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Agnes Hannah
November 4th, 2014, 10:34 AM
Thanks alisaxmarie, :) my hair is color treated but I try to keep it healthy as possible. I don't blow dry and barely ever use heat. I color only the new growth about every 2 months. Naturally Im dishwater blonde/light brown. Right now this is the longest it's ever been naturally. I use to wear extensions.

I have worn extensions too in a previous life before LHC nearly every day. Nowadays I wear them very very occasionally! I also colour my hair, just the roots. It is the longest now it has ever been, so it can be done if you do it right. You have lovely hair by the way!

November 4th, 2014, 01:16 PM
Thanks so much, Crumpet and AgnesHannah!

FirefromWithin, your hair is gorgeous!

SummerCherie, you have such a beautiful colour, I love it!

LLL, I'm another slow grower, don't feel bad! Most years I get 4.5-5 inches, if I'm lucky. Bah. I AM however, a very bad shedder even before this last horrid shed. I'm becoming increasingly uncertain that I'll be able to make it to TB, which was where it always was most of my adult life. However, I didn't use to be ill and take so many medications, so I'm sure that's why it's rougher now.

November 4th, 2014, 03:36 PM
Beautiful hair everyone! I think I've only gained two inches since I joined.... I did trim but it seems like I should be longer after 8 months!

Today was a much needed wash day so I decided to take a pic after it air dried for about half an hour. I've got a little more curl than I thought. I did oil it a little but but didn't even finger comb... Just blotted/scrunched with the towel.

https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7509/15527294297_0c7bb94250.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/alliewinter/15527294297/)

Now that I look at this photo, I'm thinking TB is at the bottom of the top row of pink squares ;) so I'm guessing another year until I'm solidly there. Wow.... That's why you guys call it the mid(big?)-arse abyss! I'm definitely looking at two years plus until classic!

November 4th, 2014, 03:43 PM
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7509/15527294297_0c7bb94250.jpg (https://www.flickr.com/photos/alliewinter/15527294297/)

Now that I look at this photo, I'm thinking TB is at the bottom of the top row of pink squares ;) so I'm guessing another year until I'm solidly there. Wow.... That's why you guys call it the mid(big?)-arse abyss! I'm definitely looking at two years plus until classic!

Yes, the MAA (maaaah ;)). Pardon me for butting in (hahaha), but your hair looks more 1c, possibly 1c/2a to me in this picture.

November 4th, 2014, 03:51 PM
Yes, the MAA (maaaah ;)). Pardon me for butting in (hahaha), but your hair looks more 1c, possibly 1c/2a to me in this picture. Thank you, Lapushka. I now have a new goal length - MAA. ;) Love it! And love your pretty waves, Allie-snowflake.

November 4th, 2014, 04:11 PM
Thank you georgia_peach :)

I just kind of guessed at my hair type. I have noticed it has more body now than a few years ago. I'll have to check into the ways of the wavies :) And lapushka, I'm definitely in the BAAaaaaahhh (big-arse) zone. (Home of the foot long bum.... Sheesh I sound like a sub commercial!)

November 4th, 2014, 04:16 PM
Hahaha, you guys "crack" me up. LOL :lol:

November 4th, 2014, 05:03 PM
Ugh, this thread is nothing but puns right now... ;)

To make this a quality post: I tried WCC about an hour ago, now I'm just waiting until my hair dries to see how it likes it. I've noticed that my hair dries out easier the longer it is, which makes sense because of the longer distance between my scalp and my ends.

November 4th, 2014, 08:15 PM
:D you know what's super exciting? I just checked my length (won't be posting the picture, my hair is ugly and greasy because I'm stretching washes) and I'm only about an inch and a half from tailbone!! Might be there in time for my one-year LHC anniversary!

November 4th, 2014, 08:23 PM
YAAY, Larki! Just the same as me! :)

November 5th, 2014, 01:22 AM
Just an update on my growth...

Feeling like i dont belong to any thread now, i felt like "home" in the bsl to waist thread but then I had to move on because, well, my hair passed that stage - Then, I felt great in the monthly photo thread but after almost a year of watching my hair grow i now know exactly how much my hair is growing per month and its always at a steady rate (with a few random growth spurts). I dont know what to do now :( I think that this thread will be my new "home" - how silly really ... - Maybe there should be a thread for just growing our hair out because i dont like having to "move on" so often and leave all those new made friends behind again :(

Ok enough of that sillyness.

So, ever since i reached waist I been trimming almost every month. Last month I chopped from 86/87cm to 84cm! I love my hem (you cant see how blunt it really is because my ends always does weird flips) and im trying to keep trimming so that I can get to these shorter pieces which is about waist length on both sides but im BORED of being at hip, I have been at hip a few times before and i want to try something new, BCL is my next stop before trimming again (but classic is my goal). Heres a random quick shot of my hair now, feels so soft because its wash day :D

Hmm enough rambling right :p

http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm242/MayasMommy7nov/1496619_762116960547229_7819651219078248518_n.jpg (http://s298.photobucket.com/user/MayasMommy7nov/media/1496619_762116960547229_7819651219078248518_n.jpg. html)

November 5th, 2014, 01:27 AM
Your hair is so looong! Your ends are wonderful and thick too! I am a great fan of thick ends:)

November 5th, 2014, 01:39 AM
Gorgeous hair Tini!! :thud:

And welcome to the thread! :D

November 5th, 2014, 01:54 AM
Thank you slekie & sarah, I live for blunt ends which is a huge turn around because i used to be pretty set on lots and lots of layers but i guess whats changed is that now I want to grow my hair a lot longer and being on the thinner side, my hair is better with blunt ends :)

So I guess i will be stalking this thread now :)

November 5th, 2014, 01:58 AM
Gorgeous hair, Tini! :) I know what you mean, I also feel like I've been stuck at around hip for forever... so bored with my hair right now!! At least you've got a blunt hem, I'm still in the process of trimming out the layers and the dye...

November 5th, 2014, 02:14 AM
Thank you Ingrid :) I will try take another shot of my hem when my ends behave because it is a lot more blunt - I have thought of just cutting back to waist but thats a huge sacrifice to make just for a few side sections, not worth it. Oh wait here I think that this pic shows a bit of what i mean, see the side sections are a bit shorter, maybe about 2 inches - will it be so bad if i can just go to BCL first... my hair grows 2cm a month (bcl on me is at 92cm) my hair now is i think at 85/86).

http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm242/MayasMommy7nov/10686722_762138860545039_495323075591115140_n.jpg (http://s298.photobucket.com/user/MayasMommy7nov/media/10686722_762138860545039_495323075591115140_n.jpg. html)

November 5th, 2014, 03:11 AM
^^^^Gorgeous! Are you sure you are ii thickness? Your hair looks thicker than that!

November 5th, 2014, 03:58 AM
omg, they have grown so much :D!

November 5th, 2014, 04:16 AM
Selkie i will get back to you on that haha I cant remember what i measure up :)

Wildcat Diva
November 5th, 2014, 06:37 AM
Hi Tini! I love your hair, ends look fantastic! *offers a cuppa tea to welcome her*

November 5th, 2014, 06:39 AM
Gorgeous hair Tini! I understand being bored with a length previously achieved -- it sounds like you could go ahead and keep growing, just trimming a little bit as you go.

I'm feeling terribly bored with my hair. I'm at a length I've been at many times (most of my life, I would guess) and am trimming out layers. I want something different. I'm also growing a bit tired of buns. Hmmm...

November 5th, 2014, 08:13 AM
Thank you Ingrid :) I will try take another shot of my hem when my ends behave because it is a lot more blunt - I have thought of just cutting back to waist but thats a huge sacrifice to make just for a few side sections, not worth it. Oh wait here I think that this pic shows a bit of what i mean, see the side sections are a bit shorter, maybe about 2 inches - will it be so bad if i can just go to BCL first... my hair grows 2cm a month (bcl on me is at 92cm) my hair now is i think at 85/86).

http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm242/MayasMommy7nov/10686722_762138860545039_495323075591115140_n.jpg (http://s298.photobucket.com/user/MayasMommy7nov/media/10686722_762138860545039_495323075591115140_n.jpg. html)

Very pretty, and you grow so fast! :D

November 5th, 2014, 08:32 AM
I'm feeling terribly bored with my hair. I'm at a length I've been at many times (most of my life, I would guess) and am trimming out layers. I want something different. I'm also growing a bit tired of buns. Hmmm...

Ditto times infinity!!!!!

November 5th, 2014, 08:34 AM
I'm also growing a bit tired of buns. Hmmm...

Me too!! :yawn: And I suck at braids... :(

November 5th, 2014, 10:44 AM
Just an update on my growth...

Feeling like i dont belong to any thread now, i felt like "home" in the bsl to waist thread but then I had to move on because, well, my hair passed that stage - Then, I felt great in the monthly photo thread but after almost a year of watching my hair grow i now know exactly how much my hair is growing per month and its always at a steady rate (with a few random growth spurts). I dont know what to do now :( I think that this thread will be my new "home" - how silly really ... - Maybe there should be a thread for just growing our hair out because i dont like having to "move on" so often and leave all those new made friends behind again :(

Ok enough of that sillyness.

So, ever since i reached waist I been trimming almost every month. Last month I chopped from 86/87cm to 84cm! I love my hem (you cant see how blunt it really is because my ends always does weird flips) and im trying to keep trimming so that I can get to these shorter pieces which is about waist length on both sides but im BORED of being at hip, I have been at hip a few times before and i want to try something new, BCL is my next stop before trimming again (but classic is my goal). Heres a random quick shot of my hair now, feels so soft because its wash day :D

Hmm enough rambling right :p

Tini's Image (http://s298.photobucket.com/user/MayasMommy7nov/media/1496619_762116960547229_7819651219078248518_n.jpg. html)

I've been wondering where you've been! Welcome to the thread! :D The last post of yours I saw (until yesterday when I checked the monthly photos thread for the first time since Feb/Mar) was in the Waist to Hip thread! I've missed seeing your length shots, your growth rate is phenomenal! I do hope you feel at home on this thread as well as any of the others you frequent :flowers: Do you do any special deep treatments or anything else to speed your growth?

November 5th, 2014, 06:37 PM
Me too!! :yawn: And I suck at braids... :(

I suck at braids too -- and my hair doesn't look great in them (it likes to compact away when braided -- not so pretty).

Perhaps we need some ideas to spice up our hair styles?

November 5th, 2014, 06:42 PM
just an update on my growth...

Feeling like i dont belong to any thread now, i felt like "home" in the bsl to waist thread but then i had to move on because, well, my hair passed that stage - then, i felt great in the monthly photo thread but after almost a year of watching my hair grow i now know exactly how much my hair is growing per month and its always at a steady rate (with a few random growth spurts). I dont know what to do now :( i think that this thread will be my new "home" - how silly really ... - maybe there should be a thread for just growing our hair out because i dont like having to "move on" so often and leave all those new made friends behind again :(

ok enough of that sillyness.

So, ever since i reached waist i been trimming almost every month. Last month i chopped from 86/87cm to 84cm! I love my hem (you cant see how blunt it really is because my ends always does weird flips) and im trying to keep trimming so that i can get to these shorter pieces which is about waist length on both sides but im bored of being at hip, i have been at hip a few times before and i want to try something new, bcl is my next stop before trimming again (but classic is my goal). Heres a random quick shot of my hair now, feels so soft because its wash day :d

hmm enough rambling right :p

http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm242/mayasmommy7nov/1496619_762116960547229_7819651219078248518_n.jpg (http://s298.photobucket.com/user/mayasmommy7nov/media/1496619_762116960547229_7819651219078248518_n.jpg. html)


November 6th, 2014, 11:35 AM
Thank you Ingrid :) I will try take another shot of my hem when my ends behave because it is a lot more blunt - I have thought of just cutting back to waist but thats a huge sacrifice to make just for a few side sections, not worth it. Oh wait here I think that this pic shows a bit of what i mean, see the side sections are a bit shorter, maybe about 2 inches - will it be so bad if i can just go to BCL first... my hair grows 2cm a month (bcl on me is at 92cm) my hair now is i think at 85/86).

http://i298.photobucket.com/albums/mm242/MayasMommy7nov/10686722_762138860545039_495323075591115140_n.jpg (http://s298.photobucket.com/user/MayasMommy7nov/media/10686722_762138860545039_495323075591115140_n.jpg. html)

If you're a ii, that gives me some hope, lol. Amazing hemline. I hope mine will look like that too some day!

