA77.jpg (https://postimg.cc/4m03ZzHz)

Sounds like a doable goal!

September 16th, 2020, 08:46 AM
I'd like to join the party here. :disco: I'm planning on growing to TBL or maybe beyond. I've been at least BCL before, so I know I can do it. From this pic, would you say I'm WL now?

September 16th, 2020, 08:56 AM
Wow your hair is gorgeous!!!!!!

I would say you're around hip but I'm not expert. :D

September 16th, 2020, 09:54 AM
Oh man, sparkles, it just looks like you have so much of it. It’s beautiful.

Thank you <3

September 16th, 2020, 12:01 PM
Hi LyndaF, welcome!
Agree with Jane - you look around hip(+?) to me. But you’ll know best. It looks extremely healthy and the thickness at the ends makes it look really long!

September 16th, 2020, 12:39 PM
I’m still here, pushing right along. Hoping to be at BCL by the end of the year. I have like an inch and a half maayybe 2 inches, so it should happen. I haven’t trimmed since November 2018, my ends dont really seem to bother me, so I’ll keep going until they do

https://i.postimg.cc/4m03ZzHz/B85-A2219-D506-4765-A184-95-CEF0-B4-DA77.jpg (https://postimg.cc/4m03ZzHz)

Wow, your hair is looking great! :crush:

I'd like to join the party here. :disco: I'm planning on growing to TBL or maybe beyond. I've been at least BCL before, so I know I can do it. From this pic, would you say I'm WL now?

I agree, looks like hip to me - my (alas!) layered ends are envious of your thick hemline.

September 17th, 2020, 03:19 AM
looks like hip to me too

September 17th, 2020, 08:46 AM
I’m still here, pushing right along. Hoping to be at BCL by the end of the year. I have like an inch and a half maayybe 2 inches, so it should happen. I haven’t trimmed since November 2018, my ends dont really seem to bother me, so I’ll keep going until they do

https://i.postimg.cc/4m03ZzHz/B85-A2219-D506-4765-A184-95-CEF0-B4-DA77.jpg (https://postimg.cc/4m03ZzHz)

Sparkles, your hair is looking amazing. And such great progress! I think you'll get there by the end of the year.

I'd like to join the party here. :disco: I'm planning on growing to TBL or maybe beyond. I've been at least BCL before, so I know I can do it. From this pic, would you say I'm WL now?

Welcome, LyndaF! Great to have you along on the journey! Your hemline is beautiful, and your hair is so shiny! I have to agree with the others that it looks closer to hip than waist to me. From what I've seen on the forum, hip is usually considered to be the top of your hip bones, not the widest part of your hip like for sewing.

September 17th, 2020, 09:14 AM
Alright. Hip it is, then. I like that. :D Thanks for the welcome and the compliments.

September 20th, 2020, 08:01 AM
Clean hair today, a few days early for a monthly check-in - I feel like this month didn’t show any progress!


My shortest layers are at BSL and I’m so looking forward to getting them grown out; my hemline looks excessively fairytaled and disappears into the ether.

September 20th, 2020, 09:04 AM
Beautiful, baanoo! Your ends look fine to me. :)

September 20th, 2020, 10:37 AM
Aw thanks, Tinyponies. 💙

September 20th, 2020, 10:52 AM
I think your ends look lovely, baanoo.

September 20th, 2020, 11:27 AM
Clean hair today, a few days early for a monthly check-in - I feel like this month didn’t show any progress!


My shortest layers are at BSL and I’m so looking forward to getting them grown out; my hemline looks excessively fairytaled and disappears into the ether.

That length looks great baanoo! I like your ends but you can thicken them up with little microtrims if you want. They work very well with your wave pattern. :cool:

September 20th, 2020, 11:43 AM
Clean hair today, a few days early for a monthly check-in - I feel like this month didn’t show any progress!


My shortest layers are at BSL and I’m so looking forward to getting them grown out; my hemline looks excessively fairytaled and disappears into the ether.

This looks great!!

September 20th, 2020, 12:49 PM
This looks great!!
Thank you, Siv :)

That length looks great baanoo! I like your ends but you can thicken them up with little microtrims if you want. They work very well with your wave pattern. :cool:
Thanks, Knobbly - planning a trim around the new year but I think mostly I was in a downer mood this morning! :blossom:

I think your ends look lovely, baanoo.
Thank you so much, Bex. ❤️

September 21st, 2020, 11:46 AM
Clean hair today, a few days early for a monthly check-in - I feel like this month didn’t show any progress!


My shortest layers are at BSL and I’m so looking forward to getting them grown out; my hemline looks excessively fairytaled and disappears into the ether.

I have a lot of layers too that I don't like, so I know what you mean about the hemline,
BUT I think it actually looks really nice in your photo like you did it that way on purpose

September 22nd, 2020, 11:13 AM
That length looks great baanoo! I like your ends but you can thicken them up with little microtrims if you want. They work very well with your wave pattern. :cool:
Yes, trims definitely help. I trim a total of 1 inch a year or every 18 months.

September 22nd, 2020, 07:14 PM
Speaking of microtrims, I'm thinking of getting my spouse to trim off just the "point" of my V shape hemline and any racer hairs I may have accumulated. Maybe 1/2" or 1" max? Ideally I'd like to have it at a very wide U, but I'll go slowly since my shortest layers are roughly at my lowest floating ribs-- so above WL for sure-- and I don't want to lose so much length at once.

I usually try to cut at the full moon for thickness, so with equinox coming up it seems like a good time to do this, especially since it's in service of thickening up my hemline.

