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October 7th, 2013, 06:42 PM
I measured last night and I"m 1 inch from tailbone! So excited :D I'm almost at my tailbone by Christmas goal! :)

October 8th, 2013, 07:31 AM
Just joining in the resounding :thud:, kme81, truly gorgeous! I, too, think that you're tailbone or even past it. I'm the same way, though, I have to feel I've really solidly hit a marker before calling it. :flower:

Oooh, congrats, hairconvictions! :D Tailbone will be a lovely gift to receive!

I got my 1/2" trim Sunday night and am loving that fresh end feel (and loving that I have a 'trimmer' I can trust)! This'll be my only trim before my bday in January when I take the first of my thrice-yearly length shots.

I'm hoping to be solidly 'waistband of my hip hugger jeans' length by my birthday (about 1" longer than hip). I can do that, for sure!

We're getting close to the winter holidays, does anyone have any Holiday or New Year goals?

October 8th, 2013, 10:01 AM
I just noticed that I reached hip with my very ends now! Yay! Getting nearer!

Sorry for the low quality lenght-pic, I should convince my DBF to take them for me :)

October 8th, 2013, 04:11 PM
Yay!!! Congrats hairconvictions!

Thanks so much everyone! :flowers: Its funny, when I measure by feeling where my hemline lands, I still have about 1/2 inch to go, but it totally looks like I'm there in the pictures! Yay!!! I actually have a really low tailbone and a...uhh...shapely backside ;) so technical tbl falls somewhere between 39 and 40 inches on me even though I'm only 5'3"! The good part of that is that the distance between tbl and classic is not very far!

October 8th, 2013, 06:46 PM
Ok um I'm starting my journey from waist to be original length tailbone. And from there.. onward! So of course since I am starting to take of it alittle bit more there is no change other then it's really shiny and soft because I'm putting in daily moisturizes which I use daily or every other day or so. Though.. my ends still feel alittle bit dry.. probably going to take awhile before they aren't dry I suppose.

October 9th, 2013, 07:05 AM
Looking good, Federica! It looks to me like hip is right about where the hem of your shirt is on the left hip, so you're getting really close! (lovely color!)

Oh my gosh, kme81, ladies with *ahem* shapely backsides have it rough with TBL and Classic! :lol:
I suppose I'm lucky that my tailbone is literally right where bcl is on me, but that makes Classic a large expanse with no milestones.
My measurements must be wonky, because I measured TBL at 35", and Classic at 43"! Hmmm, this will require some investigation...

Welcome, MidnightSunlite! Here at LHC, if you mention dry ends, someone is going to suggest clarifying them with shampoo. (I am that someone!) Maybe I'm just prone to build up, but clarifying my hair and then using lots of conditioner afterward always leaves me with awesome, soft ends. :flower:

October 9th, 2013, 07:47 AM
I really am very close to hip now but depending on who takes the picture i can look at hip or near to it.

My son took this


I took this one hands at hip


Still awhile to go i believe:rolleyes: BTW i am absolutely loving all the gorgeous pictures keep em coming ladies :popcorn: my ends look like poo i'm hoping the further down my body they get the less funky they will look and my hair never lies nice and behaved .

October 9th, 2013, 10:32 AM
After debating for the last several months if I should continue on to classic or stay at tailbone (which is an inch away) for the next year, I've decided to stay at tailbone and get rid of some bleach damage before I continue on. I have some fairytale ends which look ok right now, but will start to look straggly if I just keep going as is, and I'm not a fan of FTE on myself. So, maintaining for a year and then on to classic! I'll be at solid TB before Christmas.

October 9th, 2013, 12:38 PM
If I make myself maintain at BCL like I've been planning for the past year, I'll be here for more than 2 and a half years while I grow out damage! We can keep each other company and make this thread our home!

And my goodness, that hair 'song' is the cutest thing ever! :smooch: I wanted to quote it in my signature but LHC wont let me.

oh my, I havent replied and it has been 20 days ago, I apologise for that :o!

Yes that sounds like a great idea :D! I can start being "home" more and talk than I have been ;)

you can copy and paste the song it if you like :)

I have not read all the pages from here, but how is your journey going?

I have kept my hair up a lot everyday and now it feels more natural to do :). I have done only one deep treatment for I dont know how long because I am so lazy, I nead to find a way so I dont think its to much of work, I use to be very tired at the evenings =/ I had it down and looked in the mirror and could actually feel like I have long hair :)

October 9th, 2013, 03:35 PM
Vrindi, I am in the same boat as you .
I am now less than half an inch shy of tailbone, but the last 2-3 inches of my ends are definitely unhappy and need a trim.

October 9th, 2013, 04:46 PM
I really am very close to hip now but depending on who takes the picture i can look at hip or near to it.

My son took this


I took this one hands at hip


Still awhile to go i believe:rolleyes: BTW i am absolutely loving all the gorgeous pictures keep em coming ladies :popcorn: my ends look like poo i'm hoping the further down my body they get the less funky they will look and my hair never lies nice and behaved .

They don't look that bad at all. Looks like once some of the shorter strands catch up, you'll have a very nice thick hemline. :)

October 9th, 2013, 08:34 PM
oh my, I havent replied and it has been 20 days ago, I apologise for that :o!

Yes that sounds like a great idea :D! I can start being "home" more and talk than I have been ;)

you can copy and paste the song it if you like :)

I have not read all the pages from here, but how is your journey going?

I have kept my hair up a lot everyday and now it feels more natural to do :). I have done only one deep treatment for I dont know how long because I am so lazy, I nead to find a way so I dont think its to much of work, I use to be very tired at the evenings =/ I had it down and looked in the mirror and could actually feel like I have long hair :)

No worries! :flower:

I've been wearing my hair up a lot more, too, and it's definitely more natural now than at first. I'm so used to having a braid to fiddle with, and now that I'm only wearing buns it's weird! I don't know what to do with my hands! :lol:
Isn't it lovely when you let it down, though? I have only had it down for like, 2 minutes in all of this week, it's so nice when I get to feel it brush my back!

I need to do more deep treatments, too. I have to stop using the SMT for the winter because I'm paranoid about humectants... I wonder what else I could do? One thought was just adding a bit of jojoba oil and ACV to my regular conditioner and leaving it in for a long time.... :hmm:

Anybody have a favorite home made DT?

I really like your ends, bunzfan! I think they give an almost layered look. If I had really wavy hair I'd be cultivating FTEs like mad!

Eve 322
October 11th, 2013, 10:31 AM
I'm hoping to be solidly 'waistband of my hip hugger jeans' length by my birthday (about 1" longer than hip). I can do that, for sure!

We're getting close to the winter holidays, does anyone have any Holiday or New Year goals?

Same exact goal. Hoping to be there by Christmas or New Year's. It's so nice to have someone who seems to have the same length AND growth rate as me!

The only thing is, I wish I could stop checking my length in the mirror and with my fingers when there's no full length mirror. One day I'll get a little wave by the ends, and I'll freak out thinking I lost length. (Yes, I have an irrational fear! SMH at myself....lol)

I retrimmed my face framing layers that had grown past chin over the summer, and I'm now regretting it. I wish I would just let myself grow them out!

October 11th, 2013, 11:45 AM
They don't look that bad at all. Looks like once some of the shorter strands catch up, you'll have a very nice thick hemline. :)

No worries! :flower:

I've been wearing my hair up a lot more, too, and it's definitely more natural now than at first. I'm so used to having a braid to fiddle with, and now that I'm only wearing buns it's weird! I don't know what to do with my hands! :lol:
Isn't it lovely when you let it down, though? I have only had it down for like, 2 minutes in all of this week, it's so nice when I get to feel it brush my back!

I need to do more deep treatments, too. I have to stop using the SMT for the winter because I'm paranoid about humectants... I wonder what else I could do? One thought was just adding a bit of jojoba oil and ACV to my regular conditioner and leaving it in for a long time.... :hmm:

Anybody have a favorite home made DT?

I really like your ends, bunzfan! I think they give an almost layered look. If I had really wavy hair I'd be cultivating FTEs like mad!

Thanks for the support ladies I think your right it's the shorter side pieces thst make it look thinner, hmm maybe I should go for FTE because it does it anyway after 3 months and it curls nicely into ringlets when I do I just love a thick blunt ends :cool:

October 11th, 2013, 01:08 PM
Same exact goal. Hoping to be there by Christmas or New Year's. It's so nice to have someone who seems to have the same length AND growth rate as me!

The only thing is, I wish I could stop checking my length in the mirror and with my fingers when there's no full length mirror. One day I'll get a little wave by the ends, and I'll freak out thinking I lost length. (Yes, I have an irrational fear! SMH at myself....lol)

I retrimmed my face framing layers that had grown past chin over the summer, and I'm now regretting it. I wish I would just let myself grow them out!

Eve 322 and veryhairyfairy, me three! I have a bit more than an inch to grow before my stretched hair gets solidly past the waistband of my jeans. (I measure stretched because it's the only way to get consistency.) Hoping to be there by the New Year. I actually passed the jean-waistband marker back in August, but my ends looked terrible and I cut off almost three inches right before a meet in mid-August. :doh: Since then, it feels like my hair has hardly grown at all. :(

I've been within two inches of this length for a year now, and I'm feeling stuck and stagnated and very ready to move on.

Eve 322, from your signature, you look to be past waistband-length already! I love your smooth shiny gentle waves. :)

October 11th, 2013, 11:22 PM
Wow, we're in october already? I thought I would be at hips at christmas which is only 1.5" away. I have at least 2.5" to go until hips. I won't make it. :(

Eve 322
October 12th, 2013, 12:05 AM
Eve 322 and veryhairyfairy, me three! I have a bit more than an inch to grow before my stretched hair gets solidly past the waistband of my jeans. (I measure stretched because it's the only way to get consistency.) Hoping to be there by the New Year. I actually passed the jean-waistband marker back in August, but my ends looked terrible and I cut off almost three inches right before a meet in mid-August. :doh: Since then, it feels like my hair has hardly grown at all. :(

I've been within two inches of this length for a year now, and I'm feeling stuck and stagnated and very ready to move on.

Eve 322, from your signature, you look to be past waistband-length already! I love your smooth shiny gentle waves. :)

Yay, a third member, let's grow together! And you know, it really just looks so much shorter to me in the mirror. I think I have hair dysmorphia this month, lol. Anyways I'm actually going for the bottom edge of my waistband by Christmas ore New Year's, because that mini-milestone means I'm about .5-1 inches from BCL! Thank you for your beautiful compliments, it made me feel great because I've been having bad hair days all week *grumble* I appreciate it!

October 12th, 2013, 02:01 AM
I just measured for once! My longest is below my hip at roughly 33" (from forehead hairline to hemline, which seemed to be the consensus on how to measure from the various sticky threads) and I have about three inches to go until tailbone. I haven't measured my growth rate, just kinda eyeballed. I think it's faster than half an inch per month but I'm not sure.
I think I'm going to do a dusting, confirm length, and then put it up and forget about it for the rest of my semester, and not pay attention to length again until Christmas.

My actual goal length is 55" at knee or beyond, that is, if terminal will take me there. For now, small goal marks!

October 12th, 2013, 05:54 AM
No worries! :flower:

I've been wearing my hair up a lot more, too, and it's definitely more natural now than at first. I'm so used to having a braid to fiddle with, and now that I'm only wearing buns it's weird! I don't know what to do with my hands! :lol:
Isn't it lovely when you let it down, though? I have only had it down for like, 2 minutes in all of this week, it's so nice when I get to feel it brush my back!

I need to do more deep treatments, too. I have to stop using the SMT for the winter because I'm paranoid about humectants... I wonder what else I could do? One thought was just adding a bit of jojoba oil and ACV to my regular conditioner and leaving it in for a long time.... :hmm:

Anybody have a favorite home made DT?



me to I also used to have braids and touch it alot :P yes it is, I did a longer S&D and it was a plesure to run my fingers through it (even if I got scared of how much splits and dots I have) and let it hang over one shoulder and stroke it as if it was a pet XD

I should do more DT to, I should be ashamed for being so lazy, and I have both hair salve and oils to put on my hair put evil lazyness says it forgets it on purpose :(.