November 6th, 2014, 02:12 PM
Heya WD wow you are at waist now? Congrats, i remember you in the BSL thread. I must stalk you for a mane shot :) --(hmm unless im confusing you with someone else)

Thank you Crumpet, ive decided to take a break from trimming until BCL which I should reach by my birthday in Jan, oh that would be so nice :D

Thank you lapushka :)

Hi alishaxmarie, thank you :) My routine is pretty simple i believe. I wash every 4 days with shampoo on my scalp and conditioner to my length, I then apply whatever oil i feel like using at the time to my damp hair (argan, coconut) and right back up it goes :)

Thank you DweamGoil :)

Thank you Johannah :) I think that having it all one length when you go for greater lengths is what does the trick. I used to have lots of layers in the past which made my hair look pretty thin, I can see my hem looking even thicker if i was to cut back to those last few shorter pieces.

November 7th, 2014, 03:46 AM
Did I just imagine that I joined this thread?? Ihave been away from the forum for a while, butI have been back for a few days now. Hair is at waist now, andlooking forward to getting to tbl in the spring hopefully. Here's my nesest picture


November 7th, 2014, 06:28 AM
katelinn, Your hair is more at BCL than waist! Looks beautiful :)

November 7th, 2014, 11:54 AM
Tini - welcome. Your hair looks wonderful as always. I wish mine grew as fast as yours.

Crumpet - I am not fighting boredom as you are right now but I want to sympathize. I hope your layers grow out quick so you can start gaining length again soon.

November 7th, 2014, 03:18 PM
Really Tini, you think I'm maybe bcl? or atleast closer than to hip...oh you hade made me really happy!!!Thank you so much for your nice words..I always look at everybody else's hair thinking..oh so gorgeous... "those curls, that length, that hemline...".

November 7th, 2014, 03:35 PM
:flowers: Thank you LLL!

Katelinn your waist is the narrowest part of your torso, just a lil under your ribs and usually hip is fairly close to that on most people. You look to be BCL, time you check that out huh? :p

November 7th, 2014, 04:55 PM
Tini, your hair is looking divine! :queen:

Question, do you self-trim still? If so, you are doing an amazing job!

November 7th, 2014, 07:26 PM
I found out today that I'm ~3 inches away from the top of my pants (hip for me). In LHC terms, this is about 4-5 more months of growth if all goes well. When put like that, it seems soooo far away, but in the grand scheme of things, it really isn't that bad! Better 3 inches than 13, right?

November 7th, 2014, 08:08 PM
I need to stop by for a length check. Looks waist to me from the back with my chin flat but I'll need LHC confirmation before joining the thread. Also a measurement... but I'll be getting a trim soon. My hair can touch my belly button from the front (when sitting!) Major mini milestone for me right there!

November 8th, 2014, 02:18 AM
Thank you Johannah :) I think that having it all one length when you go for greater lengths is what does the trick. I used to have lots of layers in the past which made my hair look pretty thin, I can see my hem looking even thicker if i was to cut back to those last few shorter pieces.

That's what I'm going for. I've been growing out layers for 3.5 years. They are gone now (except I still got some sort of U shape, if you know what I mean), but the ends are very thin because those layers never got an actual trim. That's why I'll be maintaining in 2015. Hope that will help ;)

November 8th, 2014, 06:24 AM
Beautiful hair tini i can't get over how much you trim and it grows mine is steadily creeping past hip now :cool: will micro trim a small amount today just 1/2 cm it makes a difference and it still grows thanks to Lauralonglocks i'm not trimming more than its growing

My son just took this it straightened it to see the length WOW maybe its because he is a bit taller than me and it is straight

http://i1107.photobucket.com/albums/h400/emmerline1/novhairshot_zps670432ee.jpg (http://s1107.photobucket.com/user/emmerline1/media/novhairshot_zps670432ee.jpg.html)

November 8th, 2014, 07:21 AM
Beautiful hair tini i can't get over how much you trim and it grows mine is steadily creeping past hip now :cool: will micro trim a small amount today just 1/2 cm it makes a difference and it still grows thanks to Lauralonglocks i'm not trimming more than its growing

My son just took this it straightened it to see the length WOW maybe its because he is a bit taller than me and it is straight

http://i1107.photobucket.com/albums/h400/emmerline1/novhairshot_zps670432ee.jpg (http://s1107.photobucket.com/user/emmerline1/media/novhairshot_zps670432ee.jpg.html)

Trimming just 5 mm a month makes a big difference in a short time. I still have inches I want to trim off, but I'm getting there a bit at a time. In between the actual microtrims I S&D. I'm finding splits and dots still, but I know I'll catch up to them eventually. Right now my plan is to keep trimming 5 mm a month all through 2015. So I'm not going to see a lot of growth progress, but I will hopefully see a big improvement in the splitty 2-3 inches of leftover layered ends.

November 9th, 2014, 01:05 AM
I'm at BCL when stretched and I think I have 2 inches before TBL when stretched.

November 9th, 2014, 01:10 AM
Beautiful, Dessi! I would love for my hair to look like yours :)

November 9th, 2014, 01:55 AM
Jennah Thank you :) Yes I been trimming a fair bit pretty much since i hit waist - funny how i didnt trim at all for 2 years straight when i started growing out my hair again and now i CAN'T stop trimming, its addicting! I love to self trim :D However I plan to hit BCL first before continuing to self trim each month just because im sooo bored of being at hip.

To right! Aurum ;)

vanillabones, sounds like you are at hip then hmm give us a back selfie :)

Emma why did you straighten your hair?!!! :O OMG!!!! Stop it right this minute! I love your hair with that stunning natural wave - your hair soo long i want to touch *slowly puts shakey hand forward to grab at your hair* lol

WOW Dessi, your hair is so beautiful!!!!!!!! I cant wait to be at BCL to!

November 9th, 2014, 04:56 AM
Beautiful, Dessi! I would love for my hair to look like yours :)
Thank you! I love your hair and your waves! :flower:

Jennah Thank you :) Yes I been trimming a fair bit pretty much since i hit waist - funny how i didnt trim at all for 2 years straight when i started growing out my hair again and now i CAN'T stop trimming, its addicting! I love to self trim :D However I plan to hit BCL first before continuing to self trim each month just because im sooo bored of being at hip.

To right! Aurum ;)

vanillabones, sounds like you are at hip then hmm give us a back selfie :)

Emma why did you straighten your hair?!!! :O OMG!!!! Stop it right this minute! I love your hair with that stunning natural wave - your hair soo long i want to touch *slowly puts shakey hand forward to grab at your hair* lol

WOW Dessi, your hair is so beautiful!!!!!!!! I cant wait to be at BCL to!

Thank you very much! I'm sure you'll reach it very soon!

November 9th, 2014, 05:20 AM
Jennah Thank you :) Yes I been trimming a fair bit pretty much since i hit waist - funny how i didnt trim at all for 2 years straight when i started growing out my hair again and now i CAN'T stop trimming, its addicting! I love to self trim :D However I plan to hit BCL first before continuing to self trim each month just because im sooo bored of being at hip.

That´s amazing! i thought you had started going to the hairdresser for that because that hem looks perfect! Good job! And it got super thick and long in no time depite all those trimmings. :blossom: Btw, do you just do the Feye´s method with one ponytail in the back and pull it down? Or do you also part it in two pigtails first and then the ponytail? :eye:

November 9th, 2014, 07:40 AM
Gorgeous hair, Dessi. Looks like it's a while to TBL still, but you seem not to have that much space between TBL & classic.

November 9th, 2014, 08:26 AM
Nice Dessi, you must be so happy. Hair is looking great. :o

November 9th, 2014, 08:33 AM
Oh wow, lots of gorgeous pictures in this thread lately! I just went through the last 10 pages with my mouth hanging open half the time! :thudpile:

Welcome to the several newcomers I've missed, and a collective :thud: to all of the recent picture posters!
(I love hanging in this thread because waist-tbl is one of the most universally flattering lengths, everyone's hair looks awesome!)

I've been super stressed and busy with school lately, so hair is taking a break and just getting a good WCC twice a week when I can. I'm still finding time to do a bit of a DT (oil soak) once a week, so that's nice.
I ran out of my shampoo last wash and need to buy some more, hoping to find a nice leave-in from the same company (SheaMoisture) without too much protein (and with no humectants, it's too wintry now).

November 9th, 2014, 06:10 PM
Wow you all have such great hair.
I lost my password when i changed computers, and grew 2" since i last measured. Progress all around!

November 9th, 2014, 08:42 PM
Thank you Kamao and Lapushka!

November 9th, 2014, 10:52 PM
When I looked in the mirror today it looked like I have less distance to BCL than the last time I looked in the mirror at my length. I know. Totally subjective. But it's awesome to think that my hair is nearing a milestone.

November 9th, 2014, 11:48 PM

Please don't mind the colors in this: my hair is not this auburn in person (sadly. This was taken against a very yellow light and color balancing didn't help). Bun waves in my normally 1b/1c hair, and it's sitting squarely at a couple inches below waist. :)

November 10th, 2014, 03:01 AM
I'm at BCL when stretched and I think I have 2 inches before TBL when stretched.

I'm wondering what the difference between TBL and BCL is. I thought it was almost the same. But BCL (butt crack length, so i thought) comes before TBL? How should I see that? :o

November 10th, 2014, 03:43 AM
LLL I started noticing that to, soo exciting!! :D I'm so excited about BCL, new territory its going to be amazing when I let my hair down and it oh so long :D

Gorgeous hair there minaa, you look so be at waist+ already :)

hmm I will let someone else explain BCL lol

November 10th, 2014, 06:48 AM
I think mine is brushing waist length now. This is a year growth with trims-
http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=14204&d=1415592459 http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g47/I-Live-To-See-You-DIE/IMAG1781.jpg (http://s53.photobucket.com/user/I-Live-To-See-You-DIE/media/IMAG1781.jpg.html)

November 10th, 2014, 07:38 AM
My longest layer was a 1/2" from BCl in the shower! (3-2 inches dry depending on how my waves feel that day :p). Once I hit BCL, I'm considering trimming back up to hip so I have a blunt hemline. Still debating though as I do like my kind of soft V hemline from 2 years of growing out layers.

Unfortunately, I just went through a big shed and my ponytail is now down to about 3.8" from 4.25". :'( Excuse me while I go hug a kitten.

November 10th, 2014, 08:19 AM
I think mine is brushing waist length now. This is a year growth with trims-
http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=14204&d=1415592459 http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g47/I-Live-To-See-You-DIE/IMAG1781.jpg (http://s53.photobucket.com/user/I-Live-To-See-You-DIE/media/IMAG1781.jpg.html)

Your second picture actually rather looks hip length to me.

November 10th, 2014, 03:47 PM
Stephanie hair can look longer from different angles like the one where you have your hands up above your head but in the first one (with the white tshirt) you look about waist. Your hair is so gorgeous :)

November 10th, 2014, 06:34 PM
Can't wait to get to TBL unstretched! Then it will really feel long! Could take a while though, with trimming. Good things are worth waiting for though :)

November 10th, 2014, 07:44 PM
Stephanie hair can look longer from different angles like the one where you have your hands up above your head but in the first one (with the white tshirt) you look about waist. Your hair is so gorgeous :)

Hmm, I'm definitely not tailbone yet, What am I?! lol

November 12th, 2014, 10:58 AM
When I looked in the mirror today it looked like I have less distance to BCL than the last time I looked in the mirror at my length. I know. Totally subjective. But it's awesome to think that my hair is nearing a milestone.