My last proper cut was in January, and luckily I don't really ever see too many splits. When I S&D I usually find more hairs bent at odd angles right at the ends than I do splits.

Anyway I asked them if they'd be comfortable doing me this small favor and they trembled a bit but said alright hahahaha. They're a visual artist, I'm sure they can handle it. :bounce:

September 23rd, 2020, 09:08 AM
I have decided to force myself to become active on this site like I used to be. To make it easier to keep up with I will start taking length shots every month again, I will also make a bun or braid every day and take a photo of it. You will probably see those photos in this thread or other threads... if you suddenly see me starting to post a lot of photos of mediocre buns and/or braids, that's why :p I do miss being active on here, so I hope this will get me back!

However, I am SOOO bummed about my new camera not being here :( my cellphone will have to do for now...

September 23rd, 2020, 01:28 PM
I have decided to force myself to become active on this site like I used to be. To make it easier to keep up with I will start taking length shots every month again, I will also make a bun or braid every day and take a photo of it. You will probably see those photos in this thread or other threads... if you suddenly see me starting to post a lot of photos of mediocre buns and/or braids, that's why :p I do miss being active on here, so I hope this will get me back!

However, I am SOOO bummed about my new camera not being here :( my cellphone will have to do for now...
Welcome back! I use my phone always for photos and think it works out pretty alright. :) Looking forward to seeing your pictures!

Speaking of microtrims, I'm thinking of getting my spouse to trim off just the "point" of my V shape hemline and any racer hairs I may have accumulated. Maybe 1/2" or 1" max? Ideally I'd like to have it at a very wide U, but I'll go slowly since my shortest layers are roughly at my lowest floating ribs-- so above WL for sure-- and I don't want to lose so much length at once.

I usually try to cut at the full moon for thickness, so with equinox coming up it seems like a good time to do this, especially since it's in service of thickening up my hemline.

My last proper cut was in January, and luckily I don't really ever see too many splits. When I S&D I usually find more hairs bent at odd angles right at the ends than I do splits.

Anyway I asked them if they'd be comfortable doing me this small favor and they trembled a bit but said alright hahahaha. They're a visual artist, I'm sure they can handle it. :bounce:

Ohhhh very brave! ;) I love the idea of trimming with the moon.

Yes, trims definitely help. I trim a total of 1 inch a year or every 18 months.

I have a lot of layers too that I don't like, so I know what you mean about the hemline,
BUT I think it actually looks really nice in your photo like you did it that way on purpose

Spirals & Alexandrina, yes! I'm holding out til the end of the year for a trim and some days those little layered wispies just get under my skin, lol! Winter solstice trim here we come. :D

September 23rd, 2020, 05:09 PM
I have decided to force myself to become active on this site like I used to be. To make it easier to keep up with I will start taking length shots every month again, I will also make a bun or braid every day and take a photo of it. You will probably see those photos in this thread or other threads... if you suddenly see me starting to post a lot of photos of mediocre buns and/or braids, that's why :p I do miss being active on here, so I hope this will get me back!

However, I am SOOO bummed about my new camera not being here :( my cellphone will have to do for now...
Welcome back! I'm excited to see your bun and braid pictures.

September 24th, 2020, 10:55 AM
I have decided to force myself to become active on this site like I used to be. To make it easier to keep up with I will start taking length shots every month again, I will also make a bun or braid every day and take a photo of it. You will probably see those photos in this thread or other threads... if you suddenly see me starting to post a lot of photos of mediocre buns and/or braids, that's why :p I do miss being active on here, so I hope this will get me back!

However, I am SOOO bummed about my new camera not being here :( my cellphone will have to do for now...

Good to have you back! :D

Ohhhh very brave! ;) I love the idea of trimming with the moon.

I was asking about this just the other day! I'm so curious where this comes from! (Personally I cut on solstices and equinoxes because I usually remember when they are)

I may have to do a search and/or make a new thread about it...

September 24th, 2020, 11:12 AM
Welcome back! I use my phone always for photos and think it works out pretty alright. :) Looking forward to seeing your pictures!

Thank you! I decided to cancel my order and go with another camera instead, so hopefully I'll get it next week (this one isn't on backorder!). Cellphone works, but when I've been waiting over a month for a camera it gets a bit frustrating.

Welcome back! I'm excited to see your bun and braid pictures.

Thank you! I don't know if you should be excited xD But I'll do my best to do good, maybe I should try some new buns? I basically only ever make one out of 3.

Good to have you back! :D

Good to be back, thank you!

I haven't been completely absent, but definitely not as active as I used to be. It's been difficult to get used to working full time, but now summer is over and the cold and dark will come, I should soak it all up and live again. (today and yesterday were awfully warm though, I hope fall will come for real now, I can't take more heat!)


What is all this with "trimming with the moon", btw? Sounds intriguing! I would definitely be down for a more regular/seasonal trimming schedule.

September 24th, 2020, 01:23 PM
What is all this with "trimming with the moon", btw? Sounds intriguing! I would definitely be down for a more regular/seasonal trimming schedule.

I'm already in the "Seasonal growth project" (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=136935) that's trimming with the sun basically (every solstice/equinox), but I'm currently reading through "Cutting by moon phases" (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=35044) and "Trimming and the moon" (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=69119). Haven't gotten to the source of the moon phase lore yet, but there's a lot to read...

September 24th, 2020, 02:32 PM
What is all this with "trimming with the moon", btw? Sounds intriguing! I would definitely be down for a more regular/seasonal trimming schedule.