My favorite DT is Tresemme natural conditioner mixed with faerie dust (http://www.etsy.com/listing/87507041/faerie-dust-herbal-hair-conditioner?ref=shop_home_active) and let stay for 30-60 minutes something :)

October 12th, 2013, 06:00 AM
I don't remember if i already posted to this thread lol,anyway,I'm joining!:)
I just hit bcl today!i'm so happy!now i need 2 more inches to get to tailbone!I hope to get there within christmas,it would be a very nice present :p

October 12th, 2013, 02:45 PM
Hi there. I'm brand new to the LHC. My hair is about hip length (maybe a touch shorter). I'm hoping for BCL (which is about 5-ish inches away). I don't have a picture of my hair to post yet. Everyone's hair is looking beautiful on here!

October 12th, 2013, 02:59 PM
Well I guess I belong here :) Currently solid Hip, heading for TBL! Must get an updated length shot to post...

October 12th, 2013, 02:59 PM
dunno if I posted here or not, but when I get to tailbone I'll post my journey! ^^

October 12th, 2013, 03:19 PM
I'm not sure what I am or if you can even tell from this picture. Online on places other than this forum I generally refer to my hair as waist length but it's longer than that.


October 12th, 2013, 03:36 PM
I'm not sure what I am or if you can even tell from this picture. Online on places other than this forum I generally refer to my hair as waist length but it's longer than that.


Looks to me like it's hip, on the way to TBL.

October 12th, 2013, 03:49 PM
Looks to me like it's hip, on the way to TBL.

Was thinking the same..

October 12th, 2013, 07:33 PM
Looks to me like it's hip, on the way to TBL.

It's a little hard to tell with the loose jammies but I'd guess BCL + ;)

October 13th, 2013, 01:33 PM
Same exact goal. Hoping to be there by Christmas or New Year's. It's so nice to have someone who seems to have the same length AND growth rate as me!
<snip :) >
I retrimmed my face framing layers that had grown past chin over the summer, and I'm now regretting it. I wish I would just let myself grow them out!

Eve 322 and veryhairyfairy, me three! I have a bit more than an inch to grow before my stretched hair gets solidly past the waistband of my jeans. (I measure stretched because it's the only way to get consistency.) Hoping to be there by the New Year. I actually passed the jean-waistband marker back in August, but my ends looked terrible and I cut off almost three inches right before a meet in mid-August. :doh: Since then, it feels like my hair has hardly grown at all. :(

I've been within two inches of this length for a year now, and I'm feeling stuck and stagnated and very ready to move on.

Eve 322, from your signature, you look to be past waistband-length already! I love your smooth shiny gentle waves. :)

:wethree: I love it, growing buddies!

Like PraiseCheeses, I'm hoping just to reach the waistband on my jeans, and also like PraiseCheeses, I love your waves in your siggy, Eve322! (And boy do I know that feel about face framing layers! I have thick ones that I've grown out to APL, and newer thin ones that are just now staying in my buns... and all I can think about is cutting them back in!)

I know I've said this to myself at every milestone along the way... but I really think I'll finally feel like my hair is 'long' at waistband of jeans length! :lol:

<snip :) >
I should do more DT to, I should be ashamed for being so lazy, and I have both hair salve and oils to put on my hair put evil lazyness says it forgets it on purpose :(.

My favorite DT is Tresemme natural conditioner mixed with faerie dust (http://www.etsy.com/listing/87507041/faerie-dust-herbal-hair-conditioner?ref=shop_home_active) and let stay for 30-60 minutes something

:laugh: I thought you were joking about faerie dust until I clicked the link, and that mixture looks wonderful! It's now on my list of things to buy when I can!

Welcome, NuclearApple, Hairtheist, and Rio040113! Glad to have you aboard. :flower:

October 16th, 2013, 08:55 AM
:laugh: I thought you were joking about faerie dust until I clicked the link, and that mixture looks wonderful! It's now on my list of things to buy when I can! [...]

Haha, yes, so seriously written but does not sound real at all ;). but it is and yes it is wonderful :D! nightblooming has a lot of awesome things as hair treats ^^

October 16th, 2013, 09:11 AM
I think I joined this thread a while ago, I am about an inch to an inch and a half from hip! I would have hit bcl this year had i not kept trimming. I have learned my lesson and hid the scissors. I am hoping to be at hip by the end of the year.

October 16th, 2013, 09:24 AM
Welcome, NuclearApple, Hairtheist, and Rio040113! Glad to have you aboard. :flower:

I'm a couple of days late in seeing this but thank you veryhairyfairy! I'll hopefully be back later today with a length shot, if no one minds the iffy quality of a mobile phone pic? (Lost my actual camera when I moved house in August :doh:)

October 16th, 2013, 10:24 AM
One inch away now....

October 16th, 2013, 10:33 AM
One inch away now....

:happydance: Cc will be joining us very soon..

October 16th, 2013, 10:40 AM
Aw your so cute bunzfan xx

October 16th, 2013, 10:56 AM
What is the milestone between hip and tbl again?Or is there none or what.

Was it buttcrack length?

October 16th, 2013, 10:57 AM
What is the milestone between hip and tbl again?Or is there none or what.

I guess you could count BCL (butt crack length! lol!) as a milestone.

October 16th, 2013, 02:24 PM
Finally took a photo since i reached waist

October 16th, 2013, 03:06 PM
wow this thread is so old :) I'm not waist yet but getting there. I just wanted to say that i loved "stalking" this thread and read about whats to come :)

October 16th, 2013, 06:34 PM
Welcome, bubblyredhead, I bet you'll make your goal!

I'm a couple of days late in seeing this but thank you veryhairyfairy! I'll hopefully be back later today with a length shot, if no one minds the iffy quality of a mobile phone pic? (Lost my actual camera when I moved house in August :doh:)

Finally took a photo since i reached waist
[IMG snip:) ]

Beautiful, and such a rich color!

October 17th, 2013, 12:47 AM
Thank you fairy!

October 17th, 2013, 04:03 AM
Erm so it seems i am closer to hip than i thought.


Hands at beginning of hip.


October 17th, 2013, 05:00 AM
Hey all, I have been past waist for a while now I guess. I've been flat out ignoring my hair for the past year and WOW is it longer than I even realised. Here is a photo, where do you think I'm at? I think I need a trim to lesson the taper which is due to the original layered haircut I had 2 years ago. It's still growing crazy fast, hopefully I'm nowhere near terminal yet. :) I'm hoping for tailbone, then maybe classic, then maybe I'll stop... maybe. Haha!

October 17th, 2013, 05:27 AM
Erm so it seems i am closer to hip than i thought.


Hands at beginning of hip.


Wow Bunzfan, I just wanted to say your hair is very lovely! You can really see the difference in thickness compared to earlier pics. Nice job! :D Ok, back to my own thread.

October 17th, 2013, 06:08 AM
I guess you could count BCL (butt crack length! lol!) as a milestone.

Thank you,I was counting how many milestones do I have to pass yet to get to TBL :D

October 17th, 2013, 08:12 AM
Erm so it seems i am closer to hip than i thought.

[IMG snip :) ]

Hands at beginning of hip.


You're right there! :cheer:

Hey all, I have been past waist for a while now I guess. I've been flat out ignoring my hair for the past year and WOW is it longer than I even realised. Here is a photo, where do you think I'm at? I think I need a trim to lesson the taper which is due to the original layered haircut I had 2 years ago. It's still growing crazy fast, hopefully I'm nowhere near terminal yet. :) I'm hoping for tailbone, then maybe classic, then maybe I'll stop... maybe. Haha!
[IMG snip :) ]

Welcome, your hair looks so LONG! :) Lol, I wish I could take a page out of your book and just ignore my hair for awhile.

So even though I've been making a concerted effort not to check length... I couldn't resist measuring by feel to see how long I have til BCL. :rolleyes: On sopping wet, conditioner soaked, and combed out hair, I have about 2 inches to go! :redgrin: (Which means that I must have 4 or 5 inches to go on dry hair, I imagine.)

October 17th, 2013, 08:54 AM
[QUOTE=veryhairyfairy;2542412]You're right there! :cheer:

I won't claim it for at least another month but then i will look it ;) thanks. When i'm super busy i do forget my hair think we both need to get busy :lol:

October 17th, 2013, 09:18 AM
Nice growth and hair Bunzfan! Love that blue long sleeve and it goes really well with your hair. :)

I'm confused, am I at waist when all my hair touches the top of my pants, or is it that since I'm a guy I have to wait until I reach belt length? Ughh anatomy confusion. :lol:

October 17th, 2013, 09:21 AM
Nice growth and hair Bunzfan! Love that blue long sleeve and it goes really well with your hair. :)

I'm confused, am I at waist when all my hair touches the top of my pants, or is it that since I'm a guy I have to wait until I reach belt length? Ughh anatomy confusion. :lol:

Yaaay Rowie is here, if it's touching the top of your pant's that sounds more like hip to me when people say waist they mean your natural waist ;)

October 17th, 2013, 09:23 AM
Nice growth and hair Bunzfan! Love that blue long sleeve and it goes really well with your hair. :)

I'm confused, am I at waist when all my hair touches the top of my pants, or is it that since I'm a guy I have to wait until I reach belt length? Ughh anatomy confusion. :lol:

Yaaay Rowie is here, if it's touching the top of your pant's that sounds more like hip to me when people say waist they mean your natural waist ;)

October 17th, 2013, 09:34 AM
Yaaay Rowie is here, if it's touching the top of your pant's that sounds more like hip to me when people say waist they mean your natural waist ;)

Oh thanks! See that's where I think where my confusion is "natural waist." But i'll just go with what you say but just in case i'll add my update that I posted on the BSL thread. When my hair is wet it does touches the top of my pants, but I won't claim it until its unstretched. I guess.


October 17th, 2013, 10:12 AM
Wow, I don't think I've ever seen your hair down Rowie! :thudpile: x 10!!

October 17th, 2013, 10:25 AM
Oh thanks! See that's where I think where my confusion is "natural waist." But i'll just go with what you say but just in case i'll add my update that I posted on the BSL thread. When my hair is wet it does touches the top of my pants, but I won't claim it until its unstretched. I guess.


Wow!! What awesome thick hair you have I'm so jealous looks almost hip to me :o

October 17th, 2013, 10:34 AM
Wow, I don't think I've ever seen your hair down Rowie! :thudpile: x 10!!
Thank you! :flower: I know, I usually am camped out at the hair toy threads more than these types of thread. :lol:

Wow!! What awesome thick hair you have I'm so jealous looks almost hip to me :o
Thanks! :flower: I'm so silly, here I was thinking waist was when my hairs touches the top of the pants for a guy, but I guess it's hip for a woman. :lol: Yay time to update my info. :)

October 17th, 2013, 11:22 AM
Oh thanks! See that's where I think where my confusion is "natural waist." But i'll just go with what you say but just in case i'll add my update that I posted on the BSL thread. When my hair is wet it does touches the top of my pants, but I won't claim it until its unstretched. I guess.


Rowie, your natural waist is where it crease when you bend forward and to the side. Try it. :flower:

October 17th, 2013, 11:54 AM
Rowie, your natural waist is where it crease when you bend forward and to the side. Try it. :flower:

OMG! You've explained is so clear that I finally get it! Thank you so much. :blossom: Gee, I didn't know this cause I skipped these types of threads. I guess I need to make it an effort to hang around. I guess i'll continue to bun and ignore, and continue to admire everyone's hair. :) But for now I'll leave my hair down in my avatar pic since I bun my hair everyday.:lol:

October 17th, 2013, 02:09 PM
Hello Rowie its nice to see you again :D! and WOW your hair is amazing and so beautiful :flower:

October 17th, 2013, 03:48 PM
Congrats Rowie! I might have to experiment with the bending business when I wash my hair next (its super bun-wavy now)...maybe I'll be able to join here sooner than I thought!