Oh yeah, I got this as well! Wonderful feeling! :o

Winter Fox
November 13th, 2014, 09:47 AM
https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5610/15595929707_d829a96376.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pLadxM) https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5592/15020319008_c8ceca9935.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oTi4xo)

A picture from today after a deep SMT.
The ends are still wet but I think you can see them getting closer to hip, if you compare it with the second picture taken in september. :D

November 13th, 2014, 09:57 AM
You're definitely closer to hip, Winter Fox! ;)

November 13th, 2014, 10:21 AM
I'm still alive and nearing BCL.


November 13th, 2014, 12:19 PM
Lovely hair ladies getting lovely long.

when I have my hair oiled so it shows the length like this I think I'm maybe hip plus.
http://i1107.photobucket.com/albums/h400/emmerline1/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20141113_183035_zpsa9e6a57a.jpg (http://s1107.photobucket.com/user/emmerline1/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20141113_183035_zpsa9e6a57a.jpg.html)

November 13th, 2014, 06:42 PM
Looking good everyone! I wore my hair down today at school and got a lot of compliments. "Wow, you're wearing your hair down. It's so long! It's so pretty! Are you going to donate it to Locks of Love?" Ha ha! That last one didn't even bother me because it's what people who don't know about LoL do, right? So, I just said, if I was going to donate it, I would not donate to LoL. They sell or throw away most of the hair donations they receive. My listeners were surprised, but totally dropped the matter after I said that. I think people are just not aware. They aren't trying to be rude when they ask that.

It was fun to get all that attention. It was weird to wear it down all day though. I felt so protective of it. I will be glad to return to my regular updos.

November 14th, 2014, 12:06 AM
I've just had a trim to waist to get rid of some very thin ends from layers so it feels like I'm starting over even though I only got about 2" off

November 14th, 2014, 12:48 AM
LLL it sounds like you really made an impact with your hair down! I always find after compliments I want to wear it down more but I also feel like wearing it up most of the time gives a bigger impact when it is down.

lindaslocks I know that feeling well. Even a half inch trim makes me feel like my hair is so much shorter! Although that may be because my hair is *just* long enough to comfortably hold my braid with my arms casually behind my back and taking any length off means that it isn't!

November 14th, 2014, 01:57 AM
It has been a while since I post some of my progress. It is slowly growing but very very very slowly. I wish I could reacj TBL this year but to be realistic it is more going to happen next year but at least they are longer. Here a pic of this week . The bottom of my shirt is where TBL is for me and a another picture of me this august to show you the difference.:confused::confused:

November 14th, 2014, 04:55 AM
Oh Tailbone tailbone why do you seem like the door at the end of a corridoor in a dream that you just cant quite get closer to however fast you run ? . My scalp keeps pumping out new growth ( I can tell by the grey roots that appear) and yet somehow the ends get no closer to tailbone....I dont have split ends so the length must be going somewhere ? perhaps the new length gets lost in my natural waves ? perhaps the hair fairy takes a little trim in the night or perhaps there is a bermuda triangle where all the extra hair growth hides with all my odd socks and scrunchies ? who knows ? lol

November 14th, 2014, 09:01 AM
I've just had a trim to waist to get rid of some very thin ends from layers so it feels like I'm starting over even though I only got about 2" off

I really should cut that much off, too, but I can't bear to part with that much length all at once. I'm going to trim a whopping 1 cm in two weeks and then resume my regular 5 mm monthly trims in January. It feels like so much to take an entire centimeter off in one trim. I hope I don't chicken out. I figure I'm making slow but sure progress on my ends. I wish I could have super growth and trim the thin/splitty/face-frame parts off faster. I hope yours grows back quickly. Enjoy your fresh ends!

LLL it sounds like you really made an impact with your hair down! I always find after compliments I want to wear it down more but I also feel like wearing it up most of the time gives a bigger impact when it is down.
I feel the same, but I know it's more exciting if I wear it up all the time and then let it down and wow people with it. I really can't wear it down all the time anyway. My hair is too fine and gets mechanical damage so easily. I actually don't think my hair is wow-worthy yet, but people are shocked because my bun is not huge (it's not filled with air like their messy buns are, and it doesn't have a sock in it to give fake volume). They expect to see much shorter hair if I wear it down.

It has been a while since I post some of my progress. It is slowly growing but very very very slowly. I wish I could reacj TBL this year but to be realistic it is more going to happen next year but at least they are longer. Here a pic of this week . The bottom of my shirt is where TBL is for me and a another picture of me this august to show you the difference.:confused::confused:
http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=12575&d=1408175094 I agree it will likely be early next year when you make TBL, and maybe a bit longer if you do any trimming. It's looking long, in any case!

Oh Tailbone tailbone why do you seem like the door at the end of a corridoor in a dream that you just cant quite get closer to however fast you run ? . My scalp keeps pumping out new growth ( I can tell by the grey roots that appear) and yet somehow the ends get no closer to tailbone....I dont have split ends so the length must be going somewhere ? perhaps the new length gets lost in my natural waves ? perhaps the hair fairy takes a little trim in the night or perhaps there is a bermuda triangle where all the extra hair growth hides with all my odd socks and scrunchies ? who knows ? lol Ahhh, the elusive TBL, lol! Your length is probably hiding in your waves and whirls. If you find that Bermuda triangle with all the socks, scrunchies, bobby pins and hair pins, let me know where it is so I can retrieve mine!

November 14th, 2014, 09:08 AM
LLL I started noticing that to, soo exciting!! :D I'm so excited about BCL, new territory its going to be amazing when I let my hair down and it oh so long :D

Gorgeous hair there minaa, you look so be at waist+ already :)

hmm I will let someone else explain BCL lol

Oh yeah, I got this as well! Wonderful feeling! :o

I was too curious and had to ask my husband to measure how far between my hem and my ehem, bodymarker.

Last time I had him measure this distance it was four inches away... that was July-August I think. When I had him measure this time it was only 3 inches!!! So, it's not in my imagination. I gained an inch, even though I've been trimming 5 mm a month.

Hmmm, makes me want to reconsider my planned 1 cm trim next month. I don't want to go backwards in my growth by trimming too much. Maybe if I just do a super-thorough S&D I can get away with only trimming 5 mm again. I hate to lose any length, but I also hate split ends.

November 14th, 2014, 09:21 AM
Your waves are so pretty! it shows so much texture and makes your hair look longer because there is interest to the hair itself without having crazy layers. -Its like a measuring stick that people can see its not just the ends are all the way down there, but there is actually hair that spans the entire distance. I think that gets lost on straight hair. Sure, losing length stinks, but its sure worth it for the awe.

November 14th, 2014, 01:09 PM
I was too curious and had to ask my husband to measure how far between my hem and my ehem, bodymarker.

Last time I had him measure this distance it was four inches away... that was July-August I think. When I had him measure this time it was only 3 inches!!! So, it's not in my imagination. I gained an inch, even though I've been trimming 5 mm a month.

Hmmm, makes me want to reconsider my planned 1 cm trim next month. I don't want to go backwards in my growth by trimming too much. Maybe if I just do a super-thorough S&D I can get away with only trimming 5 mm again. I hate to lose any length, but I also hate split ends.

Congrats! :blossom:

November 14th, 2014, 02:46 PM
Sigh, still struggling to get past waist. I have such a long torso; I hope that means I won't be in the giant butt abyss as long...
I'll probably get a new picture up after Dec. 1, my next measure date. :)

November 14th, 2014, 03:00 PM
I never get past waist. Never. Blargh.

I may skip my Dec trim too, and see if my photo shows any progress. I really want SOME visual progress confirmed by my eyes before I cut at all.

November 14th, 2014, 03:29 PM
It's been so long since I was on the forums, I skipped bra-band-to-waist entirely and went straight on into waist-to-wherever territory! I'm about an inch away from the level of the tops of my hip bones, and about 4 inches away from the top of the butt crack. So close, and yet so far.

It's starting to really feel long, though. This is the longest my hair has been since I was 6 years old (so, twenty years?) so everything from bra band/midback has felt Very Long to me. I have a lot of layers in, as short as my chin, but I think they'll grow out into a really nice deep U hemline for now, and I don't do a lot of braiding. I can always start trimming back once I get to a comfortable length, maybe, or start trimming it from the bottom instead of the compact cut up top like I have been.

November 14th, 2014, 04:29 PM
I never get past waist. Never. Blargh.

I may skip my Dec trim too, and see if my photo shows any progress. I really want SOME visual progress confirmed by my eyes before I cut at all.

Sending encouragement your way! You've had a rough go with the henna and all, so don't worry too much. I know it is hard to not get frustrated when there seems to be little to no progress. Surely your hair will eventually make it past waist. Conditions haven't been suited to it yet, but it'll happen.

November 15th, 2014, 03:03 AM
Ahhh, the elusive TBL, lol! Your length is probably hiding in your waves and whirls. If you find that Bermuda triangle with all the socks, scrunchies, bobby pins and hair pins, let me know where it is so I can retrieve mine!
hahaha I am thinking of having one of those gumball dispensers for my hair bands in my house so when they dissapear I just twist the knob and another drops into the tray.;)

November 15th, 2014, 03:13 AM
I like your curls it so long like a mermaids hair

November 15th, 2014, 03:32 AM
I will get to waist one day my hair is curly so it Wilkins take awhile

November 15th, 2014, 03:32 AM
I can always start trimming back once I get to a comfortable length, maybe, or start trimming it from the bottom instead of the compact cut up top like I have been.

Since you have thick, wavy hair you could continue to compact cut as it grows longer, it looks amazing on your hair type!

Welcome to the group!!

November 15th, 2014, 03:35 AM
Sending encouragement your way! You've had a rough go with the henna and all, so don't worry too much. I know it is hard to not get frustrated when there seems to be little to no progress. Surely your hair will eventually make it past waist. Conditions haven't been suited to it yet, but it'll happen.

Thanks LLL! I hope so! I think I just want a bit of growth before I continue trimming out my previously bleached and hennaed hair and thickening up my hemline. Mostly I want the orange glow to grow down away from my face and be only an ombre but that will take all of 2015 so...shrug.

November 15th, 2014, 08:28 AM
Thanks LLL! I hope so! I think I just want a bit of growth before I continue trimming out my previously bleached and hennaed hair and thickening up my hemline. Mostly I want the orange glow to grow down away from my face and be only an ombre but that will take all of 2015 so...shrug.

Your henna will become an ombre, of that I can assure you.

I wanted to make it to TBL before I started microtrimming, but I decided I preferred health over length. I also considered that I might have been losing some length from breakage since I wasn't trimming off my splits, and my hemline is more protective of the majority of individual hairs when it is thick. So, here I am, trimming away half my growth, and it is painful, but nice to see the gradual improvements, too. I can understand wanting some growth before starting to trim out damage. It helped me to realize that no matter how I get there, it will take the same number of years to reach my length and health goals. Whether I grow at full speed to a length and maintain when I get there or trim as I go, I cannot speed the process up or slow it down.

November 15th, 2014, 08:36 AM
Since you have thick, wavy hair you could continue to compact cut as it grows longer, it looks amazing on your hair type!

I agree with that. Those compact cuts are wonderful for wavy/wurly/curly hair.