I don't cut/trim all that often, but I've read all sorts of lunar lore that is as old as humankind about how influential the cycles are for beginning projects, planting seeds, tilling the land, etc., and that includes cutting our nails and hair! I keep almost all of my nails short so I don't follow that, but I've been cutting on the Full Moon for fullness for a few years now. If you prioritize length, you're supposed to cut on on the New Moon.

tbqh I use it to help organize my mind more than anything-- for instance, I read somewhere that you are supposed to clean the windows the Sunday of, or after, a Full Moon. I don't know how that makes my window washing more auspicious, but it does help me remember to do it lol.

September 25th, 2020, 05:16 AM
I'm already in the "Seasonal growth project" (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=136935) that's trimming with the sun basically (every solstice/equinox), but I'm currently reading through "Cutting by moon phases" (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=35044) and "Trimming and the moon" (https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=69119). Haven't gotten to the source of the moon phase lore yet, but there's a lot to read...

That's interesting, I'll look into it!

I don't cut/trim all that often, but I've read all sorts of lunar lore that is as old as humankind about how influential the cycles are for beginning projects, planting seeds, tilling the land, etc., and that includes cutting our nails and hair! I keep almost all of my nails short so I don't follow that, but I've been cutting on the Full Moon for fullness for a few years now. If you prioritize length, you're supposed to cut on on the New Moon.

tbqh I use it to help organize my mind more than anything-- for instance, I read somewhere that you are supposed to clean the windows the Sunday of, or after, a Full Moon. I don't know how that makes my window washing more auspicious, but it does help me remember to do it lol.

Yeah, I've heard of it, just not really payed any attention to it at all when it comes to hair. I would use it the same way you say you will, easier to keep track (or more like: feel like it's time to do it) if the moon/sun/whatever does the planning for you :p


I ended up cancelling my order for that camera I was waiting for, it was nowhere in sight and they couldn't get a date on when it was to return, so I decided to go with another camera that had been flirting with me for quite a while. It should get here next week so I might be a bit lazy with taking photos till it arrives, knowing myself... But I'm so excited!

September 25th, 2020, 06:44 AM
I really like the idea with trimming depending on the stages of the moon, very cool

September 25th, 2020, 06:50 AM
I've been trimming on summer and winter solstices for a while now. I don't do it for any growth-related purpose; it's just one of those small things that make me feel a little more connected to nature. It's like a ritual.

September 25th, 2020, 07:12 AM
Rituals are good, makes you feel part of something bigger than yourself

September 25th, 2020, 07:27 AM
Rituals are good, makes you feel part of something bigger than yourself

What a great way of putting it :D

September 25th, 2020, 07:34 AM
What a great way of putting it :D

It best describes rituals for me at least!

Belgrade Beauty
September 26th, 2020, 09:47 AM
Given that I love a thick hem, it's kinda embarrassing to post this, but still, had a massive and I mean massive shed in avg and sept, so I think most of my longest hairs are gone. I now have the most hideous hemline and sorry about that. Here is my -March to Sept comparison pic. http://prntscr.com/uoca3z

September 26th, 2020, 07:45 PM
Belgrade Beauty I'm sorry to hear about your shed. I think your hair looks nice also with that hemline. I mean, maybe you don't like it, but it doesn't look bad.
How will you act now?

Belgrade Beauty
September 30th, 2020, 06:17 AM
Belgrade Beauty I'm sorry to hear about your shed. I think your hair looks nice also with that hemline. I mean, maybe you don't like it, but it doesn't look bad.
How will you act now?

I did Feyes U shape hemline cut, it looks much better now. Only I can't see did I lose length and how much. I think about an inch, but who know, it was my first time self trimming. It's not perfect either, I think I botched it , but let me tell you, it feels so much better. Those ends were horror. In my hand,no matter what I did to make it feel soft and nice, it had a billion splits and was dry. So all in all I think I did the right thing. I always preferred a good hem over length anyway. :) And it doesn't seem I lost the length.

September 30th, 2020, 06:46 AM
I'm sorry to hear about your shed Belgrade Beauty. But glad you were able to get it to a better state!

September 30th, 2020, 08:53 AM
I did Feyes U shape hemline cut, it looks much better now. Only I can't see did I lose length and how much. I think about an inch, but who know, it was my first time self trimming. It's not perfect either, I think I botched it , but let me tell you, it feels so much better. Those ends were horror. In my hand,no matter what I did to make it feel soft and nice, it had a billion splits and was dry. So all in all I think I did the right thing. I always preferred a good hem over length anyway. :) And it doesn't seem I lost the length.

Oh, if there were so many split you did the right thing without any doubt! Happy to see you satisfied with your trim.

October 1st, 2020, 04:18 AM
From waist to tailbone, it took about 3 months. I didn't change anything. Just the same old shampoo and condition, let it dry, comb, and braid. :o

October 1st, 2020, 06:20 AM
From waist to tailbone, it took about 3 months. I didn't change anything. Just the same old shampoo and condition, let it dry, comb, and braid. :o

Are you thinking clothing-waist rather than anatomical waste (the thinnest part of the torso)?

October 1st, 2020, 08:51 AM
Agree with Ylva. I am short (5' tall) and there's a full 9" between my natural waist and my tailbone. It will definitely take me about a year and a half to get there from starting at waist.

Belgrade Beauty
October 4th, 2020, 12:17 PM
From waist to tailbone, it took about 3 months. I didn't change anything. Just the same old shampoo and condition, let it dry, comb, and braid. :o

Seriously? It took me more from waist to hip, than from bsl to waist...I looks like mine stopped growing all of a sudden...I will be lucky if I get tailbone in 6 months,..Always need 8-10 cm...