October 17th, 2013, 04:51 PM
Hi all, may I join this thread? :) My hair is just about BCL - I'm always confused about where tailbone actually is though, I guess I have a few inches to go?

October 17th, 2013, 05:39 PM
Hello Rowie its nice to see you again :D! and WOW your hair is amazing and so beautiful :flower:
Oh hello! It's so good to see you on here! Wow it's been awhile! I hope all is well with you and your daughter. :blossom:

Congrats Rowie! I might have to experiment with the bending business when I wash my hair next (its super bun-wavy now)...maybe I'll be able to join here sooner than I thought!
Thanks!:blossom: Yes, hurry up in here! Well, hopefully it won't be too humid when you do, the more relaxed the hair is means the more length we get. I chose a non humid day to take my avatar picture. ;)

Hi Summergreen! Hope you get comfy in here, but maybe you'll have a short visit since you are so close to tailbone. :)

October 17th, 2013, 09:56 PM
Hello Rowie its nice to see you again :D! and WOW your hair is amazing and so beautiful :flower:


(Wish My hair was that thick!)

October 18th, 2013, 03:25 AM
I finally managed to get a pic this morning (thanks to DBF!). Please excuse the poor quality, BlackBerrys aren't exactly known for their cameras and my actual camera is MIA :( Also sorry about the dark blue top, I really should have put a lighter one on but I'm still sat in my pjs! White line marks my tips/the bottom of my U hem, seeing as it's barely visible and the blue dot is solid 'BCL' :D

http://i1224.photobucket.com/albums/ee369/RioChanelHilton/8hipandbclmarkers.jpg (http://s1224.photobucket.com/user/RioChanelHilton/media/8hipandbclmarkers.jpg.html)

ETA - Holy crap it's huge, how do I re-size it?! D:

October 18th, 2013, 10:03 AM

(Wish My hair was that thick!)
Aww thanks!:blossom: I wish I had light hair like y'all so we can switch anytime! ;)

I finally managed to get a pic this morning (thanks to DBF!). Please excuse the poor quality, BlackBerrys aren't exactly known for their cameras and my actual camera is MIA :( Also sorry about the dark blue top, I really should have put a lighter one on but I'm still sat in my pjs! White line marks my tips/the bottom of my U hem, seeing as it's barely visible and the blue dot is solid 'BCL' :D

ETA - Holy crap it's huge, how do I re-size it?! D:

Wow, congrats you are almost there! I wish I had straight hair like yours, so beautiful! ;)

October 18th, 2013, 10:20 AM
WOW Rowie! Your hair is amazing. I have never ever seen your hair down, but I have always admired your buns. :)

October 18th, 2013, 10:26 AM
So...I did a Rowie! Thank you Magalo for your super-clear explanation of waist...its the bendy part!


It turns out that I am also at waist so I'm officially joining this thread and changing my signature. Woot! My hair isn't nearly as thick as Rowie's gorgeous locks so I'll probably be on this thread for a while. I want to thicken up my hemline a bit and so I plan to start trimming again in January.

SO excited!

October 18th, 2013, 10:30 AM
So...I did a Rowie! Thank you Magalo for your super-clear explanation of waist...its the bendy part!


It turns out that I am also at waist so I'm officially joining this thread and changing my signature. Woot! My hair isn't nearly as thick as Rowie's gorgeous locks so I'll probably be on this thread for a while. I want to thicken up my hemline a bit and so I plan to start trimming again in January.

SO excited!

Woohoo welcome :cheese: :disco:

October 18th, 2013, 10:32 AM
Gotta check again after I get my hair out of my softhood, but I think I might have reached tailbone today... o_O

October 18th, 2013, 10:50 AM
Congratulations Emanuelle!! From your sig pictures it looks like you have gorgeous hair, both in color and texture. Hopefully we'll soon be joining you at tailbone XD.
As to my own hair journey I think I have made progress, but I have no way of taking pictures where I'm currently living so an updated length pic will have to wait until I'm home for Thanksgiving. Until then, happy growing everyone!

October 18th, 2013, 11:12 AM
Wow, congrats you are almost there! I wish I had straight hair like yours, so beautiful! ;)

Thanks rowie! Hopefully another 5 months or so and I'll solidly be BCL. :) Then onwards to TBL haha. Oh that's so sweet, thank you! In all honesty I usually wish I had lovely wavy or curly hair, the grass is always greener isn't it? :lol: I'd love to have hair like yours, the colour is gorgeous and it's so thick!! :crush:

October 18th, 2013, 11:14 AM
WOW Rowie! Your hair is amazing. I have never ever seen your hair down, but I have always admired your buns. :)
Thanks! :blossom: You are right! Wow thanks for realizing that. My hair is down only for length pictures and washing my hair, otherwise it is up all the time. :) You have amazing silky hair and color to die for! :love:

So...I did a Rowie! Thank you Magalo for your super-clear explanation of waist...its the bendy part!


It turns out that I am also at waist so I'm officially joining this thread and changing my signature. Woot! My hair isn't nearly as thick as Rowie's gorgeous locks so I'll probably be on this thread for a while. I want to thicken up my hemline a bit and so I plan to start trimming again in January.

SO excited!
Congratulations for your graduation! :graduate: I'm so happy you'll be joining this room which means we can all share our frustrations towards tailbone!

As to my own hair journey I think I have made progress, but I have no way of taking pictures where I'm currently living so an updated length pic will have to wait until I'm home for Thanksgiving. Until then, happy growing everyone!

I plan to do the same. I think I'll continue to just bun and ignore. I'll probably do another update in my hair growth anniversary which is this coming January. :)

October 18th, 2013, 11:16 AM
Hi Summergreen! Hope you get comfy in here, but maybe you'll have a short visit since you are so close to tailbone. :)

Haha, thank you :) a short visit would be nice if its for that reason!

October 18th, 2013, 11:17 AM
I am just passing hip when strait and past waist when curly.
My goal is to be at classic length with curls.

October 18th, 2013, 11:17 AM
Thanks rowie! Hopefully another 5 months or so and I'll solidly be BCL. :) Then onwards to TBL haha. Oh that's so sweet, thank you! In all honesty I usually wish I had lovely wavy or curly hair, the grass is always greener isn't it? :lol: I'd love to have hair like yours, the colour is gorgeous and it's so thick!! :crush:

Awww thanks! :flower: yes the grass is truly greener on the otherside. I can't wait to see your action pictures for when you reach that length. It's hard to imagine that after this thread i'll be heading toward my hair goal, and it's is kinda exciting that a lot of us in here can go on to that thread if that is what everyone's goal is in here.

Haha, thank you :) a short visit would be nice if its for that reason!

:lol: i'll try my best! As you know I like to try and occupy my mind at the hair toy threads. :)

October 18th, 2013, 11:18 AM
Also Rowie your hair looks amazing :)

October 18th, 2013, 11:20 AM
Ooops wrong person. For some reason you reminded me of someone.Ok I need to get some coffee suddenly there was a surge of responses in this room. :lol: and yours as well!

October 18th, 2013, 11:40 AM
Thanks Bunzfan and Rowie! So happy to be here. Hopefully I can figure out where my tailbone is more easily...


October 18th, 2013, 11:56 AM
Beautiful hair, everyone! Here's my update for this month. I should be at BCL next month, excited:cheer:
http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i436/AlesyaFairchild/null_zps01a3d11a.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/AlesyaFairchild/media/null_zps01a3d11a.jpg.html)

October 18th, 2013, 11:56 AM
Awww thanks! :flower: yes the grass is truly greener on the otherside. I can't wait to see your action pictures for when you reach that length. It's hard to imagine that after this thread i'll be heading toward my hair goal, and it's is kinda exciting that a lot of us in here can go on to that thread if that is what everyone's goal is in here.

It's nice to have people to grow along with, so to speak, isn't it? :) You're going on to Classic after you graduate this thread aren't you rowie? Ahh I do love CL, I keep toying with the idea of aiming for it myself if I get to BCL/TBL without any trouble... Oh the temptation!! :laugh:

October 18th, 2013, 12:12 PM
Beautiful hair, everyone! Here's my update for this month. I should be at BCL next month, excited:cheer:
http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i436/AlesyaFairchild/null_zps01a3d11a.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/AlesyaFairchild/media/null_zps01a3d11a.jpg.html)

Lovely :) why does hair always look so much longer on other people than it does on me?! :confused: Love the colour of your hair!

October 18th, 2013, 12:15 PM
Beautiful hair, everyone! Here's my update for this month. I should be at BCL next month, excited:cheer:
http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i436/AlesyaFairchild/null_zps01a3d11a.jpg (http://s1093.photobucket.com/user/AlesyaFairchild/media/null_zps01a3d11a.jpg.html)

Erm..I'm confused I thought you cut back to waist last month?? If you did you sure do get super growth it's looking very pretty . Think wurls look lovely on fte mine does the same exact thing.

October 18th, 2013, 12:19 PM
MyKing'sQueen - Gorgeous wurls! Love your colour too :)

October 18th, 2013, 12:58 PM
Lovely :) why does hair always look so much longer on other people than it does on me?! :confused: Love the colour of your hair!
Thank you! I've noticed that too, maybe because we don't see the backs of our heads that much?

Erm..I'm confused I thought you cut back to waist last month?? If you did you sure do get super growth it's looking very pretty . Think wurls look lovely on fte mine does the same exact thing.
I only trimmed about 1-1.5 inches which put me back at hip, I was around bcl at the time)) your hair looks great too, btw!

MyKing'sQueen - Gorgeous wurls! Love your colour too :)
Thank you))

October 18th, 2013, 03:47 PM
I'm hoping this picture works, but this is my hair currently. Just trimmed it back from beyond tailbone, and now I'm making my way back but with new and improved thicker ends!

October 18th, 2013, 03:49 PM
(I messed up a couple times and used this post to comment and now I can't delete it. Sorry!)

October 19th, 2013, 01:57 PM
I'm hoping this picture works, but this is my hair currently. Just trimmed it back from beyond tailbone, and now I'm making my way back but with new and improved thicker ends!

Gorgeous! Beautiful color and it looks super-thick! I've just arrived on this thread and I expect to be here for a while. I want a nice, thick hemline like yours and I have lots of layers to grow out. Its good to have the inspiration!

October 19th, 2013, 02:10 PM
I'm hoping this picture works, but this is my hair currently. Just trimmed it back from beyond tailbone, and now I'm making my way back but with new and improved thicker ends!

Wow!! What stunning hair I hope mine looks that good at that length.

October 19th, 2013, 03:20 PM
I'm hoping this picture works, but this is my hair currently. Just trimmed it back from beyond tailbone, and now I'm making my way back but with new and improved thicker ends!

Wow :thud:

If you don't mind me asking, Valkyriejae, what is your ponytail circumference? :)

October 19th, 2013, 03:34 PM
Gotta check again after I get my hair out of my softhood, but I think I might have reached tailbone today... o_O

Emanuelle - You really ought to post a picture so we can confirm. Just a wild guess, but I bet I'm not the only one who is dying to see pictures of your hair! (hint hint) :p :flower: :popcorn: And congratulations on tailbone!

rowie - Wow, amazing thickness! So that's what your hair looks like out of a Ficcare! :)

MyKing'sQueen - I love your ends!

October 19th, 2013, 04:18 PM
MyKing'sQueen - I love your ends!
Thank you! You've made my day! I've been pretty upset with my ends lately, they just keep wanting to fairytale on me, I guess I'll just have to accept that.

October 19th, 2013, 06:31 PM
Wow :thud:

If you don't mind me asking, Valkyriejae, what is your ponytail circumference? :)

It's 3" - I've always found my hair to be totally average in both thickness and fineness. I'm hoping it'll thicken a bit more when/if I start hennaing it.

October 19th, 2013, 06:32 PM
Stunning hair! Lovely mermaidy waves :)

October 19th, 2013, 07:15 PM
It's 3" - I've always found my hair to be totally average in both thickness and fineness. I'm hoping it'll thicken a bit more when/if I start hennaing it.