November 15th, 2014, 01:09 PM
Took a length photo and put markers on it (waist/hip are a little high, oops). ~2 inches from BCL. This is prewash on washday

November 15th, 2014, 01:35 PM
Oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I have made a blunderous mistake, I have been saying I was almost at tailbone when infact I am almost (1cm away) at BCL ....sigh sigh...ah well. I got mixed up with the definitions silly mare that I am :rolleyes:

November 15th, 2014, 01:39 PM
Oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo I have made a blunderous mistake, I have been saying I was almost at tailbone when infact I am almost (1cm away) at BCL ....sigh sigh...ah well. I got mixed up with the definitions silly mare that I am :rolleyes:

BCL is tailbone - at least, it is the beginning of your tailbone! I am going to call TBL at BCL, it is a more elegant term than BCL anyway :)

November 15th, 2014, 01:42 PM
BCL is tailbone - at least, it is the beginning of your tailbone! I am going to call TBL at BCL, it is a more elegant term than BCL anyway :)

aaaaahhh thankyou youre my new best friend hahahaha mwahhh:o:joy:

November 15th, 2014, 02:22 PM
BCL is tailbone on me :shrug:. But that's still something like 6" away for me =(.

November 15th, 2014, 02:42 PM
BCL is tailbone on me :shrug:. But that's still something like 6" away for me =(.

you will get there before you know it xx

November 15th, 2014, 03:51 PM
Took a length photo and put markers on it (waist/hip are a little high, oops). ~2 inches from BCL. This is prewash on washday

Looks like you're about a year away from TBL. Wanna join a challenge, if you haven't already? ;) :)

November 15th, 2014, 04:16 PM
BCL is tailbone on me :shrug:. But that's still something like 6" away for me =(.
This isn't anatomically possible. Your coccyx is your tailbone. You're probably mistaking part of your pelvis as your tailbone

November 15th, 2014, 04:39 PM
This isn't anatomically possible. Your coccyx is your tailbone. You're probably mistaking part of your pelvis as your tailbone

You honestly just have to go exploring to find your tailbone. It isn't too hard to find if you know what to feel for.

November 15th, 2014, 04:47 PM
You honestly just have to go exploring to find your tailbone. It isn't too hard to find if you know what to feel for.

It's rather more where your butt-crack ends rather than where it begins, if that makes any sense. :)

November 15th, 2014, 05:16 PM
It's rather more where your butt-crack ends rather than where it begins, if that makes any sense. :)

That's a good way to think of it.

Looks like you're about a year away from TBL. Wanna join a challenge, if you haven't already? ;) :)
Join a challenge?

November 15th, 2014, 09:23 PM
Before coming to LHC, most of us never gave much consideration to the tops of our buttcracks, or the bottoms of our tailbones, or even more graphic, the nether-eye (also known as BHL or NEL to some). I'll be so glad the day I can call classic (yes, this is years away for me) because I'll finally be out of the backside obsession.

Okay, with all that philosophical backsideology as my preamble, I have to agree that the coccyx bone (Tailbone) is located at the bottom of the sacrum. Here is a posterior view of the pelvic bones. http://www.medicalrf.com/_a/watermarked/0/3D4M000000444.jpg Here you can see the tiny coccyx bone attached to the bottom of the sacrum.

The bones you sit on are the ischial tuberosities, and the top of the hip bones from the posterior view are the iliac crests (the highest part of the pelvic bone structure). The tailbone cannot be located at or above the level of the sacrum.

November 15th, 2014, 09:25 PM
I decided TBL for me will be brushing the seat of a chair when I'm sitting. It's probably higher than that anatomically but it's an easy point of reference!

November 15th, 2014, 09:37 PM
This debate has been ongoing at LHC for a long time. http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/archive/index.php/t-73133.html

Tailbone length is as far down as you can feel any bone at all... which is between the cheeks.

November 15th, 2014, 09:40 PM
Yeah, that's pretty much how I mark tailbone-length on me.

Speaking of which, I'm thinking of letting my hair grow just enough for the shortest part of my u-hem to solidly pass my elbows when wavy--maybe another inch or two. Time to make sure I only S&D next week instead of trim.

November 15th, 2014, 11:08 PM
It's rather more where your butt-crack ends rather than where it begins, if that makes any sense. :)

I don't know if that's the best way of saying it, because the BC doesn't really end, it just transitions into cheeks. The "end" to me seems to imply something else entirely, as in the front area (for women). I know where my tailbone is, so I get what you mean.

Wow. These milestones get really hard to talk about without getting too graphic. I never thought that would be an issue, but evidently it is. I know some members don't like to use BCL, maybe we should rename it the Intergluteal Cleft Length... ;)

November 16th, 2014, 01:41 AM
Lol, my hair doesn't know how long it is. I did a length check before I showered tonight, and was sad that it still looked like I had like three inches to go until TB. Got out of the shower, walked by the mirror and did a double take - my hair looks like it's right at TB! I have straight hair, there's no way just being wet makes my hair three inches longer. There's some devilry here. :p

November 16th, 2014, 03:14 AM
chuckling away to myself here about how passionate we all are about these little milestones, most people would think we were mad hahaha. Theres also the issue of how much tilt you put on your head as that can make a surprising difference, I mean I take my measurements as if I am taking a height measurement i.e standing flat against a wall. If I cranked my head right back I can dream of classical glory.

November 16th, 2014, 07:51 AM
Lol, I love this thread because we really are obsessed with our backsides! :lol:
I'm of the same mind that if we call the length Tailbone, it should be as long as the actual tailbone... but we could also just say "mid-butt/arse", or wrist length (that's the same as TBL on me), or middle of jeans pocket length, etc. My feeling is that if your hair is somewhere on your butt (past the top of the cleftal horizon), you can claim TBL/mid-butt/TMI length if you want. :shrug:

Looking good everyone! I wore my hair down today at school and got a lot of compliments. "Wow, you're wearing your hair down. It's so long! It's so pretty! Are you going to donate it to Locks of Love?" Ha ha! That last one didn't even bother me because it's what people who don't know about LoL do, right? So, I just said, if I was going to donate it, I would not donate to LoL. They sell or throw away most of the hair donations they receive. My listeners were surprised, but totally dropped the matter after I said that. I think people are just not aware. They aren't trying to be rude when they ask that.

It was fun to get all that attention. It was weird to wear it down all day though. I felt so protective of it. I will be glad to return to my regular updos.

It sounds like you had a blast showing your mane off, Laura! You hair really is 'really long' to normals now, I bet it was really shocking!

And can I just say; the bolded part is exactly how I feel on the rare occasions when I wear mine down, too! :agree:

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5610/15595929707_d829a96376.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/pLadxM) https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5592/15020319008_c8ceca9935.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/oTi4xo)

A picture from today after a deep SMT.
The ends are still wet but I think you can see them getting closer to hip, if you compare it with the second picture taken in september. :D

I'm still alive and nearing BCL.


Lovely hair ladies getting lovely long.

when I have my hair oiled so it shows the length like this I think I'm maybe hip plus.
http://i1107.photobucket.com/albums/h400/emmerline1/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20141113_183035_zpsa9e6a57a.jpg (http://s1107.photobucket.com/user/emmerline1/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20141113_183035_zpsa9e6a57a.jpg.html)

It has been a while since I post some of my progress. It is slowly growing but very very very slowly. I wish I could reacj TBL this year but to be realistic it is more going to happen next year but at least they are longer. Here a pic of this week . The bottom of my shirt is where TBL is for me and a another picture of me this august to show you the difference.:confused::confused:
Lovely, lovely pictures, everyone! We have so many gorgeous heads of hair on this thread, it's very inspiring! :thud:

November 16th, 2014, 08:06 AM
It sounds like you had a blast showing your mane off, Laura! You hair really is 'really long' to normals now, I bet it was really shocking!

And can I just say; the bolded part is exactly how I feel on the rare occasions when I wear mine down, too! :agree:

It's strange because I don't feel like my hair is 'really long' yet. It's not shocking. It's just my hair. I know it is long, but it's not superlength in my mind (that will be at BCL and beyond for me). I think the reason it shocks people is that the size of my bun is small compared to a huge sock bun or a fluffy air-filled messy bun. When I let it down, people expect to see BSL hair at most because my bun size. When they see it reaches hip, they are surprised. I might wear it down again at the end of the semester for fun, but I actually do prefer to wear it up. I don't like having to be worried about its safety all day.

November 16th, 2014, 08:15 AM
chuckling away to myself here about how passionate we all are about these little milestones, most people would think we were mad hahaha. Theres also the issue of how much tilt you put on your head as that can make a surprising difference, I mean I take my measurements as if I am taking a height measurement i.e standing flat against a wall. If I cranked my head right back I can dream of classical glory.

I started a thread this am about my nightmare of my hair being hacked off after going in for a trim lol. I find myself visiting LHC more and more because I'm getting more and more obsessed the longer my hair gets and I don't really have any long hairs in my immediate life to share my obsession with. I feel like my husband thinks I'm nuts when I get excited over half an inch. Hahaha

November 16th, 2014, 08:41 AM
That's a good way to think of it.

Join a challenge?

How 'bout this one? TBL by Christmas 2015:

November 16th, 2014, 08:45 AM
It's strange because I don't feel like my hair is 'really long' yet. It's not shocking. It's just my hair. I know it is long, but it's not superlength in my mind (that will be at BCL and beyond for me). I think the reason it shocks people is that the size of my bun is small compared to a huge sock bun or a fluffy air-filled messy bun. When I let it down, people expect to see BSL hair at most because my bun size. When they see it reaches hip, they are surprised. I might wear it down again at the end of the semester for fun, but I actually do prefer to wear it up. I don't like having to be worried about its safety all day.

Yes I think you're right that bun size gives the un-bun-educated an idea of length that is way off, thus increasing the wow factor of down days; but I still think your hair is really long by normal standards. I see girls with hip-length hair at school and think how long their hair is all the time. :)

But man, lol, girls just don't understand 'real' buns! I had several girls tell me they thought my hair was shoulder length because of my 'tiny' bun! :lol: (and the girls at work were always saying how tiny my bun was for how long my hair was)

November 16th, 2014, 09:01 AM
Yes I think you're right that bun size gives the un-bun-educated an idea of length that is way off, thus increasing the wow factor of down days; but I still think your hair is really long by normal standards. I see girls with hip-length hair at school and think how long their hair is all the time. :)

But man, lol, girls just don't understand 'real' buns! I had several girls tell me they thought my hair was shoulder length because of my 'tiny' bun! :lol: (and the girls at work were always saying how tiny my bun was for how long my hair was)

^^ This. Real buns! No one has enough hair to make a real buns anymore, so they do these messy buns and sock buns (I have nothing against a sock bun on occasion, but the messy bun looks, well, messy to me). They think if they can have comparably sized buns with shoulder length hair that you couldn't possibly have longer hair than them. I can always tell a true long hair bun from a shorter hair bun. It's either full of hair or it's full of air. The only time my bun looked appropriately sized to my classmates was when I wore my largest sock bun form. This is a photo of it, but this one is not fully-rolled. I think I wore it rolled up when I wore it to class. It was enormous. [edit... and full of air.]

http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b270/Bestbirth/001.jpg (http://s21.photobucket.com/user/Bestbirth/media/001.jpg.html)

November 16th, 2014, 09:22 AM
I started a thread this am about my nightmare of my hair being hacked off after going in for a trim lol. I find myself visiting LHC more and more because I'm getting more and more obsessed the longer my hair gets and I don't really have any long hairs in my immediate life to share my obsession with. I feel like my husband thinks I'm nuts when I get excited over half an inch. Hahaha

oh i know it is easy to get more and more obsessed. I found I became more obsessed when I entered new length territory, I mean I have had longish hair all my life but I was always messing with it when I was younger chopping it, bleaching it etc and consequently it never got much past shoulderblades, but now....well I am on a mission ! haha Once it got past the longest I had ever had it before I was like "oooh this is a new learning curve ". I have to think in advance of the things i do now, its a bit like when you have a toddler and you have to have eyes in the back of your head to keep your tressles safe, hence why its often up when I am about the house and busy.