October 5th, 2020, 02:15 AM
I definitely can't wait to have BCL with stretched hair! 3 cm to go, but is taking soooo long.
Waist to tailbone takes almost 22 cm/ 8,6 inches. I need 9 cm/3,5 inches right now, I'll probably be there for the end of 2021.

October 5th, 2020, 02:13 PM
I'm with you, Bri-Chan. I've got a ways to go, and expect I might get there sometime next fall. Hopefully!

Belgrade Beauty
October 5th, 2020, 03:26 PM
Same here....God it takes so long to get to my goal. I can only pray I will keep my head straight and not lose my temper, that would mean back to shoulder...( I dreamed it a few times now that I was just pissed off and cut it back to shoulder in rage)

October 5th, 2020, 04:08 PM
I definitely can't wait to have BCL with stretched hair! 3 cm to go, but is taking soooo long.
Waist to tailbone takes almost 22 cm/ 8,6 inches. I need 9 cm/3,5 inches right now, I'll probably be there for the end of 2021.

Yeah, I'm with you on there too about it taking sooooooo darn long for me to reach my goal! I've got awhile before I reach BCL. Hopefully, I will be there in 2021 as well. I have 6 more inches to go, and I'll be there by then.

I'm with you, Bri-Chan. I've got a ways to go, and expect I might get there sometime next fall. Hopefully!

Yeah, I also got a long ways to go too. Hopefully, by fall of next year I will be there too!

Same here....God it takes so long to get to my goal. I can only pray I will keep my head straight and not lose my temper, that would mean back to shoulder...( I dreamed it a few times now that I was just pissed off and cut it back to shoulder in rage)

No, don't lose your temper and cut your hair back to shoulder length. You will regret it later on. I know that it is disgusting/frustrating that hair at times grows so slow but hang in there! It will be at your goal before you know it!

October 5th, 2020, 05:57 PM
At least, I'm not alone.
Also if Classic is my goal, BCL seems the first length that I consider long-ish on me. So I can't wait basically.

October 5th, 2020, 07:58 PM
Yes, you are most certainly right that at least you're not alone.
Me too also say that BCL seems the first length that I consider longish on me too. BCL on me is 30 inches. I can't wait either basically.

October 6th, 2020, 12:57 AM
At least, I'm not alone.
Also if Classic is my goal, BCL seems the first length that I consider long-ish on me. So I can't wait basically.

I understand what you mean. I also don't think I'll see my own hair as long (the way is looks on me) until BCL.
It's between waist and hips now and I don't see it as long. Yet I see other people on the street that have WL hair and it looks long. How??

October 6th, 2020, 01:25 AM
I understand what you mean. I also don't think I'll see my own hair as long (the way is looks on me) until BCL.
It's between waist and hips now and I don't see it as long. Yet I see other people on the street that have WL hair and it looks long. How??

I have the same! Someone have hair to waist? Uuuu... long! My hair is to waist? Well... nothing special, they can be a little longer :wigtongue

October 6th, 2020, 02:42 AM
I understand what you mean. I also don't think I'll see my own hair as long (the way is looks on me) until BCL.
It's between waist and hips now and I don't see it as long. Yet I see other people on the street that have WL hair and it looks long. How??

Yes but what makes it worse it that lately, in my city BCL+ hair has become popular in the last months (I suppose a new trend) so it's easy to see someone with that length and this makes me even more impatient :rolleyes:

October 6th, 2020, 04:06 AM
I think long hair in general is beginning to get more popular, especially with Men as well, more and more men are growing long hair and the man bun trend seems to help with that, good for me lol I am more attracted to people with longer hair than short and it inspires me to grow long

October 7th, 2020, 06:43 PM
I need my hair straight-ish for this days and so I washed and dryed as I used to do before I started taking properly care of my texture. This is the first time I see my hair straight in almost 8 months and I definitely prefer my loose waves now, but in this picture my length is more visibile.
BCL is at my thumb/nail, about 1,2 inches. My waves eat 1 to 2 inches (often something in between). So also if I'm close, I'll need more time than I thought to be there properly.

click! (https://imgur.com/a/ir0G6O5)

October 7th, 2020, 06:54 PM
Your hair looks great Bri-Chan! This is a longer-than-you’d-think milestone jump I feel like.

October 8th, 2020, 12:49 AM
Bri-Chan it looks beautiful, if I was you I’d have called it by now lol

October 8th, 2020, 12:51 AM
I'm joining this thread! This is my current length:
https://i.postimg.cc/t1jjMCyB/IMG-20201006-225647-015.jpg (https://postimg.cc/t1jjMCyB)

So excited to grow it longer :)

October 8th, 2020, 02:00 AM
Bri-Chan, your hair looks so long! Really beautiful! :D

Welcome, cestlavie! I love how shiny and healthy your hair looks! I'm also jealous of your hemline! :D

October 8th, 2020, 02:00 AM
I need my hair straight-ish for this days and so I washed and dryed as I used to do before I started taking properly care of my texture. This is the first time I see my hair straight in almost 8 months and I definitely prefer my loose waves now, but in this picture my length is more visibile.
BCL is at my thumb/nail, about 1,2 inches. My waves eat 1 to 2 inches (often something in between). So also if I'm close, I'll need more time than I thought to be there properly.

click! (https://imgur.com/a/ir0G6O5)

Your hair is looking really good, Bri-Chan! I bet sopping wet you'd be at BCL right now. I love the shape of your hemline.