Ooh really? I expected it to be ii/iii, around 4", hopefully when mine grows back in it'll be half as lovely as yours then, mine used to be around the 3" mark as well before trich :)

October 22nd, 2013, 07:37 AM
I won't claim it for at least another month but then i will look it ;) thanks. When i'm super busy i do forget my hair think we both need to get busy :lol:

Phwew, I think you might have some sort of LHC-posting-induced-psychic-phenomena! The day you posted that I got hired and started a part-time job (on top of full-time-plus at school), and found out I have 2 weeks to move... I've been (and will continue to be) busy!!! :lol:

Welcome to all the new members, and such lovely photos have been posted!
I'll probably be taking a break from posting as much while things are so busy, but I'll be lurking! :)

October 22nd, 2013, 08:36 AM
I'll be returning back to the BSL to Waist thread since I cut off my layers and landed back at BSL :) Will see you in a few months again :P

October 22nd, 2013, 10:57 AM
I was super impatient about growth when I was in the BSL to waist thread. Somehow achieving waist has made me less impatient. Maybe its because it feels like the start of long to me?

October 23rd, 2013, 01:51 AM
I am so impaient to get to tailbone if it happen. I am barely waist and can wait. Why is it so long to grow????? :steam

October 23rd, 2013, 02:48 AM
I am so impaient to get to tailbone if it happen. I am barely waist and can wait. Why is it so long to grow????? :steam

:lol: me to i'm just about hip and feel exactly the same.

October 23rd, 2013, 03:37 AM
Just saying "hi" as i believe i belong here in this group.

I'm currently just a little under 32inches long and when my hair was wet yesterday i noticed i was less than 2 inches from tailbone, which is exciting. I *think* my current length is "hip" - i thought i was waist but after posting pics on here had a few people say i'm actually hip so i'm happy with that.

The longer my hair gets, the slower it feels like it's growing which is frustrating. My goal over the years has been to reach classic, now that's within reach i'm not sure i'd want to stop there so.... we'll see.

October 23rd, 2013, 08:40 AM
I am so impaient to get to tailbone if it happen. I am barely waist and can wait. Why is it so long to grow????? :steam

Ha! I guess i'm one of the few patient ones right now...I'll probably become impatient again in just a few short weeks or months when I realize that its not yet at tailbone!

October 23rd, 2013, 10:06 AM
I had my hair cut back to waist at the beginning of last month (and layered), and I'm surprised to see that I'm well on my way to hip again. Not going to have it cut for quite a while, as I'm happy with the length. I might even go all the way to TBL. We'll see. :D What is my constant is that I'm never going shorter than waist again! Ever!

October 23rd, 2013, 10:24 AM
I had my hair cut back to waist at the beginning of last month (and layered), and I'm surprised to see that I'm well on my way to hip again. Not going to have it cut for quite a while, as I'm happy with the length. I might even go all the way to TBL. We'll see. :D What is my constant is that I'm never going shorter than waist again! Ever!

Again?!? :lol: just kiddin what ever makes you love your hair again :D as i'm in the just hip territory i'm going for TB so no trimming as long as possible wonder if i can beat my 10 month record then i could cut the taper out from old razzored ends. That's great growth :cheese:

October 23rd, 2013, 11:50 AM
What is my constant is that I'm never going shorter than waist again! Ever!

Same here! Even though my hair needs trimming (bottom few inches dry and damaged), I won't do it yet as that would take it back up to above waist.

October 24th, 2013, 11:53 PM
Guys...I need to stop trimming :/ I was looking through old pictures and realized I've hovered around waist for nearly 3 years! I get to hip, my ends look scraggly, so I trim back. To be fair, I'm still growing out highlight damage and I was living in upstate NY for the last few years (the sub-zero, dry winters did my fine hair NO favors)...but still. Today I made a pact with my best friend that we both would hold off on trimming until next August, which should give me at least 5" and put me past hip by an inch or two. If I end up maintaining there for awhile to get rid of the rest of the highlight damage, so be it. At least I'll be out of my rut!

October 25th, 2013, 12:21 AM
Guys...I need to stop trimming :/ I was looking through old pictures and realized I've hovered around waist for nearly 3 years! I get to hip, my ends look scraggly, so I trim back. To be fair, I'm still growing out highlight damage and I was living in upstate NY for the last few years (the sub-zero, dry winters did my fine hair NO favors)...but still. Today I made a pact with my best friend that we both would hold off on trimming until next August, which should give me at least 5" and put me past hip by an inch or two. If I end up maintaining there for awhile to get rid of the rest of the highlight damage, so be it. At least I'll be out of my rut!
Yeah, my ends are scraggly and dry and my hair stylist (I colour my hair) really said they should be trimmed back. But she knows how I am....so then she said I could get by if I deep condition. So maybe instead of constant trimming, just deep condition and do oil treatments, etc to get some life back into those ends? That's what I'm going to do--never will I have hair shorter than waist ever again!

October 25th, 2013, 06:00 AM
Happy growing to all going from waist to hip to TBL! :D

October 25th, 2013, 06:06 AM
awww thanks Lapushka! Can you please just come and magically turn my hair into tailbone length?

My hairs growing slowwwwwwlyyyyy, but I am still so pleased to crack waist! I have been on LHC a few years and never got past waist because my ends where so yuck and I wasn't willing to give up heat. Well..I am happily sat here essay writing and air drying my hair with no need for a trim in sight. I do need to do something about my dry ends tho! Anybody else's ends get much drier when past waist?

I also need to get into the habit of wearing it up more often. My and BF went into Victoria Secrets not long ago and my hair got stuck around a hanger...poor BF had to untangle me from the hanger and the underwear on the hanger...embarrassing!

October 25th, 2013, 06:17 AM
Hi everyone, I am moving over to this thread as I am at waist. I have never had longer hair than waist because I always seem to feel it needs trimmed when it gets to this stage. I am hoping to be closer to hip by summer 2014 so I will need to take care of my ends this time.

October 25th, 2013, 07:33 AM
I haven't trimmed since May. I'm going to allow myself a trim in January and I'm already excited. Its a bummer to know I'll probably take forever to grow to TB, but I'm excited to have a thicker, healthier-looking hemline. Those silly layers! Grrr!

October 25th, 2013, 09:38 AM
Guys...I need to stop trimming :/ I was looking through old pictures and realized I've hovered around waist for nearly 3 years! I get to hip, my ends look scraggly, so I trim back. To be fair, I'm still growing out highlight damage and I was living in upstate NY for the last few years (the sub-zero, dry winters did my fine hair NO favors)...but still. Today I made a pact with my best friend that we both would hold off on trimming until next August, which should give me at least 5" and put me past hip by an inch or two. If I end up maintaining there for awhile to get rid of the rest of the highlight damage, so be it. At least I'll be out of my rut!

You, actually make me feel better :lol: i've been doing the same thing for nearly 2 years but i've managed 4 months and now i'm just about hip when its straight so i'm ignoring it and hoping it will get to bcl easily we can do it lets stick together ::beerchug:

October 26th, 2013, 01:08 AM
You, actually make me feel better :lol: i've been doing the same thing for nearly 2 years but i've managed 4 months and now i'm just about hip when its straight so i'm ignoring it and hoping it will get to bcl easily we can do it lets stick together ::beerchug:

Yes! Solidarity :beerchug: ! I just got a trim a couple of weeks ago, so I'm hoping I'll be good to go for awhile. I've started doing more DTs, and I just bought a tangle teezer, so hopefully that will cut down on mechanical damage (I've always used a wooden pin brush on day two and beyond hair).

October 26th, 2013, 06:04 AM
Yes! Solidarity :beerchug: ! I just got a trim a couple of weeks ago, so I'm hoping I'll be good to go for awhile. I've started doing more DTs, and I just bought a tangle teezer, so hopefully that will cut down on mechanical damage (I've always used a wooden pin brush on day two and beyond hair).

Hey! most definitely i just got a bamboo brush i actually believe it is more gentle than the TT on my frizzy prone hair when its dry anyway in the shower the TT is fine, i've decided to go back to cones after 3 years of being cone free as the ends get all wispy ,frizzy and angry looking and i remember Torrinpage saying something similar that when she went cone free she had to cut back inches as her ends did the same...guess what my hair is now almost un recognisable it actually looks like the rest of my hair and not a frizzy angry mess and it looks fuller too so, i'm hoping it will also help protect the damaged ends a bit longer as i want to get past my 10 month no trim record.

Thinking back my hair always did look good on cones i guess i got a bit brain washed that "all cones are evil" back in the early days and it didn't matter how much oil i put on my ends it drunk it right up so it obviously needed something stronger think about 2" of damage are left from pre LHC days.

October 26th, 2013, 07:57 AM
I sometimes kind of wish I could try cones again just to know if my hair likes them, but my options of conditioner are limited thanks to hypersensitivity to scents so there are only a few non-scented conditioners I can use and they don't happen to have cones. I saw one non-scented deep treatment though with cones and should have bought that. For some reason I didn't.

I actually have no idea when I used cones last as I was already using the non-scented generic stuff before joining LHC and I have no idea whether they had cones in them before or not. I do know that about 13-15 years ago I used fructis which definitely had cones and they made my hair all sticky at the top after using them for a long time, but that's because I hadn't even heard of clarifying back then. I don't think my hair has ever disliked cones though. Must do some research on this as I do have a fair amount of dye damage at the ends. However I'm not sure if coney conditioner is good for CO washing which is what I do. Maybe cone-free near scalp and cones only to the ends? Sounds like too much work for someone like me who has gotten used to using just one thing + ACV rinse.

October 26th, 2013, 08:37 AM
I've been maintaining at waist for a couple months now, so I'm going to try and grow out to at least hip. Since I just trimmed yesterday and S&D'd today, I'm going to try and put off another trim until Christmas this year.

October 26th, 2013, 11:14 AM
Well,I measured and am at 37/38 inches so I believe I'm officially at tailbone so will graduate to the next thread and see if I can ever reach classic.Happy growing everyone!

October 26th, 2013, 11:50 AM
Well,I measured and am at 37/38 inches so I believe I'm officially at tailbone so will graduate to the next thread and see if I can ever reach classic.Happy growing everyone!

Congrats, Dulce! I love those little wavies in your hair!

Silver Sister
October 26th, 2013, 12:33 PM
Well,I measured and am at 37/38 inches so I believe I'm officially at tailbone so will graduate to the next thread and see if I can ever reach classic.Happy growing everyone!

Happy growing! Your silver is lovely.

October 26th, 2013, 01:24 PM
I posted in the bs to ws length thread today, as I think I've attained ws length hair? :confused:
Could you tell me if this is so as I'm dying to join this thread. If not, I'd rather know the truth and join when I'm fully at waist length so I can start my next journey. :o
http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=7186&d=1382807024\ }[/IMG]

My hair was just washed and air dried.

October 26th, 2013, 01:46 PM
I posted in the bs to ws length thread today, as I think I've attained ws length hair? :confused:
Could you tell me if this is so as I'm dying to join this thread. If not, I'd rather know the truth and join when I'm fully at waist length so I can start my next journey. :o
http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=7186&d=1382807024\ }[/IMG]

My hair was just washed and air dried.

That looks like it's past waist to me! Congrats!!! And welcome to the thread! :D

October 26th, 2013, 01:51 PM
That looks like it's past waist to me! Congrats!!! And welcome to the thread! :D

Told you, your way past it nearly hip :cheer:

October 26th, 2013, 02:24 PM
lapushka, you can't imagine what your words mean to me. I'm so happy and thanks for welcoming me to thread. :happydance:

October 26th, 2013, 02:28 PM
Hey bunzfan, I love it that YOU TOLD ME SO, it's just one of those times it's so nice to hear and I'm so thrilled. :beerchug:

October 27th, 2013, 07:31 AM
So, apparently I'm at waist, too! :o (just washed, still a bit wet, not combed yet)

Guess I'm joining in!

October 27th, 2013, 07:35 AM
So, apparently I'm at waist, too! :o (just washed, still a bit wet, not combed yet)


Guess I'm joining in!