November 16th, 2014, 09:24 AM
guys, what would you call this length? (excuse the color being weird- there was a bit of pink hair swept over the teal side and it is creating a bizarre optical effect)


November 16th, 2014, 09:41 AM


Wildcat Diva
November 16th, 2014, 09:42 AM
Now really?! How am I supposed to concentrate on the length with that beautiful color? Just. tell. me. that.

November 16th, 2014, 09:44 AM
guys, what would you call this length? (excuse the color being weird- there was a bit of pink hair swept over the teal side and it is creating a bizarre optical effect)


I would say past hip, but probably not to BCL yet. Love the color.

November 16th, 2014, 10:44 AM
OOooh, lovely Pastina! I'd say Hip on its way to BCL!
Do you dye over unbleached hair? :) It's a glorious colour whether you do or not! :)

November 16th, 2014, 11:03 AM
Hey all...finally took a length shot today.

Am I at hip? http://i1049.photobucket.com/albums/s394/Kirsten_MacDicken/001_zpsd9be5d74.jpg (http://s1049.photobucket.com/user/Kirsten_MacDicken/media/001_zpsd9be5d74.jpg.html)

http://i1049.photobucket.com/albums/s394/Kirsten_MacDicken/002_zpse549d2aa.jpg (http://s1049.photobucket.com/user/Kirsten_MacDicken/media/002_zpse549d2aa.jpg.html)

I was hoping for Hip by Christmas, I think I got an early present! What do you all think?

November 16th, 2014, 11:54 AM
oh i know it is easy to get more and more obsessed. I found I became more obsessed when I entered new length territory, I mean I have had longish hair all my life but I was always messing with it when I was younger chopping it, bleaching it etc and consequently it never got much past shoulderblades, but now....well I am on a mission ! haha Once it got past the longest I had ever had it before I was like "oooh this is a new learning curve ". I have to think in advance of the things i do now, its a bit like when you have a toddler and you have to have eyes in the back of your head to keep your tressles safe, hence why its often up when I am about the house and busy.

I know exactly what you mean. While I'm not the longest I have ever been my hair is the healthiest it's ever been at this length. I use to just throw it up in a way that was easily damaging or just didn't put it up and wasn't mindful of how I treated it while it was down. So ya I do feel like it's my second child half the time. I'm always having to stop and think about how I'm going to put it up, based on what I'm wearing or what the weather is. I have never made it past BSL because I always ended up chopping it off to above my shoulders once the ends got bad. But, I'm also on a mission! Lol

November 16th, 2014, 11:54 AM
thanks guys! hip+ it is!! (my hair is gently bleached, i do it myself)

November 16th, 2014, 11:56 AM
guys, what would you call this length? (excuse the color being weird- there was a bit of pink hair swept over the teal side and it is creating a bizarre optical effect)


Beautiful pastina!

November 16th, 2014, 12:20 PM
guys, what would you call this length? (excuse the color being weird- there was a bit of pink hair swept over the teal side and it is creating a bizarre optical effect)


I'd also say hip plus beautiful.

Hey all...finally took a length shot today.

Am I at hip? http://i1049.photobucket.com/albums/s394/Kirsten_MacDicken/001_zpsd9be5d74.jpg (http://s1049.photobucket.com/user/Kirsten_MacDicken/media/001_zpsd9be5d74.jpg.html)

http://i1049.photobucket.com/albums/s394/Kirsten_MacDicken/002_zpse549d2aa.jpg (http://s1049.photobucket.com/user/Kirsten_MacDicken/media/002_zpse549d2aa.jpg.html)

I was hoping for Hip by Christmas, I think I got an early present! What do you all think?

Holy wow its grown so much , mega thick definitely hip :D

November 16th, 2014, 12:33 PM
I know exactly what you mean. While I'm not the longest I have ever been my hair is the healthiest it's ever been at this length. I use to just throw it up in a way that was easily damaging or just didn't put it up and wasn't mindful of how I treated it while it was down. So ya I do feel like it's my second child half the time. I'm always having to stop and think about how I'm going to put it up, based on what I'm wearing or what the weather is. I have never made it past BSL because I always ended up chopping it off to above my shoulders once the ends got bad. But, I'm also on a mission! Lol

together we will conquer the realms of hairdom;)

November 16th, 2014, 12:41 PM
That is indeed a massive bun, Laura, and you're saying the one you wore to class was bigger?!
It's frustrating to know that my bun is seen as unstylish or pitifully small by a lot of girls, but at the end of the day it really doesn't matter. :)

And oh my Pastina! Love the color, and I agree with hip+!

Hey all...finally took a length shot today.

Am I at hip? http://i1049.photobucket.com/albums/s394/Kirsten_MacDicken/001_zpsd9be5d74.jpg (http://s1049.photobucket.com/user/Kirsten_MacDicken/media/001_zpsd9be5d74.jpg.html)

http://i1049.photobucket.com/albums/s394/Kirsten_MacDicken/002_zpse549d2aa.jpg (http://s1049.photobucket.com/user/Kirsten_MacDicken/media/002_zpse549d2aa.jpg.html)

I was hoping for Hip by Christmas, I think I got an early present! What do you all think?

Definitely hip+, it was an even earlier present! :D

November 16th, 2014, 12:49 PM
guys, what would you call this length? (excuse the color being weird- there was a bit of pink hair swept over the teal side and it is creating a bizarre optical effect)


I agree with everyone else, hip +, almost BCL. But THAT COLOR!!!! It is so beautiful. If you don't mind me asking, what kind of dye do you use to achieve it?

November 16th, 2014, 01:09 PM
Pastina, I say hip + gorgeous!!

Patienceneeded, such gloriously thick and shiny hair! I think you're at hip!

November 16th, 2014, 01:21 PM
guys, what would you call this length? (excuse the color being weird- there was a bit of pink hair swept over the teal side and it is creating a bizarre optical effect)


Woow!!! So pretty!!

Hey all...finally took a length shot today.

Am I at hip? http://i1049.photobucket.com/albums/s394/Kirsten_MacDicken/001_zpsd9be5d74.jpg (http://s1049.photobucket.com/user/Kirsten_MacDicken/media/001_zpsd9be5d74.jpg.html)

http://i1049.photobucket.com/albums/s394/Kirsten_MacDicken/002_zpse549d2aa.jpg (http://s1049.photobucket.com/user/Kirsten_MacDicken/media/002_zpse549d2aa.jpg.html)

I was hoping for Hip by Christmas, I think I got an early present! What do you all think?

Looks like hip to me! Congrats!

November 16th, 2014, 01:24 PM
Postwash length pic. This pic is still slightly damp (it was basically the same texture once it dried). I like it 'cause it looks BCL even though I'm not quite there yet. My hair has a mind of it's own. To me it almost looks like it's pushing into 3A territory this time.

November 16th, 2014, 03:15 PM
Postwash length pic. This pic is still slightly damp (it was basically the same texture once it dried). I like it 'cause it looks BCL even though I'm not quite there yet. My hair has a mind of it's own. To me it almost looks like it's pushing into 3A territory this time.

Might be 2c/3a. I'm not sure. It's very pretty! :)

November 16th, 2014, 03:25 PM
Oh, loving the wurls, Arete! :crush:

My hair felt actually long to me today as I combed oil into it; it was sitting fully on my lap (with bad posture, of course)! :D

November 16th, 2014, 04:45 PM
That is indeed a massive bun, Laura, and you're saying the one you wore to class was bigger?!
It's frustrating to know that my bun is seen as unstylish or pitifully small by a lot of girls, but at the end of the day it really doesn't matter. :)

Yes, the one I wore to class was even bigger. I thought I took a photo of it, but I can't find it, so I guess I didn't. It dwarfed my head. It was ENORMOUS. I'll do it again sometime and take a photo.

November 16th, 2014, 04:54 PM
Yes, the one I wore to class was even bigger. I thought I took a photo of it, but I can't find it, so I guess I didn't. It dwarfed my head. It was ENORMOUS. I'll do it again sometime and take a photo.

I'm wondering how anyone gets TO class with giant buns. Even the normal ones are hard to fit in my car, and i can't take out the headrest. :eye:

November 16th, 2014, 04:56 PM
It gets bumped a lot and being bumped messes it up, especially seeing as how it is filled with air. I never remember to accommodate my bun when moving about if I make a huge sock bun or if I make a bun on the top of my head.

November 16th, 2014, 05:09 PM
Might be 2c/3a. I'm not sure. It's very pretty! :)

Thank you. :)
Normally I would say I'm definitely 2C with maybe a rogue spiral popping up here and there, but I got a couple spirals this time.
My hair just can't decide. One day I woke up, about 3/4 days after wash day and had these almost perfectly uniform tiny braid waves like my hair had been in very small sectioned french/dutch braids. Thing was, I hadn't braided my hair in over a week O_o.

Oh, loving the wurls, Arete! :crush:
Ah, Thanks. :)

November 16th, 2014, 07:56 PM
I have had DH start measuring my hair for me. It is right at an awkward angle that it makes it hard for me to do on my own. Apparently I have 3 long hairs that I have been using as my length this whole time that are 1/2" longer than the rest. I think I am going to ignore those 3 hairs and stick with where most of my hair lands. I will stay at 31" this month. Who knew a 1/2" difference could make a person so sad, lol. Mentally I suddenly feel like I have short hair again even though it is the same length as yesterday!

November 16th, 2014, 08:50 PM
thanks guys for the compliments!

@becs- the purple is special fx pimpin purple, and the tealish blueish color is manic panic aquamarine. both were done over a very faded pink base (the blue you see is where the pink was the brightest before i recolored!). FWIW, i've always much preferred special fx-- and i will re-dye the manic panic half with special fx as soon as i get a chance. i only used manic panic because it's what i had on hand. special fx had a lot of colors unavailable for a very long time-- i placed an order for a couple of their greens LAST OCTOBER and just finally received them at the beginning of november, and of course that was right after i used the manic panic! <3

November 16th, 2014, 11:35 PM
I have had DH start measuring my hair for me. It is right at an awkward angle that it makes it hard for me to do on my own. Apparently I have 3 long hairs that I have been using as my length this whole time that are 1/2" longer than the rest. I think I am going to ignore those 3 hairs and stick with where most of my hair lands. I will stay at 31" this month. Who knew a 1/2" difference could make a person so sad, lol. Mentally I suddenly feel like I have short hair again even though it is the same length as yesterday!
Oh how frustrating! I had a tape measure that was printed faulty and "lost" a centimeter when I switched to one that was correctly printed. Suddenly my hair felt so short. I think I understand how you might be feeling. It'll pass, especially after you grow past where you were thinking you were before realizing it was just some racers.

November 17th, 2014, 02:47 AM
Thank you. :)
Normally I would say I'm definitely 2C with maybe a rogue spiral popping up here and there, but I got a couple spirals this time.
My hair just can't decide. One day I woke up, about 3/4 days after wash day and had these almost perfectly uniform tiny braid waves like my hair had been in very small sectioned french/dutch braids. Thing was, I hadn't braided my hair in over a week O_o.

Mostly wavy with a few spirals *is* the definition of 2c, though. ;)

November 17th, 2014, 11:31 AM
thanks guys for the compliments!

@becs- the purple is special fx pimpin purple, and the tealish blueish color is manic panic aquamarine. both were done over a very faded pink base (the blue you see is where the pink was the brightest before i recolored!). FWIW, i've always much preferred special fx-- and i will re-dye the manic panic half with special fx as soon as i get a chance. i only used manic panic because it's what i had on hand. special fx had a lot of colors unavailable for a very long time-- i placed an order for a couple of their greens LAST OCTOBER and just finally received them at the beginning of november, and of course that was right after i used the manic panic! <3

Thanks for the detailed response pastina! I've always been fascinated with unnatural hair colors. I actually just tried dying a bit of my hair with manic panic deep purple dream last night but it didn't work all too well (my hair is unbleached but it's naturally a dark blonde, and I tried it on someone with dark brown hair and it worked, so I'm not sure what the issue was.) Maybe I should try special effects instead!