I'm joining this thread! This is my current length:
https://i.postimg.cc/t1jjMCyB/IMG-20201006-225647-015.jpg (https://postimg.cc/t1jjMCyB)

So excited to grow it longer :)

Such beautiful hair! :agape: Reminds me of maborosi, whose hair I've always admired here.

October 8th, 2020, 04:21 AM
Thank you so much Amenahh and Ylva :) You are very kind!

October 8th, 2020, 05:15 AM
I need my hair straight-ish for this days and so I washed and dryed as I used to do before I started taking properly care of my texture. This is the first time I see my hair straight in almost 8 months and I definitely prefer my loose waves now, but in this picture my length is more visibile.
BCL is at my thumb/nail, about 1,2 inches. My waves eat 1 to 2 inches (often something in between). So also if I'm close, I'll need more time than I thought to be there properly.

click! (https://imgur.com/a/ir0G6O5)

Nice, almost there! I get that waves make a length difference, tho.

October 8th, 2020, 05:16 AM
I'm joining this thread! This is my current length:
https://i.postimg.cc/t1jjMCyB/IMG-20201006-225647-015.jpg (https://postimg.cc/t1jjMCyB)

So excited to grow it longer :)

Pretty! I like your color.

October 8th, 2020, 06:04 AM
Your hair looks great Bri-Chan! This is a longer-than-you’d-think milestone jump I feel like.
Thank you! And yes, it is for sure! I didn't expected to have so much hair to grow to get there.

Bri-Chan it looks beautiful, if I was you I’d have called it by now lol
Thank you too! So you can understand the struggle I was talking about ... I'm still not sure if I should call it when stretched or not.

I'm joining this thread! This is my current length:
https://i.postimg.cc/t1jjMCyB/IMG-20201006-225647-015.jpg (https://postimg.cc/t1jjMCyB)

So excited to grow it longer :)
Welcome in this thread! Beautiful hair, seems so healthy and the color is amazing.

Bri-Chan, your hair looks so long! Really beautiful! :D

Thank you! I was surprised to see its whole length in a pic, because I feel it so much shorter.

Your hair is looking really good, Bri-Chan! I bet sopping wet you'd be at BCL right now. I love the shape of your hemline.

Thank you! Under the shower isn't so much longer, mage 1 cm or less. The hemline looks better than I thought. I trimmed with the Feye method for V hemline.

Nice, almost there! I get that waves make a length difference, tho.
Yes, I hope to be there with my texture for the next spring!

October 8th, 2020, 08:40 AM
Bri-Chan, your hair is looking really lovely!

cestlavie, welcome! Glad to have you along. :) Your hair is beautiful.

October 8th, 2020, 11:15 AM
Thank you so so much Alexandrina, Bri-Chan and BexLocks! :D

October 9th, 2020, 06:04 AM
Thank you BexLocks!

October 9th, 2020, 06:06 AM
I'm joining this thread! This is my current length:
https://i.postimg.cc/t1jjMCyB/IMG-20201006-225647-015.jpg (https://postimg.cc/t1jjMCyB)

So excited to grow it longer :)

Welcome! Your hair is absolutely lovely!!

October 9th, 2020, 09:00 AM
Welcome! Your hair is absolutely lovely!!

Thank you! I must say it feels awesome to be welcomed by you all, can't wait to share more of my progress here!

October 10th, 2020, 12:38 PM
Beautiful, cestlavie! Welcome to the thread :D

I trimmed my hair yesterday, I think about 4 cm? honestly not sure, it's very hard to trim with Feye's method when the ends are thick. My ends are definitely not even after that (one side is longer than the other, too), but since my hair is wavy it doesn't show that much. I'll leave it be, else I will probably end up making it worse.


October 10th, 2020, 02:08 PM
It looks wonderful, Estrid. I cannot tell that it’s uneven from your picture at all.

October 11th, 2020, 06:31 AM
Estrid it seems good to me. Are you using the V shape method?

October 12th, 2020, 01:14 AM
Beautiful, cestlavie! Welcome to the thread :D

I trimmed my hair yesterday, I think about 4 cm? honestly not sure, it's very hard to trim with Feye's method when the ends are thick. My ends are definitely not even after that (one side is longer than the other, too), but since my hair is wavy it doesn't show that much. I'll leave it be, else I will probably end up making it worse.


Estrid, your hair is gorgeous, and the trim looks good from the picture! As a 1c/2a who still treats her hair as a 1b, could I ask what your hair routine is to get those pretty waves? :)

October 12th, 2020, 01:47 AM
Estrid, I am in love with your hair. The colour (especially with your lovely outfit), the texture, the hemline shape, everything.

I found Feye's method difficult with thick hair as well, and started the following thread for some advice: https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=151852

Other than sectioning the hair, most of the advice was just to use spidermom's method, which Milady_DeWinter very kindly posted a tutorial for here: https://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=151869

Posting just in case it helps someone with a similar issue.

October 12th, 2020, 08:17 AM
I haven’t been on this thread for a minute but I wanted to say welcome cestlavie! Your color is amazing!

It’s good to see you too Estrid. I may have a screenshot saved on my phone of your last update picture as an example of the hemline I am going for. I have a tiny wave as well when my hair is wet but it basically falls out as I dry unless I use a styling product and stay very very still while I dry— neither of which I’m willing to do lol.