Oh yeah definitely.. Welcome :cheese:

October 27th, 2013, 07:37 AM
Thank you! :disco:

October 27th, 2013, 07:51 AM
Well past waist! Welcome to the thread. :D

October 27th, 2013, 08:06 AM
Welcome Johannah, we're newbies together on this thread. I'm a little tired from celebrating reaching WS length but it's a good tired. :)

October 27th, 2013, 08:10 AM
Thanks lapushka!

Whoehoe I'm not alone, Komao! I still got energy for celebrating, I'm toooo happy! :afro:

October 27th, 2013, 08:50 AM
Lovely hair, Johannah! Welcome to the thread! :flower:

October 27th, 2013, 09:01 AM
Thank you, butterfly_dream!

I really love the openess from this community! :o

October 27th, 2013, 10:51 AM
Dreamy hair Johannah! Also love your dress :p

October 27th, 2013, 11:02 AM
Thank you so much Rio040113!

October 28th, 2013, 09:42 AM
Some of you may have noticed the thread i made about my insane growth i got this month, my son took this picture.


October 28th, 2013, 09:44 AM
wao... Dare I say tailbone? Or is it just the angle. but wao. If the majority of that growth was one month... Then that is indeed a major hair growth spurt.... Congratulations.

October 28th, 2013, 09:47 AM
wao... Dare I say tailbone? Or is it just the angle. but wao. If the majority of that growth was one month... Then that is indeed a major hair growth spurt.... Congratulations.

Not sure i'm there but i should be by xmas for sure :D :D that is from one months growth yes last month my son took my pic its my avatar one so that's alot of growth but it is straighter in this shot.

October 28th, 2013, 10:50 AM
bunzfan, that is some insane growth in a month. Very happy for you. :) what's your secret? Doing anything different or new?
I always have faster growth in the winter months, which isn't suppose to be the "norm". I think it's already started but I'll have to :pray: to get some of your insane growth!

October 28th, 2013, 11:45 AM
bunzfan, that is some insane growth in a month. Very happy for you. :) what's your secret? Doing anything different or new?
I always have faster growth in the winter months, which isn't suppose to be the "norm". I think it's already started but I'll have to :pray: to get some of your insane growth!

I honestly think it's the cones flattening it some but it has grown alot oil it, eat plenty of protein I've been eating plenty of eggs and peanut butter, protein shakes give me a similar effect normally get a 1" a month when I do those infact some months got 2" a month, oiling daily seems to help retain the growth though.

October 28th, 2013, 12:13 PM
Bunzfan that looks amazing.

October 28th, 2013, 02:58 PM
I honestly think it's the cones flattening it some but it has grown alot oil it, eat plenty of protein I've been eating plenty of eggs and peanut butter, protein shakes give me a similar effect normally get a 1" a month when I do those infact some months got 2" a month, oiling daily seems to help retain the growth though.

Okay. Great tip. Protein it is. :guns:

October 29th, 2013, 08:34 AM
Now that I'm at ws length, approaching hip, I'm trying to get the lighting good to take some pictures. I'm so excited to be on this thread! I had it in a sleep bun and just detangled with fingers and then glided wide tooth comb through. I think it looks a little smoother and it's been 3 days since wash day.

Still a little dark, have to work on lighting and hair is now up

October 29th, 2013, 10:12 AM
Some of you may have noticed the thread i made about my insane growth i got this month, my son took this picture.


Not to kill the fun, but this photo is taken at your head level (looking down) while your avatar photo is taken at waist/hip level, so obviously your hair look a lot longer in this one. :p

October 29th, 2013, 10:16 AM
Not to kill the fun, but this photo is taken at your head level (looking down) while your avatar photo is taken at waist/hip level, so obviously your hair look a lot longer in this one. :p
Yeah could be true but it has still
Grown alot! Also in my avatar picture it's wavy in this one it's brushed out another reason it looks longer.

October 29th, 2013, 10:35 AM
Right, i hate to feel like i'm like i'm deceiving people so i got my son to take another picture its really wavy today even with some oil in it my jeans had slipped down and the waist band sits just above BCL so it looks slightly shorter here.

http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/8756/yqy1.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/585/yqy1.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

October 29th, 2013, 10:55 AM
Right, i hate to feel like i'm like i'm deceiving people so i got my son to take another picture its really wavy today even with some oil in it my jeans had slipped down and the waist band sits just above BCL so it looks slightly shorter here.

http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/8756/yqy1.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/585/yqy1.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

I, for one, don't think you are trying to deceive. That's the way LHC is sometimes. I've been accused of tipping my head back in almost every picture I've posted. I think it is because my hair is so full, it doesn't taper at my neck - but for whatever reason, some posters think I'm being deceptive. :shrug:

October 29th, 2013, 11:02 AM
Right, i hate to feel like i'm like i'm deceiving people so i got my son to take another picture its really wavy today even with some oil in it my jeans had slipped down and the waist band sits just above BCL so it looks slightly shorter here.

http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/8756/yqy1.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/585/yqy1.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

I, for one, don't think you are trying to deceive. That's the way LHC is sometimes. I've been accused of tipping my head back in almost every picture I've posted. I think it is because my hair is so full, it doesn't taper at my neck - but for whatever reason, some posters think I'm being deceptive. :shrug:

October 29th, 2013, 11:22 AM
Right, i hate to feel like i'm like i'm deceiving people so i got my son to take another picture its really wavy today even with some oil in it my jeans had slipped down and the waist band sits just above BCL so it looks slightly shorter here.

http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/8756/yqy1.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/585/yqy1.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)
Oh my, i don't care if you deceiving or not, but your hail looks gorgeous, i was thinking of starting using cones again because it always give such a perfect shine :D

October 29th, 2013, 11:32 AM
bunzfan, you, little deceiver you,. Your hair looks gorgeous and long and I just had my peanut butter after seeing your incredible growth. I don't care what angle camera was at, very insignificant as to the amazing growth you achieved. :D

October 29th, 2013, 01:38 PM
Okay. Question. So I always thought my hair wasn't that long, but apparently it is :p And now I'm exploring all buns I suddenly can do!

Which buns are possible when you have waist-lenght hair? :o

October 29th, 2013, 02:30 PM
Okay. Question. So I always thought my hair wasn't that long, but apparently it is :p And now I'm exploring all buns I suddenly can do!

Which buns are possible when you have waist-lenght hair? :o

Depends how long waist is your waist is hip on me because I'm a short arse :lol: so at this length I can do a decent folded braid,oval bun,nautilus in fact I can do most buns. What do you count as tbl the top of it or the bottom? Which is near classic on me.

October 29th, 2013, 02:33 PM
I, for one, don't think you are trying to deceive. That's the way LHC is sometimes. I've been accused of tipping my head back in almost every picture I've posted. I think it is because my hair is so full, it doesn't taper at my neck - but for whatever reason, some posters think I'm being deceptive. :shrug:

Oh my, i don't care if you deceiving or not, but your hail looks gorgeous, i was thinking of starting using cones again because it always give such a perfect shine :D

bunzfan, you, little deceiver you,. Your hair looks gorgeous and long and I just had my peanut butter after seeing your incredible growth. I don't care what angle camera was at, very insignificant as to the amazing growth you achieved. :D

Thanks very much ladies and for the likes it's got evoo on it in that picture but my ends are liking the cones makes it less poufy..

October 29th, 2013, 02:39 PM
Your hair looks great Bunzfan,ignore any ''funny'' comments,it definitely is a lot longer,just see how much past your elbows it is now,the camera angle won't change that fact.And cones really suits your hair! Much smoother and shinier.

October 29th, 2013, 02:45 PM
Its definitely grown loads Bunzfan. Enjoy it!

October 29th, 2013, 02:46 PM
Hey, I just graduated to waist so I thought I would come post here.
My ultimate goal is hip, as of now.
Here is a recent pic of me from the front after I curled my hair for an event.

October 29th, 2013, 02:48 PM
Just posted in your old thread., that's virtually hip Mrs :lol: gorgeous thick hair!

October 29th, 2013, 03:02 PM
Okay. Question. So I always thought my hair wasn't that long, but apparently it is :p And now I'm exploring all buns I suddenly can do!

Which buns are possible when you have waist-lenght hair? :o

I'd say top. But I just need some bun-names I can try out, haha. Until now I only did 2 or 3, so time for a change!

October 29th, 2013, 03:29 PM
Well,I measured and am at 37/38 inches so I believe I'm officially at tailbone so will graduate to the next thread and see if I can ever reach classic.Happy growing everyone!

Oooh congratulations dulce!

Lovely pictures kamao, johannah, bunzfan and molly - you all have stunning hair :)

I'm thinking of trimming mine just a little, maybe half an inch or maybe back to hip if I feel really brave, and then microtrimming for a while, to see if my ends can thicken up a bit. They keep knotting themselves round each other :evil:

October 29th, 2013, 03:55 PM
Congratulations molly_grue, and welcome. Beautiful hair and adorable baby:)

October 29th, 2013, 04:14 PM
Thanks summergreen and when you say you're thinking of trimming 1/2" or maybe back to hip, I almost feel giddy.
I just was able to get on this thread and I'm so delighted. Can't wait to be debating what I should do when I get to your length!
I'm sure you'll make the right decision. If I dare to give you any advice, if you're nervous about it, I would only trim a little and see how it looks. That's one of the great things I have learned from LHC. :)

October 30th, 2013, 07:17 AM
Just posted in your old thread., that's virtually hip Mrs :lol: gorgeous thick hair!

Lovely pictures kamao, johannah, bunzfan and molly - you all have stunning hair :)

Congratulations molly_grue, and welcome. Beautiful hair and adorable baby:)
Thanks all!
The 'baby' is gonna be 2 next week. I gotta get a new pic for my sig :)

October 31st, 2013, 05:42 AM
Welcome molly_grue. Your hair looks so healthy and thick. And congrats on your growth, bunzfan. ;)

Hey everyone :) I haven't been around in a little while, but here's my most recent progress pic, taken today. I've trimmed it twice this year -- once myself, just an inch, and at the beginning of summer at the hairdresser's, more like 3 inches -- basically all of my growth at the time, bringing me back to just past waist. At first I really felt the different in length but looking at this pic, I think it's caught up very quickly and I like my fresh ends. The bulk of my hair is slowly moving downwards.
I hope to be able to claim hip by Christmas (hands are resting on my hipbones in this pic). It would be my first milestone since joining LHC.


October 31st, 2013, 05:58 AM
Welcome molly_grue. Your hair looks so healthy and thick. And congrats on your growth, bunzfan. ;)

Hey everyone :) I haven't been around in a little while, but here's my most recent progress pic, taken today. I've trimmed it twice this year -- once myself, just an inch, and at the beginning of summer at the hairdresser's, more like 3 inches -- basically all of my growth at the time, bringing me back to just past waist. At first I really felt the different in length but looking at this pic, I think it's caught up very quickly and I like my fresh ends. The bulk of my hair is slowly moving downwards.
I hope to be able to claim hip by Christmas (hands are resting on my hipbones in this pic). It would be my first milestone since joining LHC.


Holy cow!! it looks gorgeous:shocked: i think you did the right thing it looks so healthy and the curls are all springy :crush::heartbeat bet that was quite a shock then losing all that length. We are a similar length again and i'm on the no trimming route after years of maintaining.

October 31st, 2013, 06:31 AM
Very nice, DarkCurls!

October 31st, 2013, 06:37 AM
Hi DarkCurls, pretty curly hair. I hope you make hip by XMAS. :)

October 31st, 2013, 06:45 AM
Welcome molly_grue. Your hair looks so healthy and thick. And congrats on your growth, bunzfan. ;)

Hey everyone :) I haven't been around in a little while, but here's my most recent progress pic, taken today. I've trimmed it twice this year -- once myself, just an inch, and at the beginning of summer at the hairdresser's, more like 3 inches -- basically all of my growth at the time, bringing me back to just past waist. At first I really felt the different in length but looking at this pic, I think it's caught up very quickly and I like my fresh ends. The bulk of my hair is slowly moving downwards.
I hope to be able to claim hip by Christmas (hands are resting on my hipbones in this pic). It would be my first milestone since joining LHC.