November 17th, 2014, 12:42 PM
This isn't anatomically possible. Your coccyx is your tailbone. You're probably mistaking part of your pelvis as your tailbone

Not really. I have a small butt, but thanks.

November 17th, 2014, 02:18 PM
Mostly wavy with a few spirals *is* the definition of 2c, though. ;)
I meant to say more than a couple spirals :p

November 17th, 2014, 02:21 PM
I meant to say more than a couple spirals :p

Oh, okay then. :lol:

November 17th, 2014, 07:33 PM
Mostly wavy with a few spirals *is* the definition of 2c, though. ;)

Hmmm, I have a few rouge spirals around my hairline, but the rest is poofy-wavy...does that make me 2C?

My hair looked crazy long this weekend after my wash. Maybe it was because I was finger-combing it as it dried so it wasn't as wavy, but it felt lovely!

November 17th, 2014, 08:49 PM
Oh how frustrating! I had a tape measure that was printed faulty and "lost" a centimeter when I switched to one that was correctly printed. Suddenly my hair felt so short. I think I understand how you might be feeling. It'll pass, especially after you grow past where you were thinking you were before realizing it was just some racers.
I hope so!

Hmmm, I have a few rouge spirals around my hairline, but the rest is poofy-wavy...does that make me 2C?

My hair looked crazy long this weekend after my wash. Maybe it was because I was finger-combing it as it dried so it wasn't as wavy, but it felt lovely!

I have a few spirals that show up around my hair line too. On a good day I have a couple up front and several underneath, but the underneath ones get pulled straight pretty quickly. I call myself 2b/2c as well.

November 17th, 2014, 09:15 PM
becs-- try it on freshly clarified, un-conditioned hair, then rinse with cool water. :toast:

November 19th, 2014, 07:53 PM
I did my tips again. It has a very fun color to it, which as usual, the picture does not do the justice. At some angles it has a grey/silver/purple color. I of course wore the wrong shirt to clearly see, but if you look close you can see the ends! I forgot the next milestone is hip and am signifying BCL here (but hip is only a couple inches high). If you look really close, I think I can see some green spots along the top and might have to apply the purple again. Hope I don't loose the cool color effect of it.

November 19th, 2014, 09:30 PM
rushli--- broken picture, wahh! i wanted to see!! (ps-- welcome to the darkside... veggies are addictive, aren't they!? soon enough you'll have hair like mine!! bwaaaahahha)

November 19th, 2014, 09:33 PM
Hmmmm. I can see it. I will see if I can see it from my computer.

November 19th, 2014, 09:34 PM
rushli--- broken picture, wahh! i wanted to see!! (ps-- welcome to the darkside... veggies are addictive, aren't they!? soon enough you'll have hair like mine!! bwaaaahahha)

How long do vegetable dyes last? I've never dyed my hair before so I was considering buying some manic panic or other deposit-only dyes but I know nothing about them except that they're not permanent or damaging lol. Plus, I'd rather try out some temporary reds before ombre-ing with henna since that can only be grown out if I end up hating it.

November 19th, 2014, 09:58 PM
I can see it on my computer but I also repasted the link and some numbers changed, so hopefully it is working for you too.

How long do vegetable dyes last? I've never dyed my hair before so I was considering buying some manic panic or other deposit-only dyes but I know nothing about them except that they're not permanent or damaging lol. Plus, I'd rather try out some temporary reds before ombre-ing with henna since that can only be grown out if I end up hating it.

Be careful about asking Pastina questions.... you will get such great information that will make dying your hair so easy, you will be addicted in no time! I dont know if I will ever go full head of color because the up keep would be too much (if I get over the 'I'm too old for crazy hair' thing.) but I have been thinking about a streak but that leads me to just doing the whole underneath.... which brings me to not wanting to because of upkeep. OK, maybe I am closer to dying it all than I like to think. haha. Maybe I will let this purple fade until after christmas and then try doing the under layer.

My first time the color looked good for about a month. I still had a good amount of color in it, but I did not do a very strong bleach bath to my auburn hair and the aquamarine color I used clashed a bit with my hair and did not look all that great as it faded (alright, but not great.) How long does it take to really wash it all out?

Darn it all, by the time I got all this typed out, I am debating where to part my hair to dye it.... Pastina, you trouble maker, you

November 19th, 2014, 10:23 PM
Darn it all, by the time I got all this typed out, I am debating where to part my hair to dye it.... Pastina, you trouble maker, you

:couch: And by the time i read it i was nearly convinced :shudder: i was planning on adding some chemical black streaks underneath to make more interesting buns...now i'm dangerous

November 19th, 2014, 10:23 PM
:p i didnt even need to reply!

November 19th, 2014, 10:44 PM
Speaking of pastina and hair dye...I used her advice and my purple manic panic worked the second time I tried. Yay!

November 19th, 2014, 10:46 PM
awesome news! :hifive:

November 19th, 2014, 11:21 PM
Speaking of pastina and hair dye...I used her advice and my purple manic panic worked the second time I tried. Yay!


...Can we have pics now? :lol:

November 19th, 2014, 11:33 PM

...Can we have pics now? :lol:

It's only a little bit by my nape...not sure it's worthy of pics haha. I love it though. I've always wanted a bit of purple or red in my hair :o

Winter Fox
November 20th, 2014, 02:51 AM
Purple is awesome! Pro pics here ;D
I once did a full head application of directions - it only lasted about 3 weeks but I loved the color to bits :crush:

November 20th, 2014, 06:08 AM
Ooh love the new ends, Rushli! :thumbsup:

Gah! I think it's a good thing that every single color of veggie dye I've tried on my henna has been yucky-looking... because you all are making me yearn for the days when I could have three different colors in my braid!

November 20th, 2014, 06:45 AM
It's only a little bit by my nape...not sure it's worthy of pics haha. I love it though. I've always wanted a bit of purple or red in my hair :o

It is always picture worthy!!!!!

November 20th, 2014, 06:47 AM
Hmmm, I have a few rouge spirals around my hairline, but the rest is poofy-wavy...does that make me 2C?

My hair looked crazy long this weekend after my wash. Maybe it was because I was finger-combing it as it dried so it wasn't as wavy, but it felt lovely!

According to the definition of 2c, yes. :)

November 20th, 2014, 06:57 AM
Sorry it is big, I can not resize on the road, but in the morning light I noticed the color was pretty cool and the picture showed the color better than before so....

November 20th, 2014, 03:20 PM
Ooh love the new ends, Rushli! :thumbsup:

Gah! I think it's a good thing that every single color of veggie dye I've tried on my henna has been yucky-looking... because you all are making me yearn for the days when I could have three different colors in my braid!
Use ribbons in your braids! It's all the color with none of the commitment!

November 20th, 2014, 03:26 PM
According to the definition of 2c, yes. :)

Ooh, thanks Lapushka. I know its only a number, but I'm a bit waves-crazy at the moment. I always wanted them so I'm delighted to find that I have them. I'll update my hair type soon!

November 20th, 2014, 03:41 PM
love it rushli!!!

November 20th, 2014, 05:04 PM
Use ribbons in your braids! It's all the color with none of the commitment!

I always forget about ribbons and scarves and parandas, thanks for the reminder!

November 20th, 2014, 09:34 PM
Is there a way to french braid with ribbons without them hiding underneath? or do you have to pretty much sew them in after? Never works out for me, but i'd love to learn that trick

November 20th, 2014, 10:03 PM
Is there a way to french braid with ribbons without them hiding underneath? or do you have to pretty much sew them in after? Never works out for me, but i'd love to learn that trick

I do ribbon braids all the time (I use the ribbons as individual strands though, while I think you're talking about incorporating them into one of the normal strands of a braid) but I just tie the ribbon into a piece of my hair by my ear and then the rest of my hair falls over this and hides where I tied it in. I then braid whatever braid strikes my fancy. It works well for me

November 21st, 2014, 03:31 AM

I am getting closer and closer to my goal! I think i am at bcl at the moment.

November 22nd, 2014, 07:12 AM
katelinn, Beautiful hair. Pretty color and wave pattern. :o

November 22nd, 2014, 08:17 AM

I am getting closer and closer to my goal! I think i am at bcl at the moment.

Super pretty!!!! :cool: mine is suddenly growing see new picture below.

November 22nd, 2014, 08:23 AM

I am getting closer and closer to my goal! I think i am at bcl at the moment.

Your color is so beautiful!!

November 22nd, 2014, 03:25 PM
Love the lion's mane, katelinn! :D

November 23rd, 2014, 11:22 AM
I can't wait to reach TBL so that I can start maintaining off all this thinness going on at my ends, but looks like I will be getting very close by the end of the year. :) I still don't have a proper camera so phone quality and really weird coloration will have to do. There's a bit of leftover braid waves going on too.

P.S. I hope nobody gets offended by my my bare back in this picture, but I didn't have any light colored tops. I figured my hair would show up better next to my ghostly pale complexion.


November 23rd, 2014, 11:47 AM

I am getting closer and closer to my goal! I think i am at bcl at the moment.

Congrats! Your hair is beautiful!

I can't wait to reach TBL so that I can start maintaining off all this thinness going on at my ends, but looks like I will be getting very close by the end of the year. :) I still don't have a proper camera so phone quality and really weird coloration will have to do. There's a bit of leftover braid waves going on too.

P.S. I hope nobody gets offended by my my bare back in this picture, but I didn't have any light colored tops. I figured my hair would show up better next to my ghostly pale complexion.


Your hair is beautiful as well! What gorgeous manes we have here!

November 23rd, 2014, 02:46 PM

OK, maybe my vision is crooked, but... to me it looks like you're there already. :)

Wildcat Diva
November 23rd, 2014, 07:45 PM
What beautiful hair and pictures on this page, just lovely, ladies!

November 23rd, 2014, 08:09 PM
Have I passed waist?http://i1368.photobucket.com/albums/ag185/urisha17/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG-20141117-00418_zps2f8b67cc.jpg (http://s1368.photobucket.com/user/urisha17/media/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG-20141117-00418_zps2f8b67cc.jpg.html)

November 23rd, 2014, 08:13 PM
Ocelan -- your hair colour is so beautiful! Also -- it looks SO long!

November 23rd, 2014, 08:19 PM
I think you've reached waist, urs! Congrats!

November 23rd, 2014, 08:38 PM
lovely hair ladies!!!

ETA: here is a tailbone discussion (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=126349&highlight=tailbone). oops, meant to add this to the BCL by christmas 2015 thread...

November 23rd, 2014, 09:02 PM
Ocelan, looking good. It'll thicken up significantly in just a few trims. You look to be BCL, getting near TBL.

November 23rd, 2014, 09:11 PM
Ocelan, your hair is just beautiful!
Here's my hair in January (a month before I joined LHC) and my hair now.

November 23rd, 2014, 09:37 PM
I think you've reached waist, urs! Congrats!

Thank u Mariakatija dancinh

November 24th, 2014, 02:23 AM
Thanks marijakatija, Crumpet, LLL and Dessi!

Lapushka, I still need nearly an inch to reach the end of my tailbone. I'm just between BCL and TBL now. Although about 5 of my sprinter hairs are probably there already, I chose to not go by those and wait for the next crowd...

Wow, you've had some serious growth there, Dessi! You'll be at TBL in no time. :)

November 24th, 2014, 06:56 AM
I can't wait to reach TBL so that I can start maintaining off all this thinness going on at my ends, but looks like I will be getting very close by the end of the year. :) I still don't have a proper camera so phone quality and really weird coloration will have to do. There's a bit of leftover braid waves going on too.