Anyway, these emojis are for both of you! :crush: :crush:

October 12th, 2020, 12:10 PM
Thank you everyone :flowers: you're all too kind, really, but it's good to know that it doesn't look off. I followed the tutorial for a U-shaped hemline, but ignored the last step (putting it in one ponytail and cutting off that tip in the back, so I suppose it is more V than U). I felt like I had struggled enough so I couldn't be bothered.

Thank you for the links to alternative trimming methods, barnet_fair! I might try those out in the future unless my hair starts to seriously taper.

Amenahh, I'm probably not the right person to ask since I'm not that knowledgeable even when it comes to my own hair. But when I took that photo I had just air dried it after a wash, and that wash was an experiment with quite a few different methods that I normally wouldn't do. It was all to see if it would improve the "tangliness" that I usually experience. What I did (and please read the "note" below before you think this worked for the waves :silly:):

1. Shampoo and rinse
2. Saturate it with a hair mask (since I don't currently own any conditioner)
3. Brushed it with the mask in it
4. "Squish to condish" (with mask since I currently don't own a conditioner)
5. Brushed again and rinsed it out
6. Squeezed most of water out and added some jojoba oil
7. Squished with microfiber turban
8. Plopped with microfiber turban for like 20 min when I got sick of it and took it down
9. Air dried undisturbed...

NOTE: It honestly didn't come out any wavier than when I only do step 1 and 6 (as I do when I'm lazy, meaning 9 times out of 10). The squishing, plopping and all of that did nothing for my waves. However, yeah, my hair was nice and knot free after that (even now on day 3). I bought a TT for wet brushing, and I like it so much better than the "wet brush", I think I'll buy a normal conditioner and see it it works as well with that, might be a bit much to do it with a hair mask every time.

I suppose you could try to plopp and all that, might work for you since it works for many, but doing all of what I did before that photo probably isn't necessary.

October 13th, 2020, 11:32 AM
Thanks for the detailed reply Estrid! (I read the note haha!)

October 13th, 2020, 02:45 PM
Estrid, your hair looks great! You inspired me a few years ago when your hair was around BSL.

October 13th, 2020, 04:41 PM
Hi everyone. I'm afraid I'm lurking more than participating these days, but I wanted to share my official BCL length shot.
https://i.postimg.cc/wvK4yPmJ/PXL-20201013-203429203-2.jpg (https://postimg.cc/VSRW2K4L)

Estrid, Your hair is just lovely. It's fun to see it grow. I think your trim looks fine. I'm a big fan of the spidermom method of training myself.

October 13th, 2020, 05:17 PM
Hi everyone. I'm afraid I'm lurking more than participating these days, but I wanted to share my official BCL length shot.
https://i.postimg.cc/wvK4yPmJ/PXL-20201013-203429203-2.jpg (https://postimg.cc/VSRW2K4L)

Estrid, Your hair is just lovely. It's fun to see it grow. I think your trim looks fine. I'm a big fan of the spidermom method of training myself.

honestly your hair is absolute love ♥ congrats at reaching BCL!

October 13th, 2020, 06:03 PM
CopperButterfly so much wow!!! :agape:

October 13th, 2020, 06:20 PM
so much beautiful hair, everyone! :crush::crush::crush:

October 13th, 2020, 07:37 PM
I think I can join this thread! My hair is only waist when it's straight but I think that counts for something. Classic is my main goal, but tailbone is next up on the way there!

October 13th, 2020, 11:51 PM
We all measure our goals in the way that suits us best ExpectoPatronum, and many wavies and Curtis do like ‘stretched’ markers. Welcome to the thread.

Oh! I didn’t see your recent post Copper Butterfly. That’s looking lovely. Congratulations on reaching BCL.

October 14th, 2020, 01:59 AM
Hi everyone. I'm afraid I'm lurking more than participating these days, but I wanted to share my official BCL length shot.
https://i.postimg.cc/wvK4yPmJ/PXL-20201013-203429203-2.jpg (https://postimg.cc/VSRW2K4L)

Estrid, Your hair is just lovely. It's fun to see it grow. I think your trim looks fine. I'm a big fan of the spidermom method of training myself.

That hair colour is gorgeous! It looks healthy and shiny too, congrats on reaching BCL!

October 14th, 2020, 04:13 AM

Heyy Y'all I haven't been on much!
I love seeing all the progress pics. So here's my shot for this month.
I was wondering if you all think I can call hip now! Never thought I would get here but I'm so happy to even have hair this length :flower:

October 14th, 2020, 04:42 AM
Looks like it to me, lovely hair!

October 14th, 2020, 05:25 AM
Hi everyone, I thought I'd join in. I'm somewhere between waist and hip now, on my way to the end goal of classic :)

https://i.ibb.co/f0gyk3L/new-IMG-20201013-085249.jpg (https://ibb.co/2K9CvzH)

October 14th, 2020, 07:32 AM
Hi everyone, I thought I'd join in. I'm somewhere between waist and hip now, on my way to the end goal of classic :)

https://i.ibb.co/f0gyk3L/new-IMG-20201013-085249.jpg (https://ibb.co/2K9CvzH)
You look past hip to me, your hands are on your hips There waist is shorter than people think, looks lovely, is say you ar roughly BCL

October 14th, 2020, 07:52 AM

Heyy Y'all I haven't been on much!
I love seeing all the progress pics. So here's my shot for this month.
I was wondering if you all think I can call hip now! Never thought I would get here but I'm so happy to even have hair this length :flower:

Congratulations, your hair looks lovely! That flexi looks great in your hair!