One word for you: wow.

October 31st, 2013, 06:59 AM
DarkCurls: :thudpile::thudpile::thudpile: Oh my. Gorgeous!

October 31st, 2013, 07:24 AM
Really stunning, DarkCurls! :thud:

October 31st, 2013, 09:57 AM

So I'm back at 29" instead of 30", to thicken up the hemline. I really want a straight hemline, right now I got fairytale ends :l I'm thinking about letting it grow until 32" and from there, cutting it back until my layers are gone. Blah.

October 31st, 2013, 10:23 AM
I am so happy to be here. Please ignore my length on my poster info. I put TBL as my current length when I meant hip. My daughter helped me measure my length last night and I am at 37", about 2 inches from tailbone. However, my ends are fried looking as I haven't cut my hair since the summer of 2011. I plan on measuring again on December 30 and possibly cutting back to 36" at that time.

For those that use cone conditioners, which are your favorites? I quit using cones about 6 months ago and notice that my ends seem frizzier and drier. Any advice on what to do to help this?

Once I am able to post a picture I will do so.

October 31st, 2013, 10:27 AM
DarkCurls, your hair is STUNNING. Major envy over here, what gorgeous curls!

October 31st, 2013, 10:37 AM
Thank you everyone, you're too nice. :)

Good luck Johannah with your layers. I know how annoying they can be. But your hair is very pretty.
Cheyne, there are really lots of coney conditioners out there. I think it will be trial and error. My favorite is Elvive Nutri-Gloss, which is an excellent detangler in my experience. I get some pretty impressive tangles, and this really helps. Aside from that, it does the job any conditioner does (makes hair smooth and softer); I've never noticed any difference between cone and non-cone.
Do you use oil? Coconut oil (as a pre-wash treatment) pretty much cured my problems with dryness. I haven't found an oil which works for me as a leave in without creating an oil slick, but rubbing a few drops of oil into damp ends definitely helps with dryness.

That said, a trim in December might be a good idea if you think your ends are damaged, not just dry.

October 31st, 2013, 10:37 AM
Welcome molly_grue. Your hair looks so healthy and thick. And congrats on your growth, bunzfan. ;)

Hey everyone :) I haven't been around in a little while, but here's my most recent progress pic, taken today. I've trimmed it twice this year -- once myself, just an inch, and at the beginning of summer at the hairdresser's, more like 3 inches -- basically all of my growth at the time, bringing me back to just past waist. At first I really felt the different in length but looking at this pic, I think it's caught up very quickly and I like my fresh ends. The bulk of my hair is slowly moving downwards.
I hope to be able to claim hip by Christmas (hands are resting on my hipbones in this pic). It would be my first milestone since joining LHC.


Wow. I'm in love with your hair!

November 1st, 2013, 11:46 AM
Here's the start of my journey from waist to hip with my every day braid waves ( excuse the poor lighting ) http://i40.tinypic.com/11i1wmu.jpg

November 1st, 2013, 01:13 PM
Thanks for the coconut oil tip, DarkCurls. I have a some at home and have been using it for my skin (and in place of other fats for eating). I did an oil treatment on my ends and they look amazing this morning.

November 1st, 2013, 01:23 PM
I can do a figure 8 bun.. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY.

On my way to Tailbone! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Hmmmm maybe by the end of next year? lol. my hair grows sooo slowly.

But here's a pic of my first figure 8 bun.

With brushed out curly hair. So very fuzzy figure 8 bun. I'm just sooo proud.


November 1st, 2013, 01:45 PM
beautiful, Marbid!

November 1st, 2013, 02:09 PM
I can do a figure 8 bun.. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY.

On my way to Tailbone! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Hmmmm maybe by the end of next year? lol. my hair grows sooo slowly.

But here's a pic of my first figure 8 bun.

With brushed out curly hair. So very fuzzy figure 8 bun. I'm just sooo proud.


Looks fab! My taper from layers makes mine look much more lopsided than yours, which is why I'm maintaining. Well done and good inspiration for me!

November 1st, 2013, 02:29 PM
The figure-8 is one of my favorite buns, it looks really good Marbid!

November 2nd, 2013, 08:59 AM
Hey guys, was just wondering about bun size. Any of you guys that wear buns often, now that you're past waist is it getting really big and heavy? Because mine is, I'm starting to worry that at TBL and beyond I will have a behemoth of a bun! :')

November 2nd, 2013, 10:51 AM
Well. My hair is 3.8 inches in thickness... I have not found it heavy. All I know is that I don't find my hair heavy yet. But then again. I am a small person. my length at a little bit past waist is only 28" at the moment.

Ah wait. My lil sis is iii thickness and at 34"..... I don't think she finds her hair heavy yet, she wears a lot of high buns. But then again, she has maintained that length for a long time.

Perhaps it's all a matter of the strength of your neck muscles.... Perhaps that is what defines weather hair feels heavy or not. hmmmm.....

November 2nd, 2013, 11:23 AM
Yay, I can join this thread! :)

My ponytail is a solid 4" and I'm at about 31" - my waves can never make up their mind on how long they are. My hair or updos have never felt heavy to me, but my hair's always been longish so maybe my neck is used to supporting that? I'm not sure, but do wurls and curls feel lighter and bouncier than straighter hair?

November 2nd, 2013, 12:07 PM
I've only just recently started feeling like my high buns are heavy or uncomfortable. My hair is still quite layered, approaching BCL and slightly above average ii. Most of my buns still don't look too big though, but they might start to if I didn't have the layers.

For the first time I made a sectioned bun yesterday which felt so much better than a regular cinnabun which is pretty much what I've been wearing at work. I need a bun that can be held with pins because I have to wear a hardhat. So just part your hair horisontally, make a bun with one section and then twirl the hair from the other section around it. Other option is to make two separate buns of course. :)

November 2nd, 2013, 12:15 PM
Yay, I can join this thread! :)

My ponytail is a solid 4" and I'm at about 31" - my waves can never make up their mind on how long they are. My hair or updos have never felt heavy to me, but my hair's always been longish so maybe my neck is used to supporting that? I'm not sure, but do wurls and curls feel lighter and bouncier than straighter hair?

Yay we do have similar hair but yours is far nicer and thicker ;)

November 2nd, 2013, 12:18 PM
I can do a figure 8 bun.. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY.

On my way to Tailbone! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Hmmmm maybe by the end of next year? lol. my hair grows sooo slowly.

But here's a pic of my first figure 8 bun.

With brushed out curly hair. So very fuzzy figure 8 bun. I'm just sooo proud.


I love the figure 8. It's so pretty and comfortable. You wear it very well, and that stick is gorgeous! Where did you get it?

November 2nd, 2013, 01:22 PM
I have a potentially unanswerable question, but maybe you all can talk me out of my despair?

My last hair stylist gave me pretty extreme layers (I didn't ask for them BTW!). I'm trying to grow them out so I'll be at waist and on this thread for a while. My shortest layers are at about APL and my hair is slightly past waist now. Its about 9 inches from APL to waist on me, so I'm guessing it will take (gulp) about 18 months (1.5 years!!) to catch them up. I want to keep growing but I don't like my taper. Any advice on what to do with them? Or should I just woman up and deal with it. Sighs...

November 2nd, 2013, 01:33 PM
I have a potentially unanswerable question, but maybe you all can talk me out of my despair?

My last hair stylist gave me pretty extreme layers (I didn't ask for them BTW!). I'm trying to grow them out so I'll be at waist and on this thread for a while. My shortest layers are at about APL and my hair is slightly past waist now. Its about 9 inches from APL to waist on me, so I'm guessing it will take (gulp) about 18 months (1.5 years!!) to catch them up. I want to keep growing but I don't like my taper. Any advice on what to do with them? Or should I just woman up and deal with it. Sighs...

It sounds like you're in the exact same situation I was about a year ago. But I had a little trim (or so I asked for, I actually lost about 8") back up to about just above BSL and a year later I have hip length hair with maybe waist length layers. I quite like the taper where it's at now really, can't imagine having a blunt hemline, not sure it would suit me.

I'm afraid I don't have much advice on updos with layers like that though, I usually wear my hair down. But, if I ever do put it up amish pins were my best friend! Fluffy braids were always a nightmare, and still can be!!

November 2nd, 2013, 03:09 PM
Fear not, Crumpet, you are not alone. :) I'm in a very similar case. My grown-out bangs are now a little past APL, and I think I have one remaining layer at waist, while the longest parts of my hair are closing in on hip. It would also take years for my ex-bangs to catch up with the rest, but oh well.

I wear my hair up a lot, mostly out of convenience, which helps to forget about the layers. Other than that, there's nothing I can suggest except an occasional trim and a lot of patience. Good luck.
On the other hand, I kind of like my layers (not my bangs though) when my hair is down -- maybe you can enjoy it like that? The only reason my layers annoy me are for braids.

November 2nd, 2013, 03:18 PM
Thanks for the support! I agree, that the worst part about the layers are the braids. I'm a wavy so they look okay when my hair is down and they're long enough to hold okay in my updos. Maybe I'll feel better when they're a bit more even with the rest of my hair. At this stage, my braid just looks absurdly small when the APL layers are gone.

November 2nd, 2013, 06:15 PM
If nothing changes, I believe I will be at true tailbone in 6 months. Yay!

How much longer for you?

As a question for those more experienced with growing out layers, does hair ever get to being mostly the same length? I am not sure if I still have the effect of a layered hair cut, or if having many different lengths throughout my hair is normal. Is it possible to even out?

November 2nd, 2013, 07:54 PM
I love the figure 8. It's so pretty and comfortable. You wear it very well, and that stick is gorgeous! Where did you get it?

Awww thank you! I make my hairsticks. Sanded wood painted with acrylics into some pretty designs and coated in clear nail polish. I glue some trinkets on the top for decorations. Thank you. That is a great compliment. I thought about posting them on the home made toys thread. But other peoples home made seemed just sooo outstanding I shied away from exposing my lil self made hair toys.

p.s. this is the hair stick that is on my figure 8 bun. :)


November 2nd, 2013, 08:15 PM
I can do a figure 8 bun.. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY.

On my way to Tailbone! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Hmmmm maybe by the end of next year? lol. my hair grows sooo slowly.

But here's a pic of my first figure 8 bun.

With brushed out curly hair. So very fuzzy figure 8 bun. I'm just sooo proud.


Gorgeous! I can´t wait for the day I can do those hairstyles *dreamysigh*

November 2nd, 2013, 08:18 PM
Sanded wood painted with acrylics into some pretty designs and coated in clear nail polish.

Perfect! How do you sand the wood to make it straight like that? Do you have a machine for it?

November 2nd, 2013, 09:02 PM
I just use a heavy duty (very grainy) nail file actually. (they last me longer than what one would think 4 sticks before I have to change it.) The wood piece itself is just a stick of wood all one length (very ultra cheap at home depo, fairly strong wood). I first shave of the wood with a razor blade. Just enough to give out the over all shape even thou it's jagged and irregular, I don't make the ends thin, that is for the sanding. Other wise the razor would snap the tip. When I sand it it just comes out fairly straight like that. Probably because the wood was fairly straight to begin with and about the right thickness where I don't have to make it straight myself I just have to round it out and add a point, I guess you can attribute the straight think to home depo. the painting and the nail polish covers makes it really smooth. Takes me less than a day. And they are really cheap to make and turn out really sturdy.

November 3rd, 2013, 01:32 AM
I'm on board with the whining about layers. I for some reason got a very layered cut the last time I was at a salon, about 2 years ago, and I'm still growing them out. I believe the shortest ones were maybe shoulder length back then with the longest bits APL/BSL. However I've been trimming very little after the cut (only about 8 cm or 3 inches in total) so the layers are still there. I intend to grow to my goal length before maintaining until there are no more layers. I still have about 12 cm or 4.5 inches to go.

Anyways, atm I'm closing in on BCL and hope to be there around New Year. It might take a bit longer since my growth has been slow, but if it takes longer, then it does so. Slowly but surely. :) (Hands are at BCL.)