P.S. I hope nobody gets offended by my my bare back in this picture, but I didn't have any light colored tops. I figured my hair would show up better next to my ghostly pale complexion.

Oh so shiny and silky looking! (and long!)
I have a very similar thinning to my ends, it'll be fun to maintain in the same place and watch things improve!

Ocelan, your hair is just beautiful!
Here's my hair in January (a month before I joined LHC) and my hair now.

Great growth! Love the massiveness of your mane, too, lol!

November 24th, 2014, 12:37 PM
Lapushka, I still need nearly an inch to reach the end of my tailbone. I'm just between BCL and TBL now. Although about 5 of my sprinter hairs are probably there already, I chose to not go by those and wait for the next crowd...

Oh, okay, well in any case you're close, so in a short while you can celebrate! ;) :)

November 25th, 2014, 10:33 AM
I had my first long hair dream! I suddenly realized my hair was just about at TBL. I was not for sure on the length because people where around when I let my hair down and did not really feel like groping myself in public! That length is 8 inches away but in the dream it was more like a 4 inch growth spurt. I had been braiding my hair and keeping it up so even in the dream I knew it did not actually grow over night, but must have been doing at least 1" a month for awhile. I accredited it the new indian herbs I was using. I was all a very realistic dream and I was a bit sad to see how short my hair was when I woke up.

November 25th, 2014, 11:04 AM
Oh that's the saddest kind of dream, Rushli!
I've had those, too, where I can kind of believe that my hair became super healthy or super long overnight... only to wake up to such disappointment!
I much prefer the scary dreams where something has cut my hair but then I wake up and it's okay.
(Had one last night where a shirt that I'd tried on had scissors or razors in it because someone wanted to ruin my hair... my hair was in a bun so I ended up with a crazy looking mullet in my dream! Was very glad to awaken from that one!)

November 25th, 2014, 01:42 PM
ahhh! I would hate those dreams! I can handle the disappointment as long as I dont keep having them night after night. Then that might be tough!

November 25th, 2014, 01:44 PM
Thank you Ocelan and Veryhairyfairy!

November 25th, 2014, 06:32 PM
Wow, what scary dreams! I had one that for some reason I allowed my hair to be cut back to APL or possibly shoulder. I don't remember exactly. But I woke up thinking that it was real like: "What in the world was I thinking, it's going to take YEARS to grow it back out!!! I was SO happy when I realized it was just a dream. Thankfully I don't have those dreams often.

November 25th, 2014, 06:39 PM
Lol the more I think about my hair the more hair dreams I have. When I was super obsessing I had those scary dreams all the time! I'm glad they don't come very often anymore.

November 25th, 2014, 07:40 PM
My super obsession has come and gone a few times and oddly, I would say I currently am only moderately obsessed so the dream was unexpected. haha

November 25th, 2014, 08:53 PM
I'm gonna attempt to read all 595 pages of this thread. Wish me luck!! (This will take a rather long time and I will not be doing it all at once. Is that even possible?!)

November 27th, 2014, 09:02 AM
Ocelan, your hair is just beautiful!
Here's my hair in January (a month before I joined LHC) and my hair now.

Your hair is so thick! Beautiful!

November 27th, 2014, 08:57 PM
Your hair is so thick! Beautiful!

Thank you very much!

November 28th, 2014, 01:43 PM
Nice progress, Dessi!

If this month's caffeine rinse results go according to plan, I going to trim back to 39" and maintain for a while. :knit:

November 28th, 2014, 02:22 PM
Lots of beautiful progress on this thread! I've tried to stay away for a while. I wanted to enjoy my current length without being drawn too much into fantasising about how long it could be, but, of course, I can't stay away from all these lovely manes for long!

It's starting touching the band of low-slung trousers, so I have a feeling...it could be hip? What do you guys think? Can I call it? My hands are at my waist but my wrists are resting at the top of my hip bones. I perhaps should not have worn my baggy sweats for this picture.


November 28th, 2014, 02:37 PM
Lots of beautiful progress on this thread! I've tried to stay away for a while. I wanted to enjoy my current length without being drawn too much into fantasising about how long it could be, but, of course, I can't stay away from all these lovely manes for long!

It's starting touching the band of low-slung trousers, so I have a feeling...it could be hip? What do you guys think? Can I call it? My hands are at my waist but my wrists are resting at the top of my hip bones. I perhaps should not have worn my baggy sweats for this picture.


That looks between hip & TBL to me, closer to hip though.

November 28th, 2014, 08:24 PM
Busily photospamming the forum with today's length photo.

http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b270/Bestbirth/Hair%20Gallery/Hair%20length%20shots/December2014lengthphotos033.jpg (http://s21.photobucket.com/user/Bestbirth/media/Hair%20Gallery/Hair%20length%20shots/December2014lengthphotos033.jpg.html)

November 28th, 2014, 08:42 PM
Katlette, your hair is past hip. Congrats!

November 29th, 2014, 12:14 AM
Busily photospamming the forum with today's length photo.

http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b270/Bestbirth/Hair%20Gallery/Hair%20length%20shots/December2014lengthphotos033.jpg (http://s21.photobucket.com/user/Bestbirth/media/Hair%20Gallery/Hair%20length%20shots/December2014lengthphotos033.jpg.html)

Your hair is looking so long. I love the color and the silkiness too! Can't wait until you get to BCL. :cheer:

Also, I spy some nice looking livestock in the background. :eye: Jersey cows, right?

November 29th, 2014, 03:20 AM
Busily photospamming the forum with today's length photo.

http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b270/Bestbirth/Hair%20Gallery/Hair%20length%20shots/December2014lengthphotos033.jpg (http://s21.photobucket.com/user/Bestbirth/media/Hair%20Gallery/Hair%20length%20shots/December2014lengthphotos033.jpg.html)

It's getting really long, Laura! :blossom:

November 29th, 2014, 07:36 AM
Pretty color, Katlette, and I'd say hip+ as well! :thumbsup:

And such a thick hemline, Laura! I'm both envious of your hem AND the cows in the background! I wanna pet a cow face and then drink raw creamy good milk!!!

November 29th, 2014, 07:43 AM
Thank you everyone! I'm so pleased to be at hip.

LauraLongLocks, your hair looks so long and silky!

November 29th, 2014, 07:48 AM
Really pretty, Katlette! I'd say hip + plus? :hmm:

Busily photospamming the forum with today's length photo.

http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b270/Bestbirth/Hair%20Gallery/Hair%20length%20shots/December2014lengthphotos033.jpg (http://s21.photobucket.com/user/Bestbirth/media/Hair%20Gallery/Hair%20length%20shots/December2014lengthphotos033.jpg.html)

Laura, it's seriously getting so long! i love it!

November 29th, 2014, 09:58 AM
Your hair is looking so long. I love the color and the silkiness too! Can't wait until you get to BCL. :cheer:

Also, I spy some nice looking livestock in the background. :eye: Jersey cows, right? The one that is standing is Ruby, and yes, she is a Jersey. The black one laying down next to her is her daughter, Emerald (Emmy), and she is half Angus, half Jersey. They are my darling cows. I have some calves and a yearling steer, too, but they aren't pictured here.

It's getting really long, Laura! :blossom: Thanks!

And such a thick hemline, Laura! I'm both envious of your hem AND the cows in the background! I wanna pet a cow face and then drink raw creamy good milk!!! You can come over during your summer off school and visit my cows anytime. :) I would be glad to share some of their milk with you.

LauraLongLocks, your hair looks so long and silky! Thank you.

Laura, it's seriously getting so long! i love it!

I'm surprised everyone is saying that it is growing and looking longer and longer. October's photo (in my signature right now) is at the same length on the sweater. November's looked shorter, so I didn't post it. This month looks the same to me. The tape measure says I've grown, but the sweater says I haven't.

Not happy with the wwwws at my hem, but they aren't terrible. I'm going to ignore them and keep growing at this point. I really, really want to make BCL in 2015. Okay, see the top of the wide dark stripe? That's where I'll call BCL. The bottom of that same wide dark stripe is where I'll call TBL. Bottom of the sweater is classic. I think BCL is a reasonable goal for 2015, and I may even make it partway between BCL and TBL next year. Hope so!

About the color, a lot of my photos I have lightened so that you can see where my hair is laying on my clothes, and many of my photos have been in full sun. This is on an overcast day without any lightening of the photo. I actually think this photo shows a more accurate representation of my true color at the scalp, though the henna on my length has reddened it some (not visible here). I love my natural color. I like henna, too, because it is fun and I am hoping the thickening and protective qualities help my ends hold out longer.

November 29th, 2014, 11:21 AM
Hi all - I mentioned a (long) while back that I think I finally hit tailbone length. Here is the promised photo evidence. Sorry the photos aren't too clear. I am terrible about doing real update photos! Thankfully, my husband loves my hair and likes taking photos of me while we are hiking. :crush:



November 30th, 2014, 07:27 AM
Oh I love the long hair in a hiking setting, VJG! Congrats on TBL, what a lovely mane!

You can come over during your summer off school and visit my cows anytime. :) I would be glad to share some of their milk with you.

*Squee!* I know my SO wants to get out to your state for hiking and camping again (he's been there before), I'll be trying to figure out a way to make it happen! :D

November 30th, 2014, 10:18 AM
Hi all - I mentioned a (long) while back that I think I finally hit tailbone length. Here is the promised photo evidence. Sorry the photos aren't too clear. I am terrible about doing real update photos! Thankfully, my husband loves my hair and likes taking photos of me while we are hiking. :crush:


http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=14524&d=1417285054 Lovely setting and beautiful mane! Yes, definitely at TBL. Thank you for the beautiful photographic evidence.

*Squee!* I know my SO wants to get out to your state for hiking and camping again (he's been there before), I'll be trying to figure out a way to make it happen! :D Absolutely! We should gather some of the longhairs in my area for a mini-meet when you come. I know there are two others besides me that live within 20 miles of me. Let me know in advance if this plan comes to fruition.

November 30th, 2014, 01:26 PM
@LauraLongLocks and @VeryHairyFairy
Thank you both so much! There's little I love more than making it to the mountains for camping and hiking.

November 30th, 2014, 07:56 PM
December update a day early
I added so many A1-black lowlights that i should have done my whole head. It's certainly harder to take pictures of it.
I'm a good two inches away from TBL (my shirt/blue line) and an equal distance away from hip in the back. :rolleyes:
http://s26.postimg.org/hziu5toh5/hair_14_12_01_bcl_edits.jpg (http://postimage.org/)
pic upload (http://postimage.org/)

and here is last march for comparison because i went from waist to bcl this year ^^
http://s26.postimg.org/l7nbivaqx/Hair_14_03.jpg (http://postimage.org/)
image hosting (http://postimage.org/)

VJG!!! those mountains and your hair are contenders for most gorgeous

December 1st, 2014, 08:49 AM
Jaded, your hair has grown a lot! beautiful!

December 1st, 2014, 09:28 AM
VJG!!! those mountains and your hair are contenders for most gorgeous

:flower: Thank you so much! As a major mountain lover, I have to say that is by far the nicest thing anyone has said about my hair.

Your hair is very beautiful as well!

December 1st, 2014, 12:05 PM
thanks johannah
When I watch hair grow sometimes i need those old pictures to know it really is working.

thanks VJG
I just moved into some mountains myself, and love it more than i dreamed i would! got some camping done earlier this year already-haven't done that in years. So much snow though keeps me inside.

Agnes Hannah
December 1st, 2014, 01:54 PM
Busily photospamming the forum with today's length photo.

http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b270/Bestbirth/Hair%20Gallery/Hair%20length%20shots/December2014lengthphotos033.jpg (http://s21.photobucket.com/user/Bestbirth/media/Hair%20Gallery/Hair%20length%20shots/December2014lengthphotos033.jpg.html)

Lovely hair LauraLongLocks, spam away!!