October 14th, 2020, 07:55 AM
Oh and your hair looks like it's already at hip length, NikitaJane! What a wonderful shine ☺️

October 14th, 2020, 10:00 AM
You look past hip to me, your hands are on your hips There waist is shorter than people think, looks lovely, is say you ar roughly BCL

Thank you! And to you also cestlavie :)

I know it's probably a silly question but what does BCL stand for?

October 14th, 2020, 10:23 AM
Thank you! And to you also cestlavie :)

I know it's probably a silly question but what does BCL stand for?

Butt crack length. :)

October 14th, 2020, 11:16 AM

Heyy Y'all I haven't been on much!
I love seeing all the progress pics. So here's my shot for this month.
I was wondering if you all think I can call hip now! Never thought I would get here but I'm so happy to even have hair this length :flower:

Wowww so lovely! Absolutely, you’re definitely hip!

Hi everyone, I thought I'd join in. I'm somewhere between waist and hip now, on my way to the end goal of classic :)

https://i.ibb.co/f0gyk3L/new-IMG-20201013-085249.jpg (https://ibb.co/2K9CvzH)

Gorgeous! I agree with Bat, it looks like BCL to me.

October 14th, 2020, 01:07 PM
CopperButterfly, your hair looks so smooth and long! It's been a while since I saw you, congrats on reaching BCL :o

shaluwm_agape and NikitaJane, beautiful! And I think you both can call hip :p

Welcome to the thread, ExpectoPatronum! :cheer:

October 15th, 2020, 01:00 PM
There's so much beautiful hair in this thread! :love:

And thank you, Estrid :)

October 15th, 2020, 06:38 PM
You alla have beautiful and healthy hair! And congratulations for the milestones.

October 16th, 2020, 12:24 AM
I think I'll have my mom trim me back to BCL next month. I reached TBL but the ends are scraggly.

October 16th, 2020, 09:33 AM
Calling hip. :) My own personal marker for hip is the point at which I can feel the hip bones poking forward at the front. I've trimmed very little since May 2019, and discovered that my hair likes to fairytale, so the area between WL and HL is relatively thin.

I'm considering microtrimming and maintaining at hip for a while, or trimming a bit more for a thick U-shaped hemline just below waist. But it feels so good to be at hip that I'm not sure what to do! I've just been on a sunny holiday where I wore my hair down almost all of the time, and swam in the sea. I'm enjoying this length and love wearing it down.


I've also found a single plait is more comfortable now. It's still a bit stiff unless I plait it quite loosely, and it only reaches to WL. Looking forward to growing longer and wearing it like this more often.


I think my hair will always look messy as I have so many short nape hairs and sideburns, but I've accepted that!


I decided to trim 2" (although it looks like more...) because while I didn't mind the ends tapering a bit and getting thin, the damage I'd done to them with sun, sea, and lots of clambering around on brambly country walks was starting to cause excessive tangling.

So I'm back between WL and HL. Happy with how it looks and feels, but don't we all hate losing length! Looking forward to reaching HL again more solidly.

I've accepted that wearing my hair down a lot will probably mean I take a little longer to reach milestones than others who are diligent with their protective styles. But if I get stuck before TBL and find myself trimming a substantial amount more than once per year, I may start to be more careful (and the longer my hair gets, the more comfortable it is in a plait).


October 16th, 2020, 10:28 AM
NikitaJane it looks so pretty and shiny definitely hip and only you will know If BCL. I always thought BCL/tailbone was confusing and thought TBL came first after hip when you're right above/at where the butt starts and then BCL was when you weren't at classic yet and your hair was well... on your butt lol. But Ive seen people refer to it in other ways too.

shaluwm_agape I love the color of your hair and your hemline very preety

October 16th, 2020, 12:14 PM
barnet_fair your hair is soo pretty :crush:

I’ve been away for a few days, beautiful progress everyone!

October 16th, 2020, 06:19 PM
barnet_fair, so lovely! :crush: :crush: Your trim looks good and it's not a race – enjoying your hair is important, milestones will come when they may. ;)

October 16th, 2020, 06:46 PM
Thanks! cat11

October 16th, 2020, 08:07 PM
Hi everyone. I'm afraid I'm lurking more than participating these days, but I wanted to share my official BCL length shot.
https://i.postimg.cc/wvK4yPmJ/PXL-20201013-203429203-2.jpg (https://postimg.cc/VSRW2K4L)

Estrid, Your hair is just lovely. It's fun to see it grow. I think your trim looks fine. I'm a big fan of the spidermom method of training myself.

Your hair is just simply gorgeous! Congrats on reaching BCL! Oh, and the color is also just soooo gorgeous and healthy looking! That's color I want my hair to be, and I also wouldn't mine my hair being at BCL right now myself! :p:

October 17th, 2020, 09:01 AM
I've found hip to tailbone an awkward length because I keep wanting to cut it back to waist. I'm so close to calling tailbone so I'm annoyed this is a limbo length for me because I thought I'd love it. I still want to hit classic and hope this passes.

October 17th, 2020, 06:12 PM
Spirals you’re curly hair looks so nice! I think the taper gives it a nice effect :)

October 19th, 2020, 06:26 AM
I just check my hair and... I have 3,5'' hair thickness and 26'' (66,5 cm) length :cheese:. I really dream about long hair 35'' length and 4'' thickness, so i'm happy with progress :cheese:.

I changed hair care 4 months ago, when I had 3'' and... 25,5 (65 cm)''. But with length it's bigger problem - I have "fairy tail" and strong layers, so I choose microtrimming. Unfortunately I must cut something around 15'' to have nice thick end.