Also here's a comparison pic from almost exactly a year ago when I was closing in on hip (line is at hip level). Most of the trimming I've been doing has been after this photo was taken.

November 3rd, 2013, 01:38 AM
I'm on board with the whining about layers. I for some reason got a very layered cut the last time I was at a salon, about 2 years ago, and I'm still growing them out. I believe the shortest ones were maybe shoulder length back then with the longest bits APL/BSL. However I've been trimming very little after the cut (only about 8 cm or 3 inches in total) so the layers are still there. I intend to grow to my goal length before maintaining until there are no more layers. I still have about 12 cm or 4.5 inches to go.

Anyways, atm I'm closing in on BCL and hope to be there around New Year. It might take a bit longer since my growth has been slow, but if it takes longer, then it does so. Slowly but surely. :) (Hands are at BCL.)

Also here's a comparison pic from almost exactly a year ago when I was closing in on hip (line is at hip level). Most of the trimming I've been doing has been after this photo was taken.

Wow!! You are so close by Xmas your be there I'm sure, it's grown alot I plan on micro trimming when it's July time.

November 3rd, 2013, 06:40 AM
Lovely hair Ocelan! Layers are the worst on my hair, which is fine, but at least they work with the wave a bit. I'm hoping that 6-9 months of microtriming will enable the APL bits to move down to BSL or lower, which will look better. The longer layers might catch up by then, which should make the hemline look less tapered. I might start growing length again in 9 months. We'll see!

In the meantime, you have gorgeous hair and you look so close!

November 3rd, 2013, 09:57 AM
Thank you so much for the detailed information!

I think I´m going to try it out...I haven´t seen any of those hair sticks where I live in South Am, and people seem to use regular clips.

I´m liking this forum and glad I made it here, people are nice!

Thanks again! <3

November 3rd, 2013, 01:08 PM
I love looking at all the great hair here! :)

I have taken off an inch from the bottom to even my hemline, right now. I haven't had a trim in a year.
My ends look better, but now I am back to 37 ½”. I guess I will make this thread my home. Well, I feel comfy here. :whistle:

November 3rd, 2013, 01:19 PM
I'm on board with the whining about layers. I for some reason got a very layered cut the last time I was at a salon, about 2 years ago, and I'm still growing them out. I believe the shortest ones were maybe shoulder length back then with the longest bits APL/BSL. However I've been trimming very little after the cut (only about 8 cm or 3 inches in total) so the layers are still there. I intend to grow to my goal length before maintaining until there are no more layers. I still have about 12 cm or 4.5 inches to go.

Anyways, atm I'm closing in on BCL and hope to be there around New Year. It might take a bit longer since my growth has been slow, but if it takes longer, then it does so. Slowly but surely. :) (Hands are at BCL.)

Also here's a comparison pic from almost exactly a year ago when I was closing in on hip (line is at hip level). Most of the trimming I've been doing has been after this photo was taken.

Your hair looks beautiful :D

November 4th, 2013, 04:17 AM
I guess I just hit waist. So here I am. Hello. :)

November 4th, 2013, 04:24 AM
Gorgeous hair and perfect hemline, Roscata!
Welcome to the thread. :)

November 4th, 2013, 05:02 AM
Welcome, Roscata! Beautiful hair!

November 4th, 2013, 09:51 AM
I guess I just hit waist. So here I am. Hello. :)

Hey i told you you'd be waist before you knew it , welcome hair friend :bottomsup:

November 4th, 2013, 10:11 AM
Thanks summergreen and when you say you're thinking of trimming 1/2" or maybe back to hip, I almost feel giddy.
I just was able to get on this thread and I'm so delighted. Can't wait to be debating what I should do when I get to your length!
I'm sure you'll make the right decision. If I dare to give you any advice, if you're nervous about it, I would only trim a little and see how it looks. That's one of the great things I have learned from LHC. :)

Thanks Komao :) I probably will do just that. I love my hair this length but it is soooo thin, particularly the last few inches, I cut back to waist last year for that reason but I thought after that it would thicken a bit, as that was the last of the colour damage. It hasn't though, and I'm constantly debating whether to keep it this length and wear it up nearly all the time, or cut back to between waist and BSL (I know, really scary! But that was the length it looked best at, and where the thinning out really starts kicking in) and wear it down all the time. At this length I can make a nice big (albeit hollow, but no-one will know unless they poke it *cackle*) bun, and have a tail to wrap part of the way round, but I miss seeing the length, plus this winter will be my first attempt at combining buns and hats. I tucked all my hair into a slouchy beanie thing last week when it was windy and raining - it wasn't a good look!

I bet you will be at this length before you know it :)

November 4th, 2013, 10:12 AM
Beautiful photos everyone - and DarkCurls, you have my dream hair! :) Actually I think everyone who's photos I've seen has dream hair!!

November 4th, 2013, 10:20 AM
I have a potentially unanswerable question, but maybe you all can talk me out of my despair?

My last hair stylist gave me pretty extreme layers (I didn't ask for them BTW!). I'm trying to grow them out so I'll be at waist and on this thread for a while. My shortest layers are at about APL and my hair is slightly past waist now. Its about 9 inches from APL to waist on me, so I'm guessing it will take (gulp) about 18 months (1.5 years!!) to catch them up. I want to keep growing but I don't like my taper. Any advice on what to do with them? Or should I just woman up and deal with it. Sighs...

Crumpet it sounds like it would look really pretty, with you being a wavy. Was the haircut quite recent? Maybe you'll learn to love it?! For the braid looking tapered, maybe you could tie it off higher up so the wavy ends balance it out more?

November 4th, 2013, 11:22 AM
Crumpet i had a similar problem when i asked a hairdresser about 2 years ago to blend my fringe into my hair and she sliced yes sliced!! into the front/side sections its been an awful process growing them out because the strands start out thick and disappear into nothingness because she pretty much thinned it out and i didn't ask for it to be done. Anyway that's pretty much why i maintained at waist for so long i have pretty much got rid of thin thin side pieces but in June i got rid of the final thin bits by giving myself a deep u cut because i was sick of it.

Maybe you could give yourself a deep u or v hem to help growing them out it does look so much better now :D i sympathise it took years to grown all my layers out then that damn stupid stylist sliced into it and it was lovely and thick and one length before. Sorry rant other i do highly recommend Feyes self trim method i did that monthly for nearly 2 years to begin with the thin bits started at APL up to recently they were mid back , you could leave it as long as possible that's what many have done while growing out layers HTH :grouphug:

November 4th, 2013, 03:32 PM
Beautiful hair Ocelan :)!

Welcome Roscata and beautiful hair aswell :)

(looking back in the thread)

Marbid, congratulations to the figure 8 bun, looks great ^^

DarkCurls, your hair is beautiful!

and welcome molly_grue, Johannah, ,Katelinn your hairs are beautiful aswell :)

Bunzfan, you have had really amazing growth :)!

Welcome Komao, DonnaLouise, will you join with pictures aswell :)? and welcome everyone else Im to lazy to read all pages ^^.

I hope everyone remembers to add hairgrowth on their wishlist to santa ^^ I wish for hip :xmas:

I did S&D a lot today, the strands are scary bent and dotted, but it does not show in this picture taken a couple of days ago :). it is combed out braidwaves, and I have a book on my head to help me stand tall and not like a potatoe bag ;)

I am a slow grower but short torso + good posture do get it to look amazingly long haha :cheese:

http://i397.photobucket.com/albums/pp57/YumiYume/almost-hip_zpsee72ec55.jpg (http://s397.photobucket.com/user/YumiYume/media/almost-hip_zpsee72ec55.jpg.html)

Oh, almost forgot, NO that is NOT my armpit hair on the right side, it is just my hair that is really thin and damaged on that part :P

November 4th, 2013, 04:48 PM
Does anyone else find that knots are worse after waist length? For the first time I've actually had to start cutting some out. :(

November 4th, 2013, 05:03 PM
Does anyone else find that knots are worse after waist length? For the first time I've actually had to start cutting some out. :(

I don't have a problem with knots, but with tangles. Tangles are worse, the more you gain length. It just comes with the territory. We use more moisturizing conditioners here, and condition twice. It's not a luxury! *Anything* to make the hair more manageable and easy to comb through!

November 4th, 2013, 05:10 PM
Ok. I'll have to try that I guess.

November 4th, 2013, 05:26 PM
It's so weird to me that I actually belong in this thread.

But I've noticed pretty quickly after passing waist that my hair tendencies are changing. It's just easier to wear it up now. When I sleep, it's starting to get in the way. I'm starting to have to think about my hair's weight.

But! I am 1" passed waist and years ago I thought that would never happen. So I'm not gonna complain.

November 4th, 2013, 05:37 PM
It's so weird to me that I actually belong in this thread.

But I've noticed pretty quickly after passing waist that my hair tendencies are changing. It's just easier to wear it up now. When I sleep, it's starting to get in the way. I'm starting to have to think about my hair's weight.

But! I am 1" passed waist and years ago I thought that would never happen. So I'm not gonna complain.

I'm about an inch past waist as well, hi! You're curly, and I'm wavy, so there's some differences there. :) I too need to wear my hair up, though, ever since APL actually.

November 4th, 2013, 08:33 PM
Gorgeous hair and perfect hemline, Roscata!
Welcome to the thread. :)

Welcome, Roscata! Beautiful hair!

Hey i told you you'd be waist before you knew it , welcome hair friend :bottomsup:

Welcome Roscata and beautiful hair aswell :)

Thank you very much! :flower:

November 4th, 2013, 08:51 PM
Ok, I hope this works. This is a current pic. I'm sort of bummed about my ends- too thin? What do y'all think? Also, is this waist length?

November 4th, 2013, 08:55 PM
Another pic. Am I at waist?

November 5th, 2013, 03:51 AM
Crumpet i had a similar problem when i asked a hairdresser about 2 years ago to blend my fringe into my hair and she sliced yes sliced!! into the front/side sections its been an awful process growing them out because the strands start out thick and disappear into nothingness because she pretty much thinned it out and i didn't ask for it to be done. Anyway that's pretty much why i maintained at waist for so long i have pretty much got rid of thin thin side pieces but in June i got rid of the final thin bits by giving myself a deep u cut because i was sick of it.

Maybe you could give yourself a deep u or v hem to help growing them out it does look so much better now :D i sympathise it took years to grown all my layers out then that damn stupid stylist sliced into it and it was lovely and thick and one length before. Sorry rant other i do highly recommend Feyes self trim method i did that monthly for nearly 2 years to begin with the thin bits started at APL up to recently they were mid back , you could leave it as long as possible that's what many have done while growing out layers HTH :grouphug:

Thank you! And thank you summergreen for the support. I agree that self-trimming is the way forward. I love U-shaped hemlines so that might work out for me if I get sick of the layers. Summergreen is right that they look good with my waves so I might become more okay with them when they're a bit less extreme and interfering with bunability! I'll be joining the microtrimming and maintaining club in January, which is when I plan to have my first trim (I was plenty of buffer so I don't go above waist again!).

November 5th, 2013, 03:53 AM
Another pic. Am I at waist?

You look waist to me (although I'm bad at telling well!). If you maintain for a bit I'm sure your ends will thicken up. Lovely colour!

November 5th, 2013, 09:06 AM
Another pic. Am I at waist?

I'd say you're just at waist! Welcome! :o

November 5th, 2013, 10:03 AM
summergreen, I see what you're saying. I guess I would prefer hair at length it looks best at when down.
I have a pretty thick hemline, now, but who knows with a lot more length. Maybe you can baby it this winter and trim every month, not worrying about gaining length but trying to thicken up and then see how it looks to you, come spring. Perhaps it just takes a little more time after cutting damage out? I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that you have very good luck. Many beautiful heads of hair out there, that may not be that long but shiny, healthy and long looking. At this point in time, I'm just so anxious to see how long my hair will grow but if I run into any unforeseen problem along the way, I'll be considering and perhaps reevaluating my goals.
I use to think for example, I didn't like fairy tale ends but I've seen some people with extreme length and their ends have not bothered me as long as rest of hair looked pretty. In fact with really long hair it might be more of a natural look to having wispier or thinner ends? :)

November 5th, 2013, 05:45 PM
Cut back from classic to hip to thicken up. Didn't do much good, so I will be waiting here until I get back to Classic, then maintain for a little while. In the meantime, howdy, everyone!