December 1st, 2014, 02:06 PM
I can't wait to get my measurement and photo today. Just have to wait until my hair measurer has time. :)

In other news, I am so close to hip that I can taste it. I'm not even sure when to call it, as my iliac crest area is a little...pudgy. Heh. Too much cheese. :cheese:
I'll probably be ready to call it around a month from now.

December 1st, 2014, 04:48 PM
Jaded, Your hair grows FAST!!! Congratulations!

Lovely hair LauraLongLocks, spam away!! Aww, thanks!

I can't wait to get my measurement and photo today. Just have to wait until my hair measurer has time. :)

In other news, I am so close to hip that I can taste it. I'm not even sure when to call it, as my iliac crest area is a little...pudgy. Heh. Too much cheese. :cheese:
I'll probably be ready to call it around a month from now.

So exciting to be so close to a bodymarker milestone! haha, too much cheese, lol

December 2nd, 2014, 01:10 AM
I can't wait to get my measurement and photo today. Just have to wait until my hair measurer has time. :)

In other news, I am so close to hip that I can taste it. I'm not even sure when to call it, as my iliac crest area is a little...pudgy. Heh. Too much cheese. :cheese:
I'll probably be ready to call it around a month from now.

hahaha :spitting:

December 2nd, 2014, 05:46 AM
Oh I'll give you plenty of heads up, Laura, it would so much fun to finally participate in a meet and get to geek out about hair with people who understand lol! :lol:

And so lovely and long and dark, JadedByEntropy!

December 2nd, 2014, 12:16 PM
VJG nice photos & love your hair.

LLL, nice growth!

December 2nd, 2014, 02:05 PM
VJG nice photos & love your hair.

Thank you so much! You are kind to say.

December 2nd, 2014, 04:00 PM
VJG nice photos & love your hair.

LLL, nice growth!

Thank you.

December 2nd, 2014, 04:03 PM
I think I'm going to skip my December pic and start on January 1st with the bimonthly measurements/pics. It just makes more sense that way, and maybe by then I will feel comfortable calling myself hip.

December 2nd, 2014, 04:15 PM
im at hip finally...but im unable to post pic here..? Its in my profile. :)

December 2nd, 2014, 05:44 PM
Just barely BCL stretched! I'm not calling it yet, but it's so exciting to be so close to another mile-marker!

December 3rd, 2014, 01:21 AM
I think I'm finally solidly to hip. I don't have any way of taking a length picture here though, so I'll wait until I'm home for winter break to post a pic. I'm excited to have reached a new milestone, here's to growing towards BCL!

December 3rd, 2014, 01:27 AM
im at hip finally...but im unable to post pic here..? Its in my profile. :)

Your hair is stunning!!

Just barely BCL stretched! I'm not calling it yet, but it's so exciting to be so close to another mile-marker!

I think I'm finally solidly to hip. I don't have any way of taking a length picture here though, so I'll wait until I'm home for winter break to post a pic. I'm excited to have reached a new milestone, here's to growing towards BCL!

Congrats to you all :)

December 3rd, 2014, 07:13 AM
Oh, so many newly reached lengths! Congratulations, guys, it's an awesome feeling, isn't it!?

I feel like an interloper in this thread right now, lol, since my hair is just a bit past TBL until my next trim! :laugh:

December 3rd, 2014, 07:19 AM
Oh, so many newly reached lengths! Congratulations, guys, it's an awesome feeling, isn't it!?

I feel like an interloper in this thread right now, lol, since my hair is just a bit past TBL until my next trim! :laugh:

GO AWAY!!!! :steam:steam:steam

Just kidding. You're welcome. If you bring cookies.

December 3rd, 2014, 07:54 AM
I am BCL and possibly just 'dusting' the beginings of TBL but I think I will have to trim back half an inch to get a good hem line as it has been 10 months since my last little trim and the ends are getting sparse.

December 3rd, 2014, 11:47 AM
Congratulations on everyone who is reaching new milestones!

VeryHairyFairy, you are always welcome, especially if you do as Johannah said and bring cookies, lol.

December 3rd, 2014, 04:58 PM
GO AWAY!!!! :steam:steam:steam

Just kidding. You're welcome. If you bring cookies.

Congratulations on everyone who is reaching new milestones!

VeryHairyFairy, you are always welcome, especially if you do as Johannah said and bring cookies, lol.

LOL! :laugh:

I did just bake up some wonderful pfeffernusse (aka 'peppernuts'; super spiced cookies with pepper and molasses... yum!) so I guess I get to stay! Yay! :D

December 4th, 2014, 03:55 AM
LOL! :laugh:

I did just bake up some wonderful pfeffernusse (aka 'peppernuts'; super spiced cookies with pepper and molasses... yum!) so I guess I get to stay! Yay! :D

Wonderful. I'll send you my address. :p

December 4th, 2014, 07:21 AM
I think I'm going to maintain near hip for a while, stop compact cutting above my head and start trimming an inch off every 6-8 weeks at the bottom. I can't bear the thought of doing another chop, even just back to waist, but these layers are going to irritate me even more if I don't start getting rid of them. As soon as I feel comfortable with them again, I can go back to 0.5 inch every 6 months and make the run toward tbl. It might be six months, it might be a year, it might not be until I have a blunt hemline (or at least as blunt as a wavy hair with loopy ends can get). We'll see.

Either way, it looks like I'm gonna be here a while!

December 4th, 2014, 11:40 AM
I think I'm going to maintain near hip for a while, stop compact cutting above my head and start trimming an inch off every 6-8 weeks at the bottom. I can't bear the thought of doing another chop, even just back to waist, but these layers are going to irritate me even more if I don't start getting rid of them. As soon as I feel comfortable with them again, I can go back to 0.5 inch every 6 months and make the run toward tbl. It might be six months, it might be a year, it might not be until I have a blunt hemline (or at least as blunt as a wavy hair with loopy ends can get). We'll see.

Either way, it looks like I'm gonna be here a while!

Guess we're both 'stuck' then :) Let's maintain at hip together :p

December 4th, 2014, 11:40 AM
I think I'm going to maintain near hip for a while, stop compact cutting above my head and start trimming an inch off every 6-8 weeks at the bottom. I can't bear the thought of doing another chop, even just back to waist, but these layers are going to irritate me even more if I don't start getting rid of them. As soon as I feel comfortable with them again, I can go back to 0.5 inch every 6 months and make the run toward tbl. It might be six months, it might be a year, it might not be until I have a blunt hemline (or at least as blunt as a wavy hair with loopy ends can get). We'll see.

Either way, it looks like I'm gonna be here a while!

Guess we're both 'stuck' then :) Let's maintain at hip together :p

December 4th, 2014, 01:41 PM
Hey everybody! I think I'm graduating! Just reached waist at 28.5 inches. My goal is hip, so I might just maintain here before letting it keep growing!


December 4th, 2014, 01:50 PM
Welcome, Kaelbu!

I'm starting to find my hair a little difficult. I have to wear it up or it just gets caught in everything and tangles dreadfully, while a couple of months ago it was still fine with occasional careless treatment. I don't know if it's the length or the time of year or something about my routine.

Have others noticed that there's a particular length somewhere past waist that starts requiring extra special attention?

December 4th, 2014, 02:15 PM
Sooo, I think my hair has reached hip, if I got by the top of my iliac crest on my back. The only thing is, that's barely more than 2 inches below my waist! I usually think of my hips as where I can see the bones in the front, which is about another inch away from my natural waist. Personally, I don't think I'll claim hip until it grows that one more inch, but it got me to wondering: Where do you all consider your hip measurement to be?

December 4th, 2014, 03:29 PM
squiggy i used the visible bones in the front. Its a better 'halfway' between waist and TBL that way

December 4th, 2014, 03:32 PM
Sooo, I think my hair has reached hip, if I got by the top of my iliac crest on my back. The only thing is, that's barely more than 2 inches below my waist! I usually think of my hips as where I can see the bones in the front, which is about another inch away from my natural waist. Personally, I don't think I'll claim hip until it grows that one more inch, but it got me to wondering: Where do you all consider your hip measurement to be?

Top of the iliac crest.

December 4th, 2014, 04:02 PM
I use the bones in the front too

December 5th, 2014, 10:31 AM
All I know is that in rainy, yucky weather, my hair shrinks. I swear it does! GAAAH!! I am still measuring at 30 inches but it seems so much shorter due to poofiness. GAAAAH!! :(:popcorn:

The popcorn guy/girl really cheers me up so I added him/her to this post. :D

Agnes Hannah
December 5th, 2014, 10:48 AM
My longer racer hairs were waving at hip, but I gave my hair a trim, now am back at waist, but I keep telling myself it is for the best as my hemline will be thicker. But I still feel bleh!

December 5th, 2014, 11:54 AM
I know how you feel, Agnes Hannah, I know how you feel! :rolleyes:

December 5th, 2014, 05:38 PM
Same here. I had to trim nearly an inch due to splits and Velcro-ness. I think I just invented a word!

Dragon Faery
December 5th, 2014, 06:24 PM

The popcorn guy/girl really cheers me up so I added him/her to this post. :D[/QUOTE]

Aww at least poofy looks like pretty volume! And LOL here's another popcorn eater, then!
:popcorn: :popcorn:

Dragon Faery
December 5th, 2014, 06:31 PM
My growth has slowed down again. :( I only grew 1/4" this past month. So I trimmed it back to 36" even again, and I'm going to do my best to just ignore it until New year's. Hoping for some growth soon!

I'mexactly halfway between BCL and TBL, just for reference. :cheese:

December 5th, 2014, 09:17 PM
Congrats VJG, animetor7, AmberJewel, DMARTINEZ, and Kaelbu!

Squiggy, I count hip at the iliac crest in the back.

December 5th, 2014, 11:57 PM
Hey, leave some popcorn for me... don't eat it all!

:popcorn: I especially like the popcorn smiley because waiting for hair to grow is a slow business and you need to eat some popcorn while you wait.

I hope when I check my length in March I will be pleasantly surprised by my length and will be able to tell that I've actually grown. I'm really hoping for BCL. It can't happen soon enough! And TBL, too. Once I make it to TBL I'll maintain there until I feel my ends have thickened enough to continue forward.

December 6th, 2014, 06:50 AM
I read somewhere that hair slows down growth in the winter, ugh.. hibernation? I hope not! :patrol:

Anyways, here's to sharing our :popcorn: while we wait out this cold, rainy, wet, dismal, snowy, cold, frizz-inducing-- ugh winter. :) Not to worry LauraLongLocks! We have plenty of :popcorn:!! Do you like microwaved or stove top??? Add some parmesean cheese to the top and it gets some pizazz!

AmberJewel (pretty name!!) You did the right thing! Velcro ends are usually dried out and split, and need a microtrim. I just did this myself. Now to oil up those new freshly trimmed ends so they are healthy until your next trim, if that is what you would like to do. I just trimmed my hemline, about an inch and a half in places to even up my hemline and cut out the V into more of a U shaped hemline. ugh.. But, now my challenge is to keep those ends protected and oiled so they reach tbl by next December 2015. Good luck!! :):applause But, maybe bcl by next xmas 2015 will be my new goal? As long as it keeps growing healthy!! I am noticing it tangles alot more when washing it now at this length, which is very frustrating. I had a huge knot in my hair a couple days ago, and carefully picked it apart in the shower with warm water helping me to separate it with my vented brush and fingers. Finally got it out, but I am afraid some ends got shredded in the process. The knot was way too far up the strands to just cut them out. Oh noooo!! :knuckle:

Btw, Hi Dragon Faery! Haha! Love the :puppykisses: too!! :) and MariaKatjia I also call the iliac crest when hip is reached too. I have a few strands that reach down there which is so frustrating for curly hair since it shrinks up so much! :(