October 19th, 2020, 09:32 AM
I don't get on here enough to keep up with this thread! Haha! But I'm going to give it a go, you all are so good at replying to my post!

honestly your hair is absolute love ♥ congrats at reaching BCL!
Thank you so much! I've been growing 3 years now and am finally passing by the longest I've ever had it. I can't wait to see your hair reach longer lengths!

CopperButterfly so much wow!!! :agape:

I think I can join this thread! My hair is only waist when it's straight but I think that counts for something. Classic is my main goal, but tailbone is next up on the way there!
I think it's only fair to count it straight, waves and curls lead to so much shrinkage. I'd love to see a recent photo of your length!

We all measure our goals in the way that suits us best ExpectoPatronum, and many wavies and Curtis do like ‘stretched’ markers. Welcome to the thread.

Oh! I didn’t see your recent post Copper Butterfly. That’s looking lovely. Congratulations on reaching BCL.
Thank you! I'm officially passing by the longest I've ever had my hair.

That hair colour is gorgeous! It looks healthy and shiny too, congrats on reaching BCL!
Thank you! Henna really does give extra shine!


Heyy Y'all I haven't been on much!
I love seeing all the progress pics. So here's my shot for this month.
I was wondering if you all think I can call hip now! Never thought I would get here but I'm so happy to even have hair this length :flower:
That definitely looks hip length to me. Congrats! Your waves and color are so pretty, and you have such a nice even hemline.

Hi everyone, I thought I'd join in. I'm somewhere between waist and hip now, on my way to the end goal of classic :)

https://i.ibb.co/f0gyk3L/new-IMG-20201013-085249.jpg (https://ibb.co/2K9CvzH)
Welcome! Your hair looks past hip to me. You have a very pretty head of hair. Your waves look so thick and lucious.

CopperButterfly, your hair looks so smooth and long! It's been a while since I saw you, congrats on reaching BCL :o

Thank you!

I think I'll have my mom trim me back to BCL next month. I reached TBL but the ends are scraggly.
That's not too much of a set back, and I do love fresh ends. It's quite likely I will do the same when I reach TBL at the end of the year.

I decided to trim 2" (although it looks like more...) because while I didn't mind the ends tapering a bit and getting thin, the damage I'd done to them with sun, sea, and lots of clambering around on brambly country walks was starting to cause excessive tangling.

So I'm back between WL and HL. Happy with how it looks and feels, but don't we all hate losing length! Looking forward to reaching HL again more solidly.

I've accepted that wearing my hair down a lot will probably mean I take a little longer to reach milestones than others who are diligent with their protective styles. But if I get stuck before TBL and find myself trimming a substantial amount more than once per year, I may start to be more careful (and the longer my hair gets, the more comfortable it is in a plait).

I can't see your picture for some reason, but it sounds like you're enjoying life and your hair. I'll bet it's so pretty flowing around you while wearing it down during all those activities. I kind of wish I was more tolerant of leaving my hair down, but it tends to drive me crazy when it's in my way, so I keep it up for that reason alone. The important thing is that you are enjoying your hair.

Your hair is just simply gorgeous! Congrats on reaching BCL! Oh, and the color is also just soooo gorgeous and healthy looking! That's color I want my hair to be, and I also wouldn't mine my hair being at BCL right now myself! :p:
Thank you so much! I've always loved red hair, and fortunately I have hair light enough I can henna it red with no damage. You have wonderfully thick and lovely hair. I'd love to see a new length shot from you, I feel like it's been a while. (Though I could have missed it as I haven't been on a lot lately.)

I've found hip to tailbone an awkward length because I keep wanting to cut it back to waist. I'm so close to calling tailbone so I'm annoyed this is a limbo length for me because I thought I'd love it. I still want to hit classic and hope this passes.
There definitely can be awkward lengths. Definitely worth giving it a few months and see how you feel. What makes this length awkward for you?

I just check my hair and... I have 3,5'' hair thickness and 26'' (66,5 cm) length :cheese:. I really dream about long hair 35'' length and 4'' thickness, so i'm happy with progress :cheese:.

I changed hair care 4 months ago, when I had 3'' and... 25,5 (65 cm)''. But with length it's bigger problem - I have "fairy tail" and strong layers, so I choose microtrimming. Unfortunately I must cut something around 15'' to have nice thick end.
WOW! Gaining .5 inches of thickness is really impressive! Of course it'll take some time for that thickness to travel down, but that's just amazing! Whatever it is you changed definitely seems to be working.

October 20th, 2020, 02:02 AM
I don't get on here enough to keep up with this thread! Haha! But I'm going to give it a go, you all are so good at replying to my post!

Thank you so much! I've been growing 3 years now and am finally passing by the longest I've ever had it. I can't wait to see your hair reach longer lengths!

sadly I had a mini disaster, and my hairs trash, I'm going to be maintaining until the end of next year, such a shame, oneday I hope to have it long though!

October 20th, 2020, 05:10 AM
WOW! Gaining .5 inches of thickness is really impressive! Of course it'll take some time for that thickness to travel down, but that's just amazing! Whatever it is you changed definitely seems to be working.

I change only... everything :wigtongue . When I was teenager I had definitely more than 10", so my hair has potential.

Bigger problem I have with longest - I stock around my waist 3 years ago! I'm not sure what I do wrong, but I never had hair longer than 28" (but I never really try had it longer).

October 20th, 2020, 06:54 PM
Here’s a half-up from today - Thursday I’m getting a trim so might need to update this post after! I’m excited to thicken up my ends but dang, there’s just so much distance between hip and classic.