AAAAAAAHHHHH so impatient I want my hair to grow back! And the trim didn't do any good, it just made my hair noticeably shorter.

November 6th, 2013, 09:19 AM
I was due for a progress photo and WOW I am so saddened. I measured at 30" yesterday, was very happy about that, my hair felt ok to the touch... and look at how horribly dry it looks in pictures.


I feel like I should CHOP but I'm dying for more length. My back dimples are pretty much at my hips, I have like 1.5" to go before reaching hips. My plan was to reach hips by christmas and trim like an inch before all the family dinners. I feel like a should trim so much more, it's so dry and thin.

Also I'm probably protein overloading, my hair feels stringy even when its clean, and it may explain the dryness?? I don't know a lot about protein overload. I use henna once every 6 weeks and I Mane and Tail every two days. My hair feel crunchy and tangly. Maybe I can try curing the protein overload and see if it gets better? But how can I do that? I'm desperate. :(

November 6th, 2013, 11:19 AM
I was due for a progress photo and WOW I am so saddened. I measured at 30" yesterday, was very happy about that, my hair felt ok to the touch... and look at how horribly dry it looks in pictures.


I feel like I should CHOP but I'm dying for more length. My back dimples are pretty much at my hips, I have like 1.5" to go before reaching hips. My plan was to reach hips by christmas and trim like an inch before all the family dinners. I feel like a should trim so much more, it's so dry and thin.

Also I'm probably protein overloading, my hair feels stringy even when its clean, and it may explain the dryness?? I don't know a lot about protein overload. I use henna once every 6 weeks and I Mane and Tail every two days. My hair feel crunchy and tangly. Maybe I can try curing the protein overload and see if it gets better? But how can I do that? I'm desperate. :(

Nooo don't chop your hair looks good still just do some moisture treatments and over night oil soaks that's all it needs if you chopped when you are close to hip you will just be mad at yourself I know done it many times, just put it up and forget about it till the New year that's what I'm doing, for the record I think your ends look good.

November 6th, 2013, 11:33 AM
Thanks girls for all your lovely comments! :)

And Magalo, I agree with Bunzfan, your ends don't look like they need chopping for me. They just need some special attention. Hair gets dry sometimes but as long as you pamper it every now and then and won't let it stay desert dry for ages then it will be fine. I'd suggest a good clarifying and then an SMT right after it if your hair likes them or another moisturising deep tretment. That combo of clarifying and SMT always does wonders to my hair, atleast if I can keep the SMT in my hair atleast an hour.

Does Mane and Tail have protein in it? I think I might have read something like that somewhere but I've never used it myself so I can't tell for sure. Maybe try a really moisturising conditioner for a while? Although my hair seems to like this on one day and that on another day so it might just be that you took the photo at a bad moment. If your hair doesn't constantly feel bad then it's probably ok. :)

November 6th, 2013, 12:00 PM
Thank you bunzfan and Ocelan. :) I never clarified my hair (since mane n tail is full of sulphates, didnt feel the need), I read somewhere I can do this with baking soda? And I have absolutely no idea what SMT is! And yes Mane N Tail is very strong in protein. :/

November 6th, 2013, 12:32 PM
@magalo I also suggest using a more moisturising conditioner and maybe try a new shampoo that doesn't have protein in it for a while to see if that helps. Your hair still looks absolutely gorgeous, I don't see any need to chop. :)

November 6th, 2013, 12:57 PM
Thank you bunzfan and Ocelan. :) I never clarified my hair (since mane n tail is full of sulphates, didnt feel the need), I read somewhere I can do this with baking soda? And I have absolutely no idea what SMT is! And yes Mane N Tail is very strong in protein. :/

It's also very drying on hair I believe any shampoo would do the job the important part is to shampoo your length and scalp leave it on a few minutes and do it twice, smt many love my hair hosted it it's a mix of cone free conditioner ,aloe Vera gel and honey I highly recommended the argan oil conditioners that are popular as well as a evoo over night treatment before your next shampoo I've also found oil on the ends daily helped.

November 6th, 2013, 01:02 PM
Magalo, I clarify or "clarify" (as it seems to work for me well enough) my hair using a diluted non-sulphate shampoo with 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda added in. It does make my hair feel squeaky and kind of grabby gross when it's still wet (I suppose that means it's working), which is why I always follow it with lots of conditioner or an SMT aka Snowymoon's Moisture Treatment (thread about it can be found here (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=128)). I don't really measure the ingredients for it anymore, rather just mix together some conditioner, honey and aloe vera and let that sit in my hair for some time, anything from 15 minutes to over an hour. This will leave my hair really soft and slippy even though there are usually more flyaways the first day after wash than usual.

You should definitely swap the Mane and Tail for something that doesn't have protein for a while. Maybe only use it once in a while once your hair has recovered, but not constantly. You might also have to clarify more than just once at first, but be gentle!

November 6th, 2013, 02:44 PM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v173/afairytalelife/hair1.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/afairytalelife/media/hair1.jpg.html)

Am I able to join? I am new here :) Not sure what length to call my hair really. My current goal is tailbone.

November 6th, 2013, 03:20 PM
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v173/afairytalelife/hair1.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/afairytalelife/media/hair1.jpg.html)

Am I able to join? I am new here :) Not sure what length to call my hair really. My current goal is tailbone.

I think you're about 2 to 3 inches from waist still.

November 7th, 2013, 12:22 AM
I think lapushka is right. :o

November 7th, 2013, 08:48 AM
Think i've been here 2 months now, grown around an inch to 32 inches yay. Can i call this hip length?? I don't have much of a figure, just rolls of fat so i can't really tell. I know from some photos i've seen on here people are not hip til more like 35 inches+, maybe it's cos i'm quite short at 5ft3?

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v672/donnalouise99/november.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/donnalouise99/media/november.jpg.html)

November 7th, 2013, 04:03 PM
I think you're about 2 to 3 inches from waist still.

Not sure if it matters, but I lose 3-4 inches of length because it's curly. I'm just learning so not really sure if that "counts" or not. Oh and thanks for helping :D

November 8th, 2013, 06:43 AM
Donnalouise, you have my dream hair! :) Lovely color, texture and thickness.

I'm still on my way growing to tailbone length which has been my goal for ages.. and I was wondering can I call this hip length yet.. the ends are to my belly button when straight:

http://i1048.photobucket.com/albums/s362/Sanna_Jasmiina/DSC_1281korjattu_zpscd83ec82.jpg (http://s1048.photobucket.com/user/Sanna_Jasmiina/media/DSC_1281korjattu_zpscd83ec82.jpg.html)

I'm not having my best hair day in this picture so the ends look really untidy, not curly and not straight.. They really need to be chopped a bit but I don't want to give up any length at this point as I keep my hair up most of the time..

November 8th, 2013, 06:52 AM
Donnalouise, you have my dream hair! :) Lovely color, texture and thickness.

I'm still on my way growing to tailbone length which has been my goal for ages.. and I was wondering can I call this hip length yet.. the ends are to my belly button when straight:

http://i1048.photobucket.com/albums/s362/Sanna_Jasmiina/DSC_1281korjattu_zpscd83ec82.jpg (http://s1048.photobucket.com/user/Sanna_Jasmiina/media/DSC_1281korjattu_zpscd83ec82.jpg.html)

I'm not having my best hair day in this picture so the ends look really untidy, not curly and not straight.. They really need to be chopped a bit but I don't want to give up any length at this point as I keep my hair up most of the time..

I think you may be past hip as your hand are virtually resting on your hips gorgeous gorgeous hair!! dont chop it doesn't need it :heartbeat

November 8th, 2013, 09:12 AM
oh curls, I love you but if you were straight i would be hip by now!

November 8th, 2013, 08:53 PM
Oh man some very nice hair here and lots of new people! Yay!

Somehow, without me paying attention, I've hit tailbone. And although I had envisioned maintaining at tailbone for a while, now that I'm there... I think I will try and move on to classic, and maintain there for a bit! If I have a chance I'll post a pic of length but can't do it right now, perhaps tomorrow. I still love this thread though and will probably stick around for a bit. :)

November 10th, 2013, 01:56 AM
Here the picture my boyfriend took of my haire friday.I am a bit past waist. So hopefully someday I will get to tailbone. I know I need to trim but for now I am to worry to let anybody touch it and cut to much. And I don't like my color but one thing at a time.

November 10th, 2013, 06:44 AM
Not sure if it matters, but I lose 3-4 inches of length because it's curly. I'm just learning so not really sure if that "counts" or not. Oh and thanks for helping :D

Oh, I didn't know that you were counting it stretched! In that case you may be already there, yes! :thumbsup: :D

November 10th, 2013, 01:39 PM
[QUOTE=caromarpie;2560955]Here the picture my boyfriend took of my haire friday.I am a bit past waist. So hopefully someday I will get to tailbone. I know I need to trim but for now I am to worry to let anybody touch it and cut to much. And I don't like my color but one thing at a time.

Very pretty hair and I love the color!:)

November 10th, 2013, 01:47 PM
Checked yesterday and I am 1 inch from tailbone!!! I promised my husband that once it gets to tailbone I'll cut it back to at least waist length. He suggested shoulder length and I suggested his death, so we settled on waist length.

November 10th, 2013, 01:51 PM
Checked yesterday and I am 1 inch from tailbone!!! I promised my husband that once it gets to tailbone I'll cut it back to at least waist length. He suggested shoulder length and I suggested his death, so we settled on waist length.
I think thats a fair compromise hihi

November 10th, 2013, 03:37 PM
Delphi, made me LOL! :D

Today Mr. Amapola was home to take a picture for me, at last. This is me at tailbone:


Yay, I'm so excited! My hair *finally* feels long to me. I think I will lurk here for a while but I'm on to classic length! Wish me luck! :)

November 10th, 2013, 08:51 PM
Ampola that looks lovely!

Coffee Succubus
November 10th, 2013, 09:07 PM
Hello everyone! :p I have been gone for a little over two years and my hair has definitely grown! I will get pictures in sometime soon!
I think this is where I should be! Before I changed my goal to classic, it was TB and I'm only a few inches off! :cheer:

November 10th, 2013, 09:32 PM
I think I'm finally back in this thread! I trimmed several inches off my almost hip-length hair and wound up back at BSL. I'm brushing waist again when wet, so I'm going to just go ahead and claim waist again. No trimming for me, as the big trim took care of the last of the dye damage and my ends are pretty healthy finally.

November 10th, 2013, 09:42 PM
Thank you, morrigan*! :)

November 10th, 2013, 09:51 PM
Wow Amapola your hair are fabulous I would love to have your length someday I hope and good luck on your new goal length.

November 11th, 2013, 02:58 AM
Amapola, wow, great!!

November 11th, 2013, 06:38 AM
Amapola, it's amazing what can happen when you're not paying attention! Your hair looks absolutely stunning in avatar picture. :o and just went to next page and see larger pic, incredible!

November 11th, 2013, 07:10 AM
Thank you very much, caromarpie, Johannah and Komao. I'm excited about growing even more! I found that for me not paying attention to how long my hair was, helped me get over being so anxious to have it be long. It will get there, it just takes time and patience. Like watching a pot come to the boil I expect. Better to go off and do something else. :)

November 11th, 2013, 07:17 AM
Amapola -- beautiful length, colour, texture...sighs...everything!

Good advice about being patient (though hard to do). I calmed down once I was at waist. Now I'm *mostly* just enjoying my hair (although TB would be great!!!). I'm going to start microtrimming soon, which will slow me down further but its not a race!

November 11th, 2013, 08:37 AM
Crumpet, I think microtrimming is a great idea. I did it quite a lot, then I'd beat myself up over it, but honestly, it does help to have good ends on there.

Also, thanks for the compliments! :blossom: